






学习英语的时间from seven years old to now totally __12__ years

1. 你认为现在的大学英语听说课的难度如何?(任选一个)有点难


2. 你上大学英语听说课的目的是什么?(详细描述)


3. At the beginning of your college study, your English speaking ability is (B)

A. beginning level

B.intermediate level

C. advanced level

Now your English speaking ability is (B)

A. beginning level

B.intermediate level

C. advanced level

beginning level students can be characterized as follows:

◆Oral production consists of isolated words and learned phrases within very

predictable areas of need.

◆Vocabulary is sufficient only for handling simple, elementary needs and

expressing basic courtesies(礼貌).

◆Utterances rarely consist of more than two or three words and show frequent

long pauses and repetition of interlocutor’s(对话者)words.

◆Speaker may have some difficulty producing even the simplest utterances.

Intermediate level learners are able to:

◆Handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated, basic and communicative tasks

and social situations;

◆Talk simply about self and family members;

◆Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations on topics

beyond the most immediate(直接的,知觉的)needs, e.g. personal history and

leisure time activities;

◆Increase utterance length slightly, but speech may continue to be characterized

by frequent long pauses, since the smooth incorporation(合并)of even basic conversational strategies is often hindered(阻止,妨碍);

◆Improve pronunciation, which may continue to be strongly influenced by first

language, and fluency may still be strained(紧张的,做作的).

Advanced level language learners are able to:

◆Satisfy the requirements of everyday situations and routine school and work


◆Handle with confidence but not with facility (流利)complicated tasks and

social situation, such as elaborating(详细阐述), complaining, and apologizing.

◆Narrate and describe with some details, linking sentences together smoothly.

◆Communicate facts and talk casually about topics of current public and personal

interest, using general vocabulary.

◆Be understood without difficulty by native interlocutors.

4. 如果必修课中没有大学英语课,你会选修其他的英语课吗?你会选修何种英语课,请具体说明。(包括校内外)


5. 本学期你所完成的英语学习项目中,你认为对提高英语水平帮助最大的是:

A. 历史剧演出项目

B. 辩论赛

C. class report __C________ (title)



6. 在小组活动的前期准备中,你们做过:ABD

A. 观看相关视频(中文)

B. 观看相关视频(English)

C. 查看理论书籍,例如戏剧理论

D. 查看理论书籍,例如历史评论

E. 查看理论书籍,其他____________

7. 在小组活动中,你扮演的角色是(以下A到H可多选,如果是H请简要说明):

第一学期________A E G___ (按从主要到次要的顺序填写)

历史剧演出项目_____AEG_________ (按从主要到次要的顺序填写)

辩论赛___________AEG___ (按从主要到次要的顺序填写)

A.Chairperson (self-confident, courage others to contribute )

https://www.360docs.net/doc/633462744.html,pany worker(conservative,help organize others)

C.shaper (outgoing, dynamic, motivates others)

D.plant (genius, loner)

E.resource investigator (curious, explores new ideas)

F.monitor evaluator (calm, serious, makes balanced decisions, 监督评价者)

G.team worker(socially orientated, encourage a team spirit)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/633462744.html,pleter-finisher (conscientious perfectionist, ties up any loose ends.)

I.others (describe in detail)

8. 请详细描述第一学期做学期项目时自己的心情和具体表现。






10.你认为每学期(三到四个)个学期项目更合适. 理由:每月一个,可以给同学们更多的锻炼机会,而且一个月的时间足够准备一个学习项目的你是否喜欢较小型的英语学习项目:还行,其实人多的时候难免会有打酱油的,而且大部分学习项目有两到三个人即可完成,如果需要更多的人,可以组间合作,人少再联系合作方面也可以更容易,这样大家展示的机会更多,也就锻炼的更多,又不会发生打酱油现象















