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stimulate creativity in their lives, so pay attention to training and meticulous "insight" is particularly important, for keen insight into the surrounding environment and life, temper and explore the creation of design thinking consciousness. Only express design intent is not enough, there must be some strong modeling capabilities and comprehensive artistic accomplishment, so fashion designers in the creation, the idea of the time, on the one hand reflect their own distinct personality style, on the other hand to the natural social life has a unique understanding of the two mutually harmonious. Keywords: Consumer imitate nature unique spirit First,speculative, modelling beauty Clothing modelling is performed the thoughts of spirit, is the result of the thoughts of the mind. This beauty makes people to dress and nature in a harmonious, unified and harmonious state. French philosopher Rene Descartes once said: "this kind of beauty, a particular part of the flash, and all parts in total, there is a proper coordination between each other and moderate, not part of the outstanding trump the other part, damage to the structure of the perfect", that is to say, clothing is a kind of whole the United States, people's temperament, psychological, personality and body structure factors and the overall unity of clothing. Second, the nature, life and bionic design 1. Learn from natural biological modelling When an imitating biological appearance of fashion design, a lot of people in wonder at the same time is also has a modern and original cave life setback question... Ancient times, humans struggling for survival and nature produced dependence on god illusion, ancient plants and animals have become a primitive human creation, the source of ideas. The ancient egyptians see scarabs, cobra, such as symbol of animals and plants for the gods, Greece, the prototype for the architectural modeling art of ancient Rome is associated with laurel, ivy and other biological nature. For a long time, the development of human, it is always the nature of the form as the first art form, which explains the nature reserves the endless beauty, and so it is with the clothing design field. From emulate swallow cocktail dress, bat batwing coat, to imitate the amaryllis a-shaped trumpet skirt, modeled after the fashions of the biological modelling nature more and more get the welcome of people. We call this kind of imitation design "bionic design". "Bionic design" source of popular charm has three aspects, one is in recent years, the fashion popular agitation to blow the wind "ecological", because the deterioration of industrialization has brought human living space, natural ecology is destroyed, human is more and more beautiful nature before, so people just awakening should attach importance to environmental protection, performance in the clothing design is formed with "nature" and "green leisure" and so on the ecology of boom, and has gradually become the mainstream of fashion. So the


英文翻译: The unique expression in fashion design Abstract: With the social progress and people's aesthetic awareness, clothing design requirements are constantly changing, not only beautiful, comfortable, personalized for different purposes, and more and more people started to pay attention the unique design of the clothing. unique expression of the clothing design has something in common, in common, there are three factors most typical one of the means of the use of the plastic arts; is to follow the basic rules of the plastic arts; the pursuit of art content and beauty of form harmony and unity. The face of increasingly fierce competition in society, from clothing unique starting to play to their strengths, so that the costume design perfected. Key words: aesthetic sense; costume design; uniqueness; expression Introduction With the rich substance of social development, improved quality of life, the pursuit of unique clothing is also more than plus strong, the face of the popularity and unity to the mass production of clothing has become a problem to be solved in order to fashion designers. An important design point, then become a unique expression of the costume design costume design costume design unique refers to the characteristics of the presentation of the representative from the clothing on the whole, it is unique content and form unity. China fashion design unique expression as a complete system of disciplines to study the ancient times to now there, but the uniqueness of expression in fashion design is not perfect, therefore, the uniqueness of this study fashion design to express Modern fashion design is of great significance. 1. The unique overview of clothing In short, The unique nature of the clothing is the clothing unique. In a broad sense refers to the presentation of the representative characteristics from the whole of the clothing works, it is one of the unique form and the objectivity of the unity of the unity of content, costume designer on the subjective aspect of creative and clothing subject matter difficult to find words to express, but it is not difficult to make us feel unique style. The unique nature of the clothing, but also refers to the values, artistic characteristics and inherent character of a nation, an era, a genre or a person's clothing in the content and format of the show out. The unique nature of the appearance of the mind, the pursuit of the realm of fashion design in the final analysis is unique in design and positioning, the unique expression of the costume design also reflects the designer's unique creative thinking and the pursuit of art also reflects the distinctive character.

