


一. Greetings and introductions:

1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li!

2. Hello! What’s your name?

Hello! Hello! What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name is ~~

目的: 通过歌曲的形式唱出幼儿的名字,认识幼儿, 调动气氛.

3. Song: Good morning to you.

二. Warming up: If you are happy

首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hurray; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。

三. 主题教学: butterfly

1.教师戴着butterfly头饰伴着音乐飞出来和幼儿打招呼:Hello, butterfly!教Fly high, fly low.

2. 出示白纸和小蝴蝶,幼儿按教师的指令Fly high或fly low把蝴蝶贴在纸上方或下方.

3. 给予头饰,一群蝴蝶Fly high(站起), fly low(蹲下).

4. 律动: Fly, butterfly

Fly, fly, the butterfly, in the meadow is flying high, in the garden is flying low, fly, fly, the butterfly.

四: 游戏

两名教师拉着网,幼儿在网下飞过, 音乐停时,下网抓蝴蝶.

五. 认识字母b和图蝴蝶

六. 再见歌



1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li.

2. Song: Good morning to you!

首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问候。二.Warming up: If you are happy

首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。三.复习上一课:butterfly, 发头饰做律动


1.首先把一颗花生藏于手心,让幼儿猜猜是在了left hands或right

hands, 引出单词,变出后教单词。

2.出示大花生,小花生,教big peanut, small peanut, big peanut放大

碗,small peanut放在小碗里,边放边说small peanut, big peanut。


4.律动:Find a peanut

5.Find a peanut, find a peanut, find a peanut, just now. Find a peanut,

find a peanut, find a peanut, just now.





2.Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake

hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li.

3.Song: Good morning to you!

首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问候。

三.Warming up: If you are happy

首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音




2.先在纸上画圆,让幼儿想象猜测是什么,引出单词,教单词。3.出示各种各样的圆形玩具,让幼儿拿着感知并边说circle. 4.出示感统圆圈道具,有大有小,教small circle, big circle ,把圆圈排队,让幼儿边说出英语边跳到相应的圈中;把圆圈乱放,让幼儿听指令跳到相应的圈中。

5.律动:Small circle, big circle

Small circle, Small circle, Small circle, big circle, this is Mama, this is Papa, waving goodbye, six times six, six times six, thirty-six, six times six, six times six is many. Teddy bear.





1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li.

2. Song: Good morning to you!

首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问候。二.Warming up: If you are happy

首先教师说claps your引导幼儿说hands, 教师说stamp your 引导幼儿说feet, 教师说shout 引导幼儿说hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。



1. 先用英语加姿体动作描述大象的长鼻子和大耳朵特征,出示


2. 教词组,引导幼儿做long nose,边说:elephant, elephant, elephant, long nose, long nose

3. 带头饰做律动:

Elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long? That’s because my mother’s nose is also long.

Elephant, elephant, who do you like most of all? Let me think I like my mother of all.







一. Greetings:

1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine.

2. Song: Hello! How are you?

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? I am fine. I am fine. Thank you! Thank you very much.

二. Warming up: Clap our hands.

1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动.

三. 复习上一课: elephant

1. 出示大象,复习long nose, big ear

2. 发头饰, 跟音乐做律动.

四. 主题: spider

1. 出示蜘蛛的模型或图片, 引出单词, 数一数蜘蛛的爪子和说说颜色black spider, 出示一些其他黑的东西, 强调black.

2. 让幼儿伸出手做蜘蛛, 做律动: The eensy weensy spider

The eensy weensy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up. All the rain and the eensy weensy spider went up the spout again.

五. 游戏: 手脚撑地爬行比赛

六. 认识字母S

七. 再见歌


一. Greetings:

1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine.

2. Song: Hello! How are you?

二. Warming up: Clap our hands.

1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动.

三. 复习上一课: spider

1. 出示spider摸一摸, 复习单词.

2. 听音乐做律动.

四. 主题: airplane

1. 教师拟声做airplane样飞出或折一架纸飞机放出, 引出单词.

