

静安区2019 学年度第一学期期末质量调研


Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)

26.Which of the following words in pronounced as /ha?t/?

A. heart

B. hunt

C. hate

D. height

27.Medical teams were sent to the disaster area to care for wounded at once.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

28.Being a detective, one must be very patient and careful when he/she is work.

A. of

B. at

C. for

D. by

29.The scenery of a comic strip can usually make the strip come life.

A. to

B. on

C. with

D. from

30.“How can I explain my being late today?” Julie asked before entering the


A. she

B. her

C. hers

D. herself

31.Damin was sitting in his boat with a net in one hand and a fishing rod in .

A. other

B. the other

C. others

D. the others

32.Online lectures like Chinese paper arts attract people from abroad every day.

A. million

B. millions

C. million of

D. millions of

33.Did the policeman send you much on how to protect your personal information?

A. tip

B. note

C. advice

D. suggestion

34.If Emma improves her memory, she will be able to play chess as as the computer.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

35.Make a change, the football team will certainly lose again in the next game.

A. or

B. and

C. so

D. but

36.Mr Jones looked when he couldn’t answer some simple questions from Ken.

A. silly

B. sadly

C. safely

D. seriously

37.You worry about how to deal with the trouble. I will come to help you.

A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. may not

D. mustn’t

38.Martin German for over five years. He works as a tour guide in Germany now.

A. studied

B. was studying

C. has studied

D. has studied

39.Alice didn’t give up looking for his missing cat the police sent it back.

A. until

B. if

C. after

D. because

40.Would you mind me who is going to make the opening speech at the ceremony?

A. tell

B. tells

C. to tell

D. telling

41.not hold a party to celebrate our success in winning this year’s spelling


A. Why

B. When

C. How

D. What

42.Charlie admitted his cheating in the maths exam and promised cheat any longer.

A. won’t

B. doesn’t

C. not to

D. to not

43.According to the government’s announcement, some roads in our district next


A. will widen

B. will be widened

C. widen

D. are widened

44.-- May I help you take the suitcase? -- No. I can manage. But

A. never mind.

B. that’s all right

C. you should be careful

D. thank you all the same

45.-- Excuse me, where is the No. 2 canteen of the university?

-- I’m a new comer. You can ask somebody else for help.

A. No problem.

B. Sorry, I have no idea.

C. What’s wrong with you?

D. Enjoy your meal there.

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

A. number

B. disappointed

C. successful

D. secretaries

E. achieve

Over the past ten or twenty years, China has become the center of the world’s economy. There are all types of

46 dustries in China. That’s why more and more people come to China to 47 success

outside their home countries’ borders.

China’s popularity as a business center has encouraged non-Chinese to learn the

language. Since much of we buy today is made in China, many company bosses want 48 and

other personnel who can speak not only English but also Chinese. This shows how far

China has grown. As a result, the 49 of Chinese speakers has grown a lot over the


A. ancient

B. consider

C. purposes

D. pale

E. require

While many people start learning a language for business 50 some of them learn it

get a better understanding of the country’s culture and people. China has one of the

long distories in the world as well as a special culture and 51 traditions. It’s not

surprising the people are attracted to China to enjoy the rich culture it has to offer.

So, if foreigners are thinking about learning a new language, they should 52

learning Chinese. But it’s not an easy language to learn. In many ways, it is certain

to __53 much your energy and efforts learning Chinese. You wouldn’t have too much

trouble finding a job if you can speak and write Chinese!

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单


54.Tony is fond of reading detective and playing video games in his spare time. (story)

55.Alice took part in the World Cup Table Tennis Match and she won the place. (two)

56.The sudden of the pet dog in the car accident was a great shock to the family.


57.It’s necessary to on yourself to find ways to get rid of your bad habits.


58.Ken loves his job because he think it’s his duty to protect the innocent.


59.I t was a big to our boss that we reached our goal within only six months.


60.Grandpa Li learns to use common software word, excel and web design. (include)

61.The scientist gave up the way and completed his research in a new


Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)

62.A strip’s frame size usually varies to keep the readers interested.(改为一般疑问句)

a strip’s frame size usually to keep the readers interested?

63.Jones expected the insurance company to pay him $300,000 for the vase.(对划线部分提


did Jones expect the insurance company to pay him

for the vase?

