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一.Main Idea-主旨题

1. 考察点:考察的是文章的中心思想

2. 提问方式

Ø The main point of the passage is to

Ø The passage is primarily concerned with

Ø The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to

Ø The chief theme of the passage can be best described as

Ø Which of the following titles best describes the content of the passage?

Ø Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

3. 解题技巧

在做主旨题的时候,返回原文查看文章的开头和结尾部分。在阅读文章的时候,注意每一段的首位都是重点部分,这些部分往往是对整段的概括,中心内容,从中往往能很快找到作者的观点。注意那些连接词,比如:furthermore, moreover, notably, and significantly,这些词的后面往往也会引出文中的主旨。


1) 这篇文章是关于什么的?或者是关于谁的?

2) 作者关于这个事物共说了几个方面?

3) 作者通过这篇文章想要说明什么?或者是想要告诉读者什么?


bolster (verb) endorse

delineate exemplify

depict illustrate

discredit refute

document (verb) speculate

elaborate (verb) verify



二.Specific Details-细节题

1. 考察点:理解作者明确表明的一些细节问题

2. 提问方式

Ø According to the author

Ø The author states all of the following EXCEPT

Ø According to the passage, which of the following is true of the

Ø According to the passage, the chief characteristic of the subject is

Ø Which of the following statements is (are) best supported by the passage?

Ø Which of the following is NOT cited in the passage as evidence of

3. 解题技巧


1) 要注意问题当中的关键字(动词或者名词)

2) 返回原文快速定位关键词或者是它的近义词,

3) 定位文中的关键词后,重新再读一遍先关的句子,确保这不是出题人故意利用相同的单词来迷惑考生。通常,我们在做细节题目时,要注意以下重点词汇

aesthetic indicative

allusion inherent

assumption innate

attribute innovative

divergent misconception

fluctuate phenomenon

hypothetical preclude incompatible



1. 考察点:考察的是作者表达的隐含意义,这就需要考生进行一个推理的过程。若果项中有的答案是直接能从原文中找到的往往不是正确答案,所谓隐含意义就是从文中已有的信息推断出隐含的信息。

2. 提问方式

Ø It can be inferred from the passage that

Ø The passage suggests that the author would support which of the following views?

Ø The author implies that

Ø The author apparently feels that

Ø According to the passage, it is likely that

Ø The passage is most likely directed toward an audience of

Ø Which of the following statements about...can be inferred from the passage?

3. 解题技巧



criterion likelihood

derive overrated

excerpt plausible
