四级段落翻译练习 五 中国是一个文化

四级段落翻译练习 五 中国是一个文化


China is a very diverse(多样的)place with large variations(变化)in culture, language, customs (风俗)and economic levels(经济水平). The economic landscape(经济格局)is particularly in great variety. The major cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai are modern and comparatively wealthy. However, about 50percent of Chinese still live in rural areas(农村地区)even though only 10%of China's land is arable(可耕种的). Hundreds of millions of rural residents still farm with manual labor(体力劳动)or draft animals(牧畜). Some 200 to 300 million former peasants have migrate d(迁徙)to townships and cities in search of work. Generally speaking, the southern and eastern coastal regions are wealthier while inland areas(内陆地区), the far

west and north, and the southwest are much less developed.


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化 京剧Peking opera 秦腔Qin opera 功夫Kongfu 太极Tai Chi 口技ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏shadow play 折子戏opera highlights 杂技acrobatics 相声witty dialogue comedy 刺绣embroidery 苏绣Suzhou embroidery 泥人clay figure 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting 中国结Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 青铜器bronze ware 瓷器porcelain; china 唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne 秋千swing 武术martial arts 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture 道教Taoism 墨家Mohism / Moism 法家Legalism 佛教Buddhism 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu 墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu 象形文字pictographic characters 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper,


常见中国传统文化名词英语翻译 风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen 阳历:solar calendar 阴历:lunar calendar 闰年:leap year 十二生肖:zodiac 春节:the Spring Festival 元宵节:the Lantern Festival 清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day 重阳节:the Double-ninth Day 七夕节:the Double-seventh Day 春联:spring couplets 春运:the Spring Festival travel 把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year 庙会:temple fair 爆竹:firecracker 年画:(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱:New Year gift-money 舞龙:dragon dance 舞狮:lion dance 元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯:festival lantern 灯谜:lantern riddle 食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加甜蜜。Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year. 传统的佳节食物包括年糕、八宝饭、饺子、果脯和瓜子。Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jiao zi (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds. 四合院:Siheyuan/ Quadrangle 亭/阁:pavilion/attic 刺绣:Embroidery 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 偏旁:radical 战国:Warring States 人才流动:Brain Drain/Flow 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals ——仅供参考


中国文化 风水Fengshui; geomantic omen 阳历 Solar calendar 阴历 Lunar calendar 闰年 leap year 十二生肖zodiac 春节the Spring Festival 元宵节the Lantern Festival 清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-autumn Day 重阳节the Double-ninth Day 七夕节the Double-seventh Day 春联spring couplets 庙会 temple fair 爆竹 firecracker 年画(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱New Year gift-money 舞龙dragon dance 元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜 lantern riddle 舞狮 lion dance 踩高跷stilt walking 赛龙舟dragon boat race 胡同hutong 山东菜Shandong cuisine 川菜Sichuan cuisine 粤菜 Canton cuisine 扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine 月饼 moon cake 年糕 rice cake 油条deep-fried dough sticks 豆浆 soybean milk 馒头 steamed buns 花卷steamed twisted rolls 包子steamed stuffed buns 北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck 拉面 hand-stretched noodles 馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup) 豆腐 tofu? bean curd 麻花fried dough twist 烧饼 clay oven rolls


