

301. The writer was always looking for suitable _____ to use in his next story.

A. contents

B. articles

C. notions

D. ideas

[答案] D. ideas.

[注释] idea(= thought;picture in mind)念头,思想,想法。

302. He gave me some very _____ advice on buying a house.

A. precious

B. worthy

C. precise

D. valuable

[答案] D. valuable.

[注释] valuable 宝贵的,有价值的,常可修饰advice,suggestion,assistance,discovery 等名词。precious“贵重的”如: precious metals(贵金属),precious stone(宝石)。

303. You will get to the church more quickly if you take this _____ across the fields.

A. track

B. passage

C. method

D. journey

[答案] A. track.

[注释] track(=path made by frequent use)意指“(常走而踏成的)小径”,如:a track across the moor(越过荒野的小径)。passage“通路”,如:force a passage through a crowd(在人群中挤出的一条通路). 可见此处选passage不妥.

304. A landing on Mars is within the _____ of current physical theory.

A. scheme

B. scope

C. scrap

D. scale

[答案] B . scope.

[注释] scope 范围,活动范围,理解犯围: 1 Many words are outside the scope of this dictionary. (许多单词是超出了这本词典的范围.) 2 V ery hard words are not within the scope of a child's understanding。(非常难懂的词是超出了一个孩子的理解范围.) 3 Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind.(经济学是孩子理解不了的.)

305. He was _____ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

A. scratched

B. pricked

C. stung

D. bitten

[答案] C. stung.

[注释] sting 刺,蛰,叮。在英语中蜜蜂蛰用sting ;而蚊子“叮”用bite,如: A mosquito just bit me.(狗、蛇,咬),钧用bite ,scratch 搔,prick vt. 扎(穿),刺(穿)

306. Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _____ you off your feet.

A. flow

B. cut

C. press

D. sweep

[答案] D. sweep.

[注释] sweep sb,off sb's feet 由两层意思,直义为“(浪等)把某人冲倒”,转义是“使产生强烈的好感,使完全信服”,如: His speech swept them off their feet。(他的演说使他们五体投地.)

307. The store had no more red shoes _____, so Mary chose brown ones instead.

A. in demand

B. in store

C. in need

D. in stock

[答案] D. in stock.

[注释] in stock(=having sth. ready to sell or use;in present supply) 有现货供应: The shop has suger in stock.(这个商店有白糖供应.) in demand(=needed;wanted;) 有需求: The book about dogs was much in demand in the library.(=Many people wanted to read the book about dogs that in the library.) in need(=in poverty,in trouble)在贫困中,在困难中: A friend in need is a friend indeed。(A friend who helps when one is in trouble is areal friend.) in store(=saved up in case of need;ready for use for some purpose) 储备待用:于If the electricity goes off,we have candles in the closet.(=We have candles put away if we need them for light.)(如果电灯灭了,我们壁橱里还备有蜡烛.)

[注意] in stock 强调商店备有现货以供出售,而in store 则指储备物品以供急需使用。此外in store 还可以表示“等待着,必将发生”。例如: I have a surprise in store for you.(我有一个你料想不到的消息要告诉你。)

本题译文: 这家商店没有红鞋供应,所以玛丽买了一双宗色的鞋.

308. Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will _____ the race even if he finishes last.

A. keep on

B. keep to

C. stick out

D. stick to

[答案] C. stick out.

[注释] stick out(=keep on doing sth。until it is done,no matter how long,hard,or unpleasant) 坚持下去: Mathematics is hard,but if you stick it out you will understanding it(=Mathematics is hard,but if you keep on working hard at it you will learn it.) 此外,stick on 还可表示(stand out)

突出: The skyscraper sticks out against the bkue sky.(这幢摩天大楼映着蓝图显得格外突出.)

[注意] stick out与keep to 均有“坚持”的含义。stick out 特指“坚持下功夫干一件事,不完成决不收兵”;而keep to 则强调“坚持、遵守、坚守”诺言、规则、原则、精神、岗位。可见,keep to 的英文释义为ability by;adhere to,stick closely to。例如: keep to one's promise(遵守诺言);keep to the rules of a game(遵守比赛规则);keep to a principle(坚持原则);keep one's pos(坚守岗位)。因此,我们可以说keep to相当于stick to,而区别于stick out.

309. Can you _____ me _____ two hundred copies of this article by tomorrow.

A. give .. out

B. send .. in

C. write .. off

D. run .. off

[答案] D. run…off.

