

2010年雅思阅读:奥巴马给女儿的信(英语美文) 奥巴马给女儿的信(英语美文)




Dear Malia and Sasha,

I know that you‘ve both had a lot of fun these last two years on the campaign trail,going to picnics and parades and state fairs,eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn’t have let you h ave. But I also know that it hasn‘t always been easy for you and Mom,and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy,it doesn’t make up for all the time we‘ve been apart. I know how much I’ve missed these past two years,and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey.

When I was a young man,I thought life was all about me-about how I‘d make my way in the world,become successful,and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly,all my big plans for myself didn’t seem so important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn‘t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end,girls,that’s why I ran for President:because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.

I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their potential-schools that challenge them,inspire them,and instill in them a sense of wonder about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college-even if their parents aren‘t rich. And I want them to get good jobs:jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care,jobs that let them spend time with their own kids and retire with dignity.

I want us to push the boundaries of discovery so that you’ll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach beyond the divides of race and region,gender and religion that keep us from seeing the best in each other.

Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous situations to protect our country-but when we do,I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason,that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully,and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women safe. And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free-that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation comes great responsibility.

That was the lesson your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age,reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for equality because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean something.

She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better-and that the unfinished work of perfecting our union falls to ea ch of us. It‘s a charge we pass on to our children,coming closer with each new generation to what we know America should be.

I hope both of you will take up that work,righting the wrongs that you see and working to give others the chances you’ve had. N ot just because you have an obligation to give something back to this country that has given our family so much-although you do have that obligation. But because you have an obligation to yourself. Because it is only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential.

These are the things I want for you-to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach,and to grow into compassionate,committed women who will help build that world. And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have. That‘s why I’ve taken our family on this great adventure.

I am so proud of both of you. I love you more than you can ever know. And I am grateful every day for your patience,poise,grace,and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House.


高中优秀英语美文摘抄 试着训练自己的思想朝好的一面看,这样你就会汲取实现目标的动力,而不会因为消极沉沦停滞不前。 一旦变换看问题的角度,你的生活会豁然开朗,幸福快乐会接踵而来。 别交出掌握命运的主动权,也别指望局面会不可思议的好转。 你必须与内心希望与热情步调一致。 建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。 记住,力量不是驾驭局势的法宝,无坚不摧的能力才是最重要的。 请坚信,美好的降临并非不可能,失误也许是成功的前奏。 将惶恐化作信任,学会超越担忧和疑虑。 让“诚惶诚恐的时光变得“富有成效。 不要挥霍浪费精力,将它投到有意义的事情中去。 当你下意识品尝生命的欢愉时,美好就会出现。 当你积极地看待生活,并以此作为你的日常准则时,你就会找到快乐的真谛。 该研究的主要作者、美国印第安纳州诺特丹大学的心理学家杰西卡?佩恩认为,在学完新东西后打个盹就像把要记住的东西“告诉睡眠中的大脑。 她和同事一起对207名学生进行了研究,这些学生习惯每晚至少睡六个小时。

参与者被随机分配到几个学习小组,学习内容是陈述性知识,包括语义相连或不相连的词组。 学习时间在早上9点或晚上9点。 学完后他们在30分钟、12小时或24小时后回来做测试。 陈述性记忆指的是有意识地记忆事实和事件的能力,可以分为情节记忆(对事件的记忆)和语义记忆(对事实类知识的记忆)。 人们每天都会例行运用这两种记忆——回想今天我们把车停在了哪里或了解一个同事喜欢别人怎么称呼他。 在12小时后再次进行测试时,总体来看睡了一夜的人相比还没睡觉的人记忆效果更好。 在24小时后再度测试时,所有的实验对象都睡了一整夜,也在清醒中度过了一个白天。 这次,那些在学习后不久就入睡的人比那些学习后过了一整个白天才睡觉的人记忆效果更好。 佩恩说:“我们的研究证实,在学习新东西后马上睡觉对记忆有帮助。 这项研究的创新之处在于,我们试图通过对语义相连和不相连的词组的记忆研究来揭示睡眠对于两种陈述性记忆的影响。 “我们发现在学习之后很快就睡觉对两种记忆都有帮助,这意味着在上床睡觉前温习你要记忆的东西将很有好处。 在某种意义上,你可能在‘告诉’睡眠中的大脑需要巩固强化的记忆。


