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Aims: t o know the significance of translation, requirements and allotment of this course and also to know how to learn translation


Course description and requirements




References and websites


A ssignment

Course description

This course named “college English translation” aims at cultivating the SS’ ability of translation between English and Chinese. They have the ability to understand and master some basic theories and techniques about translation. E.g. the brief history of Chinese and western translation theories, the differences between E-C, the eight basic techniques in translation, some methods to deal the special sentences, etc. In a word, the SS will have the first impression to English language and Chinese language, and through these discussions they will have a higher ability in their English proficiency.

To pass this course, ss must attain at average of 60% in the following categories: Participating: 10%

participating is vital to the learning process and it includes attendances, being on times, coming to class prepared, interacting with other S s, and participating in class discussions. SS who are frequently absent, tardy, or refuse to participate will receive a poor participation grade. Note: there are NO excused absences. Any absences or tardy will result in a lower participation grade.


SS will have to complete periodic homework assignments related to this course (including

reviewing and previewing the text, etc). The teacher may give homework/assignments on each topic discussed in the class if there is a need.

Te s ts:70%

There will be only one test: a final. But they may also be several short quizzes through the term.


Daily attendance will be recorded.

•Classroom Policies:

late work: assignments must be turned in on the due date for full credit. Unless otherwise indicated, all assignments will be due at the beginning of the class period.

Copy and plagiarism:

SS should do their own work in order to maximize learning. Collaborating on assignments is permitted, but copying another student’s work is prohibited. Similarly, ss who are caught copying or plagiarizing will fail the assignment.



第一单元翻译原则忠实通顺 2学时

第二单元分清主次理顺关系 2学时

第三单元选词用字三个依据 2学时

第四单元直译意译传神达意 2学时

第五单元词类转换流畅自然 2学时

第六单元适当增添清楚明了 2学时

第七单元词语省略言简意赅 2学时

第八单元小小代词不可轻视 2学时

第九单元结构调整顺理成章 2学时


Translation, no matter what sort of translation it may be, surely serves as an inter-medium between two different languages, between the peoples of two countries, just like E--C translation as a medium between English and Chinese. So here are some necessary qualifications which translators must have.

• A translator must be well acquainted with the source language

• A translator must be well acquainted with the target language

• A translator must be armed with professional knowledge needed

• A translator must be armed with the ability to feel empathy for the SL writer and the characters portrayed. That is to say, he seems to be:

(1)Present at the very spot(身临其境)

(2)Involved in the very occurrence


(3)witnessing the very parties concerned(亲睹其人)

(4)Iterating the very utterances


(5)Experiencing the very joy.(亲尝其甘)

(6)And sorrow(亲领其苦)

(7)Sharing the very weal(亲享其福)
