奥运会 射箭项目的英文介绍



Archery first appeared as a sport in the 1900

Olympics Games in Paris and was held at the Games of

1904, 1908 and 1920. However, because of the lack of

uniform international rules archery was then dropped

from the Olympic Games.Between 1920 and 1972, archery

was not contested at the Olympic games. The archery

competition that was featured at the 1972 Summer

Olympics in Munich consisted of a double FITA Round

competition with two events - men's individual and women's individual. This form of the archery competition was held until the 1988 Summer Olympics, when team competition was added and the Grand FITA Round format was used. Starting at the 1992 Summer Olympics, the Olympic Round with head-to-head matches was adopted, and has been used ever since.


Modern Olympic archery consists of four medal events: men's individual, women's individual, men's team, and women's team. In all four events, the distance from the archer to the target is 70 metres.


The first elimination淘汰 round pits the first ranked archer against the sixty-fourth, the second against the sixty-third, and so on. In this match as well as the second and third, the archers shoot simultaneously 18 arrows in ends of 3 arrows. The archer with the higher score after 18 arrows moves on to the next round while the loser is eliminated.

After three such rounds, there are 8 archers remaining. The remaining three rounds (quarterfinals, semifinals, and medal matches) are referred to as the finals rounds. They consist of each archer shooting 12 arrows, again in ends of 3 arrows. The two archers in the match alternate by arrow instead of shooting their arrows simultaneously as in the first three rounds. The losers of the quarterfinals are eliminated, while the losers of the semifinals play each other to determine the bronze medal and fourth place. The two archers who are undefeated through the semifinals face each other in the gold medal match, in which the winner takes the gold medal while the loser receives the silver medal.

The Scoring

The target face is set 70 meters (229 feet, 8 inches) from the shooting line and the center gold of the target is set 130 centimeters (4 feet, 3 inches) above the ground. The scoring system is based on a 10-ring target.

From the outside white ring to the inner gold at the center, the point total on the target ascends from 1 to 10 like so: white outer, 1; white inner, 2; black outer, 3; black inner, 4; blue outer, 5; blue inner, 6; red outer, 7; red inner, 8; gold outer, 9; and gold inner, 10.


Olympic archers use the recurve bow, which features limbs that curve away from archer to increase power.

The effect is that arrows are propelled in excess of 150 miles per hour.

Bows generally are constructed of wood, fiberglass and graphite or carbon composites.

Bows have stabilizers to reduce torque (twisting) in the arrows upon release.

Bows have sights to aid in aiming and arrow rests to help align the shot.

Most strings are made of Fast Flight, a hydrocarbon product, or kevlar, the material used to make bulletproof vests.

Arrows are made of aluminum or carbon graphite.

Equipment costs (bow, arrows, accessories) will normally be over $1000.

Other Accessories

Archers can tape their fingers or wear protective gloves on the hand that pulls back the string, as long as doing so doesn't actually help them to shoot the arrows. The same applies for the hand holding the bow: A glove is OK as long as it doesn't actually do the gripping. Glasses are permitted, too, unless they have some sort of Clark Kent properties.

Archery in Beijing Olympic Games

China's Zhang Juanjuan on Thursday broke South Korea's dominance in women's individual archery at Olympics for 24 years, winning China's first ever Olympic archery title.

The organization of Archery

International Archery Federation,ITA(国际射箭联合会)It was founded in 1931,and Chinese Archery Association joined the ITA in 1981.

