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Tommy was a poor man, so he tried to grow as many 1 as he could in his own garden, 2 he would not have to buy so many in the market.

One evening he heard a noise in his garden and 3 the window. A white ox had got into the garden and 4 his vegetables. Tommy at once took his stick, 5 and chased the ox, but he was too old to catch it. When he got back to his garden, he found that the ox had ruined(毁坏)most of his precious vegetables.

6 while he was walking in the street near his house, he saw a cart(马本)

7 two white oxen which looked very much like the one that

8 his vegetables. He was carrying his stick with him,

9 he at once began to beat the two oxen with it. As neither of them looked more like the ox that had eaten his vegetables than 10 , he beat both of them equally hard.

The owner of the ox and cart was drinking coffee in a 11 coffee-house. When he saw what Tommy was doing 12 his animals, he ran out and shouted," What are you doing? What have those poor animals done to you 13 you beat them like that? "

"You keep out this!" Tommy shouted back, "This is a matter 14 me and one of these two oxen. He knows very well 15 I am beating him!"

1. A. trees B. flowers C. vegetables D. apples

2. A. in order to B. so that C. in search of D. because

3. A. looked out at B. looked up C. looked into D. looked out of

4. A. was eating B. ate C. had eaten D. has eaten

5. A. ran into B. ran away C. ran out D. ran out of

6. A. Next day B. Next morning C. Last morning D. The next morning

7. A. Has B. had C. have D. with

8. A. had bought B. had eaten C. had run D. had ruin

9. A. so B. and C. but D. or

10. A. other B. another C. the other D. others

11. A. beside B. nearby C. near D. near by

12. A. on B. to C. in

13. A. tells B. makes C. orders D. gets

14. A. both B. among C. between D. with

15. A. reason B. when C. why D. because





(1)句意:Tommy是一个穷人,因此他尽可能的在自己的花园里种蔬菜。A.树;B.花;C.蔬菜;D.苹果。根据 he would not have to buy so many in the market.他尽量种蔬菜以便不要去市场买,因此用vegetables,蔬菜,故选C。

(2)句意:Tommy是一个穷人,因此他尽可能的在自己的花园里种蔬菜,以便他将不必去市场买很多蔬菜。A.为了B.以便;C.寻找;D.因为。根据 so he tried to grow as many 1 as he could in his own garden,可知他种蔬菜的目的就是为不要去市场买很多蔬菜,后面引导目的状语从句,用so that,以便,故选B。

(3)句意:有一天晚上他听到俩字花园的声音,于是看窗户外。A.向外看;B.向上看,查阅;C.观察;D.从……向外看。根据One evening he heard a noise in his garden可知,他听到花园发出声音,于是从窗户想外看,因此用looked out of,故选D.

(4)句意:一头白色的牛经理花园正在吃他的蔬菜。根据One evening he heard a noise in his garden可知,他听到声音时,公牛正正在吃他的菜,因此用过去进行时,因此用was eating,故选A。

(5)句意:Tommy立即拿棍子跑出去赶牛。A.跑进;B.跑走;C.跑出去;D.用完。根据and chased the ox, 在家看到牛吃菜,先拿棍子,跑出去然后赶牛,因此用ran out,故选C。

(6)句意:第二天早上他走在自己家附近的马路上,看见一头马本带着两头白色牛,它们看起来很像那头吃他的菜的牛。A.第二天,;B.表达错误;C.表达错误;D.第二天早上。next day用于一般将来时,故排除,BC表达错误,排除,故选D。


(8)句意:第二天早上他走在自己家附近的马路上,看见一头马本带着两头白色牛,它们看起来很像那头吃他的菜的牛。A.买;B.吃;C.跑;D.毁坏,破坏。由上文,可知牛吃了他的菜,因此一年had eaten,故选B。




(10)句意:因为它们中没有比另一头更像那头吃他才的牛,于是他用力打它们。A.其它的,后接名词复数;B.(三者或三者以上的)另一个;C.(两者中的)另一个;D.别人。由于两头牛中进行比较,不能区别彼此哪头牛更像那头吃自己菜的牛,用the other,(两者中的)另一个,故选C。


