Unit 4 Earthquake教案设计

Unit 4 Earthquake教案设计
Unit 4 Earthquake教案设计

Unit 4 Earthquake教案设计


(1) 课题:Earthquake

(2) 教材分析与学生分析:

本单元的主题是“地震”。Warming Up部分Pre-Reading部分要求学生描述、讨论与地震有关的话题。Reading部分是一篇新闻报道,介绍了唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及地震后的救援情况。Learning about Language 部分涉及了本单元的词汇和语法。该部分主要通过阅读和句型练习帮助学生学习单词、数字的表达法以及有that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句,培养学生的自主学习能力。Using Language部分的“读写说(Reading, writing and speaking)”训练提供了一封信,要求学生阅读后写一篇大地震纪念公园落成仪式上的演讲稿,接着说一说唐山大地震纪念邮票。随后的听力(Listening)是一位美国人以第一人称叙述他在1906年旧金山大地震中的可怕经历。写作(Writing)部分训练学生如何写新闻报道,学会拟地定写作提纲。



震后的救援; 掌握和运用本单元出现的新词汇和短语以及数字的表达法;熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句;学会写英文新闻报道,拟订写作提纲。


同的角度设计目的明确的任务。阅读材料提及了很多孩子失去双亲成为孤儿,矿工在地震中的遭遇。救护人员和解放军官兵不顾自身安危,奋力抢险的事迹,地震无情人有情,感人至深。因此可以将他们作为素材,设计多种任务,展开课堂教学活动。如:1. 组织学生讨论震后孤儿的安置2. 模拟采访被抢救的矿工。3. 写一篇新闻故事,描述救护人员和军队救灾的感人故事。



(4) 教学重点和难点:

词汇:shake rise smelly pond burst canal steam dirt ruin injure destroy dam useless shock quake rescue electricity disaster army

organize bury shelter fresh honor prepare Europe

短语:at an end right away dig out a (great) number of give out thousands of


由that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句.

难点:1. Teach the students how to enjoy an article

2. Teach the students the way to express themselves.

3. The usage of the words of

that, which, who and whose.

(5) 教学策略:Student-centered method, asking and answering, explaining and practicing, reading

and discussion, speaking and listening, pair work

(6) 教学煤体设计:A projector and a tape recorder.

(7) 教学过程:

Step I. Revision

Check the homework with the whole class.

Step II. Warming up

Ask the students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do, and then have a discussion about the two pictures.

T: Today, before we begin our reading, I’d like to ask you a question, “What is the biggest sound you have heard in your life?”

S1: The sound of wind that blew in a winter night when I was very young. It sounded like a ghost who was howling. I was very frightened at that time.

S2: The biggest noise was the one that I heard when my neighbor was quarrelling with his wife.

Perhaps, they broke their TV set.

T: That’s too terrible.

S3: The noise when planes take off.

S4: The sound of trains.

T: Good! I agree that all of them are big sound. But did you once heard the sound that the heaven falls and the earth cracks, in Chinese it is 天崩地裂?

Ss: No, we have no chance to hear that.

T: If there is a sound like this, what is it?

S5: When someone hears something unexpected and terrible. For example, when one of his loved families dies, he will feel this sound.

T: Terrific! You are using a literary way to express the sound.

S6: When an earthquake happens.

T: Great! I have waited for this answer for a long time. Today we’ll learn something about earthquakes. I think most of us have heard of earthquakes. Can you imagine how terrible it is ? S7: The earth is shaking . All the buildings will fall down.

S8: Many people will die. And perhaps many children will lose their parents.

T: Yeah, earthquakes are disasters to everybody. Now look at the two pictures of Tangshan and San Francisco. Can you describe what you see in the pictures?

S1: Tangshan is a beautiful city. It has beautiful gardens, broad roads and some tall buildings.

S2: From the picture of San Francisco, I can see that it is a very big city. There are many tall buildings thickly standing on the earth. I think the population of the city is very large.

T: Good! What will happen if there has been a big earthquake in these two cities? Work in pairs and discuss it. Then I’ll ask so me of you to show your opinion.

