


题目On The Supply-Chain Management System of Logistics Management





2013 年 6 月 4 日



20世纪80年代,随着物流一体化由企业内部物流活动的整合转向跨越企业边界的不同企业间协作,供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)的概念应运而生。能够真正认识并率先提出供应链管理概念的也是一些具有丰富物流管理经验和先进物流管理水平的世界级顶尖企业。这些企业在研究企业发展战略的过程中发现,面临日益激烈的市场竞争,仅靠一个企业和一种产品的力量已不足以占据优势,企业必须与原料供应商、产品分销商和第三方物流服务者等结成持久、紧密的联盟,共同建设高效率、低成本的供应链,才可以从容面对市场竞争并取得最终胜利。









2 供应链管理下物流管理的应用



















3 总结


On The Supply-Chain Management System of Logistics Management

Abstract supply chain management is an effective management methods, and logistics management supply chain management is an important component of the. Logistics is to achieve the commercial value, so that material entities to reach consumers from the producers of physical activities. Supply chain management system of logistics management is a uniform planning, logistics system, it has the characteristics of supply chain management, to demonstrate the advantages of integrated and further brought agility logistics system more effectively to improve the operation of the enterprise efficiency, enabling enterprises to create more revenue possible. In this paper, on supply chain management and logistics management of the basic concepts, analysis of supply chain management system, logistics management, and the corresponding attention to the issues described.

20th century 80's, with the integration of logistics activities by the internal integration of logistics enterprises across the border towards the different business-to-business collaboration, supply chain management (Supply Chain Management, referred to as SCM) concept came into being. Can truly understand and first proposed the concept of supply chain management are also a number of rich experience and advanced logistics management logistics management level of the top world-class enterprise. These enterprises in the process of enterprise development strategies found that facing the increasingly fierce competition in the market, relying on an enterprise and the strength of a product no longer sufficient to take advantage, enterprises must be consistent with raw material suppliers, product distributors and third-party logistics services, such as to form a lasting and close alliance to build an efficient, low-cost supply chain, we can easily face the competition in the market and achieve final victory.

1 supply chain management and logistics management

the concept of logistics management

Logistics management of the narrow and broad points. The narrow sense refers to material logistics management of the procurement, transportation, warehousing and distribution activities, is a material flow between activities. A broad sense including the logistics management of production materials in the process of transformation process, such a broad-based logistics management, supply chain management are often considered of logistics management. Logistics management and supply chain management has a similar, but in the management of the scope of management, organization of internal relations and a clear distinction. From here we can see, supply chain management from logistics management, logistics, supply chain management is an important aspect of management, supply chain management depends largely on the effectiveness of procurement, transportation, warehousing and distribution operations and other aspects of logistics management and operation of situation. Therefore, the logistics management of supply chain management is to play the overall effectiveness of the prerequisite and foundation.

supply chain and supply chain management concept

Supply chain is organized around the core businesses, through the flow of information, logistics, capital flow controls, from procurement of raw materials, intermediate products into final products, as well as from sales of network products to consumers will be suppliers, manufacturers, sub - and retailers sell until the end-users even as a function of the overall network chain structure.

Supply chain management refers to people in understanding and mastering the supply chain and inter-linkages inherent laws, based on the use of the management of the planning, organization, command, coordination, control and incentive function, production and circulation of products in all aspects of the process involved in logistics, information flow, capital flow, the value of stream flow, as well as a reasonable business regulation to achieve the best combination for maximum efficiency and minimum cost to provide customers with maximum value of the process.

Supply chain management is the need to meet the level of service at the same time, in order to minimize system cost while the use of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and shops effectively combine into one, and the number of the correct time in the right distribution of goods to the correct location of a sets of methods. Supply chain management and the impact on the cost to meet customer needs in the course of the role of each party are taken into account, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers to retailers, suppliers and even suppliers and customers customers, the aim is to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Supply chain management to business management from a single business area expanded to the entire supply chain for effective management and, through information-sharing will be the possibility of missed sales opportunities to a minimum, the entire supply chain to reduce inventory, lower operating costs, shorten delivery times, improve cash flow, changes in market demand to minimize the risk.

2 under the management of supply chain logistics management application

Supply chain management applications in the logistics of the inevitability of

Logistics system is a socialized system, constraining the development of a number of factors: different consumer customers and the regional environmental conditions, distribution links, logistics costs, inventory control and so on. Applies to the logistics supply chain management is a kind of uniform planning, logistics systems, supply chain management with the features and advantages of integration. Supply Chain Management "Business Process Re-engineering" the idea of making rapid restructuring processes have greatly improved the ability to promote the logistics system agility, not to increase the value by removing part of the supply chain logistics system to further reduce operation cost and provides a fine basic security.

