



Lesson 12:Why I Write


From a very early age,perhaps the age of five or six,I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer.


Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea,but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books.


I was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this and

other reasons I was somewhat lonely,and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays.


I had the lonely child9;s habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons,and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued.


I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts,and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure


。. As a very small child I used to imagine that I was,say,Robin Hood,and picture myself as the hero of thrilling adventures,but quite

soon my “story” ceased to be narcissistic in a crude way and became more and more a mere description of what I was doing and the things I saw.


For minutes at a time this kind of thing would be running through my head:“He pushed the door open and entered the room. A yellow beam of sunlight,filtering through the muslin curtains,slanted on to the table,where a matchbox,half open,lay beside the inkpot. With his right hand in his pocket he moved across to the window. Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf,” etc.,etc.


This habit continued till I was about twenty-five,right through my non-literary years. Although I had to search,and did search,for the right words,I seemed to be making this descriptive effort almost against my will,under a kind of compulsion from outside.



The “story” must,I suppose,have reflected the styles of the various writers I admired at different ages,but so far as I remember it always had the same meticulous descriptive quality.




When I was about sixteen I suddenly discovered the joy of mere words,i,e. the sounds and associations of words. The lines from Paradise Lost —

“So hee with difficult y and labour hard

Moved on:with difficulty and labour hee,“

现在看来这并没有什么了不得,可当时却使我心灵震颤。而用hee 的拼写代替he,更增加了愉悦。

which do not now seem to me so very wonderful,sent shivers down my backbone;and the spelling “hee” for “he” was an added pleasure.


As for the need to describe things,I knew all about it already. So it is clear what kind of books I wanted to write,in so far as I could be said to want to write books at that time.


I wanted to write enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy endings,full of detailed descriptions and arresting similes,and also full of purple passages in which words were used partly for the sake of their sound.


And in fact my first completed novel,Burmese Days,which I wrote when I was thirty but projected much earlier,is rather that kind of book.


I give all this background information because I do not think one can assess a writer9;s motives without knowing something of his early development.


His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in —at least this is true in tumultuous,revolutionary ages like our own—but before he ever begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from

which he will never completely escape.


It is his job,no doubt,to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage,or in some perverse mood:but if he escapes from his early influences altogether,he will have killed his impulse to write.


Putting aside the need to earn a living,I think there are four great motives for writing,at any rate for writing prose.

这四种动机或多或少地存在于每个作家身上,在某一个作家身上,它们会因时代的不同和生活环境的不同而变化。它们是:They exist in different degrees in every writer,and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time,according to the atmosphere in which he is living. They are:


(1)Sheer egoism. Desire to seem clever,to be talked about,to be remembered after death,to get your own back on grown-ups who

snubbed you in childhood,etc. ,etc. It is humbug to pretend that this is not a motive,and a strong one. . .


(2)Aesthetic enthusiasm. Perception of beauty in the external world,or,on the other hand,in words and their right arrangement. Pleasure in the impact of one sound on another,in the firmness of good prose or the rhythm of a good story. Desire to share an experience which one feels is valuable and ought not to be missed…


(3)Historical impulse. Desire to see things,as they are,to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity.


(4)Political purpose —using the wor d “political” in the widest possible sense. Desire to push the world in a certain direction,to ater other people9;s idea of the kind of society that they should strive after.

Once again,no book is genuinely free from political bias. The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.


It can be seen how these various impulses must war against one another,and how they must fluctuate from person to person and from time to time.


By nature —taking your “nature” to be the state you have attained when you are first adult—I am a person in whom the first three motives would outweigh the fourth.


In a peaceful age!might have written ornate or merely descriptive books,and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties.


As it is I have been forced into becoming a sort of pamphleteer.



First I spent five years in an unsuitable profession (the Indian Imperial Police,in Burma),and then I underwent poverty and the sense of failure. This increased my natural hatred of authority and made me for the firs t time fully aware of the existence of the working classes,and the job in Burma had given me some understanding of the nature of imperialism;but these experiences were not enough to give me an accurate political orientation.


Then came Hitler,the Spanish Civil War,etc.


By the end of 1935 I had still failed to reach a firm decision. The Spanish war and other events in 1936 - 1937 turned the scale and thereafter I know where I stood.


Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written,directly or indirectly,against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism,as I understand it.


It seems to me nonsense,in a period like our own,to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects.


Everyone writes of them in one guise or another.


It is simply a question of which side one takes and what approach one follows.


And the more one is conscious of one9;s political bias,the more chance one has of acting politically without sacrificing one9;s aesthetic and intellectual integrity.


What I have most wanted to do throughout the past ten years is to make political writing into an art.


My starting point is always a feeling of partisanship,a sense of injustice.


When I sit down to write a book I do not say to myself,“I am going to produce a work of art. ”


I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose,some fact to which I want to draw attention,and my initial concern is to get a hearing.


But I could not do the work of writing a book,or even a long magazine article,if it were not also an aesthetic experience.


Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.


I am not able,and I do not want,completely to abandon the world-view that I acquired in childhood.


So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style,to love the surface of the earth,and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information.


It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself. The job is to reconcile my ingrained likes and dislikes with the essentially public,non-individual activities that this age forces on all of us.


It is not easy. It raises problems of construction and of language,and it raises in a new way the problem of truthfulness. . .


In one form or another this problem comes up again.


The problem of language is subtler and would take too long to discuss.


I will only say that of late years I have tried to write less picturesquely and more exactly.


In any case I find that by the time you have perfected any style of writing,you have always outgrown it.


Animal Farm was the first book in which I tried,with full consciousness of what I was doing,to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole.


I have not written a novel for seven years,but I hope to write another fairly soon.


It is bound to be a failure,every book is a failure,but I do know with some clarity what kind of book I want to write.


…Writing a book is a horrible,exhausting struggle,like a long bout of some painful illness.


One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.


For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.


And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one9;s own personality.


Good prose is like a window pane.


I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest,but I know which of them deserve to be followed.


And looking back through my work,I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages,sentences without meaninmeaning,decorative adjectives and humbug generally.


