

1. (1) .the importance of learning about unfamiliar cultures.

Culture is diversity around the world and culture teaches values, then values underlie attitudes and sharp behaviors. Therefore, having a good knowledge of foreign unfamiliar cultures is necessary f or intercultural business communication. As multinational company needs to know different cultur al values and the reasons why people think as they do and value what they do, then the way compa nies and people act will be comprehensible and even predicated, and companies will avoid busines s losses and failure. In this case analyze, Joe Van West, President of Appliances Unlimited in Mexi co, he didn't have a deep understanding of Mexico local cultures but directly to manage the compa ny. If he did not learn the Mexico cultures ahead of time, he would not well understand the differe nt market demands and the local company's actual operation rules.

(2).The differences of Time sense, Measured or kept.

From the production issues we can see that the Mexico Company has different time sense with Am erican multinational company. For Mexico, which belongs to the polychromic culture, time is an o pen-ended resource that is not to be constrained and events always take as long as they need to tak e. While for American company, which is the monochromic culture and time is liner sense. People are expected to arrive at work or accomplish tasks on time and work for a certain number of hours at certain activities. Therefore, when the Mexico Company had five times delivered the parts late e nough to affect production schedules for the washing machines the American company concern ov er it.

(3).Uncertainty avoided or tolerated.

People who are uncomfortable with uncertainty tend to stay with their employers

and follow established procedures at work. For uncertainty avoided culture, they

concern more about the possible situations and want more guidelines to deal with uncertainty. Lik e Van West reacts to production issue with great levels of anxiety and want to check the factory flo or by him. As for work unrest, it caused also by the uncertainty avoided. When employees worry a bout unemployment due to the update of new equipments then they attempt to make work strike. On the other hand, Hernandez, the vice president and other company leaders toward the issues wit h tolerate attitudes. They thought issues were not a big deal and just take it easy. When production and workers unrest occurred, they didn't pay much attention to problems and identified the subordi nates as anxious for no good reason –simply extra concerns.

(4). Group membership: Temporary or Permanent

The group membership in this company is temporary, that is employees did not dedicate as the lo ng-time employees. If they lost interest on the work or their individual interests are not fulfilled, th ey would easily move to another job, which directly affect employees 'professional dedication and obligation to their company.

(5). Power distance.

Mexico is high power distance culture. In these hierarchical cultures where the approach to authori ty is by mediated, low-level employees rarely have any communication with high-level employees . Communication tends to be mostly downward, occasionally lateral. Messages are often directive and informative. Sending a message from the many at the bottom upward to one of the few at the t op is difficult because there are many restrictions, so employees could not express their rights and suggestions to high-level leaders. What's more, employees could not participate in the decision-ma king process. In this case, when employees proposed issues to leaders, they ignored their aspiratio ns and did not allow workers to participate in the decision-making process.

2. As mentioned in previous chapter, Getting to know foreign culture is very important, especially for intercultural business communication. As a foreign subsidiary president, the most important thi ng for him is to learn about the Mexico local culture. Only if so, he would fully to grasp and insigh t into the rules of Mexico business cultures and handle the business issues skillfully. But how does he to learn about the foreign culture and response to the unfamiliar foreign culture? He can do it b y means of different approach, such as: asking questions for the native Mexican about cultures or l earn from the media, like local newspaper, television programs and books introducing cultures. Al so, he can think and knowing by experience himself or by concept. When faced with unfamiliar fo reign cultures and some culture shock. Van West should learn to make a adjustment to react to Me xico culture and gradually integrate himself to the local cultures rather than insists on his own cult ure and values to manage the Mexico subsidiary.

3. Mexico culture emphasis on power distance and hierarchical culture. These cultures expect and favor inequality and subordinates must obey their superior. The power distance between boss and subordinate is large, so if the boss has make orders or issued work instructions to subordinates, the y must make every effort to fulfill them rather than argue with boss even against the commands. In the case that as president of Mexico Company, Van West should learn about the Mexico local cult ures and follow them. Therefore, when he found Vice president Lacks of enough responsibilities a nd obligations to treat his work, as boss, he should directly point it and urge him to change work at titude rather tolerate him.

4. (1). the relationship between individual and group.