川剧(Sichuan Opera)//就像四川火锅以及其他的名菜一样//动人、丰富。变脸(Face Changing)是川剧中的一大亮点。据说//古人在他们的脸上作画,//以便赶走野生动物。川剧吸收了这一古老的技艺//并将其升华为一门艺术。变脸是一门神奇的艺术。演员在不到20秒的时间内要换十多次脸谱。通过举手、摆袖或摇头,演员使用不同的脸谱//来表现不同的情绪,//并通过看得见摸得着的脸谱表达出看不见摸不着的感情。 Sichuan Opera (Chuan Ju), //like hot-pot and other famous Sichuan dishes, //is exciting and rich. Face Changing is the highlight of Sichuan Opera. It is said//that ancient people painted their faces// to drive away wild animals. Sichuan Opera absorbs this ancient skill //and perfects it into an art. Face Changing is a magical art. Actors change more than 10 masks in less than 20 seconds. By raising the hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head, an actor uses different masks// to show different emotions, //expressing invisible and intangible feelings through visible and tangible masks. 刺绣(embroidery)是一种具有悠久传统的民间艺术,在中国艺术和手工艺品史上占有重要地位。刺绣的长期发展离不开蚕的饲养和纺丝技术的发展。中国是世界上第一个发现和使用丝绸的国家。早在5000年前,中国就已经开始饲养蚕。丝线和丝织品的生产促进了刺绣艺术的诞生。时至今日,丝绣几乎已经传遍整个中国。最好的绣品通常被认为来源于下面四省:江苏(尤其是苏州)、湖南、四川和广东,各省绣品各具特色。 Embroidery,a folk art with a long tradition, occupies an important position in the history of Chinese arts and crafts. It is, in its long development, inseparable from silkworm-raising and silk-reeling and weaving. China is the first country in the world that discovered the use of silk. Silkworms were domesticated as early as 5000 years ago. The production of silk thread and fabrics gave rise to the art of embroidery. Today, silk embroidery is practiced nearly all over China. It is generally agreed that the best commercial products come from four provinces: Jiangsu (notably Suzhou), Hunan, Sichuan and Guangdong, each with its distinctive features. 无论中国人走到哪里,都不会改掉喝茶的习惯。茶最先由中国人发现,它是中国人生活中不可或缺的组成部分。有一句中国谚语将基本的日常必需品(basic daily necessitates)称为柴,米,油,盐,酱,醋,茶。一千多年以来,饮茶的习俗已经在中国人心中根深蒂固(ingrained)。唐朝时,一个叫陆羽的人写了世界上第一部关于茶的著作 -- 《茶经》(Book of Tea),这部书有助于在中国推广饮茶艺术。 Wherever the Chinese go, the custom of drinking tea follows. Tea was first discovered by the Chinese and it is an indispensable part of the


1.中国书法(Chinese calligraphy) 汉字从图画和符号演变而来,中国书法艺术自然而然衍生于这一特殊的书写体系,因此中国书法也被称作线条艺术。尽管中国书法以汉字为表达工具,但要欣赏中国书法之美,不一定非要懂得汉语。书法的目的在于保持(retain)自然之美,突显(illuminate)人类精神之美。书写的文字能够彰显书法家(calligrapher)对生活和艺术的理解。书法作为一门中国传统艺术,很早便为邻国所青睐。 Chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs, and the Chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from this special writing system, so Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines. Although Chinese calligraphy uses Chinese words as its vehicle of expression, one does not have to know the language to appreciate its beauty. The purpose of calligraphy is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate man’s spiritual beauty. The written characters revea l the calligrapher’s understanding of life and arts. Being a Chinese traditional art, Chinese calligraphy also found favor in the neighboring countries from the early times. 2. 婚俗 中国是一个有56个民族的大国。不同的民族有不同的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。传统的中国婚礼仪式包括6个步骤:说媒、定亲、聘礼(betrothal presents)、迎娶、拜堂(three bows)、喝交杯酒(wedlock wine)。在一对新人订婚后,接下来就是挑选吉日成亲。有一些人会请算命先生挑选结婚的吉日(通常是双日子),这样就是双喜临门了。婚礼庆典很隆重,最后是很奢华的婚宴。 China is a large country with 56 nationalities. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated. The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves six procedures, namely: match-making, engagement, betrothal presents, meeting the bride, three bows, and drink wedlock wine. When a new couple is engaged, what followed is a choice of the date of their marriage. Some people would ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date (usually an even number) so that their marriage would have “Double Happiness”. The wedding ceremony is usually presided warmly, and the wedding ceremony very often ends with a very extravagant banquet.


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国经济 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司 head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本 human capital

航空和航天工业 aerospace industry 飞机制造工业 aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化