Step III. Pre-reading

There are two questions in this part. Both are very interesting. The first one c

an more or less reveal the st udents’ values; while the second one can enlarge their imagination.

No matter what their answers are, as long as they have given careful thoughts to the situations, their answers should be good.

T: Now, let’s look at the pictures. What are the predictions of an earthquake?

S1: Before an earthquake animals will become nervous. Cows, pigs, horses and dogs will be upset.

And people can see mice running about. If the earthquake happens during winter, people can even see snakes.

T: Terrific! Where did you get this knowledge?

S1: From geography. I like it.

T: good. Sit down please.

S2: Madam, I don’t know the meaning of the picture with two women.

T: It doesn’t matter. You will know it soon after reading our text. OK. Imagine there is an earthquake now, and your home is shaking, at this moment you have no time to take any other things but one, what will it be?

S3: I’ll take all my money. People can’t live without money.

S4: I will take as much water as possible. Because it is said that people can keep alive for nearly 7 days by drinking without any food

S5: In that case, I’d rather take some apples, so that besides drinking, I can also eat.

S6: I will carry my grandma. She is my most loved person in this world. She brought me up.

T: What a dutiful child you are! I’m very glad to hear that. Sit down please! It seems that all of you know what you should do during an earthquake. OK. Let’s read our text, and see what it tells us.

Step IV. Reading

In this part, teacher should ask the students to read the passage quickly for the first time to get the general idea of the passage. Ask them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. This can help them finish exercise3 in Comprehension. It is about the main idea of each paragraph. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details.

Before reading for the second time, show some questions on the screen, and let the students read the questions first. These questions can guide them to have a good understanding about the text. They can also make preparations for Exs1-2,which are about details.


T: At first I’d like to read the text quickly to get the general idea of the article. While reading, you should pay attention to the sentence of each paragraph.

T: Have you got the general idea of the text?

Ss: Yes.

T: What is it?

S1: There is no quick answer to this question . Are you suggesting us that the general idea is the mixture of the first sentences of each paragraph?

T: Sure.

S1:OK. That’s easy. The main idea of the pas sage is some signs of the earthquake, and what would happen during the quake.

T: Good, sit down please. In fact, while we are answering the questions, we have involved the sequence, the functional item for this unit. (Teacher writes the word on the blackboard ) Do you understand the meaning of the word?

Ss: No.

T: Sequence means the order of the events. It can tell us which event happens first, and which happens later. Do you know the sequence that is used in our text?

S3: Yes. At first, the text tells us something that happened before the quake, then it tells us the things that happened during the quake and at last it tells us the things that happened after the earthquake.

T: Quite right! Now please look at the screen, these are the first sentences of each paragraph. Read them and think if they are the main idea of the text. If necessary, you may make some changes to make more exact.

Teacher shows the screen and gives a little time to think it over.

1. Strange things were happening in the countryside in the northeast Hebei.

2. The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

3. All hope was not lost.

Careful reading

T: Now, it’s time for us to read the text carefully. B ut before reading, you should read some questions first. These questions may help you get some information quickly and easily. Now look at the screen, and read the questions.

Show on the screen

1. What natural signs of a coming disaster were there?

2. C an you think of some reasons why these signs weren’t noticed?

3. What events probably made the disaster worse?

4. What situations probably made the disaster worse?

5. How were the survivors held?

Step V. Extension

Show the questions on the screen.

1. From whose point of view are events described? How do you know?

2. What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?

3. Why do you think the writer chooses to express his feelings about the quake rather than

simply reporting what had happened?

4. W hy is the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP?

5. What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again.” mean?

Step VI Comprehending

Answers to Exx1-3

1.1. C

2. E




2. 1. The walls of the villages wells had cracks in them. 2 .Roads got huge cracks

3. Brick buildings were destroyed.

4. The army helped the survivors.

5. Shelters were put up for those with no homes.

3. 1. Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei..

2.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

3.All hope was not lost.

Step VII Homework

Write a composition on how to protect ourselves in an earthquake?



