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收稿日期:2018-07-12 修回日期:2018-11-14 网络出版时间:2019-03-21

基金项目:2012年国家发改委信息安全专项(GJ 215001);南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金资助项目(NY 212012)作者简介:甘志强(1986-),男,硕士研究生,工程师,研究方向为大气探测信息处理㊂网络出版地址:http :// /kcms /detail /61.1450.TP.20190321.0909.024.html


甘志强,黄 斌,匡昌武,李大君


摘 要:海洋气象浮标是监测海洋气象水文信息的重要手段之一,随着海洋气象探测领域的不断深入,海洋气象浮标投放数量也在不断增多,由于其特殊的工作环境,亟需提高对浮标运行状态的监控,确保浮标良好的运行状态和稳定的数据信息㊂文中以海南省气象局在南海建设的5套海洋气象浮标站为依托,结合海洋气象浮标设备使用和维护情况,研制一套B /S 架构模式浮标运行监控系统,以实现对浮标运行状况的实时监测㊁综合预警㊁数据查询与交互,为浮标运行维护提供快速准确的参考信息㊂业务运行结果表明,该系统能全面展示浮标运行状态信息和数据采集信息,方便业务人员高效实现浮标运行状态的监控及对浮标观测数据的管理,对海洋浮标的安全稳定运行提供了可靠的信息支撑,为海洋气象业务提供实时可靠的基础数据㊂

关键词:气象浮标;气象探测;监控;B /S 架构;运行状态

中图分类号:TP 302 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-629X (2019)07-0098-05doi :10.3969/j.issn.1673-629X.2019.07.020

Design and Application of Safety Monitoring System for Marine

Meteorological Buoy Station of South China Sea

GAN Zhi -qiang ,HUANG Bin ,KUANG Chang -wu ,LI Da -jun

(Hainan Province Meteorological Center ,Haikou 570203,China )

Abstract :Marine meteorological buoy is one of the most important means of detecting marine meteorological and hydrological information.The number of marine meteorological buoy is increasing with the development of the marine meteorological exploration.Due to its special working environment ,it is imperative to improve the monitoring of the buoy operating conditions and ensure the well running status and stable data information of the buoy.In this paper ,based on the 5sets of marine meteorological buoy stations which have been built by Hainan Meteorological Bureau in the South China Sea ,and the use and maintenance of marine meteorological buoy e⁃quipment ,a set of B /S mode buoy operation monitoring system is developed in order to realize the safe operation of the buoy real -time monitoring ,integrated early warning ,data query and interaction ,which provides fast and accurate reference information for the maintenance of buoys.The business operation results show that this system can fully display the buoy operation status information and data collection information ,which is convenient for the business personnel to effectively monitor the buoy operation status and manage the buoy observation data ,and provides reliable information support for the safe and stable running of the marine buoy and real -time and reliable basic data for marine meteorological services.

Key words :meteorological buoy ;meteorological exploration ;monitoring ;B /S mode ;running status

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Vol.29 No.7

July 2019