2. 纸飞机飞到谁的面前谁就说airplane或说了再把纸飞机飞到他面前,(教师幼儿可围成圈)

3. 律动: My little airplane

Fly shall we fly, we’ll be up and away, up in the sky, up in the air in our little airplane. We’ll be reaching the blue sky. Reach the rainbow end. Fly small we fly, we’ll be up and away under the sun, how are you? How do you do?

五. 游戏:

用跳跳床, 让幼儿飞高时上跳跳床, 飞低时下来.

六. 认识字母a

七. 再见歌


一. Greetings:

1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine.

2. Song: Hello! How are you?

二. Warming up: Clap our hands.

1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动.

三. 复习上一课: airplane

1. 出示airplane, 让幼儿回忆歌词

2. 跟着音乐做律动

四. 主题: rainbow

1. 教师用蜡笔画rainbow, 让幼儿想象, 引出单词, 教单词.

2. 教rainbow上的颜色: red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple and blue. 可出示些其他的东西教颜色.

3. 律动: I can sing my rainbow song

Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue, I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too. Listen with your ears. Oh, listen with your ears and sing everything you see. You can song a rainbow song, sing a rainbow song, sing a rainbow song with me.

五: 游戏: 彩虹伞


六. 认识字母S

七. 再见歌


一. Greetings:

1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine.

2. Song: Hello! How are you?

二. Warming up: Clap our hands.

1. 首先教师说clap your引导幼儿说hands, raise your引导幼儿说arms, raise your引导幼儿说legs, touch your 引导幼儿说toes, shake our引导幼儿说hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动.

三. 复习上一课: rainbow

1. 出示蜡笔和纸画rainbow, 复习单词和颜色.

2. 跟音乐做律动.

四. 主题: sheep

1. 教师拿手偶拟声出来和幼儿打招呼, 引出单词.

2. 让幼儿伸出手做羊的角边说: sheep sheep sheep, mie mie mie, 还可强调black sheep.

3. 膝盖跪地, 手撑地做sheep样, 摇摇屁股.律动: Baa, Baa, black sheep.

Baa, Baa, black sheep have you any wool, Yes, sir, Yes, sir three bags

full, one for the master, and one for the dame, but none for the little boy (girl) that cried in the lane.

五. 游戏

膝盖跪地, 手撑地爬行去吃青草, 吃完再爬回来, 看谁最快.

六. 认识字母b

七. 再见歌



特色材料 哈尔滨市永源中学 田素刚

英语阅读课教学设计 一、本课在教材的地位与作用: 本课在教材中是本话题的第三部分,重点在于培养学生的阅读和写作能力,同时,本课学习的好与坏影响到写关于音乐方面作文的水平。所以,本课的学习对于学生练习相关的写作有很大的作用。 二、教学目标: 1、本课的主要教学目标是培养学生的阅读和写作能力,在学 习的过程中教师要适度地讲阅读的方法和写相关文体的写作要领。 2、培养学生良好的阅读和写作能力,应该是能够与现实的学习环境相适应的。 3、通过本课的学习使学生对音乐方面的知识有一定的了解并能够初步培养良好的音乐爱好。 三、教学重点: 本课的教学重点是训练学生的阅读和写作能力。 四、教学难点: 学习有实际效果的阅读和写作方法 五、教学方法: 自主探究及小组合作的教学方式。 六、教学工具:多媒体计算机 七、教学过程: 1、教学预备 出示给学生两组有关乐队的图片,让他们猜测是谁。主要通过听音乐的方式进行,这样能够引起学生的学习热情和兴趣。

2、在学生看图片及听音乐的过程中,利用图片进行阅读文章中生词的处理,主要是通过猜词的方式进行。以此来解除后面阅读的生词障碍。Can you guess the meanings of the words in red ? There are four member s in the band “ The Flowers ” . And they are good musician s. Now they aren ' tin the same band ,but they continue to make nice music for us. band n 乐队,乐团 member n person of a group 成员 musician n person who makes music 乐师,乐手,音乐家continue v go on 继续 这个环节也是对学生生词处理能力的再提高。这个部分是由学生都很熟悉的花儿乐队和s.h.e 两个乐队的音乐的欣赏来引出课文内容U2 乐队。这样设计的目的在于激发学生学习的兴趣,烘托良好的课堂气氛。 3、对课文进行第一次的快读。此环节设计出两个能够引起学生阅读兴趣的问题,以此来组织学生进行第一遍的快读。Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions. 1. _______________ The band U2 is Rock band 財folk band □ popular band □ 2. _______________________ Their famous songs are Beautiful Day and Walk On