人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes教学案例 会昌中学胡赛君 一、教学设计 Teaching goals (教学目标) 1.skill goals (技能目标) Know basic knowledge about earthquakes(了解地震的基本知识) Know how to protect oneself and help others in disasters(了解如何自救与他救) 2. sensibility goals(情感目标) get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters ,meanwhile get them to face it ,treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.(使学生对灾难有正确的认识,要用积极的态度来对待它。) 3.Ability goals(能力目标) a.let the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.(独立搜集信息的能力) b.Let the students pack up the information by themselves.(独立整理信息的能力) c.Let the students design it for the purpose of showing in class.(设计制作课件的能力) d.feed them back to students in class ,using what they have don e.(课堂反馈与学生互动的能力) Teaching important points(教学重点) Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people(树立对于灾难的正确认识及面对灾难该如何应对) Teaching difficult point(教学难点) How to deal with the interaction between the students speakers and their classmates.(如何处理学生演讲者和同学之间的互动) Teaching procedures: Step 1: natural disaster Show the students some top disasters in the world, by Deng Yuge Team and Zhuang Jinmao Team. Step 2: famous earthquakes Show them some famous earthquakes in this century in the world, by Lin Chuyin Team and Deng Yuge Team. Step 3: Tangshan earthquake a.show them some pictures about Tangshan earthquake by Zhuang JinMao Team. b.Watch a video about Tangshan earthquake. Step 4: Signs before earthquakes 1.Given by Wu mengni Team in the form of pictures and words. 2.Given by Lin Chuyin Team in the form of filling blanks. Step 5: How to escape from the earthquake

人教版英语必修四4Unit4(Showing Our Feelings)课程教学设计

Book4 Body Language Showing Our Feelings教学设计 河北饶阳中学王晓莉一、教学内容(Teaching Content) 人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准试验教科书英语必修四Body Language第三课时---Showing Our Feelings. 二、教学设计(Teaching Plan) (1)教学思路 本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,各项活动的设计都围绕着这个主题进行。身势语是非语言交际手段中非常重要的一个方面,它通过无声的语言表达一个人的内心世界。与有声语言一样,身势语也是文化的载体,在跨文化交际中起着举足轻重的作用。了解身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用,会在交际场合中起到意想不到的好效果。通过本堂课的学习,学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度,“读懂”我们周围人的意思。 整个教学过程以“ 以学生为学习主体” 为设计理念,采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习调动起来并把这样的活动作为课堂的主体,引导学生完成学习任务。 (2)课前准备 要求学生预习课文Showing Our Feelings,并找出我们周围人们是怎样表达快乐、不高兴、愤怒、厌烦等情感的。 三、学生情况分析

我们的学生绝大多数来自农村,学习英语的条件有限,大部分是上了初中才开始学习英语,所以英语意识淡薄,知识薄弱。面对这样一群孩子,吸引他们对英语的兴趣是关键,因此我在这节课中使用了大量的图片,一方面吸引他们的注意力,引起兴趣,另一方面很大限度地帮助了学生们对这篇课文的理解。 四、三维目标(Teaching Aims) (1)知识目标(Knowledge Aims) 让学生了解“身势语”的概念,掌握身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用。通过阅读熟悉本课的相关单词、短语及重点句型,如spoken, unspoken, likely, be likely to, in general, at ease, etc. (2)能力目标(Ability Aims) 提高学生的阅读能力,训练学生skimming和scanning的阅读技巧,提高学生归纳总结、善于提取有用信息的能力; 在教学总过程中锻炼学生听、说、读、写各方面的技能,培养学生独立思考和合作学习的能力; 快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观(Emotional Attitude and Point of Value) 通过学生参与英语教学活动,增强其学习英语的主动性和积极性;通过对世界各国身势语及其情感表达方式的介绍,开拓学生的视野;通过自主学习和合作学习,使学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度的方式,并对以后的工作生活产生一定的影响。 五、教学重难点(Teaching Key and Difficult Points) Teaching Key Points:

2019-2020年高中英语必修一教案:Unit 4 Earthquake(1)

