




1. Catch

catch a cold 感冒;受凉

catch fire 着火;变得流行,火起来

catch hold of 抓住

catch on 流行;领会

catch on to 理解

catch one’s breath喘气;休息

catch one’s eye /attention 引人注目/引起注意

catch sight of 看见

catch up with 赶上

2. Come

come along 过来;进展,发展

come along with 随同

come across 偶尔遇见,偶尔发现

come at 袭击;拜见

come by 从旁走过

come around 到来/苏醒,恢复/改变看法或立场

come around / round to 赞成;同意

come back 回来/想起,记起

come by获得,得到;拜访,串门

come between 离间,使分开,使产生隔阂come down with 因……而病倒;患…病come down 流传

come to the point 抓住要点

come into contact with 与……接触

come in for 遭到,受到(责备等)

come on 发生,赶快

come off 发生,举行

come off it 别傻了,别闹笑话了,别出洋相了come out 发行;被告知;结果是;公开宣称come into operation 启用

come to a standstill 停止

come to a stop 停止;到站

come to an end 结束

come to light 真相大白;显露

come true 梦想成真

come through 按要求(或期望)做:

come up to达到;符合;不辜负(live up to)come up with 提出;赶上

come upon 偶然发现(或遇见)

come a long way 取得进展;明显提高

come all the way 远道而来;大老远跑来

come in handy 迟早有用

come into being 诞生,形成

come out of 从(某场所)出来;出自

come to one’s mind 想起

come to think of it 回头想起

come to an agreement 达成协议

come what may 无论如何

3. Do

do a favor 帮忙

do good to 有益于

do harm to 有害于

do damage 使受到损失

do (one) in 使精疲力竭;杀死

do (one) out of 骗取

do away with 废除;去掉

do (one’s)own thing 做自己最喜欢(最擅长的事)的事do or die 需要拼命,需要全力以赴

do over 重做,返工;重新装饰(或装修)

do one’s best 竭尽全力

4. Get

get across 穿过;清楚表达;使理解

get accustomed to = get used to 习惯于

get along 进展;相处;度日

get at 暗示;够得着,触及;

get away with 逃脱

get bored doing 厌倦做某事

get by (勉强)对付过去,(勉强)过活;溜走;勉强过得去get down to 开始处理;开始认真对待

get down 使难过

get hurt 受伤

get one’s hopes up 使某人产生希望

get even with 扯平

get going 开始

get hold of 掌握;了解

get in the way 挡道

get in 进入,被允许进入;到达

get in touch with 与……建立联系

get somewhere/nowhere 有(无)进展

get off the ground 有所进展;突破

get off 被允许离开;逃脱惩罚,逃避义务;

get on one’s nerves 使……心烦

get on 和睦相处;变老;继续,继续进行,进步;5. Go

go about 流传;开始做(复杂的事);继续

go after 追求;追逐

go along 配合

go around 足够供应,谣言流传;四处走动

go beyond 超出;胜过

go back on 违背(诺言等)

go by 凭……判断;顺便拜访

go down 下降;下跌;消肿;被记住(铭记)

go Dutch 各付个的;AA制

go in (into) 详细调查;从事

go in for 赞成;参加(考试);热衷于

go off 消失;变质;爆炸,发出响声

go off on me 对我发脾气

go on with = go ahead 继续

go out 出去;泄密;过时;停止运转,熄灭;约会

go out of one’s way to do sth.不辞辛苦做...

go over 参观;复习;仔细检查;被接受(得到赞许);go through 通过;经历;完成

go through with 把…进行到底,完成,实现

go steady (和某人)正式确定恋爱关系

go up 上升;增长;上涨

go under 倒闭,失败,垮掉

go all out 全力以赴;竭尽全力

go out of business 歇业;停业

go without saying 不用说,不言而喻

on the go 忙个不停的

go through a lot of money 花了很多钱

6. Keep

keep an eye on sth. 照看;密切注视

keep in mind 记住

keep in touch with 与……保持联系

keep pace with 与……同步前进

keep off 避开

keep back 隐瞒(信息),拒不告诉;保留,储存

for keeps 永久地

keep on (doing) 继续(做某事)

