计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008课后答案大全)第三单元Basic Application Software

计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008课后答案大全)第三单元Basic Application Software
计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008课后答案大全)第三单元Basic Application Software

Crossword Puzzle Answers:

Open Ended Questions:

1.Explain the difference between general-purpose and special-purpose applications.

General-purpose applications are widely used in nearly every discipline and occupation. They include word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation graphics.

special-purpose applications are more narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations, such as graphics programs, audio and video editors,

2.Discuss the common features of most software programs. Describe the new interface

introduced with 2007 Microsoft Office.

The newest Office version, 2007 Microsoft Office, has a redesigned interface that is intended to make it easier for users to find and use all the features of an application. This new design

introduces ribbons, contextual tabs, galleries, and more.

? Ribbons replace menus and toolbars by organizing commonly used commands into a set of tabs.

These tabs display command buttons that are the most relevant to the tasks being performed by the user.

? Contextual tabs are tabs that appear automatically. These tabs only appear when they are needed and anticipate the next operations to be performed by the user.

? Galleries simplify the process of making a selection from a list of alternatives. This is

accomplished by replacing many dialog boxes with visual presentations of potential results.

This new interface is the first major change in over a decade.

3.What is the difference between a function and a formula? How is a formula related to what-

if analysis?

A formula is an instruction to calculate or process. Functions are prewritten formulas provided

by the spreadsheet program that perform calculations such as adding a series of cells. If a change is made to one or more numbers in a spreadsheet, all related formulas will automatically

recalculate and charts will be recreated. Observing these changes is what-if analysis.

4.What are presentation graphics programs? How are they used?

Presentation graphics are programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. They are excellent tools to communicate a message and to persuade people.

5.What is the difference between an integrated package and a software suite? What

are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

An integrated package is a single program that provides the functionality of a word

processor, spreadsheet, database manager, and more. The primary disadvantage of an integrated package is that the capabilities of each function (such as word processing) are not as extensive as in the individual programs (such as Microsoft Word). The primary advantages are cost and simplicity.

A software suite is a collection of separate application programs bundled together and

sold as a group. While the applications function exactly the same whether purchased in a suite or separately, it is significantly less expensive to buy a suite of applications than to buy each application separately.

1. Expanding Your Technology exercise #3 Shareware explores how shareware programs

work and what the risks involved in using them are.

2.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Acquiring Software asks the student to explore

five ways of acquiring software. And asks if it is wrong to obtain and use unauthorized software.

Web Tools

1.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the student

research the suite and compare/contrast it to the Microsoft Office suite. It asks the

student to do critical thinking and decide which is better for them.

2. Expanding Your Technology exercise #2 Sharing Data between Applications has the

student research object linking and embedding. The student is asked to provide examples and be able to define the difference between linking and embedding.

Software Tools

1.Applying Technology exercise #1 Speech Recognition explores the technology of speech

recognition software. How it is configured and what are its uses. It asks them to write

about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

2.Applying Technology exercise #2 Presentation Graphics explores the requirements,

features, and uses of a presentation graphics application found on the https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,


3.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the students

compare and contrast the Corel Suite with the Microsoft Suite products, and asks them to choose one.

Writing Skills

1.Applying Technology exercise #1 Speech Recognition explores the technology of speech

recognition software. How it is configured and what are its uses. It asks them to write

about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

2.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the students

compare and contrast the Corel Suite with the Microsoft Suite products, and asks them to choose one.

3.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Speech Recognition Works has the student

explore how speech recognition could enhance applications and to describe a profession that could benefit from it.

4.Expanding Your Technology exercise #3 Shareware explores how shareware programs

work and what the risks involved in using them are.

5.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Acquiring Software asks the student to explore

five ways of acquiring software. And asks if it is wrong to obtain and use unauthorized software.

6.Writing About Technology exercise #2 Software Standards has the student explore the

issue of standardization of computer software. It asks them to find out about the

requirements of certifications and how compliance is handled.

