
Olympic athletes from around the globe are gathered at Beijing’s National Stadium for the Opening Ceremonies, which formally mark the start of the 2022 Winter Games.



the motto of Beijing 2022 主题口号

“Together for a Shared Future”

is the official motto of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter

Games Beijing 2022. The motto represents the power of the Games to overcome global challenges as a community, with a shared future for humankind.


motto :主题口号;格言

Winter Paralympic Games :



Winter Dream - Emblem of the Olympic Winter Games

Beijing 2022


The inspiration of the emblem design comes from the Chinese character for winter -- “冬”. A stylised, calligraphic rendition of the Chinese character, which infuses Chinese culture with contemporary artistic elements, projects a new image of China in a new era, demonstrating the country's commitment to a successful Winter Games. It also heralds the realisation of China's Winter Olympic Dream, namely, to encourage more Chinese people to take part in winter sports, to build China into a sporting power, and to promote winter sports and the Olympic Movement around the world.


The upper part of the emblem resembles a skater and its lower part a skier. The ribbon-like motif in between, full of rhythm, stands for the

host country's rolling mountains, Games venues, ski courses and skating tracks. The ribbons, as artistically expressed in the emblem, give a touch of festivity and are an indication that the Games coincide with the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.


The emblem's primary colour of blue represents dreams and the future, as well as the purity of ice and snow. The colours of red and yellow, which draw on those of China's National Flag, represent passion, youth and vigour.

在“BEIJING 2022”字体的形态上汲取了中国书法与剪纸的特点,增强了字体的文化内涵和表现力,也体现了与会徽图形的整体感和统一性。

The presentation of the words “Beijing 2022”, a nod to the art of Chinese calligraphy and paper-cutting, adds to the harmony of the entire emblem.

the mascot of Beijing 2022 吉祥物


Bing Dwen Dwen



It's a cartoon image of a panda wearing a spacesuit. It looks like a winter sports athlete from the future.

"Bing" means "ice" in Chinese, which is a symbol of winter

sports. "Dwen" suggests health."Dwen Dwen" gives the image a

more friendly feel. Altogether, "Bing Dwen Dwen"shows the spirit of the Olympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body.


Shuey Rhon Rhon

It looks like a red lantern hanging on homes and streets to celebrate Chinese New Year. On its head are paper cuts of pigeons in the shape of the Temple of Heaven(天坛)."Shuey" means "snow" in Chinese. "Rhon Rhon" are two different Chinese characters with the same pronunciation. The mascot, "Shuey Rhon Rhon(雪容融)", symbolizes communication among different cultures.

competition venues 竞赛场地

At the 2022 Winter Olympics, There are 12 competition venues in total. The competition venues are spread across three different zones: Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou.

北京2022年冬奥会将在北京、延庆、张家口3个赛区布局12个竞赛场馆。competition n.竞赛

venue n.场地

The medals which means togetherness, inspired by yu bi, a circular Chinese jade artifact dating back 5,000 years, each has carvings of the Olympic rings on one side and inscribed with the words "XXIV Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022".


TOGETHER FOR A SHARED FUTURE 不同于夏季奥运会,冬季奥运会的很多项目比较冷门,冰雪项目的设备和场地的要求很高,离大众生活有点远。今天我们就来聊聊关于北京冬奥会的三大赛区场馆和比赛项目英语知识吧。





首都体育馆Capital Gymnasium

国家速滑馆National Speed Skating Hall

五棵松体育中心Wukesong Sports Center

国家体育馆National Stadium

国家游泳中心National Aquatics Center

首钢滑雪大跳台中心Shougang Ski Big Jump Center


国家高山滑雪中心National Alpine Ski Center

国家雪车雪橇中心National Bobsled Center

张家口赛区4个场馆:云顶滑雪公园Genting Ski Park

国家跳台滑雪中心National Ski Jumping Center

国家越野滑雪中心National Cross - country Ski Center

国家冬季两项中心National Biathlon Center



新华网是这么说的:The Beijing Winter Olmpics will open on February 4,2022, which will feature 7 sports, 15 disciplines and 109 events.是sport、discipline、event这三个单词,你猜对了吗?


Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩)从事的以下15个项目



Alpine Skiing




冰壶Cross-Country Skiing


Figure Skating


Freestyle Skiing


Ice Hockey




Short Track Speed Skating


Men's 500m男子500米

Men's 1,000m男子1000米

Men's 1,500m男子1500米

Men's 5,000m Relay男子5000米接力Ladies' 500m女子500米

Ladies' 1,000m女子1000米

Ladies' 1,500m女子1500米

Ladies' 3,000m


Nordic Combined


Individual Gundersen NH/10km


Individual Gundersen LH/10km


Team Gundersen LH/4x5km







单板滑雪Men's Parallel Giant Slalom男子平行大回转Men's Halfpipe男子U型场地技巧

Men's Snowboard Cross男子障碍追逐

Men's Slopestyle男子坡面障碍技巧

Men's Big Air男子大跳台

Ladies' Parallel Giant Slalom女子平行大回转Ladies' Halfpipe女子U型场地技巧

Ladies' Snowboard Cross女子障碍追逐

Ladies' Slopestyle女子坡面障碍技巧

Ladies' Big Air女子大跳台

Ski Jumping


Men's Normal Hill Individual男子个人标准台Men's Large Hill Individual男子个人大跳台

Men's Team男子团体

Ladies' Normal Hill Individual女子个人标准台

Speed Skating


Men's 500m男子500米

Men's 1,000m男子1000米

Men's 1,500m男子1500米

Men's 5,000m男子5000米

Men's 10,000m男子10000米

Men's Mass Start男子集体出发

Men's Team Pursuit男子团体追逐

Ladies' 500m女子500米

Ladies' 1,000m女子1000米

Ladies' 1,500m女子1500米

Ladies' 3,000m女子3000米

Ladies' 5,000m女子5000米

Ladies' Mass Start女子集体出发

Ladies' Team Pursuit女子团体追逐

本届冬奥会共设7个大项(滑雪、滑冰、冰球、冰壶、雪车、雪橇、冬季两项)、15个分项(高山滑雪Alpine Skiing、自由式滑雪Freestyle Skiing、单板滑雪Snowboarding、跳台滑雪Ski Jumping、越野滑雪Cross-country Skiing、北欧两项Nordic Combined、短道速滑Short Track Speed Skating、速度滑冰Speed Skating、花样滑冰Figure Skating、冰球Ice Hockey、冰壶Curling、雪车Bobsleigh、钢架雪车Skeleton、雪橇Luge、冬季两项Biathlon)和109个小项。







让我们一起欣赏"Together for a Shared Future"



Olympic athletes from around the globe are gathered at Beijing’s National Stadium for the Opening Ceremonies, which formally mark the start of the 2022 Winter Games. 一起向未来 TOGETHER FOR A SHARED FUTURE the motto of Beijing 2022 主题口号 “Together for a Shared Future” is the official motto of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. The motto represents the power of the Games to overcome global challenges as a community, with a shared future for humankind. 奥运会主题口号是奥运会重要的标志性核心内容。北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号——“一起向未来”!中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。 motto :主题口号;格言 Winter Paralympic Games : 冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会 北京2022年冬奥会会徽——冬梦