奥巴马总统写给女儿的信 Dear Malia and Sasha, I know that you‘ve both had a lot of fun these last two years on the campaign trail, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn‘t have let you have. But I also know that it hasn‘t always been easy for you and Mom, and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy, it doesn‘t make up for all the time we‘ve been apart. I know how much I‘ve missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey. 亲爱的马莉亚和莎夏: 我知道这两年你们俩随我一路竞选都有过不少乐子,野餐、游行、逛州博览会,吃了各种或许我和你妈不该让你们吃的垃圾食物。然而我也知道,你们俩和你妈的日子,有时候并不惬意。新来的小狗虽然令你们兴奋,却无法弥补我们不在一起的所有时光。我明白这两年我错过的太多了,今天我要再向你们说说为何我决定带领我们一家走上这趟旅程。 When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me—about how I‘d make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn‘t seem so important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn‘t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end, girls, that‘s why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation. 当我还年轻的时候,我认为生活就该绕着我转:我如何在这世上得心应手,成功立业,得到


【晨读英语美文100篇】晨读英语美文中英对照版英语晨读365 116 Virtue 美德 Sweet day,so cool,so calm,so bright! 甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚! The bridal of the earth and sky- 天地间完美的匹配----- The dew shall weep thy fall to-night; 今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪; For thou must die. 因为你必须离去。 Sweet rose,whose hue angry and brave, 美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽, Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, 令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,Thy root is ever in its grave, 你的根永远扎在坟墓里, And thou must die. 而你必须消逝。 Sweet spring,full of sweet days and roses, 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰, A box where sweets compacted lie, 如一支芬芳满溢的盒子, My music shows ye have your closes, 我的音乐表明你们也有终止, And all must die, 万物都得消逝。 Only a sweet and virtuous soul, 唯有美好而正直的心灵, Like season'd timber,never gives; 犹如干燥备用的木料,永

不走样; But though the whole world turn to coal, 纵然整个世界变为灰烬, Then chiefly lives. 它依然流光溢彩。 英语晨读365 115 Equipment 装备 Figure it out for yourself, my lad. You have got all that the great have had: two arms, two legs, two hands, two eyes, and a brain to use if you'd be wise. With this equipment they all began, so start for the top and say" I can". Look them over the wise and the great. They take their food from a common plate. With similar knives and forks they use; with similar laces they tie their shoes. The world considers them brave and smart, but you know--- you have got all they had when they made their start. You can triumph and come to skill; you can be great if you only will. You are well equipped for the fight you choose you have arms and legs and brains to use. And people who have risen, great deeds to do started their lives with no more than you. You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. You must say where you want to go, and how much you will study the truth to know. God has equipped you for life, but he lets you decide what you want to be.


奥巴马发表告别演讲,挥泪感谢米歇尔,但仍然不忘怼中国 奥巴马的时代彻底画上句号了。 美国东部时间1月10日,奥巴马回到家乡芝加哥,在他8年前开始总统生涯的地方发表自己的告别演讲(farewell speech)。 跛脚鸭总统继续发挥段子手特长,在最后一次官方“脱口秀”中,依旧亮点纷呈,下面和双语君(微信ID:chinadaily_mobile)一起来感受下。 1 自嘲是“跛脚鸭” 演讲一开始,奥巴马就开启了自嘲模式,说自己是个“跛脚鸭”,说话都没人听了,引得一片笑声,白宫“第一段子手”果然不是浪得虚名。 点击图片观看视频 Hello Chicago. It's good to be home. 你好,芝加哥。回家真好。 We're on live TV here. 我们正在这儿直播呢。