计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008)课后答案大全——第八单元Chapter 8 Secondary Storage

Crossword Puzzle Answers: Open Ended Questions: 1.Discuss the traditional and high-capacity floppy disks. The traditional floppy disk is the 1.44 MB 31/2-inch disk. The most common type is labeled 2HD, which means “two-sided, high-density” and have a capacity of 1.44 MB.Floppy disks have a thin exterior jacket made of hard plastic to protect the flexible disk inside. High-capacity disks, also known as floppy-disk cartridges, are rapidly replacing the traditional floppy disk. They are 31/2 inches in diameter, and are able to store more information, are thicker, and require special disk drives. 2.What are the three types of hard disks? Describe three ways to improve hard-disk performance. There are three types of hard disks: internal hard disk, hard-disk cartridge, and hard-disk pack.


第一单元:计算机与计算机科学 课文A:计算机概览 一、引言 计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数字数据进行运算 或对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。 要不是由于计算机的发展,现代的高科技世界是不可能产生的。不同类型和大小的计算 机在整个社会被用于存储和处理各种数据,从保密政府文件、银行交易到私人家庭账目。计 算机通过自动化技术开辟了制造业的新纪元,而且它们也增强了现代通信系统的性能。在几 乎每一个研究和应用技术领域,从构建宇宙模型到产生明天的气象报告,计算机都是必要的 工具,并且它们的应用本身就开辟了人们推测的新领域。数据库服务和计算机网络使各种各 样的信息源可供使用。同样的先进技术也使侵犯个人隐私和商业秘密成为可能。计算机犯罪 已经成为作为现代技术代价组成部分的许多风险之一。 二、历史 第一台加法机是法国科学家、数学家和哲学家布莱斯.帕斯卡于1642年设计的,它是数 字计算机的先驱。这个装置使用了一系列带有10个齿的轮子,每个齿代表从0到9的一个数字。轮子互相连接,从而通过按照正确的齿数向前转动轮子,就可以将数字彼此相加。17世纪70 年代,德国哲学家和数学家戈特弗里德.威廉.莱布尼兹对这台机器进行了改良,设计了一台 也能做乘法的机器。 法国发明家约瑟夫―玛丽.雅卡尔,在设计自动织机时,使用了穿孔的薄木板来控制复 杂图案的编织。在19世纪80年代期间,美国统计学家赫尔曼.何勒里斯,想出了使用类似雅 卡尔的木板那样的穿孔卡片来处理数据的主意。通过使用一种将穿孔卡片从电触点上移过的 系统,他得以为1890年的美国人口普查汇编统计信息。 1、分析机 也是在19世纪,英国数学家和发明家查尔斯.巴比奇,提出了现代数字计算机的原理。 他构想出旨在处理复杂数学题的若干机器,如差分机。许多历史学家认为,巴比奇及其合伙 人,数学家奥古斯塔.埃达.拜伦,是现代数字计算机的真正先驱。巴比奇的设计之一,分析 机,具有现代计算机的许多特征。它有一个以一叠穿孔卡片的形式存在的输入流、一个保存 数据的“仓库”、一个进行算术运算的“工厂”和一个产生永久性纪录的打印机。巴比奇未 能将这个想法付诸实践,尽管在那个时代它在技术上很可能是可行的。 2、早期的计算机 模拟计算机是19世纪末开始制造的。早期型号是靠转动的轴和齿轮来进行计算的。用任 何其他方法都难以计算的方程近似数值,可以用这样的机器来求得。开尔文勋爵制造了一台 机械潮汐预报器,这实际上就是一台专用模拟计算机。第一次和第二次世界大战期间,机械 模拟计算系统,以及后来的电动模拟计算系统,在潜艇上被用作鱼雷航线预测器,在飞机上 被用作轰炸瞄准具的控制器。有人还设计了另一个系统,用于预测密西西比河流域春天的洪 水。 3、电子计算机 第二次世界大战期间,以伦敦北面的布莱切利公园为工作地点的一组科学家和数学家, 制造了最早的全电子数字计算机之一:“巨人”。到1943年12月,这个包含了1500个真空管 的“巨人”开始运转了。它被以艾伦.图灵为首的小组用于破译德国用恩尼格码加密的无线 电报,他们的尝试大部分是成功的。 除此而外,在美国,约翰.阿塔纳索夫和克利福德.贝里早在1939年就在艾奥瓦州立学院


2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)( 共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10.中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviatio ns.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.DBMS 2.TCP 3.MDI 4.OOP

