





A Brief Analysis of the Features and Translation of English Sports News







Sport is the sign of social civilization. The hosting of the famous 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has greatly aroused people's enthusiasm to sports. Sports news becomes an important way for people to understand the sports events and pay more attention to the development of world sports. In addition to the general features of news, English sports news has its own unique language characteristics and stylistic features.

The thesis mainly studies the words by taking famous newspapers and magazines as examples. The vocabulary in English sports news is quite complex and full of various types. The thesis analyses its four lexical features: sports terminology, abbreviations, rhetoric and slang. However, different types of words have their own translation methods . In the thesis, the author briefly introduces two kinds of translation methods based on the theory of “functional e quivalence”: literal translation, namely we can literally translate the vocabulary, so the method is mainly used for the translation of sports terminology, abbreviations and some rhetorical

words; free translation, which means we must accurately express the words' implied meaning, but not focus on its forms. Therefore, free translation is frequently applied

in the translation of most rhetorical vocabulary that using rhetoric such as metaphor

and metonymy, and slang. The thesis briefly analyses the lexical features and its translation methods in English sports news, which aims at making readers have a deeper understanding of English sports news, reducing the barriers in reading, comprehending the sports message that the news intends to convey, and finally promoting the exchange and development of sports events among different nations.

Key words: English Sports News; Lexical Features; Literal Translation; Free Translation

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ I 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................... II Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... I II Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................ IV Chapter1 Introduction .. (1)

1.1 Research Background (1)

1.2 Aim and Significance of Research (1)

1.3 Organization of the Thesis (2)

Chapter2 Literature Review (3)

2.1 English Sports News (3)

2.1.1 The Definition of News (3)

2.1.2 The Introduction of English Sports News (4)

2.2 The Theory of “Functional Equivalence” (4)

2.2.1 Definition of “Functional Equivalence” (4)

2.2.2 Main Contents of “Functional Equivalence” (5)

2.2.3 The Links between “Functional Equivalence” and English Sports News

Vocabulary (5)

2.3 Researches at Home and Abroad (6)

Chapter3 Lexical Features of English Sports News (8)

3.1 Sports Terminology (8)

3.2 Abbreviations (9)

3.3 Rhetoric (10)

3.3.1 Metaphor (10)

3.3.2 Metonymy (10)

3.4 Slang (11)

3.5 Summary (13)

Chapter4 Lexical Translation of English Sports News (14)

4.1 Literal Translation (14)

4.2 Free Translation (15)

Chapter 5 Conclusion (17)

5.1 Major Findings (17)

5.2 Suggestions for Further Research (18)

5.3 Summary (18)

Bibliography (19)

Chapter1 Introduction

The study of English sports news has a long history, which has expanded from stylistics to linguistics. The thesis focuses on the word level. This chapter is made up of three parts: the research background, the aim and significance of research and the organization of the thesis.

1.1 Research Background

With the rapid development of information industry, the widespread cooperation and communication among countries are becoming closer and closer. The world is gradually turning into a global village, in which all kinds of news are provided and shared fast, efficiently and conveniently. As one kind of news, sports news plays an important role in social and cultural life. Sport is the symbol of social civilization. At the same time, it is international, so we need to deliver the latest sports news to meet the demands of fans across the world. On the occasion, more and more English sports news appears on newspapers, magazines, TVs and Internet every day. English sports news is a type of news, having its unique language features and writing styles, therefore, many scholars have studied various aspects of English sports news. However, scholars mainly regard sports news as a whole entity to study its linguistic aspects such as foregrounding and whole features, such as the stylistic features or language characteristics. Few have paid attention to the study of specific details, including the words, tone and so on. Based on previous studies on English sports news, the thesis mainly focuses on the lexical features and its translation.

1.2 Aim and Significance of Research

Today, sport has become an indispensable part of people's life, and the whole world is paying more and more attention to the development and transmission of sports. Therefore, in the newspaper or magazine, the sports news section occupies a

large section. Sports information is interactional all over the world. English is referred to as a universal language, so the best way to know the latest and precise sports news is to read English sports news. As a type of news, English sports news aims to transfer information, so it must be easy to understand. However, English sports news has its unique styles and language features. The thesis selects the vocabulary to study, because it is the basis to understand the news.

The thesis specifically analyses the lexical features and translation methods through the examples of famous newspaper and magazine, which aims to help readers learn some professional words and presentation skills, and finally understand the sports news properly.

1.3 Organization of the Thesis

The thesis briefly analyses the lexical features and its translation in English sports news. It consists of five chapters.

The first chapter is the introduction, indicating the research background and its aim and significance. The second chapter is literature review, including three parts: the meaning of English sports news, including the definition of news and sports news, the introduction of the theory of “functional equivalence” and research at home and abroad, The third chapter is devoted to the lexical features of English sports news, consisting of four features: use of sports terminology, abbreviations, rhetoric and slang. The forth chapter briefly introduces two kinds of translation skills of English sports news vocabulary based on the theory of “functional equivalence”: literal translation and free translation. The fifth chapter draws a conclusion, summarizing the major findings of the thesis and making suggestions for future research.

Chapter2 Literature Review

In this chapter, the author first introduces the meaning of English sports news,

including the definition of news, some features of sports news and English sports news. Then the author precisely expresses one theory of translation, “functional e quivalence”. Finally, the author states the previous research on features of English sports news at home and abroad, and some theories about its translation.

2.1 English Sports News

In the part, we will introduce what news is, then give a brief definition of sports news and English sports news.

2.1.1 The Definition of News

We have to admit it is easier to identify the news than make the definition of news. Many definitions have been given to “news”, among which there is a well-known saying: it is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely news when you find a man bites a dog. The man-bites-dog definition, though sounds absurd, fully illustrates one of the widely accepted news value, the unusual, bizarre nature of a recently happened event.

Different definitions have been given to “news” at different times and in distinct places. In for the emperor and his subordinates, news was things happening to and around the emperor.

According to Modern Chinese Dictionary (2002), news is: A: the domestic and foreign information reported from the newspapers or broadcasting stations; B: the latest news events happening in our society. The definition of news from Chinese Words Encyclopedia (Lu Dingyi, 2002) says that: A: current political or social events reported by the newspapers, news agencies, broadcasting stations or TV stations, which calls for the requirements of being speedy, timely, true, succinct and based on facts. It has many forms: information, correspondence, features, survey reports, news photos, television news etc; B: something talked by people which is interesting and

novel. The definition accepted in Chinese academic circles as standard is that news is the reporting of recent events.

From all the definitions above, we can summarize the definition of news as follow: news is the reporting of recent events which have certain social values and can arouse people's interests widely.

