



准确规,通顺易懂, 简洁明晰。

准确规Samples 1

We shall mention here two temperature scales, namely, the Fahrenheit scale and the Centigrade scale.

Oil and gas will continue to be our chief source of fuel.

Three of Archimedes’s extant works are devote d to plane geometry.

Translate by yourself 1:

1.The power plant is the heart of a ship.


2.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.


3.The largest and most expensive products can not, because of their size, be testable in the factory.


通顺易懂Samples 2

A more common way of joining these metal pieces together is to weld them.

Molten salts range from ideally ionic fluids to molecular melts and liquid.

These compressors have proved themselves useful in a variety of ways in installations where large volumes of air or other gases are compressed.

Translate by yourself 2:

1.Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.


2.Cramped conditions mean that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.


3.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.


简洁明晰Samples 3

It is forbidden to dismantle it without permission so as to avoid any damage to its parts.

It should be realized that magnetic forces and electric forces are not the same.

All living things must, by reason of physiological limitations, die.

Translate by yourself 3:

1.The removal of minerals from water is called softening.


2.The smelting reduction process can be applied for the production of iron as well as ferroalloys.







直译与意译Samples 4

Read a book on a new subject and change your daily newspaper.

The combustion often produces hot condensed particles.

We can get more current from cells connected in parallel.

If the rate of the back-ward reaction becomes significant, the rate laws become more complex.

The law of reflection holds good for all surfaces.

Translate by yourself 4:

1.Both pumps have excellent metering performance and high vacuum lift.


2.Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.


3.All four outer planets probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.


4.Part adjustment and repair must be performed on a regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end product.


合译与分译Samples 5

Leaves are to the plants,what lungs are to the animals.

The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water.

With the same number of protons, all nuclei of a given element may have different numbers of neutrons.

An infected mother can pass AIDS on to her child during pregnancy or childbirth

Translate by yourself 5:

1.There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.


2. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.


3. The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.


4. These fragments of rock and iron range from a thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one.


增译与省译Samples 6

A drilled hole can be made accurate and smooth by a reamer.

The amount of cell respiration depends upon the degree of activity of the organism.

Many processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a

smelting reduction

Th e purpose of this chapter is to describe the various fasteners or tabulate available sizes. The chips wedged between the holder and the workpiece.

In solids the force of attraction between the molecules is so great that the arrangement of the molecules becomes rigid.

Little information is given about the origin of life.

It does not matter whether we use ball bearings or plain bearing.

The inner and outer rings are graded and stored according to sizes.

Translate by yourself 6:

1.Breeding of hummingbirds takes place in May and June.


2.Cartography is the science of making maps.


3.Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.


4.The average current serves as a useful criterion in determining the energy transfer.


5.The best solution is to continue to reduce all sources of pollution affecting our atmosphere.


6.That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamental law of electricity.


顺译与倒译Samples 7

The nylon nut must not protrude above the metal surface.

The sodium silicate makes the cork stick to the mold surface.

Space programs demand tremendous quantities of liquid hydrogen and oxygen as rocket fuel.

Thus the bending stress is very easily computed.

Attachments are usually not included with a standard machine.

Either or both windings may be excited by alternating or direct currents.

Translate by yourself 7:

1.The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina.


2.Almost any insulated body possesses to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge.


3.The angular-contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity.


4.Singularity functions do not occur in physical systems.


5.The properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation.


6.Part of the immune reaction against AIDS or any virus is that the lymph nodes enlarge. 淋巴结肿大是免疫系统抵抗AIDS和其他病毒的免疫反应的一部分。




The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is one half the circular pitch.

The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.

We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed.

Ductility is also important because it is a measure of that property of a material which permits it to be cold-worked.

Tran slate the following sentences with the word “round” by yourself 8:

1.The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.


2.The earth isn’t completely round; it is slightly flattened at the poles.


3.In each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field. 粒子在振荡电场中转动一周会吸收能量。

4.An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the

nucleus of an atom.


5.Her waist measures forty inches round




Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user.

Noises may develop in a worn engine.

Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn.

Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease.

To develop better mechanical properties is the purpose of many metal working processes. Other isolation methods are being developed.

In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing.

After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers.

They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredity

Translate by yourself 9:

1.A mathematical or logical operation must meet a certain condition.


2.Interactive programming conditions are now available for some commercial

programming languages.


3.The results of a biopsy indicate a rare nonmalignant condition.


4.Doctors learn that he suffers from a blood disorder and hesitate to treat him with an

antivenin, which they believe might make his condition worse.


5.The frequency with which the filter should be removed, inspected, and cleaned will be

determined primarily by aircraft operating conditions.



