


I. Listening Comprehension(略)

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分)

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

To have a fruitful discussion, teachers need to decide what seating arrangement is best for their own class and be prepared to experiment with different methods. (1) method is adopted, it should help and be productive of dialogue between children as well as between teacher and child. Within the physical setting, children and teachers should agree (2) a discussion takes place.

Why are rules necessary for discussion? This may be a question to ask the children. If children are given freedom to talk, why are there rules that will restrict that freedom? The golden rule is of course that one’s own freedom (3) not interfere with the freedom of others. Individuals within a democratic community have equal rights. A child who talks all the time (4) (deny) the rights of others to be heard. Each person should be allowed an equal chance to speak and to put forward their own point of view and if we wish (5) (listen) to, then we should listen to others. There is no point giving a point of view (6) someone is listening. (7) of us are capable of listening to more than one person at a time, so another basic rule should be: only one person to speak at a time. Listening implies not only hearing the words but paying attention to the meaning of (8) is being said. This is not a natural thing for children to do. School is typically a place where children learn to listen to the teacher but not to each other. The skills of listening need to be practiced. The ideal discussion, (9) everyone listens to the speaker and then each is allowed to reply, is rare among adults, let alone children. It works (10)

(well) when certain ground-rules for discussion are followed.


1. Whichever

2. how

3. should

4. denies

5. to be listened

6. unless

7. None

8. what

9. in which10. better


1. 考查让步状语从句。前句中有different methods,所以应该用whichever,表示


2. 考查宾语从句。

3. 考查情态动词。should 表示提出建议,表示该,可以。

4. 考查谓语动词。主语是单三人称,而且时态用一般现在时,所以用denies.

5. 考查动词不定式。wish to do sth, 固定搭配,但是也要注意此处用动词不定式的被动,表示我们希望被倾听。根据下文,主要在说讨论的规则,所以此处应该用how, 表示方式。

6. 考查条件状语从句。根据句意,表示如果没有人倾听,发表意见也是没有意义的。所以用unless。

7. 考查不定代词。根据句意,另外一个黄金规则是一次只有一个人说话,所以表示没有人能够一次同时倾听很多人讲话。所以选用None.

8. 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构,从句中缺少主语,用what表示正在被说的事情。

9. 考查非限制性定语从句。in which 就等于in the discussion.

10. 考查形容词比较级。前后句暗含比较,主要强调后句的方法更好。


1. fruitful adj. 富有成效的;多产的

2. adopt v. 采取;接受;收养;

3. productive adj. 富有成效的;多产的

4. restrict vt. 限制;约束;限定

5. interfere with干扰,干涉;妨碍;

6. democratic adj. 民主的;

7. there is no point (in) doing sth 做…没有意义

8. typically adv. 代表性地;典型地

9. rare adj. 稀有的;稀薄的;半熟的

10. ground-rule 基本原则,基本规则

Section B (10分)

Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Most people get sweaty palms just staring at EI Capitan, a breathtaking rock

formation i Yosemite National Park, California. Alex Honnold’s stayed dry. And this June, he managed to climb the 900-meter vertical wall, pulling on edges barely big enough for (1)_____.

Honnold could not (2)______ any slips. That’s because he carried nothing other than a bag of gymnasts’ chalk, to keep his fingers free of moisture. There was no rope to (3)____him if he fell. After a four-hour (4) ______ of power and precision, the 31-year-old safely challenged himself.

EI Capitan had been climbed (5) ______ before, including by Honnold, but never in the way he has. In 2011, an American TV show about his earlier “free solos” drew seventeen million viewers. In climbing, “free” means using nothing but rocks for support. “ Solo” means free of protection. It is the sport at its (6) _______. In Yosemite, the birthplace of American climbing, Hannold has reached its peak. Praise from fellow climbers was (7)______ only by relief at his safe return.

The achievement marks the latest in a series of milestones for sport climbing (竞技攀岩). In 2015, two other American Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson, established a route up the Dawn Wall, EI Capitan’s (8)______part, after years of attempts. They made the front page of the New York Times and got congratulations from Barack Obama for the achievement. Last year, sport climbing was (9) ______ accepted into the Olympic program for Tokyo 2020.

These have strengthened climbing’s position in the sporting circle in America and elsewhere. Google has invited Jorgeson to give a motivational talk to its employees. Climbing gyms have appeared around the globe over the past decade, making the event safer and more (10)______to ordinary people. The gyms have been popular among youngsters, who pay more attentions to exercises than to belongings.

【答案】1-5 CDFGH 6-10 EIJAB


1.考察名词。Alex Honnold 决定去徒手攀岩近乎垂直的岩石壁,手能接触的地方只有手指尖大小的地方。选择C项。

2.考察动词。从后文That’s because he carried nothing other than a bag of gymnasts’ chalk, to keep his fingers free of moisture. 说明Honnold could not (2)______ any slips,这句话是为什么不能怎么样。由于徒手攀岩,没有任何防护措施,所以对他来说不能有任何闪失。所以是could not afford sth.....选择D项。

3.考察动词。To do sth, 可知是动词原形,由于前两句是徒手攀岩,没有任何防护,所以没有绳子能保证他的安全。选择F项。


5.考察形容词。EI Capitan had been climbed (5) ______ before, including by Honnold,

but never in the way he has. In 2011, an American TV show about his earlier “free solos” drew seventeen million viewers. 可以看出以前也有人过来solo攀岩,对应的是partnerless.

6.考察形容词。通过In climbing, “free” means using nothing but rocks for support. “ Solo” means free of protection. 这正是这项运动最纯粹的部分。at its purest,选项E符合题意。

7.考察分词。Be done 形式。只有matched 符合题意。match 在此的意思是:to be suitable for a particular thing or situation.

8.考察形容词。In 2015, two other American Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson, established a route up the Dawn Wall, EI Capitan’s (8)______part, after years of attempts. 多年的努力尝试,终于登上了EI Capitan 以前未曾有人成功登上的地方。对应blank, 空白的。

9.考察副词。Last year, sport climbing was (9) ______ accepted into the Olympic program for Tokyo 2020. 在2020 年的奥林匹克运动会上climbing成为一项目存在,比较正式的场合,所以A项合适。

10.考察形容词。Climbing gyms have appeared around the globe over the past decade, making the event safer and more (10)______to ordinary people. 现在攀岩馆出现在全世界各地,使得此项运动更加的安全和大众化。以前攀岩一项危险的运动,徒手无防护,只有冒险家才敢尝试。现在对大众来说也可以。所以B项合适。


1.At its purest. 最纯粹的方式。【拓展】at one’s best 处在某人最佳的状态。

2.Be accessible to .... 可进入的

3.Establish v. 建立

4.Precision n. 精密,精确度

III. Reading Comprehension (45 分)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word of phrase that best fits the context.

At a certain age, you may feel as if you’re still at life’s beginning yet also disturbingly close to the (1) _______. You feel keenly that there’s much left to do. You were going to win an Oscar, pick up a Nobel Prize in physics and get elected president, (2)______ you haven’t even gotten around to auditioning (试镜) for a film, taking a university physics (3)______ or brushing up on your politics.

