





3. 主题扩大。干扰项所归纳、概括的范围过大,超过文章实际所讨论的内容。

4. 张冠李戴。命题者有意地把属于A的特征放在B的身上,构成一个干扰项。考生不注意的情况下,会造成错选答案。

5. 无中生有,似是而非。有的干扰项中的关键词语好似在文章中谈到了,但认真分析之后你会发现这类干扰项的内容与文章的内容毫无联系。


1). 主题型(topic、subject、main idea、general idea)主旨大意题的题干表现形式:

The main idea of the passage is…

The passage is mainly about…

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

What is the passage mainly about?

2). 目的(purpose)类主旨大意题

The passage is meant to ….

The purpose of this article is to …

3). 标题(topic 或 title)类主旨大意题

The best title for the passage might be…




Passage 1:

Everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but men's minds decline more than women's, according to the results of a worldwide survey. Certain differences seem to be inherent in male and female brains: Men are better at maintaining and dealing with mental images (useful in mathematical reasoning and spatial skills), while women tend to excel (擅长) at recalling information from their brain's files (helpful with language skills and remembering the locations of objects)....

Q : The author aims to tell us that __________.

A. women’s minds perform better than men’s

B. men’s minds decline more with age

C. everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older

D. a survey on human’s mind decline was done recently.

Passage 2:

Boston---- Thieves dressed as police entered a museum early Sunday and stole 11 paintings, including major works by Rembrandt, Dagas, Manet and Vermerr, FBI (美国联邦调查局) and the museum officials said.

The first judgment placed value of at least $100 million on the works stolen from the Isabella Gardener Museum, said Boston police spokes-man Jim Tordan.......

William Bobinson, of Hardvard University's Foggel Museum, called the objects stolen “major works.”

Q: What is the best headline for this newspaper article ?

A. A Theft Took Place in Boston

B. B. Artworks stolen by Thieves

C. Major Works

D. Investigation into the Theft

Passage 3:

Reading is the key to school success and, like any skill it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. A great athlete practices until he can play quickly, accurately(精确), without thinking. Tennis players call that

“ being” in the zone.” Educators call it “ automaticity’ (自动性).

Q: The first paragraph tells us _______.

A. what automaticity is

B. how accuracy is acquired (获得)

C. how a child learns to walk

D. how an athlete is trained.




1. It seems that politicians around the world are thinking about the health of their countries. While in China, Chen Zhu has announced his plans for a universal health service and reform across health services. Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, has also announced he is planning to make some changes in our health service.

The crux of Mr. Brown's proposals are related to giving the NHS (National Health Service) a greater focus on prevention, rather than just curing patients.

He is planning to introduce increased screening for common diseases ...

Q: The author of this passage intends to tell us______.

A. the NHS should be reformed right away.

B. more and more people are dying from diseases.

C. the plan to reform the NHS in the UK.

D. the criticism of Mr. Brown's proposals.

2. In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man named Alfred

Butts. He always had an interest in word games and to fill his time he planned a game which he called “Lexico”. However, he was not completely satisfied with the game, so he made a number of changes to it and changed its name from “ Lexico” to “Alph” and then to “Criss Cross”. He wanted to make some money from his new game but he didn’t have any real commercial(商业性的)success.

Q: The text is mainly about________.

A. Lexico

B. Three men

C . A word game

D. Alfred Butts.

3. As prices and building costs keep rising, the “do-it-yourself” (DIY) trend in the U.S. continues to grow. ……

John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourself’, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.

Q: What would be the best title for the text?

A. The Joy of DIY

B. You can Do it Too!

C. Welcome to Our DIY Course!

D. Ross and Hatfield: Believers in DIY

4. You dream each night, even though you may not remember your dreams. While you dream your eyes move and your heart beats faster. Even your brain-wave pattern changes. Some scientists think that dreaming is important for the sake of health. They claim that without dream, people would go crazy.

Q: What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. How people stay healthy

B. How sleep is necessary

C. Why dreams are important

D. When people remember their dreams

5. In America we have Halloween. In Mexico they have Todos Santos, which means “ All Saints”. This is the day in which people remember family and friends who have died. They visit the cemetery instead of going out to trick-or-treat. But they do have pictures of skeletons and ghosts hanging around. They also have many candy skulls to eat.

Q: What does the story mainly tell ?

A.What holidays are like

B. What Halloween is like in Mexico

C. What happens during Todos Santos

D. What we do on Halloween


Something in chocolate could be used to stop coughs and lead to more effective medicines, say UK researchers.