2019-2020年高中英语必修一教案:Unit 4 Earthquake(1) The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China student’s Book1 Unit 4earthquake. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from four parts. Analysis of the teaching material,, the teaching methods, the studying methods and the teaching procedure. First, let me talk about the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about natural disasters through the world and china,as we know ,has a particular problem with earthquakes. In the last century five of the ten worst earthquakes happened in China .although it is important for students to understand the dangers people face in a quake, it is just as important for them to realize that there are things that can be done to minimize the damage caused by quakes. For this reason, this unit keeps a positive tone or outlook. It includes exercises and tasks that enables students to think about how to avoid quakes, or at least some of the damage they can cause. this unit also lets them role-play community work that deals with disaster relief. As we all know , reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings: Part 2 Teaching aims and demands 1. Knowledge objects: a) The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson and can describe the signs before


Book 1 Unit 4 earthquake 教案 一.教学内容分析 本单元话题为“地震”,主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。本单元共分八个部分。 Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。 Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。 Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。 Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Writing and Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判断和回答问题,旨在培养学生获取细节的能力,并通过听来模仿标准的语音和语调。Writing部分要求学生报纸写一篇新闻报道,学习如何按照规范的步骤进行写作,如选择适当地标题和组织语言等。另外这一部分也培养学生写作时注意标题、主旨大意和细节。 Summing up部分帮助学生整理、巩固本单元所学到的知识,包括学到的关于地震的知识,有用的动词、名词、表达方式和新的语法项目。Learning Tip部分就听英语方面给出了一些建议,建议学生多听广播或电视里的英语节目. 二.教学目标和要求 根据《英语新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面。 1.知识目标(Knowledge) ①词汇(Vocabulary):shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare. ②短语(Phrases and expressions):right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth. ③语法(Grammar):定语从句(The Attributive Clause).能用英语描述任务的特征、行为等---- 由who/ whom/ whose/ that引导;能用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等---- 由which/ that/ whose引导。2.能力目标(Ability) 能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救;根据已知信息推测将要听取的材料的内容;提高阅读技能和用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力;掌握演讲稿的格式及新闻报道的写作步骤和要点。 3. 情感目标Affect 学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神;在教学活动中培养学生合作精神和互助精神。 三.教学重点和难点 1重点词汇:injure,survivor, shock, rescue, disaster, fresh, judge, prepare 2语法:The Attributive Clause


Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. (Section A) 课题 个性化设计 主讲人:廖易华 教学目标 1. 学习使用祈使句谈论校规。 2. 学习情态动词can表示许可及have to和must的用法。 教学重难点 1. 掌握重点词汇及目标语言。 2. 掌握祈使句及情态动词can, have to和must的用法。 教学方法 任务型教学法交际教学法 教具准备 多媒体粉笔图片 教学课时 一个课时 教学过程 <预热学习> ——初步研究 1. 预习交流,温故而知新。 2. 英汉互译 ar rive late for class __________ (be) on time __________ 在走廊上____________ 在餐厅_____________ 听音乐_____________ wear a hat ___________ 穿校服______________ 保持安静___________ 导入: 展示日常生活中常见的标志给学生,让其说说它们的含义。 从而引出“No rules, no standards. 没有规矩,不成方圆。”并引 导学生遵守规则,不要违反规则。 <自主学习> ——探索研究 图文结合,谈论校规(school rules)。 引入祈使句(Don’t...), can, must, have to的用法。 Don’t eat in the classroom. Don’t fight. You can eat in the dining hall. We can’t wear a hat in class. --- Can we run in the hallways? --- No, we can’t. You must eat in the dining hall. We must be on time. We have to wear the school uniform. Does she have to be quiet in the library? <合作学习> ——交流研究 总结本节课所学,学生观察例句,小组内讨论,总结祈使句, can, must, have to的用法。 1. 初识祈使句 祈使句表示命令、请求、劝告、征求对方意见等,一般省 略主语(you)。