[注释] run off(=produce with a printing press or duplicating machine)印刷,复印:The print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper.(=The print shop printed 1000 copies of the newspaper.)

write off报废,勾销。参阅Ⅲ.200.注释。give out分发,发出。send in 呈报,递交,送上: 1 Have you sent in your application?(你是否已递交了你的申请书?) 2 He sent in two oil paintings for the exhibition.(他送上两幅油画参展.)

310. The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

A. climate

B. weather

C. state

D. occasion

[答案] A. climate.

[注释] climate 指某一地区的长期气侯,而weather则指某一天的“天气”。本题中的climate(=the general temper or opinion of a group of the people or period of history) 指“某一团体历史时期的总的状况和民意”。例如: climate of the political unrest 不稳定的政治状况. state(=condition) 状态;be in a state of 处于某种状态. 例如: 1 The room was in a very dirty state. 2 She is in a state of confusion.(她处于慌乱状态.) 由上可见,climate 最合题意.

本题译文: 我国目前的政治气候有利于外国的投资.

311. It was with great delight that I read in your February _____ the letter to the Editor written by Prof. Johnson.

A. issue

B. printing

C. magazine

D. copy

[答案] A. issue.

[注释] 根据题意,此处是指某杂志二月份的那一期,故应选issue。printing 印刷;印刷术。至于copy 与issue 的区别,copy 指书刊的“本,册”;而issue 是指报刊或杂志的“期”.

本题译文: 非常高兴地拜读了贵刊二月的一期中所登载的约翰逊教授致编辑的信.

312. What I'm telling you is strictly _____. Do not let anyone know of it.

A. secretive

B. special

C. individual


[答案] D. confidential.

[注释] confidential(=spoken or written in secret) 机密的,应保密的:The information is confidential. special 专门的,专用的: a special car(专车).individual 个别的,单个的。secretive(=fond of keeping secrets) 爱保密的,守口如瓶的.

本题译文: 我现在告诉你的事是保密的,千万别让人知道.

313. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.

A. prescription

B. procedure

C. treatment

D. practice

[答案] D. practice.

[注释] practice(医生或律师的)业务,生意: 1 The lawer has a very good practice. 2 We call a doctor's work and the number of patients he look after his practice.(我们把医生的工作和医治病人的数目称为开业状况.)

prescription 药方;procedure 程序,手续;treatment 治疗,待遇.

本题译文: 这位作者当过医生,但后来放弃开业,专搞写作.

314. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions.

A. put up with

B. come up with

C. get on with

D. keep up with

[答案] D. keep up with.

[注释] keep up with 跟上,与……并驾齐驱;及时了解。put up with 忍受;get on with 有进展;生活得……;come up with 提出.

本题译文: 朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一.

315. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is _____ starting in a new one.

A. currently

B. actually

C. recently

D. lately

[答案] A. currently.

[注释] currently 目前;actually 实际上;recently 近来;lately(=recently) 近来.start in(on) 开始(做某事),常用于口语中,如: 1 Fred started in wedding the garden. (弗雷得开始在花园里除草.) 2 If we start in at once,we shall get the job finished early. (如果我们马上开始,我们可以早点完成这项工作.)

316. My house is very _____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.

A. comfortable

B. suitable

C. convenient

D. available

[答案] C. convenient.

[注释]convenient 方便的。suitable也可接for,但其词义和本题不符,故不能选.

317. When college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.

A. demand

B. assume

C. apply

D. anticipate

[答案] D. anticipate.

[注释] anticipate 预料,期望,预望:The first question is one the John has anticipated. (第一个问题是约翰已经预料到的)

318. Alice _____ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.





[答案] A. convince

[注释]convince sb. +that从句意为“使……相信,说服……”。reinforce 加强,增强。pledge 发誓,保证.

319. Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to _____ him in his work.





[答案] A. hamper.

[注释] hamper(=hinder)阻碍。prevent 防止,后接from.

320. She chose cushions of a color which would _____ her carpet.

A. equal

B. agree

C. help

D. match

[答案] D. match.

[注释] match vt. 匹配;相配: 1 You can't match him in his knowledge of wild plants.(在野生植物知识方面,你无阀于他相比.) 2 Her hat does match her dress.(她的帽子与她的衣服不配.)match vi. 相配: These gloves don't match.

321. We finally managed to _____ the committee's approval of our plans.

A. secure

B. arouse

C. acquire

D. exert

[答案] A. secure.

[注释] secure 与acquire 钧有“得到”的含义,但secure vt. 此处的意思是(=succeed in getting sth. for which there is a g reat demand)“获得(所需之物)”.acquire“获得,求得”,尤其指由于自己的努力,能力,技术而使原有的东西变得更多,并表示一经求得,即成永久的所有物: The boy has acquire a fire knowledge of geography.(这男孩已得到一点地理知识.)可见,根据题意应选secure.

