

Food Culture

Generally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associatefood with important holidays and the chance to meet distinguished guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names. The Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from the US. In the US, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. The cuisine and table manners are

quite different from ours in a great extent.

Greeting by Asking Your Meal in China

It is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meet each other around the

time before or after meals. Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets. In fact, it is a kind

of greeting to communicate with each other.

But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite

me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself

regularly but that is my business not yours. Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you.

Everything is eatable in China

It seems that we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food, whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic or whether it is inside or outside.

Foreigners cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes, dogs and even frogs. When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body. A woman American teacher didn't want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she sawthe meat cut from a certain part of the pig.

In English, we know the animals and their meat are used different words because the words of the meat from animals originally come from French and they are used by upper class while the words of animals are Anglo Saxon, which are used by the farmer of lower class. So there are pig and pork,

sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in English but it is

not the case in Chinese.

Name of Dishes is Implicit in Chinese Food

Very often it puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when we order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just. SometimeS the food is Very SimPIe but the n ame is Very ObSCure晦涩). For example one of the dishes is called "Ants Climbing the TreeS." But the food iS SimPIe Potato noodIeS and bitS of meat in it, whiIe moSt of weStern food haS a SimPIe and CIear name and you know what it iS when you hear the name. For inStanCe, there iS a traditionaI food CaII "fiSh and ChiPS" in the UK. Y ou See it iS Very obViouS it iS fried fiSh and Potato ChiPS. The reaSon for thiS in China iS on the one hand to try to

teII you the way it CookS SuCh aS Cook, fry, griII and broiI in the name and on the other it haS beautifuI good nameS So

that you haVe a good imagination and aSSoCiation to Iet you haVe a good aPPetite.

Too Much Food to Eat at meals

We Chinese think it Very disgraceful (可耻)if We don't cook the food enough for the gueStS So we normaIIy Cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or boWl Without asking you Whether you Want it or not so as to shoW they are Polite to the guests. They Will keeP saying, "eat more" and in English We haVe the exPression "helP yourself". Americans neVer force you to eat more. If you stoP eating, they tend to think you are full. So sometime foreigners feel very helpless when the host and hostess to put more food in their dishes and bowls and they can do nothing but eat more and more until they are completely full. So some foreigners learn to know they always leave some food in their bowls or dishes in order to avoid more food to be added when are invited to dinner in Chinese family. That is the differences in food culture

between China and the West.

Tableware Is Simple in Chinese Meals

Generally speaking, we don‘t use much tableware (餐具) when we have our meal in China. Mainly we have bowl, dishes, chopsticks and spoons, which we don't use very often. In serving English meals, they use so much tableware with different kinds and sizes. The Chinese do not know how to use them properly when they are invited to dinner in English family. For example there are different kinds of names for glasses in English, such as wine glass, cherry glass, brandy glass, beer glass, snifter glass, champion flute and high bowl. You can see tableware also show the food culture of different countries.

英语作文 中西教育比较

Comparison between Chinese and Western family education Family education is an important part of education, and it often plays a role that cannot be replaced by other educational models. It has a huge impact on our growth.I think Chinese and western family education has four different key. First the values of family education are different.For example, Chinese family care more about reputation in educating the child.The education’s goal is for making their living,f or honor.The Western family think the education is not preparation for making their ,but survival.And emphasize”the learned education and happy education.”Second the education method is different.The Chinese family more emphasize mechanical memorizing.If the book is read hundreds of times,its meaning is shown naturally.But the Western family emphasize the child’s “power of understanding.” Seeking the knowledge from life and nature.Third the emotional education and punishment .About all Chinese know one can become a useful person without being beaten and the club helps the child to be loyal son.We emphasize” reserve for everyone.”The Western family using the encourage language and pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication.The punishment also offends the law.Forth education in manage money.The Chinese family earn money to support one’s family and manage the wealth are adult’s matter.Try every means to satisfy the children with the money.But,the Western family teach the child to make plans for budget items,learn to spend money reasonably.Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves. In my opinion,there are many differences between China and Western family education and each has its strong points and weak point.We should reject the dross and absorb the cream of them,advance the family educational.


