

新SAT 阅读18 种考试题型全汇总

新SAT 的OG 将其阅读题型分成三大块:对文本信息的考察;对作者写作技能的考察以及综合考察。今天小编就从这几个方面为大家做一个新SAT 阅读的题型盘点。

一、Information and Ideas: The Author's Message (对文本信息的考察)



1)直接信息题(Explicit Meaning),该类题型能够直接从文本中找到信息,题目中通常出现如下字眼“According to the passage," "states," "indicates,"等。如:The authors indicate that people value gift-giving because they feel it...? 2)隐含信息题(Implicit Meaning),该类题型需要理解文本的隐含意思,题目中通常出现如下字眼“based on the passage,”"it can reasonably be inferred," "implies," 等。如:Based on the passage, the author's statement "..." implies that...?

3)类比题(Analogy),考察对文本内容特征的把握及应用,如“Which of the following situations is most analogous to the relationship mentioned in line 5 to 10?


循证题(Citing Textual Evidence),要求为上一题的答案寻找论据或者为某个结论提供论据。

如:Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? (寻找上一题答案论据),或者In lines 46-50("Prosecutions...sens"), what is the most likely reason Jordan draws a distinction between two types of "parties"? (为某个结论提供论据) 循证题是对文本论据的考察,在每个篇章中会出现两题,共10 题。


1)中心思想/主旨题(Central Idea/ Theme),是对整篇文章的主旨或段落中心思想的考察。如:The central claim of the passage is that...? (对整篇文章主旨的考察),或者The central idea of the fourth paragraph (line 35-57) is that...? (对段落中心思想的考察);

2)小结题(Summary),对整篇文章或段落的小结,如:Which choice best summarizes the passage?

3)关系题(Relationship),考察人物,事件,观点之间的因果,对比,递进等关系,如:Which choice best describes the relationship between neurons and celebrities?

4)单词/词组释义题(Interpreting Words and Phrases in Context),顾名思义,即是对单词、词组意思的考察。如:As used in line 10, "intense" most nearly means...?

二、Rhetoric: The Author's Craft (对作者写作技能的考察)


1.单词/词组/句子功能题(Analyzing Word Choice),包括使用目的,作用和效果。如:

Woolf uses the word "we" throughout the passage mainly to...?

2.文本结构题(Analyzing Text Structure),对文本总体结构的考察或对部分内容与整篇文章的关系的考察。如:Over the course of the passage, the main focus of the narrative shifts from

the ... to...?

3.观点态度题(Analyzing Point of View),对作者或人物观点,态度和立场的考察。题目中通常包括"perspective", "point of view"等字眼。如:The stance Jordan takes in the passage is best

described as that of...?

4.目的题(Analyzing Purpose),对整篇文章或部分段落目的的考察。题目中通常包括“purpose”,“function”等字眼。选项中也通常出现“criticize”,“support”,“present”,“introduce”等字眼。如:The main purpose of the passage is to...?

5.论证题(Analyzing Arguments),对作者在论证过程中的论点,反论点,论证方式和论据的考察。题目中通常出现“claim”,“counterclaim”,“reason”,“evidence”等字眼。如:A student claims that nitrogenous bases pair randomly with one another. Which of the following statements in the passage contradicts the student's claim?

三、Synthesis (综合题),该类指的是涉及到双篇文章的题目或文章与图表综合考察的题目。

1.双篇题(Analyzing Multiple Questions)通常分为取同,取异,互联题。

1)取同题,对两篇文章的相同点的考察。如:The crows in Passage 1 and the ravens in Passage 2 shared which trait?

2)取异题,对两篇文章的不同点的考察。如:One difference between the experiments described in the two passages is that unlike the researchers discussed in Passage 1, the author of Passage 2...?

3)互联题,对两篇文章的相关性的考察。如:Is the main conclusion presented by the author of Passage 2 consistent with Morgan's canon, as described in Passage 1?


2.图表题(Analyzing Quantitative Information) 包括对图表信息的直接或间接的考察,以及对图表信息和文本内容的综合考察。如:Which claim about traffic congestion is supported by the graph?或者:It can reasonably be inferred from the passage and the graphic that...?