You can tell that I'm a lame duck, because nobody is following instructions. 你们可以感觉到,我现在是只“跛脚鸭”,因为没有人听 我的指示了。 2 观众:再干四年。奥巴马:不行啊 台下观众听得十分起劲儿,齐声高喊“再干四年!再干四年!”奥巴马笑着摆摆手说“不行啊”。 Four more years! Four more years! 再干四年!再干四年! I can't do that. 我不能这么做啊。 3 感谢妻女,动情落泪 奥巴马在演讲末尾谈到米歇尔和两个女儿时,激动落泪。 来看看奥巴马对妻女的深情告白:

米歇尔·拉沃恩·罗宾逊,我那来自南方的姑娘。 Michelle – for the past twenty-five years, you’ve been not only my wife and mother of my children, but my best friend. You took on a role you didn’t ask for and made it your own with grace and grit and style and good humor. You made the White House a place that belongs to everybody. And a new generation sets its sights higher because it has you as a role model. You’ve made me proud. You’ve made the country proud. 米歇尔,在过去25年中,你不仅仅是我的妻子和孩子们的母亲,还是我的挚友。你扮演了一个自己从未寻求过的角色,尽显自己的优雅、坚强、风格和幽默感。你让白宫属于每一个人。因为有你做榜样,新一代年轻人的眼界更开阔。你让我骄傲,你让整个国家骄傲。 Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of circumstances, you have become two amazing young women, smart and beautiful, but more importantly, kind


高中英语美文欣赏_0 精品文档 高中英语美文欣赏 美文,是文质兼美的文章。引导学生读好读美,诵读悟情 积累。学生对美的体验和领悟,来自感觉的整体性,一定要从 语言材料的氛围中去获得。学习啦小编整理了高中英语美 文,欢迎阅读! 高中英语美文篇一 The Source of Energy A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the Earth, but in theSun; in fact, at the Sun's very center. It is here that is to be found the source of the energythat the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. This energy is liberated at thecenter of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide with each otherand fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so, release some of the energy that isstored in the nuclei of atoms. The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some00million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. This the Sun hasbeen doing for several thousands of millions of nuclear energy is released at theSun's center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic 1 / 8 精品文档