Supply chain as a whole, cooperation and coordination of supply chain management is an important feature. In this environment a seamless logistics system also needs to connect, and its overall coordination should be strengthened, such as transportation of goods to arrive on time, customer needs can be met in time. Procurement of goods will not be hindered in the way of cooperation to strengthen supply chain, therefore, supply chain logistics system is a high degree of coordination of the supply chain to ensure that the prerequisite for success. Major concerns of logistics management functions of the enterprise integration, and supply chain management is the supply chain enterprises in all nodes as a whole, emphasizing the integration between enterprises, concern about the linkages between enterprises. Logistics management is the planning mechanisms, and supply chain management is a consultative mechanism, is an open system, by coordinating the sharing of "demand and inventory" of information in order to reduce or eliminate the supply chain between the members of the buffer stock. The concept of supply chain management is not just a simple extension of the logistics. Major concerns of logistics management in the organization of "flow" of the optimization of supply chain management is only recognized the importance of internal integration is not enough. Therefore, supply chain logistics not only applies to the traditional logistics optimization systems, logistics systems more so to a higher level, so the logistics of the branched-chain

variable change widely, so that supply chain management to play the best results.

supply chain management system, the characteristics of logistics management

Logistics management of supply chain management is an important part of a distinctive feature is its holistic. Supply chain management in the process of information transmission is very important, the information transmission is carried out by inter-enterprise level, information transmission along the direction of deviation will become larger level, information will inevitably lead to some distortion, decreased utilization of information. In addition, the general environment of the logistics management concept of the lack of overall planning, each chain is concerned only about their own organizational resources (such as inventory), there is little communication between each other and co-operation. Stock on the one hand, this often resulted in increased demand on the other hand, when the market can not meet

Again, and the high costs of inventory, business-to-business logistics system because of poor market opportunities missed. In supply chain management system, the link between the strategic and cooperative relations with the interests of consistency, the parties to the exchange of information from the constraints of time and space, increase the flow of information, means of information transmission network, which the parties increased the degree of information sharing, to avoid distortion of information. In addition, supply chain management system, logistics management have the following characteristics.

(1) To improve the logistics system's rapid response capability. Supply chain management to Internet as a technical support, its members and businesses can receive timely processing of information, by eliminating non-value added procedures and time to further reduce supply chain costs of the logistics system, in order to achieve its agility, precision and provide a basis for the operation of protection.

(2)To promote the seamless logistics system. Is to enable seamless supply chain was a prerequisite for co-operation, there is no seamless logistics system,

customer demand can not be timely met, the procurement of goods and so on caused by the middle of blocked tangible costs and intangible costs will increase in the supply of greatly reduced the value chain.

(3)Improved customer satisfaction. In supply chain management system, enterprises can quickly grasp the current and potential customers (the general and special) needs of the supply business activities change according to market demand. Such enterprises to more quickly than competitors, more economical to supply goods or services to customers, which greatly improved the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

(4) The diversification of logistics services. With modern information technology and the continuous development of logistics technology, logistics services is increasingly being demonstrated by the characteristics of flexible and diverse. In order to adapt to the requirements of international operations, there has been occurred in the different countries, international logistics, logistics services, specializing in third-party logistics companies and a joint inventory management and so the distribution center.

supply chain management system, the functions of logistics management

(1) inventory management. Order to shorten the adoption of inventory management - Transport - to pay cycle, accelerate inventory turnover, reduce and eliminate out-of-stock events, the whole supply chain coordination and operation.

(2) order management. Order is issued orders to the supplier's process, including supplier management, order management and order management contract. Through the supply chain management, businesses can use documents such as distribution networks throughout the plan to add to the supply chain orders automatically, through contract management in both long-term relationship of supply and demand, order by checking the number of purchase orders and service providers have to pay to receive the goods.

(3) Distribution Management. Access to the material distribution center, the management process in the following areas: demand management and

distribution, physical inventory management, transportation fleet management, labor management.

(4) warehouse management. Warehouse management in addition to storage of transported goods, inspection, coding, storage and sorting out the library of goods, shipping, distribution and other general business, also includes the purchase and sale agency, commissioned by the transport, distribution processing, inventory control services.

how to coordinate supply chain management and logistics of the relationship between

Supply chain logistics is an important component of, and throughout the supply chain, supply chain to connect all aspects of enterprise cooperation. In the development of the logistics supply chain strategy, the general need to pay attention to the following issues: broken down to the customers of different types of customers to determine the appropriate level of customer service, such as the order cycle, mode of transport, such as inventory levels; to be on the basis of sales products division, for each category of products can take a different strategy. Order entry, order execution and delivery logistics operations accounting for a large proportion of activities, thus the need for technology and management through the entire logistics supply chain process more efficient, especially for members of the interface between business areas, by integrating the work to remove redundant flow, improve the logistics efficiency. All member enterprises should improve cooperation, the use of modern management tools and technology to achieve accurate prediction, information sharing, thus reducing the uncertainties brought about negative effects.

