



1.Green plants elaborate organic compounds from inorganic by means of


2.Many court cases in the past 15 years have shown that a competent physician who

carries out euthanasia will suffer no prosecution .

3.Euthanasia has been a very controversial issue in Europe since at least 1963.

4.The facts he had collected through on-the-spot observation provided him with

ammunition for his argument.

5.We will never take compassion on snake-like scoundrels.

6.76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost the same response .

7.John’s arthritis is getting so unbearable these days that he has to be hospitalized .

8.hatred against those spreading rumors about him surged within him.

9.Despite some exceptions, compassionate killing are dealt with very moderately

in British courts.

10.The advocates of euthanasia have been working with such great zeal that they

are regarded as quite radical in some European countries.


1. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.


2. And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greater force.


3. Cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis are the most frequent subjects of euthanasia in Holland.


4. Last fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanasia for AIDS patients in the advanced stages of their illness.


5. Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasits have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuse


6. Even in the Netherlands,the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases and would surround ever those with elaborate safe guards



1 不少病入膏肓者为了求得解脱往往要求医生使用致命药物;也有些病人家属觉得彻底治愈病人已经无望,因此要求医生不要对病人再进行保命式的治疗。最近,“安乐死”这一问题在欧洲国家已酿成一场激烈的大争论。

Quite a few terminally ill patients ask their doctors to use lethal/deadly drugs to them to be relieved of suffering.There are some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is hopeless to cure.This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.

2 反对者认为“安乐死”无异于谋杀,是不符合伦理道德的。而倡导者则认为,既然病人自己觉得生不如死,干吗不让它们以一种体面、人道的方式结束自己的生命呢?我们应该尊重病人的最终选择。

Those who are opposed to‘Euthanasia’believe that it is no different from murder and that it is unethical,while the pro-euthanasists contend/believe that since the incurably patients consider their existence more of a torment and suffering,why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way?We ought to respect the patients final decision.

3. 人们对于“安乐死”可能被人滥用,或不必要使用的担心不无道理,但只要政府和有关方面措施得力,医院严格控制,这个问题最终或许可以得到解决。

The fear/worry that‘mercy killing’will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless.But with effective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned,and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals,this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.



1.Very many of the things we bend over backwards to do involve taking some


2.Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like babe in the


3.Sometimes, even a chance remark may result in tragedy.

4.The odds are usually in favor of those who are brave enough.

5.Mind you: she always smites with her tongue.

6.Dick is not the kind of person who likes to splash his money about.

7.You can rest assured that the sun is not always shining on him.

8.I asked him to beat a hasty retreat but my words were like water off a duck’s



1. a business transaction , even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy .


2.To many of us , gambling is ,in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy ,and may well help preserve good temper ,patience and optimism .which will do us a world of good .


3.As a matter of fact ,few of us have the right to condemn gambling as few of can say that they never gamble .


4. If a man makes gambling an obsession ---almost a form of insanity-he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil .


5. if one sticks to his limits , it is more a game of fun than the root of all evils.


6. that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence .



1 我们这么冒险尝试,无非是为了与自己或与命运赌一把,并从中实现自我之价值。其后果不是被闹个灰头土脸,就是历经磨难,终成事业,或是一直得到上帝的眷顾,一帆风顺,而后无比自豪。

We gamble like this in order to taking risk against ourselves and against chance or destiny,and in the course of realize our value. As a result, we would either bleed white or become successful after hard ship. or in rare cases, we will proud of success because of God bless you!

2 一旦一个人沉溺于赌博,他不仅会挥霍掉多年辛勤工作换来的财产,而且也会失去自尊和良知。所以奉劝这类人赶紧打住停手,脱离无穷的烦恼。

Once a man is obsessed with gambling, he will not only splash the property gained through hard work, but also lost dignity and conscience. So we advise these people to beat a hasty retreat and to be away from the sea of troubles.

3 从好的方面来看,如果我们在与命运的抗争中胜出,形势又对我们非常有利,那么这时,赌或冒险就不是一种致命的毒药,而是一种摆脱无聊和无趣的良方,很有可能会有助于我们保持好心情,有耐心和乐观向上,而这回给我们带来无穷的好处。

On the positive side, if we win the struggle against destiny when the odds are in our favor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug rather against boredom and apathy. It will preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.

Unit 5


1.This high tech is more of a bane than a boon for mankind.

2.He listened to these small-town anecdotes with contempt.

3.George resented returning to this kind of mundane routine.

4.Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.

5.All the school in the city were closed during the intriguing of scarlet fever.

6.To me that’s what is really epidemic about him.

7.mother was in the midst of a bout of house cleaning.

8.His hatred of her was almost pathological .


1. The search for an answer brings you face to face with problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood of virtually all reseach into human emotions.


2. You may also set out with the belief that the emotion has evolved into something rather sophisticated,


3. …most people cannot will themselves to laugh on command or suppress an unwanted attack of the giggles.


4. Indeed studies have shown that people are thirty times more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone ,in the absence of pseudo-social stimuli like television .


5. To many researchers ,laughter is about strengthening social bonds.


6. Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down barriers and forge a connections with their audience .