奥巴马给女儿立下的家规 2009-11-7 22:15:00 来源:人气:53 讨论:0条 几天前宣誓就职美国总统的奥巴马开创了新的美国和世界历史。但奥巴马的母亲无疑是一个伟大的教育者。奥巴马的母亲突破种族偏见嫁给黑人,在于奥巴马的父亲离婚后依然胸怀宽阔,为其父亲树立良好形象,并让奥巴马从小接受精英而多元化的教育,这些非常难得。 我记得在翻译《我父亲的梦想—奥巴马回忆录》一书的过程中有些很难忘的细节。比如奥巴马小时候六岁跟随母亲去印尼以后,由于母亲没有钱送他去国际校,只好就送他去了普通当地的印尼校,而这些校使用当地语言教。尽管如此,奥巴马母亲却深知早期教育的重要性,她加倍努力自己亲自辅导奥巴马的教育。 每周星期一到星期五,她都会在凌晨四点叫奥巴马起床,然后教他三个小时的英文,然后奥巴马再去校接受当地教育,妈妈还要去上班。每天凌晨四点就起床教育自己的儿子三个小时,一周连续五天,这需要怎样的毅力和付出?并且他的母亲对他的寄望很高,从小教导奥巴马做人要诚恳、坦率、有主见。奥巴马的自信、魄力和拉近不同人群的能力,以及面对强势女性能处之泰然的特点,无一不反映了母亲的影响力。他们母子俩虽然长时间远隔重洋,但始终关系密切。 奥巴马后来在写给自己两个女儿的信中提到母亲对他的教育:“这正是我在你们这年纪时,外婆想要教我的功课,她把独立宣言开头几行念给我听,告诉我有一些男女为了争取平等挺身而出游行抗议,因为他们认为两个世纪前白纸黑字写下来的这些句子,不应只是空话。她让我了解到,美国所以伟大,不是因为它完美,而是因为我们可以不断让它变得更好,而让它更好的未竞任务,就落在我们每个人的身上。”奥巴马的母亲把独立宣言念给奥巴马听,从小对他进行自由、民主和美国精神的教育,并且从小给他灌输了“领导国家”的理念,她对奥巴马说:“你不能像那些只顾享乐的人一样,总是坐等着机会送上门来。”正因为懂得抓住机会,才使得奥巴马总是能在机会面前抢先一步。这种对高层次理想的培养更是极难见到,当然也就造就了非同寻常的未来总统。 这种严格要求的教育方式也被奥巴马运用到教育自己的两个女儿,奥巴马在给10岁的马莉娅和7岁的萨莎写的信中敦促女儿在看到错误事物要挺身而出矫正,并努力工作让其它人也能获得“你们所拥有的机会”,他希望她们能成为有同情心和有责任感的女性,以助建造一个充满梦想和希望的世界。 奥巴马给她们设立以下家规:1.不准出现以下行为:抱怨、哭闹、争辩、纠缠和恶意嘲笑。2.自己的事情自己做,比如给自己冲麦片或倒牛奶,自己叠被子,自己上闹钟等等。3.如果干家务,每星期能从爸爸那里领得1美元零用钱。4.要求两个孩子安排充实课余生活:马莉娅跳舞、排戏、弹钢琴、打网球、玩橄榄球;萨莎练体操、弹钢琴、打网球、跳踢踏舞。 成功的家庭教育应是,家长注重锻炼孩子独立的生活能力,可以宠爱,但


作者:内蒙古心理咨询师协会会员、达拉特旗人事劳动和社会保障局刘瑞江 我们听国学大师翟鸿燊说:“一个心胸狭隘的人,讲不出大格局的话;一个没有使命感的人,讲不出有责任的话;一个境界低的人,讲不出高层次的话。”生活中人们也谈论:成大器者,人生大格局也。格局有多大,事业有多大等等。 可见人生格局对人一生的影响是至关重要的。那么究竟什么是人生格局?它为什么会对人产生如此大的影响?我们该如何构建自己的人生格局?我想带着这三个问题和在座的大家作一个粗浅的探讨,望各位不吝赐教。 第一个问题:什么是人生格局? 有一本书叫《格局—成就事业的人生哲学》(唐坚、周建武著),书中对格局下了这样一个定义:“格局,就是磊落坦荡、无私无畏和志存高远的品格;就是不为一时之利争高下,不为眼前小事论短长的气量;就是宠辱不惊,笑看庭前花开花落的风度;就是不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步的豪迈……有什么样的格局,就有什么样的结局!”还有一个叫柳永二郎的博客(真名叫黎石城.北京人。不知他是不是现代中国注音字母之父与语言学的泰斗——黎锦熙的后人或嫡亲)在他的一篇叫《成大器者,人生大格局也——浅谈国语运动的先驱黎锦熙成功之道》博文中给格局下了这样一个定义:“什么叫人生大格局?从小受到良好的教育,潜移默化地将儒家、道家、释家等中国传统文化之精髓融为一体,积淀内心深厚的文化底蕴,然后在积淀的过程中,知行合一地形成良好的习惯,逐步具备一种优良的品质,蕴养具有大胸襟、大气势的品行与志存高远的境界,从而化为一种任重而道远,勇于担当的人格精神与魅力,站在历史发展的高度审时度势地对待自己的人生。”从上面人们对人生格局的理解我们可以看出:人生格局包含着这样几个要素,一是人的品格(品质);二是人的气量(胸襟、气势);三是人的风度、豪迈(精神与魅力)等。我对人生格局的理解是:人生格局是一个人宇宙观、世界观、人生观、价值观、财富观、荣辱观、健康观、生死观等的综合表现,它是一个人内心世界对外部世界的高度反映,这种反映一旦形成将直接影响一个人对外部世界的反应。它是人生的指南针和舵手。 第二个问题:人生格局为什么会对人产生如此大的影响?