综上所述,从词汇层面看,词汇题考察的是词汇的意思和功能;从段落层面看,考察的题目包括观点态度题,目的题,小结题,中心思想题,论证题,细节类题型等等;从篇章层面看,同样包括细节题,态度,目的,小结,中心思想题,论证题,还包括关系题,循证题,文本结构题等。由此可见,新SAT 尤其侧重对篇章的考察。


在考试中词汇题可能会出现三种情况:1. 原文单词很简单,但选项中的单词较难2. 原文单词难度中等,但考察的并不是单词字面意思,而是需要结合上下文对其进行释义3. 原文单词较难,选项中的单词也难。 新SAT阅读词汇题答题技巧 在阅读考试中遇到了词汇题目,如果题干和选项中有个别单词不认识,就可以运用排除法或推测法等答题技巧;如果题干和选项中大多数词都不认识,就要在平时多多积累,努力扩大词汇量,因为词汇题的出现比例较高,一般每篇(或每对)文章会出两道词汇题。下面将通过一道阅读词汇题目来为大家讲解答题技巧和步骤。 新SAT阅读词汇题真题讲解 Passage 1 is adapted from Nicholas Carr, “Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires B rains.” ?2010 by Condé Nast. Passage 2 is from Steven Pinker,“Mind over Mass Media.” ?2010 by The New York Times Company. Passage 1 … We know that the human brain is highly plastic; neurons and synapses change as circumstances change. When we adapt to a new cultural phenomenon, including the use of a new medium, we end up with a different brain, says Michael Merzenich, a pioneer of the field of neuroplasticity. That means our online habits continue to reverberate in the workings of our brain cells even


新SAT阅读真题四 Exercise 4 This passage is excerpted from Louisa May Alcott, Rose in Bloom, originally published in 1876. Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright October day awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatience which found a vent in lively skirmishes with a small lad, who pervaded the premises like a will-o'-the-wisp and afforded much amusement to the other groups assembled there. "They are the Campbells, waiting for their cousin, who has been abroad several years with her uncle, the doctor," whispered one lady to another as the handsomest of the young men touched his hat to her as he passed, lugging the boy, whom he had just rescued from a little expedition down among the piles."Which is that?" asked the stranger. "Prince Charlie, as he's called a ?ne fellow, the most promising of the seven, but a little fast, people say," answered the ?rst speaker with a shake of the head. "Are the others his brothers?""No, cousins. The elder is Archie, a most exemplary young man. He has just gone into business with the merchant uncle and bids fair to be an honor to his family. The other, with the eyeglasses and no gloves, is Mac, the odd one, just out of college." "And the boy?" "Oh, he is Jamie, the youngest brother of Archibald, and the pet of the whole family. Mercy on us he'll be in if they don't hold on to him!"


新SAT阅读官方样题- 深度解读1 在3月初公布的改革细则中,涉及到阅读部分的改革主要包含以下方面Relevant Words in Context,Command of Evidence,Analysis in Science and in Social Studies,Founding Documents and Great Global Conversation。针对这些细则,结合第一套官方样题Sample 1,改革后的阅读部分具体分析如下: 1、Analysis in Science and in Social Studies 新版的SAT考试文章选材涉及的学科更为广泛。本文节选自议员Barbara Jordan在尼克松总统的弹劾听证会上的讲话,内容是关于何时及如何弹劾总统。尽管现有的SAT考试中有很多不同类型的文章,但是学生不会遇到关于科学和历史题材的文章。然而在新版SAT考试的阅读部分中,学生都会遇到关于科学、历史以及社会学方面的文章,并运用在该科目的相关知识来帮助更好的分析理解文章。此外,每次考试都会包含一篇来自建国纲领文献或由或相关的全球对话。学生会读到一篇例如“独立宣言”,林肯的“葛底斯堡演说”这样的演讲。 2、Relevant Words in Context 现有SAT考试中的词汇较为晦涩,并且考试之后很少被用到。而新版SAT考试将摒弃生僻词汇,侧重于考察学生根据语境推断词义,考试中的词汇将是学生在大学和日后的生活中都会用到的。但这不能说明对于词汇考察的难度一定会降低,因为在去掉生词的同时,会加强学生对于常用词用法的深入考察。词汇考察将缩小广度,扩大深度。例如Sample 1中的第三题: 3. As used in line 37, “channeled” most nearly mea ns A) worn B) sent C) constrained D) siphoned 正确答案:C 相关原文: The nature of impeachment: a narrowly channeled exception to the separation of powers maxim. The Federal Convention of 1787 said that. It limited impeachment to high crimes and misdemeanors, and di scounted and opposed the term “maladministration.” channel一词所在的句子用“narrowly channeled”来形容“exception”,纵观选项,C选项“限制”代回去较为通顺,在下一句中,speaker提出“将指控仅限于重罪,而忽视了渎职失职”,可以判断speaker在这里感到很少有被指控的情况,因此可以可以判断C为正确答案,这里指讲exception(指控)的范围限制得过窄。 尽管“channel”一词很常用,但是在此处考察的并非其常用词义,另外,为了更确切地判断“channel”在这里的用法,除了本句外还需从上下文中寻找线索,而现有的SAT阅读中的词汇题往往通过本句就能判断出答案。因此,备考新SAT的学生将不再需要记忆艰深晦涩的词汇,为了掌握词汇的全面用法,主要通过大量阅读、精度,通过长期的积累来掌握,而且更加需要注重寻找上下文的联系。 3、Command of Evidence 使用证据 改版后的基于证据的阅读和写作部分,将会要求学生展现他们对于和使用取材广泛的证据的解