keep one’s finger crossed 祝……好运

keep (one’s) eyes open or peeled 密切注视

keep (one’s) head above water (通过持续努力)生存,继续;勉强对付keep track of 追踪;知道;理解

keep (one’s) sanity 保持镇静

keep up with 跟上;继续

keep up one’s spirits 振作精神

keep cool 保持冷静

keep count on 保持联系

keep sth. in mind 把……记在心上

keep sb. from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

keep(sth.)to oneself 不与人交往;保守某事

keep one’s opinion / idea to oneself 不把想法告诉别人7. Make

make a fuss 大惊小怪;小题大做

make advances 取得进展

make war 发动战争

make an effort 努力

make a night of it 痛快的玩一晚

make a day of it 做了一整天

make a living 谋生

make a comeback 东山再起

make a face 扮鬼脸

make away with 拿走,偷走

make a point of 坚持要

make believe 假装,假扮

make certain 肯定;确认

make do 凑合,将就

make ends meet 收支平衡

make friends 交朋友

make for 有利于,有助于

make it 成功

make light of 认为…不重要

make much of 重视

make the deadline 赶上最后期限

make a fortune = make big bucks 挣大钱

make no difference 毫无区别

make a difference 有影响,有关系

make out 辨认出;理解;填写

make off with (迅速)拿走,偷走

8. Put

put an end to = put a stop to 终止

put aside 撇开

put across 沟通,交流,被理解

put away 把……放回原处;收起来

put by 留存,积蓄

put down 把……记下来;镇压;贬低,看不起;put forward 提出

put off 延期

put into practice 实践

put on 穿上;上演

put sth. in order 把……弄整齐

put to use 使用

put up举起;安顿;参与;建立

put up with 容忍;忍受

put up to (doing)怂恿,唆使

put out 熄灭;解雇;给…添麻烦,冒犯

put out with 对某人生气

put out by 由于某事而生气

put through to 电话接通

put over on 欺骗,愚弄

9. Take

take action 采取行动

take advantage of 利用

take after 仿效;(相貌、脾气或性格)与…相似,像take care of 照顾

take effect 生效

take(sb.)for a ride 欺骗,蒙骗(某人)