以idle 为例:

idle capacity备用容量idle coil 闲圈

idle current 无功电流idle frequency闲频中心频率

idle motion 空转idle roll 传动轧辊

idle wheel (gear) 惰轮idle contact 间隔接点

idle space 有害空间idle stroke 慢行程


large current 强电流large pressure 高电压

a large amount of electric power 大量的电力large loads 重载

large-screen receiver 宽屏电视接收机large capacity 高容量

large growing 生长快的

Translate by yourself 10:

Find the Translation in Column B which matches the phrase in Column A.


[ b] 1) low damping [ i ] 2) low brake

[c ] 3) low limit [ e ] 4) low shot

[ d ] 5) low current [ h ] 6) low order

[ g ] 7) low access [ f ] 8) low key

[ a ] 9) low brass



邮政业:“邮递员” 军事:“航空母舰”,

运输业:“搬运工” 化学:“载体”

医药学:“带菌者,媒介物” 车辆制造:“底盘”

无线电:“载波” 机械行业:“托架,传导管”

Translate by yourself 11:

Find the Translation in Column B which matches the specialty or field in Column A.


[ a] 1) 机械行业:[ c ] 2) 造船业:

[ g] 3) 建筑业:[ f] 4) 地质:

[ d] 5) 运输业:[ b] 6) 航空业:

[ e ] 7) 军事:



After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is removed.

The adjustment screw has stops at both sides.

The use of seal legs for feeding and discharging solids eliminates the need for complex lock hoppers.

Translate by yourself 12:

1.The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls.


2.Traditionally, NC programming has been performed off-line with the machine commands being contained on a punched tape.



Hand picks have been replaced by pneumatic picks and electric drills.

Computers come in a wide variety of sizes and capabilities.

The antivenin will not help; but a blood transfusion will. The treatment works.

Translate by yourself 13:

1.The occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from

lack of oxygen.


3.The best solution that science and medicine have come up with so far is the sleeping pill, which is another mixed blessing.



While this restriction on the size of the circuit holds, the law is valid.

This suggests that matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa.

Translate by yourself 14:

1.Many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains

the most easily absorbed form of iron.


2.The data types arrays and records are native to many programming languages.




Quantum chemistry is still in its infancy.

Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.

Translate by yourself 15:

1.Obviously, there is much room for the improvement in the structure.


2.At present coal is the most common food of a steam plant.




如:在Proper selection of bearing materials is an important design consideration.(选择适当的轴承材料是设计中要考虑的一个重要问题。)中,名词selection转译为动词“选择”。

又如:Concrete slab paving will be provided throughout the enclosed boiler area.(锅炉封闭部分全部采用混凝土平板地面。)中,介词throughout 转译为副词“全部”。




The adoption of this new device will greatly down the percentage of defective products.

The inductive coupling permits the use of EM system in aircraft.

If extremely low-cost power were ever to become available from large nuclear power plants, electrolytic hydrogen would become competitive.

The circuits are connected in parallel in the interest of a small resistance.

If one generator is out of order, the other will produce electricity instead.

In any machine, input work equals output work plus work done against friction.

Translate by yourself 16:

1. The design choices hinge upon considerations of gain, noise figure, and so forth.


2. Adherence of the particle to the cell membrane is the first step in the process.


3. An a. c. motor is similar in construction to a d. c. motor.


4. This in a large measure is responsible for the high accuracy obtainable from such systems.


5. Such service will certainly go far in extending the life cycle of older equipment.


6. This type of film develops in twenty minutes.




Genes can now be patented.

The application of surfactants aims to simplify work processes.

This means the permittivity of oil is greater than that of air.

The most effective measures for deterring gene piracy will be those that prevent it altogether.

Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives a picture.

Hummingbirds are typically loners, bonding with the opposite sex for only the few seconds it takes to mate.

What a motor does is to change electrical energy into mechanical driving power.

Translate by yourself 17:

1. Momentum is defined as the product of the velocity and a quantity called the mass of the body.


2. The radioactivity of the new element is several million times stronger than that of uranium.


3. A body that recovers completely and resumes its original dimensions is said to be perfectly elastic.


4. All metals tend to be ductile.


6.Smoke detectors located in each elevator lobby over the elevator call button.




The chief drawback is the length of the curing cycle at high temperatures.

This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the solubility.

The induction of a circuit is of great importance only where the current is changing.

Quite apparent is the fact that most laser beams are exceedingly directed, or highly collimated.

Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.

Light waves differ in frequency just as sound waves do.

The grouping of molecules around a given molecule changes continually.

Translate by yourself 18:

1. It is possible to differentiate these reactions owing to their difference in intensity.

2.It is a success to replace steam with mercury vapor.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8b11983523.html,puters are of great help to scientists and engineers; that is why they are widely used in different branches of science and engineering.