322. I have such a bad cold that I have lost all _____ of smell.

A. degree

B. sense

C. strength

D. scent

[答案] B. sense.

[注释] sense 意为“(五官的)感觉”,如: People have five senses: sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch. scent 气味,香味.

323. She is so _____ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.

A. sensitive

B. sensible

C. imaginative


[答案] A. sensitive

[注释] sensitive敏感的(to),易受伤害的,灵敏的。sensible明智的(of),通情达理的。imaginative有想象力。impressive的给人留下印象的,感人的。

324. The lorry driver was badly _____ when his lorry crashed into a wall.

A. damaged

B. hit

C. hurt

D. harmed

[答案] C. hurt

[注释] damage损坏;harm对......有害;hurt(精神上或肉体上)伤害; hit打击;pain(精神上或肉体上)痛苦。

325. I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.

A. glance

B. glimpse

C. glare

D. gleam

[答案] B. glimpse

[注释] catch (or get) a glimpse of瞥见(强调行为的结果)。take a glance (or look) at看一眼(强调行为过程本身)。

326. The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.

A. advocate



D. reveal

[答案] B. demonstrate

[注释] advocate拥护,提倡。exhibit展览,陈列。reveal揭示,暴露。demonstrate(=show clearly by giving proof or example)(用实例,证据)证明,表演。

327. The rainbow _____ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.

A. dissolved

B. removed

C. resigned

D. disappeared

[答案] D. disappeared


328. All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.

A. often

B. fast

C. soon

D. late

[答案] C. soon

[注释]all too实在太......,all too soon意为太快了,带有惋惜的意味,如:Tom had snatched a short holiday from his work to come here. He said it ended all too soon.(汤姆趁工作之暇匆匆


329. Deserts, dry areas with _____ no vegetation, cover more than one-third of the Earth's land surface.

A. surprisingly

B. eventually

C. permanently

D. virtually

[答案] D. virtually

[注释]virtually(=almost, very nearly; in every way that is really important)几乎,事实上,实际上;My book is virtually finished; I have only a few changes to make in the writing.( 我的书几乎写完了,我只要在作品中再作一点修改就可以了。)surprisingly令人惊奇的;eventually最终的;permanently永久的。

330. After dinner the minister made a short _____ to the guests.

A. delivery



D. speech

[答案] D. speech

[注释]make a speech to sb.(向某人做演讲)。make conversation with sb.(和某人闲谈conversation常与下列动词搭配:get (enter) into conversation with(和......攀谈起来),have a conversation with(与......谈话),interrupt (break off) conversation(中断谈话),turn the conversation to other matters(把话题转到其他问题上)delivery常指"(演讲等的)说话方式,口才",如: His report was good, but his delivery was poor.( 他的报告内容很好,但他的口才太差)。

331. When there's doubt the examiner's decision is _____.

A. right

B. final

C. definite

D. fixed

[答案] B. final.

[注释]final最终的,不会改变的。definite明确的。fixed固定的,不变的;a fixed income(固定收入)。right正确的。

332. Busy and successful as he was, the novelist was willing to _____ any promising young man and give him all the help he could.

A. take up

B. pick up

C. make up

D. look up

[答案] A. take up.

[注释]take up把......当作被保护人,关照,提携,列如:This athlete was taken up by several Boston universities.(这个运动员得到波士顿大学的关照。)pick up参阅III.129,130注释。


333. He did not find a job yet because he had no _____ to men who could help him.

A. approach

B. application

C. access

D. approval

[答案] C. access.

[注释]have access to进入的路;能接近,进入,了解或使用(不可数名词)。列如:1)We had access to his private files.(我们能接触他的私人档案。)2)Only a few people have access to the full facts of the ase.(只有几人能了解案件的全部事实。)3)Only high officials had access to the emperor.(只有高级官员才能接近皇帝。)approach接近,走近,快到;对待处理(事情的)方式;接近(到达)的路:1)He was warned of the enemy.(已警告他敌人已接近。)2)His book represents a new approach to the difficulty.(他的书代表了处理困难的一种新方法。)3)The approach to the house was a narrow path.(通到这幢房子的路是一条小径。)application申请,申请书。approval赞同。根据题意,此句中不是指身体上的“接近或靠近”,而是指“能接触到”的某人故选access更切题意

334. The old man got into the _____ of storing money under the bed.

A. tradition

B. habit

C. use

D. custom

[答案] B. habit.

