










、( 一般性 ) 、( 模糊性 )、( 全民性)是词义概括性的三个重要的表现形式。、多义词有多项意义,最初的那个意义叫(本义),离开上下文人们就能知道的那项意义叫( 中心意义)。汉语中的“老”有“年纪大”、“经常”、“陈旧的”等意义,其中,“年纪大”是( 本义 ),其余的是(派生意义)。





































→ (事物的突出部分):面部最突出的部位






第一章作为语言学一个分支的语义学 语义学的建立以法国学者米歇尔·布勒阿尔1897年7月出版《语义学探索》为标记。 该书1900年翻译为英文“语义学:意义科学的研究(Semantics:Studies in the Science of Meaning)”。 这本专著材料丰富,生动有趣,重点在词义的历史发展方面,兼顾词汇意义和语法意义。 全书共三编:1,讲词义变化的定律,介绍变异、扩散、类推等概念;2,讲如何确定词义,介绍释义、比喻、多义、命名等;3,讲词类、词序、组合规则等,涉及语法意义。 除了语言学的语义学,还有逻辑学的语义学,哲学的语义学,还有心理学家对语义的研究。 a,逻辑学的语义学是对逻辑形式系统中符号解释的研究,又称“纯语义学”,对象并非自然语言的语义。 b,哲学的语义学围绕语义的本质展开涉及世界观的讨论。“语义学”或“语义哲学”又是本世纪前半叶盛行于西方的至今仍有影响的一个哲学流派的名称。 c,心理学家研究语义,主要是想了解人们在信息的发出和接收中的心理过程。 d,语言学的语义学把语义作为语言(乃至言语)的一个组成部分、一个方面进行研究,研究它的性质,内部结构及其变异和发展,语义间的关系等等。 布勒阿尔的书给语义的发展以重要地位,声称研究语义的变化构成了语义学。同时它把语义限制在“词语”的意义上,主要是词义上。这两个特点一直贯穿在他以后半个多世纪的若干代表性著作里。 继布勒阿尔之后,一部有世界影响的语义学专著是两位英国学者奥格登和理查兹合写,1923年出版的《意义的意义》(The Meaning of Meaning)。这两位学者还曾共同创制了后来遭到各种非议的“基本英语”(Basic English).


修订版《语言学纲要》第五章语义和语用答案 第五章语义和语用 一、名词解释 基本词汇——基本词汇就是人们自古至今常用的,用来表达日常事物现象的,并成为构成新词基础的那一部分词。基本词汇里的词是语言词汇的核心。 多义词——一个词有多个意义,它们概括反映相互有联系的几类现实现象。如“跑”就具有“两只脚或四条腿迅速前进”、“逃走”、〈方〉“走”、“为某种事务而奔走”、“物体离开了应该在的位置”、“液体因挥发而损耗”等六项互相有联系但又各不相同的意义,是多义词。 反义词——语言中有很多意义相反的词,叫做反义词。反义词,是现实现象中矛盾的或对立的现象在语言中的反映。分相对反义词和绝对反义词两种。具有反义关系的两个词之间只需要有一个义项相对或相反就可以了。 施事——自主性动作、行为的主动发出者。 焦点——人们之所以要说话,是为了向对方传递他们所不知道的信息,也即新信息。从信息的角度看,句子中的新信息是说话者所传递信息的重点所在,是说话者认为受话者不知道因此希望受话者特别关注的部分。这就是句子的“焦点”。 情态——情态是体现“说话者对所言的主观看法”的范畴。主要表达“必然性”、“可能性”、“必要性”等方面。 语气——语气是表达“句子的言语交际作用”的范畴,指的是句子所携带的反映说话人使用句子的目的和说话人情绪的意义,包括陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等 言语行为——人们说出的话不仅仅是人类经验的映像(句义),也不仅仅是特定说话者对人类经验的具体认知,它还是一种社会行为。像打人、吃饭等其他社会行为一样,“说话”这种社会行为也有对行为者之外的事物(特别是受话者)或行为者自身产生某种效力的

