
























Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


雅思阅读技巧赵曙明 (华师7分精品班) 一.雅思阅读猜词常用词缀(在我的信箱里) 常用前缀(Pr efixes): a-, an- not, without, hackin ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme 常用词根(Stems): -anthro-, -anthropo- man -metr-, -meter- measure -morph- form -pathy- feeling, suffering 常用后缀(Suffixes): ---phobia , ---mania , scope, ----cide 二.雅思阅读技巧篇 第1节寻找3种语言重现 同其他考试的阅读部分相比,雅思考试阅读部分最大的特点是文章篇幅长。考生要在 一个小时内完成8种类型共计40道题目(这个要求近乎苛刻)。因此,阅读目的就从单纯的“信息获取’’转变成”寻找答案”。在这个过程中,原文涉及的大部分细节内容对于完成题目是无意义的,无需字斟句酌。只有在阅读中准确把握题干的关键词,才能区分哪些字句与题目(答题点)有关。 所谓“关键词’’是指题干中的核心词或者决定答案性质或位置的词。典型的关键词是 句子的主干、人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答 题方法:回原文找关键词。这往往给考生一种印象:只要在题干中划出关键词就一定能找到原词。那么关键词一定会“原型”重现吗?请看下面这道判断题: Example: While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians. 题目: We have known for along time that more species of animals will disappear.(判断题) AA语言重现 关键词在原文中以原词形式出现。AA语言重现在试题中占的比例最大,也是最简单的 一类考法。它以特殊关键词为主,包括人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。 Example: At precisely 4:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993 it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world,and Australians everywhere,not only Sydney-siders,were justifiably proud of the result.But,if Sydney had lost the bid,would the taxpayers of NESW and of Australia have approved of government's spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise? 题目:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games? (简答题) AB语言重现 定义:关键词A在原文中以同义词B的形式出现。AB语言重现题考察考生的单词量,主要凭理解力去定位。 Sea fishing grew rapidly in the decades after the Second World War. Mechanisation increased the fishermen's catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more. 题目: Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War. ( 判断题) 关系重现 定义:所谓“关系重现”是把定位对象从“词”上升到“句子结构”,从而越过生词造成的阅读障碍。这是最关键的一类语言重现,是阅读技巧的完美体现。 例:Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.


# 43. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. You should write at least 150 words.

model answer: The chart shows CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre for variuos methods of transport in the European Union while the pie chart shows European Union spending on transport. Flying by air produces by far the greatest CO2 emissions, approximately three times as much as passenger cars which are the next largest producers. Very little is spent by the EU on air travel while roads make up more than half of the EU transport budget. Trains produce about three times less CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre than passenger cars and eight times less than air travel. Nearly a third of EU transport funds are spent on railways. Ships are a clean form of transport and produce about the same amount of CO2 per passenger kilometre as trains do. However, only 2 percent of EU funds are spent on ports. A further one percent is spent on inland waterways. Coaches are the cleanest form of transport. Emissions of CO2 per passenger kilometre from coaches are half those of buses. Buses emit less than half as much CO2 per passenger kilometre as cars. The European Union spends 10 percent of its transport budget on public transport, such as buses and coaches. (197 words)



Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense A. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple,on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music,which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished. B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay. C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?“This is


标题题(List of headings) 标题题是雅思考试中变化最为繁复,出题数量最为稳定,出题比例最大的一类题型。 变化趋势: 经过对07到10年的雅思阅读机经统计,不仅每次考试都由有此题型的出现,而且出题数量稳中有升。为什么会这样呢?标题题实质上体现了雅思阅读考试的大部分设计思路和考查方式。为了进一步说明标题题与雅思阅读整体考查的吻合性,请看下面图示: 温馨提示: 1.盯住段落主旨,放弃细节 2.所有备选选项只能使用一次 3.注意选项的数字标号为罗马数字,确保填写无误 4.注意选项中的关键词 a)表示因果、时间和对比关系的动词,如lead to, cause, compare, stay, remain. b)表示地点、时间和程度的形容词,如local, first, primarily, better c)表示否定意义的表示方法,如object to, few, rarely, yet d)表示时间、否定等的副词,如always, almost, never e)表示人名、地名的专有名词(大写),如London, Sydney, Shakespeare

f)长词、难词,如equilibrium 解题步骤: 注意: 技巧: 1.目标段落的下一段首句为标题答案句 2.用段落中多次重复出现的同近义词来锁定标题 所谓的同近义词替换技巧,在所有雅思阅读解题技巧中的使用最为广泛,效果最为明显。这一方法也叫义群判断法。





