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Staff Performance Management Procedu res





Performance management is for ensuring the achievement of performance targets of each staff, department and the company through communication between the managers and his subordinates on job duties, objectives and standards as well as performance, which support the improvement of performance and competence of subordinates. Performance appraisal aims to appraise the performance and capability of staff in a certain time to know each employee’s working status.

Meanwhile, it’s also offering objective and reliable proofs for training, reassignment, salary increment, promotion, reward and commendation etc.

2.绩效管理环节 Performance Management Courses


Performance planning


Performance monitoring


Performance appraisal


Performance feedback

3.各环节具体要求、流程 Process of Performance Management Courses

3.1制订绩效计划 Performance Plan

上级经理根据考核周期公司对员工要求和期望,和员工共同确定工作绩效目标及衡量标准,并将员工绩效计划考核表(包括关键绩效考核指标和通用指标等部分) 交员工确认。

Mangers should set up together with his subordinates the performance target and measurement

based on the company requirements and expectations. The performance plan including KPI and

general indicators should be handed over to staff for confirmation.


Performance Targets

●关键绩效指标 KPI (年度考核时权重60%)

KPI (weight 60% in annual appraisal of all indicators)

●工作能力与态度考核(年度考核时权重40%)General Indicators

Working capability and attitude appraisal (weighing 40% in annual appraisal of all indicators) 3.2绩效实施与监控Performance monitoring

a)计划跟进与调整(时间:全过程)Plan track and adjustment (time: whole process)




During implementation of the performance plan, the staff should confirm timely with the

manager the plan material change, if any, and fill up the plan form again. The material change

refers to the cancellation or addition of task weighted above 20% or the existing task weight

changed by 20%.

b)过程辅导与激励(时间:全过程)Coaching and motivation (time: whole process)




A manger should monitor the plan implementation of his subordinates and keep communicate

with them about the performance issues, and periodically carry out a formal review on the plan

status, during which the manager should help his subordinators analyze and solve the existing

or potential issues.

c)绩效信息收集(时间:全过程)Performance data collection



During the whole process, a manager and his subordinates should collect and record the

information such as achievement of targets, behaviors leading to outstanding or poor

performance, which will be used as the base for performance appraisal.

3.3绩效考核 Performance appraisals

a)考核原则Appraisal Principals


Appraisal should be in accordance with the appointed appraisal items and facts.


Appraisal should be in accordance with the confirmed facts or reliable data.


Appraisal should consider equality and justice as the basic principles.

b)考核周期 Appraisal time


Cycle of Appraisal for Sales: quarterly


Cycle of Appraisal for all indicators: annually

c)考核范围与责任主体Appraisal Scope and Owner


Performance appraisee should be the HO staff who has finished their probation period.