Their study found that theobromine, found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.

The Imperial College London researchers who published their results online said the discovery could lead to more effective cough treatment. “While coughing is not necessarily harmful(有害的) it can have a major effect on the quality of life, and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem,” said Professor Peter Barnes.

Ten healthy volunteers(志愿者) were given theobromine, codeine or placebo, a pill that contains no

medicine, during the experiment. Neither the volunteers nor the researchers knew who received which pill. The researchers then measured levels of capsaicin, which is used in research to cause coughing and as a sign of how well the medicine are stopping coughs.

The team found that, when the volunteers were given theobromine, the capsaicin need to produce a cough was around a third higher than in the placebo group. When they were given codeine they need only slightly higher levers of capsaicin to cause a cough compared with the placebo.

The researchers said that theobromine worked by keeping down a verve activity(神经活动), which cause coughing. They also found that unlike some standard cough treatments, theobromine caused no side effects such as sleepiness.(2009年全国卷阅读理解D篇)

56. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Codeine: A New Medicine

B. Chocolate May Cure Coughs

C. Cough Treatment: A Hard Case

D. Theobromine Can Cause Coughs

(09浙江D)Tell a story and tell it well, and you may open wide the eyes of a child, open up lines of communication in a business, or even open people’s mind to another culture or race. …

People regard storytelling not only as a useful tool in child education, but also as a meaningful activity that helps adults understand themselves as well as those whose culture may be very different from their own. … We are all storytellers. We all have a story to tell. We tell everybody’s story.

Question: What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Storytelling can influence the way people think.

B. Storytelling is vital to the growth of business.

C. Storytelling is the best way to educate children in school.

D. Storytelling helps people understand themselves and others.


小学语文阅读理解专项练习题 1、种辣椒 常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察它的生长过程。 回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。 到了盛夏,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,几天后,一朵朵雪白的小花,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。 秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。收获的时节到了,我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,竟收了小半筐。 我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道不是真理吗? 1.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 ①小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。() ②我飞一样地跑到窗台前。() 2、蒙蒙的小雨 蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。 忽然迎面一辆的士飞驰而来她猛地拐向路边但车把挂在树干上她摔倒了小妹妹没事吧一个小伙子站在她身边问道陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医院吧。”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医院走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。 她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地说:“三年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了,像你一样。不,还不如你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会儿,小伙子说:“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。”听了这话,陈红陷入了沉思?? 医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。“我去通知你父母,你知道他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过告诉了他们,又说,“要不是那位大哥哥,我真不知该怎么办好,哎,他呢?”这时,只听护土小姐说:“那个小伙子,看见你爸妈来后,他就离开医院了。”陈红怔住了:“我还不知他叫什么呢!” 父亲背起陈红,母亲在旁边扶着,一家人走出医院的时候,他们多么希望在人流中再次寻到那小伙子的身影。 1.给第二自然段中没有标点的地方加上标点。 2.联系上下文解释加粗词的意思。


阅读理解专题一 主旨大意题(A) 阅读下列短文或短文片段,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案或可以填入空白处的最佳答案: A Nobody likes an old poop(傻子). Developing a sense of humor is part of becoming a mature, emotionally healthy individual. Laughter is good for the soul, builds friendships and relieves stress. It serves as the glue for social situations and as an ice-breaker for sadness and boredom. If you've ever been told to "lighten up" or "chill out", you should save the blue attitude for serious situations and develop your sense of humor. Forgive the accidental. A sudden fall is humorous not because we like to see people fall, but because it surprises. From a spilled (溢出)water glass in a meeting to Aunt Rae's teeth coming off in the Thanksgiving turkey, the embarrassment of accidents can be relieved by humor and a helping hand. After making sure that nobody's hurt, forgive accidents with a chuckle (咯咯笑) rather than a scolding. Look for the unexpected. The kid who used to look at you with his eyes closed during a test had the idea. Parents who serve green eggs and ham to their children on graduation day get the idea. Unexpected actions lighten an atmosphere and relax people. Learn to laugh with your kids. Most of what children say and do is funny. Help them learn that accidents are sometimes funny and sometimes occasions for joining in and helping another human being. By sharing laughs and attempting to explain humor, you develop your sense of humor, as well as help kids develop their own sense of humor. 1. What is the best title for the passage? A. How to Develop a Sense of Humor B. Ways to Become a Healthy Individual C. The Function of Humor D. Proper Attitudes Towards Humor B People believe that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skills of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, you're wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms. Here, people are learning on special climbing walls. The climbing wall goes straight up and has small holding places for hands and feet. How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and a harness (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes tied to your harness. The ropes hold you in place so that you don't fall. A beginner's wall is usually about 15 feet high,and you climb straight up. There


