



论文题目:A Comparative Study on Family

Education in America and China 课程名称:跨文化交际策略与技巧






A Comparative Study on Family Education

in America and China

Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the

first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family

education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1 . There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development

Main Body:

Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China:

1.The concepts of family education are different .

The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2 . Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect, except for caring children’s daily life . In order to make their children have a good

performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future , they would not let children do anything except studying . Contrastively , American parents generally believe that the growth of childeren must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept , most American parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood . And the capacity comes from the training in the early age3 .

In the film 《Gua Sha Treatment》4 , there is a scene that Datong orderded his son to apologize to his boss’s son when his saw his son was fighting with his boss’s son . What’s more , he slapped his son in the face when his son refused to apologize , which gave his boss aquite a shock . His boss became confused why the father would show the regret by striking his son . This scene and the boss’s confusion reflect the different concepts between the two countries . Traditonal Chinese family education emphasize kindheartedness and bedience5 , so we can say that Chinese parents like Datong in the film always want to model their children . On the contrary , America children have more rights of autonomy because their parents emphasis on justice and freedom in the process of family education .

2.The aim of family education are different6 .

The aim of family education is to foster the childeren to grow in some direction by family education . It is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education , deciding the general effect of it . So the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamental reason for the differences between the two countries on family education .

There is an essential difference between two countrys’aim of family education , with to expect the child to become an outstanding personage and to hope the child to be an comprehensive and independent person giving expressions to the difference . To most Chinese parents , the aim is expecting their child to be a “ dragon ” ,

which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in Chinese . But American parents take hoping the child to be a man of ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” in Chinese as their aim . For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anyting to support their children to get high marks . What forms apparent contrast to it is , America parents give their children more training about improving abilities . They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently .

3.The methods are different between America and China .

The differences of concepts and aim cause the childen to be taught by different ways and methods . In Chinese family , affected by Chinese traditional culture , parents educate children by “control ”and “seal ”type . There are three tips for it 7:

(1)Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life . In Chinese

family , children don’t have to do any housework .

(2)Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . Many

children are prevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about children’s being affected by bad things 8.

(3)Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward children’s study .

Parents regard the grades as the only standard for future success . “ Tasks Sea ” strategy is often used in study . Chinese children are tired of doing many extra exercises .

So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things . What about America children Let’s talk about the famous film 《The Pacifier》9. In the film , it may be unconcious , but Shane Wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the time when he cared them . So American parents bring up their children by the method of “letting go ”but “not indulging ”to exercise children’s abilities of independent living .

4. The different contents of family education between America and China .

The differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in the contents of family education . Although the contents of Chinese family education can also devided into moral education , intellectual education , physical education and artistic education , but intellectual education has been the most important one since they go to school . However , the contents of American family education is abundant , which pay more attention to the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on . It is so-called “education for all-around development 10” .

Ⅱ.The reasons for the differences mentioned above:

1. Different historical background11

China with a long histroy has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense of worth , which is lack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness . There is a shortage of environment in which people can accept new ideas . By contraries , America is a nation of immigrants with a short history , there remains so little traditional culture . With the influence of multi culture and sense of worth , it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture . So America children are better at taking risks and innovating .

2. Different economic form

China has a long histroy with a large population .Therefore , there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide one’s life happiness . And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future . The condition of econemy in America is better than that in China , so there are more employment opportunities in America . American parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society . social conditions

So far , social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in China .

Many Chinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’s return , which is reflected in the methods of education . For this reason , their children’s high scores have become their origin of pride . But in America , there is a prosper development of econemy and sane social security system , so American parents don’t count on their children’s support . They see educating child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties .

traditional culture12

In China , people advocate collectivism which emphasize the collective interests more important than personal interests . Therefore , Chinese parents usually replace children’s interests by their own wills and thoughts . They design children’s future standing in the adult angle . What’s more , in Chinese family , parents can raise their children in the lifetime . However , stressing personality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit are all the cores of American culture . Rationalistic American parents insist that children after 18 years old should be independent and not rely on their parents .

Ⅲ.The results of two different kinds of family education13: The results of family education in the two countries also display obvious differences because of the differences of education concepts , aim , methods and contents . These are mainly reflected in five aspects .

1.Ability of adapting to the society

Most Ameican children can adapt to the society more smoothly than many Chinese children . They can face and overcome setbacks more easily .