SAT阅读理解题型 A.写作目的题(Main Purpose Questions) 问题经常以以下形式出现: The primary purpose of the passage is to…… Both passages are primarily concerned with the…… The passage as a whole serves primarily to…… 例 1 I had grown up in the United States virtually without relatives, which, in my intense desire to assimilate, was quite all right with me. But this attitude dissolved when I walked into that apartment in Beijing. I realized then that my extended family is not just a collection of accidental alliances but a living body, an entity that will welcome me for being simply who I am: the daughter of my mother, the niece of my aunts and uncles. We had never before seen each other but, in that moment, we shared a sense of connection and loyalty unlike anything I had previously experienced. Question: The primary purpose of the passage is to (A)describe the author?s travels to Beijing (B)reveal how lonely the author often felt (C)provide examples of the author?s fondness for her relatives (D)convey the author?s sudden awareness of the importance of family (E)illustrate the closeness that existed among the author?s mother, aunts, and uncles. 例2This passage is adapted from a 2003 novel about a character named Gogol Ganguli, the American-born son of Indian immigrants. Just before leaving home for college, Gogol changed his name to Nikhil. Question: Taken as a whole, the passage is best described as a portrayal of (A)two parents? acceptance of their son?s leaving home (B)an immigrant family?s adjustment to new surroundings (C)the stimulating possibilities open to a college student (D)a young man?s struggle to define himself (E)a young man?s success at achieving independence 例3A century ago, opponents of women?s suffrage in the United States scoffed at the notion that extending the vote to women would make any difference. “Women will vote with their husband”was the commonly accepted wisdom. This was an argument made in the absence of evidence, as women did not yet have the vote. Ever since women won the vote, researchers have been keeping close track of female voting behavior. A “gender gap” in voting behavior has been found in the United States as in many other countries. In the United States, the 1994 and 1996 elections showed the largest gaps ever between candidates favored by women and those favored by men.


Questions 10-14 are based on the following passage. This passage is from the preface to a 1997 book by a United States journalist detailing a disagreement between doctors and family members about a child's medical treatment at a hospital in California. Under my desk I keep a large carton of cassette tapes. Though they have all been transcribed, I still like to listen to them from time to time, Some are quiet and easily understood. They are filled with the voices of American doctors, interrupted occasionally by the clink of a coffee cup or beep of a pager. The rest—more than half of them—are very noisy. They are filled with the voices of the Lees family, Hmong refugees from Laos who came to the United States in 1980. Against a background of babies crying, children playing, doors slamming, dishes clattering, a television yammering, and an air conditioner wheezing, I can hear the mother's voice, by turns breathy, nasal, gargly, or humlike as it slides up and down the Hmong language's eight tones; the father's voice, louder, slower, more vehement; and my interpreter's voice, mediating in Hmong and English, low and deferential in each. The hubbub summons sense-memories: the coolness of the red metal folding chair, reserved for guests, that was always set up when I arrived in the apartment; the shadows cast by the amulet that hung from the ceiling and swung in the breeze on its length of grocer's twine; the tastes of Hmong food. I sat on the Lees' red chair for the first lime on May 19, 1988. Earlier that spring I had come to Merced, California, because I had heard that there were some misunderstandings at the county hospital between its Hmong patients and medical staff. One doctor called them "collisions," which made it sound as if two different kinds of people had rammed into each other, head on, to the accompaniment of squealing brakes and breaking glass. As it turned out, the encounters were messy but rarely frontal. Both sides were wounded, but neither side seemed to know what had hit it or how to avoid another crash. I have always felt that the action most worth watching occurs not at the center of things but where edges meet. I like shorelines, weather fronts, international borders. These places have interesting frictions and incongruities, and often, if you stand at the point of tangency, you can see both sides better than if you were in the middle of either one. This is especially true when the apposition is cultural. When I first came to Merced, I hoped that the culture of American medicine, about which I knew a little, and the culture of the Hmong, about which I knew nothing, would somehow illuminate each other if I could position myself between the two and manage not to get caught in the crossfire. But after getting to know the Lees family and their daughter's doctors and realizing how hard it was to blame anyone, I stopped analyzing the situation in such linear terms. Now, when I play the tapes late at night, I imagine what they would sound like if I could splice them together, so the voices of the Hmong and those of the American doctors could be heard on a single tape, speaking a common language. 10. In line 17, "summons" most nearly means (A) sends for (B) calls forth (C) requests (D) orders (E) convenes 11. It can be inferred from lines 27-33 that "collisions" was NOT an apt description because the (A) clash between Hmong patients and medical staff was indirect and baffling (B) Hmong patients and the medical staff were not significantly affected by the encounters (C) medical staff was not responsible for the dissatisfaction of the Hmong patients (D) misunderstandings between the Hmong patients and the medical staff were easy to resolve (E) disagreement reached beyond particular individuals to the community at large