5.ROM 6.VCD 7.CAD 8.SQL 9.USB 10.B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(10分,每空1分) 1. c 6. h 2. f 7.j 3. e 8. d 4.g 9. i 5. a 1 0. b Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解) (一)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the lis t given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。)(10分, 每空2分) maintain disciplined requirements coding modified (二) Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C (四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。10分,每题2分) 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Ⅲ.Translation.翻译(30分) (一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。)(共20分,每题5分)


单词·词组 1.arithmetic logic unit 算术逻辑单元44.dequeue 出队 2.base on 基于……45.enqueue 入队 3.binary system 二进制46.queue 队列 4.control unit 控制单元47.stack 堆栈 5.microprocessor 微处理器48.database 数据库 6.register 寄存器49.integrity 完整性 7.workstation 工作站50.privilege 特权 8.architecture 体系结构51.extension 扩展名 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,piler 编译器52.interchange 交换 10.disc storage 磁盘存储器53.lossy 有损耗的 11.level 1 (2) cache 一(二)级缓存54.platform 平台 12.physical memory 物理存储器 13.swap file 交换文件 14.virtual memory 虚拟存储器 15.volatile 易失性的 16.chip set 芯片组 17.expansion card 扩展卡 18.individually 个别地 19.motherboard 主板 20.parallel connector 并行连接器(设备) 21.PC Case 主机箱 22.power supply 电源 23.serial connector 串行连接器(设备) 24.sound card 声卡 25.breakthrough 突破 26.constitute 组成 27.decode 译码,解码 28.encode 编码 29.in sequence 顺次,依次 30.parallel processing 并行处理 31.preliminary 初步的,最初的 32.stored program concept 存储程序概念 33.subsystem 子系统 34.addition 加 35.convert 转变 36.decimal 十进制 37.division 除 38.hexadecimal 十六进制 39.multiplication 乘 40.octal 八进制 41.subtraction 减 42.algorithm 算法 43.array 数组


习题+答案 2.1 Write T or F to each stateme nt T6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device. T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times. T8. The repetiti on of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate. T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse. F10. A clock in put may occur at any time. T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register. T13. A uni direct ional shift register is capable of shift ing in one direct ion only. F14. I n a shift-left register the serial in put determ ines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register. F15. To provide parallel tran sfer capability some additi onal in put and output lines should be provided to the shift register. Choose the best an swer for each of the follow ing 1. How can the output of a logic gate be en ergized? C A By cha nging its in puts. B By rema ining its in puts un cha nged. C By meet ing the specific in put con diti on. D By givi ng a pulse. 3. A NAND gate con sists of D . A an OR gate followed by an in verter B an AND gate followed by an in verter C an AN D gate followed by an OR gate D an in verter followed by an AND gate 4. Un der what con diti on is the output of a two-i nput XOR gate logic-high? B A Its in puts are simulta neously at the same logic level. B Its in puts are simulta neously at opposite logic levels. C Its in puts are logic-low. D its in puts are simulta neously logic-high. 2.2 Write T or F for each stateme nt T 1. The CPU uses the in put and output un its to com muni cate with the outside world. F2. Main memory is sometimes called exter nal memory. F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use. F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system.. T5. Large systems offer higher process ing speeds for user and retur n more data tha n PCs.


少工学结合创新教程....................... 计算机专业英语 2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 I . Vocabulary(词汇)(30 分) (一).Tran slate the follow ing words and expressi ons into Chin ese( 汉语。)(共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10. 中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.( 写出相应的英语缩写。)(共10分,每题1分) 1 . DBMS 2. TCP 3. MDI 4. OOP 5. ROM 6. VCD 7 . CAD 8 . SQL 9 . USB 10. B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in mea ning in the right colum n.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。写出下列词组的 根据汉语)(10分,每空

