












开头1 背景+论题+各方观点的理由+作者论点和











开头2 事例+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者理由




开头3 问题+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者论点



开头4 “引语”+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者












黄金规则一–The longer, the better













(Support) argue for/vote for/be in favor of

(Oppose) argue against/vote against/object to/be opposed to


A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near the community.

----------a large factory is supposed to built near the community according to the announcement issued by a


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.

------There is a growing awareness of both the positive and negative influences that the construction plan brings to our community.

黄金规则四-黄金句型priceless sentence patterns







The more…,the more (1-2)

The more frequently we communicate with family members, the more harmonious the relationship in the family between us is.(只要涉及交流都可以用)

3. 倒装句(2-3)


So big is the classroom that it may hold ten thousand people.

So fast does he run that the train couldn’t catch up with


②As…as(more…than…) 比较结构

I run as fast as he did-----I run as fast as did he.


My sister is among those students.----Among those students is my sister.




E.g. Contrary to/coincident with the opinion of many people is my heartfelt (忠心的) objection to/agreement with the idea that students should study together with classmates.

Those people/parents who hold the opinion that money is the only symbol of success are satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job.------------Satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job are those

people/parents who hold the opinion that money is the only symbol of success

Arguing for those students living outside the campus are those people who hold the opinion that independence is the most critical characteristic of a university student


Rich though he is, he is unhappy.

Though the advantages (that owning a business enjoys/leads to/results in) are considerable/wonderful/numerous, they can not compete with the benefits (that working for others brings about/causes), when/if responsibility is taken into consideration/deliberation/account.

Though the advantages that living in outside the campus enjoys are considerable, they can not compete with the benefits that living in inside the campus brings about, when safety is taken into consideration.(通常用在第一段的最后一句话提出文章论点和理由,2-1文章的承上启下部分或文章的结尾) ---------------------------- considerable though the advantages that living in outside the campus enjoys are, they can not compete with the benefits that living in inside the campus brings about,

when safety is taken into consideration.


No/not/never/Neither/nor/ (全部否定)

seldom/rarely/barely/scarcely/hardly(部分否定)Never will I form an idea that bicycles affect human beings’ life style most profoundly among all transportation means.


Only though this crisis do I understand that you love me best in the world.




A is five times as big as B

A is five times bigger than B

A is five times the size of B.



When human beings enjoy their happy life, isn’t it necessary that they give some consideration to those cute

animals without enough playing ground?

When those people enjoy their happy life outside campus, isn’t it necessary that they give some consideration to the great opportunities with their classmates if they live inside campus?

When those people enjoy convenience brought by automobiles, isn’t it necessary that they give some consideration to the heavily polluted air and those people who are injured severely (had) in the car accidents? When people enjoy the convenience brought the construction plan, isn’t it necessary that they give some consideration to the heavily polluted air and those people who are injured severely or die in the car accident because of the traffic jam after the construction of the factory?



Teaching machines are devices that can store instructional information, present displays, receive response from a learner, and act on those responses.




If we built a factory in our community, there would be much pollution.


I suggest he (should) go now





indeed,surely,(however,nevertheless,nonetheless,admittedly, notwithstanding)转折,意思完全一样, obviously,besides, furthermore, briefly, similarly,

honestly\frankly\generally (speaking),

naturally,luckily\fortunately,astonishingly, conversely, undeniably, undoubtedly

strange to say,needless to say,most important of all,worse of all

in sum\short\ summary ,in other words,in a sense,in general,in my view\opinion\judgment,

in consequence, in conclusion

in the first place,in addition

On the contrary, in contrast

to my joy\delight\satisfaction\ surprise\astonishment\amazement\ regret \disappointment,

of course,

for instance\example,

in fact, as a matter of fact

to be sure,to sum up,to tell the truth,

to start with,

I am sure,I believe\wonder\suppose,it seems,as I see it,what is important (serious),I’m afraid,it is said


聪明的clever brilliant smart intelligent wise genius bright talented gifted quick-witted quick-minded ingenious

非常very extremely extraordinarily highly unusually pretty considerably remarkably amazingly astonishingly surprisingly impressively noticeable


著名的well-known famed noted celebrated renowned eminent

Enjoy a nation-wide/world-wide fame/name/recognition/ Celebrity/eminence /reputation be widely recognized acknowledged

关于regarding concerning involving as regards relating to with respect to with regard to with reference to with relation to

E.g.: Concerning this issue, as far as I am concerned,

I think you are very famous and clever

From my point of view, you are extraordinarily well-known and intelligent.