Supply chain and logistics are closely linked, at this stage, how to coordinate logistics and supply chain relationship between the management direction has become an important research topic. Only to coordinate logistics and supply chain relationship between the companies to make more structured and more targeted to configure, control, application of more suitable

management model for enterprise development to enable greater business efficiency.

3 sum up

In the logistics supply chain management application has been widely recognized, such as Wal-Mart's sales distribution system, Nestle and Carrefour Taiwan's VMI program, the supply chain management logistics environment more effective and the effectiveness of sex. Through supply chain management logistics environment to create a new business management model, to overcome the traditional shortcomings of the logistics, but also to adapt to enterprise development, but also reduce costs for enterprises to create profits.


中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 传感器新技术的发展 传感器是一种能将物理量、化学量、生物量等转换成电信号的器件。输出信号有不同形式,如电压、电流、频率、脉冲等,能满足信息传输、处理、记录、显示、控制要求,是自动检测系统和自动控制系统中不可缺少的元件。如果把计算机比作大脑,那么传感器则相当于五官,传感器能正确感受被测量并转换成相应输出量,对系统的质量起决定性作用。自动化程度越高,系统对传感器要求越高。在今天的信息时代里,信息产业包括信息采集、传输、处理三部分,即传感技术、通信技术、计算机技术。现代的计算机技术和通信技术由于超大规模集成电路的飞速发展,而已经充分发达后,不仅对传感器的精度、可靠性、响应速度、获取的信息量要求越来越高,还要求其成本低廉且使用方便。显然传统传感器因功能、特性、体积、成本等已难以满足而逐渐被淘汰。世界许多发达国家都在加快对传感器新技术的研究与开发,并且都已取得极大的突破。如今传感器新技术的发展,主要有以下几个方面: 利用物理现象、化学反应、生物效应作为传感器原理,所以研究发现新现象与新效应是传感器技术发展的重要工作,是研究开发新型传感器的基础。日本夏普公司利用超导技术研制成功高温超导磁性传感器,是传感器技术的重大突破,其灵敏度高,仅次于超导量子干涉器件。它的制造工艺远比超导量子干涉器件简单。可用于磁成像技术,有广泛推广价值。 利用抗体和抗原在电极表面上相遇复合时,会引起电极电位的变化,利用这一现象可制出免疫传感器。用这种抗体制成的免疫传感器可对某生物体内是否有这种抗原作检查。如用肝炎病毒抗体可检查某人是否患有肝炎,起到快速、准确作用。美国加州大学巳研制出这类传感器。 传感器材料是传感器技术的重要基础,由于材料科学进步,人们可制造出各种新型传感器。例如用高分子聚合物薄膜制成温度传感器;光导纤维能制成压力、流量、温度、位移等多种传感器;用陶瓷制成压力传感器。


1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.一个供应链仅包括直接参与提供所需的元件制造业的组织。Answer: FALSE 2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TRUE 供应链由所有各方,直接或间接参与,满足客户要求。 3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web. Answer: TRUE 供应链可以更准确地描述为供应网络。 4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. TRUE 每一个供应链的目的是生成的整体价值最大化。 5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FALSE 每一个供应链的目标是最大化为供应链的制造组件生成价值。 6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FALSE 每个供应链必须包括所有5 个阶段。 7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: TRUE 供应链周期认为供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。 8) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FALSE 供应链周期观点认为,在供应链过程可以分为2 个类别,具体取决于他们是否发起回应或预期客户订单。 9) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TRUE 供应链推/拉认为,在供应链过程可以分为2 个类别,具体取决于他们是否发起回应或预期客户订单。 10) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. FALSE 供应链推/拉认为在供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。 11) The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TRUE 客户到达过程的目标是最大化客户来港定居人士对客户订单的转换。 12) The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quickly and accurately


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 原文: Multi-echelon inventory management in supply chains Historically, the echelons of the supply chain, warehouse, distributors, retailers, etc., have been managed independently, buffered by large inventories. Increasing competitive pressures and market globalization are forcing firms to develop supply chains that can quickly respond to customer needs. To remain competitive and decrease inventory, these firms must use multi-echelon inventory management interactively, while reducing operating costs and improving customer service. Supply chain management (SCM) is an integrative approach for planning and control of materials and information flows with suppliers and customers, as well as between different functions within a company. This area has drawn considerable attention in recent years and is seen as a tool that provides competitive power .SCM is a set of approaches to integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores efficiently, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time, in order to minimize system-wide costs while satisfying service-level requirements .So the supply chain consists of various members or stages. A supply chain is a dynamic, stochastic, and complex system that might involve hundreds of participants. Inventory usually represents from 20 to 60 per cent of the total assets of manufacturing firms. Therefore, inventory management policies prove critical in determining the profit of such firms. Inventory management is, to a greater extent, relevant when a whole supply chain (SC), namely a network of procurement, transformation, and delivering firms, is considered. Inventory management is indeed a major issue in SCM, i.e. an approach that addresses SC issues under an integrated perspective.