Winter Dream - Emblem of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 会徽以汉字“冬”为灵感来源,运用中国书法的艺术形态,将厚重的东方文化底蕴与国际化的现代风格融为一体,呈现出新时代的中国新形象、新梦想,传递出新时代中国为办好北京冬奥会,圆冬奥之梦,实现“三亿人参与冰雪运动”目标,圆体育强国之梦,推动世界冰雪运动发展,为国际奥林匹克运动做出新贡献的不懈努力和美好追求。 The inspiration of the emblem design comes from the Chinese character for winter -- “冬”. A stylised, calligraphic rendition of the Chinese character, which infuses Chinese culture with contemporary artistic elements, projects a new image of China in a new era, demonstrating the country's commitment to a successful Winter Games. It also heralds the realisation of China's Winter Olympic Dream, namely, to encourage more Chinese people to take part in winter sports, to build China into a sporting power, and to promote winter sports and the Olympic Movement around the world. 会徽图形上半部分展现滑冰运动员的造型,下半部分表现滑雪运动员的英姿。中间舞动的线条流畅且充满韵律,代表举办地起伏的山峦、赛场、冰雪滑道和节日飘舞的丝带,为会徽增添了节日喜庆的视觉感受,也象征着北京冬奥会将在中国春节期间举行。 The upper part of the emblem resembles a skater and its lower part a skier. The ribbon-like motif in between, full of rhythm, stands for the


北京冬奥会解说词英文版 Committee Thomas Bach announcing the winning bidto host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games at the 128th International OlympicCommittee session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Friday. The InternationalOlympic Committee has picked Beijing, China, as the host city for the 2022Winter Olympic games. The committee came together in Kuala Lumpur, Friday, andpicked Beijing over Almaty, Kazakhstan. The bids werevoted on by a group of 85 participants. Beijing's bid received 44 votes,Almaty's received 40 votes, with one abstention. Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics. "China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment," Wei Jizhong, a senior consultant for the Beijing bid, told the Chinese newsagency Xinhua before the vote. “The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfectexample. The InternationalOlympic Committee also chose Lausanne, Switzerland, as the host city for the2020 Youth Winter Olympics on Friday. Lausanne beat Brasov, Romania for thechance to host the Youth Winter Olympics.


2022年2月热点时文阅读(八) 姓名____________阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Su Yiming was born in Jilin province, which has produced a number of Chinese winter athletes. ___1___ his parents already fans of snowboarding, Su had his first try when he was three years old and quickly became hooked(着迷). At seven, he obtained his first sponsorship deal and his extraordinary skill attracted the attention of film ___2___(director) to open up further opportunities. In 2014, the film 'The Taking of Tiger Mountain' needed ___3___ young boy who could ski for several scenes. Su fitted the bill and he quickly became a child star appearing in several movies. When Beijing was awarded right ___4___(host) the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in 2015, Su decided to ___5___(temporary) put his acting career on hold. At the time he published a post on his Weibo account saying: “___6___ determines our life is not our ability, but our choice." In 2018, he ___7___(select) for the Chinese Snowboard slopestyle and Big Air team and improved further under the ___8___(instruct) of famous Japanese coach Sato Yasuhiro. As the pioneer of the new generation of Chinese snowboarding, Su holds multiple___9___(nation) records and even achieved a world first in 2021. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Su Yiming made history by winning men's snowboard slopestyle silver. Three days before ___10___(turn) 18, Su received his first Olympic gold medal in the men's snowboard big air final. B China's freeski sensation Eileen Gu won her second gold of the Beijing Winter Olympics on Friday. The 18-year-old superstar topped the podium(领奖) in the halfpipe final at Zhangjiakou's Genting Snow Park, ___1___(add) to her gold in the big air event last week and silver in slopestyle on Tuesday. Gu, who says halfpipe is her strongest event, ___2___(dominate) from the start. Again and again, she sped up the wall of the halfpipe and launched ___3___(she) skyward, spinning and twisting gracefully(优美地) to loud cheers from fans in the stands. Already ___4___(firm) in the lead, she outdid herself in the second run with an ___5___(impress) score of 95.25. She was already assured of the gold by the time she set off on a third run victory lap. Gu gave her coach ___6___ big hug at the top of the slope, came down the halfpipe once again and finished the ride with easy jumps, posing and celebrating her victory in midair. Born and ___7___(raise) in California, Gu chose in 2019 to compete for China, ___8___ she is known as Gu Ailing. She was praised ___9___ the "pride of China" after winning her first gold, and has since won ___10___(many) medals than anyone else for Team China at these Games. C Did you notice that on the back of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games medals, there are 24 dots 1. _______ (surround) the Olympic logo in the middle? These dots are not only there to be pleasing to the eyes, but also represent that Beijing 2022 is the 24th Winter Olympics. 2. _______ 24 dots sit on two of five concentric circles(同心圆)around the medal. The pattern's design was 3. _______ (inspire) by a diagram used in early astrological charts in China to explore the annual activities of the Sun. The diagram was 4. _______ (one) recorded in the book Zhoubi Suanjing(《周髀算经》), or the Zhou Dynasty (1,046BC-256BC) Classic of the Gnomon. Written thousands of years ago, the book is one of the 5. _______ (old) Chinese mathematical texts.