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外文文献原文+译文 原文 The study on the design of neuter clothing H ous e W Abstract Social and economic development, social thought, opening up and the progress of science and technology, men and women style presented the diversified pattern of neuter the fuzzy gender differences in style, from the beginning of non-mainstream des ign till n ow has develop ed i nt o on e of the mains t ream fas hi on d es ign style. Fashion brands have launched in recent years, the neutral flavor of fashion, neuter clothing market share of more and more, neutral fashion, with its broad group of sex leads the urban street fashion. Neutralization of free and open way of life style, gave people a comfortable and enjoyable. K ey words: Neut e r; Cl ot hing; Gender roles; Design 1 Introduction The beginning of the 20th century the rise of the feminist movement, make the neutral clothing as a kind of style into the line of sight of people. In the 90 s, the neutral clothing has used by each big brand clothing as one of the fashionable e lement s, s uc h a s dust coa t w i th a ne ut ral style, s ui ts, t-shirt s and j e ans have bec om e people like everyday clothes. Neuter clothing style is a simple, pure; reject all multifarious mincing, personalized style. As a special kind of clothing style, neuter clothing fashion has been intensified in the social life, so it is necessary for us to study the clothing neutralization phenomenon, to study its causes and the development of sociology. This article mainly from the sociological association as well as the relationship between men and women clothing and gender status in the society, which is based on analyzing the change of the study the social basis of the neutral clothing appear; Again from the social system, economic development, cultural trend and fashion designers to the influence of the neutral clothing style, etc., it is concluded that the neuter clothing phenomenon is the development of social consciousness, the sexual role transformation, the new clothing design trends are affecting the results.


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课程名称:纺织材料学 一、考试的总体要求 纺织材料学是一门纺织工程专业的重要专业基础课,它既传授一些重要的专业知识同时又是后续专业课必需的基础课程。通过学习可以为合理使用原料和提高产品质量打好基础,同时还为纺织工程专业课的学习准备必要的专业知识。要求掌握主要纺织纤维和纱线的基本结构及对性能的影响;掌握织物的基本结构及对性能的影响;掌握主要纺织纤维的性能特点及其工艺意义;掌握纤维、纱线及织物结构的测试方法、原理和指标。 二、考试的内容及比例 考试内容比例(%) 第一章绪论(分类、内部结构概述) 5 第二章天然纤维15 第三章化学纤维10 第四章纺织材料的吸湿性质 5 第五章纺织材料的热、光、电学性质10 第六章纱线的分类与结构 5 第七章纱线的结构参数与性能指标15 第八章织物的组成、分类与结构10 第九章纺织材料的基本力学性质10 第十章纺织品的服用性能15 合计100 三、试题类型及比例 如:1、名词解释:20~30% 2、论述题:70~80% 四、考试形式及时间 考试形式为笔试。考试时间为三小时。 五、主要参考教材 1.《《纺织材料学》,姚穆主编,中国纺织出版社,第三版 2.《《纺织材料学》,于伟东主编,中国纺织出版社,第一版 课程名称:服装材料学 一、考试的总体要求 《服装材料学》课程是高等教育服装艺术设计专业的专业基础理论课程,通过本课程的学习,要求学生能够系统地掌握服装材料对服装的外观、形态、性能、加工、保养和成本的影响,了解服装材料的服用性能对服装功能的影响,为服装面料选择和结构设计打下良好的理论基础。 二、考试的内容及比例 考试内容比例(%)