It’s almost enough to make you want to live forever. But then isn’t the real goal a

life hugely increased not so much in(4)______ as in width? A life during which it’s (5) ______to pursue every one of a wide range of coexistent possibilities?

It’s true. If you were immortal (永生的), you might eventually get to be a philosopher and a cantor and an actor and a psychoanalyst and a novelist. But don’t forget: over the vastly extended period, life would certainly not cease exposing you to still further of(6)___________. When you finally entered psychoanalytic training in 2100, you’d have to give up any number of other new possibilities that might at that instant (7) ______ themselves, such as joining an “expedition to Alpha Centauri, or learning to create art with the previously (8) ______ colors recently made visible on the spectrum. You might have crossed one possibility off our list, but you’d have (9) ______ three more. Hundreds of years in, you’d still as though you’d (10) ______ moved beyond the opening stages of what life has to offer.

Many activities you once loved, meanwhile, would fall out of fashion or out of reach. As an aging mortal, your knees might make it tough to run a marathon, causing you to(11)________all the healthy racers. As permanently youthful immortal, (12) ______ you might remain fit to run marathons over the centuries. But perhaps the beloved urban races of your youth would have long since disappeared and been (13) ______ because of impossibly hot global temperatures and the fact that future civilizations find interplanetary relays far more (14) ______. All of the things you once did have shelf lives, The longer you live, the more of them die, increasing the weight of the time that has flowed through your fingers.

Many of us 60- and 70-somethings will remember George Burn’s quip goes; old age isn’t great but it sure beats the alternative. There’s also truth to the reverse. (15)______ isn’t great, but it sure beats the alternative.

1. A. end B. interval C. milestone D. next

2. A. but B. though C. since D. whereas

3. A. price B. exam C. principle D. course

4. A. depth B. height C. length D. weight

5. A. enjoyable B. necessary C. impractical D. possible

6. A. choices B. lessons C. challenges D. disturbances

7. A. exclude B. face C. present D. ignore

8. A. unattractive B. pale C. unimaginable D. unique

9. A. added B. tried C. created D. identified

10. A. actually B. hardly C. significantly D. vaguely

11. A. encourage B. follow C. envy D. imitate

12. A. by contrast B. as a result C. for instance D. in addition

13. A. banned B. restored C. suspended D. feared

14. A. time-saving B. exciting C. comfortable D. economical

15. A. Future B. Youth C. Death D. Immortality

【答案】1-5 AADCD 6-10 ACCAB 11-15 CAABC


1.考查名词。A. end 结束B. interval 间隔C. milestone 里程碑D. next 下一个。在某个年龄阶段,你会感觉自己好像生命才开始,但又会非常不安地觉得生命已走向尽头,故选A。

2.考查连词。A. but 然而B. though 虽然C. since 既然D. whereas 然而。你曾想赢得奥斯卡奖,摘取诺贝尔物理学奖的桂冠并当选总统,但现在你甚至还未曾参加过电影试镜,未选修过大学物理课,也未曾温习过政治,选A。

3.考查名词。A. price 价格B. exam 测试C. principle 原则D. course 课程未选修过大学物理课,故选D。

4.考查名词。A. depth 深度B. height高度C. length 长度D. weight 重量。然而,人生真正的目标难道不是尽可能拓宽生命的广度而非增加其长度吗,根据句意可知选C。

5.考查形容词。A. enjoyable 享受B. necessary必要C. impractical不切实际的D. possible难道不是要追求一个能够尝试大千世界种种可能性的人生吗,故选D。

6.考查名词。A. choices 选择B. lessons 教训C. challenges挑战D. disturbances 扰乱。但别忘了:在那个无限延展的生命时光里,它当然也会展示给你更多的选择。根据句意可知选A。

7.考查动词。A. exclude 排除B. face 面对C. present 呈现D. ignore 忽视。你也许不得不放弃同一时间出现的无数其它新的可能性,选C。

8.考查形容词。A. unattractive 不吸引人的B. pale 灰暗的C. unimaginable 无法想象的D. unique 特别的。或者学习用以往难以想象但在最新的光谱上却能找到的新颜色去创作艺术,故选C。

9.考查动词。A. added 加上B. tried 尝试C. created 创造D. identified 指出。你也许尝试了一个可能,但与此同时你又多了三个新的,根据句意可知选A。10.考查副词。A. actually 事实上B. hardly几乎C. significantly 显著地D. vaguely 模糊地。句意:几百年以后,你仍会感觉你好像仅仅徘徊在生活的开场,根据句意可知选B。

11.考查动词。A. encourage 鼓励B. follow 接着C. envy 妒忌D. imitate模仿。你的膝盖可能会阻碍你去跑马拉松,让你嫉妒所有健康的跑步者,故选C。

12.考查副词。A. by contrast 对比而言B. as a result 因此C. for instance 举例D. in addition 除此之外。相反,作为一个长生不老之人,你可能在活了几个世纪后,还可以健康地跑马拉松,根据句意和逻辑推理可知选A。

13.考查动词。A. banned 禁止B. restored 恢复C. suspended 暂停D. feared 恐惧。但或许你年轻时所钟爱的城市路跑很久以前就消失了,被禁了,因为那无法想象的全球高温,选A。

14.考查形容词。A. time-saving 节约时间的 B. exciting 令人兴奋的 C.

comfortable 舒适的D. economical 省钱的。或者是未来文明发现星际接力赛更令人神往,故选B。

15.考查名词。A. Future 将来B. Youth 年轻C. Death死亡D. Immortality 永生。美国著名喜剧演员乔治?伯恩斯曾有妙语:“年老并不美好,但它肯定强过另一种结果。反之亦然,死亡并不美好,但它肯定好过另一种选择。”,根据句意可知选C。

Section B

Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Notices have been put up here and there in the village for the last fortnight announcing a meeting to discuss the yearly Flower Show, which has not been held in Fairacre for a number of years. Before I became the village schoolmistress here, the Flower Show appears to have been an event of some importance and people came from miles around to enjoy a day at Fairacre.

I decided to go to the meeting, as the children in my school, I knew, used to play quite a large part in this village excitement and there were a number of special competitions, such as collecting wild flowers, making dolls’ house decorations or little gardens and so on, included in the program.

It was a freezing, starlit night. By the time I arrived at the Village hall, there were about ten people already there. The doctor was chairman of the meeting. A few men were warming their hand over the rather smoky oil stove, which was trying, somewhat inefficiently, to warm the room. The meeting was called for seven thirty---a most inconvenient time in my private opinion as it successfully upsets the evening and puts back the time of one’s evening meal. By a quarter to eight only fifteen people had arrived.

