

Absurd Literature:

① A term applied to a number of works in drama and prose fiction which have in common the sense that Human condition is essentially absurd which can be represented in works of literature that are themselves absurd.

②After the 1940s,there was a widespread tendency,especially prominent in the existential philosophy of letters such as Sartre and Albert Camus to view a human being as isolated existent who is cast into alien universe which conceive no inherent truth,value or meaning to represent human life --in its fruitless search for purpose and meaning.

③Samuel Beckett in his Waiting for Godot project the irrational ,helpless,absurdity of life in dramatic form that reject realistic setting,logic reasoning or a coherent evolving plot.

Alienation Effect

1)In his Epic Theater,the German dramatist Brecht adapted the

Russian Formalist concept of defamiliarization into what he called alienation effect.

2)This effect Brecht said is to make the familiar aspect of present social

reality seem strange so to prevent the emotional identification and involvement of the audience with the character and their actions into a play.

3)His aim was to evoke a critical distance and attitude in the

spectators,in order to arose them to take action against, rather than simply to accept the state of society and behavior represented on the stage.

Canon of Literature

①The term Canon was used in literary application to signify the list of secular works accepted by experts as genuinely written by a particular author.

②The factors in the process of canon formation are complex and disputed. However, it seems clear,that the process involve , among other conditions ,concurrence of critics,scholars and authors with diverse viewpoints and sensibilities,the persistent influence,the frequent reference to an author or work within the discourse of a cultural community,and the widespread assignment of an author or text in school and college curricula. Such factors are mutually interacted and need to be sustained over a period of time.

③At any time, the boundaries of literary canon remain indefinite,while inside those boundaries some authors are central and others more marginal since the 1970s ,the nature of canon formation and opposition to establishing literary canons, have become a leading concern among critics of diverse viewpoints whether deconstructive, feminist ,postcolonial or new historicist.

④ A wild spread change is that the standard canon of great books

has been determined less by artistic excellence,but by its politics of power ,that is the canon has been formed in accordance with the ideology ,political interest and value of elite class that was white,male and European. The demand is “to open the canon”so as to make it multicultural and make it represent the achievement of a large of writers. Ambivalence

1) A term developed in psychoanalysis to describe a continual

fluctuation between wanting one thing and wanting its opposite.Adapted into colonial discourse theory by Homi Bhabha,it describes the complex mix of attraction and repulsion that characterizes the relationship between colonizer and colonized.

2)Ambivalence disrupts the clear-cut authority of colonial

domination.As the colonial discourse wants to produce compliant subjects who reproduce its assumption ,habits and values. But ambivalent subject whose mimicry is never far from mockery produced a profound disturbance of the authority of colonial discourse in the fluctuating existence .

3)Both Bhabha and Robert.Young think it is not a simply reversal of

binary,for both colonizing and colonized subjects are implicated in the ambivalence of colonial discourse. The concept is related to hybridity, because just as ambivalence decenters authority form its position of power,so that authority may also become hybridized when

placed in a colonial context in which it finds itself dealing with and often inflected by other culture.


①In hoticulture, the term refers to the cross-breeding of two species. It also takes many forms in language as “pidgin”,in cultural ,political area.etc. In “The Dialogic Imagination” Bahkin uses it to suggest the disruptive and transfiguring power of multivocal language.

②It is a wildly used but disputed term in post-colonial theory. It refers to the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonization. The term has been most recently associated with the work of Homi. Bhabha. Bhabha contends that all cultural statements and systems are constructed in a space that he calls “The Third Space”.Cultural identity also emerge in this contradictory and ambivalent space which makes the claim to hierarchical purity of cultures untenable.It is the in-between space that carries the burden and meaning of culture,and this is what makes the notion of hybridity so important.

③This term has also been criticized as it usually implies negating and neglecting the imbalence and inequality of the power relations it references.Robert Young warns us to avoid the unconscious process of hybridity, when talking about hybridity ,the contemporary cultural discourse can not escape the connection with the racial categories of the past in which hybridity had such a clear racial meaning.

④Theories of hybrid nature of post-colonial culture assert a different mode of resistance,locating this in the subversive counter-discursive practices implicit in colonial ambivalence and so undermining the vary basis on which imperialist and colonialist discourse raises its claims of superiority.


1)An increasingly important term in post-colonial theory,because it has

come to describe the ambivalent relationship between colonizer an colonized. When colonial discourse encourages the colonized subject to “mimic”the colonizer,by adopting its cultural habits,assumptions,intuitions and values,the result is never a simple reproduction of those traits. Rather,the result is a “blurred copy”of the colonizer that can be quite threatening.

2)Mimicry reveals the limitation in the authority of colonial

discourse ,almost as though colonial authority inevitably embodies the seeds of its own destruction.Mimicry therefore locates a crack in the certainty of colonial dominance,an uncertainty in its control of the behavior of the colonized


①Agency refers to the ability to act or perform an action. In contemporary theory,it hinges on the question of whether individual can freely and autonomously initiate action, or the things they do are in some

sense determined by the ways in which their identity has been constructed.

②It is particularly important in post-colonial theory because it refers to the ability of post-colonial subjects to initiate action in engaging or resisting imperial power.Since human subjectivity is constructed by ideology,language and discourse ,any action performed by that subject must also be to some extent a consequence of those things.It may be difficult for subject to escape the effects of those forces that construct them.


1)It refers to the rejection by post-colonial writers of a normative

concept of “correct? or “standard” English used by certain classes or groups,and of the corresponding concepts of inferior “dialect”

“marginal variants?

