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Unit 1 Business Letter Writing 商业书信撰写

1.The Salutation 称呼

这是写信人对收信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼语有:Dear sir , Dear Madam, Dear Sirs,Dear Mesdames, Gentlemen(不能用单数),Dear Mr.xxx

plimentary Close 结束客套语


Dear Sir(s): Yours faithfully,or Faithfully yours,

Gentlemen: Truly yours,or Yours truly,

Dear Mr.xx, Yours sincerely or Sincerely yours,

3.Enclosure 附件

如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明Encl.或Enc.如附件不止一件应注明2 Encls or 3 Encls,或详细列明如下:

Encls: 2 Invoices

Enc: 1 Photo

1 Certificate

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系

1.说明信息来源(The source of information)

Your company has been kindly introduced to us by…

we learn from… that…

简单介绍自己公司(brief introduction to your own company )

We wish to introduce ourselves to you as…

Our lines are mainly …

写信目的(The intention of writing the letter)

We are willing to enter into business relations with you.

we are now writing to you for the …

表达合作愿望(Expressing the intention of cooperation and getting early reply) We look forward to receiving …

Your early reply is appreciated.


be introduced to 被介绍给……

fall within the business scope of 属于……的经营范围

enter into (establish, build,open up) business relations with 与……建立业务关系

at an early date 尽早

a general idea/a rough idea 一般的了解,大致概况

Upon /on receipt of 一收到……

Look forward to+n./v-ing 盼望,期待

the Commercial Counsellor’s Office 商务参赞处

avail oneself of 利用

In a position to do sth 能够……

State-owned/State-operated/State-run 国营的,国有的

Specialize in 专业经营,专营

engaged in 从事

Under/By separate cover/post 另寄,另外邮寄

with a view to 为了


1)Your letter of the 2nd March expressing the hope of establishing business

connections with us has been received with thanks.



We will send you our quotations and samples immediately on/upon receipt of your specific(concrete)enquiry.


Write a reply to ABC co. with the following particulars.

1.Acknowledge the receipt of their letter of June 27;

2.Agree to their proposal of establishing trade relations with you

modity inspection will be handled by the bureau concerned in Shanghai. Dear sirs,

With reference to(关于)your letter of June 27,we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with us, which also meets our interest. To give you a general idea(大概情况) of our products , we are sending you by air a catalog showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specification and means of packing. Quotations and sample will be sent upon receipt of (一收到…就)your specific enquiries.

As we have not had the pleasure of doing business with you in the past, we would like to inform you that our goods for export are to be inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment, and necessary certificates in regard to(关于) the quality and quantity of the shipment will be provided. We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

Unit 3 Statuis Enquiry 咨询


on the point of 正要……的时候

be obliged to sb 感激

be obliged to do sth 被迫,不得不

Meet One's Obligation 偿清债务

inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事

pleased be informed that…兹通知

In confidence 私下,秘密地

It goes without saying…不言而喻,不用说

On your part 你方

Up to 直到

Line/business scope 业务(范围)

in line with 符合,与……一致