In high-context culture, individuals think of the self primary as an element in a network with othe rs, which in low-context culture, individuals think of self as a single unit of society. Collectivism v alues the group above the individual, and as individuals have a responsibility to the group that sup ersedes individual needs or rights. Harmony among the interdependent group is the key, and it tak es priority above other values. The reluctance to be singled out, even for praise can present obstacl es to boss who is dealing with the labor issue. As Van West, he should motivate employees by esta blishing long-term employment relationship, employees feel them are valuable and have a sense of belonging to the company and employees would be willing to dedicate themselves to company. W hat's more, as boss should listen to the voice of workers and guarantee their rights.


1. Underlying cultural issues

1) Intercultural negotiation factors- Expectations for negotiation outcomes. Different

cultures prefer to outcomes and for the Health Snacks Company it aims at expanding into the Japa nese Market, while the Tonka Food wants make use of the cooperate opportunity to gain access to new technology. Which is cooperative culture that emphasis the advantages gained by both parts a nd achieve win-win culture.

(2) Channels of Business Message

In low-context culture, such as American prefer to the internal channel to communicate and delive ry business message, Such as E-mails and Faxes which are efficient and convenient for business c ommunication. But when the problems remained, Health Snacks have to solve them head-on. (3) T eam Members of the negotiation and motivation.

Negotiators frequently choose because they are high-status members of organization or members with special skills. Mr. Carter as Heath Snacks president and also well informed about the history of Joint Venture, so he has the seniority to represent company to negotiate with Japanese. Also two engineers were sent to participate in for their expertise.

4) Long-term Orientation

The Health Snacks Company had registered several patents for extending shelf life while maintai ning quality and owned subsidiaries around the world. They find oriented towards the future, like saving and persistence and focus on constantly expand their production to Japanese Market. (5) Differences in Negotiating Style and Time and Efficiency.

The Japanese Negotiators spent a long time on the technical specifications of the equipment becau se they wanted to know how it was made and gained accurate information by asking as many as q uestions . Japanese part didn't have intense time and efficiency sense and they deliberately pull off time and never achieved agreements. But American expected much faster pace to negotiate and dir ectly to the point to achieve final agreement.

(6). Members' Decision-making Authority.

In Japanese culture, the senior member of the group may not appear at all but he will direct his tea m members to proceed in a certain way and the final decision-making is determined by authority.

(7). Achieved Status and Ascribed Status.

Health Snacks belong to the Achieved Status which refers to gaining status through performance. I t assumes individuals and organizations earn and lose status every day. Tonka Foods emphasizes o n ascribed status, which gain status through seniority and right rather than daily performance. 8) .Seniority valued and Gender inequality.

In Japanese culture, status and promotion determined by means of seniority value rather by their p ersonal practical performance and it also existing gender inequality, that is males and females have unequal status in the company promotion system. (9). High context and low context cultures.

When American directly opposed promotes Mr. Ota to the candidate and give adequate evidence t o support it, the Japanese president react to with indirect and ambiguity attitudes without giving A merican convincing reasons. (10). Individualism and collectivism.

Individualism emphasizes individual independence, uniqueness, stressed self perfect and self, achi eving, collectivism emphasize the collective consciousness, team cooperation, personal interests in the collective interests.

2. (1) Culture is diversity around the world and culture teaches values, then values underlie attitud es and sharp behaviors. However, culture is shared and coherent and it

can be learnt. Therefore, having a good knowledge of foreign unfamiliar cultures is necessary for i ntercultural business communication. For both sides, they should change attitudes towards foreign culture and try to understanding and learn about cultural differences. Faced with culture shock is n atural, the right way is to accept and accommodate the differences rather take exclusive attitudes t o complain other foreign cultures.

(2)(2). Balance the relations between individualism and collectivism. For America part, the interes ts of the individuals prevail over those of the group and self-determination and self- fulfillment be comes people's highest priority. The relationship between employers and employees is based on m utual benefit and hiring is based on skills. But for Japanese part, value collectivism more, they are strongly affiliated with their extend family and organization, and loyalty is highly respected in this culture. So when individualism and collectivism have collided with each other, it would be surely causing a series of business problems. In this case, both sides should right balance and handle the personal and collective interests. Different cultural values directly result in the ways to deal with b usiness communication. So both sides should understand it and make a concession for mutual beh aviors

(3)(3) Understanding the differences between high context and low context culture. American pref ers to express information explicit and to the point while Japanese are tend to be vagueness and a mbiguity to convey meaning, which will easily lead both sides feel uncomfortable. Therefore, first of all, they must understanding the cultural shock and properly make a concession to adjust one's own culture values to adapt other cultures and consider mutual common interests rather than comp lain others.