About ,get ,famous, clever, very, lovely, good, bad, big, many, important






e.g. a slim/ample opportunity

take care of yourself


Gain/obtain/accumulate/acquire knowledge(获得知识) Appropriate







举例之后一定要强调这样的例子不胜枚举。。。Abraham Lincoln


Lead to/result in

result from

Because of/due to/thanks to/owing to/by reason of/on account of

For 表示“因为”时不能放在句首


As a result/outcome/consequence of

In consequence/in the end/consequently







Interweave 交织














Firstly, to begin/start with, first of all, in the first place, on the one hand, the most important reason is, first and foremost

另一项secondly, in the second place, on the other hand, besides, further more, additionally, in addition, moreover, equally important is, also, too, another

最后一项last but not the least, most important of all, finally, thirdly, another point/reason



Do you agree or disagree with the statements: parents are the best teachers



It has been said,” Not everything that is learned is contained in books” compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?


You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use

specific reasons and details to explain your choice.







1+1 支持面+理由两点论述

2+1(两种)A型支持面优点的充分论述+反对面的缺点一到两点的简略改进(自由选室友or 学校决定)B型支持面的理由两点充分论述+支持面的另一个理由简略论述








观点选择类:1+1、2+1 、2-1、折中方案


Listening 1.开头——复习+主旨 例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态 开始标志:now,today,OK,while ②教师道歉 ③归纳法开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子主体&论点 2.结尾——推断+细节 3.注意重复细节与观点 4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词 5.定义解释——其中关系 6.注意可以停顿 7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today 8.授课中问答 9.因果关系 10.听清层次——firstly secondly... 11.注意转折 12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复 Speaking notes Q1&Q2 To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose... today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea. Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my idea Take me for example... For instance... For example Furthermore what's more

To summarize to conclude all in all Based on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice... Q3 1.The school wants/plans to do The school policy is... The school wants to carry out a policy which is... 2.sb suggests/advises that the university should (stop) do... 3.In the conversation,the man disagrees,and he has two points In the listening material,the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons... 4.First,the school think,however the man think... Second... Based on the two points the man disagree. Q4 In this set of material,the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which means(suggests) that... In the lecture,the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory. The first is about... The second is ... Q5 1.time conflict ①to find sb else to replace/take place of you to find sb to help him


09.02.01 翻译 专八真题+散文佳作108篇 听力特快 普特听力网 互相英语 特点: 1.较正式的文体 2.只翻译划线部分(汉译英不用看,英译汉最好看完整) 3.人生哲理,道德教育 注意: 1.时间分配 2.书写工整 3.难点应对相对难点绝对难点 英语与汉语对比: 1.英语重结果, 汉译英要还原逻辑关系,还原结构 2.英语重直线,汉语重螺旋 English meat with Chinese bones. 3.语重分析,汉语重综合 还原逻辑词(重点) 4.英语多长句,汉语多短句 5.英语多被动,汉语多主动 6.英语多省略,汉语多补充 E.g. Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不仅是罪恶的根源,同时也是毁灭的根源。

7.英语多前重心,汉语多后重心重心前置 8.英语多写实,汉语多联想 9.英语多引申,汉语多推理 “但是”的区别意义: 让步:对推论的否定 转折:直接否定 虚度年华:spend life in vain 翻译时,加插入语处理是一个很好用的方法。实践注意点: 1.理解清晰 字面→实质 例如:冷若冰霜→icy manners to their fans 词语的逻辑关系: 1)偏正 2)动宾 3)并列 2.表达困难 1)拼写 2)时态 3)虚拟域去 4)表达突破 例如:若有所失→a vague sense of loss

如果考试中遇到难点,要灵活处理 上下义改写+同义词替换 2009.02.02写作 教育的目的: Adequate expertise fd Professional commitment Upright conduct Competent mental condition 经典写作模式 Agree or disagree? Introductory paragraph(不写题目) 1. general statement →背景交代 开头先写一个与主题思想相反的观点(以第三人称的方式) ◆多用大词(3个或3个音节以上) 大词含量10%*400=40 Some /many /a number of people who think this view that……claim that…… Large /great /huge /certain/ considerable /infinite/tremendous /enormous /astronomical Hold /believe / insist / propose / assert/ maintain Idea /standpoint ◆实词要多样化variety