2)This concept,like appropriation which describes the processes of

English adaptation itself,is an important component of post-colonial assumption that all language use is a …variant”of one kind of another.

3)Abrogation offers a counter to the view that “you can?t dismantle the

master?s house with the master?s tools”.In fact, rather the master?s house is always adaptable and that the same tools offer a means of conceptual transformation and liberation.


① A term used to describe the ways in which post-colonial societies take over those aspects of the imperial culture--language, forms of writing ,film, theater, even modes of thought and argument such as rationalism, logic and analysis --that may be of use to them in articulating their own social and cultural identities.

②Appropriation may describe acts of usurpation in various cultural domains, but the most potent are the domains of language and textuality. Achebe noted that the language so use “can bear the burden of another experience”.By appropriating the imperial language,its discursive forms and its modes of representation,post-colonial societies are able to

③cultural realities, or use that dominant language to describe those realities to a wide audience of readers.


①Form “binary” means the combination of two things, a pair ,two duality.The concern with binarism was first established by French structural linguist, Saussure,who held that signs have meaning not by a simply reference to real objects,but by their opposition to other sign.Each sign in itself the function of signifer and sifnified, so the binary opposition is the most extreme form of difference. Sun and moon ,man and woman, birth and death such opposition is very common in the cultural construction of reality.

②Feminist and postcolonial studies demonstrated such binaries

entail a violent hierarchy in which one term of the opposition is always dominant and the binary opposition itself exists to confirm that dominance.Much of the contemporary postcolonial theory has been directed at breaking down various kinds of separation in the analysis of imperialism and colonialism ,while the danger for anti-colonial resistance comes when the binary opposition is simply reversed, which should be cautioned.

Contrapuntal reading

1) A term coined by Edward Said to describe a way of reading the texts

of English literature so as to reveal their deep implication in imperialism and colonial process. Borrowed from music ,the term suggests a responsive reading that provides a conterpoint to the text thus enabling the emergence of colonial implications that might otherwise remain hidden.

2)By stressing the affiliations of the text, its origin in social and cultural

reality rather than its filiative connections with English literature and canonical criteria, the critic can uncover cultural and political implications that may seem only fleetingly addressed in the text itself. Filiation/affiliation

①This pair of terms was brought to prominence by Edward Said to suggest filiation as the lines of descent in nature, affiliation as a process of identification through culture.Said promotes affiliation as a

general critical principle because it sends the critical gaze beyond the narrow confines of the European and canonically literary into a cultural texture.

②The concept of affiliation is useful for describing the ways in which colonized societies replace filiative connections to indigenous cultural traditions withe affiliations to the social ,political and cultural institutions of empire.

③Affiliation invokes an image of the imperial culture as a parent , linked in a filiative relationship with the colonized …child”. Said links the concept to Gramsci?s notion of hegemony by suggesting that the affiliative network itself is the field of operation of hegemonic control, and this may be particularly evident in the case of the control of imperial culture.


1)The idea of frontier , a boundary or a limiting zone to distinguish one

space or people from another ,has been appeared in the early American history studies. According to Tuner, American development could be explained by the existence of a vast area of free land into which American settlement advanced westward.Frontier was seen as the essential guarantor of American democratic freedoms, because whenever social conditions put pressure on employment or when political restraints tended to impede freedom ,individuals could

escape to the free conditions of the frontier.

2)Frontier is perceived as a shaping force on the westward expanding

settler population. It has been central to self-perceptions of identity in the United States as a result of its ubiquity in mass culture. In its more recent use within post-colonial cultures, colonial frontiers were created as imperial discourse sought to define and invent the entities it shaped from its conquests.The frontier or boundary that limited the space was a crucial feature in imagining the imperial self ,and in creating and defining those others by which that “self”could achieve definition and value.


①“The state of being other, different ,diversity, otherness.”It shows the change of the conceptualization of identity from self-contained consciousness located in the individual mind based on the proposition “I think therefore I am “to subjectivity located in social context that are discursively and ideologically constituted.

②Other is inseparable involved in the formation of the self for it is only through the discursive construction of this other that the self can be defined as an identity.The other is determined by series of cultural,economical, political and moral difference.It is deeply implicated within the Self.

This is particularly marked in postcolonialism, which seeks to deconstruct

the “Othering? process. To use the term Other in this context is to run the risk of reinscribing this Othering process instead of dismantling the very binaries on which such discourse rests. Alterity offers the opportunity to see colonial discourse and its Others in a relational manner, each constituting the other whilst simultaneously respecting difference, thereby avoiding the trap of collapsing all distinctions into an abstract homogeneity.


1)Discourse originally used from about the sixteenth century to describe

any kind of speaking ,talk or conversation. More recently, it has been used in technical sense by linguists to describe any units of speech longer than a sentence.

2)For Foucault, it is a system of statements within which the world can

be known. The world is not simply there to be talked about ,it is through discourse itself that the world is brought into being . There are certain unspoken rules controlling which statement can be made and which cannot within the discourse.

3)Discourse is important because it joints power and knowledge

together. Those who have power have control of what is known and the way it it known and those who have such knowledge have power over those who do not.

4)Said in his Orientalism stress the importance of writing and literary

texts in the process of constructing representations of other. While Foucault?s concern is more on a variety of social institutions.

Foucault?s view of the role of discourse is even wider since he argues that discourse is the crucial feature of modernity. It is a system of statements by which dominant groups in society constitute the field of truth by imposing specific knowledge ,discipline and values upon dominated groups.


The subject is in love with himself rather than with another person. It was later extended to include any form of self love.When a person is ill, physically or mentally ,he becomes more self-absorbed and less capable of emotional involvement with others.