2.Ability of living independently

Compared with independent American children , Chinese children have particularly much requirements and strong dependence ,and they always want to get others’ care .

3.Interpersonal relationships

As a result of parents’ overprotection , Chinese children have few ablities of personal interaction . American children are opposite at this point .

4.Responsibility of supporting the old

Generally speaking , Many American children lack the sense of responsibility to support their parents in comparison with Chinese children .

5.The relationship among family members

As a whole , the relationship among Chinese family members is more harmony than that among American family . The relationship of Chinese family is very close , but in America ,family members look like separate individuals .

Ⅳ. Discussions and Suggestions14 :

In this thesis , it is only a generic comparative study on family education in America and China . Of course , there is also distinctiveness on it . In addition , compared with Chinese family education , American family education also has its obvious shortage . So the aim of this thesis is not totally to repudiate Chinese family education or wholly to accept American family education . In the end ,by the comparative study on family education in America and China , the writer wants to cause reform ideas of Chinese family education in order to improve Chinese education level .

According to our country’s special circumsta nces, the number of one-child family is becoming larger , so family education must be improved in the project of educational reform and development and family education must be combined with school education and social education. Therefore, it is necessary to change traditional family education ideas .

(1) Chinese parents should educate their children in social environment , in other

words , they should not only teach their children the knowledge of survival , but also the responsibilities for the society .

(2) Chinese parents must cultivate their children’s consciousness of

independence , self-support , cooperation and the spirit of caring for

others .

(3) In China , education for all-around development should be vigorously

advocated and implemented effectively .

(4) Much can be learned from each other on the ways of family education for

America and China .

In a word , family education is very important . With the development of society , all aspects of family education needs to be improved .

Epilogue:This is the first time for me to write thesis in English , and I haven’t had enough knowledge and experience , so there must be some shortcomings . I will appreciate it that my teacher can be kind enoug to point the mistakes and help me to correct them . In the meantime , I will study hard to know more about family education in America and China and make greater progress in the future .

References :




4. 《Gua Sha Treatment》郑晓龙导演

5. 《不同文化传统下中美家庭教育中的评价比较》唐梅(《世界教育信息》)(加标注12)


7. 校选修课《…………》授课教师:……

8. 《中美家庭教育的对比与分析》(《联合早报网》)

9.《The Pacifier》 Adam Shankman


blog “tingting and her mother ”

12.《American Family Education》 ailin 中央编译出版社

13.《East look , West see》 zhaihua 中图书店出版社

14. 《中美家庭教育的六点比较》王乐(《家教指南》2008年第五期)

















张仰媚(菏泽学院外国语系,山东菏泽274000) 摘要: 父母是子女的第一任教师,家庭教育对人的教育具有不可置换的意义。中美在家庭教育上存在着显著的差异,不同的观念和培养方式造成了中美两国的儿童在成人后存在着明显的差异。本文试图分析差异产生的原因并给出解决的办法。 关键词:家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 中图分类号:G78 文献标识码:B 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成 长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中 最重要的一环。中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、 生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着诸多不同之处,导 致在两国的家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异。 一、中美家庭教育差异及原因 (一)两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总 是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。在 家庭中,年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部 形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同 的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威 的象征。长期处于这种环境下,孩子慢慢习惯了在多重 规则下生活。然而随着物质生活水平的提高和计划生育 政策的执行,许多家庭走向另一个极端,让孩子在家庭 中处于特殊地位并加以重点保护,孩子成了中心人。对 孩子采取百依百顺的态度。他们过分满足孩子的任何需

要,生活上过分优待孩子,经济上过多偏重孩子,这就造成家庭关系的另一种不平等。 而在美国家庭,家长更注重自由与平等的相处。从 小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。 他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待, 给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由地想象或进行创造性活动。 (二)两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息, 能否找个好职业,能否在顺境中度过一生。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好,父母能给他们多少幸福就给他们多少幸福。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,为了能让孩子成龙成凤,除了学习,什么都不让孩子干。至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。

