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Alf Saves the Day 绘本阅读课教学设计

Step 1:导入

T:There are some sports clubs in our school.What sports do you like?

S1:I like basketball.

T:Are you good at it?

S2:I like football. T: What club would you like to join?

I’d like to join the football club.

T:Well.There is a boy called Alf. He is at the same age as you. He loves football too.Do you want to know something about him?S1:What club would he like to join?

S2: Is he good at football?

T: Good quesitions.Today let’s learn a story about Alf and his football.


Step2 读封面。

T:class,please look at the cover of the book. It’s beautiful .Let’s read the title. Who is the writer? What can you see? Yes, a boy in blue and white ;a pair of shoes is on his shoulder ;and a football in his hand s. What else can you tell me ?Well, he’s very happy.So why is he so happy ?He like football ?Maybe. He can play football? maybe.


Step 3:片段阅读1

T: Open your book,look at page 1,read it quickly ,answer the question——Does Alf like football?

S:Yes,he does.

T:What does he like about football?

S:He loves evething about football.

T:look at the two words ”football””everything”, What’s the feature?They are composed by foot+ball every+thing.

T: We know Alf loved football very much. Now please read from Page 2 to Page ter tell me how he likes football.

Ss: read loudly by themselves.

S1: He loved drawing football pictures. S2: He loved writing football stories. S3: He loved watching football on television. S4: He loved going to football matches.

T: Then what do you love? Football, basketball …

S5: I love playing basketball.

T: Then do you love drawing basketball pictures and writing basketball stories?

S5: No, I don’t.

T: Then do you love watching basketball on television and going to basketball matches?

S5: Yes, I do.

T: So you see, Alf is crazy about football. But can he join the club? Before we know what is happening to Alf, let’s learn some techniques about football.

【设计意图】片段阅读有利于学生在把握故事脉络与结构的过程中学习语言知识。提出问题,让学生带着问题去阅读,然后通过回答问题,理解了主人公 Alf 对足球的热爱,同时学生也练习了“love doing something”的句型。老师还可以及时地把问题拉近学生自身,让孩子们谈论他们喜欢什么球类,然后再巧妙地联结到第二个片段。

Step 4:片段阅读2

1.词汇准备 T: In the football match, what techniques do you know? 学生用中文说:运球、传球、射球、顶球,教师顺势用英文说“dribbling, passing, shooting, heading”

并把这些纸质图片贴在黑板上,然后教学生学习朗读,接下来老师先自己做示范,告诉同学们“I’m good at shooting.What about you ?”让学生用“be good at”说自己或者其他同学擅长做什么。

S1: I’m good at passing the ball. S2: Shen Bin is good at dribbling. S3: Li Meng is good at shooting. S4: I’m good at heading. S5: I’m not good at shooting.



T: Now, please read from Page 8 to Page 13. And find the answer ——What wasn’t Alf good at?

S1: Alf wasn’t good at dribbling. S2: Alf wasn’t good at passing. S3: Alf wasn’t good at shooting. S4: Alf wasn’t good at heading.

T: Yes! Alf was just no good at football. How did he feel?

Ss: He felt very sad.

T: I am no good at shooting, but good at heading, what about you? Now tell me what you are good at and what you are not good at? S5: I am not good at dribbling, but I am good at passing. S6: ...

