


Period 8

Name:___________ Date:_____________ I.Listen and circle.

1.A H

2. B d

3. C s

4. D p

5.e V

6. F H

7.g J

8.K g

9.m N 10.q U

II.Listen and tick.

1.ant ( ) an( )

2. bear( ) pear( )

3.cow ( ) ox ( )

4.dog ( ) pig ( )

5. bee ( ) see( )

6.frog ( ) fish ( )

7.snake ( ) swan ( )

8.lion ( ) tiger( )

9. elephant ( ) giraffe ( )

10. kangaroo ( ) nightingale ( )

III.Match the letters with the animal they’re for.

1.A ant

2. S bear

D dog B insect

E elephant G snake

F frog I rabbit

T tiger R giraffe



Look at the picture ,then choose the missing letters.

f_ _g rabb_ _ b_ _ b_ _d

ri_ _ s_ _p e_ _ n_ _dle

sh_ _p h_ _ d_ _ c_ _ V.Read and match.

1.What do you see? A.soup,please.

2.What color is it? B. I hear a pig.

3.What do you hear? C. I see a panda.

4.Can I help you? D. Fine.thank you.

5.How are you today? E. It’s brown.


沪教版小学一年级上学期英语教案【三篇】 【篇一】 教学内容: Unit1 Lesson 2 A Look,listen and repeat. 教学目标: 1. 巩固学习有关游戏或活动的六组词汇。 2. 学习交际用语的表达Can you?Yes, I can. No, I cant. 重点难点: 学习交际用语的表达Can you?Yes, I can. No, I cant. 教学准备: 光盘,单词卡片 教学过程: 一、热身(Warm-up) 1. 师生问好。 2. 跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌谣。 二、预习(Preview) 1. 学生听单词,举卡片。 2. 教师闪现单词卡片的一部分,让学生猜测并说出相应词组。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) A Look listen and repeat 教师引导学生观察主情境图,了解功能句在生活中的使用语境,体会语音的意义。

1. 让学生听录音,看情境图理解对话。 2. 学生再听录音,指认人物对话。 3. 学生第三次听录音,跟读对话。并引导学生细致模仿录音中的语音语调。 四、语言操练 1. 师生示范:师生分别扮演Bill和Joy,表演A项对话。 2. 生生示范:教师邀请几组语言水平较好的学生示范表演对话。 板书设计: Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 2 Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 【篇二】 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇family,father ,mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, me 2.能听懂、会读、会说句型This is… 3.能初步学会运用本课所学的词汇和句型向他人介绍自己的家庭成员 4.通过本课学习,情感教育渗透下能够激发学生们对“家”有更深刻的感悟,学会爱父母,孝敬长辈。 重点难点: 1. family,father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma等词的读音


一年级单词整理归纳 代词类: 1. I 我(主格) 2. you 你,你们(主格) 3. he 他(主格) 4. she 她(主格) 5. it 它(主格) 6. me 我(宾格) 7. my 我的 8. your 你的 9. who 谁10. what 什么11. what colour 什么颜色 12. how怎样13. How many 多少14. this 这,这个15. that 那,那个 动词类: 1. play 玩 2. fly 飞 3. ride 骑 4. skip 跳绳 5. sing 唱歌 6.dance跳舞 7. read 读 8. draw 画画 9. am (我)是10. is 是11. are 是12. can 能,会13. have 有14. give 给15. do 做16. count 数数17. look 看18. see 看见19.listen 听20. hear 听见21. jump 跳22. run 跑23. walk 走24. touch 摸25. taste 尝26. smell 闻27. drink 喝28. eat 吃29. have 有,吃30. like 喜欢31. love 爱32. help 帮助33. cut 剪,切34. stick 粘贴35. stand 站36. sit 坐37. come 来38. go 走39. need 需要40. colour 涂色41. write 写42. fold 折43. tell 告诉 动物: 1. panda 熊猫 2. tiger 老虎 3. monkey猴子 4. bear 熊 5. duck 鸭子 6. chick小鸡 7. cow 奶牛 8. pig 猪 9. cat 猫10. dog 狗11. hen 母鸡12. sheep 绵羊13. rabbit 兔子14. bee 蜜蜂15. bird 鸟16. frog 青蛙17. wolf 狼18. lion狮子19. animal 动物