Vocabulary about archery

射箭运动 archery 射箭运动员 archer

场地裁判员 field officer 终点裁判员 target captain

单轮 single round 双轮 double round

环 point 总成绩 total score

拉弓 draw 瞄准 aim

撒放 release 脱靶 miss

射箭场 archery field 弓 bow

弩 crossbow 反曲弓 recurved bow

复合弓 compound bow 稳定器 stabilizer

瞄准器 sight 弓弦 string

箭 arrow 箭头 arrowhead

靶 target 靶心 bull's-eye

靶环 ring 外环 outer zone

内环 inner zone 护臂 armguard

护胸 chestplate 护指皮垫 tab

By 09英丙李瑞春


射箭运动英文介绍 Archery is the art of shooting an arrow from a bow into a predetermined target and hitting it on the target. There are individual and team events in international competitions. Bows are made of plastic, steel, fiberglass and wood chips. Bows and arrows were originally used as weapons for hunting and war. Archery is now considered a recreational activity. Archery was included in the Olympic program at the first Athens Olympic Games in 1896. The Olympic Games after 1920 did not include this event. However, the 1972 Munich Games were added to the Olympic program. The International Archery Federation was founded

in 1931. In the same year, the first World Championships were held. The dominant countries in the world archery are the United States, Russia, and South Korea. Archery requires qualities and abilities such as balance, concentration, coordination and sense of time. Archery can promote good changes in the human body, not only to enhance the strength of the arms, waist, and legs, but also to develop chest and back muscles, improve attention, and enhance physical fitness. Archery can promote the development of the motor organs, strengthen the metabolism, improve the blood supply of the bones, make the bones more robust, and improve the resistance and support of the bones, so that the


奥运项目英语词汇 acrobatic gymnastics——技巧运动 athletics/track & field——田径 beach——海滩 boat race——赛艇 bobsleigh, bobsled——雪橇 boxing——拳击 canoe slalom——激流划船 canoe——赛艇 chess——象棋 cricket——板球 cycling——自行车 diving——跳水 downhill race——速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing——赛龙船 dressage——盛装舞步 equestrian——骑马 fencing——击剑 figure skating——花样滑冰 football(英语)/soccer(美语)——足球 1 / 7

freestyle——自由式 gliding; sailplaning——滑翔运动 golf——高尔夫球 greece-roman wrestling——古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus——体操器械 gymnastics——体操 handball——手球 hockey——曲棍球 hold, lock——揪钮 horizontal bar——单杠 hurdles; hurdle race——跨栏比赛 shuttlecock kicking——踢毽子 ice skating——滑冰 indoor——室内 ≤第一范文网整理该文章,版权归原作者、原出处所有≥ item archery——箭术 judo——柔道 jumping——障碍 kayak——皮划艇 mat exercises——垫上运动 modern pentathlon——现代五项运动 2 / 7


射箭项目在各个国家及地区普及程度分析 射箭是一项古老而充满魅力的体育项目,经过漫长的发展,如今在全球范围内都得到了广泛的普及。下面将对射箭项目在各个国家及地区的普及程度进行详细分析。 首先,我们来看看欧洲地区。欧洲可以说是射箭项目的发源地之一,尤其是英国和意大利。英国作为射箭项目的发源地,它的射箭发展历史悠久,人们对射箭的热情也非常高涨。英国有很多专业的射箭俱乐部和训练学校,培养了许多优秀的射箭选手,并且在国际比赛中表现出色。意大利则是欧洲另一个重要的射箭强国,射箭在意大利的普及程度也非常高。意大利有众多的射箭爱好者和专业选手,并且取得了很多国际比赛的冠军。 接下来是亚洲地区。亚洲作为人口最多的大洲,射箭在这里也非常受欢迎。尤其是在韩国和中国,射箭项目的普及程度更是非常高。韩国拥有世界上最顶尖的射箭训练体系和选手,他们在国际比赛中屡创佳绩。中国则在近年来逐渐崛起,国内各地都建立了很多专业的射箭训练基地和俱乐部,越来越多的人开始加入射箭运动,中国选手在国际比赛中也有了一定的表现。 此外,澳大利亚、美国等发达国家也非常重视射箭项目的普及。澳大利亚拥有出色的射箭训练体系和教练,他们在国际比赛中经常取得好成绩。美国则是世界上最大的射箭市场之一,有众多的专业射箭设施和培训机构。美国也是产生世界顶级选手的摇篮,取得了众多的奖牌和荣誉。 除了以上几个国家外,射箭在其他一些国家和地区也在逐渐普