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B


新东方内容整理 7.11: Writing: A.托福写作主要是注重daily affairs,而不是political issues. 注重的是examples,而不是critical thinking and reasoning. 是低级写作,而不是高级写作。 注重vocabulary和sentence structure. B. score5: a.Effectively address the topic and task. b. well organized: Structure: Introduction Body1 Body2 Body3 Conclusion C. unity(切题),progression(层次),coherence(连贯,承接词) Firstly, . Theoretically speaking, . For instance, . Moreover, . Briefly, . d.Word choice, syntactic variety 词汇的转换: E.g. 好:good better best nice(低级) Excellent, perfect, (中级) Outstanding, brilliant, fantastic, awesome, remarkable, impressive, extraordinary, fabulous (高级)词组的转换:由低级结构向高级结构转化。 陈强调了由adj.+n.向n.+of+n.的转化。 E.g. A man of wisdom An individual of intelligence A man of respect A book of deep philosophy A magazine of good sales A flower of beauty Patriotism is the tree of liberty refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson It was the best of time, it was the worst of time; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. We have everything before us, we have nothing before us; we are all going direct to the heaven, we are all going direct to the other way.


一、概括: 1.写作考试介绍: Time: 60mins 20mins TASK1 150words 40mins TASK2 250words 2.考试题型: TASK1 Process 和Introduction 题目罕见出现。 TASK2 I. Discuss Eg: 2005年7月9日 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people do not think it the government’s responsibility. Discuss both and give your opinion. II. Advantages and Disadvantages Eg: 2005年5月14日 Some school leavers go to travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? III. Agree or Disagree Eg: 2005年6月25日 People think that the news media has influenced people’s lives nowadays, and it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IV. Your Opinion Eg: 2005年3月5日 Some academic subjects are useful for children’s future career while others such as music and sports are not so useful. What is your opinion. Give your reasons. V. Problem, Reasons and Solutions Eg: 2005年1月22日 Statistics suggest that nowadays an increasing number of crimes are committed by the young people. Explain the reasons for this and give solutions. 二、小作文解析(T ASK 1): 1.通用格式: ⑴OPENING—1SENTENCE--- A. Paraphrase 5W & B. Overall trend Ⅰ.Line phases Ⅱ.Pie classification Ⅲ.Bar the gap between A&B e.g. The graphs and charts tell us a clear overview of the characteristics and trends of…… It can be seen from the table that….. 详细见白书P6/下,“Referable IELTS Writing opening &writing” ●RULE 1: A.不可以抄题目 B.不可以写“According to ….”,只能写“In that figure….” C.不可以写“below/following” D.不可以写“that/this” E.第一段不出现数据


新东方·北京2008年7月 庄重 整理:Sketch K&Tina (思琦&萌萌) 2008年7月28日第一讲 一.托福写作的评分系统 官方指南 按分数档次进行微调 评判:一分钟内浏览给分数档次 根据闪点+- 1分 必须给评分者短时间内最好的印象 不能在关键的地方犯恶心的错误 关键:各段首句,文章末句及具有强结论的句子 恶心:主谓不一致 时态问题 名词单复数 印象极为关键:紧扣题目,紧扣要求 二.如何取悦评卷人 1 必须有清晰的整体脉络