新SAT阅读易错题型分析 新SAT考试高分成绩不仅需要考生们在平时认真备考,同时也需要考生们的细心。本文为大家分析新SAT阅读易错题型,建议考生们考前再用OG官方指南和历年真题过一遍,把握出题特征。 新SAT阅读易错题型主要有两种,它们分别是词汇题和循证题。为了让大家更好的掌握这些易错题,本文将会细致的讲解并 附上相关的练习题供考生使用。 一、词汇题:50%用上下文反关系判断①,50%用词义辨析判断②。 词汇题,由于文化差异,是中国学生的最大短板,而且不是通过简单的背单词书可以完成的,只能一点点积累;一套阅读题目,错2-3个词汇题,很正常。 注: ①反关系判断就是常见的逻辑关系判断 ②近义词 例题: The bard apparently called upon one specific formula after another in order to fit the driving beat of the chant, in trance of rhythmic improvisation. (2012年10月真题) In line 47, “called upon” nearly means A、obliged B、proposed C、invited D、utilized E、visited 例题:Part of the problem may well stem from the long-standing tendency of European or Euro-American thinkers to regard Native Americans as fundamentally and profoundly different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by unfathomable visions than by intelligence or introspection. (老版og1) In line 12, “charged” most nearly means A、commanded B、indicated


典型例题帮你解读新SAT阅读主旨题 改革后的新SAT考试有了很多变化,下面给天道小编给大家介绍新SAT考试题型中有一种信息观点类题型的考察Information and Ideas, 其中就包含主旨题的考察。希望对大家的备考SAT阅读有所帮助。 一.主旨题考察介绍Determining Central Ideas and Themes Understanding the main point(s) or theme(s) of a passage 中心观点和主题,考生需要理解文章中的主要观点和核心主题。 具体内容:文章的main ideas and themes可能是明确表达也可能是隐含的表达,其中“themes “类的问题更倾向于围绕整篇文章,而”main ideas“则是围绕一个或多个段落或者是整篇文章, 二.做题方法技巧 这类题型的关键字有“main idea,” “main point,”“central idea,” or “theme”,这个时候考生就不要关注某处细节,而需要从文章的整体思考。 常见的干扰选项: 和文章的主要思想无关; 与文章所说内容明确相反; 以文章的细节来顶替文章的主题; 超出了文章的范围,过于宽泛; 过于极端,超出了文章的叙述范畴。 三.例题详解 例题1: Art forgery is a peculiar curse. Reliant on camouflage and deception, on the rhetoric of the believable lie, it is an act both audacious and self-effacing. For the imitation to succeed in fooling us, it must resemble one or more works that we have been led to believe are undoctored originals. Without something to mimic, the fake could not exist. And t he forger of old masters’ drawings, like the forger of twenty-