一年级英语下册 Unit2 lesson1教案 新蕾快乐英语

Unit 2 Food Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.知识目标:熟练掌握单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken 2.能力目标:Teach some sentences about food. What do you like? I like hamburgers, what about you? I like rice. 3.情感目标:通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演等形式多样的活动激发学生英语的兴趣。 过程与方法: 通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演等形式多样的活动让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。 教学重点:熟练掌握并拼写单词:A hamburger, noodles, rice, vegetables, chicken 教学难点:能够在日常生活中用What do you like? I like hamburgers, what about you? I like rice.等等来讨论食物。 教学工具:Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程: Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins. P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs: Dinner time Chant: Chicken and rice.


快乐英语第六册全册教案2 period plan unit title:what do you do every day?time 3lesson 2teaching aimsⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. ⅱ. introduce own time of work and rest to the others: i…at…ⅲ. enable them to perform the “learn to say”skillfully. ⅳ. enable them to write own timetable of work and rest in english. important points: enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. teaching toolsⅰ. a cartoon clock. ⅱ. several cards and pictures with the phrases, time, sentence patterns. ⅲ. billy’s timetable. ⅳ. everyone prepares a piece of paper and several colored pencils. key points grasp the sentence pattern “i…at…”difficult points enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. teaching process the activities of the teacher the activities of the studentsⅰ.warming-up: ⅲ. simon says: get up, eat


英语阅读课教学设计 滨海县大套中学水克祥 一、教材依据 本课时选择的是《牛津初中英语》七年级上Unit4 Food,主要围绕本单元中心任务“ Food and lifestyles”而展开的。这篇文章主要讲述了Kitty 和Daniel 过去和现在的饮食和生活习惯,通过比较,让学生明白什么是健康饮食和生活习惯。 二、教学原则与理念 1 实行课堂教学任务化,任务生活化,评价方式过程化,以学生为主体,以话题为主 线,以任务为中心。 2 教学设计突出学生的主体地位,尊重学生个体差异。 3 灵活使用、整合教学资源,优化教学效果。 三、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)词汇:扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇 (2)日常交际用语: 1. What is your favorite food? 2. I like/dislike …… 2. 能力目标 (1)根据图片猜测大意 (2)掌握模仿主题进行描述的技巧,练习了解文章大意,快速浏览查找细节的快速阅读技巧 3. 情感目标 创造机会,鼓励学生用所学的英语知识合作交流,共同完成任务,使他们体验成功,激发学习英语兴趣。 4. 德育目标 通过本文学习增强学生健康意识,使他们明白生活中不能挑食,要珍惜粮食,养成优良的生活方式。 四、教学重点掌握文章中的词汇和理解课文内容,掌握阅读的技巧。 五、教学难点 明白健康饮食和优良生活习惯的重要性

六、教学准备 1. 教师:挂图、录音机、小黑板、实物(水果、素菜、饮料……) 2. 学生:课前词汇预习;健康食物、生活习惯资料收集笔录。 七、教学过程: Step 1: Warming - up (热身) (一)Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech : “Whats my favourite food ? ” 设计思路:每天都有值日生报告,可以锻炼学生的书写和口头表达能力,另外,在交流过程中,也互相锻炼了学生的听力水平。同时,活跃了课堂气氛。 (二) 1. Revise some names of food (Let the students speak freely.) 2. To show the students beautiful pictures of food during the talking .The teacher can write some of them on the blackboard, especially some new words: fruit, sweet, coke, bread, meat, juice. 3. To ask the students to ask and answer : “What is it ? ”, “Do you like it ? ” ,then discuss: “(1)What food can we? e a(t2a) Wlothich is your favorite food? Why? 设计思路: ( 1)让学生自由回答,复习已学了的食物名称,满足学生表现的欲望,进一步活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。 (2)通过形象直观图片教学,激活旧知识,为学习新知识做铺垫。 (3)通过有趣的话题极大地激发学生的好奇心,为进入正文教学打下基础。让他们参与 初步讨论,知道哪些才是正确的饮食。 Step 2: Pre-listening( 听读) 1. First, let the students look at the photos on Page 60. 2. Second, listen to the tape and read the articles about Kitty and Daniel and tell the teacher who is healthy. 设计思路: 听和读都是获取信息的有效途径,通过边听边读(默读)初步感知文 章内容培养学生快速概括文章主题能力