4.This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation.

5.As the nature of the soil often varies considerably on the same construction site, the capacity of the soil to support loads also varies.

6.The range of the spectrum in which heat is radiated mostly lies within the infrared portion.



Natural environments can be easily ruined by inappropriate exploration.

Oxygen is of great significance in the chemical change.

This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the solubility.

In actual tests this point is difficult to obtain.

Rapid evaporation tends to make the steam wet.

Each sample must be submitted with full particulars of its source.

Translate by yourself 19:

1.In case of use without conditioning the electrode, frequent calibrations are required.

2.A further word of caution regarding the selection of standard sizes of materials is necessary.

3.There is superficial similarity between the two devices.

科技英语翻译Unit 1—Unit 7

Unit 1 Electronics:Analog and Digital 1.As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in the circuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter and broader the resonance curve of either line current or circuit impedance. 对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。 2.A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same and weighs exactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current. 一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。 3.Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change the pulse repetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse width unchanged. 在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的周期值,而保持脉冲宽度不变。 4.Electronics is the science and the technology of the passage of charged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor. Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics. 电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。注意,在本书中粒子运动仅限于金属的情况不属于电子学。 5.Hardware technologies have played vital roles in our ability to use electronic properties to process information, but software and data processing aspects have not developed at the same speed. 硬件技术在我们使用电子特性来处理信息的能力中一直起着重要作用,而软件及数字处理方面却没能与硬件同步发展。 6.However, in a properly designed DC amplifier the effect of transistor parameter variation, other than Ico, may be practically eliminated if the operation point of each stage is adjusted so that it remains in the linear operation range of the transistor as temperature varies. 然而在设计得当的直流放大器中,若调节每一级的工作点使之在温度变化时保持在晶体管线性区,就能在实际上消除Ico以外的晶体管参数变化所造成的影响。

英语单词 科技类

洛基英语雅思写作高频词汇:科技类 1. advanced science 尖端科学 2. scientific invention 科学发明 3. exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 4. double-edged sword 双刃剑 5. earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 6. pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 7. lay a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 8. energy crisis 能源危机 9. depletion of resources 能源消耗 10. milestone 里程碑 11. sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12. technical innovation科技创新 13. expediency权宜之计 14. antithetical与…背道而驰的 15. over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16. a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17. exhaust gas 废气 18. disastrous 灾难性的 19. overshadow使…相形见绌 20. compared to/with…与…相比 21. usher in 引领 22. speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23. opposite forces 负面影响 24. a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25. potential hazards 潜在危险 26. pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 27. promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28. accelerate 加速… 29. means of transportation 交通方式 30. transportation tools 交通工具 31. social status 社会地位 32. environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 33. make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便 34. alternative fuel 可替代燃料 35. sustainable development 可持续性发展 36. scientific exploration 科学探索 37. air travel 航空旅行 38. ridiculous 可笑的 39. absurd 荒唐的 40. substitute 取代 41. overcome difficulties 克服困难 42. make progress 取得进步 43. a sense of national pride 民族自豪感


first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next, besides and equally important too moreover besides in addtion finally 2)表转折; by contrast although though yet at the same time but despitethe fact that even so in contrast nevertheless even though for all that notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of on the other hand otherwise instead still regardless 3)表因果; therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence 4)表让步: still nevertheless concession granted naturally in spite of all the same of course despite even so after all 5)表递近: furthermore moreover likewise what is more besides also not only...but also... too in addtion 6)表举例: for example for instance for one thing that is to illustrate as an illustration a case in point 7)表解释: as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words