7. By inviting the audience to join him in laughter ,Kennedy bridged much of the social gap between his wealthy , noble status and ordinary votes.


8. But laughter can exclude as well as include ,as another American president learnt to his cost.


9. Gruner believes that laughter originated from the cry of triumph and mock that a fighter might utter when he defeats his foe.


10. In the end ,though . a convincing explanation of why people laugh must wait for more and better data



1 笑扮演的作用于角色比人们想象的复杂,发笑的原因众说纷纭,人们不仅在感觉良好时会由衷地笑,而且回应对方一些普通的话时或在一些不是令人舒服的场景中也会发笑,如对滑稽可笑的东西感到惊讶时,会自然地发笑,感到很窘迫、不知所措时难免也会发笑,甚至面临威胁时,笑可以作一种舒缓紧张氛围的方法。

The role of laughter is more complex than people have imagined. People laugh for a variety of reasons. People laugh not only when they feel good, but also in response to mundane statements and in uncomfortable situations. For example, when people are surprised at funny-looking things, their natural reaction is laughter. Something seems awkward for a moment and people don't know what to do, so people laugh. Even in a threatening situation, laughter is a way to release tense atmosphere.

2 我们为什么会笑?令人信服的解释有待更多的证明。全世界人们都相信笑有很所好处。笑能使人们保持身心健康,笑可以作为人与人之间交流的润滑剂,因为研究表明人们在社交场合中笑的可能性比独处时大,笑能消除人们之间的障碍,建立相互之间的联系。

Why do we laugh? A convincing explanation waits for/need more confirmation. It is universally believed that laughter is good. Laughter enables people to keep mentally healthy and it as lubricant to strengthen a social bond because studies have shown that people are more likely to laugh in social settings than when people are alone. And it can break down barriers and forge a connection with each other.

Unit 7


1.All man recognize the right of revolution; that right to refuse allegiance to ,and

resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.

2.In an international conference UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that the

freshly minted plans for Irap will fragment as soon as they begin to take shape.(*)

3.Visitor soon began to flock in from county houses, villages and lonely uplands

to see the reception, or if not to see it, and any rate to be near it.

4.It seems to me if I were young and in love I should never deem a man of

ordinary caliber worthy of my devotion.

5.And Mr.Brocke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to

‘lament her hard lot.

6.I handled this amazing antiquity with the greatest possible tenderness, lest it

should dissolve in my hands.(*)

7.When it comes to trade in the underdeveloped parts of the world, most Western

countries want to have a finger in every pie .

8.Whilst the film does become somewhat over-indulgent in parts, its nostalgic feel

is excellently used to make all of us want to hark back to the care-free days of childhood.

9.Research projects should be relevant to the requirement of the country and

should help in improving the quality of life of the people.

10.Legal advice needs to should be tailor to specific circumstances, and you

should therefore consult with an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.

11.Because nomadic life style is often unstable and hostile, nomads are always

fighting their way through harsh elements and foreign territories in the effort to ‘cover out niches for themselves.

12.We expect the group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and

Slovakia still to notch up growth of almost 2% this year.


1. That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products,promote the commercial at the expense of the authentic , and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction.


2. Globalization not only increases individual freedom ,but also revitalizes cultures and culture artifacts through foreign influences ,technologies ,and markets .Thriving cultures are not set in stone.


3. In some ways ,America is an outlier ,not a global leader .Most of the world has adopted the metric system born from the French Revlution ;America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.


4. Local fare glues more eyeballs to TV screens than American programs.Although nearlythree-quarters of television drama exported worldwide comes from the United States ,most countries’favorite shows are homegrown .


5. With one big excepetion :cinema .Yet Hollywood’s hegemony is not as worrisome as people think .Note first that Hollywood is less American than it seems .To some extent ,then Hollywood is a global industry that just happens to be in American ..Rather than exporting Americana,it servers up pap to appeal to a global audience.


6. Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English ;now their soccer team is emblematic of national pride.


7. English may be all-conquering outside American ,but in some parts of the United States ,it is now second to Spanish .


8. Individuals are forming new communities ,linked by shared interests and passions ,that cut across national borders.Friendships with foreigners met on holiday.Scientists share ideas over the Internet .Environmentalists campaigning

together using e-mail .House-music lovers swapping tracks online .Greater individualism does not spell the end of community.


9. People may lament passing of old ways .Indeed , many of the worries about globalization echo age-old fears about decline , a lost golden age ,and so on..



1 语言是价值观念体系和文化表达形式的载体,是团体和个人身份的决定因素。然而,据估计世界上6000种语言中,50%的语言都处在消亡的边缘,事实上,平均每两星期就有一种语言消亡。造成语言消亡的原因是多方面的,但英语在全球盛行难辞其咎,它的一统天是令人担忧的。

Languages are vehicles of value systems and of cultural expressions and they constitute a determining factor in the identity of groups and individuals. Yet, it is reckoned that more than fifty per cent of the world’s 6000 languages are on the verge of becoming extinct. And, as a matter of fact, one language disappears on average every two weeks. Many factors contribute to language extinction. But the English language prevalent worldwide is certainly to blame and its hegemony is worrisome

2 有大量证据表明,美国在许多方面无疑都扮演着全球领头羊的角色。它在运输其高科技产品的同时,也在潜移默化地向世界兜售美国的价值观念。因此,有人对全球化嗤之以鼻,担心全球化其实就等同于美国化。这种担心并非夸大其辞。

There is a lot of evidence shows that the United States plays a leading global role in many ways. While it is exporting high-tech products it is selling American values to world without being known. some people turn their noses up at globalization, fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization. Such fears are not over-blown.