中西饮食文化差异的原因分析及其研究意义 摘要:中西方在饮食文化上存在着明显的差异。文章分析了形成中西饮食文化差异的内在原因,其意义在于既能有助于深刻理解中西文化中的不同之处,跨越文化交际障碍,又能培养人们在跨文化交际时的适应能力,有效地避免交际双方由于文化差异而产生的误解。 关键词:中西方饮食文化差异;文化差异;跨文化交际 Introduction 文化人类学的最一般的目标,是努力理解所有人类文化以及这些文化的创造进程的相似点及区别,为了实现这个目,就必须进行比较。跨文化比较研究是文化人类学研究的一种基本方法。人类的文化基质是共有的,中西文化的差异性是历史的而不是自然生就的。一个国家、一个地区的饮食文化往往是一个国家、一个地区文化的浓缩。中国与英美等西方国家对于饮食的观点和态度、饮食的内容及特点等方面都存在着显著的差异,揭示这些差异以及内在的原因,有助于跨越文化鸿沟,有助于世界性的文化融合。 在《现代汉语词典》里,饮食的义项有两个:一是名词性的,指“吃的和喝的东西”强调的是名称;一个是动词性的,指“吃东西和喝东西”,强调的是动作。 在英文中,饮食的概念可以有以下表达方法:“food and drink”意即“吃的和喝的东西”;“diet”意即“通常所吃的食物”,也可以指“日常的膳食”;“bite and sup ”则是指“吃东西和喝东西”。些有关“饮食”的解释中,我们可以看出,“饮食”一词的基本语言学含义比较简单,无非就是吃喝的东西或吃喝的动作。但我们深究起来,“饮食”就变得复杂了。饮食如果仅仅是吃饱喝足,为什么在吃饱喝足的同时,有这么多繁文缛节?为什么一种食物对一个地方的人来说是天赐美味,而对另一个地方的人来说则敬而远之,甚至有的地方更是避之不及呢?有人为吃什么而苦恼,而有人却为吃不饱而烦恼。饮食本身是本能的,而吃什么,如何吃,在哪里吃,则体现出不同族群的不同特点,体现出文化性。 一、中西饮食文化差异的表现 文化是人们在长期的社会生活中凝聚起来的生活方式的总称。当一个民族形成了固定的饮食习惯、饮食技巧和饮食观念后,便构成了一种亚文化。


中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


中西教育差异英文写作 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to isn't nearly as much homework for the

【关于中美饮食文化差异有哪些】 中美饮食文化差异

【关于中美饮食文化差异有哪些】中美饮食文化差异 中美不同的地理环境,使得两国产出不同的农畜产品;中美不同的历史文化,使得两国有不同的餐具和餐桌礼仪。为此,下面小编整理了中美饮食文化差异一以供大家阅读。 关于中美饮食文化差异一、餐饮礼仪的差异 在餐饮氛围方面,中国人在吃饭的时候都喜欢热闹,很多人围在一起吃吃喝喝,说说笑笑,大家在一起营造一种热闹温暖的用餐氛围。除非是在很正式的宴会上,中国人在餐桌上并没有什么很特别的礼仪。而西方人在用餐时,都喜欢幽雅、安静的环境,他们认为在餐桌上的时候一定要注意自己的礼仪,不可以失去礼节,比如在进餐时不能发出很难听的声音。 中西方宴请礼仪也各具特色。在中国,从古至今大多都以左为尊,在宴请客人时,要将地位很尊贵的客人安排在左边的上座,然后依次安排。在西方则是以右为尊,男女间隔而座,夫妇也分开而座,女宾客的席位比男宾客的席位稍高,男士要替位于自己右边的女宾客拉开椅子,以示对女士的尊重。另外,西方人用餐时要坐正,认为弯腰,低头,用嘴凑上去吃很

不礼貌,但是这恰恰是中国人通常吃饭的方式。吃西餐的时候,主人不提倡大肆的饮酒,中国的餐桌上酒是必备之物,以酒助兴,有时为了表示对对方的尊重,喝酒的时候都是一杯一杯的喝。 礼仪是一种文化,是文化就有纵向的传承和横向的借鉴与融合。随着世界全球化不断加快步伐,经济、文化高速碰撞融合的大背景下,西方文化大量涌进中国,中国传统礼仪也不断受到西方礼仪文化的冲击。如何保护中华民族传统礼仪,并去其糟粕,与西方礼仪进行合理有效的融合,成为人们不断思考和探讨的话题。越来越多的人认识到中西礼仪文化必将会互相渗透,不断发展. 关于中美饮食文化差异二、饮食观念的不同 对比注重味的中国饮食,西方是一种理性饮食观念。不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,而营养一定要得到保证,讲究一天要摄取多少热量、维生素、蛋白质等等。即便口味千篇一律,也一定要吃下去因为有营养。这一饮食观念同西方整个哲学体系是相适应的。形而上学是西方哲学的主要特点。西方哲学所研究的对象为事物之理,事物之理常为形上学理,形上学理互相连贯,便结成形上哲学。这一哲学给西方文化带来生机,使之在自然科学上、心理学上、方法论上实现了突飞猛进的发展。但在另一些方面,这种哲学主张大大地起了阻碍作用,如饮食文化。在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜之原料的形、色方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪华高档,从洛杉矶到纽约,牛排都只有一种味道,无艺术可言。