浅析中美家庭教育差异毕业论文 目录

课题:浅析中美家庭教育差异一、课题(论文)提纲 二、容摘要


On the Differences of Family Education between China and America 00000000000000 Abstract Family, the first school of life, is the basis and supplement of school education. A person's success largely depends on the Family Education. Modern social development requires highly qualified and talented person, and good family education is the key. As there are many differences in the social system, cultural background and educational purposes between China and America, which also brings the different concept of family education. All countries all over the world are developing the New Century Education Project; they attach great importance to the family education. Although family education has given rise to concerns of the community in our country, especially the great concern of the Education Sector, up to now, there are still misunderstandings in Chinese Family education. In this paper, the author starts from the definition of family education, then make the process comparison of family education between China and America, and then pointes out that the results of the Sino-US Family Education and the problems of Sino-US Family Education. Based on these comparisons of factors, the writer analyzes the reasons for differences family education in the two countries. Key Words Family Education ; American Family Education; Chinese Family Education ; Comparison

中美家庭教育的对比与分析 [1509] (2008-08-07) 将中美的家庭教育进行对比并非贬低中国,而是反思中国的教育,家庭教育是整个育人工程中的重要环节。 鄙人作为50年代出生之人,家庭教育并不成功,虽然自己有不可推卸的责任,但是,80年代初为人父之时“文化大革命”刚刚结束,没有人告诉我们应该如何去教育子女。因此,在互联网十分发达的今天,抒发一点家庭教育方面的感想,对于即将成为父母的中国 80 后一代,可能会有所启迪。 一、 美国:从小就让婴幼儿在小房间单独睡觉 中国:婴儿出生后立马睡在父母的 中间或爷爷奶奶那里 二、 美国:孩子摔跤,父母不会搀扶,一定让他自己爬起来 中国:孩子摔跤,全家搀扶,大人之间互相指责,从小养成孩子的“太子”习惯 三、 美国:小孩子按正常时间与家人一起吃饭,不开小灶 中国::经常有大人拿了调羹追在玩耍的孩子后面喂饭 四、 美国:父母要几岁的孩子做家务劳动,如洗碗、扫地、洗衣服等 中国:父母让孩子把所有精力都放在功课上面,不少二十多岁的青年从来不做家务 早报导读 [名家专评] 薛理泰:为何朝鲜坚持要发射卫星? [中国早点] 一薄一扁 / 7加4等于14? [南中国海] 南海对峙 中国第3艘海监船现身 [朝鲜问题] 朝鲜火箭飞行一分钟后解体坠落 1周点评:千万富翁白手起家的秘密!

五、 美国:即使家庭经济状况很好,也鼓励孩子自己劳动挣钱 中国:上海、北京一些空置房的户主,是一批未成年的“公子、公主”;不过,最近几年,有一批家庭条件较好的大学生,利用暑假打工,体验生活。 六、 美国:尊重孩子的意愿,开发孩子的想象能力,培养他们的独立自主能力 中国:把高考作为指挥棒,帮孩子安排好一切,一切围绕孩子的读书 七、 美国:家长鼓励孩子做登山、攀岩、渡海等危险性运动,培养“海盗”精神,凸现海洋文化 中国:孩子的安全是全家的第一要务,“宝宝”长大以后,只能是温室里面的“花朵” 八、 美国:大多数18岁以上的孩子都自己挣钱读书,很多人勤工俭学,或十几年时间拿个博士学位 中国:在大中城市里,大多数家庭最大的投资便是教育,幼儿园“择校费’动辄几万,留学外国更是几十万、上百万。许多大学生在校期间,经常上网吧玩通宵游戏。 九、 美国:即使是那些富裕家庭的孩子,也很节俭,同学无论是一起进公园或到舞厅,还是在餐馆用餐,一切费用大都是“AA制” 中国:即使是“贫困生”,也有人挪用学费,用于上网玩游戏,少数男学生把小肚子吃得隆起,苏州大学学生开宝马等中高档轿车已经是屡见不鲜 10、 美国:父辈一般不给孩子财产继承权。美国人认为,让孩子坐享其成是人生中最糟糕的事,这会使孩子没有机会去经历他们自己的成功和失败,比尔.盖茨是最生动的例子