SAT阅读练习题 今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是SAT阅读练习题的相关资讯,赶紧来看看吧! SAT阅读练习题:Reading Comprehension Test 3 10 minutes - 7 questions The passage is taken from a biography of Florence Nightingale who is mainly remembered for her heroic work as a nurse during the Crimean War. The name of Florence Nightingale lives in the memory of the world by virtue of the heroic adventure of the Crimea. Had she died - as she nearly did - upon her return to England, her reputation would hardly have been different; her legend would 5 have come down to us almost as we know it today - that gentle vision of female virtue which first took shape before the adoring eyes of the sick soldiers at Scutari. Yet, as a matter of fact, she lived for more than half a century after the Crimean War; and during the greater part of that long period all the energy and all the 10 devotion of her extraordinary nature were working at their highest pitch. What she accomplished in those years of unknown sat labor could, indeed, hardly have been more glorious than her Crimean triumphs; but it was certainly more important. The true history was far stranger even than the myth. In Miss Nightingale's


SAT阅读常见题型及解题技巧 SAT阅读题型考察点是多样性的,想要翻越SAT这座大山,了解阅读题型会让我们更快速把握阅读的重点,锁定关键词,更加省时高效的完成篇章阅读。学会辨认题目的考点,明白题目中究竟是想要考哪一方面。我们可以将SAT的考点类型分为六类。 一.Main Idea-主旨题 1. 考察点:考察的是文章的中心思想 2. 提问方式 ? The main point of the passage is to ? The passage is primarily concerned with ? The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to ? The chief theme of the passage can be best described as ? Which of the following titles best describes the content of the passage? ? Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 3. 解题技巧 在做主旨题的时候,返回原文查看文章的开头和结尾部分。在阅读文章的时候,注意每一段的首位都是重点部分,这些部分往往是对整段的概括,中心内容,从中往往能很快找到作者的观点。注意那些连接词,比如:furthermore, moreover, notably, and significantly,这些词的后面往往也会引出文中的主旨。 值得注意的是,SAT文章中一般不会直接给出文章的主旨句,这个时候,小伙伴们可以想想以下几个问题: 1) 这篇文章是关于什么的?或者是关于谁的? 2) 作者关于这个事物共说了几个方面? 3) 作者通过这篇文章想要说明什么?或者是想要告诉读者什么? 在做“主旨题”或者是“文章目的”时,要注意以下词汇的表达,都是关于这类题型的提问方式。不要因为不理解题目的问法而理解错了题目。 bolster (verb) endorse delineate exemplify


SAT阅读主旨题和细节题答题技巧 SAT考试的三个项目当中,阅读部分是最需要技巧,也是最和语言本深相关的一个项目。SAT阅读技巧可以让大家在有限的词汇量基础上答对更多的题目。 对于在 SAT阅读题来说,SAT阅读技巧的应用会帮大家很大的忙。 根据历年的 SAT考试题目,SAT阅读题中一般会涉及到下面两类,这两类 题型都有其特点: (1)SAT阅读主题题型 这种 SAT阅读题型关系到文章的整体,题干可能会问及文章的主要思想或 文章的基本目的。 这类题型的解题技巧非常简单,在答案中,正确答案是明确概括了文章主要内容的选项,而错误的干扰选项往往有以下几种形式: 和文章的主要思想无关; 与文章所说内容明确相反; 以文章的细节来顶替文章的主题; 超出了文章的范围,过于宽泛; 过于极端,超出了文章的叙述范畴。 (2)SAT阅读细节题型

这种题型往往是问到了文章当中的某一环节的具体内容,在做这类题目时,考生一般都必须回到原文关于该问题的叙述之处,来寻找正确答案的源头。 SAT阅读细节题型的解题技巧和主题题型不同,大家在挑选干扰项的标准也不一样。细节题型的干扰选项一般有以下几种形式: 以文章其它地方的叙述来混淆视听; 使用了与原文相近的词汇,但却歪曲了原文的意思; 与原文的叙述相矛盾; 所说的内容在原文中并没有表述出来,而且也不能从原文的逻辑推导出来; 使用了极端化的叙述。 以上就是对 SAT阅读题的解题技巧的一个梳理,包括了 SAT阅读考试中的两个非常重要的题型。大家可以在自己的 SAT阅读考试备考过程中,根据上面所列出来的选项的特点进行更加有针对性的练习。最后祝大家考试顺利。


