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See! the mountains kiss high heaven,

And the waves clasp one another;

No sister flower could be forgiven,

If it disdained its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea;

What is all this sweet work worth,

If thou kiss not me?



I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers

From the seas and streams:

I bear light shade for the leaves when laid

In their noonday dreams.

From my wings are shaken the dews that waken

The sweet buds every one,

When rocked to rest on their mother's breast,

As she dances about the sun.

I wield the flail of lashing hail,

And whiten the green plains under,

And then again I dissolve it in rain,

And laugh as I pass in thunder.


其中的thirsting flowers,in their noonday dreams, my wings, waken the sweet buds, their mother's breast, as she dances,等都使用了拟人(personification)的修辞手法。“我”本是一朵无生命的云,然而诗人赋予了“我”生命,给予了我翅膀。如我时而温柔地为鲜花带来清新的甘霖,时而为叶子轻轻地遮阳避日,时而又凶猛地挥动冰雹的连枷,捶打绿色的原野。通过第一人称“我”来描述“云”的一连串的动作和形态,使得云变得生动形象,活灵活现。饥渴的花朵午睡未醒、留恋梦境的绿叶以及昏昏欲睡的新芽。诗中把这些植物拟人化了。暗喻(metaphor),在七、八行里把树枝比作母亲,新芽比作孩子。母亲在经受着云带来的风吹日晒,而孩子则安然地睡在母亲的怀抱里。诗人把树枝比作慈爱的母亲,显得十分贴切自然。夸张(exaggeration),最后一行中将雷声比作“云”的大笑。诗人运用丰富的想象,夸张的特征,生动地表现出“云’的雄伟气魄。重复(repetition),如末三行开始皆用and,使得冰雹急落,大地倾刻一片白茫茫,接着降下一场大雨,发出隆隆的雷声,这一连串的动作通过and的重复表现出来。其作用有两种;一是渲染了气氛,加重了语气,二是使得句子前后呼应,加强了联系。倒装(inversion),如五、六两行表达一个完整的意思,由于主语较长而谓语又较短,如果不使用倒装则使句子显得头重脚轻,失去平衡。使用了倒装,就保持了句子的节奏和平衡,使得意义表达流畅。押韵(如rhyme),本节中双行押韵,句尾押韵如。treams, dreams; one .sun;



showers ;flowers; shade, laid; shaken, waken; rest. breast: flail, hail;again, rain〕.句首押韵如I, l; from, from; and ,and.押头韵

如fresh, for .flowers; light, leaves, laid; seas, streams等

One word is too often profaned

For me to profane it,

One feeling too falsely distaind

For thee to distain it;

One hope is too like despair

For prudence to smother,

And pity from thee more dear

Than that from another.

此处,诗人运用了暗喻(metaphor),全诗中没有一个“爱”字,却无时无刻不在写“爱”,诗人把爱比作“one word", "one feeling", "one hope".

I can not give what men call love:

But wilt thou accept not

The worship the heart lifts above