Unit 1 Toys Teaching aims: 1. Acquire the new words about toys and the new sentences: I have a new car. 2. The students are required to be able to speak and use these newwords freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life. 3. The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themselves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boring job. Teaching main : 1. The new words about toys and the new sentences: I have a new car. 2. The chant and the song. Teaching difficult: It ' s difficult for students to master these sentences well and pronounce them correctly. Teaching aids: A recorder, tapes, cards and some toys Lesson 1 Teaching aim: I have a toy car. Key-point: A toy car Teaching methods: 1 Do pair work. 2 Have a match Teaching aids: A tape recorder some toys Teaching process: Step 1.Warming-up


北师大蚌埠附校英语月考卷(一年级) 姓名: 班级: 一、根据例子看图选单词,在所选单词的序号上画圈。(每题3分,共18分) 二、听音看图选单词。(每题3分,共18分) 1. ( ) A. B. 2.( )A. B. 3.( ) A. B. 4. ( )A. B. 5.( )A. B. 6. ( ) A. B. 1. A.cat B. dog C. monkey 2. A. pencil B. dog C. rabbit 3. A. eye B. ear C. rabbit 4. A. monkey B. desk C. bag 5. A. lion B. tiger C. bag 6 . A. hello B. hand C. panda

三、看单词,找对应的中文,把相应的中文序号填到左边的括号内。(每题3分,共24分) A.()Mickey Mouse 1.熊猫 B. ()lion 2.老虎 C. ()tiger 3.猪 D. ()monkey 4.兔子 E. ()rabbit 5.猴子 F. ()cow 6.狮子 G. ()pig 7.奶牛 H. ()panda 8.米老鼠 四、情景填空。(每题4分,共20分) ( ) 1. 清晨,你在路上看到去上学的同学,你会怎么说? A.I’m fine. B. Let’s go to school. C. Happy Teacher's Day ( ) 2. 看到一个你不知道的东西,你想问别人“这是什么?”你要说什么? A. What’s that? B. Hello ! C. What’s this? ( ) 3. 早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning.”。你会说: A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon ! C. Morning ! ( ) 4. 表示感谢,应说: A. Oh, sorry. B. Thank you. C. Excuse me. ( ) 5. 当别人对你表示感谢,你想要回答“没关系,不用谢”,你应该说: A.Bye. B. Hi C. That’s OK. 五、为下列句子选择正确译文。(每题4分,共20分) ( ) 1. Let’s go to school. A:让我们去做游戏吧。B:让我们去学校吧。 ( ) 2. Nice to see you. A:很高兴见到你。B:你好吗? ( ) 3. What’s this? A:这是什么?B:那是什么? ( ) 4. What’s that in English? A: 这个用英语怎么说?B:那个用英语怎么说? ( ) 5. You’re right. A:对。B:在你右边。


学段目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使学生们建立初步学习英语的自信心;培养他们一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,并初步打下良好的书写基础;培养良好的学习习惯;培养他们初步使用英语进行简单的日常交际能力。同时注重培养学生的观察力、记忆力、想象力和创造力。