美国总统奥巴马给女儿的一封信! 2013-10-09德国隆尼施钢琴 亲爱的马莉亚和莎夏: 我知道,这两年来,你们俩随我一路竞选都有过不少乐子,野餐、游行、逛州博览会,吃了各种或许我和你母亲不该让你们吃的垃圾食物。然而,我也知道,你们俩和你母亲的日子,有时候并不惬意。新来的小狗虽然令你们兴奋,却无法弥补我们不在一起的所有时光。我明白这两年我错过的太多了,今天我要再向你们说说为何我决定带领我们一家走上这趟旅程。



我要大家向发现的极限挑战,让你在有生之年能够看见优化我们生活、使这个行星更干净、更安全的新科技和发明。我也要大家向自己的人际界限挑战,跨越使我们看不到对方长处的种族、地域、性别和宗教樊篱。 有时候,为了保护我们的国家,我们不得不把青年男女派到战场或其他危险的地方,然而,当我们这么做的时候,我要确保师出有名,我们尽了全力以和平方式化解与他人的争执,也想尽了一切办法保障男女官兵的安全。我要每个孩子都明白,这些勇敢的美国人在战场上捍卫的福祉是无法平白得到的:在享有作为这个国家公民的伟大特权之际,重责大任也随之而来。这正是我在你们这年纪时,外婆想要教我的功课,她把独立宣言开头几行念给我听,告诉我有一些男女为了争取平等挺身而出游行抗议,因为他们认为两个世纪前白纸黑字写下来的这些句子,不应只是空话。


写给牢里亲人的一封信,给监狱里的亲人的一封信导读:就爱阅读网友为大家分享的“写给牢里亲人的一封信,给监狱里的亲人的一封信”资料,内容精辟独到,非常感谢网友的分享,希望这篇资料对您有所帮助。 好久没跟牢里的亲人联系过了,最近忙,没时间去看,想写一封信联络一下,那么该怎么写呢,下面就爱阅读小编整理了写给牢里亲人的一封信的范文,供您参考! 写给牢里亲人的一封信范文一 XXX: 1 你好! 好久都没跟你联系过了,最近还好吧?我这些天忙,所以写封信给你,这年头还用笔写信的人已经很少了,哥们,你在狱中的一切,我都很在意。 狱中伙食怎样,有没有人欺负你,干活重不重?你需要什么,有什么难处了,都给监狱长说,转告给我,我会尽力而为的。 前天王府井新开了家服装店,牛仔特别漂亮,还卖反恐服装,我挑了一件,嫂子说我穿着老帅了,难得她夸我一次,呵呵。前天我在长安街看见奥巴马的车队了,奥巴马可是美国的总统,这是他上任之后首次访华,被爷瞧见了,真是幸福。你好好表现,争取立功,真希望他们能给你减刑,早点出来就好了,我要跟你一起到处逛逛,就像当年我们哥几个没心没肺地压马路一样。 2 我家星星快三岁了,她还记得有你这个叔叔,什么时候牵着她到你那儿去看看。好久没动笔写过信了,就写这么点,见谅,我其实更想面对面地跟你叙叙。

