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区别于制造业中,许多完全重复性、周而复始的工作, 称为作业。(Operation) Differed from operation, an operation refers to those repetitive tasks in the manufacturing industry.
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
➢ 临时性 Provisionality 项目具有明确的起点与终点,当项目目标达到时,或 者项目需求不再存在时,项目就结束了。 A Project owns its specific origin and end. A project comes to its end as soon as the target is accomplished or the demand no longer exists.
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
推荐教材 Recommended textbook
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
➢ 工程管理 1998-至今 Project management ➢ Professional management in Construction 1997 华盛顿会议国际建造师协会IAPMC Engineering management
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
➢ 不确定性(动态性) Uncertainty, dynamic nature 一方面,项目各阶段会受到内外部因素的干扰;另一 方面,项目各阶段工作内容、要求和目标,因此各阶 段项目组织与方式不尽相同。 The uncertainty occurs not only within the interior and external elements, but in the organization and management during different construction processes in the entire project period.
➢ 一个过程(生命周期属性) Process, life cycle
而不是过程终结后形成的结果 not the results after the process is done.
➢ 工业生产中的一种新产品的开发过程 The development process to invent a new product in the industry ➢ 科研中为解决某个关键科学问题而进行的课题研究 The research program to solve a science problem ➢ 文体活动中为组织一次晚会儿进行的策划 The planning process to organize an evening party …
Adding value
➢ 确保工程建设安全 Ensure safety ➢ 提高工程质量 To improve quality
Adding value during ➢ 有利于资本控制 Investment control
Professional Management in Construction (Civil Engineering)
城市建设学院 王泽峰
E-mail: wzf@wust.edu.cn AD: 51202
Wang Zefeng, School of Urban Construction
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
➢ 独特性(一次性) ➢ Unique/unrepeatable, or one shot 尽管项目中可交付成果中存在重复的元素,但这种重 复并不会改变项目工作的独特性。 Although there exist some repetitive elements in the deliverable achievements of a project, it does not change its unique/unrepeatable nature. (one-shot)
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
工程项目管理 project management in construction
复杂性 Complexity
➢ 工程涉及单位多,单位之间的协调难度与工作量大 ➢ 技术复杂性日益增大,新材料、新工艺出现 ➢ 建设工程规模大 ➢ 社会、经济、政治环境对于工程项目的影响,尤其是跨地区、
英国:皇家特许建造学会 (Chartered Institute of Building, UK ) 美国:美国建筑师协会 (American Institute of Architects, USA) 中国:建造师,监理,造价等 (The chartered builder, supervising engineer, cost engineer, PRC)
➢ 项目管理:实施阶段中的项目管理,PM-project
management during construction
➢ 使用管理:设施管理,使用阶段的运营管理,FM-

facility management during usage

投资方 Investor
理 各涉及单位 开发方 Developer
准备 设计
使用阶段 Facility
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
Engineering management
➢ 开发管理:DM-development management
对工程的管 设计方 Designer

施工方 Constructer
供货方 Supplier
管理方 Manager
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
工程管理意义 Meaning of Engineering management
项目管理学会PMI-project management institute
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
英文名称 English name
(建设)工程管理 ➢ 建设工程经济与组织 1956-1966
名 Construction economic and organization 称 ➢ 建设管理 1978-1998 Construction management
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
1.研究内容 Contents
➢ 建设工程项目决策阶段管理 Development management phase
范畴 ➢ 建设工程项目实施阶段管理 Scope Project management phase
process. The huge scale of construction. The trans-regional construction projects.
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
engineering management and project management
Engineering management =Project management?
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construcwenku.baidu.comion, wzf@wust.edu.cn
➢ 建设工程项目运行阶段管理 Facility management phase in a construction process.
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
定义 Definition
项目是一个组织为实现自己既定的目标,在一定的时 间、人员和资源约束条件下,所开展的一种具有一定 独特性的一次性任务。 Project is a one-shot unrepeatable task from an organization for a specific target/object at the restricted time, labor, resources and so on.
2.建设工程项目特征 Characters
➢ 明确性 Specific objects/targets
没有明确的目标 no specific targets
不是项目管理的对象 Not within the charge range
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
Whether project management is just construction management or not? 工程管理从业人员范畴: Employee scope of construction management
Wang Zefeng, school of urban construction, wzf@wust.edu.cn
项目特征归纳 Concluded Characters
➢ 一次性 ➢ 生命周期 ➢ 明确性 ➢ 动态性 One shot Life cycle Certainty Dynamic
跨区域的工程项目日益复杂 It’s very hard to reconcile the conflicts between the related
organizations which are too many. The challenges from new technology, new materials and new
第一章 土木工程项目管理概论
Chapter 1 A brief introduction to professional management in a civil engineering project
面试 Job interview
当施工质量、进度、安全 不可避免的发生冲突时, 你会怎么排序? How to rank the issues on quality/schedule/safety in construction practice, when an inevitable conflict actually occurs between them?
工程管理 Engineering management
投资方 Investor
开发方 Developer
设计方 Designer
施工方 Constructer
供货方 Supplier
使用管理方 Manager
决策阶段 Development management
实施阶段 Project management