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1. Family Education. At present, the majority of family educational expert consider that family education can be divided in narrow and broad sense. Generalized family education indicates that family members teach each other in their daily life. In a narrow sense, it indicates that the elder members (especially for parents) of a family teach younger in their daily life. Family education as one part of family, school and society education has an irreplaceable meaning to other two educations. Family education is not only attaching importance to the health of children, but also their mental health which makes them more adaptable to competitive society in the future. More often than not, education is also an interaction between children and parents which means that they both be educated during the process of it. 2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education. First, Chinese parents usually charge of whole things of their kids to make them have enough time to study. Especially for those parents who have only child provide them anything what their kids need. There is also a new phenomenon that we can see most of elementary school students have mobile phones, digital camera, MP5 which are top grade cons umer goods. It’s detrimental to develop children’s independent ability and imperceptibly make them spend freely on money which given by their parents. A lot of Chinese parents only pay attention to their kids’ basic necessities of life but not their inner mind which easily make them have mental or moral character problems. In the meantime, it’s easy to make their kids have personality defect and lose ability of living all by themselves. Therefore, this kind of education is absolutely unreasonable and lack short of scientific. Second, the matters of family education one-sided emphasize test score. Chinese parents only attach importance to intelligent development of their kids but seldom evenly conduct the education of morality, intelligence, physique and art to their children. So that it’s the main cause of uneven in development of Chinese students’ integral ability. We also see a phenomenon that a lot of only children are high intelligent, vulnerable and sensitive. But in the fields of developing intelligence of children, Chinese parents only care for their result of ability of memory, comprehension and computational problem. On the contrary, innovation-oriented society is pressed for practical ability and creative ability. Third, Chinese parents always regard their kids as private property. They are concerned more about face-saving than their kids. They deserve their kids are their own and have right to control the children’s behavior. When their kids betray their orders, they also use their dignity or effect violence to their children but do not know it is illegal. They believe the concept of family education needs violence sometime to their naughty behavior. Furthermore, Chinese parents also think if they love their kids, whatever methods of expression, the kids should accept it and unconditional comply with it. As the times passes, the children would not like to communicate with their parents who will not be told by their kids when they have something mental problems.

中美教子的不同之处: 中国的儿童教育,表扬与批评为惯用的教育手段,教师喜欢采用横向比较法,如利用小红笔、小红旗、排名次表等方式鼓励孩子,看谁表现好。当纠正孩子不良行为时常常采取表扬其他孩子,以其他孩子做榜样的方式。美国教师则不同,一般对孩子不表扬也不批评,理由是:批评了你的孩子会刺激你的孩子,表扬了你的孩子会刺激其他的孩子,他们注重儿童自身的纵向发展而避免对儿童进行相互比较。 稳重听话与活泼好动 中国人在评价孩子的性情时,“稳重听话”是一大优点,“听话的孩子是好孩子”已在国人中形成共识。学校教育强调秩序井然,用各种规章来约束孩子的行为。美国人喜欢孩子富有孩子气,小学和幼儿园的课堂上允许孩子随便说话,甚至相互打闹,美国人总觉得中国孩子在课堂上太死板,没有生气。 强调自制与突出自主 中国教师总是鼓励孩子在尽可能长的时间内专门做好某一件事,以期培养儿童的恒心、耐心,他们多强调儿童自我意识的社会性发展,多引导儿童逐步学会适应和控制自己的情感,而美国教师常常鼓励孩子在一段不长的时间内从事多项活动,以期培养孩子的灵活性、创造性,多注重儿童自我意识自然发展,多鼓励儿童自由且自然地表达自己的思想与情感。 肯定结果与重视过程 中国人重结果与技能的掌握;无论学习什么,为求学深学透,无论干什么,力求完美无缺。美国人重过程与能力的增减,他们注重孩子的参与意识,孩子们自由选择的机会多,教师还极力鼓励孩子自由发挥、自由创造,以培养孩子的想像力和创造力。 概括地说,中国人力图使儿童发现社会存在,创造环境使儿童学会怎样长大成人,儿童是被动的,富有可塑性的,重在成人的帮助指导下成长。美国人力图使儿童能真正作为孩子,儿童是主动的,富有创造的,自我实现是儿童自身的自然与发展,成人只需提供有利的条件即可。 中美家庭教育的跨文化比较: 今天,国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。我们知道,人才培养的首要阵地是家庭,因此,从某种意义上说,人才的竞争是父母育儿能力的竞争。所以,世界各国在培养新世纪人才的教育工程中,都很重视家庭教育这一环节。虽