64.November 11 is really amazing. People buy a lot of things on that


amazing day November 11 is! People buy a lot of things on that day.

65.“Can you solve the problem yourself?” Our science teacher asked

Bob.(改为宾语从句) Our science teacher asked Bob solve the

problem himself.

66.Keeping pet dogs teaches us how to be responsible in our daily

life.(改为被动语态) We how to be responsible in our daily

life by keeping pet dogs.

67.My bike stopped working when I was riding for a country

sightseeing.(保持句意不变) My bike when I was riding for a

country sightseeing.

68.how to, knows, the link method, Tony, use, to remember things.(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Creating public spaces

Jin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. “Of course, I came here for the academic(学术),” she says. “But the campus is so beautiful. I walk around just to relax.”

Alejandro Vega, a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. “I never get bored. The park is so big. It’s a public space, yet it can feel completely private.”

Niagara Falls was on Ross Howard’s list of places to visit in upstate New York. “There are these wonderful footpaths that make the falls so close to the general public.”

In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in New York City. Frederick Law Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product - the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.

Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, like Stanford University. He also designed footpaths at Niagara Falls to give visitors better views of the falls. In all his work, Olmsted tried to protect the natural beauty of an area.

Today there are new pressures on Niagara Falls: some business want to develop the area, On Goat Island, an

island in Niagara Falls State Park, there are now souveni(r纪念品)shops. There may be signs that say “No Littering,”

but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Olmsted think?

69.Jin Hee Park thinks his university campus is for walking and relaxing.

A. basic

B. academic

C. attractive

D. crowded

70.Alejandro Vega feels when he jogs in Central Park, for it feels private.

A. enjoyable

B. bored

C. nervous

D. surprised

71.Niagara Falls in America was close to the public because of its wonderful .

A. lists

B. contests

C. falls

D. footpaths

72.“no trip to New York is complete” (in Para. 4) probably means .

A. it’s not a perfect trip to New York

B. we should never go for a trip to New York

C. don’t finish a trip in New York

D. New York isn’t a good place to visit

73.In all of Olmsted’s designing products, he tried to

A.design footpaths for better views of the falls

B.protect the natural beauty of an area

C.include landscapes of Stanford University campus

D.rebuild the Central Park in New York City.

74.Which of the following best describes the present situation on Niagara Falls?

A.This area is developed and becomes more lovely.

B.Olmsted expected most of the animals there to leave.

C.People are no longer allowed to visit souvenir shops.

D.Some people are doing learn to the environment.

B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

Thing to know before you go out in the cold

Keep your 75 warm

There is a saying, “If your hands and feet get cold, put on hat.” A hat made of wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet. The hood(兜帽)is great for blocking the wind as long as you wear a hat underneath.

Drink up

In the summer, when you feel thirsty, you need to drink water. This isn’t always the case in winter. When you’re wearing heavy winter clothes, you have to work harder to build up a tent, cook dinner or 76 the woods. Your body will lose a lot of water. So drink up.

Sleeping 77

Sleeping bags are rated(评估)that is supposed to tell you how cold it can get while keeping you warm. Spend the night in a four-season tent in your backyard when it’s freezing outside. That way, if you 78 at 2 a.m. that’s too cold, you can just move inside and try again another time. If you wake up shivering in the middle of the night, add layers of clothing, drink warm liquids and ask for help.

Eat right

Simple meals that need little preparation are often the most 79 choices during winter. But nutrition(营养)is also necessary. Your body needs healthy food to produce 80 . Choose meals with more protein and fat than what you’d eat during warmer weather. Some good choices are hot cereal with fruit for breakfast, peanut butter on crackers with hot soup for lunch and meat with noodles, rice or potatoes for dinner.

75. A. hands B. head C. feet D. skin

76. A. walk through B. search for C. look up D. put out

77. A. length B. quality C. systems D. goals

78. A. survive B. forget C. control D. realize

79. A. available B. serious C. difficult D. impossible

80. A. interest B. heat C. pleasure D. disease

C.Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空


Taking Action

At Seven Oaks Middle School, Daniela Carrera was searching for a club. There was a dance club, a choir, an exercise club, and an action club that found creative ways to

raise money for other people. Daniela was thinking about j 81 the dance club because dancing was her favourite.