緒论 5 第一章服装材料用纤维10 第二章服装材料用纱线 5 第三章服装用织物结构10 第四章服装用织物的染整 5 第五章服装用织物的服用和成衣加工性能20 第六章服装用织物的特征及其适用性25 第七章服装用毛皮与皮革 5 第八章服装辅料 5 第九章新型服装材料 5 第十章服装的标识与保养 5 合计100 三、试题类型及比例 如:1、名词解释:20~30% 2、论述题:70~80% 四、考试形式及时间 考试形式为笔试。考试时间为三小时。 五、主要参考教材 1.《服装材料学》,王革辉等编著,中国纺织出版社,第一版 2.《服装材料学》,朱松文等编写,中国纺织出版社,第三版 课程名称:染料化学 一、考试的总体要求 染料化学主要介绍了染料、颜料和荧光增白剂的基本特性,应用范畴和合成途径,重点阐述了染料的化学结构与其应用性能和颜色性能的关系,染料应用中所涉及的化学反应及其影响因素,是轻化工程专业的基础学科。 考试要求: 1、掌握染料合成中化学反应及其影响因素,根据染料结构设计合成路线; 2、掌握染料化学结构特征与染料颜色性能和应用性能的关系; 3、掌握染料在染色过程中所涉及的化学反应及其影响因素。 二、考试的内容及比例 考试内容比例(%) 第一章染料概述 5 第二章中间体及重要的单元反应20 第三章染料的颜色和结构15 第四章直接染料 3 第五章不溶性偶氮染料 5 第六章还原染料10 第七章酸性染料 5 第八章酸性媒染染料与酸性含媒染料 5


文献出处:A Dehghani. The application of digital printing in fashion design [J]. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2015, 16(2): 263-271. 原文 The application of digital printing in fashion design A Dehghani Abstract The appearance of digital printing for textiles printing provides a new train of thought, digital printing with the current textile fabric printing a variety of requirements of the market of printing technology, including high quality printing precision, high efficiency of printing on reaction time and the printing of the diverse demand, these advantages directly promoted the digital ink jet printing in the rapid development of textile fabric printing direction. In this paper, the design method of the digital printing design of different style and means of decoration and design method in the fabrics for summary, it is concluded that digital printing design cuttings in fabric printing, clothing apparel printing method and the application of the traditional fabric secondary design and decorative effect. Through the above research, digital printing and garment design and garment style between the relationships between the shapes, thereby further to bring into full play the advantages of


我不会写参考文献 参考文献类型:专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A] 电子文献类型:数据库[DB],计算机[CP],电子公告[EB] 电子文献的载体类型:互联网[OL],光盘[CD],磁带[MT],磁盘[DK] A:专著、论文集、学位论文、报告 [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码(可选) [1]刘国钧,陈绍业.图书馆目录[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1 957:15-18. B:期刊文章 [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码[1]何龄修.读南明史[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173. [2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research o n applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthq uack Eng,1997,38(3):358-361. C:论文集中的析出文献 [序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任