中美家庭教育的比较分析及对中国家庭教育的启示 摘要:众所周知,一个人的成长与教育分不开,而教育有与家庭有着密切的关系,可以说,家庭教育在一个人的成长中有着十分重要的地位。在本文中,主要对中美家庭教育的内容、目标、方法等进行比较并分析原因,最后从中得出一些对中国家庭教育的启示。 关键词:中国美国家庭教育 “父母是孩子最好的老师”这句话大家都相当熟悉。在一个孩子的成长过程中,父母对他的影响很多很大,父母是孩子接触的第一个老师,所以家庭教育对于孩子的成长意义重大。在现代社会里,家庭教育的内容方式越来越多,怎样的家庭教育才是对孩子成长最我们必须了解的,中美两国在家庭教育方面存在很多不同之处,因此比较分析两者对于我国的家庭教育的发展将有促进作用。 一、中美家庭教育的比较 1、中美家庭教育的特点比较 美国的家庭教育具有三个特点:注重平等意识、注重培养独立意识和吃苦精神、注重培养创造能力。我国家庭教育也有三个显著特点:生活上包办代替、教育内容上片面强调学习成绩、教育观念上把孩子当作私有财产。 2、中美家庭教育目的比较 美国家庭教育的目的是要把孩子培养成为具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的人。所以,美国家庭十分注重孩子从小的锻炼,充分且最大限度地挖掘孩子的积极成分,让孩子实现自己的人生价值。因此,美国的孩子从小就有很强的自主意识和独立能力。 中国家庭教育的目的是孩子将来有出息,能找到好工作,一生都很顺利的度过。所以,在家庭教育的过程中,父母在生活上尽可能的满足孩子的一切要求,在学习上特别注重孩子的成绩,但是学习之外的方面都很少考虑。 3、中美家庭教育内容比较 美国的家庭教育内容很丰富,他们注重孩子在体力、认知、语音、社会性、情感上获得和谐发展。为了实现这些教育内容,美国的家长让孩子多开展户外活动和体育锻炼以增强体力,对孩子的各种感官加以训练以发展孩子的认知,他们还十分注重开拓孩子的交往、审美视野和孩子的学习兴趣。在社会性方面美国家

中美家庭教育差异开题报告 中美家庭教育差异 姓名:闫姗姗班级:1003班学号:20103952 专业:英语 一、课题研究目的 1.正确认识中美两国家庭教育差异及其原因 中美两国由于在文化传统,观念意识,生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着许多差异。分析两国家庭教育差异的原因是我们正确借鉴美国的先进育人理念的前提。 2.寻找,借鉴美国一种更加合理的家庭教育方式。 中美在家庭教育方式中存在很多差异,在这个差异中找到最佳的结合点借鉴美国合理的家庭教育方式有助于使中国的家庭教育趋于完善。 3.完善中国整个教育体系 家庭教育是整个学校教育和社会教育的基础,它是学校教育和社会教育无法取代的,作为教育中一个重要细胞,对中美家庭教育方式差异的对比研究能够有效的完善整个教育体系。. 中美家庭教育差异开题报告 4.促进孩子健康成长,提高未来人才的素质。 家庭教育在教育体系中起着重要作用,家庭是对儿童进行启蒙教育的

主要场所,对其日后的良好习性的养成和智力的开发有着十分重要的作用。 二、课题意义 《中国教育改革和发展纲要》指出“家长应当对社会负责,对后代负责,研究教育方法,培养子女具有良好的品德和行为习惯。”《中华人民共和国教育法》明确提出了要建立和完善终身教育体系,这包含了家庭教育在内的教育,也可以说家庭教育在一个人的终身教育中是出于起点位置的。苏联教育家马卡连柯指出:“现今父母教育子女,就是缔造我国未来的历史,因而也是缔造世界的历史。”家庭教育已经成为全世界面临的课题,家庭教育在人才的培养中起着至关重要的作用。中美两国家庭教育存在着两种截然不同的教育观念,而这种观念导致中美在教育方式上产生巨大差异。正确认识两国之间存在的这种差异对我国当代家庭教育的良性发展有着十分重要的指导作用和现实意义。本文首先介绍家庭教育的定义和特征,接着,对中美家庭教育进行对比分析,找出两者的相同之处和不同之处并分析造成这些差异的原因。最后,总结出从中美家庭教育对比分析中得到的启示。通过中美家庭教育的对比分析,使人们对家庭教育的理解更加透彻,从而促进中国家庭教育的发展。. 中美家庭教育差异开题报告 三、课题研究内容 A.家庭教育的定义和特征