“I think we must begin,” the doctor said, turning his gentle smile upon us. He gave a short speech about the past glories of Fairarce’s Flower Show and his hopes that it might take place again. “Perhaps someone would put forward the suggestion that the Flower Show be restarted?” he suggested. There was a heavy silence, broken only by the movement of feet from the bench at the back. All fifteen of us, I noticed, were middle-aged. John Pringle, Mrs. Pringle’s only child, must have been the youngest among us and he is a man of nearly thirty. It was John who, at last, shyly answered the doctor’s request.

“I’ll do it,” he said. “Propose we have a Flower Show then.” He sat down, pink and self-conscious, and the doctor thanked him sincerely. “Is there anybody else who

agrees with this proposal?” Again that painful silence. It seemed as though we sat in a dream.

“I’ll do it,” I said, when I could stand the waiting no longer. “Good! Good!” said the doctor cheerfully. “Let’s take a vote here then.” All fifteen ra ised their hands doubtfully. To look at our faces an outsider might reasonably have thought we were having the choice of hanging or the electric chair.

56.What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To make arrangements for the next Flower Show.

B.To get people’s ideas about the next Flower Show.

C.To decide whether a Flower Show would be held again.

D.To find out whether people would help with the Flower Show.

57.What was the reason for the author’s attendance?

A.The school children has always taken part in the Flower Show.

B.She wanted to find out what the children could do to help.

C.She wanted to know what special lessons to give the children.

D.The school children might do more work in the school garden.

58.Why did the author declare her support for Mr. Pringle’s proposal?

A.It had become fairly clear that nobody else would.

B.She was in hurry to go home.

C.She was the only one really interested in the matter.

D.She felt sorry for the doctor.

【答案】56.C 57.A 58.A


56.首段的第一句话中提到召集村庄里所有的人开会商讨一年一度的Flower Show---花展,而这个花展已经有好几年没在Fairacre举办了,所以是为了讨论是否再次举办Flower Show,故答案是C。

57.文章第二段的首句即是答案,作者学校的学生过去常常参与到Flower Show 当中,故答案是A。

58.文章最后三段描述了proposal的过程,从中可以看出,没有人愿意站出来支持Mr. Pringle举办花展的提议,除了作者,故答案是A。


Mapping Antarctica

Antarctica was on the map long before anyone ever laid eyes on it. Nearly 2,400

years ago, ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle believed that a great continent must exist at the bottom of the world. They though it was needed to balance out the continents at the top of the world. In the 1500s, mapmakers often included a fanciful continent they referred to as Terra Incognita(Latin for “unknown land”) at the bottom of their maps. But it was not until the 1800s -----after explorers had sighted and set foot on Antarctica----- that mapmakers got down to the business of really mapping the continent, which is one—and—a –half times rhe size of the U.S..

While the coastline could be mapped by ships sailing around the continent, it took airplanes—and later, satellites---to chart Antarctica’s vast interior(内陆). That job continues today. And it is a job that still require a mapmaker, or cartographer, to put on boots and head out into the wild.

Cole Kelleher is familiar with that. He is a cartographer with the Polar Geospatial Center(PGC), which is based at the University of Minnesota and has a staff at McMurdo Station. PGC teamed up with Google to use the company’s Trekker technology to capture images of Antarctica for the Internet giant’s popular feature, Street View. A Trekker camera, which is the size of a basketball, is set about two feet above a backpack. The camera records image in all directions. “It weighs about 50 pounds. I was out for two and a half days, hiking 10 to 12 hours each day,” says Kelleher. It was hard work, but really an incredible experience.” According to Kelleher there are plans to use the technology to create educational apps for museums.

The PGC staff at McMurdo Station provides highly specialized mapmaking services for the U.S. Antarctic Program. For one project, Kelleher used satellite images to map huge cracks in the ice. That helped a team of researchers know whether they could safely approach their field camp on snowmobiles. Another recent project was to help recover a giant, high—tech helium(氦气) balloon used to carry scientific instruments high into the atmosphere. These balloons are launched in Antarctica because there is no danger that they will hurt anyone when they fall back down to Earth. Using satellite images, Kelleher and colleagues created maps of where the balloon could be found.

Antarctica may no longer be Terra Incognita, but it still holds countless mysteries. Cartographers and the maps they make will continue to be essential in helping scientists unlock those secrets.

59. From the passage, we can infer that Antarctica was on the map in the 1500s when________.

A. mapmakers knew it was much larger than the U.S.

B. Aristotle named the continent Terra Incognita

C. no one had ever seen or been to the continent

D. it was such an interesting continent as was often referred to

60. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. It needs much work for the mapmakers to head out into the wild.

B. The interior can only be mapped by planes and satellites.

C. It is relatively easy to map Antarctica’s coastline by ship.

D. Antarctic is a vast but still mysterious continent.

61.The Polar Geospatial Center(PGC) works with Google initially_________.

A. to capture images of Antarctica for Street View

B. to test the company’s Trekker technology

C. to create educational apps for museums

D. to hike for an incredible experience

62. The fourth paragraph mainly talks about _______.

A. satellite images which are used to map huge cracks in the ice

B. a high-tech helium balloon for carrying scientific instruments

C. how to safely approach the researcher’s field camp and the balloon

D. the specialized mapmaking services provided by the PGC staff

【答案】59.C 60.B 61.A 62.D





62.整个第四段都是在说明文章首句The PGC staff at McMurdo Station provides highly specialized mapmaking services for the U.S. Antarctic Program.故选C。


A therapy-animal trend attracts the United States. The San Francisco airport uses a pig to calm tired travelers. Universities nationwide bring dogs (and a donkey) onto campus to relieve students during finals. And that duck on a plane? It might be an emotional-support animal prescribed by a mental health professional.

The trend, which has been gaining popularity hugely since its initial stirrings a few decades ago, is strengthened by a widespread belief that interaction with animals can reduce distress whether it happens over belief physical contact at the airport or in long-term relationships at home. Certainly the groups offering up pets think so, as do some mental health professionals. But the popular embrace of pets as furry therapists is causing growing discomfort among some researchers in the field, who say it has raced far ahead of scientific evidence.

Earlier this year in the Journal of Applied Development Science, an introduction to articles on “animal -assisted intervention” said research into its effectiveness “remains in its infancy.” A recent literature review by Molly Crossman, a Yale University doctoral candidate who recently wrapped up one study involving an 8-year-old dog named Pardner, cited a “vague body of evidence” that sometimes has shown

positive short-term effects, often found no effect and occasionally identified higher rates of distress.

Overall, Crossman wrote, animals seem to be helpful in a “small-to-medium” way, but it’s unclear whether the animals deserve the credit or something else is at play.

“It’s a field that has been sort of carried forward by the beliefs of practitioners” who have seen patients’ mental health improve after working with or adopting animals, said James Serpell, director of the Centre for the Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. “That kind of thing has almost driven the field, and the research is playing catch-up. In other words, people are recognizing that stories aren’t enough.”

Using animals in mental health setting is nothing new. In the 17th century, a Quaker-run retreat in England encouraged mentally ill patients to interact with animals on its grounds. Sigmund Freud often included one of his dogs in psychoanalysis sessions. Yet the subject did not become a research target until the American psychologist Boris Levinson began writing in the 1960s about the positive effect his dog Jingles had on patients.

