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第一讲七年级(上) Units 1~5 两课时


1.These (这些) are my friends, Jim and Tim. 2.The name of the dog (狗) is W angwang.

3.Is this your pencil(铅笔)? 4.Is that a tape(磁带) under the sofa?

5.Y our schoolbag is on the chair(椅子).6.Lily,here is a notebook(笔记本) for you.

7.Where's your clock(时钟)? 8.The black(黑色的) hat is hers.

9.In the last(最后的) photo,you can see my sister. 10.My cup(杯子) is on the table.


11.The tape player(录音机) is Linda's. 12.—What's this in English(用英语)?—It's a key.

13.—What color(什么颜色) is your jacket?—It's yellow. 14.I can see a model plane(飞机模型) on the desk.

15.Where's my ID card(身份证)? 16.Jim's phone number(电话号码) is 245-9012.

17.What's your last name(姓)? 18.I lost a set of keys(一套钥匙).

19.My mother is a teacher in a middle school(中学).20.Come on(快点儿),Tom.We're late.


21.见到你很高兴,托尼。Nice to meet you,Tony. 22.那是你的父母吗?Are those your parents?

23.谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for your help.24.请问,图书馆在哪里?Excuse me,where is the library?

一、What's this in English?这个用英语怎么说?


What is your name?你叫什么名字?What color is it?它是什么颜色的?

(2)in English意为“用英语”,“in+某种语言”意为“用……语言”。e.g.:in Chinese用汉语in Japanese用日语

(A)—What's this in English?—________.(2012,南宁)

A.It's a book B.It's red C.It's three D.It's sunny




(D)1.—____ is her favorite subject?—Her favorite subject is art.(2014,枣庄)

A.Why B.When C.Who D.What

(D)2.My brother and a foreign girl are talking ____Japanese.

A.at B.on C.with D.in

(A)3.—__A__ is your sister,Jim?—She's a journalist from CCTV.

A.What B.How C.Where D.Who


4.This is a_yellow_watch.What is this? 5.The girl's pen is black.What color is the girl's pen?

二、Excuse me,Grace.Is this your pencil?打扰了,格雷丝。这是你的铅笔吗?

(1)Excuse me是会话时常用的客套话,常用在句首,有“劳驾;请问;请原谅;对不起,打扰了”等意思。它常用于以下几种场合:①当你要向他人询问一件事时;②当你有事请他人帮忙时;③当你向别人问路时。

e.g.:Excuse me.Can you help me,please?劳驾。请你帮我一下好吗?

【拓展】◆Sorry.是I'm sorry.的省略形式,是说错话、做错事、认错人等之后向对方致歉的用语,其答语通常是That's all right/Not at all/Never mind/It doesn't matter.等。

e.g.:—I'm sorry,I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。—That's all right.没关系。

◆Pardon是I beg your pardon的省略形式,常用于正式的场合,当做错了事向别人道歉,意为“请你原谅”;当没听清对方的话,请求重复时,意为“请再说一遍”。e.g.:

—May I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗?—Pardon?请再说一遍。

(2)Is this…?常用来询问近处的物或人,意为“这是……吗?”而Is that…?则是询问远处的物或人,意为“那是……吗?”。需要注意的是:对Is this/that…?进行回答时,答语中要用it来代替this或that。

e.g.:—Is that her eraser?那是她的橡皮吗?—No,it isn't.不,不是她的。

(A) —________,please.Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get to Zaozhuang Railway Station?

—Take No.15 bus and transfer(换乘) to No.B1 BRT.(2013,枣庄)

A.Excuse me B.Y es C.Sure D.Hello

【解析】A。句意:——劳驾,请您告诉我可以乘坐哪辆BRT到达枣庄车站吗?——乘坐15路公交车再换乘B1 BRT。向别人问路时用Excuse me。故选A。



(D) 1.—____.Is the library open all day?(2012,阜康)—Sorry,I'm afraid not.Only from 9 am to 4 pm.

A.I'm sorry B.Pardon C.Thank you D.Excuse me

(B) 2.—Open the window please,Mike. (2014,徐州)—____?I didn't hear what you said.

A.What B.Pardon C.Really D.All right

Ⅱ.根据句意,用Excuse me,Sorry或Pardon填空。

3.Excuse_me,where is the nearest post office,please? 4.Pardon,could you say it again?

5.—Excuse_me,what's the time,please? —Sorry,I don't know.

三、Thank you for your help,Anna.安娜,谢谢你的帮助。

(1)thank you for…意为“为……感谢你”,其中for为介词,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。常见的短语有:thank sb.for sth.“为某事而感谢某人”;thank sb.for doing sth.“为某人做某事而感谢某人”。

e.g.:Thank you for asking me.谢谢你邀请我。