关于饮食文化的英语作文 Food Culture in Western Countries In England, people always have some bread and milk for breakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry. But on weekends, breakfast is a big feast with bacon, porridge, coffee, eggs, toasts, cakes, and so on. 在英国,人们总是在工作日的时候匆匆忙忙的吃一些面包和牛奶来当午餐。但在周末,早餐是非常丰富的,有培根,鸡蛋,粥,咖啡,面包,蛋糕等等。 As for lunch, it's always so simple. People usually have a sandwich or a hot dog. Some people also eat in a fast-food restaurant nearby. This meal won’t las t very long. 至于午餐,却总是那么简单。人们通常吃一个三明治或热狗。有些人在附近的快餐店吃。这顿饭不会持续很长时间。 Dinner is the biggest meal with potato, beef, chicken, soup, and some desserts. At this meal, people usually sit around the table and talk about their daily events. This is the best time for family gathering. 晚餐是最丰富的有土豆,牛肉,鸡肉,汤,和一些甜点。在这顿饭中人们通常坐在桌 子旁边谈论他们的日常活动。这是家庭聚会的最佳时间。 Cheese is the most popular food in European countries and the United States. According to different dishes and wine, different cheese is tied in. The simplest cheese is to put a certain amount of all kinds of cheese on a plate, called cheese dish. 在欧洲国家和美国奶酪是最受欢迎的食品。根据不同的菜肴和葡萄酒,奶酪是不同的。最简单的奶酪是把各种芝士按一定数量放到一个盘子上,叫做奶酪盘。 Jewish usually eat apples with honey on New Year's Day, in order to celebrate the happiest New Year. 犹太人通常和自己所爱的人在新年的那一天吃苹果,来了庆祝这快乐的新年。 Food between China and Western countries are totally different styles. China has 5000 years history. We probably spend half of time on food. Chinese people choice food very carefully. They


1.美国人的自我意识和独立意识很强。 Self-awareness and independent consciousness of Americans are very strong. 2.美国文化鼓励人民开拓创新,做一番前人未做过的、杰出超凡的事业。 In America, innovation often is encouraged and people often do something nobody has done. 3.美国基础教育实践,注重创造的教学形式. American education based on practice, pay attention to teaching form of creation. 4. 中国的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。 China's family structure is more complex, the traditional happy family is four generations. 5. 中国人的婚姻相对来说比较稳定。这是因为中国人把婚姻当作一个严肃的道德问题,喜新厌旧,或是第三者插足都会被认为是极不道德的。 The Chinese marriage is relatively stable. Because Chinese people treat marriage as a serious moral problem, propensity or a third people involvement is considered highly unethical. 6. 新中国虽已建立了六十年,但传统的君臣,父子等级观念在中国人的头脑中仍然根深蒂固。The traditional manner, parent-child hierarchical remains entrenched in the Chinese mind. 7. 主动帮助别人或接受别人帮助在西方常是令人难堪的事。在中国,主动帮助别人,给人以无微不至的体贴是一种美德。 Take the initiative to help others or accept others help is embarrassing thing in America. However, help others is a virtue. 8. 在个性自由与团结协作上:美国人十分珍视个人自由,喜欢随心所欲,独往独行,不愿受限制。中国文化则更多地强调集体主义,主张个人利益服从集体利益,主张同甘共苦,团结合作,步调一致。 On the personality freedom and cooperation, Americans cherish personal freedom and don't want to be limited. Personal interest obedience collective interests and cooperation were advocated in China. 9. 美国家庭教育目的是把孩子培养成具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的“社会人”;中国家庭教育的目的是把孩子培养成“才”,将来有出息,有个好职业,一生能在顺境中度过。 The education purpose of American family is to help children to adapt to the environment and improve the independent ability, and finally make children become a "social person". The education aim of Chinese family is to make children become a person with ability, and hope they can have ambition in the future, have a good career, life can be spent in prosperity. (You are very handsome! 或赞扬你Your English is very good时,中国人一般很谦虚地说:I do not think so! 或说 No ,no ,my English is poor. Thank you !; Have you had your meal? Where are you going? 他们则会认为你想请他吃饭或者干涉其私事,会引起误解。美国人见面,通常打招呼道:Hello! How do you do! Nice to meet you.) (American culture:The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self-first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity. egocentric:.自我中心的,利己主义的 American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children. incentive:Serving to induce or motivate: American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects:movements amongst locations and movements inside the society.The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom.Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities,from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land,from one city to another.Unlike European countries,the social classes in America is not so stable.Further more,with the advocation of public education,movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.Many people living in


The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign countries.Just from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional research.The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher.In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to do.There isn't nearly as much homework for the students so they have time to spend on their hobbies and interests.