market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan 经济全球化


大学英语四级改革新题型段落翻译题 Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)(原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字。) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 中国的传统节庆膳食是节日必不可少的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子(zongzi)。中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节(The Mid-autumn Festival)的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。春节是中国的农历新年(the Chinese lunar New Year?s holiday),除了常见的家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统食物,如铰子和年糕。 参考答案 Traditional Chinese holiday meals are indispensable on some festivals. For example, the Dragon Boat Festival is a day established in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan and people usually hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, or rice dumpling on that day. The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness and family reunion. The special food of the day is yuebing, a round cake known as the mooncake. The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year?s holiday. Besides the popular poultry and meat, people cook traditional food according to regional customs, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the new year cake. 难点精析 ■ 1.中国的传统节庆膳食:翻译为Traditional Chinese holiday meals,其中“节庆膳食”直接译为holiday meals , 即可,翻译时注意“中国的”和“传统”的顺序。 2.纪念:翻译为介词短语in memory of,修饰前面的a day。 ■ 3.赛龙舟:翻译为hold dragon boat races,其中hold意为“举行”,“举行龙舟比赛”即“赛龙舟”。 4.观赏满月:“满月”即fMlmoon,此处的“观赏”可以译为viewing,也可以用enjoying或watching表示。 5.象征着家庭团聚:“象征”翻译为系表结构is a symbol for,也可以用动词symbolize表示,“家庭团聚”翻译:为family reunion 即可。 Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)(原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字。)


中国文化相关词汇英文翻译 元宵节:Lantern Festival 刺绣:embroidery 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 对联:(Spring Festival)Couplets 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 战国:Warring States 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 函授部:The Correspondence Department 集体舞:Group Dance 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weedings and Funerals 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 附属学校:Affiliated school 古装片:Costume Drama 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling(Soup) 一国两制:One Country,Two Systems 火锅:Hot Pot 四人帮:Gang of Four 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 素质教育:Essential-qualities-Oriental Education 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 大跃进:Great Leap Forward(Movement) 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 针灸:Acupuncture 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 偏旁:radical 孟子:Mencius 亭/阁:Pavilion/Attic 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 火药:gunpowder


一、孔子是春秋时期的大思想家、大教育家和儒家学派的创始人,是古代中国人心目中的圣人。孔子的言论和生平活动记录在由他的弟子或再传弟子编成的《论语》一书中。《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作。在孔子之后几千年的中国历史上,没有哪一位思想家、文学家和政治家不受《论语》的影响。不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。 (1) 孔子是春秋时期的大思想家、大教育家和儒家学派的创始人,是古代中国人心目中的圣人。 As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius is a sage to the ancient Chinese people. (2) 孔子的言论和生平活动记录在由他的弟子或再传弟子编成的《论语》一书中。 His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects. (3)《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作。在孔子之后几千年的中国历史上,没有哪一位思想家、文学家和政治家不受《论语》的影响。 As an enduring classic of Chinese culture, The Analects has influenced all thinkers, writers and politicians in the thousand years’ Chinese history

after Confucius. (4) 不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。 No scholar could truly understand this long-standing culture or the inner world of the ancient Chinese without the study of this book. 二、大约在两千多年前,中国就出现了蜡染。在中国服饰中,蜡染是一种流传时间长、流行范围广的服装工艺。蜡染是在布匹着色的过程中,以蜂蜡作为防止染色的材料。蜂蜡干了之后,会产生一些裂纹,这些裂纹在染色过程中渗透进靛蓝色,于是形成了如冰花式样的美妙纹理。这样自然天成的纹理可以说是蜡染的灵魂所在。 (1) 大约在两千多年前,中国就出现了蜡染。 Wax printing appeared in China about 2,000 years ago. (2) 在中国服饰中,蜡染是一种流传时间长、流行范围广的服装工艺。 Wax printing has long been a widespread technique in the history of Chinese fashion. (3) 蜡染是在布匹着色的过程中,以蜂蜡作为防止染色的材料。


英语六级翻译必备词汇——中国文化 来源:文都图书 自从四六级改革以后,翻译就由之前的部分句子汉译英变成了整段的汉译英,这对于考生来说难度确实加大不少。新翻译涉及到社会、经济、历史、文化等等,这就要求大家在这些方面多加注意并积累。文都在这里给大家总结了一些有关中国文化的必备词。 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 《三字经》The Three-Word Chant 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms 《西游记》Journey to the West; 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy 水墨画Chinese brush painting; 中国结Chinese knot 旗袍Cheongsam 京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask 相声comic crosstalk

皮影戏shadow play; 说书story-telling 武术martial art 阳历solarcalendar 阴历lunarcalendar 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 太极拳:Tai Chi 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Mencius 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 火锅:Hot Pot 关于六级翻译,内容还是比较广泛的,对于日常生活中比较常见的词语最好都要弄清它的英文翻译。平时也要多注意进行练习,因为是新题型,所以真题比较少,大家可以配套文都出版的《大学英语六级考试真题精析与标准预测》,里面附赠20片短文翻译,让大家有题可做。