2022年高考英语最新热点时文阅读:时文阅读 中国首金!短道混合接力中国队夺冠(含练习题)

时文阅读:中国首金!短道混合接力中国队夺冠 2022年2月5日,在北京冬奥会短道速滑混合团体接力决赛中,中国队夺冠,获得本次冬奥会上中国队的首枚金牌。在这场备受瞩目的比赛中,中国短道速滑队面对各国强劲对手,顶住压力,不负众望,为中国代表团取得开门红。 阅读短文并回答问题 On February 5, 2022, China claimed its first gold at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games in the 2000m mixed team relay of short track speed skating. The Chinese quartet(四人组)of Fan Kexin, Qu Chunyu, Ren Ziwei and Wu Dajing stormed to a thrilling victory at the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2:37.348. Italy took the silver and Hungary bagged the bronze. According to the rules, each team is made up of two men and two women, and each of four skaters covers four and a half laps in the 2000-meter race. Olympic silver medalist Fan skated the first leg of the final race, but the race was restarted as Canadian and Hungarian athletes fell down soon after the starting pistol(发令枪)was fired. As the race started again, Fan finished the first leg in third, and her teammates came from behind to lead the race. In the last ten laps, China steadily extended the advantage, while skaters from Canada and Hungary collided(相撞). The Italians finished 0.016 seconds behind China, almost cut the deficit. Powerhouses South Korea and the Netherlands were penalized and knocked out from the final. “I’ve been waiting for this gold medal for a long time. I always believe in our team and my teammates,” said Fan with tears rolling down her face after the competition. “We’ve been training hard every day, and we can even feel blood in our throat when we stepped out of the rink. We made it!” The victory solidifies China’s dominance in short-track speed skating. Wu said, “Our short track team is a big family. We never give up and always go all out for every opportunity to win.” 1. What is the purpose of paragraph 1? A. To explain the rules of the speed skating event. B. To introduce speed skaters from different countries. C. To stress the importance of the Chinese team’s victory. D. To show the result of the short-track speed skating race. 2. Why was the mixed 2000m relay race restarted? A. The skating track was not in good condition. B. The starting pistol was fired at the wrong time. C. Some players broke the rules in the competition. D. Two athletes fell down accidentally in the final race. 3. What do the underlined words “cut the deficit” probably mean? A. Tied the score. B. Beat the record. C. Lost the balance. D. Missed the race. 4. What can we learn from the short track team’s success? A. Hard work pays off. B. Well begun, half done.