Then Daniela’s friend Ciara told her about the action club’s new p 82 . At first, Daniela was puzzled. “Why would people in a nursing home want a video-game console(平台)?” she asked Ciara.

“This would be a s 83 kind of console that plays fitness games. The games help people who need to exercise but weren’t able to get to a gym or exercise a 84 out of their rooms. Besides, everybody loves video games, don’t they?” Ciara replied.

“Not my great - grandmother,” Daniela said, laughing. But she agreed to go to the club meeting the next day.

At the meeting, Mr. Washington, the club’s manager, d 85 to Daniela and the others how fitness video games helped encourage people to move. He explained how the consloes could help distract(使分心)people who s 86 from severe pains. That was all Daniela needed to hear.

“How can I help?” She asked as she signed up for the club.

“We’re selling raffle(抽奖增卖)tickets. With the money we get, we’ll buy two fitness consoles. We’ll give one to the w 87 of the raffle. We’ll give the other console to the nursing home,” explained Mr. Washington.

“Great! Let’s get started. I’m motivated to sell the tickets immediately!” said Daniela.

D.Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

The sixth sense

The “sixth sense” is often said to be a strong feeling that a person has about something or someone. Read about one mother’s experience.

I had a feeling ...

Kathy Sansano arrived home from work two months ago at 7:00 in the evening. “Usually, my husband is home before me, but when I got in, his briefcase was there, but he wasn’t,”recalls Sansano. She just thought that he want to the store for something. Sansano began preparing dinner, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. “I just started feeling very anxious and had to sit down. Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school.”

Luckily, the boy only had a broken wrist, but Sansano still can’t explain how she knew something was wrong. “It might have been ‘mother’s intuition(直觉)’” she laughs. “My son and I have always been very close.”

Science points out five basic senses that humans use to experience the world. There is now evidence that human may also own a sixth sense -- or an intuition about people or events. Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning “without any smells”) chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression(侵略). When another creature of the same kind senses the chemical, certain behavior is caused in that creature; for example, it will prepare to fight or to protect itself.

Scientists believe that humans long ago may have communicated using these kinds of chemical signals. “I walked into the room, and something just didn’t seem right.” It may be that the person is sensing chemical messages that have been produced by others. Kathy Sansano’s husband may have left the house feeling afraid and worried about their son. When Kathy got home, she sensed his worry.

88.Kathy’s husband came home earlier than his wife that evening, didn’t he?

89.What happened to their son at school?

90.What made Kathy have the feeling that something was wrong?

91.According to recent studies, how do insects and animals send signal emotions?

92.What will you probably do if you sense the messages of “fear”?

93.Do you believe there is a sixth sense in life? Show you reason(s) or example(s).

Ⅶ. Writing (作文)

94.Write at least 60 words about the topic “makes me grow”(请以“让我成长”为题,写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。




Part 2

Ⅱ. 26 - 30 DCBAD 31 - 35 BDCBA 36 - 40 ABCAD 41 - 45 ACBDB

Ⅲ. 46 - 49CEDA 50 - 53 DABE

Ⅳ. 54 - 57 stories; second; death; depend

58 - 61 mainly; surprise; including; traditional

Ⅴ. 62. Does ... vary 63. How much 64. What an 65. whether/ if ... could

66. are taught 67. broke down 68. Tony knows how to use the link method to remember


Part 3

A.69 - 74 CADABD

B.75 - 80 BACDAB

C.81 - 87 joining; project / plan; special; described; suffered; winner

D.88. Yes, he did.

89.He was injured in a football game. /He had a broken wrist.

90.It might be mother’s intuition or the father’s chemical signals.

91.By releasing odorless chemicals into the environment.

92.I will probably prepare to protect myself or run away.

93.Yes. I do. Because sometimes I can sense the emotions of others before I even see or hear them. For example, I don’t have to talk to them to sense my parent’s anger.

No, I don’t. Because I think the mother just guessed what happened based on the fact that his husband went out again hurriedly, leaving his briefcase home.

(Other reasonable answer is also acceptable)


北京市通州区2014年中考英语一模试题 考 生 须 知 1. 本试卷共 12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。 3. 试卷答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4. 在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力理解(共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话 读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最 佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. What day is coming? A. Mother’s Day. B. Father’s Day. C. Children’s Day. 6. What does the boy want to buy? A. A shirt. B. A cap. C. A coat.