及。例如南非、巴西等国家也有相当数量的射箭爱好者和职业选手。而在一些地区,射箭被作为一种传统文化进行保护和弘扬,如日本、土耳其等国家。这些地区会定期举办射箭比赛和活动,以保持和传承射箭项目的发展。 总的来说,射箭项目在全球范围内都得到了广泛的普及,各个国家和地区都有相应的射箭俱乐部、训练基地和赛事活动。射箭作为一项优雅而具有挑战性的运动,吸引了越来越多的人加入其中。这也促使各个国家和地区加大了对射箭项目的扶持力度,通过培养优秀的选手和推进射箭项目的普及来提升国家在国际射箭舞台上的竞争力。随着时间的推移,射箭项目有望继续得到更广泛的关注和发展。射箭项目作为一项具有悠久历史的体育运动,不仅仅是一种热爱和追求,更是一门技艺的传承和培养。除了以上提到的国家和地区,射箭项目在其他一些国家和地区也在逐渐普及和发展。 在非洲地区,南非是一个射箭相对较为发达的国家。南非拥有多个射箭协会和俱乐部,这些协会和俱乐部不仅提供专业的培训和指导,还定期举办射箭比赛和活动。这些比赛和活动吸引了大量的射箭爱好者参与,为射箭项目的普及和发展提供了具体实施的平台。 在南美洲,巴西也是射箭项目的一片热土。巴西自2000年以 来一直在参加奥运会射箭比赛并取得不俗的成绩。巴西拥有一支优秀的射箭队伍和多个射箭训练中心,国际知名度逐渐提高。并且在最近几年举办的南美射箭锦标赛上,巴西选手取得了许多奖牌,为射箭项目在巴西的普及程度和发展努力做出了贡献。


关于射箭项目的概述 射箭是目前人类仍在使用的最古老的技艺之一,据国际射箭联合会提供的官方资料,从非洲发现的最古老的石锨表明,射箭的历史可追溯到大约公元前50000年前。人类在劳动中创造了弓箭,主要把它作为狩猎、取得生活资料和战争武器,在整个冷兵器时代,射箭在战争中一直占有重要地位,直到火箭、火枪、火炮出现,射箭才慢慢退出战场,演变为娱乐和体育运动项目。现代射箭运动于14世纪起源于英国,射箭于17世纪传入美国并得到了迅速的发展。1931年,国际箭联成立,同年举办第1届世界射箭锦标赛,男、女混合共同比赛,射箭项目进入了快速发展阶段。射箭所使用的弓、箭经历了一个从“生产工具一战争武器~运动器材”这样一个发展过程,材质从“木箭一塑料箭一铝合金箭一碳素箭一碳素铝合金箭”等这样一个演变过程,射箭运动的发展、运动水平的提高是与弓、箭的演变分不开的。射箭运动史上,奥运会射箭比赛早于世界锦标赛年,但在未举行世界锦标赛的30年中,射箭比赛在项目及规则上都很不统一。1931年,国际射箭联合会成立并举行了第1届世界锦标赛,规范了射箭比赛的项目,统一了规则。由最初的1957年第十八届射箭锦标赛采用的国际箭联双轮(或单轮)比赛,到1987年采用的“大轮赛”,我国称其为淘汰赛,到1989年第35届世界锦标赛期间,国际箭联修改规则,新规则为“奥林匹克轮”(Olympic Round),根据其比赛形式,我国将其称为“奥林匹克淘汰赛”。从1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会开始,此规则一直是奥运会等重大比赛采用的规则。 中国可以说历朝历代都很重视射箭,也涌现出许多善射的人物。后弈射日的故事在我国是家喻户晓。射箭是当时战场上重要的作战方式,因此,商朝极重视对贵族青少年的射箭训练,西周时期,射箭是重要的教育内容之一。男人自童年起即普遍习射,射也成了男子本领大小的象征,被称为“男子之事”。但是,中国现代竞技射箭的崛起是一个巾帼不让须眉、女强男弱的项目。新中国射箭运动的发展大至经历了4个阶段,即迅速崛起阶段、停滞不前阶段、重铸辉煌阶段、搏击奥运阶段。在世界箭坛,美、韩两国一直保持领先,尤其是韩国,最近几年男、女项目一直处于绝对优势,在这样一个大的国际形势下,我国的射箭项目也不甘落后,奋力赶超,学习和借鉴先进的训练理念和训练方法,缩小与射箭强国的韩国与美国的差距。