目标,也有因行为而引发实际变化的效果。简而言之,言语交际行为本身也构成新的人类经验,与现实世界中的其他人、物、现象、事件有着“行为—效力”的关联。这些是语言在另一层次上的意义。从这一视角对语言意义的关注称为言语行为研究。 二、填空 、( 一般性 ) 、( 模糊性 )、( 全民性)是词义概括性的三个重要的表现形式。、多义词有多项意义,最初的那个意义叫(本义),离开上下文人们就能知道的那项意义叫( 中心意义)。汉语中的“老”有“年纪大”、“经常”、“陈旧的”等意义,其中,“年纪大”是( 本义 ),其余的是(派生意义)。 三、分析题 、指出下列同义词的意义差别 父亲——爸爸语体色体不同,父亲是书面语体,爸爸是口语语体 得到——获得感情色彩不同,“得到”是中性词,,“获得”是通过努力得到好的结果,是褒义词。 眼红——嫉妒语体色体不同,嫉妒是书面语体,眼红是口语语体 秘密——绝密词义轻重不同,秘密轻,绝密重。 3、收集汉语“烹调类”单音节动词,用一组语义特征描写它们的词义。 蒸、煮、烹、煎、烤、烘、煨、炸、煸、爆 、试分析下列句子的语义结构。


Chapter 5 Semantics Ⅰ. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. Dialectal(方言的)synonyms(同义关系)can often be found in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English. F 2. Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience, while the reference deals with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. F 3. Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations. T 4. In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the physical world of experience. F 5. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts. T 6. Behaviourists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer. T 7. The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its components. F 8. Most languages have sets of lexical items similar in meaning but ranked differently according to their degree of formality. T 9. “It is hot.” is a no-place predication because it contains no argument. T 10. In grammatical analysis, the sentence is taken to be the basic unit, but in semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is predication, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. T Ⅱ. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given: 11. Semantics can be defined as the study of meaning. 12. The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to. 13. Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. 14. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms. 15. When two words are identical in sound, but different in spelling and meaning, they are called homophones(同音/形异义词). 16. Relational opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items. 17. Componential(指数)analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components. 18. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called selectional restrictions, which are constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. 19. An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element(s) in a sentence. 20. According to the naming theory of meaning, the words in a lan-guage are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for. Ⅲ. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete


The relationship between semantics and pragmatics As a branch of linguistics, semantics can be simply defined as the study of linguistic meaning, which studies literal, structural or lexical meaning conveyed by words, phrases and sentences. What we concerned with is the denotation of the word, namely the relationship between words , phrases and sentences not the possible connotations. It is context independent, de-contextualized.and it deals with what is said. while pragmatics is a study which can be defined as the analysis of meaning in a particular context, which studies non-literal, implicit meaning. It deals with the relations between language and context that are basic to language understanding. pragmatics is context dependent, contextualized. What we concerned is what is communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. Through the definition of semantics and pragmatics, we can see that semantics and pragmatics both concern the meaning of language. But they research the different sides of language, and they have different study methods. The study objects of semantics is words, phrases and sentences, what we need to know is their meaning, sense , reference and presupposes. Different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. And one word may belong to another word. So we can conclude the words to these relations, Such as synonymy, polysemy, homonymy,hyponymy and antonymy. And when we talk about the sense relations between sentences ,we may think of presupposes. Whether it is right under the presupposes. All those are semantics. It would not change with the


2019自考语言学概论笔记第五章(语义) 第五章语义 1. 简答语言的理性意义和非理性意义。 答:语言是交流思想和感情的工具,语义也就必然包含这两方面的内容,即一是思想,就是所谓的“理性意义”,二是情感,就是所谓的“非理性意义”。理性意义也叫逻辑意义或指称意义,是对主客观世界的理解。在词语平面上,它是与概念相联系的那一部分语义,在句子平面上它是与判断和推理相联系的那一部分语义。理性意义是语义的基本要素。非理性意义是说话人的主观情绪、态度以及语体风格等方面的内容,它一般总是附着在特定的理性意义之上。 2. 解释“语义”。 答:语义是同语言形式结合在一起的意义,同语言形式的结合是语义的基本特征。 3. 解释“语言意义” 答:语言意义是一般的、稳定的意义,是语言形式本身表达的意义。 4. 解释“语境意义”。 答:语境意义是个别的、临时的意义,是语言形式在特定的交际场合、知识背景等语境音素作用下所表达的意义。 5. 解释“词义”。 答:词义是同词的语音形式结合在一起的人们对一定对象的概括反映和主观态度。 6. 解释“词的理性意义”。