中美家庭教育的差异 摘要:家庭教育是整个教育体系中不可或缺的一部分,它对塑造儿童正确的世界观、人生观及良好习惯的养成和健康的发展起着关键性的作用。“父母是孩子的第一任老师。”可见家庭教育是非常重要的。由于中美两国政治、经济、历史文化的不同,两国的家庭教育呈现出不同的教育模式。本文从文化的角度入手,对两国家庭教育的目的、内容、方式、结果进行比较,呈现出文化差异对家庭教育的影响。 关键词:文化差异;家庭教育;比较 引言 家庭教育是指在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的教育影响,也是整个教育环节中最重要的一环。中美两国由于文化传统的差异,导致了两国在家庭教育方面存在着很多的差异。正确认识和了解两国之间的这种差异,对于促进我国当代家庭教育的良性发展有着十分重要的现实意义。 一、中美两国文化的比较 文化是一个模糊的概念,不同的学者对其界定不一。早在19世纪,最有影响的英国人类学家爱德华·泰勒在《原始文化》中提出著名的“文化定义”:“所谓文化或文明乃是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及包括作为社会成员的个人而获得的其它任何能力、习惯在内的一种综合体。”我们认为文化是指一个民族长期历史发展进程所沉淀下来的价值观念、审美情趣、道德情操、民族性格和思考模式等。由于历史背景、发展过程、观念意识等因素的不同,从而使中美两国的文化存在着许多差异。 (一)价值观的不同 中国的传统文化是以儒家思想为核心,主张尊卑有别,长幼有序。凡事都要遵循一定的规矩,并受到等级观念的制约。例如,晚辈见到长辈要主动打招呼。反之,被视为不礼貌。美国人深受基督教新思想的影响,等级观念淡薄。人本位的思想根植于他们心中,注重个人权益、追求人人平等,没有辈份间过多的礼节。晚辈对长辈可以直呼其名,可以与长辈争论问题,提出自己个性的主张。 中华文化崇尚集体主义,主张个人利益服从集体利益,主张同甘共苦,团结合作。当个人利益与集体利益相冲突时,集体利益永远大于个人利益。这与美国文化却是截然不同的。美国人十分珍视个人自由,喜欢随心所欲,独往独行,不愿受到限制,自我中心意识和独立意识很强,这在中国却被视为另类。 (二)社会关系的差异 中国传统文化重视儒家伦理,父母在孩子的眼中,教师在学生的眼中,有着绝对的权威,家庭背景在人的成长中有着至关重要的作用。中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,幸福家庭的标准为三代同堂或四代同堂。家庭成员之间互相依赖,互相帮助,亲情关系密切。一片“少有所抚,老有所扶”的祥和景象。在美国却不一样。美国人平等意识强调人人平等,无论贫穷还是富贵,人人都要尊重自己,不允许被人侵犯自己的权利。显赫的家庭背景也不是值得炫耀的资本。因为他们坚信,不管怎样,只要我努力,一定能够取得成功。并且美国式的家庭结构相比中国就简单多了。 (三)民族性格的不同

中美家庭教育的异同 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e317653943.html, 期刊门户-中国期刊网2009-6-15来源:《新科教》2009年03-04月供稿文/高扬(抚顺市卫生学校英语教研室,辽宁抚顺, 11300 [导读]家庭教育是指家庭中年长的成员,如父母,祖父母等,对孩子的熏染、影响和教导,是各教育环节中最重要的一环。 期刊文章分类查询,尽在期刊图书馆 摘要:家庭教育的重要作用是不容忽视的。中美两国由于受传统文化的影响,在家庭教育上存在着明显的差异,但各有千秋。因此认识并借鉴先进的教育方法、促进孩子身心健康成长、提高未来人口素质具有长远的意义。 关键词:家庭教育;中美;传统;素质教育 家庭教育是指家庭中年长的成员,如父母,祖父母等,对孩子的熏染、影响和教导,是各教育环节中最重要的一环。今天,国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。邓小平曾说过:“国家现代化的基础在人才,人才的基础在教育,教育的基础在家庭。”由此可见,家庭教育对于一个人乃至一个国家民族拥有着巨大的意义。随着教育事业的发展,美国家庭教育思想也逐渐传入我国,我们可以明显地感受到中美两国在家庭教育上的异同。 一、中美家庭教育的共同之处 1、重视道德品质的教育。自古以来,我国就流传着“孟母三迁”、“岳母刺骨”、“孔融让梨”的故事,这些故事告诉我们,家长从小就很重视孩子的思想道德教育,教育和培养孩子怎样做人。在美国家庭道德教育中,宗教发挥着不可低估的作用。在做任何事时,要从心中的上帝的标准去评判,就餐前要感谢上帝,周末家庭的全体成员要去教堂做弥撒,以永远保持心灵的净土,这些也都体现了美国家庭对道德教育的重视。 2、父母在家庭教育中的职责不同。这是由性别特点所决定的。在原始社会,男性就负责外出狩猎,抵御外来侵袭,而女性则负责承担哺育喂养、料理家中事务的责任。直至今天,在中美两国,母亲仍旧在家庭中扮演着主要抚养者的角色,她们负责孩子的饮食起居及情感教育。而父亲是孩子知性教育的主要承担者,并为家庭生活提供物质保障,同时在孩子眼中也较威严。 3、注重培养孩子的求知欲和阅读习惯。在中国的古代,父母从孩子很小时就引导他们阅读四书五经等书。到了现代,很多父母会为孩子选择《十万个为什么》、《少儿百科全书》等书籍来阅读,激发他们的求知欲望。在美国,幼儿一定要听一段故事才能入睡。此外,中美的准父母们还会在孩子出生之前给胎儿朗读小故事作为胎教的一部分。这都体现了家长对于孩子阅读习惯培养的重视。 4、重视自身的示范作用。父母是孩子的第一位老师,也是孩子的榜样和模仿对象。日常生活中的一言一行要比上万句命令性的灌输有效得多。 二、中美家庭教育的不同之处 1、目的不同。家庭教育目的就是通过家庭教育把受教育者培养成什么样的人,它是家庭教育的核心。中美家庭教育目的的区别在于“成才”与“成人”,或者说“望子成龙”和“望子成人”是中美家庭教育目的的本质区别。 中国家庭教育的目的着眼于孩子读书有个好成绩,考入好的高等学府,将来