(4)(4) Intercultural Negotiation differences. Both sides have obvious special negotiation styles and cause the problems are inevitable. For both sides, On the one hand negotiations basis on self style, on the other they must respect the mutual value of the different ideas. Japanese should consider A merican Pay attention to efficiency and achieved status, so when they negotiate with American, try to improve efficiency, and making decisions don not so hesitate. For American, they also need to t olerate the cultural differences.

.3. Having a good knowledge of foreign unfamiliar cultures is necessary for intercultural business communication. For both sides, they should change attitudes towards foreign culture and try to un derstanding and learn about cultural differences. Faced with culture shock is natural, the right way is to accept and accommodate the differences rather take exclusive attitudes to complain other fore ign cultures. (1) Respect and take each other's position

A good negotiator in negotiations, even if the purpose is to promote their own product, which is in negotiations to reduce express ego point of view. (2) Reduce feelings opposition, expand the positi ve optimistic

In negotiations, negotiators should reduce emotional opposition and negative effects but expand p ositive sides.

(3) In international business negotiations, people must strengthen cultural consciousness, to realize different culture background negotiators have different demands, motivation and faith differences, to learn and respect each other culture. To overcome culture prejudices.

4. It depends on how they treat each other's cultural differences. Cultural diversity leading to cultu ral shock is inevitable but culture is relational, learned and adaptive. If both sides can well underst anding culture differences and adapt them, which would be beneficial to intercultural business co mmunication. However, if they take hostile and exclusive attitude to treat external cultures, it woul d be useless to save the Joint



1.英文原声电影赏析与跨文化交际能力的培养 2."跨文化非语言交际语用失误研究 3."公示语翻译中的语用失误探析 4.国内广告语言语用失误研究现状与分析 5."全球化语境下跨文化交际失误语用归因 6."跨文化交际中的语用失误类型及对策研究 7."基于礼貌原则的跨文化语用失误分析 8."跨文化言语交际中的语用负迁移 9."浅析化妆品广告中的语用预设 10."中西方饮食文化的比较研究 11."中美时间观之对比 1 2."浅析汉英问候语中的文化差异 13."英汉词汇的文化内涵差异探析 14."英语身体语的交际功能研究 1 5."浅谈英汉身势语的表意功能之差异 16."目标语文化的理解与跨文化交际 1 7."中西文化差异对中国学生英语学生的影响 18."跨文化交际中的文化误读

9."浅析文化差异对商务谈判的影响 20."英语禁忌语的文化内涵异同研究 21."英语学习中的文化习得 2 2."英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响 23."外语学习者的思辨能力与跨文化交际之成效 24."培养英语学习者跨文化交际能力之策略 25."英汉道歉语差异及原因 26."中西跨文化礼貌语差异探析 27."英汉语言中礼貌表达法之比较 28."英汉习惯用语的文化内涵探源 29."英语称赞语及其回应的异同研究 3 0."中美(西)家庭教育理念的差异及其对孩子的影响 31."中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的主要障碍研究 32."试析跨文化交际中角色互动的作用 3 3."本土文化与异国文化的冲突对跨文化交际的影响 34."跨文化交际中的时间观差异 35."论跨文化交际中的中西餐桌礼仪

6."关于提升英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养 37."涉外婚姻中的中西文化冲突 38."论跨文化广告传播中食品商标的翻译439."多媒体教学与跨文化交际能力的培养40."中西方儿童文学的差异 4 1."中西体育文化的差异及其受全球化发展的影响 42."中西传统休闲文化及其价值观的对比分析 43."简爱与林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 44."国际商务活动中礼貌原则的应用 4 5."论文化背景知识在外语阅读教学中的作用 46."国际商务交际活动中的非语言交际 47."浅析英汉汽车商标的特点及其翻译 48."英汉隐喻差异的文化阐释 49."文化语境下的英汉植物词 50."文化语境下的英汉动物词 51."从体态语探析中西文化差异 52."浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵 53."文化视野下英语谚语的比较


