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Unit 1 Cinderella

Story time


Teaching contents 教学内容

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit

2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:Why…? Because …?并理解句型的意思;

3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Come and help me… Let me help you. I have to …

4. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事;

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点


1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型Why…? Because …

2. 能够在理解的基础上以正确的语音语调朗读故事,合作表演故事。


1. 单词prince’s, clothes, before的读音和拼读put on, try on, have to的理解,教师可以通过TPR及直拼法等教学方式进行教学;

2. 教师可充分利用生活实际和文本帮助学生理解Why? Because … 句型;

3. 本课故事的结构由讲述和对话构成,建议在整体理解的基础上分场景进行详细分析和描述。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Free talk

T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls! Nice to see you!

S: Nice to see you too!

T: Did you have a good time in your winter holiday?

S: Yes!

T: Oh, good to hear that! What do you usually do in your winter holiday?

S1/S2/S3: I usually …

T: I see. Do you want to know something about my winter holiday?

S: Yes, we do.

T: OK, please listen carefully. Try to remember these things. (PPT呈现)

2. Ask and answer

T: Why do I get up early in the morning? (教授why,渗透why的音和意并带读) T: You may say “Because …” (教授because,渗透because的音和意并带读)

S1: Because you have to make breakfast for your family.

T: Good. I have to make breakfast. “Have to” means must. (渗透have to的音和意) Why do I go to the park with my mother?

S2: Because you like playing badminton there.

T: Good job! Why do I go to the cinema with my friends?

S3: Because you like watching films very much.

T: Yes, you’re right. And why do I go to the library?

S4: Because reading makes you happy.

T: Oh, you really have a good memory! Yes, I like reading. And when I was your age, I liked reading fairy tales very much. Do you like fairy tales too? (PPT显示“童话故事”)

S: Yes.

T: Today I bring you a famous fairy tale named Cinderella. Can you read it? (新授Cinderella) First, let’s enjoy some pictures about this story.


Step 2 Presentation

1. 介绍故事背景以及人物关系

T: There is a girl. Her name is Cinderella. She is beautiful and kind. She lives with only her father because her mother has died. Cinderella’s father thinks she needs a new mum, so he married again. This new mum has two daughters too, and they treat Cinderella badly after her father died.

Look! There are four w omen in this picture. The old one is Cinderella’s stepmother. Does she like Cinderella? (S: No.)Why doesn’t she like her? (S: Because…)I think, because Cinderella is much more beautiful than her two stepsisters. Look at these two girls. They always wear ni ce clothes, but they’re lazy. They do nothing at home, but they always ask Cinderella to do all the housework. Poor Cinderella looks dirty and tired. What will happen? Let’s read the story together.

