大学英语实用翻译教程Unit 10(1) It-There-被动

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10.2 There be 句型 (Sentence Structure “There be”)
在 There be 句型中,there 是虚词(functional word),本身无词义, be 后面的名词或名词词组才是句子的真正主语。
有时这类结构中的谓语动词不是 be,而是其它动词或者是由 be 构成的 其他短语,如:live, come, enter, run, stand, occur, lie 等动词,或 seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be, be bound to be 等词组。 由于 There is (are, was, were, 等) 是其中最典型的结构,这里将这一句 型统称为There be 句型。 常见结构: 1)There be +(前置定语)+ 名词(名词词组) 2)There be + 名词(名词词组)+ 地点状语(或其它介词短语状语) 3)There be + 名词(名词词组)+ 后置定语
10. 句子的翻译(二): 英语特殊句式的翻译(1) 10.1 It 句型 10.2 There be 句型 10.3 被动结构
Post-learning Translation Reference Key to Exercise Ten (1)
10.1 It 句型 (“It” Structure)
英语和汉语中都存在一些特有句型,它们类型复杂,各具特 点,翻译起来难度也较大,其处理方式各有不同。 It 句型是其中 一种。
Common use of “it”
I hear the test is going to be difficult. We’d better get well prepared for it.
It is evidenwk.baidu.com that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one. 显然,润滑好的轴承,比不润滑的轴承容易转动。
It is possible to be famous and to remain true to yourself, the real you? Perhaps. 是否有可能既出名又保持着真实的你呢?也许可能。
“It” Structure It 句型
2)根据原文语境和译语表达习惯,重新调整或增补合适的主语。 It is getting warm. 天气渐渐暖和起来了。 It was a dismal day, and although it was not snowing, there was something oppressive and heavy about the weather. 那一天是阴天,虽然不下雪,空气却极其沉闷。 It is no point arguing with him. He never listens to anyone. 跟他争论一点用也没有。他是谁的话也不听。 It is this conglomerate of many nations, mosaic of peoples, languages and customs, which shaped Chinese culture as we know it today and it is in developing and modernising this area that her future lies. 正是这个不同民族、语言、风俗荟萃的多民族聚集体,才形成了今 天我们所知道的中国文化。中国的未来就在于这一地区的发展和现 代化。 (Han Suyin’s China,《韩素音笔下的中国》)
A Practical Course in English-Chinese Translation
Pre-learning translation 1) It is a wise father that knows his own son. 2) It is a good workman that never blunders. 3)完善公共卫生服务体系 4) 消费物价指数 Reference 1) 再聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。 2) 智者千虑必有一失。 3) to improve the public health service system 4) consumer price index (CPI)
“It” Structure It 句型
1)略去 it 不译,或译为汉语无主句。 It was dark outside and it was raining. 外面天黑了,下着雨。 It was my honor to visit China in 1975 — some of you weren’t even born then. 我在1975年有幸访问过中国,在座的有些人可能还没有出生。 See to it that none of the guests are neglected. 注意不要怠慢任何来客。
Special uses of “it”
用于指天气、时间、距离,等等 用作形式主语、形式宾语 用于强调句中 用作某些动词/短语结构上需要的含糊宾语
“It” Structure It 句型
用于指天气、时间、距离,等等 It was raining cats and dogs when I was driving home. It’s only 10 minutes’ walk from here. 用作形式主语、形式宾语 It is no use crying over the spilt milk. I don’t think it worthwhile taking such trouble. 用于强调句中 It is the schedule itself that I think should be changed. 用作某些动词/短语结构上需要的含糊宾语 What we need to do is nothing but fight it out. Go it while you are young. (乘你还年轻,努力干吧。)