请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. Why will the girl go to Xi’an? A. See her parents. B. Visit a college. C. Go traveling. 8. How will the girl go to Xi’an? A. By air. B. By train. C. By ship. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. What will the boy do in the afternoon? A. Swim with Jenny. B. Write a composition. C. Read a story book. 10. Who’s Jenny? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A parent. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. What did the two speakers watch yesterday? A. A tennis match. B. A volleyball match. C. A basketball match. 12. Why was the woman late for the match? A. She met a friend. B. Her leg got hurt. C. Her bike was broken. 13. When did the match begin? A. At 3:00. B. At 3:30. C. At 4:00. 请听一段对话,完成第14至第16小题。 14. Who is the oldest of the children? A. Linda. B. Tom. C. Lucy. 15. What are the children talking about? A. How the children spend their birthdays. B. Why the children like their birthdays. C. What birthday gifts the children can get. 16. Which of the following is true about the three children? A. They like to hold their birthday parties. B. They can get birthday gifts from others. C. They enjoy having big birthday dinners. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分) Emergency Medical Center C aller’s name:17 . Who needs help: 18 . Condition: He is lying on the ground, looks pale, can’t 19 . Age: About 20 years old. Place: At McDonald’s, 21 .


英语试卷第 1 页(共 8 页) 英语试卷第 2 页(共 8 页) 北京市 2019 年初中毕业暨一模考试 英 语 试 卷 2019.4 知识运用(共 14 分) 一、单项填空。(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分) 从下面各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Terry and I are good friends. are in the same class. A .He B .She C .We D .They 2.Peter often plays basketball his classmates on weekends. A .from B .with C .for D .to 3.My back hurt badly I went to see a doctor. A .so B .or C .and D .but 4.I think swimming is than running. A .interesting B .more interesting C .most interesting D .the most interesting 5.Jack to university in England next September. A .goes B .went C .will go D .has gone 6.My grandma usually dumplings for me on Sundays. A .makes B .made C .is making D .will make 7.Please keep quiet! My little brother now. A .sleeps B .slept C .is sleeping D .was sleeping 8.I a math exam yesterday afternoon. It was quite dif?cult. A .have B .had C .am having D .will have 9.I my cousins since 2016. I miss them very much. A .don't see B .didn't see C .won't see D .haven't seen 10.— I come back to school before 10 o'clock? — No, you needn't. A .Must B .Can C .May D .Should 11. Some new computers to that village school last month. A .give B .are given C .gave D .were given 12.— Excuse me, could you tell me ? — Sorry, sir. I wasn't there at that time yesterday. A .how the accident happens B .how does the accident happen C .how the accident happened D .how did the accident happen 二、完形填空。(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Reading didn't really change my life until I saw it change the life of a child. Marcus was a quiet boy who lived with his mother in a shelter ( 收 容 所 ) for the poor. Because he was the weakest 13 in his class, he became one of my Reading Help students. Marcus knew letters but couldn't read at all. However, he worked very hard and made progress very 14 . I often gave him books to take home every night so that he could read them with his mother. One day, Marcus didn't bring his books back. He looked so 15 that he was about to cry. When asked why, he told me that someone had taken his book bag during the night. I put my arm around his shoulders and 16 that I would give him more books to take home. "Maybe the person who took your books," I said, "will become a good reader just like you." A few weeks later, I learned Marcus and his mother were being moved to a different shelter across town for safety. I began to 17 what his future would be if he couldn't ?nish the program. Marcus' mother was worried too, so she put him on public transportation every day and sent him all the way across town to 18 with me. Marcus finally graduated from the program as a strong reader. We had a small celebration and I gave him a book to keep. That was the last time I saw Marcus. Although I may never see him again, I'm certain that learning to read changed his life forever. The 19 certainly changed mine. Since then, I've taught many struggling readers, from ages 5 to 75. Each student has increased my love for teaching reading. Each one reminds me what a/an 20 it is to be a teacher working with struggling readers, and how happy it is to see lives changed forever by the simple joy of reading. 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 13.A .runner B .speaker C .reader D .leader 14.A .quickly B .slowly C .carefully D .seriously 15.A .happy B .sad C .tired D .funny 16.A .warned B .reminded C .provided D .promised 17.A .worry B .prove C .argue D .understand 18.A .live B .meet C .deal D .agree 19.A .mind B .notice C .book D .experience 20.A .love B .action C .honor D .memory