Unit 9


1.The root cause of the grave historical error that is undermining American

image and interest is the outcome of its misguided foreign policy which is designed to favor specific individuals and political groups at the expense of the will and aspirations of the general public.

2.Afghanistan’s future as a democratic nation hinges on the government’s ability

to emancipate Afghan women in all spheres of society.

3.Father Claude taught the boy to respect the rights of others, to espouse the cause

of the poor and weak and to revere God.

4.Some of these lizards inhabit the high and damp parts of the islands, but they

are much more numerous in the lower and sterile districts near the coast.

5.It is an interesting paradox that while Johnson’s reputation as the chief

English man of letters of his age seems secure for all time, his works, for the post part, have long ceased to be read.

6.Our village life would have stagnated if it had not been for the unexplored

forests and meadows which surrounded it.

7.Night was falling rapidly, and their predicament was rendered doubly worse

when they could not even find the trail which they had been following.

8.The man is mad-quite mad-and we cannot longer jeopardize our own throats

merely to humor his crazy and criminal whims.

9.What I can say is that the uprising in Iraq will continue and the American public

may well wake up to the deaths of thousands of its sons and daughters.

10.He felt the good and had within himself inextricably mingled and



1. Few understand the magnitude of the potential tragedy ;fewer still have a good idea of what to do about it .


2. The Titanic’s passengers were mainly innocent victims ,but the dilemma now facing society is large of our own making ..And for us ,there is still hope .


3. The 20 years since that meeting have seen the birth of a worldwide environmental movement the emergence of thousands of grass-roots environmental organizations , and the proliferation of environmental laws and regulations on nations around the world.

自从那次会议以后20 年,目睹了全环保运动的产生,成千上万的民间环境保护组织的产生,世界各国环境法律的增加.

4. These fundamental assaults on the atmosphere are caused almost entirely by rich nations that use most of the fossil fuels and ozone–depleting chemicals .Yet the long-term costs will be borne by humanity as whole .


5. In many nations environmental degradating is now recognized as a key barrier to governments’ability to meet basic needs and sustain living standards.


6. Stabilizing the climate ,for example depends on restructuring national energy policies.Getting the brakes on population grown requires fundamental energy changes in social values and services .So far ,only a handful of countries have undertaken such initiatives .


7.The growth in Third World jobs has fallen short of population growth ,leaving tens of millions unemployed and hundred of millions underemployed .Even more people lack access to clean water ,adequate health care ,and a full and balance diet 第三世界国家工作职位的增长速度低于人口增长,导致千万人失业,上亿人没有充分就业,更多的人缺乏干净的水,充分的医疗条件,充足的平衡的饮食。

8. Once the self-reinforcing trends of environmental degradation and deepening poverty are too deeply estabilished ,only a superhuman effort could break the cycle and reverse the trend .



1 从全球范围来看,环保运动已经开展了数十年,公众的环保意识也已相应的提高了。但尽管如此,地球母亲的健康仍在以史无前例的速度恶化。许多人不禁要问人类何时才能扭转局势。

At the global level, the environmental movement has already been under way for decades and the public awareness of environment protection has been correspondingly enhanced. In spite of this, the health of Mother Earth is still deteriorating at an unprecedented rate. Many people can’t help wondering how long it will take for human beings to turn things around.

2 在过去的几十年里,由于不遵循基本的生态原则,一些欠发达国家虽取得了快速的经济增长,却牺牲了环境。更为糟糕的是,他们没能采取有力措施控制人口过度增长。结果是,环境恶化,人口膨胀使得越来越多的人陷入贫困。

Without abiding by the basic ecological principles, some underdeveloped countries have achieved rapid economic growth in the past decades but at the expense of the environment. To make matters worse, they have failed to put effective brakes on the overgrowth of their populations. As a result, environmental degradation and population expansion are driving an ever-increasing number of people into poverty.


Section A

Directions: There are thirty incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. His career was not noticeably__________by the fact that he had never been to college.

A) prevented B) restrained C) hindered D) refrained

2. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be_______in deeper.

A) absorbed B) pushed C) heaved D) sucked

3. To_______for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.

A) commence B) compromise C) compensate D) compliment

4. All visitors are requested to_________with his regulations.

A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent

5. The captain__________the horizon for approaching ships.

A) scanned B) scrutinized C) explored D) swept

6. The vast majority of people in any given culture will________to the established standards of that culture.

A) confine B) conform C) confront D) confirm

7. Although he was on a diet, the food__________him enormously.

A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged

8. His argument doesn't suggest that mankind can_________to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.

A) resort B) grant C) afford D) entitle

9. If you want this painkiller, you will have to ask the doctor for a____________ .

A) receipt B) recipe C) subscription D) prescription

10. Some fish have a greater__________for acid water than others.

A) tolerance B) resistance C) dependence D) persistence

11. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in______with its surroundings.