butterfly 蝶泳 individual medley 个人混合泳 freestyle relay 自由泳接力 medley relay 混合泳接力 Water polo 水球 Diving 跳水 10m platform event 十米跳台 3m springboard event 三米跳板 synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台 synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板 Synchronised swimming 花样游泳 Archery(射箭) Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径) Track 径赛 100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米 800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛 4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力 Jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 pole vault 撑杆跳高 long jump 跳远 triple jump 三级跳远 Throwing 投掷 shot put 推铅球 discus 掷铁饼 hammer 掷链球 javelin 标枪 Decathlon 男子十项全能 Heptathlon 女子七项全能 Road events 公路赛 marathon 马拉松 walk 竞走 Ball Games(球类运动) Badminton 羽毛球 men/\'s singles 男子单打 women/\'s singles 女子单打 men/\'s doubles 男子双打 women/\'s doubles 女子双打mixed doubles 混合双打Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Football 足球 Handball 手球 Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球Softball 垒球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis 网球 V olleyball 排球 Beach V olleyball 沙滩排球Cycling(自行车) Road cycling 公路自行车赛Track cycling 场地自行车赛sprint 追逐赛 time trial 计时赛 points race 计分赛 pursuit 争先赛 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛Equestrian(马术) Jumping 障碍赛 Dressage 盛装舞步 Eventing 三日赛 Fencing(击剑) Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 Sabre 佩剑 Gymnastics(体操) Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操Floor Exercises 自由体操Pommel Horse 鞍马 Rings 吊环 Vault 跳马 Parallel Bars 双杠 Horizontal Bar 单杠 Uneven Bars 高低杠 Balance Beam 平衡木Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床Modern Pentathlon(现代五项)Shooting 射击 Fencing 击剑 Swimming 游泳 Riding 马术 Cross-country running 越野跑Sailing(帆船)




奥运会部分比赛项目中英文对照 体操Gymnastics 竞技体操Artistic Gymnastics 自由体操Floor Exercises 鞍马Pommel Horse 吊环Rings 跳马Vault 双杠Parallel Bars 单杠Horizontal Bar 高低杠Uneven Bars 平衡木Balance Beam 艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics 蹦床Gymnastics Trampoline 现代五项Modern Pentathlon 射击Shooting 击剑Fencing 游泳Swimming 马术Riding 越野跑Cross-country running 帆船Sailing 男子/女子帆板米氏级Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 女子帆船欧洲级Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 男子帆船芬兰人级Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn

激光级Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 男子/女子帆船470级预赛Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 49人级Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 龙卷风级Multihull open - Tornado 男子星光级Keelboat men - Star 女子索林级Keelboat women - Yngling 射击Shooting 10米气步枪10 m air rifle 10米气手枪10 m air pistol 男子10米移动靶Men's 10 m running target 男子50米步枪卧射Men's 50 m rifle prone position 50米步枪3种姿势50 m rifle three positions 男子50米手枪Men's 50 m pistol 女子25米手枪Women's 25 m pistol 男子25米手枪速射Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 多向飞碟Trap 双多向飞碟Double trap 双向飞碟Skeet 铁人三项Triathlon 游泳Swimming 自行车Cycling 跑步Running 举重Weightlifting

