


1. 健身房gym


健康点to become healthy

保持体态to get fit

减肥to lose weight

增重to gain weight

增强肌肉to build muscle

塑身to shape your body

眼睛吃冰淇淋to watch nice bodies

交朋友to make friends

打屁to chat

2. 健身中心fitness center

健身俱乐部:health club

3. 健身教练trainer

4. 运动鞋sneaker

5. 置物柜locker

6. 入会费membership fee

7. 参加(健身课程) to enroll in

The member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program.


8. 局部瘦身spot reduction

spot (n.):部位

reduction (n.):减少

9. 脂防fat

消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat

低脂饮食:low-fat diet

I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist. 我每天健身,为的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌肉,并消除腰部的脂肪。

10. 体适能fitness

11. 健身to work out

我们也可以把work out两个字合在一起,变成一个名词:workout.

It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym.


The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week.


Y ou'd better have/get some workout.


12. 体脂肪body fat

13. 卡络里calorie

燃烧卡洛里:to burn calorie

A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight.


14. 曲线curve


15. 暖身to warm up


We all should warm up before doing some exercises.


Let's warm up the car engine before we start.


Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise.


After a warm-up of ten minutes, he started jogging.


16. 伸展to stretch

stretch 可以当作动词,也可以当作名词用。

伸展收缩:stretch and contract

Every time you work out you should begin and end with a few stretches.


Stretch your arms up!


为了减低sports injure (运动伤害)的发生:

Always stretch before and during workouts.


17. 柔暖度flexibility

flexible (adj.): 柔软的

Since your flexibility level is bad, you are in desperate need of a stretching routine of some kind. 既然你的柔暖度不是很好,你很急需固定做些伸展的运动。

18. 仰卧起坐sit-up

If you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon.


19. 伏地挺身push-up

I can do 100 push-ups in a row. Don't get jealous. Y ou will do it someday.


20. 劲走power walking

21. 直排轮In-Line Skating

22. 有氧运动aerobics


I think I have to take an aerobics class now.


The famous actor does aerobics twice a week.


23. 重量训练weight training/weight lifting

举重:to lift weights

口语叫做:to do weights

一想到重量训练(weight training),相信你对哑铃(dumbbell)和杠铃(barbell)一定不陌生吧!星沙英语

24. 肌力/肌耐力训练strength training

25. 心肺/有氧训练cardiovascular training

Do cardio four days

cardiovascular (adj.): 心肺的、心脏的

从事心肺训练:to perform cardiovascular training/exercise

通常要做cardiovascular training会用到的健身器材(fitness equipment)有:

1. 跑步机:treadmill

2. 踏步机:step master

3. 阶梯踩踏机:stair climber


26. 三围bust/waist/hips (女)

chest/waist/hips (男)


27. 跳绳jump rope

28. 低冲击性的low-impact

29. 战斗有氧Body combat


30. 杠铃有氧Body Pump

主要是节由杠铃(barbell),针对全身肌群做肌耐力的训练(strength training),藉以燃烧脂肪(calorie burned),使肌肉线条更为健美。

31. 飞轮有氧Spinning

32. 阶梯有氧Step Aerobics

33. 气功球Chi Ball

34. 瑜珈Y oga

Meditation is a very important part of Y oga.


35. 肌肉muscle

增加肌肉:to build muscle





胸肌chest (男);breast (女)


腹肌abs (abdominal的缩写)


upper abs

lower abs





36. 心跳率heart rate


Can you take my pulse?


Y ou can use a heart rate monitor to know your heart rate.

37. 吸气inhale


38. 新陈代谢metabolism

新陈代谢的动词是:to metabolize

促进新陈代谢:to increase one's metabolism

Y our body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats.


Strength training can significantly increase your metabolism


39. 蒸气室steam












玲珑有致的身材 a nice hour-glass figure

hour-glass (n.):沙漏

2.Tips for Power Walking

1. Walk at a brisk pace so that you begin to break a sweat. (First 10 minutes)

2. Increase your stride length. (Second 10 minutes)

3. Do walking sprints for one minute and then ease down to a comfortable pace for the next minute, alternating between high and low intensity. (Third 10 minutes)


1. ( 开始的十分钟):轻快的走路,好让你开始流汗。

2. ( 紧接的十分钟):加大你的步伐。

3. ( 最后的十分钟):快走一分钟,接下来的一分钟,把步伐放慢到比较舒服的速度,两者不断地交替。

3.把腿伸出去:to extend your leg

往前弯:to bend forward

把腿放在板凳上:to prop your leg up on the bench

换另一边:to switch to the other side

蹲:to squat


Perform/Do three sets of 8 to 12 reps.

rep:重复( repetition的缩写)


Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)

One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)

ONE ARM bicep Curl(单臂二头肌弯曲)

alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举

One Arm reverse Curl 单臂弯曲

Biceps Pullover 二头肌提拉


barbell reverse curl 正握杠铃弯举

lying triceps extension 仰卧臂屈伸

triceps extension 颈后臂屈伸

Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接)

Tricep Pulldown(三头肌下压)(三头肌下压)


dumbell fiyes 哑铃扩胸

bench press 卧推

incline raise 斜板前举


(Pec Crossover) pec[pek]n.<美口> = pectoral muscle

pectoral adj.胸的

角度推(Decline Press)

Flat Bench Press(平躺推举)

水平推举(Flat Press)

Incline Bench Press(上斜式推举)

Incline Press(斜式推胸)

Decline Bench Press(下斜式推举)

Pec Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)

Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)

V ertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)

vertical adj.垂直的, 直立的, 顶点的, [解]头顶的n.垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向)肩部动作






lateral cable raise 滑轮侧平举

double dumbell raise 哑铃前平举

behind-the-neck press 颈后推举

bent-over lateral raise 俯身哑铃侧平举

Rear Deltoid Fseated lateral raise 坐姿哑铃侧平举

seated military press 坐姿颈前推

Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)


one-arm dumbell row 单臂哑铃划船


Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)

bent-over row 俯身杠铃划船

seated cable row 坐姿划船

Seated Row(坐式划船)


Wide-grip chin-up 宽卧引体向上(chin-up引体向上adj.鼓舞士气的, 提高士气的)(grip vt.紧握, 紧夹n.掌握, 控制, 把手v.抓住)

wide-grip pull-down 宽卧下拉


BACK HYPER(背肌弯曲训练)


Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)

Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)


abdominal crunch(腹肌练习)Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)

abdominal curl 收腹

bicycle 对侧元宝收腹

partial curl屈腿仰卧起坐

Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹)

incline sit-up 斜板仰卧起坐

Situps(Sit up)仰卧起坐

bent-knee sit-up 屈膝仰卧起坐

preacher incline curl 牧师椅臂弯举(preacher n.传教士)

push up 俯卧撑

bar dip 双杠臂曲伸

curl-up 屈膝两头起

pull over 颈后推/仰卧屈臂上拉


barbell wrist curl 杠铃卷腕


calf raise(腓肠肌训练)小腿训练(calf n.小牛, 小牛皮, 小腿)

Seated calf (坐式腓肠肌训练)

leg curl 俯卧腿弯举

leg extension 坐姿腿屈伸

leg press 哈克机倒深蹲(大小腿伸展)

hack squat 哈克机深蹲

rear leg pull 跪撑后摆腿

side-leg lift 侧抬腿

side-leg 侧举腿

squat 深蹲(squatv.蹲坐, 蹲伏n.蹲坐adj.蹲的)HACK SQUA T(深蹲)

front squat颈前深蹲

pile 宽蹲

lunge 箭步蹲

Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展)

Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接)

Toe Raise(小腿伸展)toe-raise 提踵

Inner Thigh Kick(腿内侧拉力)

Outer Thigh Kick(腿外侧拉力)

lying Leg Curl(卧式大腿弯曲)

Glute Kick(腿后肌后蹬)

elevated leg raise 侧卧举双腿

crab lift 俯撑蹲起

bent-over twist 俯身转体

seated twist 坐姿转体

side-bend 体侧屈

side-knee twist 屈膝绕环/仰卧屈膝扭髋

workout 训练

stomach workout 腹肌训练

shoulder workout 肩肌训练

arm workout 臂肌训练

leg workout 腿肌训练

chest workout 胸肌训练

back workout 背肌训练

Low Row(低拉力)

Upright Row(上提)

Lat Pulldown(下拉)

back arch 背桥

back hyperextension 山羊挺身

torso-twist 负重转体

up-right row 杠铃直立上拉

good-morning exercise 负重屈练习


AB machine腹部前屈机

Abdominal bench腹部训练椅




Adjustable bench可调式哑铃椅

Arm curl二头肌推举器

Back machine背部训练机


Bi-axial chest press双轴上斜推胸机Bicep curl machine二头肌训练机


Cable column复合拉伸机

Cable cross复合飞鸟机



Chest mid-row滑船机

Chest press machine坐姿推胸机

Chest press胸部推举机


Cord bracket夹线板

Counter-balanced smith machine史密斯机Countersunk socket set screw:埋头螺丝Cover center section:盖板中心部分Crank plate:曲板(保留英文)

Crutch tip:

Cycling equipment健骑机/健身车Decline Olympic bench奥林匹克下斜椅Dip chin ab单杠提膝器

Dip station双杠练习器

Display lower:显示器下盖

Display stem:显示器支撑杆

Double tier dumbbell双层哑铃架

Dual cable column双臂训练机

End cap后盖

End plaque cap瓷花后盖

endurance training耐力训练

Flat bench扁平椅

Flat bench哑铃平椅

Flat Olympic bench奥林匹克平椅

Flat/incline/decline bench可调式哑铃椅Flush head press in stud:埋头大头钉Freeweight dumbbell负重哑铃Freeweight负重

Full dog point socket set:专用螺丝Functional lift复合抬举机


Hip abductor腿部外弯机

Hip adductor腿部内弯机Hyperextension腹背训练凳

IEC Free plug,shutter snap fit:通用插头Incline Olympic bench奥林匹克上斜椅

Incline trainer上斜跑步机

Inner thigh adductor machine腿部内弯机

Lat high row高位滑船机

Lat machine with mid row高拉训练机

Lat pull down高拉机训练机


Lateral shoulder raise肩部侧推机

Leg curl machine/seated leg curl屈腿训练机

Leg extension machine腿部伸展机

Leg extension腿部伸展机

Leg press machine腿部推蹬机

Leg press腿部推蹬机

Leg press/hach squat machine倒蹬/斜蹬机

Logo wheel:轮子(带标识)