A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance

12. The court considers a financial_________to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A) payment B) obligation C) option D)penalty

13. It is true that_________a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.

A) multiplying B) breeding C) magnifying D) generating

14. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national_________to agriculture than most other countries.

A) resources B) potential C) budget D) economy

15. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is__________ .

A) luxury B) accommodation C) entertainment D) refreshment

16. The students showed ____________when solving the difficult math problem.

A) ingenuity B) validity C) impurity D) infinity

17. The document is__________unless it is officially stamped.

A) valid B) deliberate C) confidential D) invalid

18. She showed taste and _______________in furnishing her home.

A) recognition B) discrimination C) realization D) normalization

19. Do you have a ___________of ownership for this car?

A) document B) label C) passport D) certificate

20. The original canal was twice__________for the larger modern boats.

A) broadened B) brightened C) flattened D) strengthened

21. A building__________the idea of the architect.

A) embodies B) embraces C) integrates D) deviates

22. The boy __________up the room again by dropping bits of paper everywhere.

A) messed B) threw C) confused D) upset

23. People had been conscious of the problem before, but the new book made them aware of its________ .

A) manuscript B) multitude C) masterpiece D) magnitude

24. His________habits soon exhausted all the money he had inherited.

A) significant B) extravagant C) exquisite D) fantastic

25. The story was___________; it was complete untrue.

A) facilitated B) fascinated C) fabricated D) formulated

26. He_______several paragraphs from the newspaper article to read at the meeting.

A) concentrated B) omitted C) distracted D) extracted

27. The young man __________himself bitterly for his behavior that evening.

A) approached B) reproached C) praised D) encouraged

28. In the sentence “She lives alone by himself”, the word alone is___________ .

A) artificial B) necessary C) suitable D) redundant

29. At present, China has signed many_________trade agreements with other countries.

A) comprehensive B) reciprocal C) favorable D) advantageous

30. A country isn't respected if it__________an international agreement.

A) simplifies B) cancels C)postpones D)violates

Section B

Directions: For each of the italicized words or phrases, four choices are given. Choose the one that best explains or defines the italicized part.

1. The plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mighty Angle Falls –the longest waterfall in the world – as it plummeted down into Devil’s Canyon.

A) ascended B) fell C) dropped D) descended

2. It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever beheld, but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!

A) saw B) met C) looked at D) thought about

3. But the Pemon are extremely gracious hosts. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that they were genuinely excited to share their culture and learn about us.

A) compassionate B) attractive C) hospitable D) unfriendly

4. Our inhibitions quickly disappeared and before we knew it, we were dancing alongside the Pemon.

A) embarrasment B) oppression C) suppression D) constraints

5. As much as I found the trip exhilarating, I would not say it is for everyone.

A) cheerful B) stimulating C) interesting D) charming

6. Three of the five nights were spent in hammocks, which did not suit everyone’s natural contours.

A) outline B) inclinations C) tendency D) shape

7. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.

A) excuse B) cover C) consideration D) protection

8. Reasons for the latest surge of interest in euthanasia are not hard to find.

A) uprising B) upgrading C) increase D) rolling

9. He was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for providing poison to a lonely 83-year-old woman suffering from severe back pains, as well as incipient deafness and blindness.

A) initial B) serious C) deadly D) initiative

10. Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuses.

A) arguments B) reasons C) evidence D) counter-arguments

11. The proposal produced a storm of outrage in France.

A) offense B) indignation C) criticism D) hatred

12. Hitler's horrifying program of exterminating the weakest members of society regularly comes up in European debates on euthanasia.

A) eradicating B) destroying C) extinguishing D) expelling

13. From the time when we first begin to make friends with the opposite sex, to when we start dating and going steady, till we finally take the plunge and get married, few of us realize that we are gambling all along.

A) being intimate B) becoming regular C) getting absorbed D) getting normal

14. To many of us, gambling is, in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy.

A) indifference B) cynicism C) unfeeling D) lack of interest

15. If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience.

A) an instinct B) a persistent desire C) a good idea D) an impulse

16. Ever since then, he had developed an itching palm and got so addicted to gambling that nothing and nobody can stop him.

A) irritating B) annoying C) restless D) uncontrollable

17. We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence.

A) change B) remedy C) modification D) opium

18. This idea is more appropriate today than before.

A) difficult to see B) actually legal C) favored D) suitable

19. The ice will dissolve fast on a warm day like this.

A)freeze B)slip C)melt D) flow

20. New duties were imposed on wines and spirits.

A) removed B) cut C) charged D) checked

21. But whenever a new and fast method of transport comes up, Americans are quick to discard the old.

A) destroy B) improve C) throw away D) decide

22. All foreign troops must withdraw from the country.

A) retire B) retain C) retreat D) revise

23. There was no trace of poison in the coffee the chemist analyzed.

A) indication B) taste C) color D) smell

24. You always follow your own inclinations instead of thinking of our feelings.

A) conducts B) profits C) occupations D) dispositions

25. The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxemburg in hopes of easing the worldwide mad cow panic.

A) crisis B) peril C) hazard D) alarm

Test Two

Section A

6. A washing machine of this type will certainly _____ up to normal domestic use.

A) hold B) stand C) come D) take

7. Passengers are_____ not to leave their cases and packages here.

A) commanded B) informed C) notified D) ordered

8. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?