take charge of 负责;管理

take in 接待;减小,改小;理解,明白;欺骗

take into account = take account of 把……考虑进去take into consideration 考虑到

take it easy 不要紧张;慢慢来

take it for granted 把……当成理所当然

take measures = take steps 采取措施;步骤take off 起飞

take one’s time doing sth.从容不迫做某事take over 接管;接收

have what it takes 有能力,能够

take part in 参加

take potshots at 拐弯抹角地批评,指桑骂槐take place 代替;发生,出现

take out sth. on sb. 向某人出气

take turns 轮流

take up占有;着手

take a break 休息,放松

take a close look 仔细看一看

10. Turn

turn around 转身

at every turn 到处,时时

in turn 轮流地→(反义)out of turn

turn down 关小;拒绝

turn in = hand in上交

turn into 把……变成

turn off 关闭

turn away 把(某人)打发走

turn blue/green 冻得青紫/羡慕,嫉妒

turn on 打开

turn over 移交;再三考虑;翻转

turn over a new leaf 改变,(尤指)改过自新turn to 翻到;转向;求助于

turn(one’s) stomach 使恶心;使作呕

turn up 突然发现;找到;出现

turn up (one’s) nose 拒绝

turn out 结果是;培养;生产;打扮


高考冲刺必备 高考常用动词短语搭配1.动词+about speak/talk about谈论 think about思考 care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away吹走 carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散 die away逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away冲走 take away拿走 put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露 wear away磨掉,消耗 break away摆脱 send away让走开 turn away把...打发走 3.动词+back keep back隐瞒,忍住 hold back控制住 call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 take back拿回,收回 4.动词+for run for竞选 ask for要求得到 wait for等候 long for渴望 care for关心,喜欢 search for查找 call for要求,需要 change for用...换 apply for申请 seek for寻找 stand for代表,表示 hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求 look for寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for来拿,来取 5.动词+down break down 出毛病,分解,拆开 bring down 使下降,使倒下 burn down 烧毁 calm down平静下来 come down 下跌,落,降,传下 cut down 削减,砍倒 die down (炉火)渐熄 fall down 掉下,跌倒 get down to do 致力于,专心于 get down 下来,记下,使沮丧 go down 下沉,降低 hand down 传给,流传 hold down 控制,镇压 knock down 撞倒 look down upon 瞧不起 pass down 传下来 pass down…to 传给 pull down 往下拉,拆毁 put down 记下,写下,平息 set down 放下 settle down 安家 slow down慢下来 take down 记录,写下 tear down 拆除 turn down 调小,拒绝 6.动词+at come at 向...袭击 run at冲向,向...攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆一瞥 knock at敲门,窗等 smile at冲某人笑 aim at向...瞄准 wonder at惊讶 shout at冲某人嚷嚷 work at干...活动研究 look at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at向...射击 call at拜访地点 7.动词+from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦 hear from收到...来信 die from因...而死 keep/stop/prevent from不让...做 learn from向...学习 date from始于...时候 result from由于 separate from把...分离开 8.动词+of think of想到 consist of由...组成 approve of赞成 talk of谈到 complain of抱怨 dream of梦到 speak of 读到 die of死于 hear of听说 become of发生...情况,怎么啦 9.动词+off start off出发 set off出发 leave off''中断 show off炫耀 get off下车 see off送行 put off延期,推迟 cut off切断,断绝 keep off避开,勿走近 knock off把...撞落 pay off还清 get off脱下衣服等 trun/switch off关掉 take off脱下,起飞 ring off挂断电话 come off脱掉,褪色 fall off跌落,掉下 go off走开,消失,坏了 break off打断 carry off携走,带走 give off散发出 10.动词+on


(英语)高考英语动词基础练习题 一、单项选择动词 1.To get promoted, I must _____ my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs. A.take after B.take to C.take in D.take on 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语take after长得像,性格类似于,效仿;take to喜欢上,沉溺于;take in吸收,理解,欺骗,收养;take on雇佣,呈现;句意:为了被提拔,我要消防我的同事们,他们工作非常努力。根据句意可知take after意为“效仿”,符合上下文含义。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 2.Pupils who pass the test will be _____ to the next grade. A.promoted B.progressed C.proceeded D.proposed 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过考试的学生将升入下一年级。A. promoted 提升 B. progressed 进步 C. proceeded开始,进行 D. proposed建议,打算。根据句意可知,选A。 3.After several days of heavy rain the roof ______ with a loud noise, crashing onto the ground. A.came out B.came down C.came on D.came up 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词短语。A. came out出现,出版,结果是;B. came down下来,掉落;C. came on 快点,要求;D. came up走近,发生。句意:经过几天的大雨,屋顶下了一声巨响,坍塌在地。此处指屋顶掉落,故选B. 4.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can’t his actions at all. A.account for B.call for C.send for D.reach for 【答案】A 【解析】 考查动词短语。account for “ 解释”; call for“需要;要求”; send for“派人去请(拿);召唤”; reach for “伸手去拿”。由题意可知 A 项正确。 5.—You’ve made great progress in your English study, haven’t you? —Yes, but much . A.remains to do B.is remained to do


2017江苏高考备考英语动词短语大全 (1)act短语 act as 担任…职务,起…作用act for 代理(职务),代为(处理)act out表演(对话、情节等)act up捣乱,出问题 (2)believe短语 believe in确信,信任,信仰,主张believe one's ears相信所听到的话make believe 假装(pretend to do sth.)seeing is believing 眼见为实(3)break短语 break away 摆脱,脱离 break away from…脱离……,奋力挣脱……、打破 break down出故障,中止,分解、抛锚、破坏,粉碎;瓦解;衰弱,损坏;(健康等)垮掉,累垮;崩溃 break in打断,插话,闯入,强行进入,使顺服 break into…闯入……,破门而入,突然开始,把(sth.)分成 break (sth) off(使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止,打断,断绝break out(战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发,准备使用;起锚 break open破开,撬开break short 中断,折断 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule(law)违反规定break one’s promise 失言break through突围,冲跨,克服,挤过去break up vt. 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开,开垦,vi.结束 (4)blow短语 blow about吹散blow away 吹走blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹灭blow out吹灭,走气 blow up,放大(照片),吹大(气球),爆炸,发脾气 give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以沉重打击 (5)bring短语 bring about引起,导致,使发生,促使 bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿(送)回来,使恢复,使回忆 bring sth / sb back to life使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 bring down使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring down / up (the price)降价/提价 bring forth开(花),结(果),发表,宣布,提出 bring forward 提出 bring in引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring into action 使行动起来,使生效