Military press肩部推举机

Multi-hip machine臂部复合训练机


Olympic weight tree铃片架

Outer thigh abductor machine腿部外弯机

Overhead Tricep三头肌高位训练机

path of motion动作路径

PEC machine/butterfly蝴蝶机

Pedal leaver arm:踏板臂

Plate loaded squat挂片式深蹲机

Poly“V”drive pulley:V形驱动滑轮

Pozi美国百老汇舞台的专业舞者,也是知名节目主持人更是健身专家Preacher curl bench屈臂训练凳

Pro-smith machine安全杠铃练习机


Recumbent cycle卧式健身车


Ribbed insert:扶手连杆

Roller member pivot:辊构件枢轴

Roman chair/back hyperextension罗马凳

Rotary torso machine旋转训练机


Rubber boot:橡胶支座

Rubber bump stop:橡胶缓冲器

Rubber earring moulding:橡胶基座

Runner assembly转动组件

Seat carriage座位滑动架

Seated calf machine小腿训练机

Seated calf machine坐姿小腿练习机

Seated chest press坐工推胸机

Seated row machine坐姿划船机



Single tier dumbbell单层哑铃架

sover machine双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)

Squat rack挂片式深蹲架


Standard weight tree铃片架

Standing bicep站式肱二头肌训练器

Standing hip/multi-hip machine臂部复合训练机Standing tricep站式肱三头肌训练器

Step hole trim L/hand:左踏板孔饰物

Step hole trim retaining block:踏板孔饰物固定块Step负重踏步机


strength training力量训练

Stretch corner伸拉角

Stretch zone伸拉中心

Toothed belt idler plate:皮带惰轮锯齿板(保留英文)Treadmills踏步机

Tricep press down machine三头肌训练机


Upper back背肌训练机

Upright cycle立式健身车

Utility bench三角椅

V ertical knee raise单杠提膝器

V ertical leg press垂直蹬腿练习器

Wab board腹肌板

Weight stack配重片

weight training负荷训练

Wiring loom:接线器

2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack哑铃架

45 hyperextension腹背训练凳

6.3 Amp time Lag glass body:6.3 Amp保险丝


V ertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)

Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)

Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)

Lat Pulldown(高拉力)

Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)

Rear Deltoid Fly(三角肌后拉)

Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)

Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接)

Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接)

Triceps Pushdown(三头肌下推)

Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展)

Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接)

Toe Raise(小腿伸展)

Inner Thigh Kick(腿内侧拉力)Outer Thigh Kick(腿外侧拉力)

Leg Press(大小腿伸展)

Biceps Curl(二头肌屈接)

Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)

Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹)Glute Kick(腿后肌后蹬)

Incline Press(斜式推胸)

Low Row(低拉力)

Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)夹胸器(Cable Crossover Machine)

胸肌练习(Pec Crossover)

臂部练习(Arm Curl)

背肌练习(Standing Row)

仰体向上(up & down)

二头肌提拉练习(Biceps Pullover)

坐姿划船练习(Seated Row)

腿部内外侧训练(Inner/Outer Thigh) 奥林匹克举重椅

(Olympic Press Bench)

水平推举练习(Flat Press)

斜推练习(Incline Press)

角度推练习(Decline Press)

腿部曲伸练习(Leg Extension)

仰卧起坐(Sit up)

Arm Curl(臂部弯曲)

One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)


Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)

Flat Bench Press(平躺推举)Shoulder Shrug(肩北肌拉力)Incline Bench Press(上斜式推举)


常用训练动作术语 胸部训练 平板推胸Flatbenchpress 上斜推胸Inclinebenchpress 下斜推胸Declinebenchpress 龙门夹胸 平板飞鸟Flatbenchdumbbellflyes 上斜飞鸟Inclinebenchdumbbellflyes 下斜飞鸟Declinebenchdumbbellflyes 俯卧撑pushup 肩部训练 杠铃推举Barbellpress 颈后推举Behind-the-neckpress 站立哑铃前平举Frontdumbbellraise 站立哑铃侧平举Dumbbelllateralraise 坐姿哑铃侧平举Seateddumbbelllateralraise 坐姿颈前推Seatedmilitarypress 俯身侧平举Bent-overdumbbelllateralraise 站立杠铃/哑铃耸肩Barbell/dumbbellShrug 肱二头肌训练 直杠站立弯举Barbellcurl E-Z杠站立弯举E-Zbarcurl 站立哑铃交换弯举Standingalternativedumbbellcurl 坐姿哑铃交换弯举Seatedalternativedumbbellcurl 杠铃卷腕barbellwristcurl 肱三头肌训练 肱三头肌下压tricepspress-down 颈后臂屈伸tricepsextension 仰卧杠铃臂屈伸lyingbarbelltricepsextension 双杠臂曲伸bardip 背部训练 宽卧引体向上Wide-gripchin-up 宽卧下拉wide-grippull-down 坐姿划船seatedcablerow 俯身杠铃划船bent-overbarbellrow 单臂哑铃划船one-armdumbbellrow 腿部训练 深蹲squat 坐姿腿屈伸legextension