Social realism / socialist realism

Social realism , an international art movement, refers to the work of painter ,photographers and filmmakers who draw attention to the everyday conditions of the working class and the poor and who are critical of the social structures that maintain these conditions. While the movement?s artistic styles vary from nation to nation, it almost utilizes a form of descriptive or critical realism.

Socialist realism is a style of realistic art that was developed in Soviet Union and became a dominant style in other socialist countries. It has its purpose and furtherance of goals of socialism and communism. It

especially glorifies the roles of the working class and the struggle for its emancipation.


A term that is invoked in modern critical discourse in two distinct but related ways.

First , it refers to the use of mechanical aids in the analysis of literary texts and the influence of such technology upon both the subject matter and the method of literary criticism. For example ,a research can discover relatively and quickly how frequently Shakespeare employs a certain word or phrase or metaphor.

Second, use of cybercriticism refers to analysis which focuses upon the developing interaction of human life and the great variety of mechanical technology which humans have employed throughout history. By focusing upon the absolute interpenetration of the human and mechanical, cybercriticism claims to represent an assault upon all the catogories which have traditionally exercised the critical imagination.


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常用术语中英文词典 Raw materials: alumina 铝土 bauxite 铝矿土 log 大圆棒 billet 小圆棒(铝棒) butt 废料(挤压切头) Magnesium 镁 Silicon 硅 Iron 铁 Copper 铜 Manganese 锰 Chromium 铬 extruability 可挤压性 strength-to-weight ratio 强度重量比quenching 淬火 conductivity 可导电性,导电率Equipment: 设备: log conveyor 大圆棒运输机 log furnace 大圆棒加热炉 billet furnace 铝棒加热炉 solvus tempreture 溶线温度 solidus tempreture 固线温度 log shear 圆棒剪 billet transveyor 铝棒运输机 press loader 挤压机托料架机械手ram 挤压杆 dummy block 压饼(挤压垫)container 盛锭筒 container liner 盛锭筒内衬(内套)runout table 输出台 front platen 前板 main cylinder 主缸 Die: 模具: die ring 模套 die 模具 backer 模垫 bolster 前垫 shim (sub-bolster) 后垫 feeder 导流板 pocket(cavity of feeder) 袋式平模hollow die 空心模 semi-hollow die 半空心模 solid die 平模

aperture (pocket) 孔隙 die cap 下模(母模) mandrel 上模(公模) porthole 孔式分流模 pancake 园盘式模 bridge 桥式模 spider 蜘蛛模 horse shoe 马蹄形止口 tool carrier 模座 die bearing 工作带 relief 空刀 die oven 模具加热炉 radiant oven 辐射炉 infrared oven 红处线炉 lead-out table 导出台 quench box 淬火槽 standing-wave cooling 过水槽冷却 mist cooling 水雾冷却 air cooling 风冷 web 桥 port 进料孔 puller 牵引机 transfer belts 传送台 cooling belt 冷却带(台) stretcher 拉直机(调直机) tail head 固定端 power head 活动端 clamps 夹头 crossover belts (拉直机)传送带 staging and saw: 锯切工作台和锯 staging area 锯切工作台 saw 锯 batching belt 配置传送带 saw gauge 锯切定尺台 supervisory control system(SCS) 监视控制系统programmable logic controller(PLC) 可编过程控制器aging oven 时效炉 Process temperature rise 挤压时的上升温度 exit temperature 出口温度 tearing 扯裂 container wall 挤压筒筒壁 shear zone exit temp. measurement 出口温度测量


项目管理常用项目管理专业术语: 一、缩写 AC 实际成本 ACWP 已完成工作实际成本 AD 活动描述法 ADM 箭线法 AF 实际完成日期 AOA 双代号网络图 AON 单代号网络图 AS 实际开始日期 BAC 完工预算 BCWP 已完成工作预算成本 BCWS 成本核算计划 CCB 变更控制委员会 CPFF 成本加固定费(合同) CPIF 成本加奖励(合同) CPI 成本执行指数(费用指数) CV 成本偏差 DD 数据日期 EAC 完工估算 DU 历时或工期 EF 最早完工日期 ES 最早开始日期 ETC 完工尚需估算 EV 挣值 EVM 挣值管理 FF 自由时差或完成-完成(逻辑关系) FFP 完全固定总价(合同) FPIF 固定价加奖励(合同) FS 完成-开始(开始) GERT 图形评审技术 IFB 投标邀请 LOE 投入水平 LS 最晚开始时间 OBS 组织分解结构 PC 完成百分比 PDM 前导图 PERT 计划评审技术 PF 计划完成日期 PM 项目管理或项目经理