2.1.2 The Introduction of English Sports News

After making clear of what news is, we can comprehend the meaning of sports news easily. Sports news is a type of news, transmitting related information about sports games and fitness activities. It also represents a kind of spirit, that is, challenging ourselves, surpassing ourselves, defeating ourselves and finally pursuing perfect. Sports news mainly report competitive sports games, and it focuses on entertainment and leisure. Moreover, sports news is international. Thus, as English is used around the world, English sports news tends to be more and more important.

However, English sports news is different from the other kinds of news. It has its own lexical features and stylistics features, and the thesis will analyze its lexical features in chapter 3.

2.2 The Theory of “Functional Equivalence”

In 1964, Nida put forward the concept of “dynamic equiv a lence”in his book Toward a Science of Translation. Later at the end of 1980, he rendered his “dynamic equivale nce” into“functional equivalence” and interpreted that the meaning of these two concepts are just the same. However, he prefers the concept of “functional e quivalence” for the convenience of describing the degrees of adequacy of a translation.

2.2.1 Definition of “Functional Equivalence”

Functional equivalence implies different degrees of adequacy from minimal to

maximal effectiveness. A minimal realistic definition and a maximal ideal definition could be stated respectively as follow:

“The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and apprec iated it.”

“The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did.” (Nida, 1998: 118)

2.2.2 Main Contents of “Functional Equivalence”

In his book Language, Culture, and Translating, Nida has distinguished degrees of his “functional equivalence”from the aspects of cognitive and experiential factors, namely, the minimal, realistic “functional equivalence”and the maximal, ideal “functional equivalence”that we have discussed above. Nida stresses that anything less than that minimal degree of equivalence should be unacceptable, while that “maximal level of equivalence is rarely, it never achieved except for texts have little or no aesthetic value and involving only routine information” (ibid.).

“Functional equivalence”is the soul of Nida's overall theory of “principle of equivalence.” From early 1960s to 1990s, Nida didn't stop studying and perfecting his theory and tried to make it more scientific and useful. The improvement lies in two aspects: first, the degree of functional equivalence has been clearly divided into two scales, which makes the principle more practicable; secondly, Nida's minimal, realistic definition of “functional equivalence” is more definite, concrete and understandable.

According to Nida's theory, the fundamental principle of translation is equivalence. I n order to have a better understanding of Nida's “functional equivalence”, one must bear his following words in mind.“In general it is best to s peak of …functional equivalence? in terms of a range of adequacy, since no translation

is ever completely equivalent. A number of different translations can in fact represent varying degrees of equivalence. The means that …equivalence? cannot be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but only in terms of proximity, i.e. on the basis of degrees of closeness to functional identity”(Nida,1993:117).

2.2.3 The Links between “Functional Equivalence”and English Sports News Vocabulary

English sports news has its own unique language style, stylistic features and special vocabulary, which may be different from the receptor language, so we cannot just translate literally without considering its influence and the culture of target language. The function of sports news is to deliver latest sports information to readers, so its aim is to make sure the readers grasp the implied meaning of the information. When translating, we need not to pursue the complete equivalence of the forms, what we should focus on is its implied message or its function to the readers. That is just what the theory of “functional equivalence” advocates.

English sports news vocabulary is the main part of the whole piece of news, only if we interpret the vocabulary accurately can we ensure the achievement of the news?function. Because of the features of English sports news vocabulary, it is necessary to apply the theory of “functional equivalence” to its translation.

2.3 Researches at Home and Abroad

Nowadays, with the development of sports and the increased link among countries, more and more people pay attention to sports. Various kinds of mass media as newspapers, magazine, and TVs constantly introduce the development of world sports to people. On the occasion, English sports news appears, which is a bridge linking the world sports and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and comprehend the language features and translation skills of English sports news, which has the

significant meaning to the development of sports in our country and the cross-culture communication with the world.

For the lexical features of English sports news, there are various sayings according to different measures. The study of lexical features of English sports news is a hot topic for scholars. Many researchers have analyzed its lexical features by investigating the language phenomenon in English sports news. Bruce Garrison(2002) gave a detailed introduction of the sports news vocabulary, and pointed out the problems in translation. Xiong Wei (2008) concluded the lexical features from the aspect of application and mainly mentioned six features. Fu Rong (2009) studied the lexical features from lexicology aspect, and Wang Lili (2008) studied the topic from the aspect of linguistics.

As for the lexical translation of English Sports News, there are many kinds of translation strategies, while the author prefers to the common ones: literal translation and free translation. Ma Junting (2007)insisted that equivalence theory should be used in the translation of sports news. In the thesis, the author adopted the two translation skills based on Nida?s theory of “functional equivalence”.

Chapter3 Lexical Features of English Sports News This chapter will specifically introduce four lexical features of English sports news, including the use of sports terminology, abbreviations, rhetoric and slang.

3.1 Sports Terminology

Sport is a comprehensive science involving many aspects of knowledge. In the process of absorbing other subjects, it has formed some unique features, including the appearance of sports terminology. In Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics(2005:70), terminology is defined as “the special lexical items which occur in a particular discipline or subject matter”. Sports terminology is only

used in sports field, because they have their own audience group. If one cannot understand the specialty of those terminologies in sports news , it will be hard to understand the related reports and information.

Let's take “场地” as an example, there are different expressions in different kinds of sports events, court(网球场), ring(溜冰场), pitch(棒球场), arena(乒乓球场), rink(冰球场), track(竞赛场), golf links(高尔夫球场), football field(足球场). Another example is the expression of“教练”. Look at the fo llowing news:

(1)Next up for the Americans will be selecting a captain for the next Ryder Cup at the V alhallacourse in Louisville, Kentuchk in 2008. Whoever gets it will go up against six-times majors winner Nick Faldo who has already been named as Europe's next skipper. (China Daily, September 26, 2006)

Here, there are several meanings about the words “captain”and “skipper” in the dictionary. In order to determine the exact meaning, we should pay attention to the context. The piece of news talks about the topic that the person who is selected to be next leader of American team will go up against the leader of European team. Therefore, the words “captain”and “skipper”both mean“队长”. The kind of words has been collected in the professional sports dictionary.

However, there are still a large amount of common words, which can be deduced professional meanings in sports events. For instance, close-marking defense (盯人防守), slide tackle(铲球), fare charge(合理冲撞), lock tackle(正面抢截), place kick(定位球).

3.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, Mass. is short for Massachusetts (马塞诸塞州);

USMC is short for United States Marine Corps(美国海军陆战队). Abbreviations are justified to be wide-spread in English news because simplification is the universal trend in news writing. The application of abbreviations in English sports news can save time with higher speed of speaking and writing, what's more, it save the space of newspaper or magazine.

The main device of abbreviations commonly used in news style is clipping. Clipping is a method of shortening or cutting off some parts of a word to form a simpler word without changing its meaning (George,Y, 2000). According to Zhang Jian (1994), there are five types of clipping listed as follows:

ⅰFront clipping: the shortening occurs at the beginning of the word, like bus from omnibus.

