





2.amaze 使惊讶









1. belong to属于

2. in search of搜寻

3. in return作为回报

4. at war交战

5.take apart拆开

6. think highly of高度评价

7. be used to do被用来做

8. rather than而不是

9. more than 不仅仅10. less than少于11. care about在乎12. add …to…增加13. agree with同意14. see for oneself亲自看15.at that time在那时16.serve as充当17. by the light of 借着…的光18. be designed for 为…而设计19.no doubt 无疑20. the entrance to 通往…的入口


1.There is no doubt that…: 毫无疑问,…

2.It takes somebody some time to do something. 做某事花某人多长时间

3.This was a time when…在这个时期…

4.It can be proved that…可以证明,…

5.can’t have done something不可能做过某事


Part 1. Warming up

1. Is it enough to have survived for a long time?只是存在的时间长就足够了吗?survive vi.幸免;生还;幸存

vt. 经历……而幸存;比……活的时间长

Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. 在这次撞车事故受伤的6个人中,只有2个人活了下来。


survive sb. (by...)比……活得长

survive sth. 幸免于;从……中挺过来

survival n. [U]幸存;[C]残存物survivor n.生还者,幸存者




She ______ her husband ten years.

②The old couple ______ ______ ______ (从战争中幸存下来).

③In the terrible accident, there were no ______ (幸存者).

答案:①survived;by ②survived the war ③survivors

Part 2. Pre-reading, reading and comprehending

1. in search of the Amber Room

in search of 寻找

I looked everywhere in search of my lost pen. 我四处寻找我丢失的钢笔。【易混辨析】

search/search for/search...for/in search of

search表示“搜索;搜寻;调查”。search sb.意为“搜某人身”;search sp.意为“在某地搜查”(意图找到某东西)。

search for意为“寻找”,指搜寻某个特定的目标,相当于look for。search...for意为“搜查某人或某地以寻找某物”。

in search of介词短语,意为“寻找”,后接寻找的目标或对象。




The police ______ the house ______ the stolen jewel.


They ______ the guard at the gate.


The police ______ ______ him everywhere. He was caught at last and now the police are ______ him.


His house had clearly been ______ and the book was missing.

答案:①searched; for ②searched ③searched for;searching④searched


⑤They were walking around the town ______ a place for the party.

A. in search of

B. search

C. searching of

D. searched for

解析:选A。in search of为介词短语,意为“寻找”,符合句意。B、D两项动词形式不对;无C项search of 此种搭配。

2.This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. 这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨的琥珀。

be used to do sth. 被用于做某事Wood is used to make into desks.

be/get used to (doing)sth. 习惯做某事H e is used to getting up early.

use to do sth. 过去常常做某事

I used to have a walk after supper, but now I'm used to playing basketball.

3. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.琥珀屋采取了当时流行的奇特的建筑式样。

design n. 设计;图案;构思vt. 设计;计划;构思

I like the design of that rug. 我喜欢那块地毯的图案。

A new highway between the two cities is being designed. 这两个城市之间的一条新高速公路正在设计中。


by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地

be designed to do... 目的是做……;被打算做……

be designed for... 为……而打算/设计



Do you think he did it accidenally or ______ ______ ?


The experiment ______ ______ ______ test the new drug.


The houses are specially ______ ______ the old people.

答案:①by design/on purpose ②is designed to ③designed for


④I like the television programme ______ educate not merely entertain.

A. designed to

B. designed for

C. is designed to

D. is designed for

解析:选A。be designed to do为固定搭配,表示“目的是”。designed to...在句中为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词programme。B、D两项中的for为介词,后面需接v.-ing形式或名词,故排除。

4.fancy adj. 奇特的; 精致的; v. 想; 以为; 想像

1). That's a very fancy pair of shoes! 那是一双非常别致的鞋!

2). I fancy (that) it's going to rain today. 我看今天要下雨


fancy that…以为是……fancy (sb’s) doing…想像(某人)做某事fancy oneself 自负;自命不凡fancy sb. to be / as 想象/认为某人会成为……

I can’t fancy his doing such a thing. 我想不到他会做这种事。

He fancies himself as a good writer. 他认为自己是好作家。

5. However, the next King of Prussia,Frederick William Ⅰ,to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈·威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。

belong to 属于Who does this watch belong to?这块表是谁的?