第一课救赎 ----兰斯顿.休斯 在我快13岁那年,我的灵魂得到了拯救,然而并不是真正意义上的救赎。事情是这样的。那时我的阿姨里德所在的教堂正在举行一场盛大的宗教复兴晚会。数个星期以来每个夜晚,人们在那里讲道,唱诵,祈祷。连一些罪孽深重的人都获得了耶稣的救赎,教堂的成员一下子增多了。就在复兴晚会结束之前,他们为孩子们举行了一次特殊的集会——把小羊羔带回羊圈。里德阿姨数日之前就开始和我提这件事。那天晚上,我和其他还没有得到主宽恕的小忏悔者们被送去坐在教堂前排,那是为祷告的人安排的座椅。 我的阿姨告诉我说:“当你看到耶稣的时候,你看见一道光,然后感觉心里似乎有什么发生。从此以后耶稣就进入了你的生命,他将与你同在。你能够看见、听到、感受到他和你的灵魂融为一体。”我相信里德阿姨说的,许多老人都这么说,似乎她们都应该知道。尽管教堂里面拥挤而闷热,我依然静静地坐在那里,等待耶稣的到来。 布道师祷告,富有节奏,非常精彩。呻吟、喊叫、寂寞的呼喊,还有地狱中令人恐怖的画面。然后他唱了一首赞美诗。诗中描述了99只羊都安逸的待在圈里,唯有一个被冷落在外的情形。唱完后他说道:“难道你不来吗?不来到耶稣身旁吗?小羊羔们,难道你们不来吗?”他向坐在祷告席上的小忏悔者们打开了双臂,小女孩们开始哭了,她们中有一些很快跳了起来,跑了过去。我们大多数仍然坐在那里。 许多长辈过来跪在我们的身边开始祷告。老妇人的脸像煤炭一样黑,头上扎着辫子,老爷爷的手因长年的工作而粗糙皲裂。他们吟唱着“点燃微弱的灯,让可怜的灵魂得到救赎”的诗歌。整个教堂里到处都是祈祷者的歌声。 最后其他所有小忏悔者们都去了圣坛上,得到了救赎,除了一个男孩和依然静静地坐着等侯的我。那个男孩是一个守夜人的儿子,名字叫威斯特里。在我们的周围尽是祈祷的修女执事。教堂里异常闷热,天色也越来越暗了。最后威斯特里小声对我说:“去他妈的上帝。我再也坐不住了,我们站起来吧,就可以得到救赎了。”于是他就站了起来,也因此得到了救赎。 祈祷席上只剩下我一个人孤零零的。里德阿姨走过来,开始跪在我的旁边,小声哭泣。祷告者的诵诗充满了整个教堂。所有人都在为我一个人祈祷,时而呻吟时而呼号。我依然很平静的等待耶稣,等待等待——可是他没有来。我希望可以看见他,可是什么都没有发生。我希望有些事发生,可什么都没有变化。 我听见大主教说:“为什么你不来呢?我亲爱的孩子,为什么你不来到耶稣身边?他正等着你。他需要你。为什么你不来呢?里德修女,这个孩子叫什么名字?” “休斯顿。“我的阿姨啜泣着说。”休斯顿,你为什么不过来,得到救赎呢哦上帝的小羊羔啊,你为什么不过来呢?“现在天真的黑了。我开始惭愧,是自己把他们托得这么晚。我开始想上帝会怎么认为威斯特里。他当然也没有看见主,但现在正骄傲地坐在圣坛上,晃着灯笼裤的褪,露齿嘲笑我。周围围着一群跪着祈祷的老女人。上帝并没有因为他亵渎神灵或在教堂里撒谎而惩罚他。所以我决定也许为了省去更多的麻烦,我最好也撒谎,说耶稣已经来了,然后站起来,得到救赎。 于是我站了起来。 整个屋子突然成了欢呼的海洋,当她们看见我站起来时。欢呼声一阵接着一阵。女人们跳了起来。我的阿姨拥抱了我,大主教拉起我的手,把我牵到了主席台上。 当一切渐渐平息的时候,教堂安静了下来,只听见几声愉悦的阿门。所有的小羊羔们都得到了上帝的祝福。教堂里充满了欢悦的吟唱。 但那天晚上我却哭了。那是我一生倒数第二次哭泣,因为我已经是个12岁的大男孩了。我独自一人躺在床上,哭泣不已。担心里德阿姨会听到,我把头埋在被子下面。她还是醒了,告诉我的叔叔说:“我哭是因为神圣的上帝进入了我的生命,因为我看见了耶稣。但是我哭的真正原因是我羞于告诉她我撒谎了,我骗了教堂里所有人。我没有看见耶稣,我也不再相信有一个耶稣,因为他没有来拯救我。 第二课名字游戏 约翰·史密斯正朝我走过来。虽然他只是我的一个很平常的熟人,但按照美国人的问候习惯,我得说出那么几个字来(如:“你好!”或“早上好!”之类的话。)向他表示我的好意。然而,我该怎么叫他呢?叫他约翰?或是史密斯?或者史密斯医生?像这样的问题在平常,是不用思考的事情。 对于在美国土生土长讲美语的人来说,我们长大后,学会语法规则的同时也学会了称呼别人的规则。乍一想,我们会认为仔细去考察我们称呼的方式是一件不值得做的事情,然而正是这些称呼的方式揭示了我们对同一个语言社区的人们的主观看法。 首先,我们会用讲话者的年龄关系去判断使用的称呼是否合适。如果我们招呼的是个孩子,那么我们就可以毫无顾虑地忽略那些无意之中学来的规则,而简单地直呼其名(FN)。然而,孩子却要用“头衔+姓氏”的方式来招呼大人。