奥运会 射箭

奥运会射箭 射箭是一项源远流长的射击运动,它在奥运会上一直占据着重要的 地位。作为一项传统的竞技项目,射箭具有悠久的历史和深厚的文 化背景。自1972年起,射箭成为夏季奥运会正式项目,吸引了无 数观众的关注和参与。本文将重点介绍奥运会射箭项目的起源、规 则和技术要领,以及一些值得关注的历史时刻和优秀选手。 射箭的起源可以追溯到古代文明的发展。最早的射箭记录可以追溯 到公元前2800年左右,当时射箭被广泛运用于战争和狩猎活动。 在中国、埃及、波斯和古希腊等文明古国都有射箭的记载,这些记 录中往往带有一种崇拜射箭的精神和文化内涵。射箭作为一项运动 项目,首次出现在古希腊的奥运会中。而现代奥运会射箭项目的具 体规则和形式,则是在19世纪末和20世纪初逐渐形成的。 奥运会射箭项目的规则非常简单,选手站在一定距离的起射地点, 以弓箭瞄准目标进行射击。比赛分为个人赛和团体赛两个项目,男 女选手均可参加。在比赛中,选手需要面对各种环境条件的挑战, 如风向、光线等,因此他们必须具备良好的耐心和精准的射击能力。 为了确保比赛的公平性和竞争性,奥运会射箭项目对装备也有一定 的要求。选手必须使用规定的弓和箭,并严格遵守比赛规则。此外,为了保证比赛的安全性,射箭场地也是特别设计的,选手必须在指 定的区域内进行射击。射箭比赛一般分为静态射箭和动态射箭两个

环节,选手需要在规定时间内完成指定的射击动作,以获取最高的 得分。 奥运会射箭项目中,有许多令人难忘的历史时刻和优秀选手。丹麦 选手阿罗·维尔登在2004年雅典奥运会上成为射箭项目的传奇人物,他以非凡的表现夺得了男子个人金牌,并为丹麦赢得了第一个奥运 金牌。此外,中国选手崔康熙也是射箭项目的传奇人物之一,他曾 多次获得奥运会和世界锦标赛的金牌,为中国射箭事业做出了巨大 的贡献。 随着时间的推移,射箭在奥运会上的地位和影响力也不断提高。射 箭选手们的技术水平不断突破,他们通过持续的训练和比赛经验积累,逐渐掌握了更高水平的射击技巧。同时,射箭项目也在技术和 装备领域不断创新。现代射箭运动中,出现了复合弓和各种新材料 制作的箭杆,这些技术的发展进一步提高了选手的射击精度和稳定性。 总结而言,奥运会射箭项目作为一项历史悠久、具有文化内涵和技 术要求极高的竞技运动,在奥林匹克运动中扮演着重要角色。通过 射箭比赛,选手们展现了他们精确的射击技巧和出色的心理素质。 无论是历史的传奇时刻,还是现代的技术创新,射箭项目都给观众 们带来了众多的惊喜和娱乐。


西部牛仔俱乐部一日游射箭项目作文 英文回答: A day trip to the Western Cowboy Club's archery activity was an amazing experience. As soon as I arrived at the club, I was greeted by the friendly staff who gave me a quick introduction to the rules and safety precautions of archery. They explained that archery is not just about shooting arrows, but also about focus, precision, and control. After the briefing, I was handed a bow and arrow and guided to the shooting range. The instructor taught me the proper stance, how to hold the bow, and how to aim. It took a few tries to get the hang of it, but with practice, I started hitting the target more consistently. The feeling of releasing the arrow and watching it fly towards the target was exhilarating. During the archery session, I met some fellow


杭州亚运会项目射箭英语介绍 篇一: Introduction: Archery is a traditional sport that has been popular in China for thousands of years. It is part of the Asian Games and has been a medal event since 1986. The sport of archery involves using a bow and arrow to shoot targets at a distance. The object of the game is to shoot the target with the fewest number of arrows while achieving the highest score. Competition: Archery competitions are held in teams or individuals. Each competitor is given a set amount of time to shoot several arrows at a target. The target is made up of several different shapes and sizes, ranging from small circles to large X"s. The competitor must shoot the target with the fewest number of arrows while achieving the highest score. Technique: To shoot an arrow accurately, a competitor needs to develop a strongbow and accurate arrow aim. They must also be able to draw the bowstring back to their shoulder with a smooth and steady pull. Drawing the bowstring back too far can cause the arrow to lose velocity and accuracy. Training: Archery requires a great deal of practice and training in order to