1分) 1. c 6. h

1. 开发一个软件产品,开发过程分为五个步骤:需求分析和说明,设计,写代码,测试和维护。 2. 功能测试检验的是用有效的输入是否能够得到所期望的输出。+ 3. EDI指的是两个公司之间通过私有网络使用特定、结构化的格式电子交换商业信息。 4. 一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在 一个软件中打开多个文档。 (二)Tran slate the follow ing paragraph into Chi nese. (将下段文章翻译成汉语。)(共10分) 高级语言是一种人造语言,使用它我们可以写不同的指令。这成为可能不是因为计算机处理器如今是如此的技术先进以至于它们可以理解这些语言。你需要将这些语言翻译成计算机处理器能够理解的机器语言。编译器能够完成这项工作。这就意味着高级语言程序不是直接可项目1 3. e 8. d 4. g 9. i 5. a 10. b n . Comprehension(阅读理解) (一) Fill in the bla nks with suitable words or expressi ons from the list give n below ,and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适 当的形式填空。)(10分,每空2分) maintain discipli ned requireme nts codi ng modified (二)项目2 项目3 Tell whether the follow ing stateme nts are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)项目4 1 . F 2 . T 3 . F 4 . T 5 . F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1 . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . C (四)Choose the best answer according to Passage C. 案。10分,每题2分) 1 . C 根据上文的内容选择正 (根据上文的内容选择正确的答 项目5 2. D 3. A 项目6 4. C 5. B 川.Translation. 翻译(30 分) (一)Tran slate the followi ng senten ces in to Chin ese. 20分,每题5分)(将下列句子翻译成汉 语。 ) (共 项目7 项目8 项目9 项目10


计算机专业英语词汇 目录 A (2) B (3) C (4) D (6) E (8) F (9) G (10) H (10) I (11) J (12) K (13) L (13) M (13) N (14) O (15) P (16) Q (18) R (18) S (19) T (21) U (22) V (22) W (23) 其他缩写 (24)

A Absolute 绝对 Access存取 Access time存取时间 Accompanying 陪同,伴随 According to 根据 Accuracy准确性 Acquire 获得 Active-matrix主动矩阵 Adapter cards适配卡 Add-ons 插件 Address地址 Ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件Advanced application高级应用 Agents代理 Allocated 分配 Analog signals模拟信号 Analytical graph分析图表 Analyze分析 Animations动画 Append 追加,添加 Applets程序 Application software 应用软件 Appropriate 适当的 Architectures 布局,格局 Argument 论据,参数 Arithmetic operations算术运算 Arranges 安排 Assembler 汇编语言,装配器 Assign 分配 Associate with 联合 Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口


CHAPTER 1 1、A common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies is b. information technology 一个描述了传统的计算机和通信技术结合的常见的术语 B.信息技术 2、Procedures are typically documented in manuals written by b. computer specialists 程序一般是___在手册撰写记录的 B.计算机专家 3、Which of the following is an example of connectivity? a. Internet 下列哪一项是连接的一个例子吗? A.互联网 4、Windows XP, windows Vista, and Macintosh OS X are all examples of b. operating systems Windows XP,Windows Vista,和Macintosh OS X都是__的例子 B.操作系统 5、Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare. d. supercomputers 由于它们的尺寸和成本,这些电脑是比较少见的。 D.超级计算机 6、The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called the d. microprocessor 系统组成,控制和操纵数据来产生信息称为 D.微处理器 7、A system component that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) c. output device 一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为 C.输出设备 8、A CD is an example of a(n) c. optical disc CD是___的简称 C.光盘 9、If you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software. d. presentation 如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。 D.演示 10、Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. d. wireless


Project Six Multimedia TEACHING OBJECTIVE 1. Master all the professional terms in this Unit. 2. Develop the students’ reading abilities. 3. P ractice the dialogue to improve he students’ communication ability. 4. .I mprove t he students’ the writing ability TEACHING APPROACH: 1. Method of Lecture 2. TBLT(Task Based Language Teaching ) 3. CLTA (Communicative Language Teaching Approach) IMPORTANT POINTS: 1. Words and terms 2. comprehension ability of professional articles DIFFICULT POINTS: 1 .How to grasp the main idea of the paragraph. 2. How to use specialized English knowledge to finish professional tasks in English environment. 2.TIME ALLOTMENT: 1) Theoretical learning (4课时) 2) Practical learning(2课时) 3 ) Occupation English(2课时) 4) Simulated writing:(2课时) TEACHING PROCEDURE:


计算机英语期末考试试题 I. 单选题. (1*20) 1.A computer system includes both _________ and software. A.cable B.memories C.CPU D.hardware 2.The heart of the computer is _________ A.CPU B.BUS C.CAI D.DIV 3.Which is not input device used with microcomputers ? A.Keyboard B.Printer C.touch screen D.Mouse 4.Basically , a computer consists of four components : Central Processing Unit , _________, Input Device and Output Device. A.Memory B.Keyboard C.Monitor D.The Control Unit 5.A _________ is a small , hand-held object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor or pointer on the screen or to select choices from menu displayed on screen. A.keyboard B.mouse C.monitor D.printer 6.Which is "删除" in Chinese ? A.shift B.Control C.Insert D.Delete 7.__________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A. Software B. Hardware C. Hardship D. Instruction 8._________ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines A. keyboard B .modem C. printer D. Mouse 9.__________is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds. A. network card B. video card C. sound card D. Monitor 10. The display screen is the most common device used to show you what the computer is doing. A. input B. printing C. output D. electronic 11._________ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents. A. Word 2003 B. Outlook 2003 C. Access 2003 D. Excel 2003 12.The first generation of computer lasted from _________ to 1958. A.1965 B.1946 C.1947 D.1970 13._________ is the application of the computer and communications technology to improve the productivity of office workers. A.CAI B.AI C.OA D.CAM 14._________ is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. A.Office B.Mouse C.OS D.Microsoft Windows 15.Generally software can be divided into two types: software system and _________ system. A.hardware B.DOS C.application D.Windows 16.The _________ is the part of the computer where programs and data are stored. A.Input Device B.Memory C.CPU D.CU 17. refers to data storage equipment that allows the stored data to be accessed randomly rather than just in sequence. A.Random Access Memory B.Magnetic tapes C.Disks D.ROM 18.Word processing , of course, relies on perhaps the most basic computer _________ : the keyboard. A.output device B.input device C.storage D.CPU 19._________ refers to any machine capable of representing information from a


https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,mand n. 命令,指令 2. line n. (数据,程序)行,线路 3. display vt. 显示,显示器 4. format n. 格式 5. cursor n. 光标 6. directory n. 目录,索引簿 7.current n. 电流8.screen n. 屏幕,屏;v. 屏蔽9.. specify v. 指定,规定,确定 10. disk n. 盘,磁盘11. drive v. 驱动;n. 驱动器12. database n. 数据库 13. enter v. 键入,送入14.margin n. 余量,边缘,边际15. procedure n. 过程,程序,工序 16. dialog n. & vt. 对话17.insert vt. 插入18. item n. 项,项目,条款 19.edit vt. 编辑,编排,编篡20.parameter n. 参数,参变量21. variable a. 可变的;n. 变量 22. function n. 函数,功能,操作23. button n. 按钮24. index n. 索引,变址,指数 25. setting n. 设置,调整26. desire v. & n. 期望27 . switch n. & v. 开关,转换,切换 28. default v. 缺省,预置,约定29. enable vt. 启动,恢复正常操作30. filename n. 文件名 31. prompt n. & v. 提示32. execute v. 实行,实施33. extension n. 扩充,延伸 34. argument n. 变元,自变量35. shift v. 转义,换档,移位36. store n. & vt. 存储,存储器 37. scroll vt. 上滚(卷);n. 纸卷38. macro n. 宏,宏功能,宏指令39. define vt. 定义,规定,分辨 40. reference n. & a. 参考;参考的41. restore vt. 恢复,复原42. block n. (字,信息,数据)块43. decimal n. & a. 十进制;十进制的44. definition n. 定义,确实,清晰度45. arrow n. 箭头,指针 46. label n. 标签,标号,标识符47. issue v. 发行,出版,流出48. available a. 可用的 49. attribute n. 属性,标志,表征50. dos 磁盘操作系统51. modify vt. 修改,改变,变址52. bottom n. & a. 底,基础;底下的53. carriage n. 滑架,托架54. content n. 含量,容量,内容55. scope n. 范围,显示器56. paragraph n. 段(落),节,短讯57. execution n. 执行 58. backup n. 备份,后备,后援59. pointer n. 指针,指示字60. subset n. 子集,子设备 61. keyboard n. 键盘62. positioning n. 定位63. toggle n. & v. 触发器;系紧64. device n. 设备,器件,装置65.indicate vt. 指示,表示66. rename vt. 更名,改名 67. combination n. 结合,组合68. profile n. 简要,剖面,概貌69. split v. 分开,分离 70. access n. 存取,选取,接近71. document n. 文献,资料,文件72. reflow v. & n. 回流,逆流 73. install vt. 安装74. assign vt. 赋值,指定,分派75. specific a. 特殊的,具体的76. diskette n. 软磁盘,软盘片77. confirmation n. 认可78. abbreviate vt. 缩写,省略 79. delimiter n. 定界符,分界符80. graphic n. & a. 图形;图形的81. confirm vt. 证实,确认 82. clause n. 条款,项目,子句83. correspond vi. 通信(联系) 84. property n. 性(质),特征 85. bracket n. (方)括号,等级86. omit vt. 省略,删去,遗漏87. sub-directory n. 子目录 88. instruction n. 指令,指导89. ascii n. 美国信息交换标准码90. append vt. 附加,增补 91. buffer n. 缓冲器92. coprocessor n. 协同处理器93. overlay v. 覆盖,重叠 94. navigation n. 导航95. shortcut n. 近路,捷径96. assigned a. 指定的,赋值的97. match v. 比较,匹配,符合98. release vt. & n. 释放,核发,版99. deletion n. 删去(部分),删除100. alias n. 别名,代号,标记101. quote n. & v. 引号;加引号102. maximum n. & a. 最大(的),最高103. switching n. 开关,转接,交换104. element n. 元件,元素,码元105. modification n. 改变,修改106. modified a. 修改的,变更的107. uppercase n. 大写字母108. force v. & n. 强制;压力,强度109. lowercase n. 下档,小写体110. undo vt. 取消,废除111. environ vt. 围绕,包围112. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的113. encounter v. & n. 遇到,碰到114. wildcard n. 通配符 115. spill v. 漏出,溢出,漏失116. browse v. 浏览117. memo n. 备忘录 118. prior a. 先验的,优先的119. variant n. & a. 变体,易变的120. floppy n. 软磁盘 121. supply vt. & n. 电源,供给122. module n. 模块(程序设计) 123. monochrome n. 单色124. assistance n. 辅助设备,帮助125. demonstration n. (公开)表演,示范126 . template n. 标准框,样板,模板