(沪教牛津版)一年级英语下册Unit3单元测试 年 班姓名 亲爱的同学们,牛津英语Unit 3的学习结束了,下面让我来考考你学得怎么样?你要仔细阅卷,认真书写,祝你取得好成绩!! 卷面分:2分 听力部分(共四大题,计53分) 一、Listen and number.听音,按顺序为下列图编号。(每小题2分,共10分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and judge. 听音,判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示。(每小题3分,共18分。) ()()() ()() 三、Listen and circle. 听音,圈出你听到的单词或句子。(每小题2分,共10分。) 1. brown blue 2. kite cat 3. pink purple 4. colour father 5. Pick out the red kite. Pick out the green kite. 四、Listen and circle. 听音,圈出你听到的句子。(每小题3分,共15分。) 1. A. How many leaves? B. How many leaves? Four. Five. 2 . A. Make a kite. B. Colour the kite. 3. A. ---- What do you see? ----I see a brown taro. B. ----Do you see a brown taro? ----Yes, I do. 4. 5. 、 1. 2. 3.

4. A. What colour is the apple? It ’s red. B. What colour is the cat? It ’s yellow. 5. A. Pick out the yellow pen. B. Pick out the blue pen. 笔试部分 (共四大题,计45分) 一、Look , read and match 图和单词配对连线。(每小题4分,共20分。) 二、Look, read and match 图和句子配对连线。(每小题5分, 共25分。) 1. What colour is the orange? It ’s orange. 2. Is it green? Yes. 3. Look, It ’s a pink peach. 4. I see the apple. It ’s red. 5. Colour the kites. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. · · · · · · · · · · A. pink B. brown C. red D. green E. yellow A. B. C. D. E.


英语 Listening Part 一、听录音,写出所听到字母相邻字母的大小写,念两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Writing Part 一、 我会连。 P M O L R Y Y m l o p r 二.请小朋友们按照字母表的顺序把下面的字母补充完整(记得要用正确的书写格式哦)。 Aa Bb ( ) ( ) Ee Ff 听力 部分 笔试 部分

Gg ( ) Ii ( ) Kk 三.小朋友,下面的字母都丢了自已的小伙伴,你能帮他们重新找回自已的小伙伴吗?请将下列字母相对应的大小写连线. B l P g D b Q y R d G m I i Y q L r M p 四.小朋友,请你仔细读读下面的句子,把相对应的句子用线连起来. A B Good m orning. Fine,thank you! Good b ye! Good m orning. How are you? Hi! Hello! Thank you! Here’s a balloon. Goodbye. 五同学们请按要求完成下面的练习: 1、把小写字母转换成大写字母 a____ s_____ q ____ n _____ v____ e_____ g ____ t_____

d____ z_____ b____ m_____ u____ i_____ j ____ f_____ 2、把大写字母转换成小写字母,看看是什么单词。 GO____ BIRD______ QUITE ______ NO _____ SING____ DANCE______ WRITE _____ DOG ______ BAG_____ HOP______ LIKE_______ BALL______ WHITE____ RED_____ KITE______ ROBOT_______ 3、找规律 ABCAB__ eyeye_ _ KITKIT__ __ __ mmvehmm_ _ _ cdabcdab_ _ _ _ BEGB__ __ WYWCW__ __ __ futfitf_________ popspo______ 4、正确抄写下面的的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 Look at the panda . It’s fat . It’s black and white . What can you see? I can see a clown and flowers.


精品文档 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-1 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Listen and enjoy One,two,three,I am a bee 一,二,三,我是一只蜜蜂Four,five,I am a bird .四,五,我是一只鸟. Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit 六七八,我是一只兔子Nine,ten,I am a frog. 九,十,我是一只青蛙. Look and say What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see... 我看见... What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a panda. 我看见一只熊猫. I see a bear. 我看见一只熊. I see a tiger. 我看见一只老虎. I see a monkey. 我看见一只猴子. Ask and answer 1 Hi,Kitty. 嗨,基蒂. What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a frog. 我看见一只青蛙. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It's green. 绿色的. 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-2 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 2 Listen and hear Look and say What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear... 我听到... 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Quack...Quack... 呷...呷... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a duck. 我听到了一只鸭子叫. Look and learn sheep 羊 hen 母鸡 dog 狗 cat 猫 Say and act At home 在家 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼.... What do you hear,Alice? 你听到了什么,艾丽丝?