ⅱBack clipping: the shortening occurs at the end of the word like photo from photograph.

ⅲFront and back clipping: the shortening occurs at both ends of the word, such as flu from influenza.

ⅳMiddle clipping: the shortening occurs at the middle of the word, for example, motel from motor hotel.

ⅴFree clipping: the shortening is not strictly in line with a certain rule, such as bike from bicycle.

For English sports news, most abbreviations are mainly short terms of sports associations or organizations, formed by selecting the fist letters of each main words, for example, NBA(National Basketball Association全美篮球协会), CUBA(Chinese University Basketball Association中国大学生篮球联赛), IOC(the International Olympic Committee国际奥委会), FIFA(Federation International Football Association 国际足联), CTA(Chinese Tennis Association 中国羽毛球协会); and short forms of

professional sports terms, formed by taking off its tail letters , for instance,GY(gymnastics体操), AT( Athletics 田径),WR(Wrestling摔跤), VB(Volleyball 排球).

3.3 Rhetoric

Rhetoric refers to the art of speaking or writing so as to persuade people effectively. Sports news mainly reports the sports events and the changes in the sports area, so in order to show the fierce competition of players or the reporter's individual mood, the use of rhetoric is necessary. The use of rhetoric can make the news more vivid and effective. Here, we mainly introduce two rhetorical methods: metaphor and metonymy.

3.3.1 Metaphor

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity. Just as Shu Dingfang said “as long as in a certain context, a kind of things is used to express another different kind of things, then they form a metaphor”. In English sports news, metaphor is usually related to the information of national culture, because language is the carrier of culture. The use of metaphor makes the news more lively and succinct. Let?s take a piece of VOA news as an example.

(2)He sacrifices a lot; plays physical, and tough inside, and he's been an excellent third down receive. He brings some fire to the game. (Sep. 05, 2007).

“Fire”literally means“火”. With fire, there must be light and heat and we can also have feelings of exuberant vitality. In the occasion, fire refers to the energy the player brings to the game.

3.3.2 Metonymy

Metonymy refers to the substitution of the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself. In metonymy, a replacement can be the attribute of the replaced thing or closely related to the replaced one. Sometimes, we use a part of a thing to mean the whole one in metonymy. Generally, names of sports organizations or teams are very long, for economic reasons, sports news English often uses people's name or pet name instead. For instance, we choose “Rockets” to represent the team Huston Rockets, because NASA control center is located in Houston. Michael Jordan has led Chicago Bulls gain the NBA championships for six times, so his name is replaced by “flying man (飞人).”

Sometimes, a unique feature of one place is used to represent the place. Look at the following example:

(3)The samba star, billed as the next big thing to come out of samba football, is an established star back in Brazil. (China Daily, February 14, 2005)

Here, samba(桑巴舞)substitutes Brazil or Brazil football, because samba is a kind of Brazil social dance originating from Africa, which is very popular in Brazil and has impressive national connotation. For the reason, samba has some attached links with Brazil, so it can be the replacement of Brazil.

3.4 Slang

Slang refers to informal language which consists of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions. Most sports enthusiasts are young people, and they are the main groups purchasing sports newspapers and magazines. In order to meet their needs, the sports news vocabulary tends to be more and more entertaining and colloquial. Since the mid 1960s, more and more slang or colloquial

words have appeared in English sports news.

With the increasing popularity of sports news in mass media, the news must link with the readers' living pace and reading ability. More and more slang is used in sports news to choose the slang's implied meaning in sports context. The following chart lists some frequently used sports slang.

Slang Sports context

benchwarmer 替补队员

clear the final hurdle 越过最后一道跨栏扫除最后障碍

jump the gun 抢跑

on the rope (拳击中被击倒在护绳上)完全无力回击

warm up 热身活动

Beat the pants off 取得大胜

Take lumps 出局,失败

Let?s take several pieces of news as examples:

(4)Manchester United beat Arsenal pants off in the first leg of European Cup. (China Daily, February 20, 2007)

In the sentence, “beat the pants off”is a colloquial and humorous expression, literally meaning “drag somebody?s pants off”, while in the context, it means “win and shame the opponent”.

(5)Houston Rockets will take their lumps soon because they have little experience of postseason. (China Daily, April 100, 2007)

Here “take lumps”is an American slang. It means “fail or be faced with difficulties”.

(6)Congratulations, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse. (21st Century ,May 17, 2009)

In the sentence, “benchwarmer” is slang, literally means “the person who always sits on the bench”, but we use its implied meaning “the substituting players in games”in sports context.

3.5 Summary

Vocabulary is the most important part in comprehending English sports news, because there are many sports terminology and other types of vocabulary, The chapter mainly introduces four lexical features of English sports news by analyzing many pieces of sports news, that is, sports terminology, abbreviations, rhetoric and slang.

Chapter4 Lexical Translation of English Sports News According to what we have analyzed in the previous chapter, there are various types of vocabulary in English sports news, so it is hard to give a specific and fixed translation method. Generally, according to Nida's theory of “functional equiv a lence”, the author introduces two translation methods which are commonly used: literal translation and free translation.

4.1 Literal Translation

Although different nations have different cultures and customs, humankind as a


口译笔译分类词汇(18)--体育运动词汇鞍马 pommel horse 拔河 tug-of-war 靶场 shooting range 棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground 棒球 baseball 爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner 比分领先 to outscore 比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums 比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s) 比赛观众 spectator 标枪 javelin throw 冰场 skating rink; ice rink 冰球 puck; rubber 冰球场 rink 冰球运动 ice hockey 冰上运动 ice sports 裁判长 chief referee 裁判员 referee, umpire 残疾人 the handicapped/disabled 操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground 侧泳 sidestroke 称号,绰号 label 撑杆跳高 pole jump; polevault 承担义务 to undertake obligation 冲浪 surfing 出名 make one's mark 打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score 打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play 单杠 horizontal bar 单项 individual event 登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing 第三名 third; bronze medallist 垫上运动 mat exercises 吊环 rings 蝶泳 butterfly (stroke)