2016-2017 学年度海淀区初三年级第二学期期中考试 英语试卷 学校姓名准考证号 听力理解(共30 分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图 片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5 分,每小题1 分) 1. A.B.C. 2. A.B.C. 3. A.B.C. 4. A.B.C. 5. A.B.C.1.本试卷共12 页,满分120 分,考试时间120 分钟。 2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。 考 生 须 知 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项 中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15 分,每小题1.5 分)请听一段对话,完成第6 至第7 小题。 6.What would the man like to eat? A.A sandwich. B. A hamburger. C. French fries. 7.How much is the meal? A. $8. B. $9. C. $10. 请听一段对话,完成第8 至第9 小题。 8.Why does the man look pale? A.He is ill. B. He stayed up late. C. He failed an exam. 9.How does the woman learn Chinese? A.By singing Chinese songs. B.By reading Chinese books. C.By watching Chinese movies. 请听一段对话,完成第10 至第11 小题。 10.Who is going to give a speech? A.Mary. B. Frank. C. Mrs. Green. 11.What will the man do? A.Write letters. B. Take pictures. C. Make signs. 请听一段对话,完成第12 至第13 小题。 12.What is the man worried about? A.He isn’t able to do the job well. B.He isn’t old enough to find a job. C.He isn’t allowed to take a part-time job. 13.What will the man probably do next? A.Work harder. B. Talk to his father. C. Give up the job. 请听一段独白,完成第14 至第15 小题。 14.What is One on One? A.A middle school. B. An online game. C. A community program. 15.Why does the speaker give the speech to the students? A.To encourage them to volunteer. B.To show thanks to the volunteers. C.To share her volunteer experience. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10 分,每小题2 分) 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。


2017年中考英语一模试题 注意: 1.本试卷共12页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考 生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再 将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. In the picture, the lamp is hanging the table. A. up B. on C. from D. above 2. Tracy cares too much about herself. in our class loves her. A.Someone B. Nobody C. Everyone D. Anyone 3. ---- Oh, I missed the ball game on TV. ---- You can watch it on the __________. ---- But I don’t have a computer. A. blackboard B. Internet C. playground D. tape 4. ---- __________ is a boat ticket for children? ---- How old i s your child? It’s free for kids under three years old. A.How long B. How much C. How often D. How soon 5. ---- How nice the building is! What is it for? ---- It __________ a hotel. But I am not sure. A. must be B. have to be C. may be D. can 6. I __________ the phone number many times, but the foreigner couldn’t write it down. A. repeated B. refused C. researched D. received 7. Please speak __________ to those children with hearing problems so that they can read your mouth more easily and understand better. A.happily B. politely C. quietly D. slowly 8. ---- Would you like to play table tennis with me? ---- I don’t feel like it. I would rather __________ at home and watch TV. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 9. Although you may meet some difficulties in learning English ,you should never__________. A. put up B. get up C. give up D. grow up 10. ---- Did you mail the cards to your teachers?


扬州树人学校九年级英语第一次模拟试卷 九年级英语 第Ⅰ卷 一、听力部分 (一)听对话回答问题。 本部分共有10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1.How does Henry go to school today? A. B. C. 2.What does the woman suggest buying? A. B. C. 3.What’s the man doing now? A. B. C. 4.When did the woman get up today? A. B. C. 5.What does the woman want to do? A. She wants to buy a new blouse. B. She wants to change the clothes. C. She wants to take back the money. 6.What’s the weather like in the morning? A. Warm. B. Cloudy. C. Windy.