两个美国客户刚来到公司的时候是中午午饭时间,所以中方的副总经理就有礼貌的问了句:“是中午饭时间了,请问你们想进午餐吗?”在事先之前,双方都有了解一下各国文化,中方知道美方比较直接,所以就直接问了要不要先吃午饭。而美方的回答却说:“不是很饿,随便。”其实美方客户已经很饿了, 就是知道中国人的间接表达关系,所以就委婉的说“随便”。最后就 页脚内容0 A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract: In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them 1 . There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China:

揭阳职业技术学院 毕业论文 题目:浅谈中西方家庭教育的差异 学生姓名谢梓丹指导教师陈朝虹 系(部)外语系专业英语教育 班级 93 学号 09124340 提交日期2012年月日答辩日期 2012 年月日 2012 年月日

浅谈中西方家庭教育的差异 论文提纲 前言 一、中美教子的不同之处 二、中美家庭教育的跨文化比较 1、中美家庭教育的结果比较 2、中美家庭教育的过程比较 3、中美家庭教育差异的原因分析 三、概括 1、教育目的 2、教育内容 3、教育方式 四、结束语

浅谈中西方家庭教育的差异 谢梓丹 (揭阳职业技术学院外语系英教093班) 摘要:家庭教育是每个人在成长过程中都必须接受的教育。家庭教育是文化的一部分,不痛的国家有着不同的文化,中西文化的差异在家庭教育中的体现也是方方面面的,主要体现在家长在孩子成长过程中有怎样的教育理念、教育方法、价值观、道德观等,这一切将影响孩子的一生。关注中西文化差异,学习和研究中西方文化差异在家庭教育中的各种体现,有助于我们在家庭教育方面取长补短,使我国的家庭教育日臻完善,培养出更多的有用之才。 关键词:家庭教育;中美文化差异;家长;孩子;跨文化 前言 由于中西方文化的不同,在教育子女方面也有很大的差异性。这篇文章就是在阐述着中西方家庭在教育子女时有哪些差异,为什么会导致这些差异?哪些该继续发扬哪些该摒弃?中国传统教育强调知识的传授,美国教育强调学生能力的培养,二者需要交流和互补。通过查阅有关书籍,我们也意识到:中美教育在各个教育层次上都存在着差异,并以不同的表现形式体现出。在美国,年轻人大多很有主见,这种独立意识是从小培养出来的。而中国人为什么独立能力不如美国人好呢?这也是我们接下来要讲的。 一、中美教子的不同之处 父母是孩子的启蒙老师,他们的一言一行对孩子的成长起着举足轻重的作用。所以家庭教育是整个教育过程的启蒙部分,它对孩子习惯、兴趣、生活方式,甚至个性的培养产生了深远意义。家庭核心的意义在于,它对孩子的影响是潜移默化的:孩子通过观察和模仿,不自觉地接受着基本生活常识和文化价值观。所以说,不同的家庭教育造就了中西方孩子的不同性格、处事方式和生活态度等。西方家长普遍认为孩子从出生那天起就是一个独立的个体,有自己独立的意愿和个性。无论是家长、老师还是亲友,都没有特权去支配和限制他的行为,在大多数情况下都不能替孩子做选择,而是要使孩子感到他是自己的主人,甚至在什么情况下说什么话,家长都要仔细考虑,尊重和理解孩子的心理。而中国家长则大都要求孩子顺从、听话。在教育方面,中国教师强调培养孩子的自制力,多引导他们呢逐步学会适应和控制自己的情感。而美国教师则培养孩子的灵活性和创造性,鼓励他们自由滴表达自己的思想与情感。中国人重视结果与技能的掌握,无论学什么都力求完美无缺。美国人重过程与能力的增减,还鼓励孩子自由发挥、自由创造,以培养孩子的想象力和创造力。 二、中美家庭教育的跨文化比较