有关传统文化与奥运的作文 英文回答: Traditional culture and the Olympics are two aspects that have a deep connection. The Olympic Games, as an international sporting event, bring together athletes from all around the world to compete in various sports. This provides a platform for different cultures to come together and showcase their unique traditions and customs. For example, during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the host country often incorporates elements of its traditional culture into the event. This can include traditional music, dance, and art forms that are representative of the host country's heritage. This not only serves as a way to introduce the host country's culture to the world but also promotes an understanding and appreciation of different cultural traditions among the global audience.


奥运会射箭规则 射箭,助弓的弹力将箭射出,在一定的距离内比赛准确性的体育运动项目,为射箭运动。下面为大家详细讲解奥运会射箭规则。 奥运会射箭各赛事规则 个人赛 个人赛分为排名赛、淘汰赛和决赛3个阶段,射程均为70米。首先进行排名赛,男、女各64名运动员,每人射6组箭,每组6支,共36支箭;休息10-15分钟之后,按照上述程序再射一遍,共72支箭。并以这72支箭的累积环数排出男、女第1-64名选手的名次,按照射箭规则淘汰赛配对表进行配对,如:第1名对第64名,第2名对第63名,依此类推,进行淘汰赛。淘汰赛每名运动员射12支箭,分4组进行,每组3支箭,每箭30秒,采用一对一交替发射的方式,胜者进入下一阶段比赛,最后决出8名运动员进入决赛;决赛时运动员的发射方法、箭数和淘汰赛相同,最后决出冠、亚军。 团体赛 团体赛分为淘汰赛和决赛两个阶段。每队3名运动员,射程均为70米。根据个人排名赛中每队3名运动员的成绩之和排出男、女团体第1-16名的队进入团体淘汰赛。每队共射24支箭,分4组。每组6支箭,每人射2支,限时2分钟。先发射的队射3支箭(每名运动员轮流各射1支箭)后,计时钟暂停并保留剩余时间,同时,另一

个队的计时钟启动,按同样方法射3支箭。然后,先发射的队在剩余的时间里再完成3支箭,接着,后发射的队按同样方法完成这组箭的发射。获胜队进入下一阶段比赛。决赛发射方法、箭数和淘汰赛相同,最后决出冠、亚军。 比赛发射规定 由于射箭项目具有一定的危险性,故对不同射箭比赛的发射有各种明确的规定,如除身体残障或坐轮椅的运动员外,发射时双脚必须分跨在起射线上,或双脚同时踏在起射线上;比赛场内,除了在规定的练习时间或在发令长的信号指挥下,运动员在起射线上可以正对靶的方向外,其他时间不得向其他方向开弓;比赛时,除轮到发射的运动员外,其他人一律不得进入发射区等等。 记分判环规定 记分方法射箭比赛的环数也称分数,报环也称报靶或报分。确认淘汰赛和决赛的环值时,裁判员按降序报分,记分员和运动员代理核实记分表上的成绩。其具体的记分方法是:射中最外面的白色环区得1分;;直到射中内黄心得10分。 如果某一箭命中位置触及两个颜色的环区或箭杆触及环线时,被记为高分。如果某一箭正好射在靶面上某一箭尾上,则按已中靶箭的环值得分。如果某一箭射穿了靶面,或者射中靶面后反弹落地,根据该箭在靶面上留下的中靶点或未标箭孔记分。无论是否射中箭靶,箭在越过3米线以外就被记分;如果箭不慎落地,但箭杆的一部分落在3米线内,裁判员判该箭为未射出,运动员可再射一支箭。