○1 1.Visual chapter openers and summaries 具视觉效果的开篇和总结 2.On the Web explorations 网络资源 3.Tips 小贴士,小窍门 4.Making IT work for you 为你所用 5.Concept checks and review 检查 6.Key terms 核心词汇 7.Careers in IT 信息技术相关职业 8.Procedures (指令,操作说明) 9.Software (软件) 10.Hardware (硬件) 11.Blocking spam 垃圾邮件过滤软件 12.Speech Recognition 语音识别软件 13.Virus Protection and Internet Security 14.网络安全软件 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html, Tuner Cards and Video Clips 电视卡和视频编辑软件16.Web Cams and Instant Messaging 网络视频摄像头和即时通 讯 17.Music from the Internet 网络音乐下载、上传和编 辑 18.Home Networking 家庭网络 19.Spyware Removal 间谍软件移除工具 20.Job Opportunities 网络就业机会搜索软 件 21.Operation system 操作系统 22.Coordinate resources 协调资源 23.Interface 提供接口 24.Run applications 运行应用程序 25.Utilities 公共实用程序 26.Device drivers 设备驱动程序 27.Browser 浏览器程序 28.Microsoft Office 办公软件 29.Basic application 基础应用程序 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,itary or Government军事政府 31.Research institute 研究机构 32.Insurance companies 保险公司 33.Mainframe computers 大型机,主机 34.Supercomputers 超级计算机 35.Minicomputers 中型电脑 36.Microcomputers 微机个人计算机 37.Desktop computer 台式电脑 38.Notebook computer, laptop computers 手提式、膝上轻便 电脑 39.Tablet PC 支持手写的平板电脑 40.Handheld computer 掌上电脑 41.Windows mobile 操作系统 42.Electronic Dictionary 电子词典 43.Palm computer 掌上电脑 44.Handheld computer 手持电脑 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,itary PDA 军用PDA 46.System unit:microprocessor and memory 微处理器 和内存 47.Input/output devices 输入和输出 48.Keyboard 键盘 49.Mouse 鼠标 50.Monitor 显示器printer 打印机 51.Secondary storage 辅助存储器 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,pact discs (CD) 激光盘 53.Digital versatile or video discs (DVD) 数 字化视频光盘 54.High-definition discs (HDD) 高清盘 55.Document files 文字处理 56.Worksheet files 工作表单 57.Database files 数据库文件 58.Presentation files 演示文件 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,puter competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools for today. 2.Present an overview of an information system 概述信息系统 3.Understand these basic parts and how connectivity through the Internet.5大组成部分及如何访问网络 4.Filled out computerized forms, took computerized tests 填写电脑化的表格和考试 5.People are surely the most important part of any information system. 人是信息系统中最重要的组成元素 6.Our lives are touched every day by computers and information systems. 我们的生活每天都要接触计算机、信息系统 分不开 7.Making IT Work for You:present interesting and practical IT applications. 实用 的信息技术应用 8.Tips:suggestions ranging from the basics of keeping your computer system running smoothly to how to protect your privacy while surfing the Web. 关于计算机运用和网上冲 浪安全的提示和建议 9.Careers in IT:provides job descriptions, projected employment demands, educational requirements, current salary ranges, and advancement opportunities. 信息技术相关的 工作 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,puting Essentials Web site:more information on the Web. 本课本相关的网 络资源 11.Software are the instructions that tell the computer how to process date into the form you want. 软件就是指导计算机把 数据转换成信息的指令 12.In the most case, the words software and programs are interchangeable. 大多时候,软件 和程序的概念是可以互换的 13.系统软件是应用软件和计算机硬件的中 间连接件。 14.The system software is just the mediator between application software and hardware. 15.you have to know to be considered computer competent. 作为计算机能手必须具 备 16.Wireless applications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution. 无线应用开启了无 线革命 17.Central to the concept of connectivity is the network. 