供应链与物流管理心得体会 通过参加《供应链与物流管理》的学习,从对物流概念的模糊不清到如今有了初步的了解,对物流的运输、存储、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本概念有了基本的理解,也形成了自己对物流业的一些看法。也深刻感受到物流业已经成为我国经济发展的瓶颈,物流业的发展对我国经济的健康发展有着关键的影响。 我学习了物流管理与供应链管理各自的概念以及他们之间的关系和他们在生产制造和流通及销售环节中各自的重要性。无论是在物流企业还是在生产制造企业,物流活动都是企业生产运作的重要内容之一,而且在生产水平不断完善的今天,物流成本的控制已经成为了第三利润源。 1.现代物流指的是将信息、运输、仓储、库存、装卸搬运以及包装等物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,其任务是尽可能降低物流的总成本,为顾客提供最好的服务。 2.电子商务方面用淘宝举例:在淘宝上买东西,只有商流和资金流在淘宝网站上完成,而交易的完成则需要物流的支持,没有各个快递公司来完成物流活动,只有商流和资金流的流动是没有办法完成电子商务过程的。所以物流对电子商务应该起到一个支持的作用,是电子商务必不可少的一个环节。 3.供应链管理从单一的企业角度来看,是指企业通过改善上、下

游供应链关系,整合和优化供应链中的信息流、物流、资金流,以获得企业的竞争优势。物流管理当中的“物流成本管理”、“物流配送管理”、“物流经济地理”等内容能够对企业的供应链管理起到重大作用,比如说供应链管理中企业的安全库存管理一项就要用到物流成本管理的方法来计算得来;另外企业必须通过供应链管理来调节该企业面对客户需求的反应时间,戴尔在这方面做得相当出色,它能够在最短的时间根据客户的需求来完成配货和发货的过程,这就需要一个相当先进的现代物流配送体系和物流配送中心方能完成。 随着城市化进程的加快,边贸等国际贸易往来的增多,市场竞争日益激烈,企业要做大做强,运营管理是关键,企业领导必须有敏锐的头脑,准确地捕捉信息,按照巧妙的商业模式,快捷的流程,加之系统有效运作,才会产生高效益,因此,市场这个无形的手在敦促企业,纷纷在向降低物流成本、提高物流服务水平上下功夫。为了以较低的交付成本、更好的物流服务在国内、国际市场中赢得竞争优势,运营和供应链物流管理战略越来越成为企业总体战略中不可分割的组成部分。 通过学习我们了解了新经济环境下市场竞争的特点和竞争战略与商业模式的互动关系,以及如何设计运营模式创新以取得优势,从而提示了运营管理的五大增值原理,大家在学习中共同分享了供应链物流创新理论和方法,通过学习讨论,我们掌握了生产系统的设计、


中英文资料对照外文翻译 基于网络共享的无线传感网络设计 摘要:无线传感器网络是近年来的一种新兴发展技术,它在环境监测、农业和公众健康等方面有着广泛的应用。在发展中国家,无线传感器网络技术是一种常用的技术模型。由于无线传感网络的在线监测和高效率的网络传送,使其具有很大的发展前景,然而无线传感网络的发展仍然面临着很大的挑战。其主要挑战包括传感器的可携性、快速性。我们首先讨论了传感器网络的可行性然后描述在解决各种技术性挑战时传感器应产生的便携性。我们还讨论了关于孟加拉国和加利 尼亚州基于无线传感网络的水质的开发和监测。 关键词:无线传感网络、在线监测 1.简介 无线传感器网络,是计算机设备和传感器之间的桥梁,在公共卫生、环境和农业等领域发挥着巨大的作用。一个单一的设备应该有一个处理器,一个无线电和多个传感器。当这些设备在一个领域部署时,传感装置测量这一领域的特殊环境。然后将监测到的数据通过无线电进行传输,再由计算机进行数据分析。这样,无线传感器网络可以对环境中各种变化进行详细的观察。无线传感器网络是能够测量各种现象如在水中的污染物含量,水灌溉流量。比如,最近发生的污染涌流进中国松花江,而松花江又是饮用水的主要来源。通过测定水流量和速度,通过传感器对江水进行实时监测,就能够确定污染桶的数量和流动方向。 不幸的是,人们只是在资源相对丰富这个条件下做文章,无线传感器网络的潜力在很大程度上仍未开发,费用对无线传感器网络是几个主要障碍之一,阻止了其更广阔的发展前景。许多无线传感器网络组件正在趋于便宜化(例如有关计算能力的组件),而传感器本身仍是最昂贵的。正如在在文献[5]中所指出的,成功的技术依赖于