运动会新闻稿参考范文第一篇: 第xx届运动会顺利召开,教育传媒战绩辉煌 了展现当代大学生风采,了激发大学生用心参加体育锻炼,我校于2012年5月24日举行了历时两天的运动会并取得圆满成功。 此次运动会共设有项目男子组:100米、200米、400米、800米、1500米、5000米、10000米、110米栏、4×100米接力、4×400米接力、跳高、跳远、三级跳远、铅球、标枪、铁饼,女子组:100米、200米、400米、800米、1500米、3000米、5000米、100米栏、4×100米接力、4×400米接力、跳高、跳远、铅球、标枪、铁饼,学生群众项目:10000米异程接力,游戏项目:手足情,能量传输。我院领导十分重视,全体师生用心参与,并运动会做了充分的准备,早在四月初,就开始对运动员进行训练。 绿色竞技场,青春无极限。比赛中,我院选手表现出色,犹如离弦的箭一般在赛道上驰骋与拼搏,充分展现教育与传媒学院的风采。观众席上也是气势如虹,每当赛道上有我院运动员,呐喊声,加油声,连绵不断,敲鼓声震耳欲聋。这声音仿佛是一种无形的力量,推动运动员奋勇向前,活力拼搏,伴随着阵阵助威声,他们精神百倍,活力四射,取得一个又一个奖牌。 在我院师生的共同努力下,经过两天的厮杀,我院取得团体总分第二名的好成绩,其中,我院余番雨、吕红霞、冯兰英、张松旭凭借精彩的表现荣获十佳运动员称号。赛后,体育部部长刘广平说:“运动员们平时训练十分辛苦,几乎每个人脚底都磨出了泡,有的脚已经肿了,涂完药之后还是坚持训练,取得这样的成绩也是理所应当。”手足情运动员隋海义说:“了学院的荣誉,吃点苦也没什么,还好,比赛的时候发挥正常,取得第二名的好成绩,我们的付出总算没有白费。” 喜迎甲子华诞,共创辉煌伟业。此次运动会,让我们感受到了齐大学子的热情与朝气,他们锻炼的是体力,激活的是生命,弘扬的是个性和青春活力。教育与传媒学院也在本次运动会上大放异彩,让整个齐大认识到了教传的精神与活力,更齐大60岁生日献上一份特殊的贺礼。 运动会新闻稿参考范文第二篇: 5月20日,运动会进入白热化阶段。经过一天的激烈角逐,场内热情依旧高涨。清晨,虽然冷风阵阵,但运动员们却在场内演绎着一幕幕精彩的瞬间。早上7点多,各院负责人,裁判,全部到场,开始期一天的运动赛事而忙碌。各运动员也在跑道内进行着比赛前的预热。操场内,各学院搭建的零时“服务小站点”也像地毯般在各自指定的位置有条不紊的铺开。同时,操场门口围观的同学也是门庭若市,观众台上也零零星星的开始有人抢占优良位置。与此同时,在操场外围的栅栏外也有人驻足,隔拦观望。8点整,主席台上嘉宾满座,运动会负责人以及报道赛事的广播员也已就位。随后,广播员宣布“男子400米跨栏预选赛”开始,运动员进入跑道,新一天的比赛正式拉开帷幕。紧之后,又进行了女子400米跨栏,男女三级跳以及1500百米决赛,跳高等项目值得注意点的是,今年在学院的“驻扎点”附近,特设一块光荣榜,身旁还有运动项目预告单,便于运动员了解赛事状况,也鼓励胜出选手。


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


Computational simulation of flow over stepped spillways Abstract Numerical simulations of water flow over stepped spillways with different step configurations are presented. The finite element computational fluid dynamics module of the ADINA software was used to predict the main characteristics of the flow. This included the determination of the water surface, the development of skimming flow over corner vortices, and the determination of energy dissipation. Since the actual flow is turbulent, the flow model was used. A two-phase solution process was adopted in order to optimize the overall simulation efficiency. In the first phase, a simple yet reasonable water surface consisting of three straight lines was used as an initial guess and was treated as a fixed wall. In the second phase, the results from the first phase were used as initial conditions and the water surface was treated as a free surface that evolved to attain a steady state configuration. For all the cases considered, the predicted water surface profile over the entire length of the spillway was in close agreement with the experimentally measured water surface profile. The predicted energy dissipation was also comparable to the experimentally attained values. Keywords: Stepped spillway; Numerical; Experimental; Modeling; Free surface; Finite element; Turbulent flow 1. Introduction A spillway is a hydraulic structure that is provided at storage and detention dams to release surplus or flood water that cannot be safely stored in the reservoir. When the reservoir s storage capacity is exceeded, water flows over the spillway crest and accelerates down the chute creating high velocities at the toe. This may cause dangerous scour in the natural channel below the hydraulic structure. As a remedy, various forms of energy dissipation mechanisms have been used in practice: simple aprons, stilling basins, straight drops, impact basins, baffled chutes, and plunge pools. Although these methods have proven to be effective in dissipating energy, they incur a substantial increase in the cost of construction of the dam. They may also develop defects that affect the structural integrity of the spillway and may cause failure of the dam. One possible solution is to use a stepped ogee-profile spillway instead of the traditional smooth ogee-profile spillway, where a series of drops are introduced in the invert from the vicinity


X年X月X日,伴着和煦的阳光我们XX学院举办了一场运动会。愉快的歌声,轻快的脚步,和运动员们矫健的身影成为这次运动会在同学们心中挥之不去的记忆,八点运动会就开始了,在同学们脸上,丝毫看不到困意,每个人都意志昂扬。开场式是各个系的队列入场,整齐的队伍,矫健的步伐,春风拂面,迎接着这次充满激情与挑战的运动会。 开场白: 校运会的召开,牵动着全校师生的心。校运会是展现文理风采的舞台。是检验文理素质的天平。校运会使大家汇聚一堂,谱写着文理人的拼搏进取之歌,团结协作之歌和奉献扶持之歌。 运动会记事报道 1、你的汗水洒在跑道,浇灌着成功的花朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。跑吧,追吧在这广阔的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。跑吧,追吧,你比虎猛比豹强! 2、年轻的我们自信飞扬,青春的气息如同出生的朝阳,蓬勃的力量如同阳光的挥洒。此时此刻,跑道便是我们精彩的舞台,声声加油便是我们最高的奖项!论何成功,谈何荣辱,心中的信念只有一个:拼搏! 3、面对艰苦的征程,你们毫不畏惧,接力棒在你们手中传递着集体的力量,听,我们在为你呐喊,你们诠释着奥运的精神,你们是我们心中的骄傲,深深的呼吸,等待你的是艰难的800米。相信胜利会属于你们,但在这征途上,需要你勇敢的心去面对。我们在为你加油,你是否听到了我们发自内心的呐喊,困难和胜利都在向你招手,去呀,不要犹豫,快去击败困难,快去夺取胜利,相信你会送给我们一个汗水浸湿的微笑。 4、看,终点就在眼前,听,同学为你呼喊。鼓起勇气奋力向前,用你的荣誉带给我们希望。44、看!那一面面迎风飘舞的彩旗,是一朵朵盛开的鲜花;听!那一阵阵惊天动地的欢呼,是回响在耳边胜利的风声。运动场上的你们,是胜利的标志,运动场上的你们,是青春的赞叹。去吧!去迎接那伟大的挑战,去吧!去做一名追风的少年。 5、生活中,我们每天都在尝试尝试中,我们走向成功品味失败,走过心灵的阴雨晴空运动员们,不要放弃尝试无论失败与否重的是你勇于参与的精神,付出的背后是胜利无论是否成功,我们永远赞美你,你们永远是我们的骄傲。 6、环形的跑道一圈又一圈的坚持,毅力与精神活跃在会场上,湿透的衣衫,满头的大汗,无限追求奋力追赶,我们为你欢呼跳跃,我们为你骄傲