Lesson Thirteen Work 工作 究竟工作是幸福还是痛苦的源泉,这可能是一个难以回答的问题。 Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. 毫无疑问有许多工作是非常令人厌烦的,而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事。 There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. 然而我认为,只要不过量,对多数人来说即使是最枯燥的工作也比终日无所事事要好些。 I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工 作者的能力而异。 There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. 大多数人不得不从事的工作本身大都无乐趣可言,但即使是这样的工作也有一些很大的好处。Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. 首先,工作可将一天的许多时间占满,人们不必再费神来决定应干些什么,大多数人在可以自由地按自己的愿望打发时间时,常常会不知所措,想不起有什么令人愉快的事值得去做。 To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. 而他们的决定又总是受到干扰,觉得干别的什么事也许会更令人愉快。 And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. 能够有意义地利用闲暇时间是文明发展到最高阶段的结果,而目前很少有人能达到这一层次。To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. 何况作出选择本身就是件令人厌烦的事。 Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. 除了那些具有非凡主动性的人,其他的人肯定有人乐于被告诉一天中的每时每刻该做什么, 当然命令他们做的事不能太令人厌烦。 Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant. 多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。 Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. 有时他们去非洲猎取巨兽或环绕世界飞行来解闷,但这类刺激的数量有限,尤其到了中年以后更 是如此。 At times they may find relief by hunting big game in Africa, or by flying round the world, but the number of such sensations is limited, especially after youth is past. 因此较为明智的阔佬们工作起来几乎像穷人一样卖力,而有钱的女人则大多忙于她们自以为

大学英语Unit 1 课文翻译

学外语 学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。


Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English? 英语有多难 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力)in Australia,就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,there has been foreign languages fervor[f??v?] in China,中国也掀起一股外语热,with English on top of the list. 在这股热潮中,英语高居榜首。English is not only taught at schools,colleges and universities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.不仅各级学校教英语,夜校、电台、电视台也都设有英语课程。Parents hire private tutors for their school children;父母为学龄的孩子聘请英语家教,adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing their spoken English with peop1e of the same interest and determination. 成年英语学习者会牺牲周末休息日,到公园参加英语角,与志趣相投的英语学习者练习口语。Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered ? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗? The answer,if I am asked to offer,is undoubtedly,yes.如果我被问及这个问题,那么毫无疑问,我的答案是:是的。From my personal experience, 从我个人的经验来看,I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation,its grammatical rules,its words,etc.英语学习不仅仅是学习英语发音、语法规则、词汇等,It involves learning everything about the countries where it is used and the people who use it.它包括学习与使用该语言的国家和民族有关的所有内容。Without such a complete understanding of the language, 对英语没有这样全面的理解,the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation,sentence structure and the words he uses.即使发音、句子结构、措辞毫无错误,一个外国人所讲的英语也难免听起来稀奇古怪甚至难以理解。The social customs and habits of the English-speaking people contribute a lot to the difficulty a foreigner has in learning it.讲英语民族者的社会风俗习惯增加了外国人学习英语的难度。Take the Chinese English learners for example.以学英语的中国人为例," Hello "and "Good morning" may sound a little bit simple to Chinese people."你好"和"早上好"是非常简单的。It is totally beyond the understanding of a Chinese English learner that native English speakers would be annoyed when they're addressed "Where are you going?",which is a commonly used addressing among the Chinese."你去哪儿?"是中国人常用的问候语,若英语母语者被问及"你去哪儿?",他们会因此感到不悦,这一点让中国的英语学习者大为不解。Is there anything wrong with the English sentence structure ? 这个英语句子结构不对吗? Of course not.当然不是。It takes quite some time for a Chinese English learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address. 学英语的中国人得费点儿时间才能理解这一问候语侵犯了西方人的隐私。By the same token,同样,"Have you eaten?"(which is another addressing term the Chinese people usually use)will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 英语母语者听到"你吃了吗?"(中国人常用的另外一个问候语),会觉得中国人非常好客,会在事先毫无准备的情况下请人吃饭。Meanwhile,the Chinese would be shocked to hear,"Oh,it's very nice of you.When?",if the addressee happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.如果听话者此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答"太好了,什么时候?",中国人为此也会大吃一惊。 "We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner.Why can't we say pig,bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork,beef or mutton?" Chinese English learners may raise such questions.中国的英语学习者可能会这样问:"我们可以说吃鸡,为什么不能说吃猪、吃牛、吃羊,而要说吃猪肉、牛肉、羊肉呢?"Figuring out the reasons for the peculiar English vocabulary is no easy task for Chinese English learners.对学习英语的中国人来说,为这些特殊的英语词汇找出理由并非易事。But the problem is that memorizing English words mechanically would be devastating and inefficient if they did not know what had happened in British history.问题在于如果不懂英国历史,死记硬背英语单词毫无效率。Thus learning English(and other languages as well)involves learning the history of the countries where it is spoken.所以说,学英语(其他语言亦如此)还包括学习使用该语言国家的历史知识。A task of this kind is more difficult for Chinese English learners than for people who speak