答:同词的语音形式结合在一起时,对一定对象的区别性特征的理解就是词的理性意义。 7. 解释“义素”。 答:义素是从义项中分析得到的词义的语义特征。 8. 解释“义项”。 答:义项是词典释义的最小单位,是从词语的各种用例中概括出来的共同的、一般的、稳定的意义。 9. 简答义素和语素之间的区别。 答:义素和语素不是同一个概念,它们是两种性质上根本不同的单位。义素是对一个词的语义特征实行分析后所得到的最小语义单位;语素则是最小的音义结合体。义素是一种从理论上分析出来的语义单位,就不是一种自然语言的单位,义素不直接与语音相结合。语素不但有一定的意义而且有一定的读音,是人们能够直接感受到的自然语言的单位。 10. 简答义素和义项之间的关系。 答:一个词能够同时有几个理性意义,其中一个意义在语言学上叫一个义项。现代语义学把分析音位的区别特征原理用于词义分析,把义项进一步分析为若干语义特征,这些语义特征就是义素。 11. 简答词的通俗意义和科学意义的区别。 答:词的理性意义因为概括深度上的差别而分为两类:一种是人们对事物所具有的一组非本质特征的反映,这种词的理性意义能够称之为“通俗意义”;另一种是人们对事物的本质特征的反映,这种词的理性意义能够称之为“科学意义”。 12. 简答义素分析的作用。

第五章 语义和语用

第五章语义和语用 一、语义的定义 1.意义:语言文字或其他信号所表示的内容。 2.语义: 3.词义: 句义 意义>语义>词义 2.语义:从语言学角度看,语言符号所标记(代表)的意义内容就是语义。 语义指用语音形式表现出来的语言单位的内容以及语言单位在使用时所表现出来的含义。 其中语言符号包括静态备用单位(语素、词、固定短语)和动态组合体(自由短语、句子、句群、段落)等两大部分,其表示内容都属于语义。 词义——句义 二、语义的分类 有语言单位固有的含义,也有语言单位在语境中所表达的特定含义,还有社会文化背景所赋予它的特殊意义。 静态语言义和动态言语义 语言意义和言语意义 (一)词汇的性质特点 1.词汇定义 (1)词汇(2)词汇学 2.词汇的性质特点 (1)语言的建筑材料 (2)词汇是语言符号聚合而成的分层体系→系统性。 (3)具体语言中的词汇形成特定的系统→民族性 (4)直接反映社会变化→发展性 2.词汇的性质特点 (1)语言的建筑材料→从功能角度言的。其最终职能是进入句子→完成交际 (2)词汇是语言符号聚合而成的分层体系→系统性。 (3)具体语言中的词汇形成特定的系统→民族性 (4)直接反映社会变化→发展性 (二)词汇的内容及构成 1.词汇的重要单位→词/ 固定结构 (1)词P120 ①定义P120、86 ②性质特点 (2)固定结构 2.词汇的内容 (1)词的总汇 ①基本词汇(定义、特点、类型) ②一般词汇(特点、内容) ③基本词汇和一般词汇的关系 (2)固定结构的总汇(熟语总汇) ①成语(定义、特点) ②惯用语 ③专有名称 ④歇后语、谚语、格言等其他固定的句子结构 (1)词:词汇中最基本的单位 ①P120定义:语言中具有特定语音形式和语义内容的、能够独立运用的、最小的造句单位。 ②P86性质特点