课程类: 〔yoga瑜伽〕〔spinning动感单车〕〔body arts身体艺术〕〔aerobics有氧操〕〔step踏板〕〔boxing拳击〕〔karate空手道〕〔fitball健身球操〕〔hot ball热力球操〕〔ABS(abdomen back stretch)腹背部训练〕身体部位: 〔thigh大腿〕〔innerlouter thigh大腿内部/外侧〕〔calf(calves)小腿〕〔butt(buttocks)臀部〕〔triceps肱三头肌〕〔biceps肱二头肌〕〔heel脚后跟〕〔hamstring腘窝〕〔lower back下背(腰的部 位)〕Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机 sover machine 双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)Military press 肩部推举机 Seated row machine 坐姿划船机 Rotary torso machine 旋转训练机 Multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Outer thigh abductor machine 腿部外弯机 Inner thigh adductor machine 腿部内弯机 Vertical leg press 垂直蹬腿练习器 Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅 Incline Olympic bench 奥林匹克上斜椅 Roman chair/back hyperextension 罗马凳 Hyperextension 腹背训练凳 2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack 哑铃架 Standard weight tree 铃片架 Olympic weight tree 铃片架 Stretch corner 伸拉角 Stretch zone 伸拉中心 Leg press 腿部推蹬机 Leg extension 腿部伸展机


lol---laugh out loud 表示对方说的很好笑 lmao---laugh my ass off 意思同上 thx---thank you ftw---f**k the world 但这个并不是骂人用的,而是宣泄自己的不满 brb---byebye wth---what the hell 表达见鬼的意思 imho,imo(in my humble opinion,in my opinion): 在我看来,常见于论坛. 2)idk(I don't know):我不知道. 3)thx(thanks):按照发音来看,thanks字尾的ks可以用字母X代替.(这个我倒是早就知道了,和在秦苏珊托福班的同学经常这么发,当然还有一种常用的是3Q,不知是不是中国人自创的, 4)plz(please):请.please 字尾是z 音,所以按照读音缩写为plz. 5)Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑死我了.遇到真正搞笑的事,可以这么说,不过有点粗俗. 6)rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上 7)roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思. 8)lol(laugh out loud):大声地笑.这个缩写已经快被用烂了但我还是…..不知道(汗.)9)brb(be right back):很快回来.也就是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的简写. 10) jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真. 11) ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说. 12) g2g(got to go):要走了.原句是I've got to go. 13) btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思. 14)4ever = forever 15)B4 = Before 16)Cam = Web Camera 17)CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) 18)CID = Consider It Done 19)CIO = Check It Out 20)CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing 21)F2F/FTF = Face To Face 22)IDKY = I Don’t Know You IDST = I Didn’t Say That IDTS = I Don’t Think So IFAB = I Found A Bug IFU = I Fed Up IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee IIIO = Intel Inside,Idiot Outside IIMAD = If It Makes An(y) Difference IIRC = If I Remember Correctly IIWM = If It Were Me


健身房英语ABC 2004-2-18 课程类: 〔yoga瑜伽〕〔spinning动感单车〕〔body arts身体艺术〕〔aerobics有氧操〕〔step踏板〕〔boxing拳击〕〔karate空手道〕〔fitball健身球操〕〔hot ball热力球操〕〔ABS(abdomen back stretch)腹背部训练〕身体部位: 〔thigh大腿〕〔innerlouter thigh大腿内部/外侧〕〔calf(calves)小腿〕〔butt(buttocks)臀部〕〔triceps肱三头肌〕〔biceps肱二头肌〕〔heel脚后跟〕〔hamstring腘窝〕〔lower back下背(腰的部 位)〕Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机 sover machine 双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)Military press 肩部推举机 Seated row machine 坐姿划船机 Rotary torso machine 旋转训练机 Multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Outer thigh abductor machine 腿部外弯机 Inner thigh adductor machine 腿部内弯机 V ertical leg press 垂直蹬腿练习器 Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅 Incline Olympic bench 奥林匹克上斜椅 Roman chair/back hyperextension 罗马凳 Hyperextension 腹背训练凳 2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack 哑铃架 Standard weight tree 铃片架 Olympic weight tree 铃片架 Stretch corner 伸拉角


北京赛普健身学院分享——私人教练常用英语 胸: Chest 杠铃平卧推举:Barbell flat bench press 上斜杠铃卧推:Incline barbell bench press 下斜杠铃卧推:Decline barbell bench press 哑铃仰卧推举:Dumbbell bench press 上斜哑铃卧推:Incline dumbbell bench press 下斜哑铃卧推:Decline dumbbell bench press 俯卧撑:Push ups 仰卧飞鸟:Dumbbell fly 上斜哑铃飞鸟:Incline dumbbell fly 下斜哑铃飞鸟:Decline dumbbell fly 仰卧拉力器飞鸟:Cable fly 背:Back 杠铃俯立划船:Barbell bent-over row t杠划船:T-bar rows 单手哑铃划船:One-arm dumbbell row 宽握胸前下拉:Wide grip pull down to the chest 窄握胸前下拉:Narrow grip pull down 坐姿拉力器划船:Seated cable row 胸前引体向上:Chin-ups to the front 劲后引体向上:Chin-ups behind the neck

窄握引体向上:Narrow grip chin-ups 屈膝硬拉:Bend-knee dead lift 俯身弯起:Good morning 俯卧挺身: Hyperextension 坐姿转体:Broomstick twist 站立体侧屈:Standing side bend 哑铃体侧举:Barbell side bend 肱三头:Triceps 仰卧臂屈伸:Lying triceps Extension 窄握杠铃卧推:Narrow grip barbell press 杠铃头后臂屈伸:Barbell triceps Extension 单手颈后臂屈伸:One-arm dumbbell triceps Extension 双手哑铃颈后臂屈伸:Two-arm overhand dumbbell Extension 俯立臂屈伸:Dumbbell kickback 凳上反屈伸:Reverse bench dips 拉力器下压:Triceps cable press down 单手反握拉力器下推:One-arm reverse press down 俯立拉力器臂屈伸:Cable kickback 两手绳策臂屈伸:Two-arm rope Extension 肱二头肌: Biceps 站立杠铃弯举:Standing barbell curls 交替哑铃弯举:Alternate dumbbell curls