新SAT阅读真题二 Exercise 2 This passage is excerpted from L.M. Montgomery, “The Gossip of Valley View,” originally published in 1910. It was the ?rst of April, and Julius Barrett, aged fourteen, perched on his father's gatepost, watched ruefully the low descending sun, and counted that day lost. He had not succeeded in "fooling" a single person, although he had tried repeatedly. One and all, old and young, of his intended victims had been too wary for Julius. Hence, Julius was disgusted and ready for anything in the way of a stratagem or a spoil. The Barrett gatepost topped the highest hill in Valley View. Julius could see the entire settlement, from "Young" Thomas Everett's farm, a mile to the west, to Adelia Williams's weather-grey little house on a moonrise slope to the east. He was gazing moodily down the muddy road when Dan Chester, homeward bound from the post of?ce, came riding sloppily along on his grey mare and pulled up by the Barrett gate to hand a paper to Julius. Dan was a young man who took life and himself very seriously. He seldom smiled, never joked, and had a Washingtonian reputation for veracity. Dan had never told a conscious falsehood in his life; he never even exaggerated. Julius, beholding Dan's solemn face, was seized with a perfectly irresistible desire to "fool" him. At the same moment his eye caught the dazzling re?ection of the setting sun on the windows of Adelia Williams's house, and he had an inspiration little short of diabolical. "Have you heard the news, Dan?" he asked. "No, what is it?" asked Dan.


新SAT阅读题型解析 阅读是SAT考试中的重要组成部分,新SAT阅读题型主要考察三方面的内容,分别是对文本信息的考察、对作者写作技能的考察以及综合考察。下面文都小编将给大家做具体介绍。 一、Information and Ideas: The Author's Message (对文本信息的考察) 包括以下题型: 1.文本细节的考查 1)直接信息题(Explicit Meaning),该类题型能够直接从文本中找到信息,题目中通常出现如下字眼“According to the passage,""states,""indicates,"等。如:The authors indicate that people value gift-giving because they feel it...? 2)隐含信息题(Implicit Meaning),该类题型需要理解文本的隐含意思,题目中通常出现如下字眼“based on the passage,” "it can reasonably be inferred,""implies," 等。如:Based on the passage, the author's statement "..." implies that...? 3)类比题(Analogy),考察对文本内容特征的把握及应用,如“Which of the following situations is most analogous to the relationship mentioned in line 5 to 10? 2.文本论据的考查 循证题(Citing Textual Evidence),要求为上一题的答案寻找论据或者为某个结论提供论据。 如:Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? (寻找上一题答案论据),或者In lines 46-50("Prosecutions...sens"), what is the most likely reason Jordan draws a distinction between two types of "parties"? (为某个结论提供论据) 循证题是对文本论据的考察,在每个篇章中会出现两题,共10题。 3.文本传达信息的考查 1)中心思想/主旨题(Central Idea/ Theme),是对整篇文章的主旨或段落中心思想的考察。如:The central claim of the passage is that...? (对整篇文章主旨的考察),或者The central idea of the fourth paragraph (line 35-57) is that...? (对段落中心思想的考察);

SAT语法重点知识讲解 SAT语法题型解析词之句法分析

词法和句法 1、时态的考点为2道,特别要注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。 2、代词考点为1道,涉及形容词性物主代词与主语的性数配合。 e.g Mudskippers thrive in intertidal regions that are marked by regular, cyclicalchanges in water levels, adjusting its respiration depending on how muchwater is available. 其中的its应该改为their,因为该句的主语是mudskippers。 3、比较结构这个题目出的挺好的,还涉及到助动词前提的问题。 e.g It is widely known that wind turbinesproduce no pollution and thus cause less environmental damage than do powerplants that burn fossil fuels. 一般情况下我们都会这样写这个句子,注意划线的部分,less environmental damage than power plants that burn fossil fuels do. 但是在比较结构中,如果第二个主语过长例如powerplants that burn fossil fuels就过长,是可以把do前提的,所以这个句子是正确的。 4、介词考点为1道,主要是与名词的搭配。 e.g In particular, bimodal respiration—the abilityof acquiring oxygen using gills or through wet skin—sets mudskippers apartfrom their purely water-based counterparts. 其中ability后面的搭配应该为abilityto acquire。 5 、连词考点为9道,仍然是重头戏,5道为run-on句型,4道为平行结构。 e.g The economy of Jeju has expanded toinclude farming and tourism, the reliance on the seafood industry is notas strong. 明显可以感觉到逗号是不可以链接句子的,所以需要在两句话中间加一个连词。 e.g Rather than being activated atdifferent stages of the organism’s life cycle or under particular environmentalconditions, but these two modes of respiration