A) stand in for B) make up for C) fall back on D) keep in with

9. Complete the form as _____ in the notes below.

A) insisted B) specified C) implied D) devised

10. We couldn't ______ the old lady to travel by air.

A) initiate B) inquire C) induce D) indicate

11. A promising executive should be ready to welcome tight ______ and hard work.

A) deposit B) bid C) speed D) budget

12. Guess whom I ______ into this morning.

A) hit B) stepped C) bumped D) met

13. The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.

A) divide B) decide C) diversify D) divert

14. The educational plan will fail because it has no______ .

A) vacation B) version C) vision D) variation

15. Mark offered to help me to learn English .

A) on duty B) in vain C) on purpose D) in earnest

16. The international community imposed ______ on that country for its terrorism.

A) sanctions B) safeguards C) tariffs D) measures

17. Don't be carried away by mere_____ in this matter.

A) sentiment B) sensitivity C) session D) sensation

18. Difficulties and hardships have ______ the best qualities of the young geologist.

A) brought out B) brought about

C) brought forth D) brought up

19. The hall was very crowed with over fifty people ______ into it.

A) pushed B) packed C) stuck D) stuffed

20. If the land belongs to you, why don't you lay ______ to it?

A) label B) demand C) right D) claim

Section B

1. Many laughs followed mundane statements such as “It was nice meeting you, too.”

A) special B) ordinary C) sour D) funny

2. The Chamber of Commerce boosts local business.

A) restrains B) controls C) advances D) oversees

3. In our life, it is likely for us to have some friction with others.

A) conflict B) divergence C) harmony D) connection

4. Masquerading as a mature student, I often sneaked in to the back of the student sessions.

A) serving B) pretending C) escort D) dressing up

5. The Irish people have forged a hatred toward the British government after the Irish famine.

A) produce B) influence C) indulge D) inquiry

6. Other experts concede that some laughter is indeed aggressive in nature.

A) admit B) announce C) assert D) insist

7. If these bad weather conditions persist, the game will be canceled.

A) stay B) continue C) permit D) insist

8. The doctor did not rule out the possibility of food poisoning.

A) foresee B) accept C) exclude D) foretell

9. There are subtle differences between these two words.

A) noticeable B) minor C) reasonable D) enormous

11. A statement issued by the two companies uses the phrase “increased cooperation”, thereby inferring quite accurately that the two firms already work together.

A) claimed B) produced C) predicted D) reported

12. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.

A) developed B) summarized C) exaggerated D) transformed

13. They give top priority to protecting endangered animals.

A) favor B) assistance C) significance D) precedence

14. Most traditional folk songs are of anonymous origin.

A) unknown B) unusual C) indirect D) insignificant


Section A

1.In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeed


A. restless

B. skilled

C. strong

D. versatile

2. It is a(n) ___________ that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease.

A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D) illusion

3. He said that ending the agreement would _________ the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.

A) venture B) expose C) jeopardize D) legalize

4. These continual ________ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.

A) transformations B) relations C) fluctuations D) expeditions

5. The conference discussed, ________, the possibility and measures of environmental pollution protection.

A) all the same B) in the long run

C) among other things D) to the point

6. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.

A) towed B) pressed C) tossed D) propelled

7. Parents often faced the ________ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.

A) paradox B) junction C) dilemma D) premise

8. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his________ as he developed his own technique.

A) descendants B) predecessors C) successors D) ancestors

9. A 1994 World Bank report concluded that ________ girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.

A) assigning B) admitting C) involving D) enrolling

10. It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20- minute meeting.

A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique

11. Professor Smith explained the movement of light___________ that of water.

A) by analogy with B) by virtue of C)in line with D)in terms of

12. The hands on my alarm clock are __________, so I can see what time it is in the dark.

A) exotic B) gorgeous C) luminous D) spectacular

13. The Government’s poli cies will come under close ________ in the weeks before the election.

A) appreciation B) specification C) scrutiny D) apprehension

13. Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _________ to have withdrawn from the program.

A) contemplated B) deemed C) acknowledged D) anticipated

15. Police and villagers unanimously _________ the forest fire to thunder and lightning.

A) ascribed B) approached C) confirmed D) confined

16. You shouldn’t _______ your father’s inst ructions. Anyway he is an experienced teacher.

A) deduce B) deliberate C) defy D) denounce

17. The company management attempted to _______information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain.

A) suppress B) supplement C) concentrate D) plug

18. High grades are supposed to____________ academic ability, but John's actual performance did not confirm this.

A) certify B) clarify C) classify D) notify

19. Millions of people around the world have some type of physical, mental, or emotional __________ that severely limits their abilities to manage their daily activities.