跨文化商务交际答案名词对应。 ( Kinesics ):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body. (身势):非言语行为相关的运动身体肌肤上或局部的身体。 ( etiquette ):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations. (礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。 (pragmatics) :it is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. (语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。 (power distance):the degree to which power differences are

expected and accepted by society. (权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接受不同是被期望的社会。

choices and for resolving conflicts? (价值观):学会组织的规则为标志的选择和解决冲突。 (reverse culture shock) :it refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to one J s home culture after growing used to a new one? (反向文化冲击):它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化体验。 (Recovery stage):a stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understariding of the new culture? (恢复期):一阶段的文化冲击获得一些新的文化的理解的特点。(Semantics): it is the study of the meaning of words, a system that relates words to meaning. (语义):这是含义的话,一个系统,涉及词意义的研究。(Memo):it is a hard-copy docume nt, used for communicating inside an organization, usually short?(备忘录):这是一个硬拷贝文件,供组织内,通常短暂交流使用。 (proxemics):the study of peopled perception and use of space? (空间关系学):人们的看法和空间利用研究。 (uncertainty avoidance):the degree to which the society


对外经济贸易大学跨文化商务交际考研复试经验 复试 复试的话,我就按照考试内容分别说下复习的经验吧! 1、笔试 第一部分、听力 听力我用的是各种专八的材料,以政经类为主,后面临时抱了点BBC的佛脚。我是 老老实实的每天听一点,就是用专八的模拟题,做好对个答案,一套也就1个小时。正式考试的时候只要保持头脑清醒就好,贸大是试题先发下来的,一篇文章有小标题很清楚,可是小标题有的会读有的不读,导致我都不确定是不是已经跳到后面去了。文章不是很难,做完以后有一个不确定。听力部分还有听新闻判断对错,以及问答题,可以看看其他同学的复试贴~ 第二部分、专业知识 3月10日考完了专八,我是3月17日正式准备复试的。由于当初想着可能是4月7 号复试,面对着3本一无所知的《国际商业计划书》、《国际商务谈判》、《国际经济学》,我给自己制定了紧迫的计划,大约3天搞定一本。这三本书中我先看的是《国际经济学》,因为最理论也最难。前面也说过我是个不完成计划不会睡觉的人,于是乎悲催的一个礼拜我都是半夜2:00睡下的……后来我动了歪脑筋,我开始搜索这套书的译文版,结果,我成功了。

这套书的中文版叫做“国际贸易经典译丛·简明系列”,分别对应《国际商业计划书(第三版)》、《国际商务谈判(第三版)》以及《国际经济学简明教程(第三版)》,中国人民大学出版社。但是计划书那本的译文版似乎找不到。 在此,我想说,《国际经济学》的英文版还是要仔细看的,至于另外两本,我也就草草带过,然后就是把三本书的词汇表背了一遍,事实证明,根本没考到……全当打下一个“商务”的基础吧! 在复试方案上,有一段这样的话:“笔试主要测试考生的听力能力和专业知识,……,其中,专业方向分为以下几类:商务英语、跨文化商务交际、翻译学、语言学、文学、商务外交”。突然意识到,我报的可是跨文化交际啊!我的专业知识,不就是跨文化交际的理论么!于是,我又匆匆忙忙的在去北京的前一天啃掉了一本薄薄的跨文化交际的入门书,很简单很有趣,生硬的记住几个,后来才知道有本书和复试参考书一个系列的,叫什么商业文化的,面试的专业知识就是这里出来的。 看到笔试题目,又害怕又惊喜,20个填空题,前17个都是跨文化的内容,依稀记得有collectivism,low-context culture,uncertainty avoidance,non-verbal language等等。还有10 个判断题,大约就是那三本复试参考书后面的词汇表。 第三部分、阅读 讲的是苹果的市值问题,很简单,是问答题,注意组织语言就好。这部分也许就是送分给大家吧。 2、面试 我们参加复试的同学都有一个感觉,就是脑袋一片空白,舌头打结,一句话都说不出来,大家都一样吧,很正常的反应。 面试流程可以看看其他同学的回忆帖子~声音响亮,咬词清楚,头脑清醒,反应灵敏,基本就没问题。 当然,在考试前面我还是简单的准备了几个话题,包括欧债,华尔街占领,油价飙升,金砖五国,GDP增长放缓,苹果与乔布斯,阿拉伯春秋,德班气候会议,中国粮食八连增,核危机,G20以及这次考到的WTO议题。个人觉得这个和初试政治考试的时政部分是相通的,所以不至于说话时一篇空白。 这里要提醒后来人,说对说错无所谓,考试主要考的是反应能力,也就是说,老师问你问题或是两人讨论,你反应要快,不要卡壳,能够流利的说话,基本就是优秀的表现了~ (一)与学校联系,确定具注意事项体的学校、专业,获得具体的考试信息 如果确定了要考研,确定了要报考的大致学校和专业范围后,要和学校联系,获得最新的招生信息,并最后确定下报考的学校和专业。这种获得有关专业方面信息的途径有以下几个:


跨文化商务交际的非言语交际 摘要:在跨文化商务交际中,非语言交际起着非常重要的作用,人们对非语言行为的忽视或非语言行为使用失误往往会引起交际双方的误会和交际的失败,甚至带来不必要的麻烦,因此了解中西方在非言语交际方面的差异对促进跨文化商务交际是非常有必要的。 一、非语言交际的重要性 交际分为语言交际和非语言交际。在跨文化交际中,人们对语言交际非常重视,而对非语言交际行为的了解却很少,但根据有关学者研究发现,非语言交际占整个交际过程的70%。心理学家赫拉别思也提出过这样的一个公式:信息传播总效果=7%的语言+38%的语调语速+55%的表情和动作。这也就是说“我们用发音器官说话,但我们用整个身体交谈。”而不同文化下的非语言交际形式与内涵存在很大的差异,对交流的成败有着重要的影响。 随着经济全球化的发展,商务交流扩大,跨文化下的商务活动越来越多,非语言交际差异所带来的影响也越来越大。在本文化中的善意的表示,在对方文化中却可能是敌意的表示,小到引起客人之间的矛盾和误会,影响一份合同的签订,关系的破裂;大到影响国家的经济利益甚至政治利益。由于非语言行为总是在无意中表达出来,当存在语言障碍时,人们更倾向于求助于非语言表达,因此,在商务活动中了解对方的非语言交际文化是非常必要的。 二、几种非言语交际行为的中西差异 非言语行为包括体态语、眼神交流、身体接触、体味、副语言(沉

默语)、时间语、空间语等。非言语行为在跨文化交际中呈现出一定的共性,如微笑、大笑、皱眉、哭的表达方式全世界的人都非常类似,而不同文化的非言语行为的个性特点是交际中的问题之所在。错误的非言语行为或对非言语行为的误解可能会导致交际失败,会使我们失去友谊,严重者可能会丢掉做生意的机会。下面着重介绍中西方在体态语、眼神交流、时间语以及沉默语方面的差异。 1. 不同文化中体态语含义不同 体态语是非言语行为中非常重要的行为,有的学者认为体态语是整个非言语行为的研究基础,有的学者认为“体态即信息”。这里将介绍手势、、拥抱、亲吻三种体态语。 ⑴手势 在不同的国家、不同的地区手势有不同的含义。在美国文化中的“OK”动作,在日本文化中却是指“金钱”,同样的动作在拉美等国则表示“猥亵”、“诲淫”之义,在阿拉伯人中这一动作常常伴随以咬紧牙关,用来表示深恶痛绝。如果不了解手势的意义因文化而异,不了解手势的多义性,我们在跨文化交往时势必会犯错误。一个典型例子就是V 形手势。现在我们都知道掌心朝外的V 形手势代表胜利。但是,常常有人用掌心向内的V 形手势来表示胜利,却不知,这样会表达完全相反的意思,即下流的、猥亵性侮辱用法。在跨文化商务交际中适度地引用手势能够让对方清楚地了解交际的内容和目的。 (2)拥抱