13.你认为现行的教学模式:课堂教学(以口语活动和任务为主)+ 自主学习(以网上听力练习为主)是否合理? 请给出你的建议。


大学英语视听说3 大纲

安徽外国语学院 课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息

二、课程教学目的 英语视听说课程的教学目的是培养学生扎实的语言基本功和听说专业技能,即加强学生英语听力能力的同时着重发展学生的英语听说能力。使学生在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头信息交流,同时培养和训练学生自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要,使学生能够真正具有良好的国际交流能力。 三、课程教学要求 本课程教学大纲在教学要求上分为一般要求阶段(一年级)和较高要求阶段(二年级),本课程属于较高要求阶段。现将本课程的教学要求规定如下: 1、词汇:通过本课程的学习,学生的词汇量应应达到4500个单词和700个词组,其中2000个单词和500个词组为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括口头表达以及书面表达两个方面。 2、语法:巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用句法结构的能力。 3、听的能力:能听懂英语讲课内容,能听懂一般性英语谈话和一般性题材讲座。能基本听懂英语国家慢速英语教学节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中大意,抓住要点和有关细节。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助领会讲话者的观点和态度。 4、说的能力:能在学习过程中与老师、同学进行交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能就日常话题和来自英语国家的人士进行交谈。能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。


五、教学内容 Unit 1 Access to Success 1. Teaching Objectives Talk about Success Take notes by using a keyword outline Refer to what you said earlier


新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4级答案(全新版本) Unit1 enjoy your feelings

II C B D A D Listening In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2 causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C

Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is coming! (S1) owner (S2) running (S3) drop (S4) run (S5) local (S6) yelling, (S7) lives!” (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotion Key : A B C C D Task 3 Every cloud has a silver lining Key : T F F T F



大学英语(二)听说课教案 授课教师授课班级授课地点 教材《新视野大学英语听说教程2》(第二版). 郑树棠. 2011. 外语教学与研究出版社. 授课内容 Unit 1 “International Clock Talk”学时 4 periods 教学目的1.Enable students to grasp some listening skills and understand the listening materials; 2.Enable students to talk about the different attitudes toward time held in various countries; 3.Familiarize students with expressions about maximum and minimum quantities, comparison and contrast. 教学重点与难点Teaching emphasis: Grasp some listening skills and understand the listening materials; Talking about the related topics in this unit. Teaching difficulties: Understanding different concepts of time. 教学方法与手段Teaching method: heuristic teaching Communicative teaching Teaching aids: multi-media CD-ROM 教学参考书 1.《新视野大学英语听说教程教师用书2》. 郑树棠. 2011. 外语教学与研究出版社. 教学进程 I.Teaching Plan (180 minutes) 1. Warming Up (30 minutes) 2. Listening (50 minutes) 3. Speaking (40 minute) 4. Listening and Speaking (25 minutes) 5. Homework (20 minutes) 6. Oral Report (12 minutes) 7. Assignment (3 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Warming up (30 minutes) Explain some new and important words and phrases in the listening material; Ask students to listen to the programme and do the exercises on the textbook; Ask students to discuss the following questions: 1). Do you have any communicative problems when dealing with people who have different concepts of time? If yes, describe them. 2). Do you agree that Chinese people are very relaxed about time? Give your reasons.

新视野大学英语视听说教程4(第二版)Unit 5_test答案

Unit 5 test Next Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. @ (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) 1. A. The man wants to leave, and the woman tries to keep him. B. The woman wants to leave, and the man tries to keep her. @ C. The woman wants the man to leave, and the man wants to stay. D. The man wants the woman to leave, and the woman wants to stay. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) , A. The man is employed by a head-hunting company. B. The man works in the same company as the woman. C. The man will take the offer. } D. The man is offering a job to the woman. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) ] A. Changing her job. B. Transferring to an important position. C. Staying at the company and gather experience. < D. Going back to school to learn more knowledge. 4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) ^ A. His new job is very satisfying.


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说 1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)uni versity (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (8) TV

(4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8) TV

Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1) teacher (2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing 2.1 a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1) home

(2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happ in ess Role-playing 2.2 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player (3) It was really beautiful 2.3 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1) a small town (2)1993

(3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations BABDD DBCD DDBA Passage 2 (1) programmes (2) very (3) decisions (4) doing laundry (5) Obviously (6) choices (7) ruining (8) get used to (9) opportunities (10) step back