《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试 A卷参考答案

《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试A卷参考答案 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.所谓翻译就是把一种语言文字所表达的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来的语言转换过程,是通过译 者在不同语言之间进行的一种语言交流活动。 A. 形式/内容 B. 增译/省译 C. 转换/交流 D. 直译/意译 2.著名的“信达雅”三字翻译标准是清末启蒙思想家严复所提出的。 A. 玄奘 B. 严复 C. 傅雷 D. 钱钟书 3.翻译中所谓的“忠实”,首先是指忠实于原文的内容。 A. 原文 B. 译文 C. 原语 D. 译语 4.信息科技英语的翻译标准应该是:准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰。 A. 忠实、通顺 B. 意美、形美、音美 C. 传神、化境 D. 准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰 5.信息科技英语翻译中所谓的准确,就是忠实地、不折不扣地传达原文的全部信息内容。 A. 信息 B. 意义 C. 风格 D. 思想 6.要做好科技英语的翻译工作,通常要求译者具有较高的英语水平、汉语水平、科技知识水平和翻译 理论水平。 A. 口头表达能力 B. 书面表达水平 C. 英语水平 D. 思维能力 7.信息科技英语文体的特点是第三人称多,被动语态多,专业名词、术语多,非谓语动词多,长句子 多。 A. 第一人称 B. 第二人称 C. 第三人称 D. 三种人称 8.信息科技英语翻译中直译法是最常见的译法之一。 A. 直译法 B. 意译法 C. 合译法 D. 分译法 9.英语中的同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常要求译者根据上下文的联系, 以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。 A. 词语 B. 词汇 C. 词序 D. 词义 10.所谓增译就是在译文中添加英语原文省略、或原文中无其词而有其意的词语。 A. 省译 B. 增译 C. 顺译 D. 倒译 二、是非题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.由于英汉两种语言结构与表达方式的不同,有些句子在汉译时不能逐词对译。(是) 2.英语中有大量动词派生的名词和具有动词意义的名词,均不可以转译为汉语的动词。(非) 3.英语定冠词the表示某一类特定的人或事物中的“某一个”,不可译为“该”、“这个/种”、“那个/种” 等。(非) 4.在代词的翻译中,所谓互换,就是将英语原文句子中的名词(即先行词)与代替该名词的代词,在 翻译时进行相互换为。(是) 5.信息科技英语中理解和翻译数词本身并不难,但当数字在句子中表示各种概念时,要理解和翻译一 些数量概念的句型结构时可能就会遇到困难,甚至有时出现误解、误译等现象。(是) 6.大多数作前置定语和少数作后置定语的形容词以及表语形容词,在翻译时一般可以直接译出,即译 为汉语的定语“的”字结构,也可省略“的”字。(是) 7.当英语的动词转译成汉语的名词时,修饰该英语动词的形容词往往转译成汉语的副词。(非) 8.英语介词在古英语中属于动词,因此在翻译时可将英语介词译为汉语动词。(是) 9.英语的连词从形式上可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。(非) 10.英语动词有限定性动词与非限定性动词之分,而不定式、动名词和分词三种限定性动词在科技英语 翻译中应引起我们高度重视。(非) 三、句子英汉翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 1.Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user. 软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务。 2.After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is removed. 弹簧被压缩到并紧高度之后,就没有压力了。 3.The longest light waves we can see are red, the shortest violet, and in between are other colors. 可见光波中最长的是红色,最短的光波是紫色,其他颜色的光波介于这二者之间。 4.Both pumps offer excellent metering performance, high vacuum lift, dry priming capability and no possibility of back-flow. 两类泵还具有良好的计量、高真空提升、干启动以及防回吸等功能。 5.Once it is combined, nitrogen is not chemically inert any longer. 氮气一经化合,在化学上它就变得活泼了。


英语专业(科技英语方向)培养方案 (2011级) 一、培养目标和基本要求 本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学知识、能在外经、外事、新闻、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事口译、笔译、研究、教学、管理工作的应用型高级英语专门人才。 本专业学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、社会文化及外贸等方面的基本理论及基础知识,接受英语听、说、读、写、译的系统训练,掌握各种文体翻译策略和口、笔译翻译技能,熟悉外贸业务,能进行熟练的英语口译和笔译,具有从事新闻、旅游、外经、外贸、外事及翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平。本专业的毕业生应具有“基础实、专业通、技能多、素质好、适应快”的特色。 二、毕业生应获得的知识和能力 1. 具有扎实的英语基础和熟练的听、说、读、写、译能力; 2. 掌握英语语言与文学及相关人文科学方面的基础知识; 3. 了解翻译基本理论,具有较好的口笔译能力; 4. 了解外经、外贸基础知识; 5. 了解我国国情及英语国家的社会和文化; 6. 具有较好的语言表达能力和协调能力; 7. 学习一门第二外语,具有一定的实际应用能力; 8. 掌握计算机应用技术,具有运用计算机进行科研和实际工作的能力。 三、主干学科 外国语言文学 四、主要课程 综合英语、英语泛读、英语听说、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、英美文学选读、科技英语阅读、科技英语翻译、科技英语写作等。 五、主要实践性环节 认识实习、翻译实践、科技翻译能力实践、毕业实习、毕业论文。 六、主要专业实验 无 七、标准学制 四年 八、授予学位 文学学士