商务英语中跨文化交际能力培养研究 在我国加入WTO之后,对外商务活动中日益增多。我们不仅要面对不同于本国的诸多因素的制约和影响。如:不同的政治制度,不同的法律制度及经济环境。另外,还会遇到许多商务文化方面的障碍。而且,直接影响了对外业务的开展。商务英语教学的目的是要培养懂得商务理论与实务、国际商务法律法规、了解世界各民族不同文化特点的新型的复合型人才在商务英语学习中进行一定的文化教学对国际商务人员进行涉外商务活动具有特别重要的意义。将以商务英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养为重点进行深入的探讨。 标签:商务英语教学;跨文化交际;能力培养 语言是人类长期进化,业已具有生物遗传性。人类具有的语言能力本质上是相同的,他甚至断言语言能力和智力并无对应的关系,当然对于这一论断,有学者是持保留意见的。中国和国外投资贸易迅速增长的同时,也显示出商务活动中遇到的文化差异问题。作为专门用途的商务英语在中外经济贸易活动中起着极其重要的作用。商务英语以英语为基础,有着特殊的商业词汇。被誉为“乔姆斯基革命”的语言研究法,应用了典型的自然科学的方法,研究人脑的语言系统。随着世界经济全球化不断深入发展,我国与国外的商贸往来与日俱增。商务英语本质而言仍然是英语语言,因此是文化的栽体,同样受文化制约,反映文化。因此,在商务英语学习中进行一定的文化教学对商务人员具有特别重要的意义。 商务英语是一个包括特定语言形式,词汇、语篇、使用环境有别于普通英语的语言。商务英语实际上就是商务环境中英语语言的表达与交流。在商务坏境中应用的英语语言。商务英语受西方各种文化的影响。商务英语的学习离不开西方文化的学习,只有了解了西方文化才能够准确得体地使用商务英语进行商务交流。否则,就会在国际商务沟通过程中产生障碍,甚至会影响商务活动的成败。文化和商务英语之间具有内在的不可分割性。文化是人们所思、所言(言语和非言语)、所为、所觉的总和。”文化和语言是紧密联系一起的,语言是影响和构成文化的重要因素,是文化的载体。语言又受文化的影响,每一种语言都包含着大量的文化信息[1]。语言与文化的关系是密不可分的,是天然形成的,语言是文化的载体和表现形式,语言受文化制约,我们只有了解西方国家不同的民族文化传统和背景知识,才能准确、有效的使用这种语言。 文化一词包含着很多种意思,如道德、法律、风俗、宗教等等,在这当中包含了很多没有明文规定的语言行为规范及语言使用规则(如说话方式,思维方式,价值观差异,风俗习惯等)。所有这些不同的国家、民族、社会衍生了这些不同的文化内涵。在我们汉语文化当中,谦虚是汉语民族的一种美德,在国际商务交往中,常常出现这样的现象,当面对别人的称赞时,中西方人表现的截然不同。中西方国家的商务传统风俗,商务礼仪习惯等也存在很大的差异。在商务交往中,不同国家有不同的风俗传统、不同的礼仪习惯。例如:在商务谈判中,中方人员喜欢给对方敬烟以表示礼貌热情。这种做法在国外特别是欧美国家是不受欢迎的,因为很多人不吸烟甚至反对吸烟;在宴请外国宾客时,中方代表很可能按照

跨文化商务交际 论文