Unit 1 Hello 教学目标: ⒈学生能在教师的带领下进行上课问候。并会用hello 打招呼;会说 stand up , sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 ⒉学生能够听懂教师在课堂上的一般英语发令方式,如class begins, hands up, class is over等。 ⒊学生能够了解英语在国际事务中的地位以及以英语为母语的国家。 4.学生可以在操练游戏中产生对英语学习的兴趣。 教学重点、难点: 会用Hello打招呼,并作自我介绍;会说 stand up ,sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 课时安排: 6课时

课前小研究自制一个头像卡课题Lesson 1 part1 教学目标知识目标:学会并运用Hello!和Hello! I'm … 能力目标:会用Hello!与人打招呼,并介绍自己。情感目标:要求尊敬师长,礼貌待人。 重难点运用Hello!和Hello! I'm …来介绍自己。Hello!的发音。 学习方式小组合作 教具、课件录音机、图片、玩具、书。 教师活动多媒体运用学生活动 教学过程Step1导言 1.走进教师,热情向学生挥手并说: “Hello!” 2介绍学习英语的重要性。 Step2 Presentation 1用Hello!打招呼,并板书Hello! 2边说英文边解释。 3师指自己用“I'm Miss/ Mr …” 介绍自己。 4用图片介绍介绍单词:Miss,Mr. Step3 Practice 1、Look and listen. 2、Listen and point. 3、Read the dialogue. Step4 Consolidation 1表演对话。 2学唱歌曲。 Step5 Homework 对所学的对话进行交际与应用。 录音机 大屏 投影机 1.引导学生说Hello! 2.听、想 1.看,想其意。 2.听课堂用语,齐读、男生读、女 生读。 3.记、想大意。 练读 1.听、看。 2.听、指。 3.分角色朗读 1.几组到前面表演。 2.齐学歌 板书设计 Lesson 1 Hello! I'm Linda. Miss/Mr×. 小 测 试 连线 Hello 林老师 Miss Lin 琳达 Linda 你好 教学反思


英语阅读课教案设计 【篇一:傲慢与偏见英语阅读课教学设计】 lesson plan 1. material analysis this text is an excerpt, “the proposal”, from a famous novel, pride and prejudice text type: narration structure: (para 1) dr. darcy proposed. (para 2) elizabeth was surprised and declined. (para 3-8) dr. darcy asked for the reason why he was turned down and elizabeth told him the reasons against marrying dr. darcy. (para 9-11) dr. darcy and elizabeth both grew angry. dr. darcy was heart-broken and left hastily. vocabulary: in vain, decline, arrogant, at length, enquire, against one’s will, think ill of, do everything in one’s power, rejoice, hastily. illustration: a picture of the opera, pride and prejudice task: watching the video, skimming and answering questions, careful reading, filling the form, making a dialogue 2. student analysis students of the second year of senior high school may have already read the translation version of the pride and prejudice, or at least have heard about this story so it is proper to introduce this topic- proposal at this time. their interests in romance, relationship at this age make it easier to involve them in the class. student’ critical thinking have developed to some extent, they will be able to think about the situation elizabeth was confronted with and find out the reasons for her marrying or against marrying dr. darcy. the tense of this text is mainly pastsimple tense and present simple tense, so student and understand this text as long as the new words of the text are learned beforehand. therefore, the focus of this reading lesson will be guiding the student to analyze the situation that elizabeth was faced with. 3. teaching objectives by the end of this lesson, students will be able to:


Lesson1 What’s this in English? 1) THE FIRST CLASS Teaching objects and demands: Can listen, say the new words: cat, dog, rabbit. Teaching important /difficult points: Stimulate students interest in learning Teaching procedure: STEP 1 Warm-up 1.The free-talk T: Hello, boys and girls, welcome back to school! S : Hello, Miss Zheng . T: Nice to meet you . S: Nice to meet you , too. 2、Roll call: T call Ss’s name, Ss say “I’m here”. 3.T: OK. Next we will review some part we learned past. So listen and act. ( Teaching intention : Firstly, the students can be interested in English by singing and acting. Secondly, review the old knowledge and lay a foundation. ) STEP 2 Presentation 1.the presentation of the new words T look like a cat. Then ask: What’s it? Guide instruction word“cat” The teacher show the picture of cat and teach to read. Use the picture learn the new words one by one. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Using the same method of teaching the words: dog、rabbit. 2. Practice 1)T say Ss do some action like this: T: Look at the cat/ dog/rabbit. Ss: Miao、miao、miao/Wang、wang、wang/ Jump、jump、jump. 2)Guessing: One S act, the other Ss guess. 3、Homework: Write the words on exercise book Teaching Reflection: 2) THE SECOND CLASS Teaching objects and demands: 1.Can listen, say the new words: cat, dog, rabbit. 2.Can listen 、say and understand the sentences: 1) Let’s go to school.