But the evidence to date is problematic, according to Crossman’s review and others before it. Most studies had small sample sizes, she wrote, and an “alarming numbers” did not control for other possible reasons for a changed stress level, such as interaction with animal’s human handler. Studies also tend to generalize across animals, she noted. If participants are measurably relieved by one golden retriever, that doesn’t mean another dog---or another species--will arouse the same response.

63.According to the passage, what makes the therapy-animal trend more popular?

A.It has been in existence for no less than twenty years.

B.Mental health professionals have managed to cure patients with animals.

C.It is widely assumed that staying with animals can make people happier.

D.There is much related research to show that animals do good to some patients.

64.Molly Crossman is quoted in the passage to ____ .

A.illustrate more scientific evidence is needed that animals are effective therapists.

B.highlight the importance of practitioners’ beliefs in the field of animal therapies.

C.question Srepell’s view that animals deserve the credit in helping patients.

D.criticize people for their taking human-animal stories too seriously.

65.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Animal-assisted intervention turns out to be of more use than people think.

B.It is hard to see how many reasons there are for people to benefit from animals.

C.Research findings relating to one breed of dogs may not apply to another breed.

D.Small sample sizes can sometimes produce reliable effects in human-animal studies

66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.More evidence found for dog-human relationship

B.Potential effects dogs have on patients

C.Therapeutic animal: nothing new

D.Good dog, good therapist?

【答案】63.C 64.A 65.C 66.D



64.根据第四段,it’s unclear whether the animals deserve the credit or something else is at play.




Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Acid rain is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. Harmful gases like Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced by power stations and cars. (1)

Acid rain is also capable of dissolving some rocks an buildings made of soft rock, such as limestone, are particularly badly affected. The acid rain attacks the rock, and so

carvings and statues are worn away more quickly.

(2)According to a report in the Scientist, acid rain is being blamed for the rapid decay of ancient ruins Mexico. The old limestone buildings in places like Chichen Itza, Tulum and Palenque are wearing away very quickly indeed. These sites are the remains of the buildings built by the Mayas between 250 BC and AD900, and the spectacular ruins of civilization are visited by thousands of tourists every year.

The acid rain is said to be caused by pollution from oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Car exhaust gases are also a problem. Local volcanic eruption make the problem even worse. Nevertheless, with enough money and effort, researchers say that many of the problems could be solved and the rate of dissolving reduced.(3)

Mexico’s current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil field and a few years ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USA and earning a lot of money. The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around the world, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts. However, the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has been left owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back the loans. (4)

【答案】AC, AB, A, C


1.前文讲解了acid rain 会释放有害的气体sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,根据作者的行文思路,可知答案AC,讲明这些有害气体是怎样形成酸雨,对环境造成伤害的。

2.前文第一段讲了Acid rain is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. 后文acid rain is being blamed for the rapid decay of ancient ruins Mexico. 可知这一问题的症结在the rapid decay of ancient ruins Mexico,前后发生了转折,可知答案AB

3.根据上文with enough money and effort, ... the rate of dissolving reduced.可知with enough money 可以缓解这一问题,后文Mexico’s current lack of funds ,可知选项的关键词为money,且资金缺乏,可知答案A

4.这一段主要讲了解决措施,足够的钱是解决这一问题的关键,根据前文the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has been left owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back the loans.可知石油价格是enough money的关键,可知答案C

IV. Summary Writing

Directions:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)

of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Ellie is a psychologist, and a good one at that. Smile in a certain way, and she knows precisely what your smile means. She listens to what you say, processes every word, works out the meaning of your pitch, your tone, your posture, everything. She is at the top of her game but, according to a new study, her greatest advantage is that she is not human.

When faced with tough or potentially embarrassing questions, people often do not tell doctors what they need to hear. Yet the researchers behind Ellie, led by Jonathan Gratch at the Institute for Creative Technologies, in Los Angeles, suspected from their years of monitoring human interactions with computers that people might be more willing to talk if presented with an avatar, that is, a virtual figure. To test this idea, they put 239 people in front of Ellie to have a chat with her about their lives. Half were told (truthfully) they would be interacting with an artificially intelligent virtual human (AIVH); the others were told (falsely) that Ellie was a bit like a puppet, and was having her strings pulled remotely by a person.

Dr Gratch and his colleagues report that, though every participant interacted with the same avatar, their experiences differed markedly based on what they believed they were dealing with. Those who thought Ellie was under the control of a human operator reported greater fear of disclosing personal information, and said they managed more carefully what they expressed during the session, than did those who believed they were simply interacting with a computer.


Ellie, a virtual psychologist, gains an advantage over a human doctor in helping patients. In the research, the participants were asked to talk with Ellie. Some were told Ellie was a virtual human while the others were told Ellie was controlled by a man. The researchers found the former were more willing than the later to disclose their personal information


1.要点中需要包括①Ellie是一个a virtual psychologist;②需要介绍对于Ellie的不同观点③总结。


V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 二个月后他才适应了国外的生活。(It)

2. 雨天路滑,小心驾驶,以防不测。(in case)

3. 看到小鸟在笼子里痛苦地挣扎,他毫不犹豫地打开笼门,让小鸟自由。(free)

4. 这款产品不仅环保,易于操作,价格较之以前也降了一半,因而畅销海内

外。(Not only)

【答案】1. It took him two months to adapt himself to the life abroad.

2.The road is slippery on rainy days, so drive carefully in case of accidents.

3.He unhesitatingly opened the gate of the cage to free the little bird, when saw it struggling to survive in the cage.

4.Not only is this type of product eco-friendly and easy to operate, but the price has halved compared with before, and thus it sells well at home and abroad.

【分析】1. 括号中的It首字母大写,须知应放在句首。该题考查it位于句首的常用句型,It takes somebody ...to do something,该句型中的不定式是真正的主语,it引导的是形式主语,句型中的直接宾语是时间。常译为“做……要花费某人……”。使某人适应新的变化和环境,adapt oneself to...。

2.该题考查in case的用法,以及句子的因果关系。原因是“雨天路滑”,所以要“小心驾驶”。“不测”可用accidents, 意为“事故;意外”,与驾驶契合。



4.该题考查Not only放在句首的倒装句用法,谓语动词提到主语前面。

Ⅵ. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What’s more, it refreshes me. However, among all my trips, the trip to Guilin impress me most.

Famed as a heaven on earth, the scenery of Guilin and its livable environment deeply enchanted us. Unfortunately, I saw a couple of youngsters throwing rubbish into

the lake where many dead fishes floated on the surface, sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing. What the aboving scene can be elaborated in terms of environmental problem and public manners. On the one hand, along with the development of the economy and society, people tend to attach great importance to personal and economic interests, ignoring ecological balance. As a consequence, environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. On the other hand, the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems.