[注释]get into the habit of doing sth.意为“养成了做......的习惯"。habit指个人的习惯,而custom则指社会的风俗习惯。tradi tion“传统"。

335. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. I am sure whoever sees it will _____ its charm.

A. appeal to

B. stick to

C. keep to

D. yield to

[答案] D. yield to.

[注释]yield to:屈服于;投降让步(经常有比较灵活的译法)。如:The disease yielded to treatment.(=The disease was cured as the result of treatment.)(这病经过治疗已减轻或治愈。)

appeal to向......呼吁;stick to(=keep to)坚持。



336. Children are likely to get _____ if no one cares about their upbringing.

A. out of hand

B. out of order

C. out of place

D. out of work

[答案] A. out of hand.

[注释]get(or be) out of hand是习语,意为“无法控制,不受约束":This situation appears to be completely out of hand.(看来形势已完全失去控制。)out of order有毛病,失灵;out of place不得其所的,不适当的;out of work失业。


337. When the Greeks had _____ the Persians, a soldier ran from Marathon to Athens.

A. won

B. bitten

C. beaten

D. hit

[答案] C. beaten.

[注释]beat sb. 打败某人。beat sb. black and blue(把某人打得鼻青脸肿)。hit,击,击中:hit a man on the head(打在人的头上);hit at sb.(向某人打去)。strike(=hit ,give a blow at blows to)打,击:strike a man on the chin(打在某人的下巴上)。win赢得,用作此义时,后不能接某人;可以说win a match, a victory, the first prize等。

338. There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't _____ falling over it in the darkness.

A. help

B. resist

C. avoid

D. prevent

[答案]C. avoid.

[注释]avoid 避免(后接动词或名词): He tried to avoid answering my questions. can't (couldn't) help doing sth. 禁不住做......不由自主地做......。can't (couldn't) resist doing sth.禁不住做......: I couldn't resist laughing.

339.Maria is a _____ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.

A. sensitive

B. sensible

C. obedient

D. jealous

[答案]B. sensible

[注释]sensible 通情达理的;sensitive敏感的;obedient顺从的;jealous 妒忌的,猜疑的,警惕的;

340. Violent programs on television may have a bad _____ on children.

A. affection

B. pressure

C. influence

D. control

[答案]C. influence.

[注释]have a influence on 对...有影响;

341. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality, he'd tell them so.

A. humble

B. minor

C. inferior

D. awkward

[答案]C. inferior.

[注释]inferior 比较差的;humble谦卑的,恭顺的,低下的;awkward 尴尬的,别扭的,笨手笨脚的;不好用的;minor细小的:1)This cloth is inferior to that one .(这块布比那块质量差)2)She feels inferior to her elder sister .(她感到比姐姐差的多。)3)He is of humble birth.(她出身低微。)4)He is very humble towards his superiors.(他对上司低三下四。)5)he felt awkward and uncomfortable.(他感到尴尬不自在)6)He was an awkward carpenter.(他是个笨手笨脚的木匠)7)This is a very awkward question. We must ask that of Hery.(这个问题不好对付,我们必须去问问亨利)

342. If you put too many potatoes in that paper-bag it will _____.

A. fail

B. explode

C. crack

D. burst

[答案]D. burst

[注释] burst vt./vi.涨破,涨裂。Burst one's clothes(撑破衣服)。

343. One-room schoolhouses can still be found in _____ areas where there are no other schools for many miles.


B. deserted

C. isolated

D. abandoned

[答案]C. isolated

[注释]isolated 孤立的。Deserted被遗弃的;空无一人的;abandoned丢弃的,如;abandoned cars(因报废而丢弃的汽车)。Dispose of sth. 处理掉某物:He disposed of his old car .(他把旧的汽车处理掉了。)意为卖掉或扔掉等。

344. I'm afraid you have no _____ but to come along with us.

A. possibility

B. permission

C. choice

D. selection

[答案]C. choice.

[注释]have no choice but 除了...没有别的选择;只能...:I have no choice but to obey.(我只能服从)。

345. I shall never beat John at tennis; we are clearly not in the same _____.

A. set

B. band

C. group

D. class

[答案] D. class.

[注释]be in the same class 水平相同。此句中class,意为“(高低、优劣的)等级;种类”。

346. As soon as Charles had _____ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.

A. returned

B. absorbed

C. dissolved

D. recovered

[答案] D. recovered.

[注释]recover from 从......恢复过来

347. When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _____.

A. scratch

B. scrap

C. snatch

D. scrape

[答案] A. scratch.

[注释]start from scratch (=from the beginning, from nothing) 从头开始,白手起家;John brought the radio from scratch. (=John bought the parts and put them together himself.)