PMBOK 项目管理知识体系 PMP 项目管理专业人员 PS 计划开始日期 PV 计划值 QA 质量保证 QC 质量控制 RAM 责任分配矩阵 RDU 剩余历时或工期 RFP 邀请提交建议书 RFQ 邀请报价 SF 计划完成日期或开始-完成 SOW 工作说明 SPI 计划执行指数(进度指数) SS 计划开始时间或开始-开始 SV 进度偏差 TC 目标完成日期 TF 总时差或目标完成日期 TS 目标开始日期 TQM 全面质量管理 VE 价值工程 WBS 工作分解结构 二、定义 职责矩阵:责任分配矩阵 活动:项目过程中的工作单元,一个活动通常具有预计的时间,预计的成本和预算的资源需求,活动通常细分成单个任务。 活动定义:确定完成项目各种可交付物成果所需要执行的具体活动。 活动描述:在项目网络中使用的短语或标示。活动描述通常是描 述某个活动的工作内容 活动历时估算:估算完成单项活动所需要的工作时间。 双代号网络图:用箭线表示活动 活动排序:识别相互之间的逻辑关系并形成相应文档。 真实成本:给定一段时间范围内,完成工作所引起的、在与计划值和挣值(它们有时仅是直接人工工时,或仅是直接成本,或是包括间接成本 在内的所有成本)范围内预算的任何成本相关的全部成本。 单代号网路图:用节点表示工作 已完成工作实际成本:在规定时间内进行进行某项工作(直接或间接)实际 发生的成本 实际完成日期:活动的工作实际完成的时间点(某些应用领域,当工作“基 本完成”时这个活动认为是完成) 行政收尾:为项目正式结束而建立、收集和分发有关信息 应用领域:具有一些共同元素的项目,这些沟通元素并非在所有项目都出现,应用领域通常按照项目产品(如按照类似的技术活产业部门)或 客户类型(如外部的或内部的,政府与商业)来定义,应用领域 也有重叠。


网络游戏专业术语中英文对照版 中英对照的网络游戏术语 AC – Armor Class,盔甲等级、级别 Account –账号,与密码Password相对 Add –一只玩家加入到组队中,如果请求别人组队,可说Add me pls. AOE – Area Effect Damage,区域作用魔法,指的是一个可以伤害一个区域中的一群怪物的魔法,即所谓的群攻,现并非魔攻专用 AE – Area Effect,区域作用伤害 AFK – Away from Keyboard,暂时离开(键盘),意味着玩家暂时不再操控游戏角色,通知其他玩家注意 Aggro –指一些敌对、主动攻击的怪物,当角色接近它时,它会试图攻击角色,这种行为成为Aggro Aggro Radius –怪物周围的区域,进入它意味着怪物会“苏醒”并主动攻击你 Agi – Agility的缩写,意为敏捷,多指代游戏中角色的属性 Avatar –你的角色,互联网中常用来指头像,如论坛中的会员头像等 Beta –游戏的测试 Bind(Bound) –重生复活点 Boss –游戏中的终极怪物,通常各个级别段都有不同的Boss,中文里可以称为大王,老头儿等 Buff –主要指辅助类角色为别人施加的有益状态,通俗的说法就是“加状态”,典型的如增加防御、回血速度、躲避率等等 Bug –游戏中的漏洞 Carebear –喜欢帮助别人攻击怪物的玩家 Caster –不能抗怪的角色,如法师 CBT – Closed Beta Test 游戏封闭测试 CD – Cool Down, 多指技能的冷却时间 Character –游戏中的角色 Cheat –游戏中的作弊,也只游戏秘笈 Cheese –利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利 Combat Pets –被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思 CR – Corpse Retrevial的缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏的设置而论,很多游戏没有这个设置 Creep –怪物 Creep Jacking –当其他玩家与怪物战斗的时候趁机攻击该玩家 Critters –面对玩家攻击不会反击的怪物 DD – Direct Damage,直接伤害,非持续性伤害作用 DBUFF – De-Buff的简写,对怪物或敌对玩家施放的具有负面状态,如是对方减速、降低防御、降低准确率等等Defense –防御,这是通俗的叫法,具体还有物防、魔防等分类 DKP – Dragon Kill Point的缩写,直译是屠龙点数,一种对玩家贡献的衡量标准 DMG – Damage的缩写,指伤害 DOT – Damage over time,在一段时间内持续对目标造成伤害,持续伤害 DPS – Damage per second的缩写,每秒伤害 Dungeon –指地宫、地下城等,多指游戏中难度很大的地形,也是Boss的栖居地 FH – Full Health的简写,指生命值全满 FM – Full Mana的简写,指法力全满 Forge –要塞,可以是游戏中的场景、地图 FS – Full Sport的缩写,指完全负责辅助的角色;汉语里可以做为法师的简称,注意区别