在处理文章标题的选择时,要避免下列三种错误: ①概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,从而导致范围太小); ②过度概括(多表现为人为扩大范围); ③以事实或细节代替抽象具体的大意。 1.2012朝阳期末 Why play games? Because they are fun, and we can learn even more while playing. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member —these are all ―game‖ ideas that you will come across all through your life. They can help you in different ways. Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are very interesting. But perhaps more importantly, they translate part of life into exciting games that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作). Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which improves the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in fishing. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competitions. People who watch the event (比赛项目) know that a gold medal is a win for the whole country, not just the athlete who got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters (灾害) or wars, an Olympic win can mean so much. Sports games are also an event that unites (团结) people. Football is the most popular sport in the world. People all over the world play it —some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian football player, has discovered a way to spread hope through football. He created a foundation (基金会) to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a bright future. Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other parts of your life. 55.What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Games can help people in different ways. B. People are advised to play games for fun. C. An Olympic win means a lot to every country. D. Sports can get people all over the world together. 2.2012朝阳期末 Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place. Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household’s waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard. Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue. But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? I n fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being


阅读理解专题训练与答案 A Picture Show There are 12,000 pictures on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history! Place: City Museum Price: ¥30 Time: 9:00 -5:00 Monday-Friday Films at the Museum There are two European(欧洲的) films on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 2:30. The Workers is at 4:45. For more information, call 84987898. International Picnic Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”? “The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert(音乐会) this Saturday night, at 8 at Rose Hall, City College.


主旨大意题 (一)确定主题句,锁定主旨 (2015·北京·D) Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life,mostly for the better.However,social changes that are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes. An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college.Surveys(调查) on this topic suggest that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories.The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago.This is usually interpreted as a sign that today's parents are trying to manage their children's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate. However,greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children. In the context(背景)of this discussion,it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents' involvement with their grown children.If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently,would this have been possible?Probably not.On the other hand,does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn't present a generation ago?Many studies show that older parents—today's grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier. Furthermore,studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children.The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new;nor are requests for more money to be sent from home.This phenomenon is neither good nor bad;it is a fact of college life,today and in the past. Thanks to the advanced technology,we live in an age of bettered communication.This has many implications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college.But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined

S版三年级 语文阅读理解专题训练 课内阅读和课外阅读,超全

小学三年级语文阅读理解练习题 (1)________________ 乌鸦真不明白,百灵鸟为什么能够(gou)唱出那么动听的歌来。人们一谈起百灵鸟,都会称赞它。 乌鸦想:我要是能像百灵鸟那样,有一副天生的嗓(sang)子,那该有多好啊!乌鸦实在想不出什么好办法,只好去找百灵鸟请教,求百灵鸟帮它达到目的。 百灵鸟告诉乌鸦:"要想有一副好嗓子,唱出美妙(miao)动听的歌声,得每天清早起得早早的,不管春夏秋冬都要坚持(chi)练习,这样长期不断(duan)地练下去,一定会获得成功。 乌鸦还没听完百灵鸟的话,就怏怏地飞走了。 害怕困难的人,什么也不会得到。 1、短文一共有()个自然段。 2.在开头的横线上,给文段加一个恰当的标题。 3、怎样才能有一别好嗓子呢?百灵鸟是怎么说的,用笔在短文中画下来。 4、乌鸦练成好嗓子了吗?为什么? ________________________________________________________________ 5、这篇短文告诉我们一个什么道理?把这句话找出来,抄在横线上。 _______________________________________________________________ (2)风筝 风筝的用途很多。据说风筝的最初的用途是用于军事,可用来测量距离,传递情报。后来,风筝的功能由军事用途转为娱(yú)乐。近代,风筝作为体育项目和健身活动开始普及。不仅(jǐn)如此,风筝还是人们喜爱的工艺品。 1.短文围绕哪句话来写的,请用"____"画出来。 2.短文讲了风筝有哪些用途?请简要地写在下面。 ___________________________________________________________________________。 (3)故乡的湖 我家乡有一个美丽的湖,名叫天鹅湖。据说许多年以前,曾经有一群天鹅在这里栖息生活。因此而得(dé de)名。 湖呈圆形,湖水清可见底,碧绿发亮。湖的四周有茂密的树木。其中最引人注目的是垂(chuíchuī)柳,在微风的吹(cuīchuī)动下,柳条迎风起舞。湖水映衬出柳姑娘的身影十分秀美。树下是一片嫩(nèn nùn)绿的草地,草地上开着红的、黄的、蓝的小花。湖面上有一座美丽的小桥,把天鹅湖打扮得更加美丽。 哦,天鹅湖,故乡的湖,我爱你! (1)概括出第一自然段写了什么内容。 ___________________________________________________________________________。(2)哪个词语能说明湖水很清?用“”划出来。 (3)第二自然段先写了湖水________________、_______________再写湖的四周有 ____________,接着写树下有___________和____________,最后写湖上有_____________。 (4)填上合适的词。