重点中学高考资源整理 高中英语(全册)动词短语考点汇总 全册A-Z顺序整理,附例句

(1)act短语: act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处 理某事) act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病 例如: I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case. (布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。) The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot. (2)break短语: break away 摆脱,脱离break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入 break into …闯入……,破门而入 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定 break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 例如: The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught. If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. The car broke down just on my way here. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. If anyone tries to break into the building, the alarm will go off. She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? It may take a long time to break through the problem. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格 下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始


江苏高考备考英语动词短语大全 (1)act短语 act as 担任…职务,起…作用 act for 代理(职务),代为(处理) act out 表演(对话、情节等) act up 捣乱,出问题 (2)believe短语 believe in 确信,信任,信仰,主张 believe one's ears 相信所听到的话 make believe 假装(pretend to do sth.) seeing is believing 眼见为实 (3)break短语 break away 摆脱,脱离 break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱……、打破 break down 出故障,中止,分解、抛锚、破坏,粉碎;瓦解;衰弱,损坏;(健康等)垮掉,累垮;崩溃break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入,使顺服 break into …闯入……,破门而入,突然开始,把(sth.)分成 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止,打断,断绝 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发,准备使用;起锚 break open 破开,撬开 break short 中断,折断 break out in tears 突然大哭 break the rule(law)违反规定 break one’s promise 失言 break through 突围,冲跨,克服,挤过去 break up vt. 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开,开垦,vi.结束 (4)blow短语 blow about 吹散 blow away 吹走 blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹灭 blow out吹灭,走气 blow up,放大(照片),吹大(气球),爆炸,发脾气 give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以沉重打击 (5)bring短语 bring about 引起,导致,使发生,促使 bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿(送)回来,使恢复,使回忆 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价 bring forth开(花),结(果),发表,宣布,提出 bring forward 提出 bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring into action 使行动起来,使生效 bring into effect/practice 完成,实现,实施,实行 bring into operation 使运转,将...投入bring into (full) play 发挥,调动,利用 bring sb.into touch with...接触,触摸 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进,提出(论点) bring out 拿出,公布,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring off 完成,救出,使成功,搬走 bring to 使……苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring through 治愈,使度过困难/危险时期 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施…… bring to light 出现,公布,暴露 bring to mind 使想起,回忆起 bring up 抚养,培养,哺育,使停止 (6)build短语 build ... into 把...建设成,把...装入 build on / upon 建立在...上,依赖,指望 build up 增加,增进,建成,振兴 build up to 增加 (7)以burst为中心的词组 burst forth 爆发,喷出,忽然出现 burst in 闯进,突然出现 burst into 闯进,突然...起来,突然发出 burst into tears / laughter 嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 burst out 迸发,爆发,突然发出,大声叫喊 burst out crying / laughing嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 (8)call短语 call away 叫走,把(注意力)转移开 call at (sp) 访问(某地),拜访(某地),停泊在 call back 回电话 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人,迎,取 call / shout for help 呼救 call in 请来,召集,来访,打电话,引入 call off 取消,下令停止 call on / upon 号召 call on (sb) 拜访(某人),访问(某人) call out 大声呼喊,叫喊,唤起 call sb…for short 简称某人…… call sb names 谩骂某人 call up 给……打电话,使人想起,号召,召集 call to mind 使想起,回忆起 pay a call at sp. 访问(某地) pay a call on sb. 拜访(某人) (9)catch短语 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch /take fire 着火 catch on 挂住,明白,理解,受欢迎 catch one’s word 听懂话 catch out 发觉,抓住某人的错处 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 (10)carry短语