房地产专业术语词典 1、一性买断价:是指买方与卖方商定的一次性定价,一次性买断价属房产销售合同中的专 用价格术语,确定之后,买方与卖方必须按此履行付款或交房的义务,不得随意变更。 2、预售价:是商品房预(销)售合同中的专用术语,预售价不是正式价格,在商品房交付 使用时,应按有批准权限部门核定的价格为准。 3、起价:起叫起步价,是指某物业各楼层销售价格中的最低价格,即是起价,多层住宅, 不带花园的,一般以一楼或顶楼的销售价为起价,带花园的住宅,一般以二楼或五楼做为销售的起价,高层物业,以最低层的销售价为起步价。房产广告中常以***元/平方米起售,以较低的起价来引起消费者的注意。 4、基价;也叫基础价,是指经过核算而确定的每平方米商品房基本价格,商品房的销售价 一般以基价为基数增减楼层,朝向差价后而得出。 5、均价:是指将各单元的销售价格相加之后的和数除以单位建筑面积的和数,即得出每平 方米的均价,均价一般不是销售价,但也有例外,如某高层物业推出的:“不计楼层、朝向,以2800元/平方米统一价销售”即以均价作销售价,也不失为引人瞩目的营销策略。 6、经济适用房:是指经各级人民政府批准立项建设、享受国家优惠政策、向城镇中低收入 家庭出售的住房。 7、安居房:是指实施国家“安居(或康居)工程”而建设的住房(属于经济适用房的一类)。 是党和国家安排贷款和地方自支自筹资金建设的面向广大中低收入家庭,特别是对4平方以下特困户提供的销售价格低于成本,由政府补贴的非盈利性住房。 8、二手房:是相对开发商开发销售的商品房而言,它是房地产产权交易二级市场的俗称。 凡产权明晰、经过一手买卖之后再行上市的房屋均可称之为二手房。二手房的种类:二手房主要包括私房和已购的政策性住房两种房屋类型。已购的政策性住房主要包括职工个人按照房改房政策购买的全产权优惠政策的安居工程住房、解困住房和经济适用住房,职工个人集资、政府和单位补贴的集资建设住房和合作建设住房。 9、业主委员会:是指由物业管理区域内业主代表组成,代表业主的利益,向社会各方反映 业主意愿和要求,并监督物业管理公司管理动作的一个民间性组织。业委会的权力基础是其对物业的所有权,对该物业有关的一些重大事项拥有决定权。 10、出房率:是指住宅净面积占销售面积的百分比。由于住宅销售面积的计算是以楼为 单位的,所以相同的房型在不同的楼号内,虽然使用面积相同,但销售面积会有不同。 11、以租代售:所谓的以租带方式就是将空置的商品房进行出租,并与租房者签订一个 合同,在合同期内买所租的房,开发商即以租房时的价格卖给租房者,而租房者在租房期内所交的房租,可以抵冲部分购房款,待租房者付清所有房款后,便获得该房的全部房产权,如果租房者在合同期限内不购房,则作退租处理,先期交纳的租金可以作为房产开发商收的房取。这种方式有三个优点:一是打破了租与售相脱节的陈旧模式,对买卖双方都有好处,现在许多人害怕一旦交了款,房子出现了问题,怕开发商翻脸不认账,出现的房屋质量无法解决。而现在的先租后买就有了先观察房屋质量的时间,消费者心里有数,房屋质量好,就买,反之就不买。只是租一下,不会有太大的经济损失。二是:如果租房者想买下所租的房子时,先期所付的租金可以转为购房款,相当于分期付款,但又比分期付款或银行按揭方式少了不少的利息,因此比较实惠。三是:即使租房人不买房,开发商的房子也没有闲置。昔日的包袱变成了财富。因此说,以租带售这种新的营销方式给购房者以较大的选择余地,又为开发商自己开拓了一种崭新的销售市场。12、住宅的净高:住宅的高度计量除了用“米”,还可以用“层”来计算,每一层的高


ERP术语词典 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planing)的简称,ERP是由美国Garter Group Inc.咨询公司首先提出,是当今国际上先进的企业管理模式。其主要宗旨是对企业所拥有的人、财、物、信息、时间和空间等综合资源进行综合平衡和优化管理,从而取得最好的经济效益。具体来讲:财务管理包括:总账、应收/应付(俗称往来管理)、固定资产、票据管理、现金管理;物流管理(俗称进销存管理或供应链管理),具体包括:采购管理、销售管理、库存管理;生产管理具体包括:生产数据、制造管理、车间管理、委外管理(外协管理)、质量管理等生产各个环节的管理;行政管理具体包括:人事考勤、薪资管理、审核流程、经理人决策。 企业应用集成 EAI是Enterprise Application Integration(企业应用集成)的缩写,是将基于各种不同平台、用不同方案建立的异构应用集成的一种方法和技术。EAI通过建立底层结构,来联系横贯整个企业的异构系统应用、数据源等,完成在企业内部的 ERP、CRM、SCM、数据库、数据仓库,以及其他重要的内部系统之间无缝地共享和交换数据的需要。有了EAI,企业就可以将企业核心应用和新的Internet解决方案结合在一起。外部系统可通过EAI,实现和 ERP-U8普及版数据之间的同步。 预警 ERP-U8普及版为企业提供的消息反馈平台,能够根据用户自身预设的条件,由系统在特定时点检查业务状态,并由系统把符合预设条件的业务信息通过手机短信、电子邮件或者系统门户通知到企业相关人员,便于业务处理或决策。 责任控制模式 是以责任中心为主体,通过责任中心进行控制、核算、分析和考核而实现企业有效控制的一种财务控制模式。责任中心就是指具有一定权利和利益并承担相应经济责任的企业内部单位。 战略计划法


《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念) 1.1 翻译的概念 一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。翻译是一种非常复杂的 人类高级语言活动,这种活动的整个过程是很难以图示、语言等其他方式阐释清楚的。不同领域、不同派别的学者对翻译有着不同的定义。 1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义 语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。解释如下: (1)Catford(1965:20)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间的文本等效转换。 (2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。 (3)Newmark(1982/1988:5)认为,翻译理论源自于比较语言学,属于语义学的一部分,而所有语义学的研究课题都与翻译理论息 息相关。 1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义 从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。通常我们把这一术语又改称为“文化 间合作”或“跨文化交际”等。 Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。 译者在处理涉及语言文化方面的译务工作时,认为任何一种语言中都饱含着其文化中的相关元素(比如:语言中的问候语、固定搭配 等),任何文本都存在于特定的文化环境中,同时,由于各语言所代表的多元文化差异很大,语言间的转化和创造性生成模式千变万化。 Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境 中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。 王佐良先生指出(1989),翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。译者不仅要了解外国的文化,还要深入了解自己民族的文化。 不仅如此,还要不断的将两种文化加以比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化中的含义、作用、范围、感情色彩、影响等等都是相当的。 翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们会说:他必须掌握两种语言;确实如此,但是不了解语言当中的文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。 1.1.3 文学角度对翻译的定义 持文学观点的翻译工作者认为,翻译是对语言的艺术性创造,或是一种善于创造的艺术。一些西方学者也认为,翻译是对“原文本的 艺术性改写”。 文学翻译的任务时要把原作中包含的一定社会生活的映像完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中,在翻译过程中追求语言的艺术 美,再现原作的艺术性。用矛盾的话说,是“使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原著一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。” 语言是塑造文学形象的工具,因而文学的形象性特征必然要在语言上表现出来。文学语言的特征,诸如形象、生动、鲜明、含蓄、凝