语法填空高考英语-北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会吉 祥物 北京2022年冬奥会吉祥物和冬残奥会吉祥物在北京首钢园区国家冬季运动训练中心冰球馆正式发布。冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”以熊猫为原型进行设计创作,整体形象酷似航天员,寓意创造非凡、探索未来,体现了追求卓越、引领时代,以及面向未来的无限可能。冬残奥会吉祥物“雪容融”以灯笼为原型进行设计创作,“中国红”的色调渲染了2022年中国春节的节日气氛,身体发出光芒,寓意点亮梦想,温暖世界,代表了友爱、勇气和坚强,体现了冬残奥运动员的拼搏精神和激励世界的冬残奥会理念。

2017课标新增词: element n.要素;基本部分 feature n.特色;特征;特点 imply v.含有…的意思;暗示 dominate v.统治;支配; 在…中具有最重要(或明显)的特色 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 As the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games are drawing near, the two cute mascots(吉祥物)"Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Shuey Rhon Rhon" have become many___1___(people)favorites. "Bing Dwen Dwen"is designed with the panda as its prototype(原型). The mascot has two elements–ice and panda. The former,___2___is a feature of the Winter Olympics,represents purity and perseverance.___3___latter means honesty, health, liveliness, and loveliness. The combination of the panda image and ice crystal shell___4___(reflect)the winter events and modern technology. The shell head, taken from the ice sports helmet___5___(decorate)with a multi-colored halo(光环), is inspired by the National Speed Skating Oval(椭圆运动场)of the Winter Olympics.The flowing bright colored lines___6___(symbol)the ice sports track and 5G technology. The heart pattern in the left-hand palm stands___7___the warm welcome from the host


积累2022冬奥运英语单词50个 1.北京冬奥会愿景 Vision and Mission 2.迎接冰雪之约、奔向美好未来 Embracing the Winter Olympics, Embracing a Brighter Future 3.带动三亿人参与冰雪运动 to encourage 300 million people to practise winter sports / to engage 300 million people in winter sports 4.实现冰雪运动跨越式发展 to accelerate the development of winter sports 5.办奥理念 Idea and Philosophy 6.把冬奥办得像冰雪一样纯洁无瑕。 The Beijing Olympic Winter Games will be as clean and pure as ice and snow. 7.绿色办奥 Green Olympics 8.共享办奥 Inclusive Olympics 9.开放办奥 Open Olympics 10.廉洁办奥

Clean Olympics 11.两个奥运,同样精彩 Two Games of Equal Splendor 12.简约、安全、精彩 Simple, Safe, Splendid / Streamlined, Safe, Splendid 13.健康·欢乐·活力 Health, Joy, Energy 14.山林场馆、生态冬奥 Mountains and Forests, Eco-friendly Winter Olympics 15.三个赛区、一个标准。 Three competition zones, one standard. 16.一馆一策、一场一策。 One venue, one policy. 17.办赛精彩、参赛出彩。 Make smooth organization for the Games and achieve the best possible athletic results at the event. 18.口号、会徽、吉祥物 Slogan, Emblem and Mascots 19.一起向未来 Together for a Shared Future 20.冬梦 Winter Dream

热点86 北京冬奥会的准备进展(解析版)中考英语考前时事热点话题阅读

备战2022年中考英语考前时事热点话题阅读+题型专练 热点86 北京冬奥会的准备进展 一、阅读理解 1 Do you know the two lovely mascots (吉祥物)? You may know the five “Fuwa” dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (奥运会). On September 17 of 2019, two new mascots first showed on TV. Now, let’s see who they are. Look at the panda! It looks like an astronaut (宇航员). It wears an ice shell (冰壳) and looks fat, so we call it “Bing Dwen Dwen”. White is the color of ice and snow. “Bing Dwen Dwen” likes ice sports very much and is good at them. That’s why it is th e mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Do you think the red mascot looks like a lantern? The lantern’s name is “Shuey Rhon Rhon”. When the Chinese New Year comes, people always make or buy red lanterns. Red is the color of hope and good luck, so pe ople think their dreams will come true in the new year. “Shuey Rhon Rhon” can give players hope and help them do well in the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games (残奥会). Many people in different countries like the two mascots very much, and they show their love for them on the Internet. 1. ________ is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A. “Fuwa” dolls B. Bing Dwen Dwen C. Shuey Rhon Rhon 2. “Bing Dwen Dwen” is ________. A. a panda B. an astronaut C. a lantern 3. What do we know about “Shuey Rhon Rhon” from the passage? A. It’s red because red is the color of the Olympic Games. B. It can bring players hope and good luck. C. It’s always the mascot of Winter Paralympic Games. 4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. The two lovely mascots first showed on TV on September 17, 2019. B. “Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon” are good at ice sports. C. We call it “Bing Dwen Dwen” because it wears an ice shell and looks fat. 5. What’s the best title (标题) of the passage? A. “Fuwa”, “Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon”. B. Two Olympic mascots come to life. C. 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.