A) scandal B) misfortune C) deficit D) handicap

20. During the famine, many people were __________ to going without food for days.

A. sunk

B. reduced

C. forced

D. declined

21. The team’s efforts to score were __________ by the opposing goalkeeper.

A. frustrated

B. prevented

C. discouraged

D. accomplished

22. The software is a popular tool in business, where it ________ and simplifies such procedures as budgeting.

A) puts on B) puts forward C) takes after D) speeds up

23. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to __________ with some of her most treasured possessions.

A. divide

B. separate

C. part

D. abandon

24. Years after the accident he was still _________ by images of death and destruction.

A) twisted B) dipped C) haunted D) submerged

25. Tom is bankrupt now. He is desperate because all his efforts __________ failure.

A) tumbled to B) hinged upon C) inflicted on D) culminated in

Section B

1. Fears that globalization is imposing a deadening cultural uniformity are as ubiquitous as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and Mickey Mouse these days.

A) troublesome B) enticing C) existing everywhere D) disgusting

2. If critics of gl obalization were less obsessed with “Coca-colonization,” they might notice a rich feast of cultural mixing that belies fears about Americanized uniformity.

A) lies beneath B) disproves C) disapproves D) strengthens

3. The beauty of globalization is that it can free people from the tyranny of geography.

A) restraint B) cruel government C) demoralization D) imposition

4. For a start, many archetypal “American” products are not as all-American as they seem.

A) characteristic B) traditional C) synthetic D) artificial

5. Most of the world has adopted the metric system born from the French Revolution; America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.

A) time-honored B) antique C) outdated D) consistent

6. The biggest publisher in the English-speaking world is Germany’s Bertelsmann, which gobbled up America’s largest, Random House, in 1998.

A) ate quickly B) eroded C) hammered D) annexed

7. People’s culture—in the sense of their shared ideas, beliefs, knowledge, inherited traditions, and art—may scarcely be eroded by mere commercial artifacts that, despite all the furious branding,


《英语语音》考试试卷(A卷、闭卷) I. , (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B. C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. D. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B.

C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . . (15%) ( ) 1. A . ( ) 2. . ( ) 3. / i: / / ? /. ( ) 4. / k / / g / . ( ) 5. , . ( ) 6. . ( ) 7. a . ( ) 8. , . ( ) 9. A a a a . A . ( )10. . . . ( 1 , 20%) 1. () , , , , . , , ; , , . 2. A . 3. : , . 4. , a a , .

5. , : 1) ; 2) . V. . (20%). 1. “” . A. B. C. 2. . , . A. B. C. a 3. . A. B. C. 4. “”, “”, “”“”, “c”“k” . A. B. C. 5. “ .” . A. ’s . B. ’s . C. . 6. I’ . A. B. a C. 7. a ? A. B. C. 8. ? A. B. C. 9. a . A. B. C. ? 10. :


考试须知 1、本次考试试卷有试题册(试卷一)和答题纸(Answer Sheet)两种,答题时间 为120分钟。 2、请考生用钢笔在Answer Sheet上写上姓名、学号、专业班级。 3、请考生在Answer Sheet上答题,写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 4、选择题每题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,在Answer Sheet中找到相应题号,将答案对应字母(A\B\C\D)填写在题号后的括号里。注意保持字迹清晰工整,容易识别。由于字迹潦草、答案模棱两可甚至无法识别者,一律判为0分,责任由考生本人负责。 5、简答题、翻译和作文等主观题部分的答题请考生用钢笔书写在Answer Sheet 指定位置上。 6、考试结束,考生不得将试题册和答题纸带出考场。请把试题册和答题纸分别 上交监考老师。 Test 29 Part I Situational Conversations (10%) Directions:In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center of the corresponding letter. 1. Robert: How annoying. I can’t figure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me? Anderson: __________. A. How stupid you are. The problem is too easy to disturb me. B. Well, I’m afraid I can’t at the moment. C. You shouldn’t feel annoyed. After all,it’s your own problem. D. OK. Though it’s beyond me, let me try. 2. Speaker A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest post office? Speaker B: ________ A. OK. I’d like to go with you. B. Of course. Go down this street and turn le ft. C. Sorry. I’m busy now. Go away. D . No problem. It’s my pleasure to direct you. 3. Customer: I need some aspirin, please, and I'd also like to get this prescription filled.


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


一、填空题(20×1′=20′) 1、社会的基本功能包括、、导向的功能、继承和发展的功能四个方面。 2、评价社会运行状态的三条原则是综合性原则、原则和原则。 3、文化的结构包括、、文化模式三个层次。 4、社会化的主体主要包括家庭、学校、、工作单位、。 5、社会角色的失调有角色冲突、角色不清、、等情况。 6、社会学分层一般采用三种方法,即、、客观法。 7、弗洛伊德的人格发展理论将人格划分为三个部分:、自我、。 8、社会学对社会不平等的研究有两大理论传统:以为理论渊源的理论传统和以理论为理论渊源的理论传统。 9、要想实现机会平等的社会流动,必须同时实现原则和原则。 10、社会控制体系是通过和来实现的。 二、名词解释(5×4′=20′) 1、社会学 2、社会越轨 3、角色距离 4、集合行为 5、业缘关系 三、简答题(5×6′=30′)