语用学概论 (1)丈夫:我去办公室啦。 (2)妻子:老公,今天是星期天。 (1)父亲:今天哪儿也不想去。 (2)女儿:老爸,今天是星期天。 (1)下午踢球去吗? (2)晚上还有考试。(昨天把腿拉伤了。) (1)小王:怎么样? (2)小李:资料都拿走了。 (1)老师:现在几点了? (2)学生:路上自行车没气啦。 第一讲什么是语用学 一、语用学的起源 ?“语用学”术语的提出 1938年美国哲学家莫里斯在著作《符号理论基础》(Foundation of the theory of signs)中首次使用了“语用学”这一术语(Pragmatics)。这个术语是莫里斯参照pragmatism(实用主义)和pragmaticism(实效主义)创造出来的。 符号学(semiotics)包括:句法学(sy ntax)、语义学(semantics)、语用学(pragmatics)三分。 句法学(Syntactics or sy ntax)研究“符号之间的形式关系”; 语义学(semantics)研究“符号及其所指对象的关系”; 语用学(Pragmatics )研究“符号和使用者的关系”(Morris,1938) 《符号、语言和行动》(1946 ) 语用学是符号学的一个部分,它研究符号的来源、应用及其在行为中出现时所产生的作用或效果。 ?语用学与符号学 ?语用学与语言哲学 自20世纪30年代末开始,皮尔斯、莫里斯和卡纳普等把语用学作为符号学的一部分,其研究仅限于哲学,这可算是语用学发展的第一个阶段。从20世纪50年代初到60年代末,以希勒尔、奥斯汀、塞尔和格赖斯等为代表的语言哲学家对言语行为和会话含意理论的探索,使语用学有了突破性的进展,他们的研究成果基本上奠定了语用学的理论基础,这可算是语用学发展的第二个阶段,此时的语言学研究仍限于哲学范围内。正式因为哲学家对语言的探讨,为70年代语用学成为语言学的一门独立学科准备了条件。70年代以后,特别是1977年在荷兰正式出版发行了《语用学学刊》以后,语用学作为语言学的一门新兴学科才得到确认。 ?语用学作为一门新兴学科的标志: ?1977年,《语用学杂志》(Journal of pragmatics)在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹正式出版发行; ?1983年由列文森(Levinson)所编著的第一部语用学教科书《语用学》问世; ?1986年“国际语用学会”正式成立。 (沈家煊,1996) 二、语用学的发展 ?1、语言研究发展历史: ?20世纪初:结构主义语言学—50年代后期:转换生成语法理论—70年代初:语义学研究(引入语 境概念,为语用学的发展开辟了道路)。 ?归纳为:形态——句法——语义——语用几个阶段。 ?发展缘由


1. 1.What is the connotative meaning advanced by Leech? Discuss it in detail with examples. The word “meaning”itself has different meanings. This is a big difficulty in the study of meaning. In their book The Meaning of Meaning in 1923 , C. K. Ogden and I . A. Richards presented a “ representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favored”. There are 16 major categories of them, with sub-categories all together, numbering 22. Leech recognized 7 types of meaning in his Semantics, first published in 1974, as follows: a)Conceptual meaning: It is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to. In this sense , conceptual meaning overlaps to a large extent with the notion of REFERENCE. But Leech also uses “sense”as a briefer term for his conceptual meaning. As a result, Leech’s conceptual meaning has two sides: sense and reference. b)Connotative meaning: connotative meaning means what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. c)Social meaning d) Affective meaning e) Reflected meaning f) Collocative meaning g) Thematic meaning 2. 1. What is the Cooperative Principle and its four maxims. How does the flouting of maxims give rise to conversational implicature? (书P101) 3. Make a critical comment on Leech’s politeness principle? 4. In the study of meaning, why should we consider context?

语用学于语义学区别 以哲学为基础

1.Where do you think meaning comes from? During the first half of the twentieth century,philosophy of language was concerned less with language use than with meanings of linguistic expressions.Indeed, meanings were abstracted from the linguistic items that have them,and(indicative) sentences were often equated with statements, which in turn were equated with proposition.From the point of semantics and pragmatics,there are two types of meanings--literal meaning and speaker’s meaning.What a sentence literally m eans is determined by the rules of the language--those rules that the semanticist attempts to capture.But speaker’s meaning is a matter of intentions:what someone means is what he overtly intends to get across through his utterances.Meaning comes in many varieties. Some of these varieties are said to belong to the field of semantics,others to the field of pragmatics. 2.What are the similarities and differences between semantics and pragmatics? How are the two related to each other? Similarities: 1.They are two aspects of linguistics. 2.Both Semantics and Pragmatics are closely related to meaning.Semantics refers to the meaning of words and sentences.While, Pragmatics deals with the meaning of utterances. 3.They two are successional process of interpretation:pragmatic interpretation (such as the working out of Gricean implicatures )is claimed to commence only after the semantic interpretation of a given sentence has been worked out. 4.Both Semantics and Pragmatics are related to signs. They have different focuses:Semantics is concerned with the relation between signs and objects. Pragmatics takes the relation between signs and their interpreters as its subject matter. Differences: There are different approaches to find out how semantics and pragmatics can be distinguished. According to Bach these are the three most decisive ones: A.Truth-conditional vs. non-truth-conditional meaning This approach, named Carnapian approach by Recanati, distinguishes semantics and pragmatics in the following way. Semantics is said to be concerned with truth-conditional meaning (/words-world relations (Recanati)), pragmatics with non-truth-conditional meaning. In short: pragmatics= meaning– truth conditions B. Conversational vs. non-conversational meaning At this approach, semantics studies the conventional aspects of meaning and pragmatics those of non-conventional meaning. Therefore a semantic interpretation cannot be cancelled, but a pragmatic interpretation can . C. Context independence vs. context dependence At this approach, semantics is concerned with linguistic phenomena that are insensitive to context and pragmatics with those that are. But according to Bach content also varies with context in semantics. (e.g. deictics, demonstratives). He distinguishes between two types of context: Narrow context: contextual information relevant to the determination of the content of