奥运会射箭冠军 射箭比赛是奥运会比赛项目里重要的一项,大家知道历史上奥运会射箭比赛冠军都有谁吗?今天,店铺就带大家去认识认识这些射箭冠军吧。 奥运会射箭男子个人赛冠军 2004 雅典,射箭男子个人,意大利 Marco Galiazzo 加里亚佐 2000 悉尼,射箭男子个人,澳大利亚 FAIRWEATHER, Simon 西蒙·费尔维瑟 1996 亚特兰大,射箭男子个人,美国 HUISH, Justin 佳斯丁·休伊什 1992 巴塞罗那,射箭男子个人,美国 BARRS, Jay 杰·巴尔斯 1988 汉城,射箭男子个人,美国 PACE, Darrell Owen 达拉尔·佩斯 1980 莫斯科,射箭男子个人,芬兰POIKOLAINEN, T omi 托米·波伊科莱宁 1976 蒙特利尔,射箭男子个人,美国 PACE, Darrell Owen达雷尔·佩斯 1972 慕尼黑,射箭男子个人,美国 WILLIAMS, John Chester 约翰·威廉姆斯 北京奥运会射箭女子个人赛冠军 在本届奥运会上,中国选手张娟娟获得女子个人射箭冠军,打破了韩国独揽该项目金牌的神话! 张娟娟,籍贯:山东青岛性别:女生日:1981.1.2 身高:1.70米体重:63公斤项目:射箭 在2001年9月举行的第41届世界射箭锦标赛上,中国女子射箭队取得了历史性的突破,获得团体金牌。这是中国射箭队首次在世界大赛上拿到团体金牌。而在12月举行的亚洲射箭锦标赛上,小将张娟娟获得了女子反曲弓个人冠军,一举打破了中国女子射箭长期以来逢韩不胜的历史。张娟娟也以其出色的表现获得了2001年首届中国电视

体育最佳新人奖的提名。 如今的张娟娟已经成为中国女子射箭队的领军人物。在2008年北京奥运会上,张娟娟在1/4决赛、半决赛和决赛中连胜三位有着梦之队之称的韩国选手,其中包括卫冕冠军朴成贤、世界纪录保持者尹玉姬,夺得中国射箭史上第一枚奥运金牌。 主要成绩: 2001年世锦赛团体冠军、个人第八,亚锦赛个人冠军; 2002年亚运会团体第三名、个人第四; 2003年世锦赛个人第五、团体第七,亚锦赛个人第四、团体亚军; 2004年雅典奥运会女子团体银牌; 2006年世界杯总决赛个人冠军; 2007年世界杯英国站个人亚军; 2008年北京奥运会女子个人金牌、团体银牌。 主要纪录: 2003年郑州全国锦标赛全国70米双轮排名团体纪录 1963环 2003年缅甸亚洲锦标赛全国单轮全能(团体) 4044环 奥运历史: 自1984年,韩国分别在奥运会团体,个人射箭项目上获取6连冠。 直至2008年北京奥运会,中国选手张娟娟以110:109的一环优势获取个人项目射箭金牌。才打破了韩国射箭的神话。


外刊巴黎奥运会英文介绍 全文共四篇示例,供读者参考 第一篇示例: The Paris Olympic Games, scheduled to be held in 2024, are one of the most anticipated sporting events in the world. As the first Olympic Games to take place in Paris since 1924, the city is preparing to welcome athletes and spectators from around the globe for a spectacular event. 第二篇示例: The Paris Olympics, also known as the Summer Olympics, are scheduled to be held in Paris, France in the year 2024. This will be the third time that Paris will host the Olympic Games, the previous times being in 1900 and 1924. The city of Paris beat out Los Angeles, Rome, and Budapest in its bid to host the 2024 Olympics. 第三篇示例: The Paris Olympics, set to take place in 2024, are already generating excitement and anticipation around the world. As the world's premier sporting event, the Olympics bring together