1、“虚拟社区”与“实在社区”相比有哪些特点? 2、构成社会问题的要素是什么? 3、如何正确对待西方社会学的社会分层研究? 4、韦伯的三位一体分层模式的基本内容是什么? 5、如何理解社会现代化的基本含义? 四、论述题(2×15′=30′) 1、结合实际案例,试阐述透视社会问题的基本理论视角。 2、如何分析和认识当代中国社会转型期初级群体的衰落? 一、填空题(20×1′=20′) 1、整合的功能、交流的功能。 2、协调性原则、满足需要原则。 3、文化特质、文化丛。 4、同龄群体、大众传播媒介。 5、角色中断、角色失败。 6、主观法、声誉法。 7、本我、超我。 8、马克思阶级理论和韦伯三位一体理论 9、普遍性和自获性 10、社会控制手段和社会控制过程


试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期 酒店管理专业酒店英语期末考试试题 班级:学号:姓名: 2016年6月 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage.


2005 -2006 学年第二学期 《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案 I.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases. (15%) 1. speaks volumes 2. in the vicinity of 3. at his disposal 4. acted as 5. oblivious 不知道的of 6. look up to 7. to no avail 8. follow suit 9. a battery of 10. in lieu of场所 11. unparalleled 12. reassuring 13. circulation 14. significance 15. engulfed II.Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20%)看要求评分 III.Proofreading (10%) The Great Depression first started in the New York Stork Exchange. In the 1920s, there were fatal flaws on the prosperity 1. in of the economy. Overproduction of crops depresses food prices, 2. depressed and farmers suffered. Industrial workers were earning better wages, but they still did not have enough purchased power to continue buying 3.purchasing the flood of goods that poured out of their factories. With profits soar and interest rates low, a great deal of money was available 4.soaring for investment, and much of tha t capital wen t into reckless 5. but speculation. Billions of dollars \that poured into the stock market, and 6 that frantic bidding boosted the price of share far above their real value. 7.shares As long as the market prospered, speculators could make fortunes overnight, but they could be ruined just as quick if stock 8.quickly prices fell. On October 24, 1929 –“Black Thursday” -- a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. Once started, the collapse of shares and other security prices could not be halted. By 1932, thousands of banks and over 100,000 businesses had been failed. Industrial 9. been production was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had increased 60%, new investment was 10. decreased down 90%, and one out of every four was unemployed in the USA. IV.Reading comprehension (25%) 1-5 BCADB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 BAACA V. Text analysis (30%) 看要求评分。


211工程和985计划首批建设的教育部直属全国重点大学,拥有院士人数紧次于北大清华,综合实力网大连续10年排名全国第三。自然科学全国第一、社会科学全国第二。国际声誉全国前茅,1992年以来,南京大学被国际权威的科研检索资料《科学引文索引》(SCI)收 录的论文数连续14年位居中国大陆高校首位,被引用论文数也连续15年位居中国大陆高校第一。 2、东南大学 211工程和985计划首批建设的教育部直属全国重点大学,遂有"北大以文史哲著称、东大 以科学名世"之誉。工科全国五强,全国科研综合实力十强高校之一。 3、南京理工大学 211工程首批建设的全国重点大学,隶属国防科工委。机械工程、电子工程与光电技术、材 料科学与工程国内一流,拥有5个国家重点学科,16个省部级重点学科,11一级学科博士后流动站。在总共15次江苏省高校大学生数学、物理竞赛中,学校获奖人数10次名列第一。 4、南京航空航天大学 211工程首批建设的全国重点大学,隶属国防科工委,有工程院院士7人。在直升机技术、无人驾驶飞机技术、机械制造与自动化等15个研究方向居国内领先水平,结构强度与振动、航空发动机技术、民航交通运输等21个研究方向居国内先进水平。研制并生产了"长空"无 人机系列、云笛无人机、无人驾驶直升机、AD系列轻型飞机等,填补了国内空白,达到国际先进水平。省部级以上科研成果奖数量连续9年居全国高校前10位。 5、河海大学 211工程首批建设的教育部直属全国重点大学,全国首批拥有研究生院的52所高校之一,我国历史上第一所专业培养水利人才的高等学府,拥有3个国家重点学科,8个省部级重点学科。水利工程、土木工程、环境工程,水电工程等全国名列前茅。 6、南京师范大学 211工程首批建设的省属重点大学,有“东方最美丽的高等学府”美誉。是首批具有整体教授审定权的两所高校之一(南北高师之南高师),是我国首批对外开放高校之一,是可以面向 港澳台地区招收本专科生和研究生的高校之一,是国家对外汉语教学基地和首批华文教育基地,与世界上22个国家和地区的72所大学建立了校际交流关系,接受来自122个国家或地区的留学生。学校图书馆藏书250多万册,为江苏省第三大图书馆,仙林校区敬文图书馆为江苏省最大、设施最好的高校图书馆。


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A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.