英语单词汇总(一年级第二学期) M1U1frog r a bbit bee bird M1U2 sheep hen dog c a t M1U3rice soup egg noodles M2U1b a ll doll bicycle kite M2U2jelly Ice cre a m sweet biscuit M2U3col a juice milk w a ter

M3U1w a rm hot spring summer M3U2 sunny cloudy r a iny windy M3U3T-shirt dress shorts blouse M4U1ride skip pl a y fly M4U2gift c a rd firecr a cker firework M4U3boy wolf f a rmer


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

英语单词汇总(一年级第一学期) M1U1morning a fternoon M1U2 book ruler pencil rubber M1U3eye mouth face nose e a r M2U1d a nce re a d sing dr a w M2U2gr a ndmother gr a ndf a ther f a ther m a ther me M2U3f a t thin t a ll short


沪教版一年级第一学期英语知识梳理 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

一、26个字母 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 二、问候语 Hi. Hello. Good morning! Good afternoon! Goodbye! Nice to see you. Nice to see you,too. 三、文具 pencil 铅笔 ruler 尺子 book 书 rubber橡皮 Give me a ruler, please. Here you are.

Thank you. 四、自我介绍 Hi. I’m Danny. Hello. I’m Kitty. 五、五官 face脸 nose鼻子 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 mouth嘴This is my face. This is my nose. This is my mouth. This is my ear. This is my eye. Touch your face/eye/nose/ear/mouth. 六、动作 dance跳舞 read读书 sing唱歌 draw画画What can you do 你会干什么

I can dance. 我会跳舞 I can read.我会读书 I can sing.我会唱歌 I can draw. 我会画画 draw a flower 画一朵花 draw a house 画个房子 七、人物 grandfather 爷爷 grandmother 奶奶 father爸爸 mother妈妈 me 我 Who is she Who is he She is my grandmother. He is my father. She is my mother. He is my grandfather. 八、形容词


沪教版小学一年级英语下册教案【三篇】 let’s act language focus: using imperatives to give simple in structions. eg: show me your present. try your new shoes. language skills: listening: locate specific in formation in response to simple instructions. speaking: use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. materials: a beautifully wrapped preset picture of a new pair of shoes. pictures cut out from newspapers or magazines that are related to the new year. a large sheet of card which has the actline of a lantern on it. teaching ladders: ⅰ. warming up 1. greeting 《good morning》 song 2. rhyme

t:let’s have a cutest. each group read a rhyme eg: one, two, three read, sing, draw my father is coming this is my nose. ⅱ. teaching new less on (一) pre-task preparation (中英文对应) 1. t:the new year is near. whether your parents are going to buy you new clothes or shoes? s:yea. t:whether you will re cavies’ presets from your relatives. s:yes. 2. t:(point to the shoes) look, my shoes are old. i need new shoes for the new year. (still pointing) t:shoes. t:(point to a student’s shoes) shoes


深圳小学一年级上册单元重点 Unit 1 Saying hello 重点单词:hi hello good morning how are you fine thank you goodbye balloon oh no my friend here 26个字母大小写 重点句子:Hi! Hello! Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you. Goodbye.Thank you. Here’s a balloon. Oh, no! Unit 2 Making friends 重点单词:afternoon I name what your nice meet you Pat Bill Dan Eddy Sam Ann Koko Tim Candy Pam 重点句子:Good afternoon. I’m Pat. My name is Dan. What’s your name? Nice to meet you. How are you? Unit 3 My classroom 重点单词:light fan computer desk chair

book classroom what this in girl king queen yes draw cut stick talk sorry miss 重点句子:What’s this? It’s a desk. Sorry. Yes! What’s this in my classroom? Unit 4 My school things 重点单词:school thing ruler bag rubber pen pencil pencil-case sorry leg mother name like game 重点句子:This is my bag. My balloon. I like this game. Here’s a rubber. Unit 5 Revision 重点单词:Jojo 重点句子:What’s your name? Unit 6 Playing a game 重点单词:play game point look board door window sit down open book close stand up children please video good out