健身英语词汇集锦 1. 健身房gym 每个人到健身房的目的不一样,也许你会想要: 健康点to become healthy 保持体态to get fit 减肥to lose weight 增重to gain weight 增强肌肉to build muscle 塑身to shape your body 眼睛吃冰淇淋to watch nice bodies 交朋友to make friends 打屁to chat 2. 健身中心fitness center 健身俱乐部:health club 3. 健身教练trainer 4. 运动鞋sneaker 5. 置物柜locker 6. 入会费membership fee 7. 参加(健身课程) to enroll in The member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program. 当您完成入会手续后,我们会跟您收取两万三千元的入会费。 8. 局部瘦身spot reduction spot (n.):部位 reduction (n.):减少 9. 脂防fat 消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat 低脂饮食:low-fat diet I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of th e fat around my waist. 我每天健身,为的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌肉,并消除腰部的脂肪。 10. 体适能fitness 11. 健身to work out 我们也可以把work out两个字合在一起,变成一个名词:workout. It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym. 现代人在健身房健身已慢慢成为一种趋势。 The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week. 这个模特儿每个星期到健身房健身五次。 You'd better have/get some workout. 你最好做点运动。 12. 体脂肪body fat 13. 卡络里calorie 燃烧卡洛里:to burn calorie


一些体育用品名称英文词汇(其中一些中文名称为台湾叫法) 三轮滑板车3 Wheel Scooter ['sku:t?] 四人协力脚踏车4 Person Bicycles 成人脚踏车Adult Bicycle 有氧配件Aerobic[,ei?'r?ubik] Accessories[?k'ses?ri] 太空漫步机Air Walker 绑腿Ankle/Wrist Weights ['??kl](脚腕/手腕沙袋) 止滑皮Antiskid Leather 运动员辅助训练器材Athletic Training Products 羽毛球Badminton 羽毛球网Badminton Nets 羽毛球拍Badminton Racket['r?kit] 沙包手套Bag Gloves 手提包Bags 海滩球Beach Ball 美容按摩器Beauty Massagers 脚踏车Bikes 台球Billiard['bilj?d] 台球杆Billiard Cue 台球配件Billiards Accessories 台球附件Billiards Accessories 身体按摩器Body Massagers 拳击手套Boxing Glove 护胸Chest Protector 计时器Countdown Meter 护肘Elbow Pad 电动自行车Electric Bicycle 电动跑步机Electrical Treadmills 赛马头盔EQUESTRIAN HELMET[i'kwestri?n] 运动Exercise 健身踏车Exercise Bikes 运动健身器材Exercisers 脸部按摩器Face Roll Massagers 流行精品Fashion Products 钓鱼手套Fishing Gloves 钓具卷线器Fishing Reels 钓竿Fishing Rods 瘦身Fitness 健身器材Fitness Equipment 折叠式脚踏车Folding Bicycle 足部按摩器Foot Massage 绑腿加重器Foot-Wrist Wieght 手套Glove


二头动作 Arm Curl(单臂弯曲) One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)ONE ARM bicep Curl(单臂二头肌弯曲) alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举 Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接) One Arm reverse Curl 单臂弯曲正握杠铃弯举 lying triceps extension 仰卧臂屈伸 triceps extension 颈后臂屈伸 Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接) Tricep Pulldown(三头肌下压)(三头肌下压)卧推 Pec Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)(vertical adj.垂直的, 直立的, 顶点的, [解]头顶的n.垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向) 肩部动作 DELT PUSHDOWN(HIGH PULLEY)(三角肌下压) ONE ARM PULLOVER(单臂前拉) DEAD LIFT(提举) LATERAL DELT 三角肌后伸展 Rear Deltoid Fseated lateral raise 坐姿哑铃侧平举Shoulder Press(肩膊推举) alternate dumbell press 交替哑铃推举

腰下背 BACK HYPER(背肌弯曲训练) 斜方机 Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力) Upright Row(斜方肌拉力) 腹部练习 abdominal crunch(腹肌练习) Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)abdominal curl 收腹对侧元宝收腹杠铃卷腕 腿部练习 calfn.小牛, 小牛皮, 小腿) Seated俯卧腿弯举侧抬腿 Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展) Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接) Toe Raise(小腿伸展)toe-raise 提踵 crab lift 俯撑蹲起 bent-over twist seated twist 坐姿转体 stomach workout 腹肌训练背肌训练


健身器材英语词汇 Chest press machine坐姿推胸机sover machine双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)Military press肩部推举机Seated row machine坐姿划船机 Rotary torso machine旋转训练机Multi-hip machine臂部复合训练机 Outer thigh abductor machine腿部外弯机Inner thigh adductor machine腿部内弯机 V ertical leg press垂直蹬腿练习器Decline Olympic bench奥林匹克下斜椅Incline Olympic bench奥林匹克上斜椅Roman chair/back hyperextension罗马凳Hyperextension腹背训练凳2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack哑铃架Standard weight tree铃片架Olympic weight tree铃片架 Stretch corner伸拉角Stretch zone伸拉中心 Leg press腿部推蹬机Leg extension腿部伸展机 Standing tricep站式肱三头肌训练器Standing bicep站式肱二头肌训练器 Dip chin ab单杠提膝器Preacher curl bench屈臂训练凳 Lat复合高拉机Row复合划船机 Abdominal腹部训练器Cable column复合拉伸机 Hamstring低拉机Utility bench三角椅 Adjustable bench可调式哑铃椅Barbell杠铃架 Double tier dumbbell双层哑铃架Recumbent cycle卧式健身车 Treadmills踏步机Display stem: 显示器支撑杆External circlip 卡环 Display lower: 显示器下盖Flush head press in stud:埋头大头钉 Seat carriage 座位滑动架IEC Free plug, shutter snap fit: 通用插头Caplug 盖塞End plaque cap 瓷花后盖 End cap 后盖Pedal leaver arm: 踏板臂