《大学英语视听说》教学大纲 (独立设课实验课程) 一、课程基本信息 二、课程教学目标 目标1:听力理解能力能听懂一般日常英语谈话和公告;能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长、语速中等的英语广播、电视节目和其他音视频材料,掌握中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节;能基本听懂与未来工作岗位、工作任务、产品等相关的英语口头介绍。能较好地运用听力技巧。 目标2:口语表达能力能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话;能较好地表达个人意见、情感、观点等;能陈述事实、理由和描述事件或物品等;能就熟悉的观点、概念、理论等进行阐述、解释、比较、总结等。语言组织结构清晰,语音、语调基本正确。能较好

地运用口头表达与交流技巧。 目标3:学习能力与跨文化交际能力具备一定的自主学习能力,初步形成较系统的学习策略,发展一定的跨文化交际能力,有一定的文化底蕴和人文素养。 三、实验内容及学时分配 (一)实验内容及要求 实验项目1:New Friends, New Faces(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Meeting new people and describing people 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目2:V acation(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing weather, vacation habits and preferences 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目3:All about you(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Talking about your favorite pastimes, teams and clubs 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目4:Change(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Making changes in your life according to your plans and dreams 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目5:Around the World(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Asking for and giving directions in the neighborhoods and cities 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目6:Home Sweet Home(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing different kind of houses, apartments and rooms Learning how to rent houses, apartments and rooms 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目7:Your Health(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Learning English expressions of parts of body Describing men’s appearance and how to keep healthy 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目8:Jobs and Ambitions(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing various abilities, personality and jobs 对学生的要求:交际训练 (二)课程学时及分配

新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(含unit test)

最新版新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案(全新版本)Unit 1 enjoy your feelings! II C B D A D l Listening In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2 causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C l Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn l Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is coming!

(S1) owner (S2) running (S3) drop (S4) run (S5) local (S6) yelling, (S7) lives!” (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotion Key : A B C C D Task 3 Every cloud has a silver lining Key : T F F T F l Viewing and speaking Key :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15)&60 (16)cheap Unit tset 1.C D B C D 2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diar


大学英语听力课教案 【篇一:大学英语听力教学心得】 大学英语听力教学心得 庞静 相对于其他正规院校的本科生来说,高职生的英语基础较差,平均 水平不高。从英语听力课的教学来看,其不足主要表现为词汇量少, 语音语感较差,知识面窄,独立进行分析判断能力不足,从而反应 较慢。除此之外,高职生在英语听力学习方面的不足还表现为缺乏 良好的英语听力的自我控制能力和逻辑思维能力,缺乏良好的听力 习惯,缺乏应有的自学能力,这一切都无形中构成了高职生英语听 力学习的障碍。在我上的大学英语听力的部分系部表现的特别明显。 教材是教学的依据,教材的选用和利用对于教学来讲意义重大。虽 说我们学校的大学英语听力选用了不同的教材——外语系选用的大学英语听力;人文系选用的英语教程;音乐美术系选用的实用英语。 但由于系部不同班级的学生水平也参差不齐,所以因材施教显得尤 为重要。 外语系学生相对英语成绩相对较好,大部分学生的学习积极性都比 较高。处在这个竞争愈来愈激烈的社会中,他们强烈地感受到自身 的不足,从而有着很高的学习积极性。但同时也有相当一部分同学 由于种种原因或自卑不前,或自满松懈,或心不在焉,学习态度和 学习成绩均和前者有着很大差距,形成两极分化。外语系选用的教 材中每个单元由三部分组成:第一部分通常是语音练习,它对于纠 正学生的发音很有帮助。教师在完成这一部分的听力练习之后可以 接着让学生跟读,模仿,从单词到长句,循序渐进。同时讲解相应 的发音规则。第二部分通常是对话和短文。由于部分学生基础较差, 如果按照机械的程序从讲解词汇,介绍背景,播放录音直至完成练 习,他们会感到十分吃力。于是我一般在讲完词汇和介绍完背景之 后,先把所要播放的录音内容概述一下,当然语速要慢。这样可以 给学生留下一定的适应时间,帮助他们理解接下来的内容。第三部 分是口头练习,这一部分往往会被忽略,我认为这是十分可惜的。 不妨让学生根据所听的内容编排对话,复述大意或进行主题讨论, 将听与说结合,把听到的内容用自己的语言表达出来。语言是交流 的工具,而交流则包涵了由听到说的过程。听是说的基础,听最终 要服务于说。