江苏省滨海县第一初级中学七年级英语下学期《快乐英语》阅读教学案3(无答案) 牛津版

《快乐英语》阅读 课题: The Master Maid Teaching aims: 1.To b e able to improve reading skills in different ways of reading. 2.To skim the text and key information from the article. 3.To learn some words and get the main idea of the story. 4.To be able to guess the meanings of new words from the context. Teaching important and difficult points: 1.The main idea in each article. 2.How to understand the meanings of new words from the context. Teaching period: One period Teaching procedures: While-reading Step 1 Read Chapter 1 and answer: A. Answer the following questions. 1. What was Leif like? 2. What was Leif’s father’s advice? 3. What did the troll ask Leif to do the first day? Step 2 Read Chapter 2 and answer the following questions. 1.What work did the troll give Leif the second day? 2.Did Leif tell the troll that he went to see the Master Maid? Step 3 Read Chapter 3 and answer the following questions. 1. What was Leif’s third work? 2. Did Leif fall in love with the Master Maid? 3. What did the Master Maid tell Leif to do? 4. What did Leif say first? What happened to him? Step 4 Read Chapter 4 and answer the following questions. 1. What did the troll want to do with Leif? 2. What did the Master Maid put into the pot? 3. What did she take with t hem when they escape? 4. Did Le if change at last? Did he listen to others now? 5. What happened to Leif and the Master Maid in the end? B. Decide the following questions whether they are true or false. If it is true, write “T”,



初中课堂教学展示:初中英语阅读教学课堂观察记录 学校:三中时间:2011年5月12日教学内容:7BU5 Reading (1) 执教人:诸翠华(三中)黄昭福(二中) 观察点一:教学目标、教学重难点的确立及实施方法、解决途径 课堂观察人:高小春(东中初一备课组长) 2

诸翠华老师 三中诸翠华老师:这节课教学目标明确,教学重难点突出,诸老师通过课件图片展示,解读了本节课的教学重点词汇,实施的方法直观性强,贴近学生现实生活的场景,为学生描写火灾进行了充足的词汇和素材方面的准备。其次,诸老师用小黑板展示了本节课的重点词汇,进一步巩固了教学内容的重点。第三,通过二读让学生对问题的回答,句子的正误判断进一步解决了教学重点。第四,通过三读让学生根据课文内容填词,解决了本节课的教学难点。最后用一个Task:Let’s discuss把本节课的教学目标和情感能力目标有机的结合在一起。 黄昭福老师 二中黄昭华老师:这节课教学目标明确,教学重难点确立到位。黄老师通过一段火灾的视频,教师提问:If there is a fire, what should we do? 如拨打119,尽快冲出火场,用打湿的棉被裹住身体等情景实施了教学手段,方法新颖,教学设计完美,解决突破了本节课的教学重点。其次通过问题回答,True or false判断,put the following sentence in the right 3

order 进一步解决突破了本节课的教学重点和难点,最后通过Free talk,让学生思考怎样预防火灾,把本节课的教学目标和情感能力目标有机地结合在一起,教学效果更好! 观察点二:教学内容与教学方法(教什么与怎么教) 课堂观察人:姜爱花(二中教研组长) 诸翠华老师 1、以图片形式呈现,教授新单词。 2、教师针对阅读内容设计几个焦点性问题指导学生带着问题快速阅读课文。 3、教师通过设计3个任务引导学生逐步仔细阅读课文,使学生进一步加深对文章的理解,运用搜寻式阅读技巧。 4、最后,设置了讨论,对学生进行安全教育和情感教育。 黄昭福老师 1、以图片形式复习上节课主要词汇。 2、以图片呈现话题fire,What do you think of fire? 把这一开放性话题留给学生,让学生开始思考。 3、以生活中的图片呈现新单词,学生很感兴趣。 4