哥们,我跟嫂子、其他几个兄弟,在外面等着你,你爸妈都挺好的,工作单位也早跟你联系好了,物流公司,老板说他们什么都不在乎,过去的说明不了什么,只要人现在是好人就行。 你一生的兄弟:XXX 2009年11月19日 写给牢里亲人的一封信范文二 志明: 你好! 3 信阅,认识那么多年,却从未看到你写的文字过,细细看来,写得很不错,你还是你,一分张扬,一分心酸,一分自信,一分无奈,还是那个我最好的朋友。 从认识你到现在,我始终认为你是个重情义的人,但这个社会太现实。常言道:害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。你未害过人,但你不知如何防人,也是你直率个性的致命伤。 你说你做梦都梦见我了,我既高兴又难过,高兴的是你还想到我,人家不是说日有所思才夜有所梦呀?嘿嘿,我可是很自信的哦!难过的是你在这样的环境里。我知道你坚强的外表下也有一颗脆弱的心,你也有迷茫,也想有个人说说心里话。 讲实话,在这个情人泛滥的年代,曾经我也想过是否做你的情人的问题,这个问题可能你到今天都没想通。其实我也太了解我自己,我是个认真的人,你也是个张扬的人, 4 我们俩在一起肯定出问题,何况你的夫人漂亮贤慧,我是自叹勿如也。万一出什么事,不说害你家散了,连乌纱帽也丢了,毁了你一生,不如做个好朋友,既没负罪感也可心平气和的和你夫人通电话。不管你信不信,我真的是这样想的。


英语背诵美文30篇 英文+翻译 第一篇:Youth 青春 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple1) knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental2) predominance3) of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting4) our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite5), so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism6) and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. [Annotation:] 1)supple adj. 柔软的 2)temperamental adj. 由气质引起的 3)predominance n. 优势 4) desert vt. 抛弃 5) the Infinite上帝 6) cynicism n. 玩世不恭 青春 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、恢弘的想象、炙热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌动。


奥巴马开学演讲稿——我们为什么要上学 阿文弗吉尼亚州,阿林顿市,2009年9月8日嗨,大家好!你们今天过得怎么样?我现在和弗吉尼亚州阿林顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起,全国各地也有从幼儿园到高三的众多学生们通过电视关注这里,我很高兴你们能共同分享这一时刻。 我知道,对你们中的许多人来说,今天是开学的第一天,你们中的有一些刚刚进入幼儿园或升上初高中,对你们来说,这是在新学校的第一天,因此,假如你们感到有些紧张,那也是很正常的。我想也会有许多毕业班的学生们正自信满满地准备最后一年的冲刺。不过,我想无论你有多大、在读哪个年级,许多人都打心底里希望现在还在放暑假,以及今天不用那么早起床。 我可以理解这份心情。小时候,我们家在印度尼西亚住过几年,而我妈妈没钱送我去其他美国孩子们上学的地方去读书,因此她决定自己给我上课——时间是每周一到周五的凌晨4点半。 显然,我不怎么喜欢那么早就爬起来,很多时候,我就这么在厨房的桌子前睡着了。每当我埋怨的时候,我妈总会用同一副表情看着我说:“小鬼,你以为教你我就很轻松?” 所以,我可以理解你们中的许多人对于开学还需要时间来调整和适应,但今天我站在这里,是为了和你们谈一些重要的事情。我要和你们谈一谈你们每个人的教育,以及在新的学年里,你们应当做些什么。 我做过许多关于教育的讲话,也常常用到“责任”这个词。 我谈到过教师们有责任激励和启迪你们,督促你们学习。 我谈到过家长们有责任看管你们认真学习、完成作业,不要成天只会看电视或打游戏机。 我也很多次谈到过政府有责任设定高标准严要求、协助老师和校长们的工作,改变在有些学校里学生得不到应有的学习机会的现状。 但哪怕这一切都达到最好,哪怕我们有最尽职的教师、最好的家长、和最优秀的学校,假如你们不去履行自己的责任的话,那么这一切努力都会白费。——除非你每天准时去上学、除非你认真地听老师讲课、除非你把父母、长辈和其他大人们说的话放在心上、除非你肯付出成功所必需的努力,否则这一切都会失去意义。 而这就是我今天讲话的主题:对于自己的教育,你们中每一个人的责任。首先,我想谈谈你们对于自己有什么责任。 你们中的每一个人都会有自己擅长的东西,每一个人都是有用之材,而发现自己的才能是什么,就是你们要对自己担起的责任。教育给你们提供了发现自己才能的机会。 或许你能写出优美的文字——甚至有一天能让那些文字出现在书籍和报刊上——但假如不在英语课上经常练习写作,你不会发现自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一个发明家、创造家——甚至设计出像今天的iPhone一样流行的产品,或研制出新的药物与疫苗——但假如不在自然科学课程上做上几次实验,你不会知道自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一名议员或最高法院法官,但假如你不去加入什么学生会或参加几次辩论赛,你也不会发现自己的才能。 而且,我可以向你保证,不管你将来想要做什么,你都需要相应的教育。——你想当名医生、当名教师或当名警官?你想成为护士、成为建筑设计师、律师