348. The thieves _____ him _____ in the park, took his wallet and escaped.

A. held .. back

B. held .. up

C. held .. on

D. held .. out

[答案] B. held ... up.

[注释]hold up sb.拦劫。hold up, hold on, hold out 的用法请参阅III.82,83注释.

349. Japan has to employ an increasing number of overseas workers because there is no easy solution to its labor _____.

A. decline

B. rarity

C. vacancy

D. shortage

[答案] D. shortage.

[注释]labour shortage 劳动力短缺。Decline 下降。rarity稀少。vacancy 空缺,未占用.

350. The two dogs started to fight, so we tried to _____ them.

A. split

B. separate

C. tear

D. divide

[答案] B. separate.

[注释]separate 意指将结合的东西“分开,拆散”,divide指把整体“分成”几个部分,split (沿一条线-)裂开,tear撕开,distinguish“区分,区别,辨别”。


英语词汇173题详解(1-39) 1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____. A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbe d D.considered [答案] D. considered [注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。 [注意]acknowledge 1) (=agree or admit the truth of; confess) 承认, 供认; A. He acknowledged his mistake. (他承认了他的错误。) B. 接动名词He acknowledged having been beaten. (他承认被打败了。) 2) (express thanks for) 致谢; A. Mary acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter. (玛丽致函感谢馈赠的礼物。) B. His long service with the company was acknowledged with a present. (向他赠送礼品以感谢他长期来对公司的服务。) 2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.

A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise [答案] C. consent [注释] consent 同意, 赞成, 答应。conviction 深信, 确信。compromise 妥协, 折中。command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry. . powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous [答案] A. powerful [注释] powerful (=having or producing great power) 强有力的。在这里四个形容词中, 只有powerful (有效力的) 可与表示药物的名词搭配。influential 有影响的, 有势力的, monstrous 异常大的, vigorous 精力旺盛的, 强健有力的。 4. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway. A. vanished B. abandoned C. scattered D. rejected


英语 考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见 附录1至附录5),要求词汇量为3500左右。 二、语言运用 1.听力 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)获取具体的、事实性信息; (3)对所听内容做出推断; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 2.阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义; (4)做出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 3.写作 要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思; (2)有效运用所学语言知识。 4.口语 要求考生根据提示进行口头表达。考生应能: (1)询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法;


1. 基本读音 (1) 26个字母的读音 (2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音 (3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音 (4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音 (5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音 (6) 辅音字母组合的读音 (7) 辅音连缀的读音 (8) 成节音的读音 2. 重音 (1) 单词重音 (2) 句子重音 3. 读音的变化 (1) 连读 (2) 失去爆破 (3) 弱读 (4) 同化 4. 语调与节奏 (1) 意群与停顿 (2) 语调 (3) 节奏 5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用 6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧 7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异


高三英语单词过关检测一 班级:________________ 姓名:________________ 得分:_________________ 1.the ______________ 大西洋 2.Constable was a great English___________. 康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家. 3.We waited for the ___________ of our guests. 我们等著客人的到来。 4.He shot an ___________ at the hare. 他对准野兔射了一箭。 5.He has written an ___________ for the magazine. 他已给该刊撰写了一篇文章。 6.The _______________ of the city is very much polluted.那个城市的空气受到严重污染。 7.She was ___________ of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。 8.China is an ___________ country. 中国是个亚洲国家。 9.We had an ____________ about politics. 我们就政治展开了争论。 10.She will ____________ to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录. 11.The news _____________ everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶. 12._____________ is one of my favorite subjects. 天文学. 13.The _________ won two gold medals in the Olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。 14.We have already made _______________ for our vacation. 我们已经为假期作了安排。 15.He worked as an ___________ to the President. 他当过总统助理。 16.He was born in _____________. 8月 17.They decided to ___________ at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻. 18.Listen ___________ to the speaker. 专心地听演讲人的话 19.She shows a very positive ___________ to her work. 她工作态度非常积极. 20.These toys are a real ___________ at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜, 真划得来。 21.He is the first ___________ to walk on the moon.他是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。 22.The ___________ enjoyed every minute of the performance.观众自始至终欣赏这次演出。 23.He is from ___________.澳洲 24.My car ___________ has run down. 我汽车上的电池用完了。 25.The ground is covered with leaves in _____________. 秋天 26.The ___________ age of the students is 19. 学生的平均年龄是19岁. 27.They all ___________ mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。 28.Vocabulary is ___________ to English learners. 词汇对于英语学习者来说是基本的。 29.The offer is very ___________ to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。 30.Playing ___________ is good for our body. 羽毛球 31.Passengers checked their ___________ before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。 32.Try to ___________ your diet by eating more fruit and less meat. 尽量多吃水果少吃肉, 均衡饮食. 33.I think you need to see a doctor for your ___________.我想你的腰痛需要看医生。 34.They are vacationing at the ___________.他们正在海滨度假。 35.Our dog always ___________ at strangers. 我们的狗一见生人就叫. 36.___________ is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。 37.Schools have ___________ the use of cell phones. 学校已经禁止使用手机. 38.He was shot to death in a gun ___________. 他在枪战中被击毙。 第 1 页共8 页