连接概念的中心是网络 ○3 1.Integrated Packages 综合程序包 2.Software Suites 软件套组 3.templates 模版 4.Thesaurus 同义词库 5.Word wrap 自动换行 6.Autocorrect: 自动更正 7.Header or Footer 页眉页脚 8.Footnote 脚注 9.Captions, Cross References题注,交叉引 用 10.Table 表格 11.Calculations 计算 12.Functions 函数 13.Analytical graphs or charts 图表 14.What-if analysis 假设分析 15.Query: 查询 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,municate a message 传递 17.persuade people 说服 18.Professional 专业 19.Productivity suite 商务组件 20.Personal suite 家庭组件 21.Specialized suite 专业组件 22.Utility suite 实用工具组件 1.Integrated package: is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager and more. 独立的集成软件包包括文字处理、表格和数据库管理等功能 2.Presentation: programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive visually interesting presentations. 利用可视化 的图形,创造吸引人的演示效果。 3.Software suites: a collection of separate application programs bundled together and sold as a group. 捆绑一起售卖的多个应用程序 4.Good communication skills and teaching experience, though a teaching degree may not be required, it may be preferred. 沟通技能和 授课经验 5.Experience with the latest software and hardware is essential. 熟悉最新的软件和硬件 6.Seek detail-oriented individuals with IT experience IT经验的细心人 ○5 1.Booting a system 启动电脑 2.Mundane 常规的 3.behind-the-scenes 幕后的 4.Warm boot 热启动Cold boot 冷启动 5.Embedded OS 嵌入式OS https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work OS 网络OS 7.Stand-alone OS 客户端OS 8.track 磁道 9.concentric ring同心圆 10.contiguous连续相邻的 11.wedge-shaped楔形的 12.sector扇区 13.Norton AntiVirus: 防毒 14.Norton CleanSweep: 系统清理 15.Web CleanUp: 上网痕迹清理 16.GoBack Personal Edition: 恢复设置 17.Norton Utilities: 实用工具 18.Bachelor’s degree 本科学位 19.Practical experience 实战经验 20.Certification from training 认证 21.Good analytical and communication skills 社交技能 1.System software: works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. 系统软件处理大多数技术细节 2.System software is collection that handle hundreds of technical details with little or no user intervention. 少用户介入的技术细节 3.Managing resources 资源管理 4.Providing character-based or graphical user interface 提供人机界面接口 5. A platform for running applications and supporting multitasking 为应用软件的运行提供系统平台 6.Advanced system security to guard against malicious files and programs, including spyware. 防恶意软件安全系统 7.Three-dimensional workspace capable of displaying transparent cascading windows. 三 维立体、玻璃、瀑布效果 8.Filtering capabilities to provide convenient parental controls by blocking access of objectionable Web sites. 过 滤能力,家长控制 9.Utilities: are designed to make computing easier. 使用计算机更加简单的专业程序 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,e for: avoid frustrating 11.Internal hard disks crashed 死机 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,puters freeze up 锁定卡死 13.Operations slow down 系统慢 14.Troubleshooting programs: recognize and correct problems. 自检程序 15.Antivirus programs: guard your computer system against viruses. 防病毒程序 16.Uninstall programs: safely and completely remove unneeded programs. 卸载程序 17.Backup programs: make copies of files. 备 份程序 18.File compression programs: reduce the size of files. 压缩程序 19.Disk Cleanup: a troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space. 清理无用文件, 释放磁盘空间 20.A track is a concentric ring.磁道,就是一 个同心圆 21.Each track is divided into wedge-shaped sections called sector. 磁道被分成的楔形,称 为扇区 22.The operating system tries to save a file on a single track across contiguous sectors. 23.Disk Defragmenter: locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations. 去除无用的碎片,重新安排文件,优 化磁盘空间 24.Device driver: work with the operating system to allow communication between the device and the rest of the computer system. 