动词时态语态 汉语的时态大多是通过副词来表达的,而英语的时态是靠动词的变化和时间状语来表达的。英语中常考的或较常用的有10种,而且重点测试完成时态。要掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题。 1、一般现在时;主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理;按照计划安排好了将要发生的动作(一般指时刻表)等。 He usua lly goes to work at 7 o’clock every morning. She has a brother who lives in New York. The earth goes around the sun. Guangzhou is situated in the south of China. 考点一:表示永恒的真理,即使出现在过去的语境中,仍用一般现在时。如:I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school. 考点二:在时间和条件状语从句中,代替一般将来时;常用的引导词有:时间:when, until, after, before, as soon as, once, the moment/the minute, the day; 条件:if, unless, provided. If he accepts the job, he will get more money soon. 考点三:在make sure (certain), see to it, mind, care, matter +宾语从句,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment. 只要他努力工作,我不介意他什么时候做完试验。 考点四:在the more… the more … (越……越……) 句型中, 若主句是一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。 The harder you study, the better results you will get. 2、现在进行时 表说话时或目前一段时间正在进行的活动:或表感情色彩,加强语气。与频率副词,如always,constantly,continually,again等连用表示说话人的某种感情色彩(赞叹、厌烦、埋怨等)。 We are having English class. The house is being built these days. The little boy is always making trouble. 考点一:在时间状语或条件状语从句中表示将来正在进行的动作。Look out when you are crossing the street. Don't wake him up if he is still sleeping at 7 tomorrow morning. 考点二:表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作(这时多有表示将来的时间状语)。 Marry is leaving on Friday. 3、现在完成时 表示动作发生在过去,完成在过去,但强调与现在情况仍有联系,其结果或影响仍存在。现在完成时有一些标志性的时间状语: (1)非延续动作:动作发生在过去,对现在有影响。(2)延续性动作:动作和状态的持续。现在完成时有一些标志性的时间状语: 考点一:for + 时间段;since + 时间点 They have lived in Beijing for five years. They have lived in Beijing since 1995. 考点二:常见的不确定的时间状语:lately; recently, just, already, yet, up to now; till now; so far, these days, Has it stopped raining yet ? 考点三:在表示“最近几世纪/ 年/ 月以来……”时间状语中,谓语动词用现在完成时。


2011高考英语动词短语汇总1、动词+about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣bring about 引起,使发生set about 着手,开始come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心 2、动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走,使入迷clear away 清除掉,消散die away 逐渐消失,减弱pass away 去世 wash away 冲走take away 拿走,使消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送wear away 磨掉,消耗break away 摆脱 send away 让走开 turn away 把……打发走 3、动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住look back(on) 回顾hold back 控制住give back 归还 call back 回电话take back 拿回,收回 4、动词+for run for 竞选 ask for 要求得到 wait for 等候 stand for 代表,表示long for 渴望 hope/wish for 希望得到care for 关心,喜欢beg for 乞求 search for 查找look for 寻找 call for 需要,要求hunt for 寻找 change for 用……换charge for 收费,要价apply for 申请take…for 误以为……是seek for 寻找 come for 来拿,来取 5、动词+down burn down 烧毁 break down 坏了,垮了,分解take down 记下,记录 turn down 调小,拒绝 cut down 削减,砍倒 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来put down 记下,写下,镇压calm down 平静下来 bring down 使……降低,使倒下settle down 安家 come down 下落,传下 tear down 拆毁,拆除 6、动词+at come at 向……袭击shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 run at 冲向,向……攻击work at 干……活动(研究) tear at 用力撕 look at 看,注视 stare at 凝视glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲(门、窗等) point at 指向 smile at 冲(某人)笑strike at 向……打击