2 必须有自然的段间衔接 3 经典的用词用句 经典用词用句的锻造: 用词:动词 核心动词的动词的使用是写作能力的标志 e.g,: eat ---consume 英语写作表达的美在于用不同的单词表达相同的含义 e.g.:show ---display --- demonstrate 近义词的积累 英语中“好”的词有: Good / ok Perfect / glorious / terrific / fantastic Superb 用句: It 作形式主语或形式宾语 e.g. : It is easy to learn English there be 倒装、虚拟、强调 名人名言(不要使用c-e)(千万不要乱编) ***said + 直接引用———不用 ***believed + 自由表述 -----用 可用人物: Kant& Nietzsche 只用于道德和爱心之类的话题 三.文化差异对应试写作产生的影响 1 必须有清晰的结构 观点鲜明的开头 紧扣主题的结尾 由主题句引导的衔接自然的中间段落 引导:主题句一定要在该段首句 2 必须要有统一的中心 3 自然的衔接(衔接为其生命) 中文:意合语言 英文:形合语言 逻辑关系的显性化 逻辑关键词 衔接方法:1 重复词:概括重复直接重复和齐头重复 2 序数词:first…second… 3 关联词:并列 and 转折 but 让步 although 递进 in addition 因果 because e.g. Because of having rain ,he developed a high fever , and thus has to sleep at home .his absence resulted in the reduction of his pay. 4 转折和让步之间的差别 让步好于转折 democracy 民主 e.g. they are poor ---they suffer from poverty They are hungry ---they struggle against starvation ------they suffer form poverty ,struggling against starvation 左手:遣词造句的上升 右手:思维方式的改变 e.g: 我们不会把所有秘密告诉其他人 we don’t tell others all the secrets we don’t let others know all the secrets we hide some secrets from others everyone has privacy 四.平时训练写作的方法 境界:手中有文章心中有文章出口成章 手中无文章心中有文章 手中无文章心中无文章妙笔生花 《新东方英语中学版》 1 阅读 I will think about it 没戏


Brainstorm (1)Friends 1.intelligent rather than sense of humor. Agree 1.help us with academic success.——my math weak, he is good, teach me skills and help me solve 2.enlarge our horizon, open up our mind.——different thoughts. fail the test, I only negative, he 辩证 3.Find a competitor on studying and intrinsic desire to work hard. Me,总是第一,him transfer and competitor. Both. 2.older people’s advice is more useful than young. Disagree 1.time has changed, exp that time is not available now.——judging weather by means of watching clouds, due to the pollution is not yet. 2.Have a widen horizon by means of computer and internet, know more——want to know about fashion clothes, old people are blab la bla。 3.Old people has some bias and their mind is conservative because of age.——career, have a stable salary, but young want to advance and enterable 3. Future is relative more on others than us. Disagree. 1. academic skills, demand for people is decanting——reporterGPA3.4 2. spirit of never giving up——a stuff in investigating bank, overloaded and stay up. 3. can’t get recognized by other people by help. Friends bla. 4. More influence from teacher than friends. Disagree. 1. share the same interest——basketball, NBA, boys 2. being a competitor as a motive——my friend Nicolas, transfer. 3. gather potential social connection——alumni in a US, find a job. Suppose. (2) Education relatives. 1. should limit watching TV or playing computer games? Disagree 1. can learn something that never be learned in books.——watching discovery, the progress of finding scientific results. 2. grasp the method of managing time efficiently.——Bill gate young. 3.have some common topics with others——example NBA,in boys, blablabla 2. Should take course in every aspect. Agree 1. in the society of accelerating competition, more skills demanded.——a reporter, not only the degree, but also CS Econ bla 2. build up a overall characteristic——in history class, critical thinking and writing a paper, demanded in all subs. 3. a opportunity to change to another profession.——wenke_math good_econ(build up interests in other views) 4.appreciation 4.should mark student? Agree 1.in such a society of competition, the demand of student is decreasing——reporter,GPA。 If not ,no else. 2.there are indeed some difference. If not, not equal to who works hard.——suppose a student who party and working hard . 3.a motive of students——my friend Nicolas,


写作训练方法 1-5篇不限时写作结构完整300字以上 6-10篇1小时350字以上结构完整 要求:检查语法、拼写错误跑题、表达不清问题 11-20篇半小时400字以上 要求:检查语法、拼写错误跑题、表达不清问题润 饰文章 理由不能太具体否则不容易展开要擅于利用“万金 由” 各个理由的关系,必须是并列关系,排列顺序由段落 长短来决定。 开头1 背景+论题+各方观点的理由+作者论点和 理由 背景+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+作者 观点+作者理由 开头段写理由的好处 怎样写背景: 提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象(紧扣论题)作为 背景 从远到近,由大到小,谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为 背景 官方、权威数据,调查研究结果