用法点拨:belong to不用于进行时态和被动语态中。to 为介词,其后接代词,名词类短语及从句,表示所归属的对象。

The book belongs on that shelf. 这本书应是放在那个架子上的。


belongings n.财产,所有物;动产

She lost all her belongings in the earthquake. 她在地震中失去了所有的财产。


As is known to us all, China is a developing country ______ the third world.

A. belonging

B. belonged

C. belonging to

D. belonged to

解析:选C。belong to 此处作定语,无被动语态和进行时态,必须和to连用构成及物动词短语。

6. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.作为回报,沙皇送给他一队


in return 作为报答;回报

①An old man gave us some food and water but asked for nothing in return on the island.在那个岛上一位老人给了我们一些食物和水,但没有要求任何回报。

in return for作为对……的回报

in turn 依次;逐个地;转而;反过来

②I invited him to dinner in return for his kindness. 为了报答他的好心,我宴请了他。

③He spends too much time on maths, and this in turn affects the progress of his other subjects.


④The students answered the teacher's questions in turn. 学生们依次回答老师的问题。

7. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing. 可悲的是,尽管琥珀屋被认为是世界上的一大奇迹,可是现在它却消失了。

1)consider 考虑;认为,把。。。看作

I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。

I consider it a great honor.我认为这是极大的荣幸。

We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

We consider it (to be ) true.=(We consider that it is true.) 我们认为这是真实的。

We consider him(to be) our friend. 我们把他当我们的好朋友。

8. This was a time when the two countries were at war.

at war 处于交战状态介词at可表示状态或动作

at the meeting 在会上at peace 处于和平状态at breakfast 在吃早饭at table 在吃饭at work 在上班at school 在上学

9....,the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.

furniture 是“家具”的总称,前不加冠词a,也不用复数。用much ,little 修饰。

a piece of (an article of) furniture 一件家具

pieces(articles) of furniture 许多家具

10. There_is_no_doubt_that the boxes were then put on a train for K?nigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。

doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑


I don’t doubt that he is honest. 我不怀疑他是诚实的。

We doubt if he is honest. 我们怀疑他是否诚实。



事上的困惑,”一般用作不可数名词。作为动词,在否定句和疑问句中,后接that 引导的从句;在肯定句中,后接whether/if引导的从句。

I never doubt that he will come. 我从未怀疑他会来。

I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better. 我不敢肯定这个新的是否会好一些。


in doubt 怀疑;拿不定主意

no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地;必定;当然

there is no doubt that...毫无疑问……(that从句为同位语从句,表示no doubt 的实际内容,同位语从句亦可由whether引导)



______ ______he didn’t mean to hurt you.


When______ ______ about the question, you’d better ask the teacher.

答案:①No doubt ②in doubt


③There is no doubt ______ he will be asked to speak again next year.

A. that

B. whether

C. what

D. how 11.After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。

remain a mystery为系表结构,


①Where he has gone remains a mystery.他去哪里了仍然是个谜。

②Shops remain open till late in the evening.商店营业到晚上很晚。

③Much work remains undone. 还有大量的工作未做。

④They remained listening. 他们一直在听。

⑤The patient remained in danger. 病人仍处在危险中。

⑥That remains to be seen. 那还有待观察。



①Little of the original architecture remains.原来的建筑现在留存的已经很少了。

②I'll remain to see the end of the game.我将留下看比赛的结果。

12. In groups discuss: Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing?分组讨论:重建遗失的文化遗产,如琥珀屋和北京的圆明园是值得的吗?

worth adj.值得的; 相当于……的价值n.价值; 作用


be worth+n.当名词为金钱时,表示“……值……钱”

The exhibition is worth a visit.

This necklace is worth $1,000. 这条项链值1000美元。

be worth doing ……某事值得被做

Mount Tai is well worth visiting. 泰山很值得参观。

be worthy of+n.当名词为抽象名词时,表示“……值得……”

be worthy to be/of being done 某事值得被做

This movie is well worth seeing,but it is not worthy of being seen/to be seen twice. 这部电影值得看但是不值得看两遍。

It be worthwhile doing sth. 值得做某事

It be worthwhile for sb. to do sth. 值得某人去做某事

It is worthwhile buying the dictionary. 这本词典值得买。(其中的worthwhile 也可换成worth)

It is worthwhile to discuss the plan again. 这个计划值得再讨论一次。



①The book is worth reading.=The book is ______ ______ ______ read.

=It is ______ ______ the book.