跨文化商务交际论文(非语言行为) [摘要] 跨文化商务沟通中,非语言交际起着举足轻重的作用,它涵盖了体态语、商务礼仪,以及时空安排等多方面内容,体现了跨文化商务沟通中人的价值取向和行为准则,发挥着独特的社会语用功能,但不同文化下的非语言交际存在着很大的差异。本文对此进行了分析,为商务活动顺利进行提供参考。 [关键词] 非语言行为跨文化商务沟通 交际分为语言交际和非语言交际。在跨文化交际中,人们对语言交际非常重视,而对非语言交际行为的了解却很少,但根据有关学者研究发现,非语言交际占整个交际过程的70%。心理学家赫拉别思也提出过这样的一个公式:信息传播总效果=7%的语言+38%的语调语速+55%的表情和动作。这也就是说“我们用发音器官说话,但我们用整个身体交谈。”而不同文化下的非语言交际形式与内涵存在很大的差异,对交流的成败有着重要的影响。 随着商务交流扩大,跨文化下的商务活动越来越多,非语言交际差异所带来的影响也越来越大。在本文化中的善意的表示,在对方文化中却可能是敌意的表示,由此可能导致整个商务谈判交往的失败。由于非语言行为总是在无意中表达出来,当存在语言障碍时,人们更倾向于求助于非语言表达,因此,在商务活动中了解对方的非语言交际文化是非常必要的。 跨文化商务沟通中的非语言交流大致包括体态语(body language)和商务礼仪(business manner),体态又包括表情(expression)、姿态(posture)、手势(gesture)、接触(contact)等。 一、不同文化的商务礼仪中非语言交际表达的内涵不尽相同 商务礼仪涉及到如何选择合适的时间、地点、赠送或接受礼物等,是商务活动中重要的一环,虽然通常有一些国际惯例需要遵从,但不同的文化背景下仍有很大的区别。 赠送礼物是商务礼仪的必要环节。中国虽有“礼轻情意重”一说,但实际操作中却讲究以礼物的厚重来表示重视对方;但在欧美国家,礼物过重反而会引起误解,会被认为送礼者有所求。被作为礼物赠送的物品在另一种文化下却可能成为忌讳的东西,如中国的手绘、刺绣、真丝手帕是许多国际友人喜爱的工艺品,但在地中海沿岸,手帕代表“诀别”,是商务交往中非常忌讳的东西。 拜访或约会也是常见的商务活动,但在时间上不同文化有不同选择。中国人常喜欢选择周末、节假日进行拜访,因为在中国节假日是亲朋好友欢聚的最佳时间。但欧美人却不喜欢在这一时间接待朋友或接受邀清。他们认为节假日是个人与家人团聚的时间,如果被邀赴约,尤其是公务约会,则认为对方有意妨碍他人。 讨论或汇报工作时,东方上司通常坐着,下属站着;而在西方文化中则相反,上级通常站着,因为他们感觉站着更能控制局面。站立似乎是西方人社会交往的一种习惯,他们通常站着开会,站着接待,聚会时站着交谈,年轻人也从来不会因没有为老年人让座受到责备。美国男人坐着时喜欢把一条腿放在另一条腿上,脚尖朝着旁边的人,而这种翘着二郎腿的习惯却是中国人难以接受的,这种姿势被认为是对客人的极大不礼貌。 礼貌是商务交往中必须遵循的原则,但在表达礼貌的方式上,不同文化下的民族有其各自的特点,相同的表示在不同文化下会产生不同的含义,因此作为商务人员必须了解,以免造成活动的失败。 在大多数国家,人们用握手的形式表示问候或欢迎,而日本人是以鞠躬来表示。鞠躬也是全人类都共有的礼貌姿态,但这种共有的礼貌姿态在中西方民族之间是有着“度”的差异。通过观察我们会发现,中国人的欠身或者略为弯腰的动作用得较多,日本人表现得更突出;而西方人的欠身动作则少得多。在有些文化中是以不同形式的拥抱或接吻来表示礼貌和欢