主旨大意题的阅读理解题 主旨大意是全文或相关段落的概括和总结,主要考查学生在理解文章的基础上对全文的高度概括。 (1)Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof! What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm. When it is spring in the northern part of the world . it is fall in Australia .Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and huge vacuum cleaners , collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish . Strong winds may carry these bits nature for many miles before vacuum dropping them on fields , houses, and astonished people. What is this passage about? A、A sad story B、A rain of fish C、Australian’s northern part D、The damage done by floods (2) Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout , but we soon found that both the students and the teachers

阅读理解专题训练二 (含答案)知识讲解

阅读理解专题训练二 (含答案)

阅读理解专题训练二:品味语句赏析语言 方法点拨 看修辞手法:比喻、拟人、反复等。 1、把握语言特点看表达方式:描写、议论、抒情等。 看关键词语:动词、形容词等。 2、分析表达效果:结合语境分析妙处:生动形象地写出了……(内容) 3、揭示深刻内涵:联系主旨答作用:表达了……的看法,抒发了……情感,突出了……中心。 答题模式:语言特点+表达效果+深层内涵 (一)枯萎的蒲公英 叶子 ①冬日的午后,阳光虽也明亮,但触一触还是有着沁骨的凉。冬以它的冷漠,裹挟尽百花的艳影,留一地斑驳的枯黄。我不由得竖起大衣的领子。蓦地,一棵蒲公英,出现在我的视野里。 ②那是一株怎样的蒲公英!叶子的边缘已露出萎黄的老态,但还是透着铁一般的绿。【A】叶们努力地贴向地面,那是一种力量爆发前,手脚触地的姿势。也是呢,霜一次又一次从天而降,树叶渐渐飞去,草茎慢慢垂下头来。生命的“红灯”,已经在不远处,正一点点逼近自己,那就用尽全部的力,贴向地面,贴向地面……这就是蒲公英最聪明、最刚强也最负责任的举动。他们明白,要想延续久远,就不能把头昂得太高,这样才能把最沉实的爱,尽可能多地传递给儿女。 ③我的心不由得疼了一下,这像极了我的母亲。 ④去年的这个时节,冬阳阻不住东奔西跑的北风,正如我阻不住我八十岁老母的脚。她在楼下,为我寻挖着蒲公英。“经霜的婆婆丁(蒲公英的俗称)能消炎败火,你这嗓子,应该吃点。” ⑤她半弓着腰,在衰草连片的枯黄里,神情专注地寻找那一小簇一小簇的绿。她时不时地弓下腰,用那曾经丰腴饱满而今肉皮松弛的手,极其小心地翻检着枯黄的草,似乎蒲公英长着脚,一不小心,受了惊吓,就会跑掉了似的。