开头2 事例+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者理由 和论点 ⑴媒体(电视、电台、报纸、杂志和网络)的报道 ⑵朋友、邻居、同事的故事 开头3 问题+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者论点 和理由 把背景用问题方式提出连续提问(煽情式提问) 开头4 “引语”+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者 论点和理由 主题句 必须是陈述句必须表面观点不要直接写事实由观 点到事实 态度必须坚决每段都要有主题句通常位于段首或段 末 结尾 总结全文(论点+各方观点)+重述论点和理由+提 出建议/解决问题/深化意义 把对方的优点移植到己方,把己方的观点消灭掉,提 出实施方案和注意事项 深化意义=展望未来+对国家社会的好处

黄金规则一–The longer, the better ⑴每一个论点都要有理由 ⑵每一个理由都要有例子 ⑶每一个例子都要有细节 黄金规则二----------“万金由” 黄金规则三重述语意的技巧 ⑴使用同义词进行替换 ⑵使用同根词进行替换 Oppose-opposition Build-building Announce-announcement Explain-explanation ⑶使用短语进行替换 (Support) argue for/vote for/be in favor of (Oppose) argue against/vote against/object to/be opposed to ⑷使用全新的表达法进行替换 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near the community. ----------a large factory is supposed to built near the community according to the announcement issued by a


写作讲义 梁坚实 新东方梁坚实 I、xdf/liangjianshi 一、Introduction 综合写作: 客观题——情景再现 听听力时努力记笔记,听懂且能记下来,否则不得分 字数要求: Integrated Writing :200-300 Independent Writing:求>400,越多越好,一般写够500以上都就是good 如果只写够最低值,得不了高分 打字速度: 30min400字以上 格式: 如何分段: 缩行式 空行式 不要又缩又空 标点符号后要空格,前面不空 如何用TPO作文: 综合写作:33道题——全部复习材料(1-10,22-27,其余模考),练能力 独立写作:33道题一道不要做,做机经。讲得30道题必须会写。 二、综合写作 (1)听力永远反驳阅读 (2)阅读与听力得文章结构(一总三分) 阅读听力 总观点总观点 分论点一分论点一 解释 例子+细节

细节 分论点二分论点二 分论点三分论点三 Tips: 对应性反驳,三三对应,逐条反驳 分论点=要点 (4)综合写作行文构架(共四段): 阅读主要说。。(阅读总观点)。。听力主要说。。(听力总观点)。。听力反驳了阅读; 阅读认为。。(阅读分论点一)。。听力认为。。(听力分论点一)。。那就是因为。。(听力分论点一后得细节)。。听力反驳了阅读; 阅读认为。。(阅读分论点二)。。听力认为。。(听力分论点二)。。那就是因为。。(听力分论点二后得细节)。。听力反驳了阅读; 阅读认为。。(阅读分论点三)。。听力认为。。(听力分论点三)。。那就是因为。。(听力分论点三后得细节)。。听力反驳了阅读; 综合写作不需要标题,不要写结尾 补充: [1]阅读主旨句通常为第一段最后一句话。 [2]阅读中论点为主观想法时,可以直接加not反推听力论点;阅读中论点为客观事实时,听力认为阅读中论点不充分。 [3]阅读主旨句概括文章将来结构时,论点常为主观想法,直接+not [4]当阅读中一个论点有多个论证方式时,至少有一种论证方式为主观想法,听力只反驳主观想法 [5]听完后先不要动笔写,回忆一下听得与读得就是否能对得上 关于行文框架得几点说明: A、综合写作2,3,4段每段必须包含3部分: 阅读材料要点;听力材料得要点与细节;两者关系——反驳 B、阅读得细节不重要,可以不写,一般不写。如果写阅读细节得话,则需要归纳改写阅读得核心细节,最忌讳大段照抄阅读原文 C、阅读分论点得位置:段首或者段尾(占80%);不明确(能归纳)。如出现在段首或者段尾,同义改写:分论点比较短得,同义词稍稍改写个别词即可;分论点比较