六级新题型段落翻译练习 1、中国是舞龙舞狮的起源地。自问世以来,舞龙、舞狮运动一直受到各个民族人民的喜爱,代代相传,长久不衰,并因此形成了灿烂的舞龙舞狮文化。长期以来,很多青年朋友都以为龙舞、狮舞就是春节、庙会、庆典时的喜庆表演,殊不知它历经了几千年的传承流变,积淀了深厚的历史文化,是祖先留给我们的极其宝贵的文化遗产。 China is the dragon dance lion dance originated. Since its advent, dragon dance, lion dance movement has always been the love of the people, every nation from generation to generation, and thus formed the dragon dance lion dance culture. For a long time, a lot of young friends all thought the dragon dance, lion dances of the festival is the Spring Festival, temple fair, festival show, but it went through thousands of years of inheritance rheological, accumulated a profound historical culture, is the ancestors left us precious cultural heritage. 2、旗袍,是中国女性的传统服装,源于中国满族女性的传统服装。因为满族人被称为“旗人”,所以满族人的长袍被称为“旗袍”。到了20世纪20年代,受西方服饰的影响,经过改进之后的旗袍逐渐在广大妇女中流行起来。在中国,很多女性都喜欢穿旗袍。结婚的时候,新娘不仅要订做一件中式旗袍作为结婚礼服,还要穿着漂亮的旗袍照一套婚纱照,作为永久的纪念。对于中国的女明星们而言,旗袍也成为她们参加各种重要活动的首选礼服。 Cheongsam is a traditional Chinese women's clothing, from China's manchu women's traditional costume. Because the manchus were known as the "eight banners", so the manchus robes are known as "cheongsam". In the 1920 s, influenced by western clothing, after improving the qipao became popular among the masses of women in gradually. In China, many women like to wear qipao. The wedding, the bride should not only build a traditional Chinese as a wedding dress, also dressed in beautiful qipao according to a set of photos, as a permanent memorial. For China's female stars, cheongsam has become their preferred to participate in various important activities. 3、朝气蓬勃,充满活力,丰富多彩的上海是现代中国的缩影。虽然上海的文化遗迹不能与北京媲美,但是上海迷人的城市风貌,风格各异的万国建筑为这座城市注入了无限的魅力。今日之上海,已经成为享誉中外的国际大都市。 漫步在这座日新月异的现代大都市里,你会发现许多精彩的历史亮点,隐现在众多摩天大楼背后的是上海发展变化的轨迹。它们记述了上海自十九世纪末开埠以来,尤其是新中国成立以后,是如何迅猛发展的。Shanghai is a dynamic, diverse and stimulating city - the very epitome of modern China. Though Shanghai cannot rival Beijing in cultural heritage, its varied architectural styles and cosmopolitan feel give it a charm of its own. Today's Shanghai has become a world-famous international metropolis.


英语四级翻译常考词汇 一个中国原则the one-China principle 与时俱进keep pace with the times 综合国力overall national strength 共同愿望common desire “走出去”(战略)going global 不结盟non-alignment 单边主义unilateralism 多边政策multilateralism 多极世界multipolar world 人口老龄化aging of population 人口出生率birth rate 社区月服务community service 道德法庭court of ethics 盗用公款embezzlement 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise

猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market


元宵节: Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11.战国:Warring States 12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13.铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14.函授部:The Correspondence Department 15.集体舞:Group Dance 16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19.结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21.附属学校:Affiliated school 22.古装片:Costume Drama 23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25.一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26.火锅:Hot Pot 27.四人帮:Gang of Four 28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29.素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31.大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33.除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34.针灸:Acupuncture 35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36.中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37.偏旁:radical 38.孟子:Mencius 39.亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic 40.大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 41.火药:gunpowder 42.农历:Lunar Calendar 43.印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44.物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization 45.京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera


一、对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 (1) 对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。Chinese Dragon totem worship in China has been around for over 8,000 years. (2) 中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。 The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) as a fetish that combine s animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. (3) 中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. (4) 在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

二、秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老年人自发组织了了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳秧歌舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。 (1) 秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。 Yangko is one of the traditional folk dances of Han nationality in China. It is usually performed in Northern provinces. (2) 秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。 The dancers usually wear / are dressed in colorful and light costumes, and the performance is powerful and rapid. (3) 在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。 During some festivals such as the Spring Festival, the