使用高级分析法的钢框架创新设计 1.导言 在美国,钢结构设计方法包括允许应力设计法(ASD),塑性设计法(PD)和荷载阻力系数设计法(LRFD)。在允许应力设计中,应力计算基于一阶弹性分析,而几何非线性影响则隐含在细部设计方程中。在塑性设计中,结构分析中使用的是一阶塑性铰分析。塑性设计使整个结构体系的弹性力重新分配。尽管几何非线性和逐步高产效应并不在塑性设计之中,但它们近似细部设计方程。在荷载和阻力系数设计中,含放大系数的一阶弹性分析或单纯的二阶弹性分析被用于几何非线性分析,而梁柱的极限强度隐藏在互动设计方程。所有三个设计方法需要独立进行检查,包括系数K计算。在下面,对荷载抗力系数设计法的特点进行了简要介绍。 结构系统内的内力及稳定性和它的构件是相关的,但目前美国钢结构协会(AISC)的荷载抗力系数规范把这种分开来处理的。在目前的实际应用中,结构体系和它构件的相互影响反映在有效长度这一因素上。这一点在社会科学研究技术备忘录第五录摘录中有描述。 尽管结构最大内力和构件最大内力是相互依存的(但不一定共存),应当承认,严格考虑这种相互依存关系,很多结构是不实际的。与此同时,众所周知当遇到复杂框架设计中试图在柱设计时自动弥补整个结构的不稳定(例如通过调整柱的有效长度)是很困难的。因此,社会科学研究委员会建议在实际设计中,这两方面应单独考虑单独构件的稳定性和结构的基础及结构整体稳定性。图28.1就是这种方法的间接分析和设计方法。

在目前的美国钢结构协会荷载抗力系数规范中,分析结构体系的方法是一阶弹性分析或二阶弹性分析。在使用一阶弹性分析时,考虑到二阶效果,一阶力矩都是由B1,B2系数放大。在规范中,所有细部都是从结构体系中独立出来,他们通过细部内力曲线和规范给出的那些隐含二阶效应,非弹性,残余应力和挠度的相互作用设计的。理论解答和实验性数据的拟合曲线得到了柱曲线和梁曲线,同时Kanchanalai发现的所谓“精确”塑性区解决方案的拟合曲线确定了梁柱相互作用方程。 为了证明单个细部内力对整个结构体系的影响,使用了有效长度系数,如图28.2所示。有效长度方法为框架结构提供了一个良好的设计。然而,有效长度方法的


水解胶原蛋白:一种用在棉花和皮革染色新的添加剂 摘要:本文介绍了水解胶原蛋白在对棉花和皮革染色上的影响。首先,概括了将水解胶原蛋白与直接或阴离子染料在不同pH值下的配伍性研究。利用被染色的棉花和皮革各种组分进行了水解胶原蛋白实验,其中pH值也非常重要,实验结果表明,在有水解胶原蛋白的协同效应下对皮革进行染色,而以棉花为例效果不太明显,另外也介绍了有一种可能避免使用盐和重用的残余浴染色。 关键词:水解胶原蛋白、棉和皮革、染色 1. 介绍 无论是纺织和皮革行业都面临着显着的环境问题。主要是在湿处理部分,传统的棉花和皮革染色过程中产生的巨大的废水,其中残存的染料和盐的量较大。这个问题是主要是由于染料的低亲和力的基板。此外,在盐浴中流失染料的量意味着可能不仅仅是环境问题的经济损失。 胶原蛋白是一种天然的皮革的工业副产品,在化妆品和护肤品有很多应用。可以从皮革的不同步骤产生的废物中获得。它是以其非凡的保湿能力而备受注意[ 1,2 ]。胶原蛋白,一旦水解就变成一种混合物肽。为了从制革中获得水解胶原蛋白垃圾,水解过程是实现通过酸,碱或酶。在工业,化学和酶的方法主要用于获得蛋白质水解物。碱处理比的酸是更柔和,更适合获得工业水解产物。在碱性环境中的酶水解在温和的温度是强烈建议,因为它允许为了得到的产品具有不同的化学反应控制功能特性。 肽键的可达性酶解是非常重要的,由于蛋白质的结构这些可能无法进入。一种变性预处理可以促进后续的酶攻击[ 3 ]。 不同的过程是在参考文献[ 4 ]描述获取蛋白质水解牛皮废料,主要是基于氢氧化钙的化学过程。隐藏的废物也可以碱蛋白酶下水解[ 5,6 ]。酶法优于化学因为它是更环保的过程。研究了在动物的皮肤组织的水提取在40e70 C在不同pH [ 7 ]酶处理。 水解胶原蛋白是用于洗涤剂配方提供纺织品保护和整理效果。但实际上在水解胶原蛋白在没有参考应用纺织品和皮革染色。用直接染料染棉涉及到大量的盐的使用。同时,它是很难在皮革染色获得均匀的色调。这些变化在颜色和音调是由于原料的性质,它在矩阵[ 8e10 ]的变化。在这种情况下,它是将知道棉花和皮革染色效率过程可以通过将胶原蛋白的改进。 2. 实验 2.1 材料 平纹织物漂白,无荧光增白剂,180克/平方米重量值的电子探针(参考210),原产于西班牙羊皮制成的镀铬的绵羊皮革,直接染料天狼星黄k-cf(C.I.直接yellow86),小天狼星的蓝色s-brr(C.I.直接蓝71)和天狼星红k-be(C.I.直接红243),阴离子皮革染料鞍快速黄R(C.I.直接黄11),蝶鞍快速红E(C.I.直接红239)和蝶鞍快速蓝BBN(C.I.酸性蓝83),用于商业细菌来源的碱性蛋白酶


