



《U n i t5+K e e p+i t+u p ,+X i e+L e i》R e a d i n g


Book 7 Unit5 Travelling abroad

Teaching Plan

Reading-Keep it up, Xie Lei

Chinese student fitting in well


Ⅰ. Reading type: Intensive reading

Ⅱ.Teaching material analysis: It’s a passage which is about Xie Lei’s

university study and life in London.【Teaching aims】

1.Ss will be able to learn about the differences between life at a Chinese university and that at a foreign one.

2.Ss will be able to learn how to deal with problems that they would face and

build up the confidence of learning English.

Teaching important and difficult points:

Help Ss to summarize the benefits and difficulties of living in a foreign country. 【Teaching procedures】

Step 1Pre-reading

1.Recent years,more and more Chinese students have chosen to study abroad.It has become a tendency.Do you think it is a good thing or notWould you like to study in a foreign countryWhy or why not

(the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad)

Suggested answers:

ADV ANTAGES DISADV ANTAGES help us to be independent cost a lot of money

be easier to learn a foreign language be hard to communicate with


help to learn a lot about local customs and broaden our horizons be tiring to live in a new country

be easier to learn advanced knowledge and


be homesick and lonely have many new experiences ...

... ...

2.You are going to read a newspaper article about a Chinese student who goes to study in England.What do you think she will find different from studying at a Chinese school/universityWhat do you think she might find difficult




Step 2Fast reading

1.What is Xie Lei in England forHow long has she been in England

2.Why is she doing a preparation course first?

3.What are some of the difficulties she was faced with when she first came to England?

4.Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?

Suggested answers:

1.She is in England to study at a university.She's been in England for six months.

2.Because studying in England is different from studying in China and she needs to learn about these differences and improve her English.

3.Learning how to do everyday things like using a telephone,paying on a bus,finding her way around a strange city,understanding English as spoken in real life,learning how to write essays acceptable to her British lecturer.

4.Xie Lei's host family and her teachers.


Step 3Detailed reading

1.Summarize the main idea of each paragraph

Para 1:Xie Lei,a Chinese girl,is studying in a foreign city—London.

Para 2:General introduction to Xie Lei and her study.

Para 3:The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London.

Para 4:The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family.

Para 5:Xie Lei is getting used to a Western university's way of learning.

Para 6:Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life.

Para 7:The newspaper will follow Xie Lei's progress in later editions.


2.Find out the details about benefits she got and the difficulties she met in London.

(Para.3-Para.5) Fill in the blanks

通过表格的形式让学生非常清楚谢蕾去英国的好处和她所遇到困难。Step4. Summary

The purpose of leaving for London benefits