九、周次分配 十、教学进程安排 符号说明:━理论教学★入学教育~军训×实习// 课程设计●毕业设计(论文)△考试


2.“完成”、“达到”、“实现”等的表示法 常用的动词有: accomplish 完成 achieve 完成;达到finish 结束,完成 attain 达到;完成fulfil(l) 履行;执行;完成 carry out 执行;进行;实现perform 执行,完成 complete 完成;结束reach 达到 do 实行;完成realize 实现 effect 实现;达到proceed 进行常用名词有: accomplishment 完成 achievement 完成,达到fulfil(1)ment 实现,完成;达到 attainment 达到,完成performance 执行,完成 completion 完成,结束realization 实现 4.“优点”、“好处”、“益处”等的表示法 常用词语有: advantage 优点,好处 benefit 好处;利益excellent/good/outstanding merit 优点;长处features 优点;优异的特点 profit 益处;得益virtue 优点,长处 goodness 优良,优势good qualities 优点 superiority 优越性strong points 优点

accord 符合,一致be in agreement with … agree 符合,一致be in accord with … 与……相一致(符合)coincide 一致,相符be in conformity with … conform (使)一致,(使)符合be consistent with … correspond to …符合于…bring … into correspondence with …使…与…一致起来 常用的名词有:常用的形容词有: accord 一致,符合consistent 一致的,符合的agreement 符合,一致accordant 一致的 coincidence 符合,一致conformable 一致的,符合的correspondence 符合,一致corresponding 一致的,符合的 6.“让步”的表示法 常用词语有: although/whereas/while/whilst 虽然 in spite of/despite尽管,虽然 in spite of the fact that …虽然 irrespective of/regardless of …不论,不管 no matter+疑问词(how,what,when,where等)无论… whatever 无论什么,不论什么 whichever 无论哪个 whenever 无论何时 wherever 无论在哪里 whether … or …不管…还是… even if/even though 即使 however + adj. / adv. 无论怎样 adj. / adv. + as 尽管,虽然 in any case 无论如何 常用词语结构有: appear / seem + to V 看来,似乎 appear / look / seem + like + NP 看来像…,看来是…的样子 look + as if / though …看来好像… It appears / looks/seems + as if/though...看来好像(仿佛)… It appears / seems + that …看来…


科技英语专业术语的借用 2006-7-24 16:39 页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】 翻译科技英语的难点是搞好专业术语的翻译,在科技英语中有些词语看起来很浅显,很熟悉,但如果按熟悉的词语翻译出来后,和文章的内容对照一下,往往会发现"牛头不对马嘴"的现象。 例如,有一篇讲述机械操作的说明中书,有eye和ear这样的术语,乍一看,这些词语的中文意思连小学生都知道,是"眼睛"和"耳朵".这样的翻译可能会令人费解。其实,这两个单词在科技英语中是"孔环"和"吊钩"的意思。此外,还有很多例子,现列出一些作参考: 一、借用动物名称的专业术语 英语日常用语意义机械专业术语意义 pig 猪金属锭块 dog 狗挡块,止动爪 cat 猫吊锚,履带拖拉机 cock 公鸡旋塞,吊车 horse 马支架,铁杆 fish 鱼接合板,夹板 snake 蛇斑点 monkey 猴子活动板手,起重机小车 fox 狐狸绳索 bird 鸟飞机,火箭 二、借用物品名称的专业术语 英语日常用语意义机械专业术语意义 coat 外衣镀层 cap 帽子轴承盖,罩壳

shoe 鞋子闸瓦,履带片 cup 杯子皮碗,轴套 bed 床底座,机床身 bench 长凳拉床,钳工台 house 房子箱体,罩 disk 唱片硬磨盘 desk 书桌控制屏 table 桌子放料盘 三、借用人体器官名称的专业术语 英语日常用语意义机械专业术语意义eye 眼孔环 ear 耳吊钩 mouth 口开度 nose 鼻喷嘴 hand 手手柄,指针 finger 手指厚薄规 foot 脚支座 head 头冒口,刀架 neck 颈座 body 身体机身 hair 头发游丝 tooth 牙齿粗糙面 [NextPage]