高考常用动词短语(322) 1.动词+about (8) 1)bring about引起,使发生 2)care about关心,对...有兴趣 3)come about发生 4)hear about听说 5)set about 着手,开始 6)speak/talk about谈论 7)think about思考 8)worry about为...担心 2.动词+away (14) 1)blow away吹走 2)break away摆脱 3)carry away拿走,使入迷 4)clear away清除掉,消散 5)die away逐渐消失 6)give away背弃,泄露 7)pass away 去世 8)put away收拾起来,存起来 9)send away让走开 10)take away拿走 11)throw away 扔掉 12)turn away把...打发走 13)wash away冲走 14)wear away磨掉,消耗 3.动词+at (18) 1)aim at向...瞄准 2)call at拜访地点 3)come at 向...袭击 4)glance at匆匆一瞥 5)glare at怒视 6)knock at敲门,窗等 7)laugh at嘲笑 8)look at看,注视 9)point at指向 10)run at冲向,向...攻击 11)shoot at向...射击 12)shout at冲某人嚷嚷 13)smile at冲某人笑 14)stare at凝视 15)strike at向...打击 16)tear at用力撕 17)wonder at惊讶 18)work at干...活动研究 4.动词+back (6) 1)call back回电话 2)give back归还 3)hold back控制住 4)keep back隐瞒,忍住 5)look back回顾 6)take back拿回,收回 5.动词+down (13) 1)break down坏了,垮了,分解 2)bring down使...降低,使倒下 3)burn down 烧毁 4)calm down平静下来 5)come down下落,传下 6)cut down削减,砍倒 7)pass down 传下来 8)put down记下,写下,镇压 9)settle down 安家 10)slow down慢下来 11)take down记下,记录 12)tear down 拆毁,拆除 13)turn down调小,拒绝 6.动词+for (18) 1)apply for申请 2)ask for要求得到 3)beg for乞求 4)call for要求,需要 5)care for关心,喜欢 6)change for用...换 7)charge for收费,要价 8)come for来拿,来取 9)hope/wish for希望得到 10)hunt for寻找 11)long for渴望 12)look for寻找 13)run for竞选 14)search for查找 15)seek for寻找 16)stand for代表,表示 17)take for误以为...是 18)wait for等候 7.动词+from (9) 1)date from始于...时候 2)die from因...而死 3)differ from与...不同 4)hear from收到...来信


高考英语动词及动词短语专项练习100题 1. The mail was ______ for two days because of the snow storm. a. held out b. held off c. held up d. held down 2. -- Can I do the job -- I’m afraid not, because it ______ skill and patience. a. calls for b. asks for c. sends for d. cares for 3. The government has ______ the parents to work with teachers in the education of their children. a. asked for b. called for c. looked for d. paid for - 4. Though he is ______ worker, he works very hard. a. an ordinary b. a common c. a usual d. a general 5. The plan ______ just because people were unwilling to cooperate. a. turned down b. pulled down c. broke down d. put down 6. I don’t skate now, but i ______ when i was a kid. a. used to b. am used to do c. was used to skate d. used to it 7. students should be encouraged to finish their homework ______. a. of themselves b. of their own c. for their own d. on their own , 8. Does the way you thought of ______ the water clear make any sense a. making b. to make c. how to make d. having making 9. Such ______ the case, I couldn’t help but ______ him. a. being; support b. is; to support c. has been; supporting d. be; supported 10. -- And besides, these colors are more ______ you. -- D o you really think so i’ll take it then. a. becoming to b. belonging to c. referring to d. used to 11. I simply couldn’t understand how it ______ that you did so much work within such a short time. · a. came across b. came about c. came up d. came back 12. No agreement was reached in the discussion because neither side would ______ to ______. a. give away; the other b. give up; others c. give in; other d. give out; another 13. Her face gave her ______ when she told a lie. a. off b. away c. up d. out 14. I really don’t want to go to the party, but i don’t see how i can ______ it. a. get back from b. get out of c. get away d. get off 15. And there, almost ______ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to be quiet. '