冰雪项目 ice and snow sports Beijing is planning to list ice and snow sports as a compulsory course for pr imary and middle school students, announced by municipal authorities at t he 2016 International Winter Sports (Beijing) Exposition on Thursday. The authority is hoping the students can do at least one type of winter spo rt in the future. 体育局领导表示,未来要让每个孩子掌握至少一项冬季运动技能。 今年以来,冰雪运动项目(ice and snow sports)在北京受到了空前的关注和扶持。目前北京市已经有20处室内冰场(indoor ice rinks)和20片季节性的室外冰场(outdoor ice rinks),到2022年,全市将新建标准室内冰场16座,室外冰场50座。根据北京市冰雪产业的发展布局,雪场(ski resorts)将主要分布在郊区,城六区将主要新建冰场。学校的课程一般分为必修课(compulsory course)和选修课(optional course)。北京市计划将冰雪运动列入必修课内容意味着未来全体北京中小学生必须修习一项冰雪运动并且掌握该技能。对于像冰球(hockey)等修习成本较高的冰雪项目,政府将提供资金支持。 滑冰英语词汇 短跑道速度滑冰:Short Track Speed Skating 装备:手套Gloves 头盔Helmet 护颈Neck Protection 连身服Racing Suit 护腿板Shin Protection


体育新闻播音稿范文 欢呼,聆听赛场的激情; 惋惜,感受英雄的落寞; 鼓励,迸发团队的力量; 昂扬,坚守向上的姿态。 一个体坛,一万种声音;一个体坛,一万种情感。 尽揽体坛天下事,尽在体坛先天下。 大家好,经过了一个十一黄金周我们的体坛先锋又和大家见面了。不一样的版块,不一样的风格,一样的真诚,一样的精神。带给你最新的赛事,与你共享体育的无限魅力。新的学期,我们期待你一如既往的支持。好了,接下来让我们进入体育抢先报,关注一下最新的体坛动态。 1.北京时间10月4日,xx年中国网球公开赛进入了第四个比赛日的争夺。在刚刚结束的一场女双次轮比赛中,赛会7号种子、中国金花组合郑洁(微博

)/彭帅表现强势,仅用时62分钟就以6-2和6-3直落两盘完胜西班牙选手M-桑切斯与捷克球员扎科帕洛娃的跨国组合,顺利挺进女双八强。 2. 斯诺克球员巡回赛第七站(PTC7)将会在位于格洛斯特的西南 斯诺克学院拉开战幕,丁俊晖此前已经确定不参加比赛,错失赚取积分的大好机会,很可能继去年之后再次无缘总决赛,肖国栋则是亚洲方面表现最好的选手,如他再收获2000英镑的话,就将确定锁定总决赛的席位。 3.北京时间10月5日,据报道,被视为劳资双方终极谈判的最新一轮劳资谈判在美国时间4日晚上5点30分终于落下帷幕,然而劳资双方依然没有就新协议达成一致。尽管双方都又做出了进一步的让步,可是他们彼此之间仍根深蒂固的矛盾依然令新赛季很可能面临推迟或者缩水的结局。科比表示,自己还没有确定是否去意大利打球,不过劳资谈判破裂对自己有一个好处,那就是他终于有时间去海外打球了.,《底特律新闻》报道,有传闻称特雷西-麦克格雷蒂正在与CBA佛山男篮谈判,有可能为佛山男篮效力。对于这个消息,麦蒂进行了否认,麦蒂坦言他根本不考虑去海外打球。


体育类新闻新词热词的翻译 新词反映了目前在社会上新出现的各种事件和现象。在各行各业五花八门的新词中,本文试以体育类新出炉的新词汇为例,从体育类新闻中出现的新词翻译,来分析体育类新闻中新词翻译的技巧和原则,以及在进行体育类新词翻译时,译者的考量。 标签:新闻热词、体育翻译 一、新闻热词、新词的出现 随着社会的发展,社会各领域都进行着持久的发展和改变。已有的表达、词汇无法满足新出现现象的描述需求时,新词就产生了。新词的出现必将引起社会大众的广泛关注,因为人的本性就是会对新鲜事物赋予不同的关注。还有一种惯用的新词推出手法便是,旧词赋新意。一个常见的词汇,用在特殊的场合中,便有了同之前完全不同的意义,久而久之,人们在听到旧词的时候,反应的必将是后来的新含义。 二、体育新闻新词,热词及翻译 中国体育事业蓬勃发展,社会大众对于体育类新闻的关注度也越来越高。体育界的新词热词近年来也是层出不穷。下文将以体育新词的翻译为例,分析体育新词热词的翻译方法及原则。 ST1:为更加激发社会普通民众众对长跑的興趣,中国田径协会近期开展了一项选拔活动,即让符合国内选拔标准的大众选手也能参与比赛。 TT1:Aimed at triggering greater interest in long-distance running,the Chinese Athletics Association unveiled a plan to offer entries to amateur runners if they meet qualifying standards in domestic trials。 文中的新词为“大众选手”,这里的“大众选手”特指没有在中国田径协会注册过、未参加过国家队或省队专业训练的运动员。在进行此新词翻译时,作者在译文中将这一新词译为了“amateur runners”。“amateur”本意为非职业、业余的、外行的意思。如果单独看“大众选手”或者“大众”一词,译者肯定不会选择“amateur”一次,而英文中对于“大众”一词的对应词汇应该是“public”或者是“mass”。但是,原文中的“大众”,并不是指社会普通大众,社会大众群体的意思,这里的“大众”指的是,来自于社会大众中但是有别于大众中其他人的优秀者,所以不应该用这种表达整体的词汇,原文作者之所以用“大众”一词是为了表达,这些“大众选手”就是非职业的选手,相对于专业运动员来说,这些选手就显得是大众一般。由此可见,翻译工作者在进行此类新词翻译时,应充分考虑新词的特殊含义,“大众”一次不能称之为新词,但是“大众选手”却是一个全新的说法,为什么两个常见的词“大众”和“选手”奇妙地组合就能成为一个新词?势必其中一词的含义有别于


A. 新闻学 I. 著名英文报刊选摘 一、美国报纸 1、The New Y ork Times 纽约时报 2、The Washington Post 华盛顿邮报 3、Los Angles Times 洛杉矶时报 4、USA Today 今日美国 5、The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 6、The Christian Science Monitor 基督教科学箴言报 7、International Herald Tribute 国际先驱论坛报 二、美国期刊 1.Time 时代 2.Newsweek 新闻周刊 3.U.S. News and World Report 美国新闻及世界报道 4.Reader’s Digest 读者文摘 5.Fortune 财富 6.Far Eastern Economic Review 远东经济评论 三、英国报刊 1.The Times 泰晤士报 2.Financial Times 金融时报 3.The Guardian 卫报 4.The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报 5.The Economist 经济学家 6.The Spectator 观察家 7.New Stateman 新政治家 四、其它 1、Japan Times 日本时报 2、South China Morning Post (HK ) 南华早报(香港) 3、China Post (TW) 中国邮报(台湾) 4、China Daily (PRC) 中国日报(大陆) II. 报纸版面各部分名称 1.报耳(ear) 2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate) 3.标题(headline) 4.版口(head margin) 5.当日新闻提要(index) 6.插图(cut) 7.图片说明(cutline) 8.标题之一行(deck) 9.署名(by-line)