健身中心常用英语 Unit 1: GREETINGS & FAREWELLS l VOCABULARY l PHRASES ON THE JOB Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Welcome back. Hi 早上好。下午好。晚上好。欢迎回来。嗨。Hello. How do you do? How are you? Fine, thank you, and you? 你好。你好。你好吗?很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine, thanks, and you? Good-bye . Good night. Good-bye . 很好,谢谢,你呢?再见。晚安。再见。 It was nice to see you again. Have a good evening. See you later. It was nice seeing you. 很高兴又见到你。晚上愉快。回头见。很高兴见到你。 Have a good weekend. Have a safe trip. Have a good day. Hope to see you again. 周末愉快。一路平安。祝您愉快。希望再见到您。 Thank you for coming (Thanks for coming). Look forward to seeing you again. 感谢光临。盼望再见到您。 l TALKING TO THE GUEST Staff : Good morning. Mr. Smith. How are you today? Guest: Good morning. Jane. I’m fine, thanks, and you? Staff : I’m fine too. Are you checking-out today? Guest: Yes, I think so. Staff : Did you enjoy your stay here? Guest: Yes, I did. Staff : I hope our service is to your satisfaction. Guest: Sure. I’m very pleased with everything here. Staff : Thank you. I wish you a nice trip home and look forward to seeing you again. Guest: Thank you. I’ll definitely come to the 999Royal -Suites & Towers next time I’ m in Shenzhen. l PAIR WORK Find a partner and play the roles of the staff and the guest. UNIT 2: OFFERING HELP


健身术语 胸部: 平板卧推:flat [fl?t]bench[ben(t)?] press 上斜卧推:incline press 下斜卧推:decline press (至于是用杠铃还是哑铃,在中间加上"barbell['bɑ?bel]"-杠铃或"dumbbell['d?mbel]"-哑铃即可。 如:incline[?n'kla?n] barbell press-上斜杠铃卧推[pres]哑铃飞鸟:dumbbell flies[fla?z]飞鸟架夹胸:cable['ke?b(?)l] crossover['kr?s??v?]史密斯器械卧推(夹胸):chest press or crossover with smith machine press压;按;新闻;出版社;[印刷] 印刷机压;按;逼迫;紧抱压;逼;重压 dumbell fiyes 哑铃扩胸bench press 卧推incline raise 斜板前举[re?z] 上升;提高;高地 胸肌练习(Pec Crossover) ['kr?s??v?]交叉;天桥 pec[pek]n.<美口> = pectoral muscle ['pekt(?)r(?)l]adj.胸的角度推(Decline Press)[d?'kla?n]下降;衰退;斜面 Flat Bench Press(平躺推举)水平推举(Flat Press )[pres]Incline Bench Press(上斜式推举)[?n'kla?n]倾斜 Incline Press(斜式推胸)Decline Bench Press(下斜式推举)Pec Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸) Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)['pekt(?)r(?)l]n. 胸饰;治疗胸肺药物adj. 胸的;肺病的 Vertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)['v??t?k(?)l] n. 垂直线,垂直面adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的 肱二头肌: 站姿杠铃弯举:standing barbell curl 坐姿哑铃弯举:seated dumbbell curl (屈臂训练凳上)单臂弯曲:Arm Curl 杠铃或哑铃集中弯举:preacher barbell or dumbbell curl One Arm reverse Curl 单臂弯曲[r?'v??s]背面;相反二头肌提拉 Biceps Pullover 单臂二头肌弯曲One Arm bicep Curl 单臂弯曲One Arm Curl 交替哑铃弯举alternate dumbbell curl['??lt?ne?t; '?l-]交替站立式二头肌屈接Standing Biceps Curl['ba?seps]肩部和斜方肌: 杠铃推举:shoulder barbell lift 哑铃推举:shoulder dumbbell lift 哑铃侧平举:dumbbell lateral lift 阿诺德式推举(用哑铃由内向外旋转)Anorld's lift 史密斯器械推举:smith machine lift 杠铃(哑铃)耸肩:barbell(dumbbell) shrug ['???ld?] 肱三头肌: 哑铃臂屈伸:dumbbell overhead extension [?k'sten?(?)n; ]杠铃臂屈伸:barbell overhead extension [??v?'hed]在头顶上天花板;[会计] 经常费用拉力器下拉:tricep pulldown 颈后臂屈伸triceps extension Seated 俯身哑铃后举(保持大臂紧贴身体两侧):dumbbell kickback['k?kb?k]回扣.返程三头肌下压Tricep Pulldown 拉力器反式下拉(手背朝下):inverted tricep pulldown [in'v?:tid] adj. 倒转的,反向的v. 颠倒(invert过去分词);使…反向正握杠铃弯举barbell reverse curl 仰卧臂屈伸ying triceps extension 三头肌屈接Triceps Extension 窄距卧推:narrow-grip bench press ['n?r??]海峡.狭窄的. 变窄[gr?p] 紧握;夹紧.支配 肩部动作: Deltoid pushdown(high pulley)(三角肌下压)['delt??d]one arm pullover(单臂前拉)dead lift(提举)lateral delt 三角肌后伸展 ['l?t(?)r(?)l]侧部frontal deltoid raise(前三角肌伸展)['fr?nt(?)l] 额部;前面的double dumbbell raise哑铃前平举behind-the-neck press 颈后推举[b?'ha?nd]屁股;在后地;晚于 bent-over lateral raise 俯身哑铃侧平举[ben t]爱好;弯曲的 seated military press坐姿颈前推['m?l?t?r?]军人;军事的 Rear Deltoid Fseated lateral raise坐姿哑铃侧平举['delt??d]三角肌;三角形的Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)['???l d?]肩部;承担alternate dumbbell press 交替哑铃推举['??lt?ne?t] one-arm dumbbell row 单臂哑铃划船one-arm standing row(单臂站式拉背)bent-over row 俯身杠铃划船Seated Row(坐式划船)standing row(站式拉背)wide-grip pull-down 宽卧下拉 Wide-grip chin-up 宽卧引体向上(chin-up引体向上adj.鼓舞士气的, 提高士气的(grip [gr?p]vt.紧握, 紧夹n.掌握, 控制, 把手v.抓住)[wa?d]宽的斜方机Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)[?r?g]耸肩Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)['?pra?t]垂直;正直的