2020高考英语专项动词短语归纳及练习 1. add to增加,增进add … to把…加进…add up相加add up to总计,所有这一切说明 1) I don't think these facts will ________ anything. 2) Fifty new books have been ________ the library. 3) The music _________ our enjoyment of the film. 4) You must have made a mistake when you _______ the bill ________. 2. break away from打破,脱离,挣脱,改掉break down出毛病,身体(精神)衰弱,分解,拆开 break off暂停,中断break in强行进入,插话break into闯入break into pieces 成为碎片 break out爆发break up捣碎,驱散,瓦解,学期结束,拆散break through突破 1) The criminal managed to break ____________ the police and ran into the woods. 2) When he heard the news, he broke _______ and cried. 3) Don't break ________ while others are speaking. 4) Why don't you break ________ for a few minutes and have some coffee? 5) When does school break ________? 6) After harvest we break _________ the soil with a tool pulled by two oxen. 3. bring up抚养,呕吐,提出bring about造成bring out拿出,出版bring in 引入,引进,挣钱 bring back使回想起bring down使下降,使倒下 1) The shopkeeper brought his price _________ to only five dollars.


高考英语动词短语总结 1.break 2.bring 3.call https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,e 5.cut 6.drop 7.fall 8.get 9.give 10.go 11.hold 12. keep 13.knock https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,y 15.leave 16.live 17. look 18.make 19.pay 20. pick 21.put 22.send 23.set 24.show 25.stand 26.take 27.think 28.turn 1.break break away (突然)离开 break away from 脱离 break down 抛锚,(身体)垮掉,出故障,失败 break in 闯入,打断,插嘴 break into 破门而入,突然…… break off 中断,折断,停止 break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 break through突破 break up打碎,(关系)破裂,解散,分解,放假,垮掉2.bring bring about 引起,导致 bring along 拿来,带来 bring back 带回来,使回忆起,恢复 bring…back to life 使……生动、活泼,使苏醒 bring down 降低 bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引进 bring on 引起,导致 bring out 拿出,出版,使显示 bring up 养育,提出(话题) 3.call call at 拜访(某地) call back 回电话 call for号召,需要,要求 call in 招来,召集 call off 取消 call on 拜访(某人),请求,要求 call out 大声叫喊 call up 打电话,使想起,召集 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,e


非谓语动词专练 1.______ more attention,the trees could have grown better. A.To give B.Having given C.Given D.Giving 2.The first textbooks ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A.to be written B.written C.being written D.having written 3.The missing boys were last seen ______ near the river. A.to play B.play C.to be playing D.playing 4.______ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. A.To lose B.Lost C.Having lost D.Losing 5.When passing me he pretended ______ me. A.to see B.not having seen C.to have not seen D.not to have seen 6.The children insisted ______ there on foot. A.they going B.they would go C.on their going D.going 7.He still remembers ______ to Shanghai when he was very young. A.taking B.being taken C.taken D.having taken 8.______ the railway station,we had a break,only ______ the train had left. A.Arriving at;to find https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,ing to;discovering that C.On arriving at;finding out D.Hurrying to;to have found out 9.With the boy ______ the way,we had no trouble ______ the way ______ to Zhongshan Park. A.leading;finding;leading B.to lead;found;to lead C.led;finding;led D.leading;found;led 10.______ these pictures,I couldn’t help thinking of those days when I was in Being and ______ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building,Beijing looks more beautiful. A.Seeing;seen B.Seen;seeing C.Seeing;seeing D.Seen;seen 11.I can hardly imagine Peter ______ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(NMET) A.to have sailed B.to sail C.sailing D.sail 12.If you wave your book in front of your face,you can feel the air ______ against your face.(MET) A.moved B.moving C.moves D.to move 13.______ is known to all,China will be an ______ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time. A.That;advancing B.This;advanced C.As;advanced D.It;advancing 14.While shopping,people sometimes can t help ______ into buying something they don t really need. A.persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded D.be persuaded 15.There was terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light.(MET) A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed 16.Please excuse my ______ in without ______ . https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,e;permitted https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,ing;permitted https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b9709870.html,img;being permitted D.to come;being permitted 17.______ his head high,the manager walked into the room to attend the meeting ______ then. A.Holding;being held B.Held;holding