项目管理的名词解释 1、横道图:一种表示计划信息的图形。在典型的横道图中,活动和其他项目要素的名称从上向下列在图的左边,时间刻度表显示在顶部,活动历时用对应时标轴的横道条表示。横道图也称甘特图:(Bar Chart) 2、完工预算(Budget At Completion)(BAC):估算项目完成时的全部成本。 已完成工作预算成本Budgeted Cost of Work Performed(国内常使用实现投资额):在规定时间范围内(通常是项目目前日期)所有完成的活动(或活动的一部分)批准的成本估算的总和(包括任何管理成本分摊)。参考挣值。 3、计划工作预算成本Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled(或计划投资额):在规定时间范围内(通常是项目目前日期),所有计划执行的活动(或活动的一部分)的批准的成本预算总和。参考挣值法。 4、沟通计划编制:Comunications Planning确定项目干系人对信息和沟通的需要。 5、要素(Component):组成部分,一个元素 6、约束(Constraint):影响项目绩效的适当的限制。影响活动进度安排的任何因素。 7、应急计划编制(Contingency Planning):编制一个管理计划,确定当特定风险发生时,用于保证项目成功所采用的替代策略。 8、合同(Contract):合同是规定卖方履行提供指定产品和买方履行支付义务的双方相互约束的协议。合同通常概括为以下三大类: l 固定总价合同或总价合同:这类合同包含明确定义的产品的固定总价格,也包括为满足或超过既定的项目目标(如进度目标)所提供的奖励。 l 成本补偿合同:这类合同包含按承包商实际成本的支付。成本通常划分为直接成本(项目直接发生的成本,如项目人员的工资)和间接成本(执行机构分摊到项目上的业务成本,如公司管理人员的工资)。间接成本通常用直接成本的百分比计算。成本补偿合同通常包含为满足或超过既定的项目目标(如进度目标或总成本)所提供的奖励。 l 单价合同:按单位服务预定单价(如专业服务每小时70美元,或运土每立方码1.08美金)支付的合同。合同总金额随完成的总工作量变化而变化。 9、合同管理(Contract Administration):管理与卖方之间的关系。 10、合同收尾(Contract Close-out):合同完成和纠纷处理,包括所有遗留问题均已解决。 11、控制(Control):将实际绩效与计划进行比较,分析偏差,评审各种可能的替代方案,并在必要时采取适当的纠正措施的过程。 12、控制图(Control Chart):就是将过程的结果随时间的变化显示出来,与已建的控制线形成对比图形,确定这个过程是“受控”还是需要调整。 13、纠正措施(Corrective Action):使项目未来预计绩效与既定计划一致所做的变更。 14、成本预算(Cost Budgeting):把成本估算分摊到项目的各个子项上。 15、成本控制(Cost Control):控制项目预算的变化。 16、成本估算(Cost Estimating):估算完成项目活动所需资源的成本。 17、质量成本(Cost of Quality):为保证质量所发生的成本,包括质量计划、质量控制、质量保证和返工。 18、成本执行指数(Cost Performance Index)(CPI):预算成本和实际成本的比率(BCWP/ACWP)。CPI通常用以下公式预测成本可能超支的限度:原始成本估算/CPI=计划完成成本。参考挣值。 19、成本偏差(Cost Variance)(CV):(1)活动预算成本和实际成本的任何差额。(2)在挣值中,BCWP减去ACWP。 20、赶工(Crashing):在分析如何以最少的成本最大限度地压缩历时的大量替代方案后,采取措施压缩项目总历时。 21、关键活动(Critical Activity):处于关键路线上的任何活动。通常由关键路线法确定。尽管有些活动在词典中的含义是“关键的”,但不在关键路线上是‘关键的’,则在项目意义上。 22、关键路线(Critical Path):项目网络图中,决定项目最早完成日期的活动路线。当某些活动超前和滞后于计划完成时,关键路线通常将随时间的变化而变化。虽然通常是计算整个项目的关键路线,但也可以确定达到一个里程碑或子项目的关键路线。通常按照总时差小于或等于某个指定的值(通常是0)的活动来确定关键路线。


项目管理术语词典 ABC 基于活动的成本核算ABM 基于活动的管理Abstract Resource 抽象资源 Abstraction 抽象 Acceleration 加速 Acceptability Criteria 验收标准 Acceptable Quality Level AQL 可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收 Acceptance Criteria 验收标准 Acceptance Letters 验收函 Acceptance Number 接受数目 Acceptance Review 验收评审 Acceptance Test 验收测试 Acquisition Methods 采购方式 Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判 Acquisition Plan 采购计划 Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程 Acquisition Strategy 采购策略 Action 行动 Action Item 行动项 Action Item Flags 行动项标记 Action Plan 行动计划 Activation 激活 Active Listening 积极倾听 Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络 Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历 Activity Code 活动代码 Activity Definition 活动定义 Activity Description 活动描述 Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间