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站) 1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动)PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于 custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses .


高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.360docs.net/doc/b21664016.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance A. define B.cheat C.entertain D.bless 9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language. A.enter B.adjust C.generate D.disclose 10.The of the criminal act was two years in jail A.consequence B.stress C.basis D.affects 11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion 12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. A.loyal B.royal C.pleasant D.awful 13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b21664016.html,mands B.depresses C arises D.recommends 14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime


普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲 英语词汇表 A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) abandon v. 放弃,抛弃 ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 abnormal a. 不正常的 aboard prep. 在(或上)船,飞机,火车等 abolish v. 废除 abortion n. 流产 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上abroad ad. 到(在)国外 abrupt a. 突然的,不连贯的 absence n. 不在,缺席 absent a. 缺席,不在 absolute a. 绝对的 absorb v. 吸收 abstract a. & n. 抽象(的) absurd a. 荒谬的 abundant a. 丰富的 abuse v.滥用,虐待 academic a. & n. 学校的,学术的 academy n. 专科院校 accelerate v. 加快 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 access n. & v. 接近,进入 accessible a. 可接近的,可使用的 accident n. 事故,意外的事 accommodation n. 住宿,调节 accompany v. 陪伴 accomplish v. 完成,实现 account n. 账目;描述 accountant n. 会计师 accumulate v. 积累 accuracy n. 精确 accurate a. 精确 accuse v. 控告 accustomed a. 通常的,习惯的 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 第 1 页共74 页


形式1: 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在句子右边的横线上写出各单词的完全形式。(每空只写一词) 1.I o___ my career to my instructor at the University of Oregon, who gave me encouragement and hope. 2. F me for not paying you proper respect when I came in just now. 3. Learning to recognize speech patterns will certainly help you understand s English whether it is live or recorded. 4. G speaking, the more expensive the radio, the better it is. 5. Each Christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and m . 6. I hope our business relationship will c in the future. 7. Now Indians are t the lead in cyberspace. 8. WTO aims to encourage international t to flow as freely as possible. 9. In a crisis, when everybody else gets very excited, you have to become the calmest person in the room, so you can figure a way out of the s . 10. Her silver hair s she has been weathered by years of hard work. 11. War is a c way of solving problem. 12. She left m in case John dropped by. 13. S from a major heart attack in 2001, he lived for another four years. 14. If h to a high temperature, water will change to vapor. 15. You b when you take air into your lungs and send it out again. 16. We made ourselves a p and we’re never giving up. 17. I won’t waste any more of your v time. 18. Social connections and work experience play more important r in job hunting. 19. “The book does c the subject” said the editor. 20. On my a at Beijing, I hurried to see her. 21. When you send a letter, you write the address and stick the stamp on the e. . 22. The thief was s to five years in prison. 23. I’m not s with the way he cut my hair. 24. The heavy rain p us from entering the site. 25. Fruit and vegetables are sold by w . 26. Many goods have been i into China in recent years. 27. Salty food makes you t . 28. England is s from France by the Channel. 29. The man is suffering from a s illness. He is not able to go to work. 30. She succeeded in writing a book last year. It is a highly p novel. 31. Sometimes it’s very hard to know the coming disaster in a . 32. His height gives him an a over the other players. 33. Did Tom b reak the glass on p ? 34. –Sorry to have troubled you. – Don’t m it 35. Certain textbooks are in short supply; in p French dictionaries are urgently needed. 36. You’ll just have to be p and wait till I’m off the phone. 37. - What’s the r between the two speakers? -The man is a boss and the woman is his secretary. 38. The child r the time wasted on playing computer games. 39. His way of living is quite r ; so he is in good health. 40. When ending a short letter of message, you write: Hope to see you soon, with best r . 41. Come s to the point. 42. I r his view, although I do not agree with him. 43. Only a few villagers r after a strong tidal waves. 44. These songs always r us of our old days. 45. They are making steady p towards a peace settlement. 46. Each page of the contract should be s by all three parties. 47. A t jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move because the road is blocked. 48. They have r the number of staff from 80 to 50. 49. She had changed so much that I could hardly r her. 50. Parking is not p between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 形式2: 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站)1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动) PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses . 我已经习惯戴眼镜了。 = I am accustomed to wearing glasses. 派生accustomed a. 习惯的 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做sth. be devoted to doing sth. 投身于sth. 8. achieve vt. 1.完成,达成 2.凭努力获得或达到 achieve + fame 名声 +goal 目标 +knowledge 知识 +success 成功 PK acquire 实现(被动) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 finish 结束(不是实现) conclude 下结论(只能加句子) 9. acknowledge vt. 1.承认= admit = confess acknowledge A as B 承认A就是B 2.公认为,认为 3.感谢 10. accept vt. = take 1.主动接受 PK receive 被动接收(receipt收据)2.承认,认可 11. adapt vt. 来自apt adj. 有……倾向性的 1.使适应 adapt A to B 使A适应B 2.改编 12. adjust vt. 来自just adj. 正义的 1.调节,使适应 2.调整,校准 3.整理,核算 派生adjust A to B 13. admire vt. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕 I admire you. 我羡慕你。