To live a more comfortable life, we must promote and popularize the sense of environmental protection. For one thing, laws and regulations should be issued to change the practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development. For another, some educational campaign should be launched among the public, especially the young, to raise the awareness of public morality. Only in these ways can we achieve sustainable development and live in a harmonious society.


2017下半年中学综合素质真题答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的填空题:“实验过程一:从____ 号烧瓶倒入____号烧瓶……”“显微镜的取镜和放置:右手紧握____左手托住____……”这说明韩老师 A.教学理念偏失 B.教学态度不端 C.教学评价不当 D.教育行为失当 【参考答案】A(实验课的目的主要是使学生获取间接经验,需要教师具有素质教育的观念,而韩老师则是以学生做题为目的,所以属于应试教育的观念。) 2.综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查。有部分同学对某座古塔的建筑材料、风格产生了兴趣,在指导大家完成调查报告之后,段老师又引导这部分同学确定了新课题——“古塔建筑材料、风格与保护”。对于段老师的法,下列评价不恰当的是 A.尊重了学生的学习需要 B.培养了学生的探究意识 C.激发了学生的学习兴趣 D.纠正了学生的研究方法 【参考答案】D(段老师在整个教学环节中,启发诱导学生独立完成课题,并没有将自己的意识强加在学生的学习之上。) 3.下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是 A.“你读得很响亮,若再有感情一点就好了。你再试试。” B.“刚才这位同学概括得不准确,还是我来吧。” C.“这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,有自己的观点,非常好!” D.“请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同?” 【参考答案】B(B选项中的教师主动帮助学生回答问题,忽略了学生的主观能动性。该题回答时可用排除法解答。) 4.多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表、学习日志或成长记录袋等多种方法来记录学习过程,并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法 A.忽视了学生的发展性 B.忽视了学生的差异性 C.尊重了学生的创造性 D.尊重了学生的自主性


2017年教师资格证考试中学综合素质 1.在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的填空题:“实验步骤一:从-号烧瓶倒入-号烧瓶”“显微镜的取镜和放置:右手紧握-左手托住-”这说明韩老师( )。 A.教学理念偏失 B.教学态度不端 C.教学评价不当 D.教育行为失范 【答案】A 【解析】新课程改革背景下的教学观倡导教学行“教学者为中心”转向“学习者为中心”,在韩老师的教学过程中完全以教育者自身作为主体,忽视了学生的 课堂参与和积极性,所以选A。 2.综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查。有部分同学对一座古塔的建筑材料、风格产生了兴趣。在指导学生完成调查报告之后,段老师又引导这部分同学确定了新课题——“古塔建筑材料、风格与保护”。对于段老师的法,下列评价不恰当的是() A.尊重了学生的学习需要 B.培养了学生的探究意识 C.激发了学生的学习兴趣 D.纠正了学生的研究方法 【答案】D 【解析】题中段老师的行为体现了尊重学生的学习需要与兴趣,并鼓励学生

进行自主探究指导大家完成调查报告和确定新课题,并非是纠正研究方法。 3.下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是() A.“你读得很响亮,若再有感情一点就好了。你再试试。” B.“刚才这位同学概括得不准确,还是我来吧。” C.“这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,有自己的观点,非常好!” D.“请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同?” 【答案】B 【解析】B选项直接否定和打消了学生学习的积极性,所以不利于促进学生 的学习。 4,多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表、学习日志或成长记录袋等多种 方法来记录学习过程,并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法() A.忽视了学生的发展性 B.忽视了学生的差异性 C.尊重了学生的创造性 D.尊重了学生的自主性 【答案】D 【解析】曾老师通过让学生采用多种方法记录学习过程,并指导学生不断优 化学习记录,这一教学行为充分体现了尊重学生的自主性。 5.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)年》提出,要把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位。对于教育优先发展战略的理解,下列选项中不正确的是()。


【英语】海门中学英语学科首席教师陈瑜:如何正确使用such和so Such that和so that虽都引导表示结果的状语从句,意为“如此---以致---”。但它们还是有区别的: 1. such是形容词,后面必须跟名词。句型有: A. such + a/an + (+adj.) +单数可数名词 B. such (+adj.) +复数可数名词 C. such (+adj.) +不可数名词 如:1)It is such an interesting film that I want to see it a second time.这部电影很有趣,以致我想再看一遍。 2)There are such a lot of mistakes in his article that he has to rewrite it.他的文章中有如此多的错误,他只得重写。 3)She has made such great progress that her parents are very glad.她进步很大,她的父母非常高兴。 2. so是副词,后面必须跟形容词或副词句型为:so + adj. / adv. + that 如: 4)The girl was so tired that she couldn’t walk on.这女孩累极了,再也走不动了。 5)The teacher speaks so fast that I can’t follow him.那个老师说得太快,我听不懂。 3. so也可用于句型: so + adj. + a/an +单数可数名词如: 6)It is so interesting a film that I want to see it a second time.


【导读】四川华图为各位考生提供2017年上半年中小学教师资格考试综合素质试题(中学)答案解析,以供各位考生参考学习。更多详询请关注四川华图,我们将及时为你更新推送消息。 2017年上半年中小学教师资格考试 综合素质试题(中学) (科目代码:301) 注意事项: 1、考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。 2、请按规定在答题卡上填途、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.由于生源存在差异,某中学将学生按入学成绩高低,分为快慢班,该学校的做法( ) A.正确,有利于因材施教 B.正确,有利于资源配置 C.错误,不利于教育公平 D.错误,不利于均衡发展 2.为了改变学生从课本中找“标准答案”的习惯,刘老师经常在课堂上设计一些开放性问题,引导学生自由讨论、探索答案。同事马老师对刘老师说:“你这样会使学生思维太发散,也浪费时间,将来考试肯定会吃亏的,我从不这样做!”下列选项中正确的是( ) A.马老师的说法合理,有利于提高学生学习成绩 B.刘老师的做法得当,有利于培养学生创新意识 C.马老师的说法欠妥,不利于维持课堂教学秩序 D.刘老师的做法欠妥,不利于保证正常教学进度 3.进入初三年级后,班主任石老师把每周的综合实践活动课用于补数学,中考时该班的数学成绩名列前茅,石老师的做法( ) A.正确,是提高学习成绩的有效途径 B.正确,是提高班级声誉的有利措施 C.错误,不利于学生公平竞争 D.错误,不利于学生全面发展 4.吴老师把课程教学中存在的突出问题归纳、提炼为若干主题进行研究,并发表系列论文,这表明吴老师具有( ) A.良好的教学研究能力 B.良好的课程管理能力 C.良好的课堂开发能力 D.良好的校本研修能力 5.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出,建立城乡一体化义务教育发展机制,在有些方面向农村倾斜,下列选项中不符合要求的是( ) A.财政拨款向农村倾斜 B.课程标准向农村倾斜 C.教师配置向农村倾斜 D.学校建设向农村倾斜