Unit 4 Earthquakes The second Period Reading A night the earth didn’t sleep 王时娇Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 To make students get a general idea of earthquakes and some other natural disasters. To make students know the signs and damage of the earthquake. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to describe the earthquake of Tangshan Let the students write a summary of “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN”T SLEEP”. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to describe the earth of Tangshan. Help the students master the target language by doing some exercises. Teaching important points 教学重点 a. Present a sequence of events to introduce to the students and try to describe an earthquake. Let student pay attention to some useful words sentences and way to describe an earthquake. b. Let the students know what the correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Teach the students how to appreciate an article. Teaching methods 教学方法 a. Discussing b. Skimming and scanning Teaching aids 教具准备 A slide projector Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程及方式

人教版高中英语必修四教案:Unit 4 Body language

Unit 4 Body language ⅠAims:T alk about body language: cultural differences and intercultural communication Practise talking about prohibition & warning as well as obligation Learn to use the -ing form as the Attribute &Adverbial Learn to write a diary that showing the observation of how body language helps in communication ⅡStructures:Talk about body language What is the purpose of language? What do you think “body language” means? How can you tell if someone is sad or happy even if they do not speak? How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language? Why do we need to study body language? Talk about cultural differences & intercultural communication What do British people often do when they meet strangers? What do French people often do when they meet people they know? Why should we be careful about our own body language? Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them? ⅢKey new words:represent, association, canteen, dormitory, flight, curious, approach, major, misunderstand, dash, adult, crossroad ⅣKey expressions:represent, introduce, approach, touch, express, nod, avoid, misunderstand, punish, general, curious, similar, expression, agreement, gesture, action Ⅴ.Grammmar:The -ing form as the attribute && adverbial Finding out in the reading text sentences with present participle(s) used as the attribute or adverb Period 1-2 warming up Step I Lead-in The teacher shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005. Ss: Yes, Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of


用爱的音符启迪孩子的心灵 查阅 √ 1.听说认读单词:star,easy, look up,Internet. 2. 听说读写句子:There was no library in my school. Tell us about your school, please. How do you know that? There were no computers or Internet in my time. 3. 听懂Let’s try部分的内容,完成Tick or cross.

板书 设计 教学 反思 用爱的音符启迪孩子的心灵 查阅 √

一、热身(Warm-up) 1. Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food,went swimming,took pictures,bought gifts,rode a horse,rode a bike,went camping,hurt my foot,went fishing. 教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如T: took. Ss: Took pictures, I took pictures last weekend. ( 边做动作边说) 2. Free talk. 二、呈现新课 (Presentation) 1.教学单词dining hall,grass,gym,ago. 2. Show the picture of grass. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s grass. 板书grass并教读。Chant: Grass, grass. Play football on the grass. 以同样的方法教学dining hall, gym. Chant: Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch in the dinning hall. Gym, gym. Play basketball in the gym. 3. 教学单词ago及词组…years ago,…months ago. 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T: I went fishing three days ago. I went to Beijing two years ago. 板书并教读ago。让学生说出… years ago,…months ago的意思并造句。 4. 出示两张新旧学校图片介绍并板书:There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school. 教读。学生学说句子,描述学校以前和现在的样子.如:There was no computer room ten years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school. 5. Play the tape of Let’s learn.学生仿读。 6. 教师引导学生,看Find the mistakes中的图片,读英语介绍,然后找出图片中的错误。 7. 师生共同核对答案。 三、操练(Practice) 活动一:请五名学生手持本节课单词卡片站在讲台前,教师说一个单词或词组,手持相应卡片的学生要快速举起卡片,其他学生大声朗读上面的单词。 活动二:请学生上台来做动作,其他学生猜活动名称。 四、课堂作业 1. 听录音,跟读本部分内容。 2. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写5遍。 板书 设计 教学 反思 用爱的音符启迪孩子的心灵

新人教版必修四Unit4 Body Language教学设计

Unit 4 Body language I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组 1.教材分析 本单元以Body Language——“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。本单元的语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕“体态语”这一中心话题设计的,旨在通过单元教学,用听、说、读、写、做(表演)等多种形式,让学生正确认识和掌握“体态语”在交际中的作用和意义,使学生明确“体态语”在人类交际中的重要性,了解“体态语”在不同民族、不同文化交际中的多样性;使学生在今后的日常生活、学习、工作和交往中尽量减少或避免运用“体态语”时可能产生的误解,提高他们的“语言交际”能力和“非语言交际”能力。 1.1 WARMING UP 以列表对比(填充及增补)的形式,并通过WARMING UP 的活动,让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。同时,学生在听、说、做(即表演