科技英语翻译的注意事项(2008-04-22 22:03:31) 标签:文化分类:学习小记一、科技术语的汉译 术语是表示某一专门概念的词语,科技术语就是在科技方面表示某一专门概念的词语。因此翻译时要十分注意,不能疏忽。英语科技术语的特点是词义繁多,专业性强,翻译时必须根据专业内容谨慎处理,稍不注意就会造成很大的错误。如有的人把“the newly developed picture tub”(最新研制成功的显象管)错译为“新近被发展了画面管”;又有人把“a unique instant-picture system”(独特的瞬时显象装置)错译为“独快的图象系统”等等。再以“cassette”这个术语为例,它除了其他方面的意思之外,在录音磁带方面也还有两个意思:一为“装填式磁带盒”,一为“盒式磁带”。究竟应译为那个意思,要从上下文的具体意思去分析判断。如进口的收录两用机的使用说明书上有“checking the的cassette”和“to insert casstte”两个小标题,究竟应当怎么译呢?看来分别将其的译为“检查盒式磁带”和“装上盒式磁带”,要比分别译为“检查磁带盒”和“装上磁带盒”更好一些。 二、科技英语中倍数增减(包括比较)的汉译 科技英语中倍数增减句型究竟应当如何汉译,在我国翻译界中一直存在着争论,国内出版的一些语法书和工具书所持看法也不尽一致,这就影响了对这种句型的正确翻译。这个问题比较重要,数据上的一倍之差往往会造成不可估量的损失。同时,倍数增减这个问题,在科技英语中又是经常会遇到的。因此,其译法很有必要加以统一。以下是本人对这个问题的肤浅看法: 1、倍数增加的译法 英语中说“增加了多少倍”,都是连基数也包括在内的,是表示增加后的结果;而在汉语里所谓“增加了多少倍”,则只表示纯粹增加的数量。所以英语里凡表示倍数增加的句型,汉译时都可译成“是……的几倍”,或“比……增加(n-1)倍”。为了便于查阅,现将英语中表示倍数增加的一些表达法及其译法归纳如下: 例如: a The production of various stereo recorders has been increeased four times as against 1977.(各种立体声录音机的产量比1977年增加了三倍。) b The output of colour television receivers increased by a factor of 3 last year.(去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加了二倍。) 应当指出,有些书认为by后面的倍数是净增加的倍数,汉译时应译为“净增加多少倍的”,而不该减一倍。本人认为这种译法未必妥当,因为“by n times”的意思是“用n 数乘”。如15 increased by 5 times是15×5 = 75之意,75与15相比显然是增加了四


科技英语中专业术语的 翻译 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

科技英语中专业术语的翻译 1.意译:根据科技术语的含义,将其翻译成汉语里和它完全对等的名词就叫意译。对单个词语来说,意译也就是直译。意译法是最常用的翻译方法,它能使读者直接了解术语的含义。例子如下: ①firewall ........ :防火墙 ②data mining .......... :数据挖掘 ③automatic program control ....................... :自动程序控制 2.形译:英语中有些科技术语的前半部分是表示该术语形象的字母或单词,翻译成汉语时可把这一部分翻译成表示具体形象的词,或保留原来的字母,这就叫形译。例子如下: I .-.bar ... 工字钢、工字条;O .-.ring .... 环形圈;twist .....-.drill .....麻花钻;X .-.Ray ...X 光;α.-.brass ..... α黄铜[1] 3.音译:根据英语发音翻译成汉语里相应的词。科技英语中某些有专业名词构成的术语、单位名称、新型材料的名称等,在翻译时都可采用音译法。例子如下: gene .... 基因;quark ..... 夸克;Pentium ....... 奔腾 celluloid ......... 赛璐璐;nylon ..... 尼龙 Hertz .....(Hz )赫兹(频率单位);lumen .....流明(光通量单位) 4.缩写词:英语首字母缩写词在科技新词中占很大比重,这类词如果译成汉语,就显得拖沓冗长,因此很多情况下干脆不翻译。例子如下: CPU ...:.C .entral Processing Unit ....................(中央处理器) ASCII .....:.American S .........tandard ....... C .ode ... for ... I .nformation .......... I .nterchange .......... (美国信息交换标准码) ATM ...:.A .synchronous ........... T .ransfer ....... M .ode ... (异步传输方式) 一些国际组织的缩写也常采用这种办法。例子如下: WTO ...(国际贸易组织);UNESCO ......(联合国教科文组织);WHO ...(世界卫生组织);IOC ... (国际奥委会)


2009-2010学年第2学期 《实用科技英语翻译》期末考试题型和复习题 I Answer the following questions related to EST Translation (30’)(2个题) 1. What’s the definition of EST (English of Science & Technology)? EST (English for Science & Technology or Technical English or Scientific English) is a special language variety widely used in the fields of science and technology. It’s believed that it first came to being in the 1950s along with the rapid development of science and technology, and it many researchers and scholars began to conduct investigation of this common feature of this special genre including reading comprehension, writing and even translation. 2. What are stylistic features of EST? Completely different from other genres such as everyday English, literature English, EST has its own stylistic features due to the specialty in content, field and discourse functions, and partly due to the unique habits of EST writers, which are mostly represented in lexical level and syntactical level. 3. What are the general features of Compound Technical Terms? A. accuracy(确切性): accurately reflect the nature of the concept B. monosemy(单义性): one sense for one word C .systematization(系统性):the individual technical terms in a given field should be in a specific level so as to constitute a common system D. linguistically correct(语言的正确性): in accordance with the word-formation in the same language E. conciseness(简明性): concise and easy to remember F. motivation(理据性): just as the name implies, one can know the meaning of the word.