2017年下半年中小学教师资格考试 综合素质试题(小学) 注意事项:1. 考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。 2. 请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.某小学几名学生以“我市文化市场的现状调查”为题开展研究性学习活动。当研究小组 到报社采访时,门卫说他们是“瞎捣乱”,将其拒之门外。作为指导老师应()。 A.分析原因,修改计划 B.指责门卫素质差 C.安慰学生,劝其放弃 D.埋怨学生能力差 2.张老师在用天平称一支粉笔时,没有拆下天平托盘下的胶垫,第一次称重为100克,第 二次为80克,学生问道:“为什么会这样呢?”对此,张老师恰当的做法是()。 A.让学生自己寻找问题产生的原因 B.告诉学生不必在意 C.向学生解释这是天平本身的误差 D.不予理睬,继续上课 3.小峰经常迟到、旷课,多门功课“挂红灯”。不过,他百米赛跑速度很快,连续两年获得 校运会百米赛冠军。对此,教师的下列做法中不恰当的是()。 A.获得信任,寻找恰当教育时机 B.认真分析,了解问题形成的原因 C.因势利导,帮助小峰树立学习的信心 D.扬长避短,告诉小峰不要在意文化成绩 4.青年教师小王刚入职就加入冯老师主持的名师工作室,积极参与各种教研活动,很快适 应了岗位工作。这表明王老师在专业发展上注重()。 A.同伴互助 B.自我反思 C.自我研修 D.脱产进修 5.《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出,均衡发展是义务教育的 战略性任务,下列实施这一战略性任务的措施,不正确的是()。 A.推进义务教育学校标准化建设 B.建立城乡二元结构义务教育发展机制 C.建立健全义务教育均衡发展保障机制 D.均衡配置老师、设备、图书,校舍等资源 6.钱某闯入某乡中心校寻衅滋事,破坏了一间教室的门。依据《中华人民共和国教育法》

江苏省海门中学2018届高三 英语

英语综合练习 第I卷(满分85分) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 21. Beijing, which hosted _______ "exceptional" Games in 2008, was awarded _______ 2022 Winter Olympics and promises to do even better this time. A. the, / B. an, the C. an, / D. /, the 22. The value-added tax is expected to reduce the burden facing small and medium-sized enterprises, and _______economic gains. A. govern B. negotiate C. boost D. restore 23. ---Have you read ‘A dream of the Red Chamber’, Su san? ---Yes, I finished reading it last week. It is said _______ into dozens of languages in the last decade. A. to have been translated B. to have translated C. to be translated D. to translate 24. Sometimes we all get the feeling that we ar en’t making the progress _______we want to in life. A. what B. where C. when D. that 25. Sam, who says it is _______ to see his students achieve success, is committed to the cause of education. A. promising B. rewarding C. surprising D. challenging 26. Words have power that _______ by few things in the world. A. matches B. are matched C. is matched D. have matched 27. —Is there any power left in your cell phone? Mine is dying. —Oh, sorry! There is _______ left in my cell phone, either. A. anything B. no one C. none D. nothing 28. When the price level rises, each unit of _______ buys fewer goods and services. A. inflation B. currency C. foundation D. investment 29. —How do you find your first visit to your net friend Jane? —Oh, wonderful! Her warm welcome left me completely _______. A. at ease B. under attack C. beyond doubt D. in tears 30. As the price of housing _______ these years, Sh anghai ranks 7th among the world’s top ten cities of price growing. A. grows B. was growing C. has been growing D. has grown 31. The president of the company is retiring. He is to _______ the position to the vice president next month. A. take over B. win over C. get over D. hand over 32. The weather forecast says the temperature will rise to 28℃next Monday, which shows it _______ be pretty hot in April in Southern Jiangsu sometimes. A. can B. shall C. may D. will 33. Some students who haven’t performed well in the mock exams _______ their parents. A. fade B. fake C. gaze D. fail


2017年下中学综合素质真题及答案解析 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B 铅笔把答案 上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1、在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的境空题:“实验一:从号烧瓶倒入号烧瓶...”显微镜的取镜和放置,右手紧握,左手托住…..”这说明韩老师() A.教学理念偏失 B.教学态度不端 C.教学评价不当 D.教育行为失风格 2.综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查,有部分间学观座古塔的建筑材料,风格产生了兴趣,在指导大家完成调查报告之后,段老师引导这部分同学确定了新课题一“古塔建筑材料、风格与保护”,对于段老师的做法,下列评价不恰当的是() A 尊睢了学生的学习需要B.培养了学生的探究意识C 激发了学生的学习兴趣 D.纠正了学生的研究方法 3、下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是() A.“你读得很响亮”若再有感情一点就好了,你再试试”。 B.“刚才这位同学概括得不准确,还是我来吧”。 C. “这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,有自己的观点,非常好。” D.“请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同”? 4.多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表,学习日志或成长记录袋等多种方法来记录学习过程,并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法() A.忽视学生的发展性 B. 忽视学生的差异性 C.尊重了学生的创造性D尊重了学生的自主性 5.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要2010-2020 年》提出,要把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位。对于教育优先发展战略的理解,下列选项中不恰当的是() A.财政资金优先保障教育投入 B.社会资源优先向教育领城倾斜 C.经济社会发展规划优先安排教育发展 D.公共资源优先满足教育和人力资源开发需要 6.中学生邹某上课时玩手机游戏,班主任王老师发现后,当场删除了邹某的游戏张号和他购买的游戏装备,并告诚邹某不要在上课时玩游戏。课后,王老师将手机返还给了邹某。王老师的做法() A.合法,教师有权批评和管教学生 B.不合法,侵犯了邹某的财产权 C.合法,教师无权没收学生的手机 D.不合法,侵犯了邹某的隐私权 7.某地区教育行政部门未经公开招标,直接将当地两所较为薄弱的公办学校移交给一家民办教育集团承办,并规定对该校所有学生按市场价格收费。该地区教育行政部门的做法() A.合法,有利于促进博弱学校本身的内涵发展 B.合法,有利于实现优质教育资源的均衡共享 C.不合法,不得以任何名义改变或变相改变公办学校的性质 D.不合法,不得以任何方式或理由规避公开招标的原则要求 8.某中学规定,凡主动参加所在地区教研室组织的教研活动的教师,在职称晋升、评优评先中予以优先考虑。该学校的做法() A.合法,有利于教师科学研究权的落实和保障 B.合法,有利于教师教学自由权的落实和保障 C.不台法,侵犯了其他教师享受平等待遇的权利 D.不合法,违反了教师考核评价的客观公正原则 9.某中学化学老师宋某正组织学生上实验课,学生李某因借用坐在实验泉对面的国学的钢笔[亿师学考试研究院整理],碰倒了酒精行,酒精溅在本组同学韩某的手上并燃烧,致使韩某手部皮肤被灼伤。在这起事故中,应当承担略偿责任的是() A.学校和宋某 B.宋某和李某的监护人水 C.学校和李某的监护人 D.李某的监护人和韩术的监护人 10.林某长期辱骂、虐待亲生儿子晓光,经有关单位教育后仍拒不悔改。依据《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》,当地人民法院可以采取的措统是() A.撤销林某的临护人资格 B.给下林某行政处分 C.责令林某赔礼道歉 D.要求林某财偿损失 11.为了提高学生的法制意识,预防可能发生的未成年人犯罪事件,学校拟采取应对措施。下列选项中不正确的是()