高考英语重点词汇填空专项练习 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. Prices have risen steadily during the past _________(十年), namely from 2005 to now. 2. His interest in this subject gradually _________(减少) because he dislikes the new teacher. 3. Such _________(装饰品) is a typical feature of the new year festival. 4. It was not long before the ________(潮湿的) clothes dried up in the sun. 5. I must apologize for the ________(延误) in writing back to you. 6. I am much __________(高兴) to be present at the lecture and to give you a speech. 7. The thin mailman _________(递送) letters and parcels from door to door every morning. 8. Our headteacher _________(要求) we get to the classroom before half past six in the morning. 9. He had been suffering from toothache for a few days before he went to see a _________(牙医). 10. The hero should _________ (值得/应得) praise and a reward for his brave behavior. 11. It’s admitted that everyone _________(期望/想要) to live in a world free of wars and starvation. 12. If you don’t speak good English, you will be at a big _________(劣势) when seeking a job. 13. There was a ________(失望的) look on his face when he failed to pass the driving test again. 14. Our school _________(阻止/使气馁) us from staying up late to study. 15. Every day after I get up, I _______(给……穿衣服) my son and then wash his hands and face. 16. So _________(满是灰尘的) is the window that I can’t see anything clearly outside. 17. I _______(捐赠) my blood for free each year with the hope of helping those people in need. 18. He works hard, but he does not ______(赚/挣) much money to support his family. 19. I go all out for my ideal university, for I think nothing is more important than ________(教育). 20. What is certain is that every ________(结果) must have a cause. 21. I work hard to improve my English, believing that my ________(努力) will pay off soon. 22. There are four _________(紧急情况) exits in the department store in all. 23. To save money, many shops prefer to ________(雇佣) students during summer vacation. 24. Without your _________(鼓励), I would have given up learning and dropped out of school. 25. When asked why she remained single all the time, she felt a bit _________(尴尬). 26. Some people are tired of living on the earth and want to ________ (体验) the life on Mars. 27. With the College E Examination coming, we are under great pressure. 28. Mr. Smith is an ________(专家) on foreign language teaching. 29. Only by practicing a lot can you speak (流利的) English. 30. She had the f the other day and she went to see a doctor. 31. He is so poor that he can’t afford to buy the ________ (昂贵的) furniture. 32. The whole building was in ________(火焰) and it took two hours to put out the great fire. 33. As the saying goes, f is the mother of success. 34. We should try our best to create a better living ________ (环境). 35. Mr. Wang often encourages me to join in more activities to ________ (丰富) my


高考英语词汇(全) a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absence n.. 不在,缺席 absent a. 缺席,不在 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 according to ad. 按照,根据 account n. 账目;描述 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 take action active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员

actual a. 实际的;现实的 AD n. 公元 ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告 Add vt.添加,增加 addition n. 增加;(算数用语)加 address n. 地址 admire v. 钦佩;羡慕 admirer admiration admission n. 准入, 接纳 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) adult n. 成年人 adulthood advance v. 推进,促进;前进 advancement advantage n. 优点;好处 adventure n. 冒险;奇遇 advertise vt. 为……做广告 advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议aeroplane n. (英)飞机 affair n. 事,事情 current affairs affect vt. 影响 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 be afraid of /to do sth. Africa* n. 非洲 African非洲的,非洲人的 n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后;后来 prep. 在……之后;在后面 conj. 在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后