Dubai Gold Sales The line graph shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in millions of dirhams. There were two main seasons for gold sales. The main season for sales is in the December to May period. Sales were consistently above 200 million dirhams per month, rising sharply to a peak of 350 million dirhams in March. However, for the next four months, sales declined steadily,reaching an annual low of 120 million dirhams in July. In August, there was a sudden increase. Sales almost doubled, rising from 120 million dirhams in July to 210 million dirhams in August. This was followed by a drop in September, the July figure. From September to October, sales recovered, from 120 to 180 million. In October and November, sales r emained steady, and there was a small increase in December to 190 million dirhams. In conclusion, the main sales period is in the early part of the year, slumping in the summer, except for a sudden increase in August. Dubai Tourism, 1990-1994 The graph shows the numbers of tourists in hundreds of thousands visiting Dubai between 1990 and 1994. There are several features in the graph. First of all, the total number of tourists increased rapidly between 1990 and 1994. In 1990 there was a total of 450,000 tourists in Dubai. This rose sharply to 625,000 in 1991, an increase of more than 30%, and rose slightly again to just under 700,000 in 1992. In the following two years, the number of visitors started to pick up again and reached 1 million in 1994. This was more thandouble the figure for 1990. The second trend is that there was a huge increase in the number of tourists from Russia. In 1990, Russian tourists comprised only 20,000 or less than 5% of visitors. This number shot up to 50,000 in 1991 and doubled again to more than 100,000 in 1992. Between 1992 and 1994, the number trebled, from 110,000 to 330,000. This meant that Russian tourists made up one-third,or 33%, of Dubai’s 1 million visitors in 1994. In comparison, the number of tourists from other countries increased only slightly, from 550,000 in 1991 to 580,000 in 1994.

英语考试作文-9分雅思图表写作范文全集之地图篇 学校变迁

英语考试作文 9分雅思图表写作范文全集之地图篇学校 变迁 9分雅思图表小作文范文全集之地图学校变迁The diagrams below show the site of a school in 2004 and the plan for changes to the school site in 2024. 真题传送门:2017全年雅思写作真题范文大汇总(第一时间更新) 范文集结:全部9篇9分雅思写作地图范文汇总放送 范文 The two pictures compare the layout of a school as it was in the year 2004 with a proposed site design for the year 2024. It is clear that the main change for 2024 involves the addition of a new school building. The school will then be able to accommodate a considerably larger number of students. In 2004, there were 600 pupils attending the school,

and the two school buildings were separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field. By 2024, it is expected that there will be 1000 pupils, and a third building will have been constructed. Furthermore, the plan is to join the two original buildings together, creating a shorter path that links the buildings only. As the third building and a second car park will be built on the site of the original sports field, a new, smaller sports field will need to be laid. A new road will also be built from the main entrance to the second car park. Finally, no changes will be made to the main entrance and original car park. (183 words, band 9)


2019年11月4日雅思阅读机经真题答案及解析 一、考试概述: 本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究了古代人的生存方式,第二篇是讲了利用心理学对课堂行为实行研究,第三篇是讲非语言交流的,人类除了用语言交流,其他手势、行为等的非语言形式也很重要 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Human Remain in Green Sahara 题型:判断题4 +简答题3+填空题6 新旧水准:旧题 文章大意:描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究古代人的生存方式。 参考文章: Human Remain in Green Sahara A On October 13,2,000, a small team of paleontologists led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago clambered out of three battered Land Rovers, filled their water bottles, and scattered on foot across the toffee-colored sands of the Tenere desert in northern Niger. The Tenere,on the southern flank of the Sahara, easily ranks among the most desolate landscapes on Earth. The Tuareg,turbaned nomads who for centuries have ruled this barren realm, refer to it as a


雅思阅读summary填空题是雅思阅读题中常见题型, 在阅读考试中占较大的比重. 同时也是众多考生头痛的一种题型. 因为此题型不仅考查考生快速准确理解阅读文章的主旨能力, 也考查考生对定位,同义转化以及语义间逻辑关系的灵敏度. 总的来说, 雅思阅读summary填空题主要有两种形式: 一种是单词填空式, 这种形式主要针对文章全文或者部分段落写出的一篇摘要, 空出若干空格, 要求考生从文章中寻找相应的单词进行填空; 另一种是单词选择式, 就是在第一种形式的基础上, 额外提供了一个词库, 要求考生从词库中选词填空. 下面环球雅思的老师将详细讲解如何快速而有效的解答这两种形式的summary填空题. 单词填空式 解题策略 对于单词填空式题, 一般把握三个关键信息: 逻辑关系词, 语法属性, 定位. 首先, 观察空格前后是否有语义间有逻辑关系的连接词, 即逻辑关系词推断. 这类表示空格前后内容逻辑关系的连接词主要包括:

①表示因果关系的词, 如because, as, since, for, due to, thanks to, as a result of等. 在考试中, 在因果关系中除了一些连接词的衔接外, 还有一些表示因果关系的大词, 如trigger, breed, induce, engender, generate, be responsible for, affect, determine等, 这些词在语义中隐含了因果关系. 所以也是考生在解题中值得注意的. ②表示转折关系的词, 如but, however, while, yet, instead, rather, whereas等 ③表示让步关系的词, 如despite, in spite of, although等 ④表示并列关系的词, 如and, both…and…, neither…nor等 ⑤表示举例关系的词, 如such as, for example等 观察有无这类词的目的在于为了回原文定位时, 能缩小寻找范围, 使定位更加准确. 在文章阅读中, 题目中的某些单词会进行同义转换而变得面目全非,但是句意不会变,语义关系不会变,这是最可靠的定位依据。从而逻辑关系词对于考生在解题中把握语义间的内在关系起了关键作用. 如剑桥4 Test 2 Passage 1 Lost for words 一篇中的summary 题中This great variety of languages came about largely as a result of geographical ___Q1______. But in today’s world, factors such as government initiatives and ____Q2_____ are contributing to a huge decrease in the number of languages. One factor which may help to ensure that some endangered languages do not die out completely is people’s increasing appreciation of their ____Q3_____.


Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years,European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback. D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty —the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union”and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances,the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


line graph C11P77 Carbon dioxide emissions C9P101 U.S. Energy consumption C8p101 Goods transported in UK C7p53 Fish and meat consumption C6P30 Global water use C5P29 proportion of population aged 65 and over C11P77 Carbon dioxide emissions Karen’s Writing The graph compares changes in the amounts of average carbon dioxide emissions per person in four European countries from 1967 to 2007. In 1967 carbon dioxide emissions in the UK was the largest, with about 10.8 metric tonnes per person. In Sweden, Italy and Portugal, the emissions stood at 8.8,4.2 and 1.7 metric tonnes respectively. It is clear from the line graph that over the 40-year period, the emissions of carbon dioxide in the UK fell sharply to 9 metric tonnes while those in Sweden saw a small increase from 1967 to 1977, peaking at 10.2 metric tonnes. During the next 30-year period, the amounts decreased significantly to just below 6.


A类图表作文各个击破(流程图、柱图、曲线图、表格) .5.2表格解题关键 F 1表格与饼图一样,都是静态图。切入点在描述分配; F 2表格题考查列举数字的能力和方法。通过举一些有代表性的数据来说明问题; F 3横向比较。介绍横向各个数据的区别、变化和趋势; F 4纵向比较。介绍纵向各个数据的区别、变化和趋势; F 5不需要将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值; F 6对比时要总结出数据对比最悬殊的和最小的。表格举例 Topic 4-4:The table below shows carbon dioxide emissions from transport in three European countries in 1994 and 2004.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.(表格贴不上,大家看附件吧~ ^_^)范文

The given table provides an overview of carbon dioxide emissions from four main transport sources (namely,road transport,railways,civil aviation and shipping) in the United Kingdom,France and Germany in 1994 and 2004. Germany,although having higher emissions than either the United Kingdom or France did,saw the amount decrease slightly from 47.2 to 46.7 million tonnes.By comparison,France recorded an increase of four million tonnes from 34.7 million in 1994,while the United Kingdom had a smaller growth,2.5 million tonnes over the same period.(纵向比较三个国家1994到2004年间二氧化碳释放量的整体趋势变化。) In all the three countries, road transport was responsible for the majority of emissions.(横向对四个二氧化碳释放源进行比较,点明最大释放源)In the United Kingdom,road transport produced emissions up to 32.6 million tonnes in 2004,2 million more than ten years earlier,while other three transport sources did not show any remarkable growth.(接着对三个国家的释放源进行描述说明,说明从1994年到2004年间的变化)A similar pattern was seen in France,where road transport added 3.6 million tonnes to the total emissions within ten