Unit 1 Looks 【教学目标】 1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用。 2.需要掌握的词汇:tall, short, young, looks, old 3.学习使用本课重点句型: (1)Let's have a talk. (2)My father is short. (3)Is he strong ? 4.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达。 5.培养学生对英文学科的兴趣。 6.增强学生听说读写译的能力。 【教学重点】 在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,并了解其中的语法现象,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型语法学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 【教学难点】 学生处于小学阶段,对英语有了初步了解,词汇储备较少,对于学生的要求难点是在会读,会说的基础上,能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,了解一定的语法内涵,与人进行简单沟通交流。 【教学方法】 1.音频,情景教学法。 2.Pair-work两人小组活动,Group-work小组活动,多媒体辅助教学。【教学准备】 课件、图片素材、音频文件、教学道具。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Greeting. 教师和学生之间,进行喜好讨论,例如:外貌特征。

Step 2.Warm-up/Leading. 教师通过多媒体教学课件,播放和本次主题有关的图片。 (1)你如何向别人介绍自己的特征 (2)自主探究:Is he tall? Is she tall? Step 3.Presentation. 1.Words Learning. (1)老师放映课件,用中文询问同学看到了什么?同学们会看到课件上呈现的图画。 (2)教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词。 2.Pronunciation Part. (1)老师介绍本课重点单词读音及重点音标,带领同学大声朗读。 (2)然后老师带领同学进行拓展学习,介绍一些该音标构成的其他单词。 3.Vocabulary Part. 教师教授重点词汇:looks, look at, strong, old 4.Listening Part. 请听课文内容,并回答课文内的相关问题! (1)Is he strong? 5.Reading Part. (1)教师立足于课本,引导学生学习课本上的课文。 (2)教师向同学解释课文内容,并让学生反复听读,学习模仿。 教师:“Listen to the tape, and read aloud these sentences!”。 Step 4.Summary. 学生自我总结今天上课所学内容。 【课堂练习】 1.原文填空。 Let' _____have a tall. My father is_____. Yes, he is_____. Is she old? 2.互译


快乐英语测试五 姓名:________ 分数:_______ 一、选出与其他单词不同的一项。( 12分) ( ) 1 A school B cat C rabbit ( ) 2 A elephant B fox C long ( ) 3 A yellow B car C white ( ) 4 A kite B brown C black ( ) 5 A Linda B Tome C pig ( ) 6 A look B draw C giraffe 二、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1 -- Good morning . --___. A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning. C. Ok. ( ) 2 Look ______ my new kite. A. down B. at C. on ( ) 3 --What color is it ? -- It’s ________. A. me B. a book C. blu e ( ) 4 --What’s that ________English ? -- A cat. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 5 -- Let’s go to school. -- __. A. You’re right. B. Thank you C. All right. ( ) 6. It _______ a long nose. A. is B. have C. has ( ) 7. Color it _________ A. balloon B. blue C. a black ( ) 8 --What color do you like ? -- I like _ _, A. cars B. lions C. green. ( ) 9. Show _______ your book A. my B. I C. me ( ) 10. Can I _______ you ? A. helping B. help C to help 三.读一读,填一填(10分) What may do I is 1. ________ color is it? 2. ________ I have a look? 3. What color _______ you like? 4. Can _______ help you? 5. What color _______ your bag? 四、选择下列问句相对应的答语。(5分) ( ) 1. How are you ? A. It’s red. ( ) 2.What’s this in English? B. Sure. ( ) 3. What color is it ? C. Fine, thank you. ( ) 4. Shall we go to the zoo ? D. I like blue. ( ) 5. What color do you like ? E. I t’ an elephant. 五、根据所给情景,选择正确答案。(5分) ()1 你想询问对方这个物品用英语怎么说时,你会说:___________ A. What’s that ? B. What’s that in English ? C. What’s this in English ? ( ) 2 你想和朋友一起去动物园时,你会说:____________ A Let’s go to school. B Let’s draw pictures. C. Shall we go to t he zoo? ( ) 3 当你想夸这只动物很可爱时,你会说:____________ A How lovely ! B. Good girl. C. Sure. ( ) 4 当售货员询问你想买什么东西时,你会说:_________ A. A pencil, please B. Ok. C. That’s all right. ( ) 5.我们去商店,售货员会对我们说: A.Can I help you? B. Can I have a look? C May I have a look? 六、为下列划线部分的词组选择正确翻译。(5分) ()1. Look at my robot. A.我的机器人 B 你的机器人 C 我的洋娃娃 ()2 Draw a car. A.画一辆小轿车 B 画一个所气球 C 画一个球


