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高考英语情景交际对话特殊答语1. No way 没门,决不可能

No problem 没问题No comment 无可奉告No wonder 难怪No doubt 毫无疑问

2. Forget it 没关系(应答道歉);忘掉它吧;算了吧;就当我没说

I can’t help it/it can’t be helped实在没办法,无可避免

(I always get angry with hem, I just can’t help it.)

Got it 懂了知道了I mean it 我是认真的That’s it 正是这样,这才是要点

3. With pleasure 非常愿意

(It’s)my pleasure不用谢

Don’t mention it.不用谢4. Not likely/a chance ! 不可能; 不行!

Not in the least一点也不Far from it.一点也不。Not really 不全是,不很; 不会吧Not exactly! 不很; 不完全如此

5. Come on 催促,鼓励; 算了吧,得了吧

6. Why not 好哇,干嘛不(同意建议)

Help yourself f随便吃,自己拿、取Be my guest. 请自便

7. How come? 怎么会呢(惊讶) So what? 那又怎样What for? 为了什么

What if? 如果...将会怎么样?

8. It’s a deal成交It’s a bargain 便宜货Let's go Dutch. AA制It’s my treat我请客

9. I can’t agree more完全同意It depends 看情况,视……而定(It’s)Up to you 由你决定吧Absolutely完全可以

By all means尽一切可能,当然行Go ahead开始吧,请吧

10. Take it easy 别急,别烦恼Take your time慢慢来

11. It’s nothing/think nothing of it.没什么(回答感谢)

12. Never mind不要紧,没关系; 不用担心It doesn’t matter没关系,不生气,不介意

13. Me too我也是Me neither我也不是

14. It’s a piece of cake 小菜一碟

15. Cheer up振作些

16. Cheers/ Drink to one’s health(为健康)干杯

17. Better play it safe慎重,别冒险

18. You can’t be serious! /Are you kidding 开玩笑吧

19. Pardon me 对不起

20. Just in case以防万一

21. Yes? ①嗳;我在这儿;有什么事?

A:Waiter! 服务员! B:Yes, sir? 先生,你要什么?

②真的吗? 是吗? (继续)说呀!

A:Just then a heavy rain poured down. 正在这个时候,忽然大雨倾盆。

B:Yes? 是吗?(后来怎样了呢?)

③对不对? 是不是? 好不好? 如:Let’s go out for a walk—yes? 我们出去散散步,好不好?

22. So far so good.目前为止,一切都好23. That's not like him.那不像是他的风格。24. It's better than nothing.总比什么都没有好。25. Good luck祝你幸运!”“祝你好运!”“祝你顺利! Just my luck:真倒霉,真不走运,我的运气总是这样差

26. You bet! 当然! 27. Drop me a line写封信给我

28. I'll keep my ears open.我会留意的29. You're the boss.听你的

30.If I were in your shoes处在某人的位置; 如果我是你的话

高考英语情景交际对话特殊答语(自我检测巩固) 1. No way

No problem No comment No wonder No doubt

2. Forget it

I can’t help it/it can’t be helped

(I always get angry with hem, I just can’t help it.)

Got it I mean it

That’s it

3. With pleasure

(It’s)my pleasure Don’t mention it.

4. Not likely/a chance !

Not in the least Far from it. Not really Not exactly!

5. Come on

6. Why not

Help yourself Be my guest.

7. How come? So what? What for? What if?

8. It’s a deal It’s a bargain Let's go Dutch. It’s m y treat

9. I can’t agree more It depends

(It’s)Up to you Absolutely By all means Go ahead

10. Take it easy Take your time

11. It’s nothing/think nothing of it.

12. Never mind It doesn’t matter

13. Me too Me neither

14. It’s a piece of cake

15. Cheer up振作些

16. Cheers/ Drink to one’s health

17. Better play it safe

18. You can’t be serious! /Are you kidding

19. Pardon me

20. Just in case

21. Yes? ①


22. So far so good. 23. That's not like him.

24. It's better than nothing. 25. Good luck

Just my luck:

26. You bet! 27. Drop me a line 28. I'll keep my ears open. 29. You're the boss.

30.If I were in your shoes