互利共赢的供应商质量控制 前言 近年来,随着对供应链的重视,供应商管理正逐渐成为企业和学术界的关注对象,IS09000族标准以及QS 9000标准都对供应商的管理提出了相应的要求,与供应商管理有关的研究成果正逐渐增多,一些软件巨头也推出了供应商关系管理的软件,但是在这些研究成果和应用软件中,涉及到的供应商质量控制的内容只是一些最基本的要求,而供应商质量控制恰恰是供应商管理的最基本、最重要的内容。另一方而,质量管理界对质量控制的研究取得了大量的成果,遗憾的是这些成果大多依然局限于企业的内部控制,仅仅研究从企业内部各环节如何改善产品的质量,而基于供应链的角度来研究质量控制的成果尚不多见。因此,系统地研究经济全球化形势下供应商质量控制的理论与方法,将有助于推动我国企业产品质量的快速提高和供应链竞争优势的形成与巩固。 1、质量与企业共存 质量一直是一个随着时代的变化而不断变化的概念,人们对质量的认识也往往因关注点不同而有所不同。如,早在1908年,通用汽车公司的工程师们在皇家汽车俱乐部会员们的面前拆解了3辆凯迪拉克轿车,并把这些零件混在一起,而后从中选择零件重新组装成车,然后驾车绝尘而去。这令在场的会员极为震惊,认为凯迪拉克车质量之高令人惊叹。显然在当时,汽车零件具有互换性是一种了不起的质量特性,这也是福特公司的N型车和T型车取得辉煌成功的重要原因.时至今日,即使农用三轮车的零部件也具有极高的互换性,零部件的标准化和互换性已经是理所当然的事情,不再是吸引顾客的重要质量特性.可见质量的内涵是不断变化的.那么究竟什么是质量呢? (1)市场竟争就是企业间对“顾客”的争夺,在日益激烈的“顾客"争夺战中,质量、价格、交付(交付日期、方式和手段)和服务是企业常用的四个法宝,其中质量是根本,离开质量其他三项将变得毫无意义,因此可以说质量己成为市场竞争的焦点.它反映了产品是否能够反映顾客需求、能否满足顾客需求,从面决定了产品的市场前途。有鉴于此,质量己成为一项全球性运动,世界上所有优秀企业无一不把质量作为企业战略的关键内容,从战略的角度来规划质量。 (2)对于企业经营者来说,认识到质量对企业的重要意义只是经营企业的第一步,重要的是如何利用科学的方法来保证产品和服务的质量,使顾客满意,来保证过程和工作的质量来获互利共炭的供应商质量控制得良好的业绩。 众所周知,企业管理是社会生产力发展到一定程度的历史产物,质量管理作为企业管理的组成部分,同样也是社会发展的客观要求,特别是顾客处于主导地位的今天,要使顾客满意,就必须有过硬的产品质量和服务质量,这就要求企业积极推行先进的质量管理理论与方法,不断进行质量管理创新. 2、企业与供应商质量控制 随着生产社会化的不断发展,企业的生产活动分工越来越细,专业化程度越来越强,促使生产技术水平越来越高,产品质量得到大幅度改善。通常,某一产品不可能由一个企业从最初的原材料开始加工直至形成顾客最终使用的产品,往往是通过多个企业分工协作来完成.另外,先进生产方式的广泛应用,如准时生产、敏捷制造、零库存等,使企业与供应商的关系愈加紧密,企业与供应商的关系也由单纯的买卖关系向互利共底的合作关系演变。 ISO 9000族标准自1987年诞生以来受到了世界各国的一致追捧,全球约50多万家企业通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证足以说明这套管理标准在引领国际管理潮流方面的巨大成功。在备受企业欢迎的新版标准ISO9000:2000中,互利的供应商关系被作为八项质量管理原则之一,充分体现了供应商关系管理在企业经营实践中的作用和价值。企业要贯彻这一原则,就必须