奥运会 射箭项目的英文介绍

Archery[ˈɑ:tʃəri]n. History Archery first appeared as a sport in the 1900 Olympics Games in Paris and was held at the Games of 1904, 1908 and 1920. However, because of the lack of uniform international rules archery was then dropped from the Olympic Games.Between 1920 and 1972, archery was not contested at the Olympic games. The archery competition that was featured at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich consisted of a double FITA Round competition with two events - men's individual and women's individual. This form of the archery competition was held until the 1988 Summer Olympics, when team competition was added and the Grand FITA Round format was used. Starting at the 1992 Summer Olympics, the Olympic Round with head-to-head matches was adopted, and has been used ever since. Competition Modern Olympic archery consists of four medal events: men's individual, women's individual, men's team, and women's team. In all four events, the distance from the archer to the target is 70 metres. Rules The first elimination淘汰 round pits the first ranked archer against the sixty-fourth, the second against the sixty-third, and so on. In this match as well as the second and third, the archers shoot simultaneously 18 arrows in ends of 3 arrows. The archer with the higher score after 18 arrows moves on to the next round while the loser is eliminated. After three such rounds, there are 8 archers remaining. The remaining three rounds (quarterfinals, semifinals, and medal matches) are referred to as the finals rounds. They consist of each archer shooting 12 arrows, again in ends of 3 arrows. The two archers in the match alternate by arrow instead of shooting their arrows simultaneously as in the first three rounds. The losers of the quarterfinals are eliminated, while the losers of the semifinals play each other to determine the bronze medal and fourth place. The two archers who are undefeated through the semifinals face each other in the gold medal match, in which the winner takes the gold medal while the loser receives the silver medal. The Scoring


北京残奥会项目中英文介绍 北京残奥会的比赛项目有20个大项,即射箭、田径、硬地滚球、自行车、马术、5人制足球、7人制足球、盲人门球、盲人柔道、举重、赛艇、帆船、射击、游泳、乒乓球、坐式排球、轮椅击剑、轮椅篮球、轮椅橄榄球和轮椅网球。根据残奥会规则,所有项目将根据运动员的残疾类别和残疾程度进行分级,共设471枚金牌,以保证体育的公平竞争和比赛安全。以下是北京残奥会20个大项的双语介绍: Archery 射箭 In general outdoor archery competitions, the target is placed at different distances ranging from 30 meters to 90 meters, however in Paralympics competition only a 70 meter distance is used. In indoor competitions, the distances are 18 meters and 25 meters. The size of the target also varies with the distance. At the longer distances, it has a diameter of 122cm while at the 18 meter distance it is only 40cm.The archery classification system is divided into three different classes: ARST, ARW1 and ARW2. 参加残奥会射箭比赛的选手为肢体残疾的运动员。射箭项目根据运动员上下 肢和躯干的功能进行分级,站姿称为ARST级;坐姿组为:ARW1级和ARW2级。一般的室外射箭比赛,箭靶距离从30米至90米不等。但是残奥会射箭比赛只设70米靶,分为站姿和坐姿两个组别,包括个人赛和团体赛。 Athletics 田径


奥运英语情景对话:最帅的球星-奥运知识 奥运1000 句08北京奥 运 奥运歌曲 总汇 奥运英语 词汇 奥运名人 一览 奥运百科 知识 Dialogue B=Bob K=Ken B: Have you heard that Beckham wrote a book about himself? B: 你听说了吗?贝克汉姆写了一本关于自己的书? K: Of course. Five thousand people queued for over ten hours to see David Beckham sign copies of his autobiography. K: 当然了。5000人排了10个多小时的队就为了等到贝克汉姆在自传上的签名。 B: They must be mad. B: 他一定是疯了。 K: Why are you so? If I were them, I would do that too. K: 为什么这么说?如果我是他们,我也会那么做的。 B: Are you his fan? B: 你是他的球迷? K: Yes. I love his good-looking, his shyness and his supereme talent. K: 是的。我爱他的英俊,爱他的腼腆和他的才华横溢。 B: Do you love football? B: 你爱足球吗? K: What do you mean? K: 你是什么意思? B: I mean Beckham is famous for his good-looking, not his football