2019-2020学年度第二学期高三质量检测 英语2020.04 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How many apples did the man give those homeless men? A.4. B.6. C.8. 2.What does the woman mean? A.She would invite Jenny to her party. B.She has something else to do. C.She isn’t invited to the party. 3.What is the woman? A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A taxi driver. 4.Who saved the two boys? A.Two young men. B.Their mothers. C.The man. 5.What happened to the man? A.He was late for work today. B.He was scolded by his manager. C.He was laughed at by his colleagues. 第二节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话。选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6.Who likes blue best according to the woman? A.Jenny. B.Tom. C.Jim. 7.What do the speakers want to buy? A.A blue shirt in size8. B.A white shirt in size10. C.A white shirt in size9. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题 8.What did the woman do during the summer? A.She went to the beach with her aunt. B.She went to the countryside alone. C.She went to her grandparents’farm. 9.What does the man think of his vacation? A.Great. B.Disappointing. C.Too short. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.What did Oliver tell the policeman about the man to be wanted? A.When he went out. B.How strong he was. C.Which room he stayed in. 11.What did the policeman give Oliver? A.A picture and a phone number. B.A picture and a DVD. C.A DVD and a phone number. 12.When did the policeman arrest that man? A.About ten minutes later that day.


第五部分任务型阅读 一、考纲要求: 任务型阅读类型:分为表格型和树状型两类。 二、解题步骤: 1)快速通读全文,理解文章大意,对全文有个整体把握。 2)浏览图表,分析图表的设计结构和层次,明确填空要求。 3)根据图表,在文章中捕捉信息并定位,对比信息、分析信息、整合信息,准确表达。 4)通观全篇,复读检查。书写工整、语法规范、内容形式不失误,保证答题质量。三、专项突破 在高考任务型阅读中,一般考查以下三种题型:信息查找题、信息转换题、信息归纳题。 1. 信息查找题 解题关键:根据问题与表格中的主要信息查找定位信息,常用方法是带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。如: 2. 信息转换题(要求对短文的原句进行分析加工整理,根据句型结构变化,即表达方式的变化和语法规则等提炼出新的单词,常常要注意变化形式。此类的题容易拉开档次。) 解题关键:是根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。 由于此类题是高考最常考的题型,这里结合近年来的高考题做具体的讲解。 (一)词形转换:即练习将一种词类转换成另一种词类,主要包括动词与名词转换、形容词与副词转换、形容词与名词转换。解题方法很简单,只要在文中找到关键词即可。(二)语义转换即练习将一词的同义词和反义词找出来。做此类题的技巧如下: 1)同义词(短语)转换 2.) 以前缀和后缀来表示,例如happy-unhappy,like - dislike,等。例题如下: 3.)有很多词并没有前缀和后缀形式标志,如old - young, long - short,different- same等。分析:仔细分析原句,知本题关键是找出seldom的反义词,而且能修饰visitor。答案:frequent。 4.)以词组形式出现,如:be good at - be weak in, turn down - turn up, be awake - be asleep,catch up with - fall behind, both... and... - neither... nor等。例题如下: (三)句子结构转换做此类题首先要理解题意,其次仔细比较原句和题目,明白出题人的意图,只要找出题眼就不难得出答案。 3.信息归纳题 A: 解题关键:解题关键是根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。归纳词的特征有:B: 归纳词特征: 1)概括性:在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息 2)针对性:量体裁衣,大小适度3)醒目 C:常见归纳词 1 原因::causes of ,reasons for 2 建议:Suggestions /Tips / Advice 3 结论:Conclusion 4 评价:Evaluation 5 事物的发展顺序: development 6 态度:attitude (towards) 7. 态度的两方面:positive / negative /subjective /objective



2017年教师资格证考试真题及答案解析 中学综合素质 一、单选题 1、中学生王某的脸上有一块疤痕,同学李某便给王某起了外号“王疤”,并在同学中广而告之。李某侵犯王某的权利是( ) A.隐私权 B.姓名权 C.荣誉权 D.人格权 2、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划要(2010-2020》提出,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。教育公平的关键是( ) A.机会公平 B.过程公平 C.结果公平 D.起点公平 3、某中学曾老师,每次布置课后作业后,都只是在下次课堂上为学生核对一下答案,曾老师的做法( ) A.合理,可以提高教学效率 B.不合理,教师应认真批改作业

C.正确,符合严慈相济的要求 D.正确,符合廉洁从教的要求 7、下列历史故事,与秦始皇有关的是( ) A.图穷匕见 B.指鹿为马 C.望梅止渴 D.三顾茅庐 8、1848年法国爆发的“二月革命”,推翻了“七月王朝”,重新建立了共和国,该共和国的名称是 ( ) A.法兰西第二共和国 B.法兰西第三共和国 C.法兰西第四共和国 D.法兰西第五共和国 9、诺贝尔奖是根据化学家诺贝尔遗嘱设立的,包括自然科学和人文科学的综合性。国际性和永久性系列奖项,为国际最高荣誉奖项。诺贝尔的国籍是 ( ) A.瑞士 B.德国 C.英国 D.瑞典 10、不锈钢制品与我们的日常生活密切相关,不锈钢的主要组成元素是 ( ) A.铜、锌 B.铜、铁、铬 C.铁、

碳 D.铁、铬、镍 11.某校的校训是“卓越立于全面,广博产生精专”这体现的教育理念是 ( ) A.开拓创新 B.全面发展 C.自主发展 D.因材施教 12.图1中某些学校的做法( )。 A.抑制了学生的创造能力 B.阻碍了学生的应试能力 C.提高了学生的竞争能力 D.提升了学生的综合素质 13.初一学生小武想做一名科学家,班主任说:“你现在学数学那么吃力.以后学物理、化学肯定也学不好,一定不能把当科学家作为人生目标”。班主任的说法 ( ) A.忽视了学生的主体性 B.忽


语法填空专题 江苏省南京市六校联合体2021届高三上学期12月联考试题 第二节语篇填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 There are now well over 1,000 colleges and universities that don’t require SAT or ACT scores in deciding whom to admit, a number that is growing every year. 61 new study finds that scores on these tests are of little value in predicting students’ perfo rmance in college, and 62 (raise) the question: Should those tests be required at all? When a college considers test-optional admissions policies, the first 63 (react) people feel is that the college will admit less 64 (qualify) students. Actually, more students from diverse backgrounds 65 (admit) to colleges abolishing test scores and students graduate at a higher rate. 66 , some researchers question the impact the policies have had 67 schools. They argue that 68 the study is s howing can’t prove test scores can be an obstacle for students. But two years’ worth of data clearly indicate that students who go into university with high test scores perform no better than 69 (they) fellow students. So the70 (add) value of test scores in predicting performance is minimal. If a college wants to do a better job serving traditionally under-served populations, test optional policies can provide a very useful tool. 第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 61. A 62. raises 63. reaction 64. qualified 65. are admitted 66. However / Still / Nevertheless 67. on 68. what 69. their 70. added 江苏省海门中学、姜堰中学、淮阴中学2021届12月联考英语试题 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Chang’e 5 probe has finished gathering subsurface samples and packed them in a container, 56. ▲ (become) the third spacecraft to successfully land on the lunar surface this century. Designed to collect about 2 kilograms of samples, the probe has already 57. ▲ (equip) with two types of collection devices in hopes of obtaining various sorts of samples. Having two types of collection devices also reduces the risk of