名词解释 1、绿色物流:在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资源得到最充分的利用,其最终目标是可持续发展。 2、冷链物流:泛指冷藏冷冻类食品在生产,贮藏运输,销售到消费前的各个环节中始终处于规定的低温环境下以保证食品质量,减少食品损耗的一项系统工程。 3、外包:是指企业将一些自己不擅长或运作不经济的业务外包出去,而企业可以集中在自己的核心业务上,提高核心竞争力。 4、流通加工:是指产品已经离开生产领域,进入流通流域,但还未进入消费的过程中,为了销售和方便顾客而进行的加工。 5、逆向物流:包括回收物流和废弃物物流,是与传统供应链反向,为价值恢复或处置合理而对原材料,中间库存,最终产品及相关信息从消费地到起始点的有效实际流动所进行的计划,管理和控制过程。 6、供应链:是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制。从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商和最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构模式。 7、横向一体化:将自己对擅长或运作不经济的业务外包给其他企业,充分利用外部资源与这些企业形成了一种水平关系。 8、采购半径:是指核心供应商离采购方指定到货地点的平均距离。 9、牛鞭效应:供应链上的信息流从最终客户向原始供应商传递的时候,由于无法有效地实现信息的共享,使得信息扭曲而逐渐放大,导致了需求信息出现越来越大的波动。 10、零担货物:是指一张货物运单托运的货物重量或容积不够装一车的货物。 11、第三方物流:是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动,以合同方式委托给专业物流服务企业,同时通过信息系统与物流企业保持密切联系,以达到对物流全程管理控制的一种物理运作与管理方式。 12、采购提前期:即从采购订单发出到收到货物的时间间隔。 13、安全库存:是在库存水平上增加一部分以满足不可预见的需求,如不稳定的需求、供应困难以及其他紧急情况。 14、销售物流;是指企业在销售过程中,将产品的所有权转给客户的物流活动,是产品从生


压力传感器 合理进行压力传感器的误差补偿是其应用的关键。压力传感器主要有偏移量误差、灵敏度误差、线性误差和滞后误差,本文将介绍这四种误差产生的机理和对测试结果的影响,同时将介绍为提高测量精度的压力标定方法以及应用实例。 目前市场上传感器种类丰富多样,这使得设计工程师可以选择系统所需的压力传感器。这些传感器既包括最基本的变换器,也包括更为复杂的带有片上电路的高集成度传感器。由于存在这些差异,设计工程师必须尽可能够补偿压力传感器的测量误差,这是保证传感器满足设计和应用要求的重要步骤。在某些情况下,补偿还能提高传感器在应用中的整体性能。 本文以摩托罗拉公司的压力传感器为例,所涉及的概念适用于各种压力传感器的设计应用。 摩托罗拉公司生产的主流压力传感器是一种单片压阻器件,该器件具有 3 类: 1.基本的或未加补偿标定; 2.有标定并进行温度补偿; 3.有标定、补偿和放大。 偏移量、范围标定以及温度补偿均可以通过薄膜电阻网络实现,这种薄膜电阻网络在封装过程中采用激光修正。 该传感器通常与微控制器结合使用,而微控制器的嵌入软件本身建立了传感器数学模型。微控制器读取了输出电压后,通过模数转换器的变换,该模型可以将电压量转换为压力测量值。传感器最简单的数学模型即为传递函数。该模型可在整个标定过程中进行优化,并且模型的成熟度将随标定点的增加而增加。 从计量学的角度看,测量误差具有相当严格的定义:它表征了测量压力与实际压力之间的差异。而通常无法直接得到实际压力,但可以通过采用适当的压力标准加以估计,计量人员通常采用那些精度比被测设备高出至少 10 倍的仪器作为测量标准。 由于未经标定的系统只能使用典型的灵敏度和偏移值将输出电压转换为压 力,测得的压力将产生如图 1 所示的误差。 这种未经标定的初始误差由以下几个部分组成: a.偏移量误差。由于在整个压力范围内垂直偏移保持恒定,因此变换器扩散和激光调节修正的变化将产生偏移量误差。 b.灵敏度误差,产生误差大小与压力成正比。如果设备的灵敏度高于典型值,灵敏度误差将是压力的递增函数(见图 1)。如果灵敏度低于典型值,那么灵敏度误差将是压力的递减函数。该误差的产生原因在于扩散过程的变化。