大学英语(第二版)听说教程 听力原文 Test 1 Part A Directions: You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Each will be read only once. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what you have heard. Listen once and choose the right answer to the question you hear. (8 points) 1.M: You like music, don’t you, Sally W: Yes. Classical and light music. But now what you hear everywhere is only noisy music. I can’t stand it. Q: What does the woman mean 2.W: I think I’ll wear my red blouse to the party tonight. M: Why don’t you wear the blue one I think you look in better in it. Q: What does the man mean 3.W: How do you like the pie you’ve had M: Never have I had such a delicious pie. Q: What does the man mean 4.W: Oh, Peter. I’m hungry. I can’t walk any further. M: How about getting something to eat in the restaurant just round the corner by the parking lot Q: Where are the two speakers 5.W: Nice day, isn’t it Want to join us for a swim M: Would you mind waiting for a minute while I get prepared Q: What does the woman mean 6.W: Hi, Tony. Haven’t seen you for some time. How have you been M: I have a car accident last week, but only some minor injuries. Q: What happened to Tony 7.W: Maggie, could you forward this mail to Professor Wang M: Sorry, Phil. My computer has broken down. But I’ll do it as soon as I have it fixed. Q: What does the woman mean 8.W: I’ve been under the weather for quite a few days. I thought my cold was going away. But it seems to get worse now. M: You’ve been complaining too much. Why didn’t you make an appointment with the doctor earlier Q: What does the man mean Part B Directions: You’ll hear two conversations. Each will be read once. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (7 points) Conversation 1 Alan: Are you going to the football game today, Betty Betty: No, Alan. But I’ll be watching it on television with some friends. Alan: Weren’t you able to get any tickets Betty: I didn’t try. I really don’t go to games so often. Alan: But don’t you enjoy going Don’t you find it exciting to be part of the crowd Betty: Oh, that’s for sure. Nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. But sometimes it’s just too inconvenient getting into and out of the


Answers to listening and speaking BookII Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1、398-4071 2、278-9536 3、1390-1910-466 4、415-566-1268 5、5-078-2489 6、6102-9517-2880 7、210-699-4982 8、6-592-7649 Exercises 2 Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home、 Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 father&daughter 2、they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3、Riding a motorcycle 4、He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a

pony tail、 5、she says he is old-fashioned、 Exercise 2 1、in a restaurant/ Dining/ 2、on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle 3、in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1、who dialed the wrong number? (a) 2、what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman? (b) 3、what is true about the woman?(a) Exercise 2 1、First State Bank 2、her leg 3、848-3952 4、Mrs Tailor/ his bank 5、having dialed the wrong number Part D 1、what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a) 2、who made a mistake?(d)


《大学英语听说》课程教学大纲及补充说明 一、课程概况 1.课程名称:英语视听说 2.开课院系:外国语学院 3.适用专业:商务英语专业、应用英语专业、试点本科英语专业 4.开课时间:第一、二、三学期 5.学时:68 学时/学期;总学时:68*3=204学时; 6. 实践学时:34 学时/学期;总实践学时:34*3=102学时; 7.修课方式:必修 8. 考核方式:考查 9.教材:《21世纪新大学英语视听说教程》复旦大学出版社 总主编白永权2009年6月 二、课程的性质和任务 本课程是以教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》中提出的培养学生的英语综合能力,特别是听说能力的教学目标为依据,对商务英语专业、应用英语专业及试点本科英语专业开设的专业基础必修课。 本课程的主要任务是训练学生英语听说能力,以培养学生的英语应用能力和跨文化交际能力为中心,重在提高听说技能,培养学生运用英语获取信息及进行语言交际的能力。 三、课程基本要求

本课程共204学时,周学时是4,教学安排为3学期。通过本课程的学习,学生应达到以下要求: 一、听力方面 1. 能听懂英语授课。 2. 基本能听懂正常语速的日常英语对话,一般专题性对话等。 3. 能大体听懂语速每分钟120-150词的故事,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。 4. 能大体听懂语速每分钟120-150词的讲座,并能就所听材料的要点用英语作简要笔记。 二、口语方面 1. 学习过程中,能用英语进行交流。 2. 基本能使用日常交际用语与英美国家人士进行交流。 3. 能复述所听材料要点,并回答相关问题。 4. 能掌握基本情景表达法,就常见话题发表观点并参与讨论。 四、主要教学内容及学时、学分分配 1. 应用英语专业讲授第一册,第二册,第三册,第四册,共四个学期,总学时:学时272,学分:16学分; 2. 商务英语专业讲授,第一册,第二册,第三册,共三个学期,总学时:204学时,学分:12学分; 3. 试点本科英语专业讲授第一册,第二册,第三册,共三个学期,总学时:204学时,学分:12学分;