关于冬奥会中考题 时事热点冲刺2022年中考英语阅读理解(2期) 专题03北京冬奥会 Passage 1 题意: 介绍2022年中国将举办的24届冬奥会和19届亚运会,以及人们做出的准备. Hncrhou 2022 The year 2022 will be a big year for sports in China. That's because itwil hold not only the 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beiing, but also the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. OnAugust 6,2018, the official emblem会徽) for the Hangzhou Asian Games came out.I will be the third Chinese city to hold the Asian Games after Beiing and Guangzhou in 990 and 2010.Called"Surging Tides(潮汐) ",the emblem includes six parts: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, atidal bore(怒潮) ,a running track,the Internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) . To make the Beiing Games a great success(成功) ,Chinese people worked hard toprepare.Beiing built a great number of roads and stadiums(体育场) ,including the famous National Olympic Sports Center and Olympic Village For the 2022Asian Games, Hangzhou has already started building 33 sports venues(场馆) .The themes(主 题) for the HangzhouAsian Games are"green,smart,economical and civilized" 1. Beiing will old the Winter Olympic Games. A. 19th B. 23rd C. 18th D.24th 2. is the second city in China holding the Asian Games. A. Hangzhou B. Beijing C. Guangzhou D. Nanjing 3. Which of the following is not included in the official emblem for the Hangzhou Asian Games A. A Chinese fan B. The Yangtze River C. The Internet icon D. A tidal bore 4. What's the main idea of the article A.The official emblem(会徽) for the Hangzhou Asian Games. B. The building of sports venues for the 24th Winter Olympic Games. C. The preparations for the coming Winter Olympic Games and Asian Games. D. The themes(主题) or the Hangzhou Asian Games. Passage 2 题意: 讲述了Bing Dwen Dwen,它是2022年北京冬奥会的吉祥物。它是一只黑白相间的熊猫。还有它的 好朋友Shuey Rhon Rhon。它是冬季残奥会的吉祥物,它看起来像一个红灯笼。 Bing Dwen Dwen Shuey Rhon Rhon Hello,my friends! Nice to meet you!My name is Bing Dwen Dwen.I'm the mascot of the 2022 Beiing Winter Olympic Games. I'm a black and white panda. I have big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.My arms and legs are short. What is it on my left hand Haha,it is a heart pattern to welcome frinds llover the world to come to China. Who is that It is my good friend,Shuey Rhon Rhon. It is the mascot of Paralympic Winter Games.It looks like a red lantern.I has two small yes. Its arms and legs are short, too.We are very cute. Word Bankmascot 吉祥物a heart paten一个心形图案Paralympic Winter Games 冬残奥会 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 5. Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot of A. the 2022 Winter Olympic Games B. the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games C. the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Olympic Games D. Beiing Paralympic Winter Games 6. What color is Bing Dwen Dwen A. Red. B. Red and black.


