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问:Our dean was one of the earliest ______ of the educational reform, but later he changed his idea and was strongly against it.


问:Have you heard the _______ news about the earthquake there?


¡ẞ: Many people think it Inecessary to the new lawstrictly.

: enforce

¡ẞ: When she got on the stage tostart the speech, she was sonervous and her mind wentcompletely ______·

s: blank

¡ẞ: Despite those promises, arecent public opinion survey inthat multinational companyshowed that nearly 50% of theemployees had no ___ theprospect of the company.

: confidence in


O_ this. lt'sall my fault.

ầ: blame for

Ìẞ: Have you heard the

news about the earthquake there?

â: appalling

iA]: The spokesman had to__.some tricky questions from thereporters at the press conference.

: field

¡ẞ: 13. It___ to save moneywhile you can.

: makes sense

[P]: Please remain andreport any unattended luggage tothe authorities.

ầ: alert

¡ẞ: The most creative studentsused their college experience toengage and__ their minds,

feeling both the freedom to doas they pleased and the

responsibility to be organized.

â: stimulate

iẞ: They understood education asa ___ process in which they

sought to grow the power of theirminds, and that too influencedhe kind of learning theyattempted.

s: developmental

iẞ]: Do you know anyone whocan our requirements?

ä: fulfill

ẞ: We don' t want to profit from ]

someone else's

: misfortune

jP: The__ such an idea tookonly five minutes, while the

implementation of it consumed adecade.

: conception of

a: A position of leadership doesnot imply overwhelming____ thecolleagues in every aspect.

: superiority over

¡@: His public statements havealways_- to those of his sons.

a: contrasted

iẞ: A soft murmur _ __ across theroom as students turned fromside to side and whisperedexpressions of disbelief.

ä: rippled

¡ẞ:" But wait," he quickly

added, is hands in the air asif to stop an___ locomotive.

â: thrusting; oncoming

¡a: They speak of courses onemust "__ " , and their advisorshelp them " check off" thoserequirements.

: get out of the way