大学英语听说教程课件 英语听说选材贴近学生生活与社会现实,都是学生喜闻乐见的内容,形式新、巧、奇,图文并茂,为学生创造了一个宽松、适宜、创新的英语学习环境。 大学英语听说教程课件 摘要:根据大学英语视听说课程的特色,设计本课程的教学方法。以这些教学方法为基础,实现"视""听""说"三位一体的教学,以此达到切实提高学生的听说能力的教学目标。 关键词:视听说课程教学方法设计三位一体教学 英语专业的视听说课程可以说是历史悠久,而大学英语的教学一直以来都集中于综合英语的教学,用于听力和口语教学的时间少之又少。近年来许多高校都尝试在大学英语教学中把综合英语课程和听说课程分开,进行分科教学。分科教学既有利于老师对所教课程深入研究、充分准备和灵活讲授,也更有利于老师因材施教,有的放矢地组织教学,充分调动学生英语学习的积极性。[1]我校每周大学英语课时为六节,进行分科教学后综合英语更改为每周五节,视听说课程教学为每周一节,也就是说两周才安排一次为时两节课即九十分钟的教学时间,一个学期除掉假期、学生实习和考试时间,真正意义上上课的时间为每学期六次即540分钟。如何在如此短的时间内,在学生基础比较薄弱的情况下(相对于英语专业的学生而言)切实提高学生的英语听说能力,这是所有视听说课教师为之头痛而亟待解决的问题。如何

设计视听说课堂教学,实现“视”“听”“说”三位一体教学,切实提高学生的英语听说能力便成为视听说课程教学的重中之重。 一、何为视听说课程 英语视听说是一门特殊的英语技能综合课程。其特殊性体现在输入手段的多样化,即“视”、“听”、“说”并举;“听说领先,重在应用”。该课程发挥和利用现代的科技手段,在教学活动中充分体现出视听课教学的现代性,把传统的听力课与口语课相脱节的教学发展成为视、听、说相结合、实用性强、视听内容丰富的综合课堂。教学目的是结合相关主题,进行主题讨论,通过收听英语对话,观看英语录像,为学生提供一个仿真的语言环境,并根据培养英语应用技能的要求,提高和加强学生以听说为主的英语综合应用能力,彻底消灭“聋子加哑巴”英语的怪现象。 二、视听说课程特色 英语视听说课程与以往的听力和口语分开教学不同,它有自己的独特之处。第一、多媒体性。英语视听说课程教学是在多媒体的辅助下进行的。多媒体环境下视听英语教学模式是以计算机多媒体环境为视听条件、以英语主题教学内容为视听教学任务、以英语语言教学情景为视听教学手段、以教师与学生互动为视听教学方法,为学生提供真切的语言环境和广泛的语言素材,使其活动、行为、思维和表述都在由多媒体所提供的特定语言环境中进行的教学。[2]二、网络性。网络的飞速发展给英语教学带来了丰富的视听说资源。教师可以借助网上的音频、视频进行视听说课程教学。教师可以选取网络上直观的视频


大学英语 (College English) 视听说教学大纲 本课程与其他课程的联系:属于公共基础课中的必修课,具有较强的理论性和实践性,无前续课程,后续课程为各专业的专业英语。 一、课程的性质 大学英语视听说课教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语视听说课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语是以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,并集多种教学模式和教学手段(课堂教学和网络课堂教学)为一体的教学体系。本课程属于全校公共基础课中的必修课,面向全校各专业学生。 二、课程的地位、作用和任务 大学英语视听说课程的教学作用和任务是培养学生英语的听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、课程教学的基本要求 我校大学阶段的英语视听说教学要求我校非英语专业的本科生应达到我国高教部颁布的英语教学大纲对非英语专业本科毕业生的听力理解和口语表达能力的基本要求。 基本要求: 1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130 ~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。 2. 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 四、课程教学内容 第一学期新视野大学英语视听说教程I Unit One How’s your college life? Learn some expressions about greeting & introducing.. Practice listening for names.