第一节主旨大意(I) 主备:张莉琴 主旨大意题是高考阅读理解中常考的题型之一,主要考查考生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力。通常以概括中心大意、概括段落大意、选择标题以及判断作者写作意图等形式出现。主旨大意题是阅读理解题中的高难度题, ,主旨大意题几乎年年都有,而且在大部分地区的阅读理解题中会有1~3道考查此类题。 一、设题方式:? 1.The main idea/key point of this passage is that . 2.The passage is mainly about . 3.The best title/headline for this passage is . 4.The topic/subject discussed in this passage is . 5.From the passage we can learn/conclude that . 6.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with . 7. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 8. Which of the following best states the theme of the passage? 二、主旨大意题正确选项特征 1.涵盖性强,覆盖全文或全段。 2.确定的范围恰当,既不太大,也不太小。 3..精确性强,不会改变语言表意的程度及色彩。 三、主旨大意题干扰选项特征 1.过于笼统,不知所云。所给选项内容概括的范围过大,超出文章所述内容。 2.以偏概全,主次不分。所给选项只阐述了文章的一部分内容,或以文章中的细节信息或个别词作为选 项的设置内容,或以次要的事实或细节充当全文的主要观点。 3.移花接木,偷换概念。所给选项被命题者有意识地把本属于A的内容放在B上,若不留神,极易选错。 4.无中生有,生搬硬套。所给选项的关键词虽然在文章中谈到了,但经过仔细阅读分析之后,发现选项的 内容与文章的内容毫无联系。 四、主旨大意题解题思路 1.标题归纳题 标题具有醒目性、概括性和针对性的特点。醒目是唤起读者阅读文章的兴趣;概括性, 针对性是标题要直接指向文章的主要特点。标题归纳题与中心大意题具有共同之处,当文章主旨是一个短语或一句简洁的话时,我们可把它看作标题;但是文章主旨往往是作者写作目的或写作内容的归纳,一般不作为文章标题。解答标题归纳题需掌握以下三种方法: ①正面肯定法:在理解文章主旨的基础上,揣摩哪个选项能准确概括主旨; ②反面否定法:拿各个备选项去设想用它们写出来的“文章”应咋写, 然后和原文对照,排除不符选 项; ③研读备选项本身:研读备选项里面的中心词、修饰词的变化、结构、概括性等。 [全国Ⅰ,D篇]The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups. Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap (间隙) with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for under standing a person’s needs. Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just


天上飘下来得礼物 ①收衣服得时候,发现一个衣架子就是空得,探身往楼下一瞧,果然又被风刮到楼下去了,喊儿子,去,到楼下林奶奶家得院子里把掉下去得衣服捡上来。儿子愉快地答应着,蹦蹦跳跳地下楼去了。 ②风大得时候,晾晒在阳台上得衣服,常有一两件会被刮到楼下。一楼得林老太太,人有点孤僻,不太好说话。记得刚搬来得时候,一次衣服刮到她家院子里去了,我下楼敲门,想进她家院子捡一下。敲了半天,老太太连门都不肯开,“您到院子外去拿。” ③奇怪得就是,儿子倒就是与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘。那天,又一件衣服掉楼下院子里了,我瞧瞧,离栅栏不远,估计拿根竹竿就能挑出来。我让儿子下去挑挑瞧。儿子趴在栅栏边,用竹竿往里钩衣服得时候,林老太太突然走进了院子,儿子吓得不知所措,我站在阳台上,也隐隐约约听见她说,下次衣服再掉下来,您就从我家进来拿,好不好?儿子点点头。就这样,衣服再被风刮到楼下得院子里,都就是儿子去捡。 ④儿子似乎也挺乐意干这活。每次下去捡衣服,都要好大一会儿才回来。问儿子,在林奶奶家都干什么了?林奶奶喜欢清静,不要打扰了林奶奶。儿子歪着头说,没有啊,林奶奶可喜欢我了,跟我说了好多话。林奶奶告诉我,她孙子跟我差不多大呢,可就是,她只瞧过她得照片,孙子在美国,还从来没回来过呢。 ⑤关于林老太太,我也听社区工作人员谈起过。她们告诉我,林老太太唯一得儿子在美国,很多年没回来过了。老伴去世得早,儿子出国后,老太太就一个人生活。退休后,生活更孤单了,常常一个人闷在家里,跟外面得联系越来越少了,人也变得越来越乖僻。原来就是这样。难怪那次我去敲门,她连门都不肯开。社区工作人员说,您们住她楼上,帮我们留意点,也尽量给老人点照顾。我点点头,又摇摇头,真不知道,怎样帮这个孤僻得老太太。 ⑥日子平淡地过去,风偶尔会将我们家阳台得衣服刮到楼下去。儿子“噔噔噔”地下楼,又“噔噔噔”地上楼。她快乐得像一阵风。有时候,我会问儿子,楼下得林奶奶生活得怎么样啊?儿子想想,说,林奶奶瞧到我得时候,就是很开心得啊。 ⑦一次,儿子下去捡衣服,回来得时候,手上多了一把花花绿绿得糖果。儿子说,这就是林奶奶给得,就是林奶奶家得叔叔,从美国寄回来得。儿子还自豪地说,我还帮林奶奶念了信呢,就是叔叔写给林奶奶得。儿子手上拿得衣服,叠得方方正正。儿子说,咱们家得衣服掉下去后,林奶奶捡起来,帮我们又洗了下,晾干了。我得心里,酸酸得,感动。 ⑧我们与楼下得老太太,仍然没有什么来往。我们得儿子“噔噔噔”地下楼,又“噔噔噔”地上楼。她快乐得像一阵风。有时候,从楼下林老太太得家里,会传来“咯咯”得笑声,一个童声,另一个很苍老。 ⑨春节,我们一家回老家去了。回来时,才听说楼下得林老太太突然去世了,据说就是无疾而终。我们注意到,儿子得眼圈红了。 ⑩人们在整理老人得遗物时,瞧到了一个日记本,记录下了她最后得日子。基本上就是流水账,但就是,老人在日记里多次提到,从楼上刮下来得衣服,以及下来捡衣服得小男孩。老人得日记里,反复出现这样一句话:“那就是从天上飘下来得礼物。”我明白老人得话。那也许就是老人孤寂得生活里,最后一点期盼。 1.本文写了一件什么事,请用简洁得语言概括出来。(3分) 2.文章第③段中“奇怪得就是,儿子倒就是与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘”,仔细阅读文章,哪些地方表现出儿 子与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘?(4分) 3.第⑤段内容就是否可以删除?请说明理由。(3分) 4.文章哪些地方能表现林奶奶性格得孤僻?(3分) 5.第⑦段中“我得心里,酸酸得,感动”。我为什么心里“酸酸得,感动”?(4分) 6.如何理解标题“天上飘下来得礼物”得含义?(3分)