7.How long will the woman keep the books in all? A. Two weeks. B. Three weeks. C. Four weeks. 8.Where do the elephants come from? A. Africa. B. Asia. C. America. 9.Why doesn’t Betty want to go? A. She isn’t kind. B. She doesn’t know Jason’s friends. C. She doesn’t know Jason. 10.Which of the following is true? A. The shoes were bought in France. B. They were bought in England. C. They were made in London. (二)听对话或短文答题。 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听对话,回答下列各小题。 11. Why does David like to be a reporter? A. He likes to talk. B. He likes to sing. C. He likes to dance. 12. What does Helen want to be? A. A teacher. B. A reporter. C. An actor. 听短文,回答下列各小题。 14. A. second B. third C. fourth 15. A. stairs B. lifts C. windows


2017 年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 听力理解(共30 分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听 两遍。(共5 分,每小题1 分) 页)14页(共1第

三个选项中选择、C 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B 最佳选项。 1.5 分)(共15 分,每小题每段对话或独白你将听两遍。小题。6 请听一段对话,完成第至第7 6. What does the woman want to drink? C. Juice. A. Tea. B. Milk. 7. How much does the woman pay? C. $9. A. $7. B. $8. 小题。至第9 请听一段对话,完成第8 8. Where are the speakers going to have a picnic? C. At the seaside. B. On the hill. A. In the park. 9. Who will join the speakers for the picnic? C. The boy's grandma.A. The boy's dad. B. The boy's grandpa. 11 小题。请听一段对话,完成第10 至第10. How did the boy go to the wild animal park? C. By bus. A. By train. B. By car. 11. What did the boy do in the wild animal park? C. He saw a bird show. B. He fed an elephant. A. He drew a picture. 13 至第小题。请听一段对话,完成第12 12. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Different reading skills. B. Some benefits of reading. C. The man's reading habits. 13. What does the man think of reading? A. He believes it is enjoyable. B. He finds it a little difficult. C. He thinks it takes too much time.


绝密★启用前 2020 初三年级英语学科模拟试题(一) 注意事项: 1. 本试题分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。共150 分。考试用时120 分钟。 2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 3. 第一卷为选择题,每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的正确答案标涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案写在试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束,应将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 第I 卷(选择题共110 分) I. 听力测试(30 分) A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(7.5分) 1. A. I drink milk every day. B. I sometimes play soccer. C. I hardly ever go hiking. 2. A. What does she do? B. Why does he like pandas? C. How is the weather in Jinan? 3. A. Don’t arrive late for class. B. Don’t take photos in the museum. C. Don’t run in the hallways. 4. A. Is the hospital between the park and the shop? B. Could you tell me where the restrooms are? C. Did you visit your grandparents on vacation? 5. A. How long have you worked in Canada? B. How long has your uncle had the farm ? C. How long has she kept the book? B) 听录音,从每题A、B、C 三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。 每段对话听两遍。(7.5 分) 6.A. B. C. 7.A. B. C.


甘肃省白银市届中考英语一模试题 (考试时间120分钟总分150分) 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍(每题1分,共20分) 1. A. dropped B. shopped C. stopped 2. A. the 3rd B. the 6th C. the 8th 3. A. make up B. look up C. look after 4. A. He was not allowed to listen to the MP3. B. The teacher began to listen to the MP3. C. He doesn't like to listen to the MP3. 5. A. Tina used to live in the city. B. Tina is used to living in the city. C. Tina prefers to live in the city. 二、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 6. A. She is 14 years old. B. She is my sister. C. She has a ping pong bat. 7. A. Let's listen to music. B. Don't talk. C. No, we can't. 8. A. He is lazy. B. No, I'm not. C. Brad, I think. 9. A. Once a week. B. He has many friends. C. On Friday night. 10. A .I'd love to. B. It doesn't matter. C. Give him a hand. 三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11~12个小题。 11. A. At 10:00. B. At 11:00. C. At 12:00. 12. A. Bread and milk. B. Pancakes and porridge. C. Noodles and fried eggs. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15个小题。 13. A. At a store. B. At a school. C .At a hospital. 14. A. She stayed at home B. She went to parties. C. She traveled a lot. 15. A. He went swimming. B. He played basketball or tennis. C. He sang or told stories. 四、听短文填空。短文读两遍。 Move to big cities or not? Advantages There are many _____________(16) things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also _____________(17) things from all over the world. Disadvantages It is _____________(18) to live there. There are too many people.