外文翻译 原文 Supply chain management for agricultural products Resource: MBA (IT), IIIT Allahabad Pulastya Roy Agriculture is a significant sector of most of the economy of world. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it provides any a country self reliance in terms of food for their people, providing huge direct and indirect employment and more over huge revenue by export of surplus food grain. Agriculture is backbone of the economy and infrastructure for many countries like India, Brazil and others. Due to technical advancement, improved irrigation system and several other reasons production in agriculture has increased several folds. To meet this increased production and business in agriculture sector an equally reliable supply chain support is imperative. Supply chain is basically-“a set of processes functioning synergistically to satisfy a customer’s demand”. Any supply chain trades off between two main attributes of supply chain, “Efficiency and Responsiveness”. Any supply chain is adopted or designed keeping only this two attributes in mind because it defines about which kind of customer the supply chain wants to cater and what is the scale of “return on investment” is being planned for. Agricultural industry uses bo th kind of supply chain as per the need. Designing supply chain for agricultural products: Most of the produce in agriculture can not be sold directly; as per their mode of consumption they can be categorized as follows.There are some products which are not highly perishable like cereals but needed to be processed like- rice is polished, and wheat has to be husked.Some products are highly perishable so they must be sent to market very fast or otherwise needed to be processed and packaged well. For designing a supply chain for any Agriculture product, it’s important to know which kind of agriculture products is that, and accordingly a responsive or efficient supply chain is designed. Supply chain for non perishable items: Most all the cereals like Wheat, Rice, Maize etc. and some vegetables like


供应链管理外文文 献

A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. The supply chain includes not only the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and even customers themselves. Within each organization, such as a manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request. These functions include, but are not limited to, new product, development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, and customer service. Consider a customer walking into a Wal-Mart store to purchase detergent. The supply chain begins with the customer and his or her need for detergent. The next stage of this supply chain is the Wal-Mart retail store that the customer visits. Wal-Mart stocks its shelves using inventory that may have been supplied from a finished-goods warehouse or a distributor using trucks supplied by a third party. The distributor in turn is stocked by the manufacturer (say, Procter &Gamble [P&G] in this case). The P&G manufacturing plant receives raw material from a variety of suppliers, who may themselves have been


Basic knowledge of transducers A transducer is a device which converts the quantity being measured into an optical, mechanical, or-more commonly-electrical signal. The energy-conversion process that takes place is referred to as transduction. Transducers are classified according to the transduction principle involved and the form of the measured. Thus a resistance transducer for measuring displacement is classified as a resistance displacement transducer. Other classification examples are pressure bellows, force diaphragm, pressure flapper-nozzle, and so on. 1、Transducer Elements Although there are exception ,most transducers consist of a sensing element and a conversion or control element. For example, diaphragms,bellows,strain tubes and rings, bourdon tubes, and cantilevers are sensing elements which respond to changes in pressure or force and convert these physical quantities into a displacement. This displacement may then be used to change an electrical parameter such as voltage, resistance, capacitance, or inductance. Such combination of mechanical and electrical elements form electromechanical transducing devices or transducers. Similar combination can be made for other energy input such as thermal. Photo, magnetic and chemical,giving thermoelectric, photoelectric,electromaanetic, and electrochemical transducers respectively. 2、Transducer Sensitivity The relationship between the measured and the transducer output signal is usually obtained by calibration tests and is referred to as the transducer sensitivity K1= output-signal increment / measured increment . In practice, the transducer sensitivity is usually known, and, by measuring the output signal, the input quantity is determined from input= output-signal increment / K1. 3、Characteristics of an Ideal Transducer The high transducer should exhibit the following characteristics a) high fidelity-the transducer output waveform shape be a faithful reproduction of the measured; there should be minimum distortion. b) There should be minimum interference with the quantity being measured; the presence of the transducer should not alter the measured in any way. c) Size. The transducer must be capable of being placed exactly where it is needed.