用 于设备和计算机其他组件通信 25.Windows supplies hundreds of different device drivers with its system software. 自带 驱动 ○9 1.Originally intended for voice communication 语音通讯 2.Widely used to support computer communication 计算机通讯 3.Allow a wide variety of nearby devices to communicate without physical connection 设备通讯 4.Allow individuals to connect to the Internet 因特网无线互联 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,munication channel 信道 6.Connection devices 连接设备 7.Data transmission specifications 数据传输规则 8.Twisted-pair cable 双绞线 9.Made up of copper wires 铜线 10.Coaxial cable 同轴电缆11.made up of a single solid-copper 12.Fiber-optic cable 光纤 13.Physical connections: 物理连接 14.Infrared: 红外线 15.Over short distances 短距离 16.Travel in a straight line 直线 17.In clear view of one another 18.Broadcast radio: 无线电通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,e radio signals 无线电信号 20.Follow standard Wi-Fi 无线保真 21.Microwave: 微波 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,e high-frequency radio wave 23.line-of-sight communication 24.Be relayed by stations with dishes or antenna 天线接收传递 25.Bluetooth: 蓝牙技术 26.Pass through walls and nonmetal barriers 具有穿透性 27.Satellite: 卫星通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,e satellites orbiting about 22000 miles above the earth 29.Offered by Intelsat通讯卫星协会 30.Rotate at a precise point and speed 位置和 速度严格定位 31.External modem 外置调制解调器 32.Internal modem 内置调制解调器 33.PC Card modem 卡式调制解调器 34.Wireless modem 无线上网卡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,e for converting the digital signals to analog signals 数字、模拟信号转换 36.Transfer rate: 传输率 37.Bandwidth 带宽 38.Node: any device connected 节点 39.Client: a node uses resource 客户端 40.Server: a node sharing resources and performing specific task 服务器 41.Hub: the central node 集线器 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work interface cards: 网卡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work operating systems: 网络OS 44.Distributed processing: 分布处理 45.Local Area Network: 局域网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work gateway 网关 47.Ethernet: 以太网 48.Metropolitan Area Network: 城域网 49.Wide Area Network: 广域网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work configurations 拓扑结构 51.Strategies 策略,模式 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,puter communications: is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers. 计算机之间共享信息数据资源 2.Connectivity: is a concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources to the world of larger computers and Internet. 3.Protocol: a set of communication rules for the exchange of information. 协议是传输信息的规则 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4128697.html,work architecture: describes how a network is arranged and how resources are coordinated and shared. 搭建,协调和共享 5.Terminal network: processing power is centralized in one large computer, other terminals connected to this host. 计算机能力 集中在中央主机上,即主机终端联机模式 6.Client/server networks: server nodes coordinate and supply specialized services, and client nodes request the services. 客户端请求 服务,服务器提供服务 7.Peer-to-peer networks: nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. 各节点角色相同 8.Intranets: a private network within an organization that resembles the Internet. 企业 内部网是一个私有网络 9.Extranets: a private network that connects more than one organization. 企业间的外联网 10.Firewall: a security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats. 防范外部威胁 11.Proxy server: a gatekeeper to monitor and evaluate all communication. 代理服务器