语义学 一.语义学(Semantics)的定义: 研究语言单位的意义,尤其是词语和句子的意义。 二.词汇意义(Lexical Meaning): 1)意义与指称(sense and reference): 意义与指称是语言研究中的两个术语,它们之间既相互联系,又相互区别。意义(sense)是一系列抽象语义特征的集合,与语境无关,可以在字典中查到。而指称(reference)是语言形式在现实物质世界中所指的事物;它涉及语言形式与非语言的现实世界之间的关系。 意义与指称是意义的两个相关但不同的方面,例如“morning star”和“evening star”的意义虽然不同,但其指称一样,都指代天空中的同一颗星星。 2)外延意义(denotative meaning): 指词语所指称的外部世界的事物、状态、抽象情感。例如:dog(狗)的外延意义是指“一种四肢、有毛、会汪汪叫的哺乳动物”,这种意义在任何国家、任何时代都不会改变。 3)内涵意义(connotative meaning): 指源于语言使用者的个人经历、情感、评价、语境等外部因素的意义。例如dragon一词,在汉语文化中象征着“高贵”、“权利”,但在某些英语国家文化中,其内涵意义则为“残暴”和“邪恶”。 三.意义关系(Sense Relationship): 1)同义关系(Synonymy): 方言同义词(Dialectal synonyms):意义相同但方言有差异的词,例如:autumn(BrE)= fall(ArE)。 文体同义词(Stylistic synonyms):意义相同但在文体上或者正式程度上有差别的词,例如:buy(较为随意)——purchase(较为正式)。 搭配同义词(Collocational synonyms):指意义上相同,但是搭配不相同的词。例如:provide和supply,provide sth. for sb.和supply sth. to sb. 在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的同义词(Synonyms with different emotive or evaluative meaning):意义相同,但在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的词,例如:politician (政客)含贬义色彩,statesmen(政治家)含褒义色彩。 存在语义差异的同义词(Semantically different synonyms):意义大致相同,但存在一些细微差异的词。例如:enough强调“足够”,ample强调“富足”。 2)反义关系(Antonymy): 等级反义词(Gradable antonymy):语义相反但语势可变的词对,其相反的词义并非绝对的而是相对的,两极中间可插入表示中间程度的词,体现了对立意义的层次性。例如:hot和cold这对反义词的界定是相对的,且在hot和cold中还可插入warm,lukewarm,cool 等中间词。 互补反义词(Complementary antonyms):一对反义词中,否定其中一个即肯定另一个。例如:boy —girl。 关系反义词(Relationship antonyms):一对反义词之间并不构成对立或否定关系,而是两实体之间的一种反向关系。例如:医生(doctor)和病人(patient)。


语义学与语用学中的“意义”含义之比较 }5南腰:暑牛j吏2oo7年第12期高校论坛 语义学与语用学中的"意义"思义含义之比较 房丽君 (上海理工大学外语学院) 摘要本文着重阐述了语义学与语用学中"意义"的含义,并对其进行了多方面比较,清晰地得出两者相关及相异之处. 关键词意义语义学语用学语境 "意义"一直是人类探求的一个中心话题早在公元前5世 纪,古希腊哲学家柏拉图就已经在他的着作中提到了有关意义的话 题,中国古代哲学家老子甚至在更早的时候就讨沦过类似的问题 千百年来,在人类历史上出现的无数的字典都是为了解释词汇的意 义而产生的.在本文中,语义学与语用学中"意义"的含义是讨论 的重点. 1语义学中"意义"的含义 语义学是研究如何通过语言进行意义交际的学科,是交际研究 中至关重要的一环."意义"本身就是一个常见词汇.比如,我们 可以i兑:"这个词的意义是什么?",也可以说:"这个词指的是什 么?".根据约翰?里昂的理论,词与句子的意义会根据交际场景 的不同而有所变化,人们有时所说的话与真正的意义相去甚远. 杰弗里?里奇在他1974,年出版的着作《语义学》中对意义进行如 下七种分类:①概念意义;②内涵意义;③社会意义;④情感意义 ⑤反映意义;⑥搭配意义;⑦主题意义.. 里奇认为第一种意义,即概念意义,是最核心的.概念意义是外 延性的,主要表现在它所关注的是一个词汇和它所指的事物之间的关 系.从这个意义上来讲,概念意义与指称的概念有很大一部分重合的 地方.但是第二种意义中所用到的"内涵"一浏与在哲学的范畴内所