沪教版牛津英语一年级下册课本1B 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-1 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Listen and enjoy One,two,three,I am a bee 一,二,三,我是一只蜜蜂 Four,five,I am a bird .四,五,我是一只鸟. Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit 六七八,我是一只兔子 Nine,ten,I am a frog. 九,十,我是一只青蛙. Look and say What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see... 我看见... What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a panda. 我看见一只熊猫. I see a bear. 我看见一只熊. I see a tiger. 我看见一只老虎. I see a monkey. 我看见一只猴子. Ask and answer 1 Hi,Kitty. 嗨,基蒂. What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a frog. 我看见一只青蛙. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It's green. 绿色的. 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-2 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官Unit 2 Listen and hear Look and say What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear... 我听到... 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Quack...Quack... 呷...呷... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a duck. 我听到了一只鸭子叫. Look and learn sheep 羊 hen 母鸡 dog 狗 cat 猫 Say and act At home 在家 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼.... What do you hear,Alice? 你听到了什么,艾丽丝? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Oh,it's you,Danny. 哦,是你,丹尼. Ha!Ha! 哈!哈! Play a game 1 Baa 咩咩声(羊的叫声) 2 Miaow / Mew 猫的叫声/咪咪,喵喵 3 Cluck 咯咯声(母鸡的叫声) 4 Oink 呼噜声(猪的叫声) 牛津英语1B-Module1-3 Module 1 Using my five senses 模块1 使用我的五官Unit 3 Taste and smell Look and learn rice 米饭 soup 汤 egg 鸡蛋

沪教版小学1年级英语 原文

沪教版小学1年级英语原文 Module 1 Unit 1 Greetings Good morning! 早上好。 Good afternoon! 下午好。 Goodbye.再见。 Hi ! I’m Danny. 你好!我是Danny. Hello ! I am Kitty. 你好!我是Kitty. Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 Module 1 Unit 2 My classmates Give me a ruler,please. 请给我一把尺子。 Here you are. 给你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 How nice! 好漂亮啊! A book! 一本书。 Module 1 Unit 3 My face Hello, I’m Jack. 你好,我是杰克。 Eddie, touch your mouth. 艾迪,摸你的嘴。 This is my mouth. 这是我的嘴。 Alice, touch your face. 爱丽丝,摸你的脸。 This is my face. 这是我的脸。 Look! This is your eye. 看,这是你的眼睛。 It’s you. 这是你。 No. It’s not me. 不,这不是我。 Module 2 Unit 1 My abilities What can you do? 你能做什么? I can dance. 我能跳舞。 I can read. 我能读书。 I can sing. 我能唱歌。 I can draw a flower. 我能画一朵花。 I can draw a house. 我能画一间房子。

2020-2021 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上册期中测试卷

班级____________ 姓名_____________ 座号_____________ 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上册期中测试卷 听力部分(70%) 一、小朋友,听录音,选出你听到的单词,念两遍。(共14分,每小题2分)1.()A.afternoon B.morning C.book 2.()A.read B.draw C.mouth 3.()A.ruler B.ear C.eye 4.()A.pencil B.grandmother C.grandfather 5.()A.father B.mother C.face 6.()A.tall B.thin C.fat 7.()A.short B.sing C.dance 二、小朋友,听录音,用1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8给下面的图片排列顺序,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分) ()()()() ()()()()

三、 小朋友, 听录音,判断录音内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分) ()( ) ( )() ()()()() 四、小朋友,听录音,选出你所听到的句子,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分)1.()A.Hi, I'm Danny. B.Hi, I’m Eddie. 2.()A.This is my face. B.This is my mouth. 3.()A.Give me a rubber, please. B.Give me a ruler, please. 4.()A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. 5.()A.I can read.B.I can dance. 6.()A.This is my grandfather.B.This is my grandmother. 7.()A.He’s my classmate.B.She’s my friend. 8.()A.He’s fat. B.She’s thin. 五、小朋友,听录音,选出合适的答语,念两遍。(共8分,每小题2分) 1.()A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. 2.()A.This is my nose. B.This is my mouth.


2014学年度第一学期一年级英语学业测试 (考试时间:30分钟) 听力部分40% 一、 听录音,勾出你所听到的图片。12% ()()()()()() ()()()()()() 二、听录音,圈出你所听到的句子。10% 1. A. I can sing. B. I can draw. 2. A. This is my father. B. This is my grandfather. 3. A. Colour the book red. B. Colour the book green. 4. A. Is this a tiger? Yes. B. Is that a tiger? Yes. 5. A. One, two, three! B. Four, five, six! 三、按听到的顺序给下列对话编号。8% ()Here you are. ()May I have a banana pie, please? ()Can I help you? ()Thank you. 四、看图,听录音,按顺序给图片编号。10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