关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话 二十二日星期天早晨,我一醒来便接到了希特勒入侵苏联的消息。这就使原先意料中的事变成了无可怀疑的事实。我完全清楚我们对此应该承担何种义务,采取何种政策。我也完全清楚该如何就此事发表声明。尚待完成的只不过是将这一切形成文字而已。于是,我吩咐有关部门立即发表通告,我将于当晚九点钟发表广播讲话。不一会儿,匆匆从伦敦赶到的迪尔将军走进我的卧室,为我带来了详细情报。德国人已大规模入侵苏联,苏联空军部队有很大一部分飞机都没来得及起飞便遭到德军的突袭。德军目前似乎正以凌厉的攻势极为迅猛地向前推进。这位皇家军队总参谋长报告完毕后又补了一句,“我估计他们将会大批地被包围。” 一整天我都在写讲稿,根本没有时间去找战时内阁进行磋商,也没有必要这样做。我知道我们大家在这个问题上的立场是完全一致的。艾登先生、比弗布鲁克勋爵,还有斯塔福德?克里普斯爵士——他是十号离开莫斯科回国的——那天也同我在一 起。 那个周末值班的是我的私人秘书科维尔先生。由他执笔记述的下面这段关于那个星期天里切克 尔斯首相官邸发生的情况的文字,也许值得一提: “六月二十一日,星期六。晚饭前我来到切克尔斯首相官邸。怀南特夫妇、艾登夫妇和爱德华?布里奇斯等几位均在那儿。晚饭席上,邱吉尔先生说,德国人人侵苏联已是必然无疑的了。他认为希特勒是想指望博取英美两国的资本家和右冀势力的同情和支持。不过,希特勒的如意算盘打错了。 我们英国将会全力以赴援助苏联。维南特表示美国也会采取同样的态度。 晚饭后,当我同邱吉尔先生在槌球场上散步时,他又一次谈到了这一话题。我当时问他,对于他这个头号反共大将来说,这种态度是否意味着改变自己的政治立场。‘绝非如此。我现在的目标只有一个,即消灭希特勒。这使我的生活单纯多了。假使希特勒入侵地狱,我至少会在下议院替魔 鬼说几句好话的。’ 次日清晨四点钟,我被电话铃惊醒,原来是外交部来的电话,内容是报告德国已开始进攻俄国的消息。首相一向吩咐,只有当英国遭到入侵时才可以叫醒他。因此,我等到八点钟才向他报告这一消息。他听完消息后只说了一句话:‘通知英国广播电台,我今晚九点要发表广播讲话。’他从上午十一点开始撰写讲稿,中间除与斯塔福德.克里普斯爵士、克兰伯恩勋爵和比弗布鲁克勋爵共进午餐外,这一天的全部时间都花在写讲稿上了……讲稿直到九点差二十分才写好。” 在这次广播讲话中,我说道: “纳粹政体与共产主义的最糟糕之处毫无两样。除了贪欲和种族统治外,它没有任何指导思想和行动准则。它在残酷压迫和疯狂侵略过程中所犯下的滔天罪行在人类历史上可谓空前绝后。在过去的二十五年中,我比任何人都更坚定而始终如一地反对共产主义。过去对共产主义所作的批评我仍然一句也不想收回。但现在展现在我们面前的景象已经将那一切冲得烟消云散了。过去的一切,连同它的种种罪恶、蠢行和悲剧全都从眼前乍然消失。此刻我眼前看到的是俄国的士兵昂然挺立于自己的国土,英勇地捍卫着他们祖祖辈辈自古以来一直辛勤耕耘着的土地。我看到他们正在守卫着自己的家园,在那里母亲和妻子正在向上帝祈祷——是啊,任何人都总有祈祷的时候——祈求上帝保佑她们的亲人的平安,并保佑她们的壮劳力、她们的勇士和保护者凯旋归来。我看见成千上万的俄国村庄,那儿的人们虽然要靠在土地上辛勤耕作才能勉强维持生计,却依然能够享受到天伦之乐,那儿的姑娘在欢笑,儿童在嬉戏。我看到这一切正面临着凶暴的袭击,正杀气腾腾地扑向他们的是纳粹的战争机器同它的那些全副武装、刀剑当当有声、皮靴咚咚作响的普鲁士军官以及它的那些奸诈无比、刚刚帮它征服并奴役了十多个国家的帮凶爪牙。我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。我看见天空中那些屡遭英军痛击、余悸未消的德国轰炸机和战斗机此时正庆幸终于找到他们以为是无力反抗、可手到即擒的猎物。“在


