时代 最佳100本 中英文 小说

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评选人是《时代》评论家Lev Grossman和Richard Lacayo,评选时限为1923年(《时代杂志》创刊的年份)至今,范围是全世界,语种是英语。100部小说名单如下(依篇名字母排序):

PS:最近新增 Brideshead Revisited [旧地重游] A Death in the Family I, Claudius[我,克劳迪

斯]Possession:A Romance[占有:一段罗曼史] Atonement[赎罪] Gravity's Rainbow[万有引力之虹] The Crying of Lot 49[拍卖第49号] Rabbit Run[兔子,跑吧] White Noise[白噪音] The Sun Also Rises[太阳照样升起] The Heart of the Matter[事情的核心/问题的核心] The Power and the Glory[权力与荣耀] Snow Crash[雪崩] Things Fall Apart[瓦解/生命中不可承受之重] Invisible Man[隐形人] The Adventures of Augie March[奥吉·马奇历险记] Lucky Jim[幸运的吉姆] A House for Mr.Biswas[毕斯瓦思先生之屋] Gone with the Wind[飘] A Clockwork Orange[发条橙子] The Heart is a Lonely Hunter[心是孤独的猎手] White Teeth[白色的牙齿] Pale Fire[幽冥的火] Never Let Me Go[别让我走] To the Lighthouse[到灯塔去]、Mrs. Dalloway[达罗薇夫人]

The Adventures of Augie Marchby Saul Bellow

All the King’s Menby Robert Penn Warren

American Pastoral[美国牧歌]by Philip Roth

An American Tragedy[美国悲剧]by Theodore Dreiser

Animal Farm[动物农庄]by George Orwell

Appointment in Samarraby John O’Hara

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaretby Judy Blume The Assistantby Bernard Malamud

At Swim-Two-Birdsby Flann O’Brien

Atonementby Ian McEwan

Beloved[宠儿]by Toni Morrison ,pdf

The Berlin Storiesby Christopher Isherwood

The Big Sleep[夜长梦多]by Raymond Chandler

The Blind Assassin[盲人杀手]by Margaret Atwood Blood Meridian[血色子午线]by Cormac McCarthy Brideshead Revisited [旧地重游] by Evelyn Waugh TheBridgeofSan LuisReybyThorntonWilder

Call It Sleepby Henry Roth

Catch-22[第二十二条军规]by Joseph Heller

The Catcher in the Rye[麦田里的守望者]by J.D. Salinger

A Clockwork Orange[发条橙子]by Anthony Burgess

The Confessions of Nat Turnerby William Styron

The Correctionsby Jonathan Franzen

The Crying of Lot 49[拍卖第49号]by Thomas Pynchon

A Dance to the Music of Timeby Anthony Powell

The Day of the Locustby Nathanael West

Death Comes for the Archbishop[大主教之死]by Willa Cather A Death in the Familyby James Agee

The Death of the Heartby Elizabeth Bowen

Deliveranceby James Dickey

Dog Soldiersby Robert Stone

Falconerby John Cheever The French Lieutenant’s Womanby John Fowles The Golden Notebookby Doris Lessig

Go Tell it on the Mountainby James Baldwin

Gone With the Wind[飘]by Margaret Mitchell

The Grapes of Wrath[愤怒的葡萄]by John Steinbeck

Gravity’s Rainbowby Thomas Pynchon

The Great Gatsby[了不起的盖茨比]by F. Scott Fitzgerald

A Handful of Dust[一掬尘土]by Evelyn Waugh

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter[心是孤独的猎手]by Carson McCullers

The Heart of the Matter[事情的核心/问题的核心]by Graham Greene