100个最常用的语言学术语(“欧美语言学”课) 1.语言language 2.语言学linguistics 3.语言学家linguist;philologist 4.语法grammar 5.语法单位grammatical unit 6.语法形式grammatical form 7.语法意义grammatical meaning 8.语法手段grammatical device 9.语法范畴grammatical category 10.元音vowel 11.辅音consonant 12.语文学philology 13.传统语法traditional grammar 14.历史比较语言学historical comparative linguistics 15.转换生成语法transformational generative grammar 16.结构主义语言学structural linguistics 17.应用语言学applied linguistic 18.方言dialect 19.语言教学language teaching 20.语言规划language planning 21.语言政策language policy 22.语言学习策略language learning strategy 23.发现程序discovery procedure 24.语境context;language environment 25.中介语interlanguage 26.音位phoneme 27.音节syllable 28.语素morpheme 29.词法morphology 30.句法syntax 31.交际法communicative approach 32.认知cognition 33.习得acquisition 34.第二语言second language 35.第二语言习得second language acquisition (SLA) 36.自由语素free morpheme 37.黏着语素bound morpheme 38.复合词compound word 39.普遍语法universal grammar,UG 40.词类part of speech


First Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisition Individual Variations Cognitive Variables strategies of learning styles of learning Affective Variables Attitude Motivation Personality Sociocultural Variables Contrastive Analysis Error Analysis interdisciplinary perspectives acquisition learning applied linguistics intensive courses oral-aural method teaching of English as a foreign language structuralism sociolinguistics psycholinguistics artificial intelligence bilingualism and multilingualism cognition and psycholinguistics computational linguistics corpus linguistics cultural anthropology cultural anthropology and ethnolinguistics discourse analysis educational technology intercultural communication language and ecology language and media language for specific purpose language planning language policy language testing and evaluation lexicography linguistic theories literature,rhetoric and stylistics literacy minority language and cultures 母语习得 二语习得 个体差异 认知变量 学习策略 学习风格 情感变量 态度 动机 性格 社会文化变量 对比分析 错误分析 跨学科视角 习得 学得 应用语言学 强化课 听说教学法 英语作为外语的教学(TEFL)结构主义 社会语言学 心理语言学 人工智能 双语现象和多语现象 认知与心理 计算语言学 语料库语言学 文化人类学 文化语言学与人种语言学 话语分析 教育技术 跨文化交际 语言和生态 语言与媒介 专门用途语言 语言规划 语言政策 语言测试与评估 词典学 语言理论 文学、修辞和文体论 读写能力 少数民族语言和文化


项目管理术语中英文对照 项目管理术语中英文对照 ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已执行工作实际成本 AD Activity Description 工作描述 ADM Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图示解法 AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 AOA Activity-On-Arrow 双代号网络图 AON Activity-On-Node 单代号网络图 AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 BAC Budget At Completion 在完成时的预算 BCWP Budgeted Cost of work Performed 已执行工作预算成本BCWS Budgeted Cost of work Scheduled 计划完成工作预算成本CCB Change Control Board 变更控制委员会 CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee 成本加固定费用(合同) CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee 成本加奖励费用(合同) CPI Cost Performance Index 成本执行指数 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法 CV Cost Variance 成本偏差 DD Data Date 数据日期 DU Duration 持续时间,工期 EAC Estimate At Completion 在完成时的估算 EF Early Finish date 最早完成日期 ES Early Start date 最早开始日期 ETC Estimate (or Estimated) To Complete 到完成时的估算 EV Earned Value 挣值法 FF Free Float or Finish-to-Finish 自由时差,或完成到完成关系FFP Firm Fixed Price 完全固定总价合同 FPIF Fixed Price Incentive Fee 固定价加奖励费用 FS Finish-to-Start 完成到开始关系 GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique 图示评审技术IFB Invitation For Bid 邀标 LF Late Finish Date 最晚完成日期 LOE Level of Effort 投入水平 LS Late Start date 最晚开始日期 MPM Modern Project Management 现代项目管理 OBS Organization(al) Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构 PC Percent Complete 完成百分比 PDM Precedence Diagramming Method 优先图示法 PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique 计划评审技术


常用编程术 ?词典 abstr c t 抽象的抽象的 abstr c tion 抽象体、抽象物、抽象性抽象体、抽象物、抽象性 acces存取、取用存取、访问 acces level 存取级别访问级别 acces funct o n 存取函式访问函数 activ t e 活化激活 activ作用中的 adapt r配接器适配器 addre s位址地址 addre s space 位址空间,定址空间 addre s-of opera o r 取址运算子取地址操作符 aggre a tion 聚合 algor t hm 演算法算法 alloc t e 配置分配 algor t hm 演算法算法 alloc t e 配置分配 alloc t or (空间)配置器分配器 appli a tion 应用程式应用、应用程序 appli a tion frame o rk 应用程式框架、应用框架应用程序框架 archi e ctur架构、系统架构体系结构 argum n t 引数(传给函式的值)。叁见param t er 叁数、实质叁数、实叁、自变量array 阵列数组 arrow opera o r arrow(箭头)运算子箭头操作符 assem l y 装配件 assem l y langu g e 组合语言汇编语言 asser(ion) 断言 assig指派、指定、设值、赋值赋值 assig m ent 指派、指定赋值、分配

assig m ent opera o r 指派(赋值)运算子= 赋值操作符 assoc a ted 相应的、相关的相关的、关联、相应的 assoc a tive conta n er 关联式容器(对应seque t ial conta n er)关联式容器atomi不可分割的原子的 attri u te 属性属性、特性 audio 音讯音频 A.I. 人工智慧人工智能 backg o und 背景背景(用於图形着色) 後台(用於行程) backw r d compa i ble 回溯相容向下兼容 bandw d th 频宽带宽 base class 基础类别基类 base type 基础型别(等同於base class) batch 批次(意思是整批作业)批处理 benef t利益收益 best viabl funct o n 最佳可行函式最佳可行函式 (从viabl funct o ns 中挑出的最佳吻合者) binar searc二分搜寻法二分查找 binar tree 二元树二叉树 binar funct o n 二元函式双叁函数 binar opera o r 二元运算子二元操作符 bindi g系结绑定 bit 位元位 bit field 位元栏位域 bitma位元图位图 bitwi e以bit 为单元逐一┅ bitwi e copy 以bit 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制位拷贝 block 区块,区段块、区块、语句块 boole n布林值(真假值,true 或false)布尔值 borde边框、框线边框