新编大学英语(第二版)第一册阅读文参考译文 Unit One 以生命相赠 1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹要轰炸什么目标,而他们却落在了一所有传教士们办的小孤儿院内。 2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,她的双腿被炸伤。 3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。救援小组由一名年轻的美国海军医生和一名同样年轻的海军护士组成。他们很快发现有个小女孩伤势严重。如果不立即采取行动,显然她就会因失血过多和休克而死亡。 4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要相配血型的血。快速的血型测定显示两名美国人的血型都不合适,而几个没有受伤的孤儿却有相配的血型。 5 这位医生会讲一点越南语,忽视会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。孩子们不会说英语,只会说一点法语。医生和护士用少得可怜的一点共同语言,结合大量的手势,努力向这些受惊吓的孩子们解释说,除非他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。接着问他们是否有人愿意献血来救小女孩。 6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们(只是)瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。此时小病人生命垂危。然而,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血。过了好一会儿,一只小手慢慢地举了起来,然后垂了下去,一会儿又举了起来。 7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。“你叫什么名字?” 8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。 9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。在整个过程中,兴僵直地躺着,没有出声。 10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。 11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。 12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。医生又问是不是插在手臂上的针弄疼了他,兴又摇了摇头。


Unit1 1.背离传统需要极大的勇气 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。 2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗? 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it? 5.如果这些数据统计上市站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. Unit2 1.该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.


1 Rock music began in America in the late 1950’s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this forum , the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on . They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped . 2 The American young people in 1960’s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn’t trust the adult world that didn’t belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life . 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it did n’t do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda’s school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olson’s home , he wanted to examine Mthilda’s throat first . But no mat ter how he coaxed ,,She wouldn’t open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure

高级英语下lesson 13课文翻译

Lesson Thirteen Work工作 究竟工作是幸福还是痛苦的源泉,这可能是一个难以回答的问题。 Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. 毫无疑问有许多工作是非常令人厌烦的,而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事。 There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. 然而我认为,只要不过量,对多数人来说即使是最枯燥的工作也比终日无所事事要好些。 I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工作者的能力而异。 There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. 大多数人不得不从事的工作本身大都无乐趣可言,但即使是这样的工作也有一些很大的好处。 Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. 首先,工作可将一天的许多时间占满,人们不必再费神来决定应干些什么,大多数人在可以自由地按自己的愿望打发时间时,常常会不知所措,想不起有什么令人愉快的事值得去做。To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. 而他们的决定又总是受到干扰,觉得干别的什么事也许会更令人愉快。


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Unit 1 1. A very curious boy, Tom, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对“是什么”感兴趣,而且也对“为什么”和“怎么会”感兴趣。 2. Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 3. You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on. 你最好把这本书放在你15岁的儿子找不到的地方。 4. The story was very funny and Bill kept laughing while reading it. 这故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course 你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的 7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one's abilities counts for much more. 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 Unit 2 1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.” 在谈及美国英语和英国英语的差别时,他说:“美国和英国毕竟是两个不同的国家。” 2. Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. “I am just as happy,” he often says, “even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.” 史密斯教授鼓励他的学生独立思考。他常说:“即使你们对我提出质疑或者完全不同意我的看法,我也同样高兴。” 3. We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 我们请他参加我们关于流行音乐的谈话,但他一参加进来就引入一个新的话题,谈起了上周的NBA决赛。 4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。


Unit 1 1.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn't take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. Unit 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4.他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5.经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.) This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. Unit 3 1.你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。(never too... to...) You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2.还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure) There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3.由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。(meet with) Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4.虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(ups and downs; all along) Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5.我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。(have reservations about) I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.