美国饮食文化英语作文 You are what you eat.;Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits.What we put in our mouths does become a part of us.But we can look at this statement another way.What we eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture.Do you want to understand another culture?Then you ought to find out about its food.Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture. What is American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.To many people,American food means hamburgers,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a sweet tooth,you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.It's true that Americans do eat those things.But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America? 带翻译: 你是你吃什么。,营养专家经常使用这句话来促动更好的饮食习惯。我们把我们的嘴的东西确实成为我们的一部分。但我们能够看看这个语句的另一种方法。我们是谁吃的反映出我们自己——不论什么人,如文化。你想了解另一种文化吗?然后你应该找出它的食物。学习美国食品能够给我们一个真正的美国文化的味道。 美国食物是什么?乍听之下你可能认为答案容易得很。对很多人来说,美式食物就是汉堡、热狗、炸鸡和披萨。如果你喜欢吃甜食,你可能会想到苹果派或巧克力片饼干。美国人确实吃这些东西。但这些就是你在美国找得到的食物吗?


浅谈中美饮食文化的差异 系别:经济管理系专业: 2010应用英语专业 学号:1002105028指导老师:王晓敏 摘要:随着世界各国文化的日趋融合,以及经济全球化的快速发展,很多人极力研究各种中外文化的差异,饮食文化也成了不可缺少的一个重要研究部分,本文浅谈中美饮食文化的差异,从饮食观念,饮食结构,中美宴请差异,以及餐桌礼,仪四个方面入手,以便更好的了解中美饮食文化,可以避免跨文化交际过程中由于不同的饮食文化和观念而产生的矛盾和冲突,增进双方的了解和沟通以及促进饮食行业的发展。 关键词:饮食差异;避免矛盾冲突:发展饮食行业:

1.前言 (2) 2.饮食观念 (2) 2.1中国人的饮食观念 (2) 2.2.1 美国人的饮食观念 (2) 2.2.2 造成中美饮食观念差异的原因 (3) 3.饮食结构 (3) 3.1 中国日常饮食结构 (3) 3.2美国日常饮食结构 (4) 4. 中美宴请上的差异 (4) 5.餐桌礼仪 (4) 5.1 美国餐桌上要注意的一些礼仪 (4) 5.2.1中国餐桌上要注意的一些礼仪 (4) 5.2.2造成中外礼仪差异的原因 (5) 6.结束语 参考文献 (6) 英文摘要 (7)

随着世界各国文化的日趋融合,以及经济全球化的快速发展,饮食文化成了不得不研究的一个重要领域,有时候,很好的了解外国商业伙伴的饮食文化可以很好且很有利的获得对方的经济上的合作。西方资本主义国家,特别是美国这样的经济超级大国,很好的研究可以更好的获得以及加强与它的合作,也有助于国内饮食行业的发展与推广。 2. 饮食观念 2.1中国人的饮食观念 中国人的饮食观念比较规律,一天三餐,早,中,晚餐。中国家庭都是聚餐制,大家都是聚一桌吃同一样的食物,与美国的分餐制相反分开会让中国人觉得不像一家子再吃饭,中国对吃特别注重色,香,味,形,吃的健不健康就是另当别论了,并且中国人不喜欢吃生的东西,例如生菜,认为只要是生的吃了就会生病,中国人在吃上还有一个面子观,碰到节日或者宴请时,排场越大中国人就会越觉得有面子,中国人觉得动物的内脏很补,甚至一些动物,如猪,鸭的血都拿来食用。 2.2美国人的饮食观念 美国人做菜放盐少,只及中国人的一半。美国人对吃的本质认识很深,紧紧围绕着“身体健康”这一中心展开,实践着“科学性”是菜肴最高标准的原则,美国人一般做菜不用味精。安全性作为菜肴的根本属性,一直以来是最受美国关注的。美国沿习了欧洲的分餐制,这比合餐制符合卫生要求,美国人认为动物内脏无一例外地含高胆固醇,所以基本不食用。美国人喜欢吃一些生菜,认为无污染的生菜很有营养,美国人喜一日多餐,美国人节俭理念意识强,一般过节或者请客都比较简单。 2.2.1造成中美饮食观念差异的原因 美国以狩猎文明起步,秉承着游牧民族、航海民族的文化血统,以渔猎、养殖为主,以采集、种植为辅,荤食较多,吃、穿、用都取之于动物,连西药都从动物身上取料炼而制。比较注意动物蛋白质和脂肪的摄取,饮食结构上,也以动物类菜品居多,主要是牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、羊肉和鱼等。因此肉食在饮食中比例一直很高,饮食结构肉食化,所有所谓“饮食礼仪”就是附着在肉食文化基础上的。刀叉、聚餐,大量饮酒等等。中国为代表的东方饮食文化是以农耕文明为基础的,中国人的饮食从先秦开始,就是以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅以菜蔬,植物类菜品占主导地位。甚至很长时间内肉食都是稀缺的。 3.饮食结构 3.1 中国日常饮食结构


T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n c h i n e s e a n d w e s t e r n c u l t u r e With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the