答案:worthy to be; worthwhile reading



②This book is worthy of ______ twice.

A. reading

B. read

C. having read

D. being read

解析:选D。be worthy 后可以用to be done或of being done结构,而worth后用动名词的主动形式表示被动概念。

Part 3. Learning about Language

1.take apart拆卸,拆开

The boy took apart the toy car, but couldn't put it together again.男孩把玩具汽车拆开了, 可怎么也安不上了。

apart from

Apart from a few words, he knows nothing about Chinese.除了几个单词外,他对汉语一无所知。

本句中的apart from可以换成except。

Apart from Jim, Lucy and Lily also attended the meeting.除了吉姆,虂茜和莉莉也参加了会议。

此句中的apart from可以由besides替换。

This article is well written apart from a few spelling mistakes.这篇文章写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。

这一句中的apart from可以替换成except for。

Part 4. Using Language

1. He/She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions. 他/她关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些信息必须是事实而不是个人观点或看法。

rather than意为“而不是”,连接两个并列成分,这两个并列成分的形式应该一致。rather than连接两个主语时,其后面谓语动词的单复数形式应遵循就远原则。类似用法的词汇、短语还有:as well as,together with,except,but,with,besides,including等。

I think Tom, rather than you, is to blame. 我认为该受责备的是汤姆,而不是


Professor Smith, together with his assistants, is doing the research day and night. 史密斯教授和他的助手们正在夜以继日地进行研究。


or rather更确切地说

This new product, or rather, this new style of shirt, is not very attractive.这项新产品,确切地说是这种新款式的衬衫,并不是非常吸引人的。

other than除了……之外

She has no close friends other than him.她除了他以外没有好朋友。

would rather do...than do =would do...rather than do=prefer to do...rather than do...宁愿……而不愿……;宁愿;更喜欢

He would rather go walking than watch TV at home.他宁愿出去散步也不愿待在家里看电视。


选词填空(rather than/other than/or rather)

①I met him very late on Friday night, ______, early on Saturday morning.

②Does anybody ______ yourself know this?

③I decided to send an e-mail ______ telephone.

答案:①or rather ②other than ③rather than

4.Nor do I think they should give it to any government.我也认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府。

该句中由于否定词nor位于句首,所以使用了部分倒装语序。英语中含有否定意义的副词及短语放在句首时,句中需用部分倒装语序。这类副词及短语有:never,seldom,neither,nor,little,not,hardly,scarcely,at no time,in no way等。

①Never before have I seen such a film.以前我从来没有看过这样的影片。

②Seldom does she go out alone.她很少一个人出门。

③Not a word did he say at the meeting.他在会上一句话也没说。

④In no way can we give in to the difficulties.我们决不能向困难低头。



She couldn't work out the problem, ________________.

答案:nor/neither could I

5. It can be proved that China has more population than any other countries in the world. 可以证明,中国人口比世界上任何其他国家都多。

prove (proved, proved) or (proved, proven)

(1)vt. 证明

[~ sth (to sb) ]

Just give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you.给我一个机会,我会证明给你看。[~ (that)]This proves (that) I was right. 这证明我是对的。

[~ wh-]This proves what I have been saying for some time. 这证明了我一段时间以来所说的话。

[~+宾语+ adj] She was determined to prove him wrong. 她决心要证明他错了。



Perhaps this book will prove (to be) useful. 或许这本书会证明有用的。

[V +to be]

Their fears proved to be groundless. 他们的担心证明是无根据的。

[~ oneself (to be) n/adj]

He proved himself to be a good teacher. 他显示自己是个好旅伴。

7. spend, cost, take, pay


①spend time/money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:

I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。

②spend time/money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:

They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。


①sth. costs + (sb.) +金钱. 某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:

A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。

②sth. costs + (sb.) +代价. 做某事使某人付出了什么代价。例:

Drunk driving cost him his life. 酒后开车使他付出了生命的代价。


①It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:

It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。

②It takes (sb )+sth + to do sth. 做某事需要(某人)某物。例:

Courage is what it takes to succeed.成功需要勇气。

A smile is sometimes what it takes to cheer a friend up. 有时候一个微笑就会使朋友高兴起来。


①(Sb) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:

I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。

②pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:

I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。

③pay sb (+ to do) 付钱给某人(去做某事)。例:

We pay the baby-sitter by the hour. 我们按小时给保姆钱。

I will pay you $3 to clean my car.我给你3美元你替我洗车。