英语广告词的修辞手法研究 摘要:广告英语是一种商业性语言,是语言在特定社会条件下的一种变体和具体形式。它在语言上有自己独特的风格,具有很高的研究价值。本文通过分析一些广告词来研究广告英语中各种修辞手法的特点。 关键词:广告英语;修辞手法;特点 引言:英语中的“广告”(advertisement)一词,原意为“商业上的告示”,是17世纪中叶英国开始频繁商品活动时流行的。它源于拉丁语advertere,具有“吸引人们注意力”,“推销产品”的含义。当今时代是个经济、信息高速发展的时代,广告已成为经济社会不可缺少的组成部分。全球化的经济发展趋势,使广告成为世界性的经营理念。广告英语是专门用途英语的一种,具有准确、舒畅、优雅的特点,这使它具有很高的商业价值,同时也具有一定的欣赏价值和语言研究价值,如果广告词比较独特,给人留下很深的印象,宣传的效果自然非同凡响,所以我们可以说,广告英语的成功要取决于其语言的独特性。而语言的独特性又取决于各种修辞手法的合理运用。优秀的英语广告应该既通俗易懂,又耐人寻味,运用修辞手法应贴切自然,不可牵强附会,诉求对象的不同,要求广告措辞及其修辞手法应有所区别。本文通过分析一些英语广告词来研究广告英语中各种修辞手法的特点。广告英语中常见的修辞手法有以下几种: 一、比喻(figure of speech) 英语中的比喻主要分为明喻(simile)和暗喻(metaphor)两种。二者皆可使被描述的事物形象生动。 1.明喻:明喻是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,让人们知道两类事物之间的相似之处。如:As soft as Mother’s hands.(童鞋广告)广告词巧妙地把鞋比喻成母亲的手,突出童鞋的柔软、舒适,充满了母亲对孩子的呵护。The airline that’s smooth as silk.(Fly


健身中心常用英语 Unit 1:GREETINGS & FAREWELLS VOCABULARY welcome 欢迎 friend 朋友 farewell 告别 identify 识别 definitely 肯定 safe 安全的 enjoy 喜欢 pleased 高兴 sure PHRASES ON THE JOB Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Welcome back. Hi 早上好。下午好。晚上好。欢迎回 来。嗨。 Hello. How do you do? How are you? Fine, thank you, and you? 你好。你好。你好吗?很好,谢 谢,你呢? Fine, thanks, and you? Good-bye . Good night. Good-bye . 很好,谢谢,你呢?再见。晚安。再见。 It was nice to see you again. Have a good evening. See you later. It was nice seeing you. 很高兴又见到你。晚上愉快。回头见。很高兴见到你。 Have a good weekend. Have a safe trip. Have a good day. Hope to see you again. 周末愉快。一路平安。祝您愉快。希望再见到您。 Thank you for coming (Thanks for coming). Look forward to seeing you again. 感谢光临。盼望再见到您。 TALKING TO THE GUEST