“体态语”的动作)中能够增进对语言交际的感性认识,为他们在阅读过程中上升到对语言交际的理性认识打下基础。 1.2 PRE-READING 通过提供三个关于不同文化背景下“体态语”的问题,启发学生思考我们所学习的“语言”的目的、形式、功能。通过引导学生联系自己日常生活的实际,提高学生努力学习英语的积极性和自觉性;同时培养学生留心社会、关注生活的洞察力,为引导学生进一步“阅读”作好准备。 1.3 READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。学生也可以结合自己在语言交际中所遇到的实际例子来进一步理解“交际,毫无问题可言吗?”这一主题。 1.4 COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分由“本单元重点词汇英文释义”,“词语填空”和“词性变换”三项内容构成,语法部分由两大方面组成:一是让学生自己通过在课文中寻找相关语法的句子并按其语法功能分类,二是根据学生的认知规律安排该语法项目的练习让学生进行操练。整个项目通过三个练习和一个游戏,以及语法结构讲练,进一步巩固本单元所学词汇(尤其是课文中的黑体字),学习“现在分词”结构用作定语和状语,并通过操练,以收到“学以致用”、“熟练生巧”的效果。 1.6 USING LANGUAGE 通过增加阅读篇目“Showing Our Feelings”来拓展学生在“体态语”方面的知识视野,并通过“True” or “False”判断练习和问题讨论,使学生进一步明确“体态语”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用。同时要让学生认真对待自己的“体态语”,并在日常交际中“听其言”(Listen to them)、“观其行”(Watch them)。此外,该部分还通过听、说、读、写四个方面来巩固本单元所学内容和语言交际项目。


Module 1 Unit 4 Earthquake Reading A night the earth didn’t sleep 第一课时 Lesson Style: Reading Lesson 一、教学分析 (一)教学内容分析 与初中阶段主要重视英语知识和语法的学习有所不同,高中阶段侧重培养阅读能力,需要学生能把学到的知识灵活运用到对语言、文章的理解中,不断提高分析判断能力、逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。本单元的话题是“地震基础知识(basic knowledge about earthquakes)”和“遇到灾难时如何自救以及帮助别人(how to protect oneself and help others in disasters)”。具体涉及地震的成因、预兆、地震造成的损失、地震时的应急救生以及震后的救援等内容。本课是本单元的阅读部分,这是是一篇新闻报道,详细介绍了1976年唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作的情况,从而了解学习到唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。其次,通过对文章的学习,了解新闻的特点,为后面的写作做准备。 二.学生分析 本人所教班级是高一(1),属于比较优秀的学生,由52名同学组成。虽具备了一定的听说读写能力,但掌握的词汇量较少,阅读能力还有待提高。因此,本单元侧重训练学生的阅读技巧:略读、细读、总结归纳内容的能力、猜测词义的能力。 三、教学目标

1. Make the students know the things about Tangshan Earthquake: Strange signs before the earthquake, the destruction the earthquake caused and the aid and the rescue from the whole nation. 2. Training the students’reading ability: Fast Reading, Close Reading, Summarizing and word-guessing skills. 3. Make the students understand: If you can know about the signs before an earthquake, we will make good preparations before it happens to reduce the loss. 四、教学重点: 1. Train the students’reading ability 2. How to summarize the general idea according to the lines to the passage. 【重点突破】采用任务型语言教学方法,把学生作为教学的主体,以任务为主线,通过听、说、读、写等活动用所学的语言完成所规定的任务。 五、教学难点: How to choose a proper title for a passage. 【难点突破】采用探究式的教学方法,引导学生通过观察、分析文章标题,总结出标题的特征。然后,根据标题的特征为所学文章建议一个恰当的标题。六、教学方法: Task-based teaching and learning; Inquiry teaching method;Cooperating learning 七、教学设备 Muti-classroom 八、教学过程: I. Warming up Present two pictures to the students and make them answer some questions. Play the song The Heaven is Your Home《天堂就是你的家》 to rendering the environment. (渲染) the atmosphere.