2017年下半年教师资格证考试 《综合素质》(中学)真题及答案解析 注意事项: 1.考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答,在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的填空题:“实验一:从____号烧瓶倒入____号烧瓶……”“显微镜的取镜和放置:右手紧握____左手托住_____……”这说明韩老师()。 A.教学理念缺失B.教学态度不端 C.教学评价不当D.教学行为失误 1.【答案】A。解析:本题考查素质教育的主体性。新课程背景下要求以学生为主体,题干中的韩老师自始至终完全引导学生,没有体现学生的自主性,没有坚持以学生为主体的教学理念。故本题选A。 2.综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查,有部分学生对一座古塔的建筑材料、风格产生了兴趣。在指导大家完成调查报告之后,段老师又引导这部分同学确定了新课题——“古塔建筑材料、风格与保护”。对于段老师的做法,下列评价不恰当的是()。

A.尊重了学生的学习需要B.培养了学生的探究意识 C.激发了学生的学习兴趣D.纠正了学生的研究方法 2.【答案】D。解析:本题考查素质教育灵活运用。题干中并没有涉及研究方法,纠正学生的研究方法就无从谈起。故本题选D。 3.下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是()。 A.“你读得很响亮,若再有感情一点就好了,你再试试。” B.“刚才那位同学概括的不准确,还是我来吧。” C.“这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,还有自己的观点,非常好!” D.“请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同?” 3.【答案】B。解析:本题考查以人为本的学生观。新课程背景下的学生观认为学生是具有独立人格的人,教师要善于引导尊重学生,以学生为本,B选项教师代替学生的做法显然是不合理的,故本题选B。 4.多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表、学习日志或成长记录袋等多种方法来记录学习过程。并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法()。 A.忽视了学生的发展性B.忽视了学生的差异性 C.尊重了学生的创造性D.尊重了学生的自主性 4.【答案】D。解析:本题考查素质教育灵活运用。根据题干曾老师指导学生采用反思记录表等多种方式记录学习过程并不断优化记录方法,体现教师引导下的学生自主学习,而题干并不涉及创新性。故本题选D。


高三年级第一学期期末英语考试(2020-2021学年度) 满分150分,考试时间120分钟 第I卷(共105分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What did the man mean? A.He had little ink in his pen. B.He could lend her an extra pen. C.He could offer her a pencil. 2.Where will the woman stay tonight? A.in the cinema. B.At the theatre. C.At home. 3.What’s the woman going to do? A.Phone the Browns. B.Mail an invitation to the Browns. C.Invite Helen to the party. 4.When does the second bus leave on Saturdays? A.At 7:30 B.At 8:30 C.At 9:30 5.What is the man? A.A ticket seller. B.A passenger. C.A writer.


2017年下半年中小学教师资格考 《综合素质》(中学) 注意事项: 1.考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂.作答。在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 1.在生物实验课上,韩老师自始至终引导学生完成事先准备好的填空题:“实验步骤一:从_号烧瓶倒入_号烧瓶……”“显微镜的取镜和放置,右手紧握_,左手托住_……”这说明韩老师() A.教学理念偏失 B.教学态度不端 C.教学评价不当 D.教育行为失风格 2.综合实践活动中,段老师设计了主题为“社会旅游资源”的调查,有部分间学观座古塔的建筑材料,风格产生了兴趣,在指导大家完成调查报告之后,段老师引导这部分同学确定了新课题一“古塔建筑材料、风格与保护”,对于段老师的做法,下列评价不恰当的是() A尊重了学生的学习需要 B.培养了学生的探究意识 C激发了学生的学习兴趣 D.纠正了学生的研究方法 3.下列教学用语中,不利于促进学生学习的是() A.“你读得很响亮,若再有感情一点就好了,你再试试。” B.“刚才这位同学概括得不准确,还是我来吧。” C.“这位同学的发言并没有重复前面同学说过的话,有自己的观点,非常好。” D.“请大家想一想,刚才这两位同学报告的结论,有何不同?” 4.多年来,曾老师坚持让学生采用反思记录表,学习日志或成长记录袋等多种方法来记录学习过程,并不断指导学生优化记录的方法,曾老师的做法() A.忽视学生的发展性 B.忽视学生的差异性 C.尊重了学生的创造性D尊重了学生的自主性 5.《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010~2020年)》提出,要把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位。对于教育优先发展战略的理解,下列选项中不恰当的是()


2015-2016 江苏海门中学高一英语期中试卷 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Which underlined letter(s) may have the same pronunciation as dynasty? A. garbage B. freedom C. anyhow D. chemical 2. How do you pronounce the word “composition”? A. [?k?mp??z??n] B. [?k?mp??s??n] C. [?k?mp??z??n] D. [?k?mp??s??n] 3. Which is the right spelling of [' k?n?v?ns]? A. kevinc B. cenvince C. convinc D. convince 4. —The guy standing at the bar is so handsome. Any idea who he is? —He is the guy I ________ you about. A. was telling B. had told C. would tell D. am telling 5. If a man is only interested in your looks, ________ just shows how shallow(肤浅的) he is. A. as B. which C. what D. that 6. ______ he was a child, Bill has been dreaming of deep sea diving to see the wonderful world under the sea. A. Until B. Though C. Since D. Unless 7. There are about 2,000 hunting farms across America _____ owners allow hunters to kill animals kept in fenced areas, says an animal protection organization. A. what B. which C. that D. whose 8. China has changed its one-child policy by approving ________ a second child only if they want to. A. couples have B. couples of having C. of couples having D. couples to have 9. The president’s speech _________ very well, and everyone present understood his opinions. A. figured out B. found out C. worked out D. put out 10. When a strange man asked me about ______ way to the Smiths’, I felt very confused because we don’t have _____ Smiths here in the village. A. a;不填 B. the;a C. a;the D. the;不填 11.There were around 50 students in our class then, _____ a boy from a faraway mountain village worked hardest. A. when B. of whom C. where D. in which 12. The girls reach an island separated from the outside world, which is seldom, ________, visited by ships. A. if any B. if ever C. if possible D. if so 13. Being overweight is an important public health problem in many countries and carries with ______ serious heart and blood diseases. A. them B. those C. one D. it 14. The way ______ he explained to us was not difficult to understand. A. with which B. which C. in which D. to which 15. —You can’t believe it. The game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Houston Rocket was very exciting. — Come on. ________.