讨论的"内涵"是不同的.相对于"外延"一渊,哲学家用"内涵" 来表示—个词汇所指示的实体的性质.比如说,"人类"一词的外延 意义是指任何一个像你我一样的人,而它的内涵意义就是指"两足的","无羽毛的","有理性的"等的性质.然而,在里奇的理沦 系统中,内涵意义是指在日常会活中额外表现出来的情感意义.比如,"政客"与"政治家"这两个词在内涵意义上的区另q就是前者具 有贬损意义,而后者具有称赞意义.内涵意义与社会意义,情感意 义,反射意义和搭配意义一起共同归属于联想意义,而最后一种主题意义,由于它仅由句子中的词汇的顺序和词汇的重要性来决定,故而属于比较外围的意义. 但是,即便我们从概念意义的角度来解一个词汇的意义,也还 是有不f司的方法来解释它的.在日常会话中,至少可以用以下的四种方法来理解一个词汇的意义.假设你不知道英语词汇"desk"的意 义,并向他人询问这个词汇的含义,对方可以指着此词汇所表示的物体,并告诉你"这就是desk";也可以向你描述"desk"就是"一件 有一个平面和四条腿的家具,可以用在阅读和书写的时候";或者向 你这样解释,说"desk"就是"桌子的一种,带有抽屉";如果对方 是一名英语教师,他通常会告诉你"desk"的中文含义就是"书 桌".第一种方法会出现在大人和小孩的对话中,因为孩子的词汇量 太少,用实物的方法便于他们理解;第二和第三种方法通常会用于单语字典对于词汇的解释,并有时辅助以插图以便于读者理解;第四种方法会出现在双语字典或外语教学的教科书中. 2语用学中"意义"的含义 对于i吾用学,可以有多种定义方法.一个比较普遍的定义是语用 学是研究说话人如何通过语言来达到成功交际的学科.交际的过程对于在一定的语境中传达和理解意义是十分重要的,所以语用学可以被看作是一种研究意义的学科. 在前文中,我们已经从语义学的角度讨论了"意义"的含义, 但是还有一种重要的含义我们尚未涉及假如有人对你说"你是个


Understanding meaning The associative meaning of colors Abstract: Conceptual meaning and associative meaning are the two main kinds of meaning, in which the former refers to the central part concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes while the second one refers to the mental connections to explain its use. It’s very hard to understand the associative meaning because it is affected by many factors like, cultural, social, ideological etc. take color as an example, in different culture it has different meaning. Key words: associative meaning, factors affecting meaning, color 1 types of meaning G.. Leech(1985: 13-26) divided “meaning”into two categories: conceptual meaning and associative meaning . The conceptual meaning is also called logical meaning, which is the central part,concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes. The associative meaning includes connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, which plays an important role in daily communication. Only have a better understanding of it can we have a better communication with other people. 2 characteristics of associative meaning 2.1 instability:associative meaning is not the central part of the meaning. Rather, it is something attached to it. it will be different for different people in different occasion. it is also affected by a lot of factors like, nationality, race, ethnic, religion, class, occupation, aesthetic point of view even personal experience. for example, home, for many people, means “ comfort, quietness and freedom”. As the saying goes: “east or west, home is best.”. However, for some couples who have unhappy marriages or children who are always scolded by parents, home means “quarrel, confinement like a prison”. Also for the same New York, it has different associative meaning. Some people worship it as a heaven while others will hate it as if it’s a heal. Like the journalist Caskie Stinnett wrote in his essay Farewell, My unlovely: “The sad aspect of my departure was that there was so little sadness connected with it (New York), and after ten years it seemed to me that I should have looked back with some slight mistiness in my eyes. A lot of