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 4 Reading 教学设计

Lesson Plan Basic information Teaching Content Unit 4 Body Language Reading: Communication: No problem? Learner Profile This is the second teaching period of this unit, students will have a general knowledge about “ body language”. Although some of them know different body languages in different countries, they may not know what culture mistakes will be made when people don’t understand different cultures. The reading material is about some misunderstandings among different countries people. And students will be also interested about that. Main Focus Students will learn some background information about body language. Students will learn different cultures which are behind different greeting gestures. Sttudents will learn “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Anticipated Learner Difficulty Understand some culture mistakes among different countries. Understand different cultures in different countries. Teaching Aims


4、德育目标: 促使学生了解和关心自己和他人的家居环境,热 新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 4 Whereas my backpack? 教学设计与反思 邹学敏 Period One 一、教学目标:(知识目标、能力目标、情感目标、徳育目标) 1、语言知识和语言技能目标: (1)学习和掌握有关询问物品位置的句型: Where? s my backpack? It' s on / in / under / behind / next to … Are my books on the chair? Yes, they are. No, they aren' t? Is it on / in / under ........... ?Yes, it is. No, it isn? t? (2)学习有关家具名词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant ,bag (3)学会三个方位介词的用法:on,in, under 2、能力目标:培养学生用英语思维的判辨能力、综合运用语言的能力和自主学习的能力。培养学生的语言交际能力和创新能力。 3、情感目标:提高学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心,培养学生善于 与他人合作的精神,使他们积极主动参与课堂活动和相关的课外活动,并从屮体验学习的乐趣,从而培养学生乐于探索和勤于动手的学习态度。 爱自己的家,养成良好的生活习惯。从完成任务的过程屮,学会互相合作,互相帮助,互相提高的社会交际意识。 5、确立各目标的依据:根据英语新课标规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。 二、教学重、难点及教学突破 1、教学重点 学习运用重点句型u Where questions v疑问句的用法;语法焦点在于学会运用方位介词“o n / in / under表达物品的位置。 2、教学突破


2015 年金昌市优质课竞赛活动 教案 A Teaching Plan Subject: English Title: Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading Class: Class 12, Senior 1 Teacher: He Yujuan School: Jinchang No. 1 Middle School 二〇一四年十月十三日

A Teaching Plan Title: Book1 Unit 4 Earthquakes --- Reading Target students: Class 12, Senior 1 Teacher: Wang Yaqin Analysis of the teaching materials This period we will deal with Reading in Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes. The topic of the unit is "eathquake", which involves signs before the earthquake、during the earthquake and after the earthquake. Our language knowledge and skills are designed on the basis of the topic"earthquake", the purpose of which is mainly to improve students ' abilities of reading. Intentions of our designs The new curriculum standards are the base and guide to teaching, which require us , on the basis of textbooks and extra teaching resources, to effectively combine teachers’conducting and explaining with students’independent research and cooperative learning, solve “double bases” (language knowledge and abilities), develop students’ skills (obtain information, discover, analyze and solve problems) and fulfill moral education, thus achieving the aim of efficient learning- enjoying learning, being good at learning and being able to use it. As far as I’m concerned, teachers and students will research effectively, combine resources and achieve 3D aims. Based on the analysis of the key points and the contents of the teaching materials, the general clue of of our design is focused on three questions, "what happened before the earthquake?" 、"what happened during earthquake ?" "what happened after the earthquake ?" Therefore, we will conduct a series of classroom activities such as pair work, group work, question and answer ,of which how to motivate students to participate actively and learn to cooperate in team work is very important. Anyway, the principle of student-centred and practice-going-first will be reasonably carried out when my design is properly performed, which is originally the basic standards the new curriculum and the new textbooks. Teaching aims---3D Goals Knowledge aims: 1. Enable the students to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.