北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(一) 英 语 试 卷 2017. 5 听力理解(共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对 话你将听两遍。 (共4分,每小题1分) A. B. A. B. C. A. B. C. A. C.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最 佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. What does the man want to buy? A. A coat. B. A jacket. C. A shirt. 6. How much will the man pay? A. $ 80. B. $100. C. $120. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. Who did Tony go to the movie with? A. His friends. B. His parents. C. His brother. 8. What does Tony think of the movie? A. Moving. B. Exciting. C. Interesting. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Where are the two speakers? A. On a train. B. On a plane. C. On a bus. 10. How soon will the speakers arrive in Beijing? A. In 2 hours. B. In 3 hours. C. In 4 hours. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. What’s Linda’s problem? A. She doesn’t feel well. B. She doesn’t work hard. C. She has no friends. 12. What will Mr. White talk about at the parents’ evening? A. His country. B. Their daily life. C. Linda’s problem. 13. Why does the teacher invite Mr. White to speak at the parents’ evening? A. To make other children notice Linda. B. To help others understand Linda better. C. To ask other parents to teach their children. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. Who is Nancy’s talk for? A. The teachers. B. The students. C. The older people. 15. What is Nancy mainly doing now? A. Giving a lesson. B. Predicting the future. C. Making an advertisement. 16. What can you learn from Nancy’s talk? A. The younger should take more exercise in late adulthood. B. Changes of the old’s lifestyle are more important. C. Lifestyle has a great influence on health.


2019 年北京中考英语考前模拟试题第一节单项选择。(本题共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分) ( (从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 )1. I________a lot but I don't play very often now. A. used to play tennis B. was used to play tennis C. am used to play tennis D. used to playing tennis )2. Bob, an________boy, can write and sing many English songs. A. eight-years-old B. eight-years C. eight-year-old D. eight-years old ()3.—Would you________me________, Mr. Lin? This question is too hard for me. ( ( ( —OK. Let me try. A. help; after B. help; out C. help; up D. help; with )4. Let's________the exercise books before we begin to do our homework. A. put up B. call up C. hand out D. fix up )5. I think________difficult for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time. A. that B. this C. one D. it )6. Her clothes are new, but she wants to________them________to the poor people. A. work, out B. help; out C. give; away D. hand; out ()7.—What are you going to do? ( ( ( —I'm going to put_______ some signs________old clothes. A. up; to ask for B. on; to ask to C. up; asking to D. down; asking for )8.Our parents often tell us not alone in the river in summer. A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swam )9.The father is creative enough so many nice toys for his daughter. A.buying B.making C.to buy D.to make )10.I often saw the boys in the river. A.swam B.swimming C.to swim D.swim


松江区2019学年度第一学期期末质量监控试卷 初三英语2020.01 Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar Ⅱ. Choose the best answer. 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. admit B. afraid C. action D. attract 27. Every morning I have ____ egg and two pieces of bread for breakfast. A. a B. an C. the D. / 28. ___ two hours, I am sure the painting will be completed. A. For B. With C. In D. At 29. Children sometimes are better than adults ____ creative thinking. A. for B. in C. on D. at 30. Their flowers seem dying while ____ look very lively. A. we B. our C. ourselves D. ours 31. This course is too easy for her son. She is planning to change to ____ one. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 32. A large number of ____ will be on sale on the Internet as promised. A. news B. progress C. tickets D. physics 33. Of the three maths problems, I have just solved ____ difficult one. A. the more B. the most C. a most D. more 34. –___ do you usually go fishing, John? –About once a week. A. How B. How often C. How soon D. How long 35. I will take the responsibility if anything goes _____. A. wrong B. mad C. well D. badly 36. Keep off the wet hill path. You ____ fall and hurt yourself. A. must B. should C. need D. may 37. Don’t come to me ____ I call for your help. A. although B. because C. unless D. when 38. The glasses are in fashion ____ they don’t look good on me. A. but B. so C. and D. or 39. My advice on decorating the back wall ____ at last by the class teacher. A. was accepted B. was accepting C. will be accepted D. will accept 40. –Look! My mother ____ a new hat for me. –Wow, it looks very beautiful on you. A. was making B. will make C. makes D. has made 41. I didn’t hear what you said. I _____ about our picnic plan. A. would think B. was thinking C. thought D. had thought 42. He denied ____ down the old man although some witnesses said so. A. knock B. to knock C. knocking D. knocked 43. –Do you always get up at five? –Yes, ____ my dog. He barks very early in the morning.