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浅谈我国服装结构设计的研究现状及发展摘要 !近年来!服装结构设计不断发展和深化!服装结构理论正在逐步完善!向着科学化" 系统化的方向迈进#本文主要综述了我国服装结构设计研究现状和发展前景两个方面的内容$ 关键词!服装结构设计现状发展孙颖甘应进长春工业大学闽江学院 &) 名人堂:众名人带你感受他们的驱动人生马云任志强李嘉诚柳传志史玉柱!"#$%&’!"() 总第!"#期 !""$年第%期四川丝绸体型!参考日本原型建立起我国服装原型"但由于服装原型要求以实际人体测量数据为基础!而中国的体型普测还跟不上原型设计的需要!体型数据库也待完善!并且我国幅员辽阔!民族众多!体型相对差异较大!很难用同一原型涵盖体型特异值较大的所有地区!故应先选择体型值单一性地区进行计测"对此!东华大学服装学院及有关学院进行了有益的尝试!提出了东华原型及其他的原型"以东华原型为例!其依据是#$!%前矩"后矩的立体构成形态的原型在衣身平衡和结构变化中具有良好适合度&$#%随着服饰美更注意体现人体美的特点凸线!服装结构平衡以前浮收省的形式进行平衡为立体&$$%随着中国经济的发展!中国人营养状况有很大改善!女体发育更趋健康!三围尺寸差距增大!衣服浮余量增大&研究方法#对所选择样本$取自华东’华南’华北地区#%!#&岁的青年女子样本数共’$(人%进行静态人体计测!对青年女子的’%个项目的原始数据进行均值和标准差处理!对比各个项目的数据!定量’定型地分析青年女子的主成分分析!各细部与控制部位间的一元’二元回归关系!筛选和简化回归关系式为实用计算公式!最后绘制前浮余量用省道’后浮余量用省道的方式处理形式的原型图" #"!"#新思路的服装结构设计方法随着对服装结构设计的不断深入研究!以及其边缘学科的发展!服装工作者不断地尝试和研究新的服装结构设计方法!如有衣型结构设计方法’基于人体特征的结构设计方法’基于装饰和人体工学的服装结构设计方法等等" 以基于装饰和人体工学的服装结构设计方法为例!这种方法也称为基于人体工学的实验式结构设计方法"实验式设计方式的宗旨是创新设计方式!既可汲取传统设计方式的长处!也可截然抛弃传统设计方式而独辟蹊径"在实验式设计方式即将曲面转化为平面的问题上!创造性地采取了随机肌理分割法!将人体看作是由数个不同形状的水平面组合而成的三维立体"出于功能和装饰目的!实验原型衣要做尺量放大的款式处理’省的拼合处理’褶的松量处理!这就不同于传统设计方法标准放量和省’褶的设计规定!而是完全取决于设计师对结构面的掌握和运用以及对美的自我认识"这时!成衣的结构线是贯穿各结构面的结构线!而不是影响结构的结构线!传统意义上结构线失去了它的功能作用而退化为装饰作用!这应是服装结构设计观念上的革命"实验法与传统立裁方法的比较#实验法的立体裁剪不会受传统立裁省道位置的限制!在创作时运用自由省!即凭设计师的经验或想法在人体上自由分割" #"#人体测量技术人体测量是正确把握人体特征的必要手段!只有通过人体测量!掌握人体有关部位的具体数据!进行服装结构设计时才能使各部位的尺寸有可靠的依据!才能保证服装适合人体的体型特征!舒适美观" 人体测量技术现状从技术发展来看!人体测量技术可以分为传统的人体测量技术和三维人体测量技术"三维人体测量技术不断发展!经历了由接触式到非接触式!由二维到三维!并向自动测量和利用计算机测量’处理和分析的方向发展"非接触三维自动人体测量是现代化人体测量技术的主要特征"三维人体自动测量作为现代图像测量技术的一个分支!是以现代光学为基础!融光电子学’计算机图像学’信息处理’计算机视觉等科学技术为一体的测量技术"但目前对三维人体测量系统的研究还存在着一些问题!如由于人体表面阴影和人体活动的影响而导致数据流失等"对三维人体自动测量技术的研究!美’英’德’日本等发达国家开始较早!已研制开发了一系列三维人体测量系统"我国在这方面的研究尚处于初级"三维人体测量技术在国内外的应用#通过三维人体测量仪可以快速’准确地进行大量的人体测量!建立国家’地区的人体尺寸数据库!为服装行业及服装科研提供基础的数据依据"三维人体测量技术对服装业的发展具有重要的研究和应用价值" #"$服装结构设计的计算机辅助设计的研究#"$"!服装!"#软件技术研究现状服装)*+的设计可有$种方法,第一种不经过#+纸样设计!直接进行$+结构设计!类似于服装结构


word中如何标注参考文献 每个人论文中引用的参考文献多少会不一样,而我们又需要对这些进行标注,如果能够快速熟练的添加参考文献资料,那么下面就由小编给大家分享下word中标注参考文献的技巧,希望能帮助到您。 word中标注参考文献的步骤如下: 步骤一:首先打开我们的论文word文件,用鼠标点在需要添加标注的位置,然后在导航栏里面选择【引用】点击【插入尾注】步骤二:word会自动移动到文章的末尾,如图所示,文章末尾出现一个横线,在横线下方的位置我们就可以按格式要求输入引用的文献,比如这里小编仅使用百度百科为例 步骤三:回到我们刚才进行标注的位置可以看到有一个灰色的i 且比较发虚,和我们文章末尾文献前面的编号一致,但是我们平常比较常用[1]这种形式,因此我们可以使用替换的方法批量修改,当论文完成之后,在键盘上同时按下CTRL+H 打开替换窗口步骤四:在窗口中按图中的内容输入尤其注意替换内容的输入不要忘记两个中括号,然后点击更多 步骤五:在左下角选择格式字体,效果选择上标这样数字标注就会出现在文字右上方 步骤六:除了可以使用字体效果命令设置外,可以直接进行第四步,然后在论文中使用CTRL选中所有的数字标注在开始中如图所示的位置快捷作为上标,按ctrl选取可能比较麻烦我们也可以选中