阅读部分60% 一、看图片圈单词。12% apple orange cow pig ruler pencil duck chick read draw nose mouth 二、按所给的单词,圈出相应的字母。(12%) peach short monkey cake three cow 三、看图,用“√”或“X”判断下列图片与内容是否一致。16% s t p e a c h n f s h o r t o w m o n k e y v e c a k e l l o w m o q t h r e e d m o t c o w q


深圳小学英语一年级(上) 重点单词及句子 1.Hello 单词:morning afternoon school 句子:Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good bye. Hello, I am Danny. 2.My classmates 单词:book ruler pencil rubber give please me Sunday 句子:Give me a book,please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.My face 单词:eye mouth ear nose face look this is touch my your 句子:Look. This is my /your mouth. Touch your face.

4.I can sing 单词:dance read sing draw what can do 句子:What can you do? I can sing. I can dance. I can read. I can draw. 5.My family 单词:mother father grandmother grandfather me who he she is he’s =he is she’s=she is who’s=who is it’s=it is 句子:Who is he? He’s my father. Who is she?She’s my mother/grandmother. This is my grandfather. 6.My friends 单词:fat thin tall short 句子:This is Ben. He is my friend. He is tall. This is Kitty. She is my friend. She is short. 7.Let’s count 单词:one two three four five six classroom 句子:How many pencils? Two pencils.



精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-1 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Listen and enjoy One,two,three,I am a bee 一,二,三,我是一只蜜蜂 Four,five,I am a bird .四,五,我是一只鸟. Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit 六七八,我是一只兔子 Nine,ten,I am a frog. 九,十,我是一只青蛙. Look and say What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see... 我看见... What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a panda. 我看见一只熊猫. I see a bear. 我看见一只熊. I see a tiger. 我看见一只老虎. I see a monkey. 我看见一只猴子. Ask and answer 1 Hi,Kitty. 嗨,基蒂. What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a frog. 我看见一只青蛙. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It's green. 绿色的. 沪教版牛津英语1B-Module1-2 Module 1 模块1

精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 2 Listen and hear Look and say What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear... 我听到... 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Quack...Quack... 呷...呷... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a duck. 我听到了一只鸭子叫. Look and learn sheep 羊 hen 母鸡 dog 狗 cat 猫 Say and act At home 在家 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼.... What do you hear,Alice? 你听到了什么,艾丽丝? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Oh,it's you,Danny. 哦,是你,丹尼. Ha!Ha! 哈!哈! Play a game 1 Baa 咩咩声(羊的叫声) 2 Miaow / Mew 猫的叫声/咪咪,喵喵 3 Cluck 咯咯声(母鸡的叫声) 4 Oink 呼噜声(猪的叫声) 牛津英语1B-Module1-3 Module 1 Using my five senses 模块1 使用我的五官 Unit 3 Taste and smell Look and learn rice 米饭 soup 汤 egg 鸡蛋 noodles 面条


英 语 Listening Part 一、听录音,写出所听到字母相邻字母的大小写,念两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Writing Part 一、 我会连。 P M O L R Y Y m l o p r 二.请小朋友们按照字母表的顺序把下面的字母补充完整(记得要用正确的书写格式哦)。 Aa Bb ( ) ( ) Ee Ff Gg ( ) Ii ( ) Kk 三.小朋友,下面的字母都丢了自已的小伙伴,你能帮他们重新找回自已的小伙伴吗?请将下列字母相对应的大小写连线. B l P g D b Q y R d G m I i Y q L r M p 四.小朋友,请你仔细读读下面的句子,把相对应的句子用线连起来. A B Good m orning. Fine,thank you! 听力 部分 笔试 部分

Good b ye! Good m orning. How are you? Hi! Hello! Thank you! Here’s a balloon. Goodbye. 五同学们请按要求完成下面的练习: 1、把小写字母转换成大写字母 a____ s_____ q ____ n _____ v____ e_____ g ____ t_____ d____ z_____ b____ m_____ u____ i_____ j ____ f_____ 2、把大写字母转换成小写字母,看看是什么单词。 GO____ BIRD______ QUITE ______ NO _____ SING____ DANCE______ WRITE _____ DOG ______ BAG_____ HOP______ LIKE_______ BALL______ WHITE____ RED_____ KITE______ ROBOT_______ 3、找规律 ABCAB__ eyeye_ _ KITKIT__ __ __ mmvehmm_ _ _ cdabcdab_ _ _ _ BEGB__ __ WYWCW__ __ __ futfitf_________ popspo______ 4、正确抄写下面的的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 Look at the panda . It’s fat . It’s black and white .