邢骏杰信息工程1班20091309010 We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive. Touch screens employ one of three physics principles for detecting the point of touch. Pressing a “resistive” design with a finger or other stylus raises a voltage. In “capacitive” models, a finger draws a minute current (this method is often used for cursor pads on notebook computers). In other designs, a finger or stylus interrupts a standing pattern of acoustic waves or infrared lights that blanket the surface. Resistive screens are the oldest, most widely used and least expensive, and they work with any stylus (finger, pen). Capacitive screens must be touched by a finger or an electrically grounded stylus to conduct current. Wave screens are the newest and most expensive. Surface acoustic wave screens must be touched by a finger or a soft stylus such as a pencil eraser to absorb energy; infrared screens work with any stylus. The different technologies may be used in the same applications, although pros and cons lead to prevalent combinations: resistive screens for industrial controls and Palm Pilots; capacitive screens for slot machines; wave screens for A TMs and indoor kiosks. Most people are unaware of the type of screen they are using. But tricks can help you tell, according to Frank Shen of Elo TouchSystems in Fremont, Calif., the largest U.S. maker. Push the screen lightly with your fingernail (not your skin). If it responds, it could be resistive or infrared. In this case, place two separated fingers aga inst the screen at the same time. If the cursor moves beneath one finger, the unit is infrared (software registers the first touch); if the cursor moves between the fingers, it is resistive (the points are averaged). If the unit does not respond to your fingernail, again place two separated fingers against it. If the cursor moves beneath one finger, the unit is acoustic wave; if the cursor moves between the fingers, it is capacitive.


Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 深层卷积神经网络 semantic 英[s??m?nt?k] 美[s??m?nt?k] adj.<语>语义的,语义学的; [例句]He did not want to enter into a semantic debate. 他不想就语义进行争辩。 segmentation 英[?segmen?te??n] 美[?s?ɡm?n?te??n, -m?n-] n.分割; 分段; 切分; 分节; [例句]This paper focuses on the image segmentation, which is one of the key problems in medical image processing. 对图像分割进行了研究,这是医学图像处理中的关键问题之一。 classification 英[?kl?s?f??ke??n] 美[?kl?s?f??ke??n] n.分类; 分级; 类别; (动植物等的)分类学; [例句]Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer. 它的价目表适合4个基本类别的顾客。 [其他]复数:classifications recognition 英[?rek?g?n??n] 美[?r?k?ɡ?n???n] n.认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳; [例句]George said, 'Ida, how are you?' She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned. 'George Black. Well, I never.' 乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。” [其他]复数:recognitions detection 英[d??tek?n] 美[d??t?k??n] n.侦查; 检查; 察觉; 发觉; [例句]They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection. 他们在作弊,但因为手法老练没有被发现。 [其他]复数:detections illumination 英[??lu:m??ne??n] 美[??lum??ne??n] n.照明; 阐明,解释清楚; <物>照度; 彩饰,图案花饰; [例句]The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall. 唯一的亮光来自对面墙上高处的一扇小窗子。


科技英语中专业术语的翻译 1. 意译:根据科技术语的含义,将其翻译成汉语里和它完全对等的名词就叫意译。对单个词语来说,意译也就是直译。意译法是最常用的翻译方法,它能使读者直接了解术语的含义。例子如下:①firewall防火墙 ②data mining数据挖掘 ③automatic program control:自动程序控制 2. 音译:根据英语的发音翻译成汉语里相应的词。科技英语中某些由专有名词构成的术语、单位名称、新型材料的名称等,在翻译时都可采用音译法。例子如下: ●gene基因;quark夸克;Pentium奔腾 ●celluloid赛璐珞;nylon尼龙 ●Hertz(Hz)赫兹(频率单位);lumen流明(光通量单位) 3. 形译:英语中有些科技术语的前半部分是表示该术语形象的字母或单词,翻译时汉语时可把这一部分翻译成表示具体形象的词,或保留原来的字母,这就叫行译。例子如下: I-bar工字钢、工字条;O-ring环形圈;twist-drill麻花钻;X-ray X光;α-brass α黄铜[1] 4.缩写词:英语首字母缩写词在科技新词中占有很大的比重,这类词如翻译成汉语,就显得拖沓冗长,因此很多情况下干脆不翻译。例子如下: CPU:Central Processing Unit(中央处理器) ASCII:American Standard Code for Information Interchange(美国信息交换标准码) ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode(异步传输模式) 一些国际组织的缩写也常采用这种方法。例子如下:

WTO(世界贸易组织);UNESCO(联合国教科文组织);WHO(世界卫生组织);IOC (国际奥委会) 注[1]:指含锌量≤35%的铜锌合金。


信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习(01) 因特网搜索工具分为两大阵营:搜索引擎,如HotBot和AltaVista,以及在线目录,如Yahoo和Lycos。两者间的差别与它们如何编撰网站编目有关。当然,对任何规律都有例外。有些搜索实用程序,如Ask Jeeves,把搜索引擎和目录方法合并成单一的软件包,希望把这两个阵营中最好的东西提供给用户。 在基于目录的搜索服务中,Web网站编目是手工编撰的。比如一直流行的Yahoo就指定专门的人力资源来接受用户对网站的建议,并对建议进行评价和分类,再把它们加到Yahoo网站上特定目录中。 通常是通过简单地填写在线表格就能把你的网站信息提交给(搜索引擎)。例如,在Yahoo 网站上,你可以在www.yahoo.com/docs/info/include.htm1上找到提交信息。由于人工干预对处理、验证和评价提交请求是必要的,所以在网站在基于目录的搜索服务中捕捉到一处之前,可望有些延迟。 另一方面,搜索引擎完全实现了编撰过程的自动化,彻底消除了人工干预。 一个叫做蜘蛛或爬虫的软件机器人自动地在整个Web上取出站点,阅读页面和跟随相关的链接。通过设计,蜘蛛可以周期性地返回到站点,检查新的页面和修改已有页面。 蜘蛛爬行得到的结果记录在搜索引擎的索引或目录中。已知了因特网上可资利用的信息的价值,对索引扩张到非常大的规模是不会感到惊讶的。例如,AltaVista的索引最近已增至3.5亿页而名列前茅。这个数字看来好像非常大,但总体估计它仅代表了Web上不足35%的页面。 由于已编索引的信息的深度与广度(非常大),所以通常在“蜘蛛爬行过”站点的时间与出现在搜索索引中的时间之间有一个延迟,有时多达几周。只有这两步的过程完成之后,站点才能供搜索查询使用。 最后,每个搜索引擎的心脏是一种算法,它将关键字查询与索引中的信息匹配起来,并按算法认为最有关联的顺序把结果列出。 由于每种搜索引擎的蜘蛛、产生的索引和搜索算法都是不一样的,所以在不同搜索引擎上的搜索结果和排列次序是不同的。这就解释了为什么当相同的关键字搜索准则输入进去时,HotBot中排在最前面的10个站点不会出现在AltaVista中最前面的站点中。 此外,很多(但不是所有的)搜索实用程序也引用元标记(文档中用来描述其内容的、看不见的HTML标记),作为控制内容如何编索引的方法。因此,在整个站点中正确使用元标记也能提高(此站点)在搜索引擎中的排列名次


形合和意合 1.昨天看电影我没有买到好票。 I did not buy good seat for movie last day. 2.这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。 This workshop processes raw material on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s sample as well. 3.她在中国留学服务中心工作。 She works at Chinese service center for Scholarly Exchange. 4.烤烟,苹果,羊毛和甘薯是延安的四大农产品,年产量3.12亿元,占农业总产值的52.5%。 Cured tobacco, apples, wool and sweet potatoes are the four main agricultural products in Yan’an, their output values at 312 million yuan RMB, according for 5.2% of its total agricultural output values. 5.可以预言,钛材在飞机或各种飞行器上的应用将会与日俱增,并且在其他工业中的应用也会扩大。 It can be prophesied that titanium materials will be used increasing in aerospace and in other industries. 6.If rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease, it is called secondary hypertension. 某种与其他疾病伴发的高血压,称为继发性高血压 7.Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book. 本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。 8.一种微生物能够破坏另一种微生物,这种现象最早是巴斯德发现的,他指出这可以用到医疗上去。 That a microganism is capable of destroying one of anther species was first discovered by Pasteur, who pointed out that can be used to the therapeutic use. 英汉句子中心的差异 1.他们培育出的细胞看上去像胚胎干细胞,这的确令人惊讶。 It’s truly amazing that they can produce cells that look like embryoric stem cells. 2.1968年12月阿波罗8号宇宙飞船上那些想家的宇航员们在太空拍下了整个地球的彩照,此后在1970年4月很快就出现了第一个地球日,这绝非是历史的偶然。 It’s no accident of history that the first Earth Day in April 1970 came so soon after the color photograghs of the whole earth from space were made by homesick astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission to the moon December 1968. 3.你们已经取得了进步,对此我毫不怀疑。 There has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved. 4.由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快的重新实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。 I was all the more delighted when as a result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly. 5.由于现代世界的发展和近年来在单门学科狭窄前沿上的研究进展,出现一些极其复杂的难题,单凭一两人的力量是无法对它们进行透彻研究的。 One cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world and by recent development in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline. 6.这种小型热带鱼由于具有自行修复受损和患病的眼部细胞的独特能力,长期以来一直为科学家所关注。The tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in their own eyes. 7.不努力就不会成功。 One can never succeed without making great efforts.