Terminology Translations on lexicology 英语词汇学术语翻译 A acronym首字母拼音词acronymy首字母拼音法 addition增词 adjective compound复合形容词 affective meaning感情意义 affix词缀 affixation词缀法 Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语(族)aliens非同化词alliteration头韵(法)allomorph词素(形位)变体ambiguity歧义 amelioration of meamng词义的升华analogy类推 analytic language分析性语言antithsis对偶 antonym反义词 antonymy反义关系 appreciative term褒义词 archaic word古词 archaism古词语

argot隐语(黑话)Armenian亚美尼亚语(族)Associated transfer联想转移association联想 associative meanings关联意义 B back-formation逆生法 back clipping词尾截短 Balto-Slavic波罗斯拉夫语(族)bilinguall双语的 basic word stock基本词汇 blend拼缀词 blending拼缀法 borrowed word借词 bound form粘着形式 bound morpheme粘着语素(形位)bound root粘着词根 C casual style随便文体 catchPhrase时髦语 Celtic凯尔特语(族)central meaning中心意义 Clipping截短法 collocability搭配能力


acronym 首字母拼音词acronymy 首字母拼音法alien 非同化词alliteration 头韵(法)allomorph 词素(形位)变体amelioration of meaning 词义的升华analogy 类推antithsis 对偶 antonym 反义词 antonymy 反义关系 back clipping 词尾截短 bilinguall 双语的 blending 拼缀法 borrowed word 借词 bound form粘着形式 bound morpheme 粘着语素(形位) bound root 粘着词根 casual style 随便文体 catchPhrase 时髦语 central meaning 中心意义 Clipping 截短法 collocability 搭配能力

collocation 搭配 collocative meaning 搭配意义colloquialism 口语词(口语体)complete synonym 完全同义词complex word 复杂词composition 复合法 compound 复合同compounding 复合法concatenation 连锁型 concept 概念 conceptual meaning 概念意义connoation 内涵 connotative meanins 内涵意义constituent 要素.成分consultative style 交谈体(咨询体)content word 实义词 context 语境 contradictory term矛盾反义词contrary terms 对立反义词conversion 转类法 couplet 成对词 de-adjective 由形容词转化的


网络游戏专业术语中英文对照版中英对照的网络游戏术语 AC – Armor Class,盔甲等级、级别 Account –账号,与密码Password相对 Add –一只玩家加入到组队中,如果请求别人组队,可说Add me pls. AOE – Area Effect Damage,区域作用魔法,指的是一个可以伤害一个区域中的一群怪物的魔法,即所谓的群攻,现并非魔攻专用 AE – Area Effect,区域作用伤害 AFK – Away from Keyboard,暂时离开(键盘),意味着玩家暂时不再操控游戏角色,通知其他玩家注意 Aggro –指一些敌对、主动攻击的怪物,当角色接近它时,它会试图攻击角色,这种行为成为Aggro Aggro Radius –怪物周围的区域,进入它意味着怪物会“苏醒”并主动攻击你 Agi – Agility的缩写,意为敏捷,多指代游戏中角色的属性 Avatar –你的角色,互联网中常用来指头像,如论坛中的会员头像等 Beta –游戏的测试 Bind(Bound) –重生复活点 Boss –游戏中的终极怪物,通常各个级别段都有不同的Boss,中文里可以称为大王,老头儿等 Buff –主要指辅助类角色为别人施加的有益状态,通俗的说法就是“加状态”,典型的如增加防御、回血速度、躲避率等等 Bug –游戏中的漏洞 Carebear –喜欢帮助别人攻击怪物的玩家 Caster –不能抗怪的角色,如法师 CBT – Closed Beta Test 游戏封闭测试 CD – Cool Down, 多指技能的冷却时间 Character –游戏中的角色 Cheat –游戏中的作弊,也只游戏秘笈 Cheese –利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利 Combat Pets –被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思 CR – Corpse Retrevial的缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏的设置而论,很多游戏没有这个设置 Creep –怪物 Creep Jacking –当其他玩家与怪物战斗的时候趁机攻击该玩家 Critters –面对玩家攻击不会反击的怪物 DD – Direct Damage,直接伤害,非持续性伤害作用 DBUFF – De-Buff的简写,对怪物或敌对玩家施放的具有负面状态,如是对方减速、降低防御、降低准确率等等Defense –防御,这是通俗的叫法,具体还有物防、魔防等分类 DKP – Dragon Kill Point的缩写,直译是屠龙点数,一种对玩家贡献的衡量标准 DMG – Damage的缩写,指伤害 DOT – Damage over time,在一段时间内持续对目标造成伤害,持续伤害 DPS – Damage per second的缩写,每秒伤害 Dungeon –指地宫、地下城等,多指游戏中难度很大的地形,也是Boss的栖居地 FH – Full Health的简写,指生命值全满 FM – Full Mana的简写,指法力全满 Forge –要塞,可以是游戏中的场景、地图