浅析中美家庭教育之差异摘要:父母是子女的第一任老师,家庭教育在人的教育中占有极其重要的地位,是任何其他教育所无法替补的。中美在家庭教育上存在着明显的区别,不同的观念和培养方式造成了中美两国的儿童在成人后存在着显著的差异。本文浅析其差异产生的原因并给出解决的建议性方法。 关键词:家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中最重要的一环,中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着诸多不同之处,导致两国在家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异。 一、中美家庭教育差异及原因 1.两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威的象征。而在美国家庭,家长更注

重自由与平等的相处。从小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待,给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由的想像或进行创造性活动。 2. 两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息,能否找个好职业。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。美国家庭的育儿观有很大不同,他们的着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存的能力。十分重视孩子的自身锻炼。从小就注重培养锻炼孩子的自立意识和独立生活能力。诸如劳动锻炼、意志的锻炼等。但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和劳动能力的锻炼。 3. 两种不同的教育方式

题目:中美家庭教育的跨文化研究 A Cross-cultural Study on Chinese and American Family Education (1)本选题的研究背景和国内外研究现状 背景:《中国教育改革和发展纲要》指出:“家长应当对社会负责,对后代 负责,讲究教育方法,培养子女良好的品德和行为习惯。”《中华人民共和 国教育法》明确指出了要建立和完善终身教育体系,这包含了终身教育在 内的教育,也可以说家庭教育在一个人的终身教育中是出于起点位置的。 苏联教育学家马卡连柯指出:"现在的父母教育子女,就是提早我国未来的 历史,因而也是提早世界的历史。”家庭教育已经成为全世界面临的课题, 并纳入国家整体规划之中。教育直接关系到一个国家未来的兴衰。而今几 乎所有国家都在增加对教育的投入,关注教育的发展,不断推进人才培养 和科技创新。家庭是社会的组成细胞,父母被认为是人生中的第一位老师,也是教龄最长的老师。作为一种接受时间最早,持续时间最长的教育模式,家庭教育在人才的培养中起着至关重要的作用。中美家庭存在两种不同的 教育观念,而这两种截然不同的教育观念是由中美两国不同的文化传统底 蕴造成,同时也正是这两种不同的教育观念导致中美家庭在教育方式上的 巨大差异。再加上中国新出台的二孩政策,中国家庭教育即将面临重大挑 战。正确认识和了解两国之间的这种差异和挑战,对于促进我国当代家庭 教育的良性发展有着十分重要的指导作用和现实意义。 研究现状:越来越多的学者开始关注家庭教育,纷纷撰文从文化、历史、社会的角度研究中美家庭教育的差异,并提出人才培养方面的建议。但从 文化价值观的角度深入分析中美家庭教育差异的研究相对较少。而且,在 二孩政策的影响下,进行中美家庭教育的对比分析并提出建议的少之又少,这也是本选题的创新之处。 (2)本选题的研究目的 正确认识并借鉴国外先进的教育方法,对促进孩子健康成长、提高未来人 才的素质具有很重要的现实意义。不同的家庭成员关系、育儿观和教育方 法产生了两种截然不同的教育结果。要提高未来我国在国际上的竞争力,关键在于提高人才的质量和素质,这就必须从家庭教育做起。因为家庭教

A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China: 1.The concepts of family education are different . The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive different education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect, except for caring children’s daily life . In order to make their