英语考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见 附录1至附录5),要求词汇量为3500左右。 二、语言运用 1.听力 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)获取具体的、事实性信息; (3)对所听内容做出推断; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 2.阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等, 并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义; (4)做出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 3.写作 要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思; (2)有效运用所学语言知识。 4.口语 要求考生根据提示进行口头表达。考生应能: (1)询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法; (2)做到语音、语调自然; (3)做到语言运用得体; (4)使用有效的交际策略。 附录1语音项目表1.基本读音 (1)26个字母的读音 (2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音 (3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音 (4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音 (5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音 (6)辅音字母组合的读音 (7)辅音连缀的读音 (8)成节音的读音 2.重音 (1)单词重音 (2)句子重音 3.读音的变化 (1)连读 (2)失去爆破

(3)弱读 (4)同化 4.语调与节奏 (1)意群与停顿 (2)语调 (3)节奏 5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用 6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧 7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异 附录2语法项目表1.名词 (1)可数名词及其单复数 (2)不可数名词 (3)专有名词 (4)名词所有格 2.代词 (1)人称代词 (2)物主代词 (3)反身代词 (4)指示代词 (5)不定代词 (6)疑问代词 3.数词 (1)基数词 (2)序数词 4.介词和介词短语 5.连词 6.形容词(比较级和最高级) 7.副词(比较级和最高级) 8.冠词 9.动词 (1)动词的基本形式 (2)系动词 (3)及物动词和不及物动词 (4)助动词 (5)情态动词 10.时态 (1)一般现在时 (2)一般过去时 (3)一般将来时 (4)现在进行时 (5)过去进行时 (6)过去将来时 (7)将来进行时 (8)现在完成时 (9)过去完成时 (10)现在完成进行时 11.被动语态 12.非谓语动词


2010高考英语词汇练习及详解(3) 101. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _____ in giving the class lectures. A. exchange B. alter C. shift D. alternate [答案]D. alternate. [注释]alternate vt./vi. 轮流,交替发生或出现:Wet days alternate with fine days.(晴雨天交替更迭。)The weather today will alternate between fine and cloudy.(今天的天气将是晴间多云。) shift般动,移动(vt.);转移到,迁移(vi.);改变:1)Lend me a hand to shift the piano, will you?(请帮个忙搬一下这台钢琴。) 2)They have shifted away from this area.(他们已从这一地区迁走了。) 3)The candidate is constantly shifting his opinion about the problem.(这位竞选者在这个问题上不断改变他的观点。) exchange交换;exchange... for ... 用.......换......;alter(部分)修改。 102. Pack the cake in a strong box, or it might get _____ in the post. A. splashed B. spilt C. crushed D. crashed [答案]C. crushed. [注释]crush压坏,压碎;弄皱;辗散;1)Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.(不要把这个盒子压坏了,里面有鲜花。) 2)Her dress was crushed.(她的衣服弄皱了。) 3)The machine crushes wheat grain to make floor.(这台机器把麦粒辗成面粉。) splash溅,泼;split(中间)裂开;crash(向下)猛跌;(飞机)失事。 103. The thief _____ the papers all over the room while he was searching. A. abandoned B. vanished C. scattered D. deserted [答案]C. scattered. [注释]scatter(=throw or put in various directions, or here and there)撒。 abandon放弃,抛弃。desert遗弃(而离开)。vanish消亡,灭亡。本题句意是将小偷在搜寻钱时的情景,所以应选scattered(撒)。104. Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical _____. A. facilities B. appliances C. instruments D. equipment [答案]B. appliances. [注释]electric appliances电器用具,facilities公用设备。equipment设备,装备,是集合名词,指“设备”的总称,只有当数形式。instrument仪器。 105. The _____ of the trees in the water was very clear. A. mirror B. sight C. reflection D. shadow [答案]C. reflection. [注释]reflection此处意为“映在水中的倒影”,而不是“影子”或“阴影”,故不能用shadow。其他选择均不合题意。106. One _____ needed when making a cake is flour; another is sugar. A. container B. ingredient C. content D. equivalent [答案]B. ingredient. [注释]ingredient(混合物的)成分。container容器,含量;内容(复数)。equivalent:相等物。 107. They have been waiting for many hours to see the singer, but the airplane must have been _____. A. behind the times B. behind schedule C. ahead of time D. in no time [答案]B. behind schedule. [注释]behind schedule(=late, behind time)晚点:The train is running behind schedule today.(=The train is not on time today.)behind the times(=using things not in style; still following old ways; old fashioned)过时,跟不上时代,落后:1)The
