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“X has regularly and punctually attended all
my classes. All his assignments were handed
in on time and very neatly presented. I greatly
enjoyed having X in my class. ”
5、Speech therapist:So you like ice-cream. What are you favourite flavours?
Child with a pragmatic disorder: hamburger…fish and chips.
这个孩子没有遵守哪条准则?你认为他是违 背还是违反该准则?
第4讲 合作原则与会话含义
将其真实意思解释出来,并说明你是如何推导出这 些意思来的。
(a)Virginia: Do you like my new hat?
Mary: It’s pink.
(b)Maggie: Coffee?
James: It’s would keep me awake all night.
Mike: No. (Mike knows he’s passed the driving test.)
(b) Annie: Do you want seconds? Mike: gmmm uh mmm (Mike’s just had his wwenku.baidu.comsdom teeth extracted.)
(c) Annie: I really liked that dinner. Mike: I’m a vegetarian.
Mary: It’s pink.
(b)Maggie: We went to see The Omen last
night but it wasn’t very scary.
James: It’s would keep me awake all night.
(c)Linda: You look very pleased with yourself.
B: Her father didn’t give her any supper. (She didn’t have any supper.)
(d)A: Is Mike engaged? B: He’s bought a ring. (Mike is engaged.)
(e)A: You look pleased. B: I managed to pass the exam. (I try to pass the exam )
6、以下划线的每句话后面的括号里的解释是预设还是会话含义? (a)A: My boyfriend lives in Luton.
B: My boyfriend lives in Paris. (I have a boyfriend.) (b)A: What?
B: Why are you laughing at me? (You are laughing at me) (c)A: Why is she eating those?
——Mike loves cherry pie. As far as he’s concerned, no one can ruin a cherry pie, and Annie knows this.
4、假设你是一位主考官,你在考虑X是否适 合一份需要较高写作能力的工作。你已经写 信给他的老师请她评价他在该学科的表现。 你收到以下回复:
Mike: Annie,cherry pie is cherry pie.
3.回到练习1.如果你有以下信息的话你考虑第1 个说话人是如何理解第2个说话人的回答的。
——Pink is Mary’s favourite colour and Virginia knows this.
——James has to stay up all night to study for an exam and Maggie knows this.
Terry: Well,Steve’s got those dogs now.
(e)Annie: Was the dessert any good?
Mike: Annie,cherry pie is cherry pie.
(a)Virginia: Try the roast pork.
(f)A: Did you finish that report? B: I started it. (I didn’t finish the report)
7、以下例子违反了哪个准则?你认为违反的例子,可以推导出 什么样的会话含义。方括弧里是背景信息。 (a)Annie: Mike, did you pass the driving test?
(c)Linda: Have you finished the student
evaluation forms and the reading lists?
Jean: I’ve done the reading lists.
(d)Phil: Are you going to Steve’s barbecue?
What maxim does the teacher seem to flout?
What implicature would you draw about X’s writing skills?
Why do you think the teacher phrased her
response this way?
Jean: I’ve done the reading lists.
(d)Phil: His garden looks awful.
Terry: Well,Steve’s got those dogs now.
(e)Annie: I thought the pie would cheer you up.