TOEFL iBT 新东方网络课堂听课笔记--Writing

TOEFL iBT Reading 网络课堂听课笔记 新托福考试相关知识 考试证件: 护照最好,身份证也可 考试完之后的十五天出成绩 一个人两次考试时间间隔不低于七天 General Introduction to iBT TOEFL Reading 60-100 mins Listening 60-90 mins Break 10 mins 厕所,不要吃冰的东西、饼干、辣的东西;最好吃香蕉 Speaking 20 mins 包括阅读和听、以及回答时间 Writing 50 mins 纯粹回答问题的时间 Total time: 4 hours 新托福写作基本介绍 General Introduction to iBT TOEFL Writing Content: integrated writing 综合写作(读、听、写,要求较高,不用发表个人意见) and independent writing(300字以上,400-500分数较好,高分一定要400字以上,600字以上可能得满分) Score: raw score: 0-5 scaled score: 0-30 Time: Integrated Writing: 20 minutes Reading: 3 mins/230-300words Listening: 2 mins/230-300words 150-225 words 不需要发表个人观点 Independent writing: 30 minutes 300 words 以上 写作训练方法:“写” 练习写作的步骤:需要写20篇左右的文章 1-5 不限时写作字数达到300,结构完整,不计好坏 6-10 保证1小时内完成,结构完整,字数300以上,写完进行检查:语法、冗余 11-20 要半小时完成,字数要超过400,结构完整,写完进行检查和润饰 写作基本知识/应试技巧 基本知识: 两篇作文都不需要写标题 文章分段方法:缩行式(4-6个字母)和空行式 应试技巧: 如何直入主题:如何根据评分要求获得高分


小宝老师新托福写作笔记 写作目标:25 scores 达到目标的方法:A.题型的归纳——1、综合性写作:Reading+ Listening+ Writing(Write about the RELATION of reading and listening) 2、独立性写作:185个作文题库,强调个性化的内容 和个性化的语言 B.更高级的语言与更高级的逻辑等(GRE&GMAT) New TOEFL考试的精髓——RELATION 1、Writing& Reading RELATION:logic(逻辑重于语言); 2、Writing& Oral English A. Oral English: Reading+ Listening+ Speaking→ Writing: Reading+ Listening+ Writing→Reading+ Listening+ Writing(省略)+ Speaking B.口语的前两题“独立性口语”经常借鉴独立性写作的185个作文题库里面的题目 Overall information about writing: 1. Test Procedure: A. the last section(听力先热身,可以借鉴Reading) B. typing required C.显示器位置 RELATIONSHIP between reading and listening: 1.Support---A.对应型支持;B.补充型支持 2.Oppose---立刻完全“取非”,结论与论述理由全部“取非” ★Listening→Reading(一定要从Listening入手)


TOFEL independent writing Question 1: agree/ disagree Question 2: multiple choices Question 3:preference Question 4:senario THE STRUCTURE: Key elements : Five paragraphs / words count 450+/ a logical cohesive, idiomatic arrangement Template: The beginning Hook: today’s young generation is expected to follow plenty of rules to the extent of being polite to rude people, which may mislead others to generate the idea that the modern world has too strict and rigid rules on young adults. Transition:however, such a statements suffers from both logic and factual fallacies. Points:as far as the development of societies, environmental impact and social stability are concerned,//引入下方需要讲述的三个原因I strongly hold that these rules are by no means too strict. Point1+reasoning Point 1: first it is necessary for the young to follow rules with the development of societies. Reasoning: it is not only a good individual behavior but also demonstration of social convention. Point2+exemplification Moreover, there are//用于举例子rules we young people have to rule to ensure the welfare of the whole society. The government has launched great compagins on preserving(保护) our environment, and especially the young have to follow the rules of throwing out garbage in After the last month, the whole city has举例子.. Point3+concession欲扬先抑 Last but not least, some people claim that strict rules might kill young people’s creativity.引出对手的观点 However, without rule, the society we live in will be unstable or in a chaotic state. Imaging , if………举粒子反驳 The end Analysis and brainstorming Reservoir of high-level points


What’s 效益? Condition ----付出同样的成本 A行为B行为 ↓↓ 收获多收获少 ↓↓ Result ----- 效益大效益小 做听力与阅读,不认识的单词仅占5%-10%,耗进的效益(时间成本+精力到底值不值? 时间成本都是一样的,在时间成本一样的前提下,我们要做有益身心的事。 追求效率——容易丢失——→丢失效益 背单词行为复习—→效益收获 往后翻—→效率收获 得到效益的方法:控制~~ 效益较大的材料:Academic OG > VOA, BBC 【我们需要的听力备考材料】 ETS ---ⅠIBT ⅰOG17篇精准&有效益 5篇练习