Final Test for English Majors of 2002 (Advanced English) I. Choose the best answer: 25% 1. She gave thanks for our contribution. A. procure B. profuse C. profound D. prodigious 2. and conspiracy will not succeed; the government will not be defeated. A. Subscription B. Subsidence C. Submission D. Subversion 3. A good friend will not desert one in time of . A. adversary B. adverse C. adversity D. advent 4. The psychiatrist gave that the man was insane at that time. A. evidence B. argument C. witness D. testimony 5. She is a woman of erect and handsome . A. carriage B. figure C. personage D. appearance 6. His with everything we suggest makes it hard to know what he really feels. A. alliance B. compliment C. compliance D. compassion 7. Diligent police work will help crime. A. endorse B. eradicate C. fluctuate D. radiate 8. Nutritionists food into seven basic groups. A. categorize B. clarify C. ratify D. separate 9. Only states are able to make treaties. A. sovereignty B. sovereign C. democratic D. democracy 10. diseases may be spread by viruses and bacteria. A. Deadly B. Mortal C. Fatal D. Infectious 11. His only is an occasional game of golf. A. diversification B. diversion C. diversity D. divergence 12. One of California?s most problems is an inadequate water supply. A. acute B. unusual C. persistent D. unexpected 13. Large areas of Alaskan land remain due to harsh climate. A. inaccessible B. immature C. desolate D. parched 14. Constant interruption of his work him. A. threshed B. tormented C. exasperated D. evaporated


苏州大学社会医学与卫生事业管理 120402社会医学与卫生事业管理2009 招生目录(本专业招生人) 研究方向01卫生事业管理 02医院管理 03卫生政策分析 04卫生法学 初试科目①101政治理论03卫生政策分析 ②201英语 ③604公共管理基础理论 ④806公共部门管理(卫生事业管理学) 参考书目初试: 1、陈振明主编,《公共管理学》,中国人民大学出版社,2005年。 2、梁万年、郝摸主编,《卫生事业管理学》,人民卫生出版社,2003年版。复试: 程晓明主编,《卫生经济学》,人民卫生出版社,2003年版。 同等学力加试参考书目: 方积乾主编,《卫生统计学》,人民卫生出版社2003年版。 达庆东主编,《卫生法学纲要》,复旦大学出版社2004年版。 复试备注复试: 1、卫生经济学(笔试) 2、综合(面试) 同等学力加试科目: ①卫生统计学 ②卫生法学 公共课比较好的复习参考书: 《考研真相》(考研1号英语真题)针对英语基础一般的同学编著,突出表现在词汇的系统注释和长难句的图示解析,超级实用。 《英语考试大纲解析》(教育司)要精细的阅读其要求和样题,最后可以阅读范文 《写作160篇》是目前考研英语写作里话题最全最广的写作书,2012年再度命中作文题,这也是它连续7年命中作文题最主要的原因。 《考研英语词汇+词根+联想记忆》新东方俞敏洪 《阅读基础90篇》王建华张磊第一本专为适合英语水平低于49分者编著的阅读书90篇贯通大纲词汇+长难句系统解析 考研英语3+1特种试卷是第一本兼顾系统精练与临考密押的考研英语模拟题 3套精练试题——系统涵盖所有考点 1套密押试题——直击最新命题信息 《政治考试大纲解析》(教育司) 《任汝芬政治高分复习指导书》全 《数学考试大纲解析》(教育司)知识点很全,作为指导书


Testing Paper Unit 1, 4, 5 Sky:陈人智、吴斌、马琴、苏红光 Group________ Name__________ Score_________ I. Listening (30%) I).Listen to the dialog between Gary and Paul and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear on the recording. (2×5=10) (Unit 1 Part II Listening I) ()1.A.Eating and drinking. B. Dancing to the music. C. Standing around at the party. D. Talking with his girlfriend. ()2.A.Women who stay home doing housework. B. Women who stimulate his intellect. C. Women who pursue their own careers. D. Women who enjoy reading novels. ()3.A. Cleaning and cooking. B. Fixing things around the house. C. Washing the car and collecting the trash. D. Watching television and taking out the garbage. ()4.A.They are the same as his. B. They are quite progressive for the times. C. They reflect the views of earlier generations. D. They were shaped by their own family life. ()5.A. Visit his friend, Bob. B. Remain at the party to try to make new friends. C. Meet a woman who shares his interest in literature. D. Return home alone and spend the night with his dog. II).Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write "T" for True and "F" for False in the spaces provided. (2×5=10) (Unit 4 Part III Practice One) ______6.Women and men play different roles in society because their physical structures are very different. ______7.Girl babies were found to differ a lot from boy babies in birth length, weight and irritability. ______8.Our parents, school, television and the Internet show us how we should behave. ______9.Male cartoon characters are usually more prominent than female characters. ______10.Nowadays, women are no longer expected to play their traditional roles. III).Listen to the interview and complete the following sentences with the exact words you hear(1×10=10) (Unit 1 Part Four Section III) 11. You throw a little boy a ball, and he will try to _______it 12. A baby boy will pick up a stick and _______it_______ a gun 13. When boys play with Barbie dolls, they like to _______their hair_______ 14. Boys couldn't_______ _______ if their hair is untidy 15. Boys grow their fingernails long because they're too _______ to _______ them. 16. At an early age, boys are attracted to _______ II Words and Expressions (40%) 1.assign __________________ 2.culturally__________________ 3.genetic _________________ 4.sex-biased__________________ 5.neatness ________________ 6.nursery_____________________ 7. carry over_______________ 8.fall behind __________________