门类知识: Steel door 钢质门 Crack paint series 裂纹油漆门 Embossing door 浮雕板门 Electrolysis board 电解板门 Imitate copper door仿铜门 Solid wood compound door 实木复合门High class craft door 工艺木门 PVC free coating door PVC 免漆门 High polymer free coating door 高分子免漆门 Interior steel- wooden door室内钢木门 HDF molded door 模压门 Stainless door 不锈钢门 Aluminum alloy door 铝合金门 Plastic steel door 塑钢门 Bolt 螺栓 Reinforced side locking point 加固侧端锁点 Door viewer 猫眼 Thickened door leaf 加厚门扇 Main lock 主锁 Door leaf 门扇 Magnetic seal 门吸 Doorframe 门框 new-style reinforced hinge 新款加固合页Luminous stealth doorbell 夜光隐藏门铃Gas-bag magnetic seal 磁性密封条Surface processing effect 表面处理效果Stainless steel doorsill 不锈钢门挡 Bolt 螺栓 super-thick door leaf triple anti- theft bolt 超厚门扇三重防盗螺栓 Machine lock 机械锁 Pull 拉手 Door sill 门挡 Single color 单色 Width 宽height 高long 长thickness 厚度 Door formula line 门套线 Combined door formula big panel 门框 Door ward bar 门档条 Wooden screw 木质螺丝 Sheet iron 铁板 Batten 板条 Natural stuffing 自然填充物 Steel plate 铁板 Powder coated 喷塑 Phosphate 磷化Anti-ultraviolet 防紫外线 Rock wool 石棉 窗户: UPVC windows UPVC窗户 Aluminum window 铝合金窗户 Window blinds 百叶窗 Steel window 铁窗 Parapet wall 护栏 Top hung fanlight 顶悬气窗 Moulding 装饰线条 Top rail 上横档 Locking handle 把手 Friction hinge 摩擦教练 Jamb 侧柱 Transom 横梁 Cill 窗台 Mullion 树框 Stay 支撑杆 Bottom rail 下横档 Vertical sliding 垂直滑动 Triple track 三轨道 校具产品知识: School desk 学校桌子 Fitting 配件 Apartment bed 学校公寓床 Dining table 餐桌 Laboratory 实验室家具 Blackboard 黑板 Library furniture 图书馆家具 Platoon chair 体育馆排椅 Child school desk 儿童桌子 Particle board/flake board/Chipboard 刨花板Plywood 多层板/胶合板 MDF 密度板 Melamine 三聚氰胺 Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board) 防火板 Edge banding strip 封边 Grain 纹理 Formaldehyde Emission 甲醛释放量Moulded board 模压板 Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics 玻璃钢Chemical-Resistant Laminate 理化板Round Steel/steel rod 钢筋 Steel circle tube 钢管 square tube 方管 Rectangle tube 矩形管


健身英语 1. 健身房gym 每个人到健身房的目的不一样,也许你会想要:健康点to become healthy 保持体态to get fit 减肥to lose weight 增重to gain weight 增强肌肉to build muscle 塑身to shape your body 眼睛吃冰淇淋to watch nice bodies 交朋友to make friends 打屁to chat 2. 健身中心fitness center 健身俱乐部:health club 3. 健身教练trainer 4. 运动鞋sneaker 5. 置物柜locker 6. 入会费membership fee 7. 参加(健身课程) to enroll in The member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program. 当您完成入会手续后,我们会跟您收取两万三千元的入会费。 8. 局部瘦身spot reduction spot (n.):部位 reduction (n.):减少 9. 脂防fat 消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat 低脂饮食:low-fat diet I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist. 我每天健身,为的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌 肉,并消除腰部的脂肪。 10. 体适能fitness 11. 健身to work out 我们也可以把work out两个字合在一起,变成 一个名词:workout. It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym. 现代人在健身房健身已慢慢成为一种趋势。 The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week. 这个模特儿每个星期到健身房健身五次。 You'd better have/get some workout. 你最好做点运动。 12. 体脂肪body fat 13. 卡络里calorie 燃烧卡洛里:to burn calorie A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight. 控制热量的饮食对想减肥的人很有帮助。 14. 曲线curve She's got all that right curves. Every guy is so crazy about her. 她的曲线尽现!每个男人都为她着迷。 15. 暖身to warm up warm-up两个字合起来,可当形容词用;美国 口语,也可以当名词用。 We all should warm up before doing some exercises. 开始做运动前,我们都应该暖身。 Let's warm up the car engine before we start. 我们把汽车马达热一下,再开车吧! Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise. 做任何运动前,暖身的伸展运动是非常重要的。 After a warm-up of ten minutes, he started jogging. 暖身十分钟后,他开始慢跑。 16. 伸展to stretch stretch 可以当作动词,也可以当作名词用。 伸展收缩:stretch and contract Every time you work out you should begin and end with a few stretches. 每次健身的前后,都应该做些伸展的动作。 Stretch your arms up! 把你的手臂往上伸展。 为了减低sports injure (运动伤害)的发生: Always stretch before and during workouts. 健身之前和健身过程,一定得做伸展的动作。 17. 柔暖度flexibility flexible (adj.): 柔软的 Since your flexibility level is bad, you are in desperate need of a stretching routine of some kind. 既然你的柔暖度不是很好,你很急需固定做些伸 展的运动。 18. 仰卧起坐sit-up If you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon. 如果你每天都可以做100个仰卧起坐,你很快就 会有六块肌。 19. 伏地挺身push-up


Arm Curl(单臂弯曲) One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)ONE ARM bicep Curl(单臂二头肌弯曲) alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举 Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接) One Arm reverse Curl 单臂弯曲正握杠铃弯举 lying triceps extension 仰卧臂屈伸 triceps extension 颈后臂屈伸 Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接) Tricep Pulldown(三头肌下压)(三头肌下压)卧推Pec Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)(vertical adj.垂直的, 直立的, 顶点的, [解]头顶的n.垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向) 肩部动作 DELT PUSHDOWN(HIGH PULLEY)(三角肌下压) ONE ARM PULLOVER(单臂前拉) DEAD LIFT(提举) LATERAL DELT 三角肌后伸展 Rear Deltoid Fseated lateral raise 坐姿哑铃侧平举Shoulder Press(肩膊推举) alternate dumbell press 交替哑铃推举

BACK HYPER(背肌弯曲训练) 斜方机 Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力) Upright Row(斜方肌拉力) 腹部练习 abdominal crunch(腹肌练习)Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)abdominal curl 收腹对侧元宝收腹杠铃卷腕 腿部练习 calfn.小牛, 小牛皮, 小腿) Seated俯卧腿弯举侧抬腿 Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展) Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接) Toe Raise(小腿伸展)toe-raise 提踵 crab lift 俯撑蹲起 bent-over twist seated twist 坐姿转体 stomach workout 腹肌训练背肌训练