英语美文欣赏15 个性的价值被高估了 Have you ever thought about what your own personality is like? 你有没有想过,你自己的个性到底是怎样的? If you are asked to describe yourself with three words, which three words would you choose? 如果让你用3个词来概括你自己,你会选择哪3个单词? Or, do you actually have no idea what your own personality is like? 还是说,其实你自己并不清楚自己的个性是怎样的? Are you actually a person with no personality? 或者你其实是个没有什么个性的人? But then again, is personality really so important? 但是,话说回来,个性这个东西真的那么重要吗? Kenya Hara, a leading design personality in Japan, once said: 日本的设计大师原研哉有一句名言: The value of personality, as well as the explicit expression of likes and dislikes, have been unnecessarily overestimated. 个性的价值,以及明确表达喜欢、不喜欢的态度,都被不必要地高估了。 It is a good thing that we live in a society where all people are free to express their desires. 我们身处一个所有人都能自由表达其欲望的社会,这是一件好事。 But freedom can also bring confusion. 但自由也会带来迷失。 What some people are really seeking is not to enjoy the freedom itself, but to force others to see their freedom. 有些人真正在寻求的已经不是享受自由本身,而是强行让别人看见自己的 自由。 For example, “I want to eat Mac Donald’s” and “Mac Donald’s will do mean to eat Mac Donald’s. 例如,“我想吃麦当劳”和“麦当劳就行”表达的本来都是去吃麦当劳。 But it seems that the former embodies a person’s independence, while the la reflects the lack of assertiveness. 但似乎前者体现了一个人的独立,而后者体现的是没主见。 However, is this really necessary? 然而,这样做真的有必要吗? Is one’s daily performance of independence with a variety of acts not an

父母陪伴孩子的重要性 陪伴是对孩子最好的爱

父母陪伴孩子的重要性陪伴是对孩子最好的爱 现在的父母在当今社会环境下,压力大,工作忙,往往会疏忽了对孩子的陪伴。除了本身的压力大和忙,最主要的还是不清楚父母陪伴孩子的重要性。当你知道亲子陪伴的重要性后,你或许会抽出时间好好陪陪孩子。 陪伴是对孩子最好的爱 作为父母,其实我们给不了孩子属于他的未来,他有自己的人生。我们能做的只是努力守护孩子能够得到的当下的快乐和幸福,不焦虑、不盲从,不攀比。和孩子一起慢慢体味相伴时际遇的每一道风景,每一种心情。不要怕虚度光阴,教育就是留白的艺术。 陪伴是相互的,滋养是相互的,给予是相互的。陪孩子长大的过程,也是我们作为父母自我成长的过程。正如wowwee倡导的陪你一起成长(一方面指WowWee陪伴孩子成长,另一方面指WowWee倡导父母陪孩子一起成长)一样。 “培养”就是“陪着养”。我们整日忙于找寻着培养孩子这种能力,那种品质的方法,可对孩子却常常连陪伴的耐心都没有,滋养的过程都想省略,只想用说教、打骂等简单粗暴速效的方式教育好孩子,而无视良好家庭关系的构建。关系先于教育、包含教育,有了稳固的亲子关系,教育会变得轻松、快乐、自然而然。 舍得花时间陪孩子——童年是人的前半生;陪伴孩子时,一心一意,给孩子你最好的专注力。 父母陪伴孩子的重要性 陪不陪孩子,忙只是借口