英语阅读教学设计 上好英语阅读课,首先要有好的阅读教学设计,好的英语阅读教学设计是提高教学质量和效率的保证。下面,我谈谈自己的一堂阅读课的教学设计。 一、对教材的理解 1.教材的地位和作用 这是第四单元的第二课时阅读课,围绕慈善演出展开话题。阅读是一个单元语言输入较为集中的环节,阅读中的教学活动主要围绕阅读材料本身的内容展开活动。阅读后的活动旨在让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点的学习等形式进一步加深对文章的理解。同时,通过本课阅读的学习,教育学生做一个有爱心的人。本单元又是8b 第二模块“权利和责任”(rights and responsibilities)的第一个单元,是后三个单元的基础。 2.教学目标 知识目标:掌握一些新的单词success, event, charity, fans等;了解一些词组及句型的用法。 能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力以及运用不同的阅读方法解答问题;初步了解做义演主持人的一些常识。 情感目标:教育学生做有爱心的人,树立正确的人生价值观。 3.重、难点分析 学生如何用自己的话讨论自己对慈善事业的看法;如何调动学生主动参与课堂的积极性;对文章进行整体感知时,大部分学生很难用

准确的语言概括。 教学设备:多媒体;话筒、吉他等一些舞台用具;几张大的英语卡片。 二、学情分析 学生对主持人话题比较感兴趣,大部分学生在课堂上能够积极主动的接受知识。但由于这是本单元的第二课时,又是权利和义务三个单元的第一个单元,学生的词汇积累量还不丰富,在课堂上,部分学生不能够运用英语来表达自己的思想。 三、教学方法 情景教学法:通过观看与慈善相关的资料,调动学生的学习兴趣, 激起学生情感上的共鸣,最大程度地调动学生参与到整个教学活动中,促进学生的语言能力及情感、意志、想象力、创造力等整体发展。 任务型教学法:让学生带着任务去阅读有利于提高学生阅读的效果。这种设计符合《英语课程标准》倡导的任务型的教学模式,使得学生在老师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。小组讨论、合作法:让学生在互动中互相启发,发生思维的碰撞。这就要求学生从听众变为参与者,主动地从教师设计的活动中发现问题、找出规律,最终感受到学习的快乐。同时注意保证每个学生都有机会参与学习,培养学生与伙伴合作的意识和策略,提高人际交往能力。 四、教学过程 巧创情景,自然导入


新蕾快乐英语二年级上册教案 Unit 1 Toys Lesson 1 教学目标: 熟练掌握单词:A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 教学重点: 熟练掌握单词A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks 教学难点: 能够在日常生活中用How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 等来表达问候 媒体手段使用:Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins. P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up :

Sing songs: A,B,C Chant: One two three four, come in plsase and close the door Five six seven eight go to school and don’t be late. Nine ten nine ten learn English again and again. Step 3 New class presentation: Revision: Arrange a game. to practice How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. (拓展fantastic!) Show the words cards Read after the teacher Make a chant: I have a toy truck, it’s a nice toy truck. I have a ….. , it’s a nice . Practice by themselves Have a match Let’s the children run to the blackboard point the picture. and say: I have a … it’s a nice …. Sing a song to end the class