篮球比赛新闻稿(范文30篇) 篮球比赛新闻稿(一): 篮球比赛新闻稿范文 为了促进各年级的交流,增进同学们之间的友谊,20xx年10月13日-17日,由建筑学院学生会体育部主办,建筑学院篮球队协办的;迎新杯;篮球赛在龙子湖校区东篮球场举行。 比赛共10个赛队,分循环赛、淘汰赛、半决赛、决赛四项,经四天的激烈角逐,10月17日,决赛在龙子湖校区东篮球场拉开序幕。此次比赛的冠军将在大四建筑专业队与大二艺术设计专业队中诞生。两支队伍狭路相逢,吸引了许多同学前来观战。 比赛初始,双方就展开了激烈角逐,比分交替上升,僵持不下。第二

节一开始,大四建筑专业队在其队长的带领下进取组织进攻,经过默契的合作,最终在半场结束时以微弱比分暂时领先。下半场比赛进入白热化阶段,两支队伍都咬紧牙关,尽力抓住机会。在啦啦队队员高昂的呐喊声中,比赛进入了最终的关键时刻,大二艺术设计专业队奋起直追,大四建筑专业队也严阵以待。最终随着比赛结束哨音的响起,大四建筑学专业队战胜对手,成为本次比赛的冠军。 比赛结束后,颁奖仪式在全场的欢呼声中拉开帷幕。双方队员丝毫没有赛场上紧张的气氛,毫无芥蒂的互相击掌拥抱,充分展现了友谊第一比赛第二的精神,;迎新杯;篮球赛在简便愉快的气氛中落下帷幕。本次;迎新杯;篮球赛的圆满举行丰富了同学们的课余生活,增强了我院学生之间凝聚力与向心力,展现了我院奋发向上永不放弃的青春风采,并为今后我院开展其他团体活动树立了榜样。 篮球比赛新闻稿(二): 逐渐冷冽的寒风送走了秋的明媚,光秃秃的树枝昭示着冬的来临。为了欢迎刚刚纳入院学生会的11级新生、加强学生会各部们之间的友谊协作本


理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 专业:热能与动力工程 姓名:赵海潮 学号:09L0504133 外文出处:Applied Acoustics, 2010(71):701~707 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 基于一维CFD模型下汽车排气消声器的实验研究与预测Takeshi Yasuda, Chaoqun Wua, Noritoshi Nakagawa, Kazuteru Nagamura 摘要目前,利用实验和数值分析法对商用汽车消声器在宽开口喉部加速状态下的排气噪声进行了研究。在加热工况下发动机转速从1000转/分钟加速到6000转/分钟需要30秒。假定其排气消声器的瞬时声学特性符合一维计算流体力学模型。为了验证模拟仿真的结果,我们在符合日本工业标准(JIS D 1616)的消声室内测量了排气消声器的瞬态声学特性,结果发现在二阶发动机转速频率下仿真结果和实验结果非常吻合。但在发动机高阶转速下(从5000到6000转每分钟的四阶转速,从4200到6000转每分钟的六阶转速这样的高转速范围内),计算结果和实验结果出现了较大差异。根据结果分析,差异的产生是由于在模拟仿真中忽略了流动噪声的影响。为了满足市场需求,研究者在一维计算流体力学模型的基础上提出了一个具有可靠准确度的简化模型,相对标准化模型而言该模型能节省超过90%的执行时间。 关键字消声器排气噪声优化设计瞬态声学性能 1 引言 汽车排气消声器广泛用于减小汽车发动机及汽车其他主要部位产生的噪声。一般而言,消声器的设计应该满足以下两个条件:(1)能够衰减高频噪声,这是消声器的最基本要求。排气消声器应该有特定的消声频率范围,尤其是低频率范围,因为我们都知道大部分的噪声被限制在发动机的转动频率和它的前几阶范围内。(2)最小背压,背压代表施加在发动机排气消声器上额外的静压力。最小背压应该保持在最低限度内,因为大的背压会降低容积效率和提高耗油量。对消声器而言,这两个重要的设计要求往往是互相冲突的。对于给定的消声器,利用实验的方法,根据距离尾管500毫米且与尾管轴向成45°处声压等级相近的排气噪声来评估其噪声衰减性能,利用压力传感器可以很容易地检测背压。 近几十年来,在预测排气噪声方面广泛应用的方法有:传递矩阵法、有限元法、边界元法和计算流体力学法。其中最常用的方法是传递矩阵法(也叫四端网络法)。该方


文化视阈下体育新闻中隐喻的翻译 王 彬 (淮北煤炭师范学院大学外语教育学院 wang2bin2003@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a84785280.html, 淮北市 235000) 摘 要 中西方体育新闻中存在大量的隐喻。从文化的视角来看,其中既有一些和文化共性和相似性有关的相互对应的隐喻,也有一些和文化空缺有关的目的语中不存在对应隐喻的隐喻。文章从喻体和喻义对应关系和文化融合的角度探讨了不同类型隐喻的翻译方法。要做到既保证译文的可接受性又最大程度地再现原文的美学价值、娱乐效果和生动、简练的语言风格,译者应采取灵活多样的译法。 关键词 文化 体育新闻 隐喻 翻译 Abstract There are a l ot of metaphors in the western and Chinese s ports news language.Fr om the angle of cul2 ture,they can be divided int o s ome corres ponding metaphors that have much t o do with the cultural generality and si m ilarity and s ome metaphors that have no corres ponding metaphors in the target language,which have much t o do with the cultural gap.The paper inquires int o different translating methods of different kinds of metaphors fr om the angle of the corres pondence of the vehicle and the i m p licati on and the culture merging.I n order t o guarantee the accep tability of the translati on and rep r oduce the lively succinct writing style,the esthetic value and a musing i m2 pact of the original passage,the translat or should translate the metaphors with vari ous and flexible methods. Key W ords culture s ports ne ws metaphor translati on 1 引 言 隐喻是人类语言和文化中普遍存在的一种现象。自亚里士多德以来,人们对于隐喻的研究已有两千多年的历史。翻译界对隐喻的更多关注始于20世纪60-70年代,翻译界对隐喻的关注主要表现在两个方面:一是隐喻的可译性问题,二是如何翻译的问题。关于隐喻如何翻译,奈达(N ida)提出了四种方法:把隐喻翻译成隐喻;把隐喻转换成明喻;把隐喻译为非隐喻;把非隐喻译成隐喻[1]。纽马克(Ne wmark)提到了7种隐喻翻译方法:在目的语中重现相同的喻体;用目的语中合适的喻体代替源语中的喻体;用明喻代替隐喻,保留喻体;明喻和喻底结合;将隐喻转化成喻底;省略;同一隐喻与喻底结合法[2]。谭卫国认为英语隐喻的翻译应以直译为主,必要时选用意译法、转译法或合译法[3]。上述学者从修辞学、语用学等领域对隐喻的翻译进行的探索对我们研究体育新闻中隐喻的翻译具有重要的借鉴意义。 隐喻是英汉体育新闻中比较常见的修辞手法。莱考夫和约翰逊(Lakoff&Johns on)的概念隐喻理论认为隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,而且是一种“跨域映射”,是一种思维方式,是人们参照已知的、熟悉的、具体的概念去认识和思考未知的、陌生的、抽象的概念的认知方式[4]。体育新闻中的隐喻语是从其他文化领域映射而来的,负载着相关的民族文化信息。隐喻的使用使体育新闻报道中的语言生动、活泼、新颖而又简练,有助于增强体育新闻报道的娱乐效果和美学价值,使新闻事实易于被读者接受。隐喻之所以能起到这样的作用就在于喻体所承载的文化信息能使读者产生特定的语义联想。此类隐喻的翻译不仅是词语的转换也是中西方文化的沟通与交流,必须置于双方的文化语境下进行,是体育新闻翻译中的难点。译者必须关注隐喻的文化语境,具备相关的文化背景知识,否则就会造成误译。 2 文化视阈中英汉体育新闻中隐喻的比较英汉体育新闻中的隐喻大多负载着一定的民族文化信息。东西方的自然环境、社会环境、思维方式、风俗习惯和历史境遇既有共同的一面,也有不同的一面,在文化层面上必然体现出 第21卷3期2008年8月 中国科技翻译 CH I N ESE SC I ENCE&TECHNOLOGY TRANS LAT ORS JOURNAL Vol.21.No.3 Aug.2008 3收稿日期:2008—03—27/55