一、现代文阅读 课内阅读。 就在伯父去世那一年的正月里,有一天,是星期六的下午,爸爸妈妈带我到伯父家里去。那时候每到周末,我们姐妹三个轮流跟随着爸爸妈妈到伯父家去团聚。这一天在晚餐桌上,伯父跟我谈起《水浒传》里的故事和人物。不知道伯父怎么会知道我读了《水浒传》,大概是爸爸告诉他的吧。老实说,我读《水浒传》不过囫囵吞枣地看一遍,只注意紧张动人的情节;那些好汉的个性,那些复杂的内容,全搞不清楚,有时候还把这个人做的事情安在那个人身上。伯父问我的时候,我就张冠李戴地乱说一气。伯父摸着胡子,笑了笑,说:“哈哈!还是我的记性好。”听了伯父这句话,我又羞愧,又悔恨,比挨打挨骂还难受。从此,我读什么书都不再马马虎虎了。 1.联系上下文,解释词语。 (1)囫囵吞枣:_________ (2)张冠李戴:__________ 2.用“”画出具体描写“我”读书时“囫囵吞枣”的句子,用“”画出具体描写“我”读书时“张冠李戴”的句子。 3.“哈哈!还是我的记性好。”对这句话理解正确的是( )。 A.伯父夸自己,嘲笑我的记性差 B.这句话表面看是在夸自己记性好,实际上是在用幽默的语言、委婉的语气批评“我”读书太马虎 4.给短文取一个小标题:_______。

《灰椋鸟》节选 夕阳渐渐西沉,晚霞映红了天空,也映红了刺槐林和竹林。天上的鸟越来越少了,可是整个林子里的灰椋鸟还是不愿意过早地安眠。看,这几只刚刚落在枝头上,那几只又马上扑棱棱地飞起。它们的羽毛全变成金红色的了,多么像穿上盛装的少女在翩翩起舞哇!树林内外,百鸟争鸣,呼朋引伴,叽叽啾啾,似飞瀑落入深涧,如惊涛拍打岸滩,整个刺槐林和竹林成了一个天然的俱乐部。这上万只灰椋鸟是在举行盛大的联欢会,还是在庆祝自己的节日要不怎么会这样热闹我被这喧闹而又热烈的场面感染了,竟情不自禁地欢呼起来。 5.给下列字选择正确读音,填序号。 深涧.(________)ān àn 情不自禁.(________)A.jìn īn 6.结合本文给下列词语选择正确的解释,填序号。 (1)百鸟争鸣─(________) A.形容许多鸟在鸣叫。 B.一百只鸟在争论。 (2)呼朋引伴─(________) A.呼唤朋友。 B.呼唤朋友,招引同伴。 7.文中划横线的句子是一个()句。 A.拟人句。B.比喻句。 8.这段话主要写了()的场面。 A.灰椋鸟归林后热闹的场面。B.灰椋鸟归林前喧闹而热烈的场面。 9.树林内外,百鸟争鸣......这些灰椋鸟会谈论什么你能写一句关于环保的宣传语吗 ___________________________________________________________________