沪教版xx英语一年级下册课本1B Module 1模块1 Using my five senses使用我的五官 Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn frog青蛙 rabbit兔子 bee蜜蜂 bird鸟 Listen and enjoy One,two,three,I am a bee一,二,三,我是一只蜜蜂Four,five,I am a bird .四,五,我是一只鸟. Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit六七八,我是一只兔子Nine,ten,I am a frog.九,十,我是一只青蛙. Look and say What do you see?你看见了什么? I see...我看见... What do you see?你看见了什么? I see a panda.我看见一只熊猫. I see a bear.我看见一只熊.

I see a tiger.我看见一只老虎. I see a monkey.我看见一只猴子. Ask and answer 1 Hi,Kitty.嗨,基蒂. What do you see?你看见了什么? I see a frog.我看见一只青蛙. What colour is it?它是什么颜色的? It's green.绿色的. 沪教版xx英语1B-Module1-2 Module 1模块1 Using my five senses使用我的五官Unit 2 Listen and hear Look and say What do you hear?你听到了什么? I hear...我听到... 1Oink...Oink...哼...哼... What do you hear?你听到了什么? I hear a pig.我听到一只猪叫. 2Quack...Quack...呷...呷... What do you hear?你听到了什么?


morning 早晨,上午afternoon 下午 good 好Hello 你好(打招呼)evening 晚上,傍晚night 晚上(睡觉时 间) Good morning. 早上好。Good afternoon. 下午好。Good evening. 晚上好。Good night. 晚安。 Goodbye. 再见。How are you? 你还好吗? I’m fine. 我很好Thank you. 谢谢你。 Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。too 也 Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。 book 书ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔rubber 橡皮 give 给me 我(宾格) please 请pen 钢笔 nice 漂亮的bag 书包 Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一块橡皮。 Here you are. 给你。here 这里 How nice! 真漂亮! eye 眼睛mouth 嘴巴 face 脸nose 鼻子 ear 耳朵hair 头发

big 大的small 小的 this 这个that 那个 is 是are 是 I 我you 你,你们 he 他(男)she 她(女) it 它we 我们 they 他们,她们,它们my 我的 his 他的(男)your 你的 her 她的(女)its 它的 look 看see 看到 touch 摸name 名字 yes 是的no 不是 what 什么how 怎样 This is my face. 这是我的脸。This is my nose. 这是我的鼻子。 Touch your ear. 摸一下你的耳 朵。Touch your mouth. 摸一下你的嘴巴。 No,it’s not me. 不,这不是我。 Look!This is your eye. 看,这是你的眼睛。 sing 唱歌dance 跳舞 read 阅读draw 画画 write 写run 跑


Teaching plan and progress A.Teach letters for three weeks. B.Unit 1—Unit 2 in fourteen periods then have a check in two periods; Unit 3 —Unit 5 in sixteen periods and then have a test in two periods ; Unit 6 —Unit 7 in fourteen periods ; Unit 8 —Unit 10 in sixteen period Teaching Letters st Period The 1A. Letters and Sounds The Alphabet song B. Writing Letters ‘A B' in the students' copybooks then showing on the slide and then check students' writing one by one. C. Say ‘Everyday English' a few times following the teacher T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. P: Good morning, Miss Huang. T: Sit down, please. D. Sing the song “Good morning to you; Good bye to you”nd Period

The 2A.Revision: A,B in the correct lines and go on learning C, D and write by the students in the copybooks then showing on the slide, and hen check the students' writing one by one. B. Say ‘everyday English of last class' A.Sing the song ‘good morning, Good bye to you, and Hello' C. Dialogue with the teacher: Hello. Hi. Good morning. Good afternoon. I'm a teacher. I'm a student. Class begins. Class is over… rd Period The 3A.Revision: A B C D in the correct lines then learning E, F and writing by the students in the copybook and then showing on the slid B.Dialogue with the teacher in everyday English. C.Say “What's your name?”“How are you?”Here's a book. Thank you and so on. D.Sing the songs in English. thth Periods The 4---12A.Learn the letters and writing in correct lines from E to Z like aforesaid