英语体育新闻的词汇特点 1.大量带有娱乐色彩、口语化的词语运用 喜爱追捧体育的大多是年轻人,也是体育新闻报刊杂志的购买主力军,为迎合他们的需要,现在的体育新闻报道用词越来越娱乐化、口语化。晦涩难懂的评论被关注的程度越来越少。我们以美国ESPN体育报道网站的一则篮球新闻为例:Houston Rockets will take their lumps soon because they have little experience of postseason(休斯顿火箭队将很快被踢出局,因为他们缺乏季后赛的经验)。此句中,take lumps 是美国口语中失败、遇到困难的意思。再看一则足球新闻:Manchester United beat Arsenal pants off in the first leg of European Cup(曼联在第一回合欧洲杯的比赛中羞辱阿森那)。Beat the pants off 是很口语化的一句表达,意思是取得大胜,羞辱对手。 2 大量体育项目专业性词汇的使用 英语体育新闻的报道中会出现很多体育词汇,因此它有一定的受众群体,就是体育迷们,他们对于各种项目的体育专业词汇了如指掌。对于不太了解这个体育项目的人阅读起来就有一定的困难。以一篇篮球新闻为例:While Nowitzki's ninth season wasn't his highest scoring, it was his most accurate He set career highs in shooting percentage on field goals (50 2), 3 pointers (41 6)and free throws (90 4); no other player in the league topped 50, 40 and 90 percent.season原意是季节,而在篮球、排球、足球等项目中表示赛季,即球队在通常一年时间内打比赛的时间总和,career highs 这里是职业生涯最高的意思,是一种统计数据,而shooting percentage (命中率)、field goals (二分球)、3—pointer(三分球)、free throw (罚球)等词汇都带有鲜明的运动色彩。整句话的意思是:诺威斯基的第九个赛季是他命中率最高而不是得分最高的赛季,其中两分球命中率达到了50 2%,三分球41 6%,罚球90 4%都是职业生涯最高,也是联赛中所有运动员中最高的。篮球的专业术语还有很多如:air—ball (三不沾)、air—pass (空中传球)、block (盖帽)、cover (掩护)、defense (防守)、steal (抢断)、dunking(扣篮)、charging(撞人犯规)、violation(违例)、transition(快攻)travel(走步)等等,这些词汇在运动领域有独特的意思。 英语体育新闻的语气特色 1.介绍性、陈述性的语气 体育新闻不仅仅是写给体育迷们看的,更是面向广大非专业人士,所以介绍性、陈述性的语气在新闻句中随处可见。例如:Weight lifting is an Olympic sport, consisting of two lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk . Each competitor is allowed three attempts in each lift. The sum of the lifter's best snatch and best clean and jerk is the lifter's total (举重是奥运项目,包括抓举和挺举两个单项。在每个单项中,每位选手可以试举3次,选手们在抓举和挺举比赛中的最好成绩加起来就是选手的总成绩)。


故障概率模型的数控车床 摘要:领域的失效分析被计算机数字化控制(CNC)车床描述。现场收集了为期两年的约80台数控车床的故障数据。编码系统代码失效数据是制定和失效分析数据库成立的数控车床。失败的位置和子系统,失效模式及原因进行了分析,以显示薄弱子系统的数控车床。另外,故障的概率模型,分析了数控车床的模糊多准则综合评价。 作者关键词:数控车床;场失败;概率模型;模糊信息 文章概述 1.介绍 2. CNC车床的概述 3.收集和整理数据 3.1. 收集数据 3.2. 领域失效数据的有效性 3.3. 数据核对和数据库 4. 失效分析 4.1. 对失败位置和子系统的频率分析 4.2. 对失败形式的频率分析 5.失败机率模型 5.1. 方法学 5.2. 分布倍之间连续的失败 5.3. 修理时间的发行 6.结论 1.介绍 在过去十年中,计算机数字化控制(CNC)车床已经越来越多地被引入到机械加工过程中。由于其固有的灵活性很大,稳定的加工精度和高生产率,数控车床是能给用户巨大的利益。然而,作为一个单一的数控车床故障也许会导致整个生产车间被停止,而且维修更加困难和昂贵,当故障发生时[1],数控车床能够给用户带来很多的麻烦。 与此同时,制造商还需要持续改进数控车床的可靠性来提高市场的竞争力。因此,数控车床的可靠性能使生产商和用户增加显著性和至关重要的意义。 需要改进数控车床的可靠性,使用户和制造商收集和分析领域的故障数据和采取措施减少停机时间。本文论述了研究失效模式及原因,失效的位置和薄弱的子系统,故障概率模型的数控车床。

图1 系统框图的数控车床 机械系统包括主轴及其传动链(固定在主轴箱),两根滑动轴(命名X、Z或者U,W在轮),车床拖板箱,转动架或刀架,尾座,床身等。主轴持续或加强连续变速,驱动交流或直流主轴电机直接或通过主传动,并有一个光电编码器的主轴车削螺纹。X和Z 两根轴的驱动交流或直流伺服车削螺纹和控制同时进行。该转动架或刀架可自动交换工