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Vol. 3 (3), April, 2009 ISSN 1994-9057 (Print) ISSN 2070-0083 (Online) Effect of Seams on Drape of Fabrics (Pp. 62-72) Sukumar Nachiappan- Lecturer, Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Email: sugumaraan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b27830540.html, Gnanavel. P. - Lecturer, KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode–637 215, TamilNadu, India Ananthakrishnan, T.- Professor and Head, Department of Textile Technology, Government Sri Krishna Rajendra silver jubilee Technical Institute, Bangalore – 560 001, India Abstract Drape of the fabric is its ability to hang freely in graceful folds when some area of it is supported over a surface and the rest is unsupported. Drape is a unique property that allows a fabric to be bent in more than in one direction, When two-dimensional fabric are converted to three-dimensional garment form. In the present study, the effects of sewing of different seam were selected on different fabric and their behaviors were studied. In this study drape of ten fabrics are analyzed with three types of seams and three stitch densities. Sample without seam is a control sample and drape of seamed samples are compared with control sample to analyse the drape behavior of seamed fabrics. This paper presents a fundamental drape analysis of seamed fabrics using drape meter. Drape behavior is determined in terms of drape coefficient. The effect of seams on the drape coefficient and Drape profile has been made. Drape coefficients significantly differs between the fabrics and also between the seam stitch density combinations. Investigating drape on seamed fabrics can improve fabric end use application.


中国服装设计师品牌的现状分析 摘要:中国服装设计师品牌近几十年来随着国内经 济的不断发展受到越来越多人的关注。本文利用中国十佳服装设计师的数据,系统地介绍了中国服装设计师品牌的现状,并从人才需求、品牌知名度、定位、文化底蕴、法律体系五个方面分析了中国服装设计师品牌存在的问题,最后提出了相应的对策建议。 关键词:设计师品牌;现状;原因 每年举办的中国国际时装周不仅在国际上具有一定影 响力,而且也为中国服装设计师提供了展示能力的平台。每届中国国际时装周都会评选出十位十佳时装设计师,十佳时装设计师在中国服装设计师中具有代表意义。本文经过筛选后,以符合条件的十佳时装设计师品牌为样本,研究中国服装设计师品牌的发展现状。 一、十佳时装设计师品牌现状分析 1.十佳时装设计师创立品牌人数比例接近一半 每一届中国国际时装都将评选出十位十佳时装设计师,从1995年开始到2014年整整20届,其中34名设计师获得2-3次该奖项。统计结果显示:共有162名时装设计师在20届中国国际时装周中获得十佳时装设计师称号。其中92名

并未创立自己的设计师品牌,创立品牌的只有70名。 表1 十佳时装设计师创立品牌的情况 数据来源:中国时尚品牌网、中国服装设计师协会。 在查阅资料统计数据时,发现没有创立品牌的设计师大部分是一直在为国内外知名服装品牌做职业设计,少部分的设计师是自由职业,例如为企业服务,兼任服装设计教师等等。 2.十佳时装设计师品牌以成衣为主 根据服装生产的批量不同可将设计师品牌分为成衣和 高级定制两类。根据表1十佳时装设计师品牌创立情况,五位设计师创立了两个设计师品牌。故分析对象为70位十佳 时装设计师创立的75个设计师品牌。 表2 十佳设计师品牌经营模式的情况 数据来源:百度百科、中国时尚品牌网。 根据表2可知,我国服装设计师品牌经营模式以成衣为主,比例高达80%,但高级定制的比例也不算太低。之所以成衣分布大,主要是成衣经营模式符合大众,成衣大量生产,同一款式可适合不同的顾客,同时成衣品牌的价位相对较低,能占有广泛的市场。随着社会发展,经济不断的增长,人们的收入随之增多,消费者的追求不断提高,对高级定制模式