大学英语视听说课程讲义level one u6

Unit 6 Shopping Trip Teaching Objective Talk about shopping habits Get to know the notice of a department store Part One Vocabulary 1. on sale/on special: at a reduced price 特价出售 These rugs have been on sale for a month.这些地毯已特价销售一个月了。 Ice cream is on special this week only. 冰淇淋特价出售,只限本周! 2. a great deal: a good act of buying or selling 合算的买卖 I got a great deal on this MP3. 3. a real bargain/buy: something that can be or has been bought for less than its real value 廉售物, 廉价买到的东西 These good shoes are a real bargain at such a low price. It’s a real buy at that price! Part Two Video Review Clerk: Looking for a TV? Emi: Yes. I need a ... Clerk: How about this one? MultiVision. Only $1,999. Emi: It?s a little big. Clerk: Well, big is good. Emi: But... Clerk: Well, look over here. We have the Vista. It?s on sale. Only $999. Emi: $999? That?s kind of expensive. Do you have anything …? Clerk: Well, we have the ViewTrix4200. Emi: This is perfect! How much is this TV? Clerk: That one? The MiniView? That?s $199. Emi: Great. I?ll take it. Clerk: Are you sure? Let me show you a couple of others. Emi: Um…no, this is the one I want. Clerk: OK. Would you like a three-year warranty with that? It?s a great deal… Emi: No, no warranties. Clerk: OK. How about a satellite dish or a DVD player? Emi: Um …no, just the TV. Clerk: But at least you?ll need a TV stand. We have some great TV stands. Emi: Maybe later. Today, just the TV. Clerk: OK. Well, great. Right this way, I?ll get one for you.


新视野大学英语视听说教程2(第二版)答案(带unit test) Unit1 Listening skills BBDCA Listening in Task1 FTFTF Listening in Task2 BBDAC Listening in Task3 classical,peaceful,relaxing,Jazz,sadness,heavy metal,energy,sporting events,physical labor,road accidents Let's talk Task 1 Good Morning to All,success,musical talents,without,second part,replaced,legal action,real owners Further listening and speaking Task 1

special,joke,talent,proud,loud,joy,honesty,dancer,talk,wondered,capture,fan Task2 BAADC Task 3 TFTTT Unit 1 test 1-5 CCDCB 1.favorite band , 2.Not anymore , 3.no longer , 4.a big fan , 5.collected , 6.the ones , 7.Going crazy , 8.Maybe to you , 9.pressure ,10.fall in love ,11.get it ,12.from time to time ,13.Go on ,14.music video 1-5BCDDA 1-5CDABA 6-10 CDCBC Unit2 Listening skills: Making inferences ADBCB Listening in > Task 1


College English Book 3 Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.d Exercise 2 Jack SmithRm 1008.Peach Hotel9 tomorrow morning West Lake Hotel, Hangzhou Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a Exeercise 2 1. five room in total√rooms for Friday night, 15th of the month√ the best rooms in the hotel √ 2. They damaged the hotel’s property.√They talked rudely in the coffee shop.√ They did not pay the account when they left the hotel.√ Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.a Exercise 2 1. He is the woman’s favorite hairdresser.√He has an appointment with another customer.√Heis a popular hairdresser at the Unisex Hairdresser’s.√ 2.Tom is just as good as Mercel. √Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a particular customer. √Tom has never done the woman’s hair before. √ Part D Home Listening 书后有答案。 Unit 2 Part A Exercise 1 Passage 1 a Passage 2 b PartB A Conversation Exercise 1 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d A Story Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.c Exercise 2 1. 12-year-old bitch from a farmer’s family 2. two puppies just two months ago 3. for 12 tiger cubs since 5 years ago 4. strong but she is smaller than the cubs 5.enough milk for her own babies and the baby tigers 6. her own children and takes good care of them Unit 3 PartA Exercise 1 1. To throw a surprise party for his 40th birthday. 2. Pulling on the birthday person’s ear 21 times. 3. To invite three very good friends out to dinner.