北京冬奥会英语单词和句子 Chinese-English Words and Expressions About Beijing Winter Olympics Beijing Winter Olympics will open on February 4th, 2022, which will feature 7 sports, 15 disciplines and 109 events. 北京冬奥会将于2022年2月4日开幕,届时将有7个大项,15个分项,109个小项的比赛。 北京赛区6个场馆: 首都体育馆 Capital Gymnasium 国家速滑馆 National Speed Skating Hall 五棵松体育中心 Wukesong Sports Center 国家体育馆 National Stadium 国家游泳中心 National Aquatics Center 首钢滑雪大跳台中心 Shougang Ski Big Jump Center 延庆赛区2个场馆: 国家高山滑雪中心 National Alpine Ski Center 国家雪车雪橇中心 National Bobsled Center 张家口赛区4个场馆: 云顶滑雪公园 Genting Ski Park 国家跳台滑雪中心 National Ski Jumping Center 国家越野滑雪中心 National Cross-country Ski Center 国家冬季两项中心 National Biathlon Center 7个大项(sports) 滑雪Skiing 滑冰Skating 冰球Ice Hockey 冰壶Curling 雪车Bobsleigh 雪橇Luge 冬季两项Biathlon 15个分项(disciplines) 高山滑雪Alpine Skiing


2022年高考英语热点话题之冬奥会(含作文素材及语法填空) 一、冬奥会相关词汇及短语 1、The Winter Olympic Games will begin on February 4, 2022. 2、the motto of Beijing 2022 主题口号 “Together for a Shared Future” is the official motto of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. The motto represents the power of the Games to overcome global challenges as a community, with a shared future for humankind. 奥运主题口号是奥运会重要的标志性核心内容。北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号——“一起向未来”!中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。 motto :主题口号;格言 3、Winter Paralympic Games :冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会 4、吉祥物mascot Bing Dwen Dwen is the official mascot of Olympic Winter Games Beijing2022! 冰墩墩是2022北京冬奥会吉祥物。 Bing Dwen Dwen wears a full-body 'shell' made out of ice. The suit and the halo of colors around Bing Dwen Dwen's face are made to resemble an astronaut suit, symbolizing technology and promoting the idea of a future with infinite possibilities. resemble : to look like v. 像... astronaut n.宇航员/ˈæstrənɔːt/ symbolize v.象征 infinite adj. 无限的/ˈɪnfɪnət/ possibility n. 可能性 将熊猫形象与富有超能量的冰晶外壳相结合,头部外壳造型取自冰雪运动头盔,装饰彩色光环,整体形象酷似航天员。冰墩墩寓意创造非凡、探索未来,体现了追求卓越、引领时代,以及面向未来的无限可能。 雪容融素材:The Paralympic mascot choice of the lantern is seen as "symbolic of harvest, warmth and light". In the name "Shuey Rhon Rhon", "Shuey" is the Chinese word for "snow" and "Rhon Rhon" has the duel meaning of tolerance and integration. 5、竞赛场地 competition venues At the 2022 Winter Olympics, There are 12 competition venues in total. The competition venues are spread across three different zones: Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. 北京2022年冬奥会将在北京、延庆、张家口3个赛区布局12个竞赛场馆。 competition n.竞赛 venue n.场地 二、奥运征文


高考英语双语听力语法填空三亿人上冰雪是北京冬 奥会最重要遗产 听力填空 1 its bid for the 202 2 Winter Olympics, China made a commitment to the international community to “engage 300 million people in ice and snow activities”, and recent statistics showed the country has achieved this 2 . The successful efforts to involve more than 300 million Chinese people in snow and ice activities is the most 3 legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympics to global winter sports and the Olympic movement, an official with the nation’s top sports authority said. The country has also greatly boosted investment in winter sports infrastructure, equipment manufacturing, tourism and education. The data showed China now has 65 4 standard ice rinks, and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts. The number of snow and ice 4 tourism trips in the 2020-21 season 5 230 million, generating over 390 billion yuan in income. 双语新闻 在申办2022冬奥会过程中,中国曾向国际社会作出“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”的承诺。最近的数据显示,中国已经实现了这个目标。国家体育总局官员表示,中国成功实现带动三亿中国人参与冰雪运动的目标,是北京冬奥会给予全球冬季运动和奥林匹克运动最重要的遗产。我国还大大增加了对冰雪运动基础设施、装备制造、冰雪旅