6篇模拟 5篇模拟练习 ⅱTPO 19套一套6篇 ⅡPBT 旧材料语速更快,使我们容易适应 PS:很多同学到考场上发现语速跟不上 15套+16套PBT *3=93套旧托福材料 Horse画外音:小马过河上有20篇TPO精选听力,如果20篇文章你都不能变好,你一辈子也好不了~~….隔靴搔痒…. 一天需要完成的听力内容: 一篇新托福+一篇旧托福材料 ↓ 听力演讲5-6min Horse画外音:在备考上要严谨,对自己严苛。懂是不存在的,懂,是感性认识…… 做新托福演讲的标准:每篇至少10小时↑ 一篇旧托福的文章一般1’30”之内,短小:每篇至少5小时↑ Horse画外音:持续做一件正确的事NEEDS 心态 + 标准 ↙↘↓

信念现实要正确,不缺乏 ↙ 能忍受&忍耐&持续 人类很倔强,啊~~你只去做你自己想做的,否定不该做的 评判一个东西是否有用的标准: 是否去用它,是否Useful 【对备考材料的使用误区】 ⑴多而不精 作为灵长类动物的代表,人多贪婪 拥有很多材料≠ 拥有很多能力 贪图数多 Horse tips: 新材料10 h↑,旧材料5 h↑ ⑵不够学术 Horse:如果能用,我为什么不讲? 不够学术的: 吸血鬼日记,生活大爆炸,美剧,音乐,CNN,BBC,新概念,探索,国家地理看电影可以,这不是练听力,本来就是在看字幕的 ⑶不够托福 ETS出考题,得用人家的游戏规则

托福 听力和作文的新东方笔记

一、听力 包含2个或3个section,每个section包含1个conversation(5题)和2个lecture (6题)共14道题,每个section需要10min 完成。 (一)读音问题 1.连读 ●辅音和元音的连读 call it a day 到此为止 ●元音和元音的连读 前一个元音以[i]或[i:]结尾+后一个单词以元音开头 eg:I am 前一个元音以[u]或[u:]结尾+后一个单词以元音开头 eg:You are ●4组固定的音变 (1)前一个音以[d]结尾+后一个音以[j]开头:would you,could you [zh] (2)前一个音以[t]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头:last year [ch] (3)前一个音以[s]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头:this year [sh] (4)前一个音以[z]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头 ●另外注意[h]: 常不读出 eg: isn’t he I just hope just stick aroud here If I see her 2. 弱读 want to wanna going to gonna 3.失音 以辅音结尾,后一个单词以同样的辅音开头:只读其中一个 up-side down 4.失爆 只存在于爆破音中:[b] [p] [d] [t] [k],前一个单词以爆破音结尾,后一个单词的开头是不同的另一个爆破音 本身不发这个音,但要将这个音发的时间保留 (二)听力练习方法 听原文;看原文;划原文(将读音规则划出);跟读和模仿 (三)思路问题 1. 在听力中,如果听到询问、请求或邀请,则重点听这些句子,因为它完全提供了下一个人说话的思路。 I doubt you are right. 我认为你是错误的。 I suspect you are right. 我认为你是正确的。 具有否定意义的词:doubt,neither,hardly,skip 听力重点题型总结:


1. It is harmful! It runs the risk of driving … to a dead end. 2. It can bring some troubles. The proposal can largely minimize the effectiveness and efficiency while maximize the rate of risks. 3. It can solve this problem. It is effective in serving as a key. 4. The costs and risks are too high. The stakes are too high to afford. 5. …is the most important. …is second to none. 6. …is the least important. …is next by nothing. 7. It is very important. It is significant for sb. in doing … 8. It can influence us. Positive & Negative 9. As a coin, everything has 2 sides, the good one, and the bad one. Things are featured with a mixture of elements. ISSUE资料 ◆issue 地图—素材准备 ◆4 types—思路模块搭建 ◇should 话题 (良性建议类) ◇be 话题(判断,结论类) ◇倾向性话题 A>B (more than…/ primarily…/ only… instead of…/ rather than…) ◇Mixture-- be + should 话题 倾向+ should ◆ 4 types: ◇should 话题 (良性建议类) 题型特点: 若要得到美好结果/避免大的问题,就应当… Tip1要解决的问题往往庞大复杂 Tip2 解决方案通常片面甚至偏激 Tip3 解决方案可行性有时欠佳 Tip4 建议或解决方案不设上限 Tip5 解决方案通常无效 43 50 53 202 ◇be 话题(判断,结论类)