文献综述 供应链管理环境下家电企业第三方物流模式初探 中国目前正在成为世界家电的制造中心,在2000年前后,家电企业的规模效应就已经充分显现,国内市场处于供过于求的状态,企业承受着原材料涨价和价格战的双重压力,生产领域可挖掘的降低企业成本的潜力已不太大而在产品流通环节的竞争中却出现了最后一公里不能到位的情况,严重影响了企业的形象。高磊在《供应链一体化条件下我国家电企业物流管理的研究》一书中认为,随着家电行业价格战愈演愈烈,以及我国加入WTO国内家电生产企业遇到外来产品的冲击,家电业的利润空间持续萎缩。物流管理作为家电企业的第三利润源泉,如何降低其物流成本提高物流服务成为众多企业关注的焦点。 供应链目前尚未形成统一的定义,许多学者从不同的角度出发给出了许多不同的定义。早期的观点认为供应链是制造企业中的一个内部过程,它是指把从企业外部采购的原材料和零部件,通过生产转换和销售等活动,再传递到零售商和用户的一个过程。传统的供应链概念局限于企业的内部操作层上,注重企业自身的资源利用。哈理森(Harrison)将供应链定义为:“供应链是执行采购原材料、将它们转换为中间产品和成品、并且将成品销售到用户的功能网”。“供应链”作为一个引发行业热潮的词出现在1993 年左右, 吴清一在《现代物流概论》书中将供应链定义为:产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的原材料供应商、生产商、批发商、零售商以及最终消费者组成的供需网络,即由物料获取、物料加工、并将成品送到用户手中这一过程所涉及的企业和企业部门组成的一个网络。 “供应链管理”产生于20世纪80年代晚期,20世纪90年代得以广泛传播。Lambert,James Stock,Lisa Ellram在《Fundamentals of Logistics Management》将供应链定义为供应链是那些把产品或服务提供给市场的公司排列。供应链是一个设备和分销选择的网络,它的功能是获取原材料,把这些原材料转变成中间产品和最终产品,并把最终产品传递到顾客手中。 Douglas Lambert,James Stock,Lisa Ellram,在其著作《物流管理》中将供应链管理定义为:从终端用户到提供产品、服务和信息的初始供应商的业务过程的整合,综合考虑了供应链中物资、服务和商品的输入流和输出流,代表一种较新的业务运作方法和对所涉及的业务流程的不同观点,是一种高度互动而且复杂的系统方法,需要同时进行许多权衡。供应链管理是在供应链参与者中进行生产、存货、选址和运输的协调,从而在所服务的市场达到响应和效率的最佳组合,不仅包括传统的物流还包括诸如市场营销、新产品开发、金融和顾客服务等行为。 第三方物流一词是从国外引进的,其英文表达为Thrid Party Logistics,简称3TPL,是20世纪80年代中后期才在欧美发达国家出现的概念,源自业务外包。将业务外包引入物流管理领域就产生了第三方物流的概念。Robert C.Lieb认为,第三方物流指的是用外部公司去完成传统上由组织内部完成的物流功能,这些功能包括全部物流功能或所选择的部分物流功能。David Simchi—Levi等认为,第三方物流就是利用一家外部的公司完成企业全部或部分物料管理和产品配送职能。 美国物流管理协会于2002年10月1日公布的《物流术语词条2002升级版》的解释是:第三方物流是将企业的全部或部分物流运作任务外包给专业公司管理经营,


供应链环境下的物流管理 一、供应链管理和物流管理的概念 ............................................... . 1 1.1供应链管理 ...................................................................... 1 1.2物流管理 .......................................................................... 二、供应链管理环境下的物流管理 ............................................... 2 2.1物流网络在供应链管理中的地位 ................................... 2 2.2供应链管理环境下物流管理的特点 ............................. 三、结语 .................................................................................... 一、供应链管理和物流管理的概念 1.1供应链管理 1、供应链的概念 供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对工作流(work flow)、信息流(information flow)、物料流(physical flow)、资金流(funds flow)的协调与控制,从采购原料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商,直至最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构。 2、供应链管理的概念 供应链管理就是使供应链运作达到最优化,以最少的成本,通过协调供应链成员的业务流程,让供应链从采购开始,到满足最终顾客的所有过程,包括工作流、物料流、资金流、和信息流等均能提高效率地操作,把合适的产品以合理的价格,及时准确地送到消费者手上。 3、供应链管理涉及的内容 供应链管理关心的并不仅仅是物料实体在供应链中的流动。除了企业内部与企业之间的运输问题和实物分销以外,供应链管理


Sensor technology A sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque , pressure , temperature , humidity , speed , acceleration , or vibration .Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a) stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features , and (c) governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems .It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring , communication , and computer control of machines and systems . Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly .Analog-to-coverter(ADC) is available for interfacing analog sensors with computers . Classifications of Sensors Sensors that are of interest in manufacturing may be classified generally as follows: Machanical sensors measure such as quantities as positions ,shape ,velocity ,force ,torque , pressure , vibration , strain , and mass . Electrical sensors measure voltage , current , charge , and conductivity . Magnetic sensors measure magnetic field ,flux , and permeablity . Thermal sensors measure temperature , flux ,conductivity , and special heat . Other types are acoustic , ultrasonic , chemical , optical , radiation , laser ,and fiber-optic . Depending on its application , a sensor may consist of metallic , nonmetallic , organic , or inorganic materials , as well as fluids ,gases ,plasmas , or semiconductors .Using the special characteristics of these materials , sensors covert the quantity or property measured to analog or digital output. The operation of an ordinary mercury thermometer , for example , is based on the difference between the thermal expansion of mercury and that of glass. Similarly , a machine part , a physical obstruction , or barrier in a space can be detected by breaking the beam of light when sensed by a photoelectric cell . A proximity sensor ( which senses and measures the distance between it and an object or a moving member of a machine ) can be based on acoustics , magnetism , capacitance , or optics . Other actuators contact the object and take appropriate action ( usually by electromechanical means ) . Sensors are essential to the conduct of intelligent robots , and are being developed with capabilities that resemble those of humans ( smart sensors , see the following ). This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the