陪不陪孩子,从来就不是时间问题,而是选择问题,是价值排序的问题。忙只是借口,只是看你把什么看的更重要而已。钱可以暂时少赚点,工作也有再找的机会,但孩子的成长是不可逆的,在孩子的陪伴上,我们只有一次机会,错过了就永远错过了。 我们真的没时间陪孩子吗?时间对每个人都是公平的,差别是管理时间的能力。一个人的主要时间分配到“不重要不紧急”,是得过且过型;分配到“紧急不重要”,是随波逐流型;分配到“重要紧急”,是勤奋工作型;分配到“重要不紧急”(例如健康、读书、教育子女等),是智慧发展型。您是哪一种类型? 孩子陪伴太少或质量不高的信号 孩子闹情绪,缠磨人,求抱求陪伴时,是一种提醒。说明父母已经太长时间沉浸工作、琐事,忘记关注孩子。每天哪怕有一小阵子,手上心上什么都放下,专心陪孩子,不一定很多语言,也不一定绘本玩具游乐场,只是陪着孩子,由孩子牵引着安排时光。世间一切显现皆修行对境,孩子禅,方便修。 当孩子抱怨你从不带他去公园或总是夸奖邻家的孩子时,你可能会说:“不对啊,两周前刚带你去过公园!”“你忘了上周我也表扬过你!”然而对于孩子而言,感觉就是一种事实,你要做是去发觉背后深层的含义。“你希望我陪你多些户外活动,我知道了。”“你认为我对你的鼓励太少了,谢谢告诉我你的感受。” 陪伴是对孩子最好的爱 名人陪孩子的故事


Situation Comedy A sitcom or situation comedy is a genre of comedy performance originally devised for radio but today typically found on televi sion. Sitcoms usually consist of r ecurring characters in a format in whi ch there are one or more humorous story lines centred on a common environment, such as a family home or workplace.The situation comedy format seems to have originated in the old time radio era of the United States, but today they are produced around the globe. Many cou ntries, such as Britain, have embraced the form and so sitcoms have become among the most popular programmes on the schedule.history,The situation comedy format originated on radio in the 1920s. The first situation comedy is often said to be Sam and Henry which debuted on t he Chicago, Illinois clear-channel station WGN in 1926, and was partially inspired by the notion of bringing the mix of humor and continuity found in comic strips to the young medium of radio. The first network situation comedy was Amos & Andy which debuted on CBS in 1928, and was one of the most popular sitcoms through the 1930s.Situation comedies have been a part of the landscape of broadcast television since its early days. The first was probably Mary Kay and Johnny, a fifteen minute sitcom which debuted on the DuMont Television Network in November of 1947.This type of entertainment seemed to originate in the United States, which continues to be a leading producer of the genre, but soon spread to other natio ns.Characteristics Traditionally, situation comedies were largely self-contained, in that the characters themselves remained largely static and events in the sitcom resolved themselves by the conclusion of the show. One example of this is the animated situation comedy The Simpsons, where the characteristics of animation has rendered the characters unchanging in appearance forever?although the characters in the show ha ve sometimes made knowing references to this. Other sitcoms, though, use greater or lesser elements of ongoing storyli nes: Friends, a hugely popular US sitcom of the 1990s, contains soap opera elements such as regularly resorting to an end-of-season cliffhanger, and has gradually developed the relationships of the characters. Other sitcoms have veered into s ocial commentary. Examples of these are sitcoms by Norman Lear including All in the Family and Maude in the US, and the controversial Till Death Us Do Part in Britain. Most contemporary situation comedies are filmed with a multicamera setup in front of a live audience, then edited and broadcast days or weeks later. This practice has not always been universal, however, especially prior to the 1970s when it became