期末考试范围 ? 1. 阅读理解2篇(20%) ? 2. 选词填空:15个句子(15个备选项,课后的key concepts,概念的词为主。(15%) ?eg: ———the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. ? 3. 简答题:课后comprehension questions和case study( 课内或者稍微改动的)。(25%) 4. 实用写作:一封信什么的(格式)(10%) 5. 写作:给出某个文化现象观点,运用所学文化差异进行评论 (comment)。(30%) 如: 说给一个关于教育的话题(文化现象),我们要用所学的中 美教育差异进行评论,议论文形式。 价值观,家庭观,社会关系朋友观,饮食观,教育观,时间观等 篇目:Unit1: A B C Unit2 A Unit3 A B Unit5A Unit6A Unit7 A Unit10 B Unit1 A Key concepts reservation: 谦逊的coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like? Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen? Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship? Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while al so showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study Q、What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?


跨文化商务交际Intercultural Business Communication 窦卫霖编著

前言 一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能力,而且取决于它的文化能力;在国际商务活动中,还取决于它的跨文化交际能力。 经济全球化的趋势、国际商务活动的日益频繁,越来越显示出对多元文化理解的必要性和跨文化交际能力的重要性。跨文化意识意味着直接的经济效益。如果一个企业想让自己的产品在国际市场上占有一席之地,一个跨国公司想在其他国家或地区取得经济效益,那么就不仅需要具有高超的经济、技术和管理水平,而且需要深刻了解对象国的文化。正因为如此,世界上许多大公司在国际商务活动中都十分重视跨文化交流的研究和培训,许多经贸类大学都把跨文化商务交际课程作为必修课。 21世纪的中国是走向国际广泛合作的中国。自中国加入WTO以来,国际著名跨国集团公司、金融机构、工商企业都纷纷来中国设立分支机构、分公司,招聘大量的中国雇员。同时,中国工商贸易企业也在不断加大出口力度,在国内外建立跨国公司,雇佣来自不同文化背景的雇员。文化合作已成为当代中国商务合作的重要内容。文化交融现象激励商务英语教学加速培养复合型的经贸外语人才,促进他们不仅要掌握跨学科的专业知识,而且要具备跨文化交往的技能。在商务英语教学中把跨文化交际能力的培养放在十分突出的位置已经成为普遍的共识。 那么在培养复合型人才的战略中,如何培养和提高跨文化交际的能力呢?在我国,经贸学校一般都开设有关跨文化交际的课程,跨文化交际专著、论文也不断涌现。但总体来说,跨文化商务交际在我国商界和相关专业的教学中还处于比较薄弱的初级阶段,与发达国家相比还有较大的差距,尤其是如何把商务活动实践与跨文化交际理论结合起来,如何把国际商务文化与中国本土文化结合起来,还是一个难题。这方面的书籍也特别少,适合商英类专业学生使用的教材更少。有鉴于此,作者根据多年跨文化交际和跨文化商务交际教学的经验,参考了大量国内外的最新相关材料,编写了这本《跨文化商务交流》教材,希望成为大学英语相关专业学生以及商务人员进修提高的可用教材。 全书分上、下两篇共十二章,: 上篇以跨文化交际学的基本理论和主要内容为框架,阐述交际与文化的关系、文化价值观对跨文化交际的影响,分别介绍跨文化交际过程中文化差异在言语和非言语方面的具体表现。第一章为概论,介绍跨文化交际和跨文化商务交际的定义、概念、发展及其意义;第二章着重讨论交际的基本理论及其在商务交际中的应用;第三章阐述文化的定义、作用、特征;第四章集中讨论价值观的文化差异及其在商务活动中的表现;第五和第六章分别探讨了文化差异在言语和非言语方面的种种表现。 下篇运用跨文化交际学的基本理论具体分析商务实践活动的几个重要方面,即跨文化商务写作(第七章)、跨文化商务礼仪(第八章)、跨文化商务谈判(第九章)、跨文化商务营销(第十章)、跨文化商务法律和伦理(第十一章)、跨国商务组织(企业)文化(第十二章)。 本教材希望体现这样一些特点: 第一,教学理念上强调师生的互动关系,强调提高学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,每个章节都选择了商务交往的生动案例和多种形式的练习供师生之间、学生之间进行讨论交流;书中大量分析了因文化差异而造成的交际误解或失败,并就如何有效地进行跨文化商务沟通提出改进的办法; 第二,内容上力图将跨文化交际理论与现实商务交往的实践相结合,以真实生动的商务交际的成败事例说明理论,对跨文化商务交际实践中的经验和教训进行理论分析和提升,


名词对应。 (Kinesics):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body. (身势):非言语行为相关的运动身体肌肤上或局部的身体。 (etiquette):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations. (礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。 (pragmatics):it is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. (语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际,而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。 (power distance):the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society. (权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接受不同是被期望的社会。 (Values): a learned organization of rules for marking choices and for resolving conflicts. (价值观): 学会组织的规则为标志的选择和解决冲突。 (reverse culture shock):it refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to one?s home culture after growing used to a new one. (反向文化冲击): 它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化体验。 (Recovery stage):a stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. (恢复期): 一阶段的文化冲击获得一些新的文化的理解的特点。 (Semantics): it is the study of the meaning of words, a system that relates words to meaning. (语义): 这是含义的话,一个系统,涉及词意义的研究。 (Memo):it is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization, usually short. (备忘录):这是一个硬拷贝文件,供组织内,通常短暂交流使用。 (proxemics):the study of people?s perception and use of space. (空间关系学): 人们的看法和空间利用研究。 (uncertainty avoidance):the degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. (不确定性规避): 在何种程度上愿意为社会接受和处理模糊性和不确定性。 (Individualism):the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society. (个人主义): 在何种程度上个人决策和行动是社会所接受和鼓励。 (taboos):practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or cultures as improper or unacceptable. (禁忌):方式或一个社会或文化视为不当或不可接受的口头表达。 (superstitions):beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational. (迷信):信仰与科学规律的认识还是什么社会认为是真实和理性的不一致。 (culture shock):this term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. (文化冲击):这个词表达了缺乏方向,在不知道该怎么做或如何在新的环境的东西,不知道什么是适当或不适当的 感觉。 (rejection): a coping mechanism against culture shock in which we think we don?t need anybody, and we are coping fine alone. (拒绝):一对文化的冲击中,我们认为我们不需要任何人,我们是很好应付独自应对机制。 (customs):they are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances. (习俗,):他们普遍预计的具体情况和建立行为,在一定情况下表现为社会接受的方式。 (personal territory):it refers to the space that people have for their own activities. (个人领域):它指的是空间,人们为自己的活动


国际商务谈判中的跨文化冲突及应对措施 摘要:国际商务谈判中谈判者来自不同地域、国家和文化背景,因其不同价值观、思维方式、行为方式以及风俗习惯使谈判过程变得更为复杂。由于文化差异导致的跨文化冲突在国际商务谈判中也屡见不鲜。增加跨文化知识、培养跨文化意识并有效提高跨文化能力为解决跨文化冲突形成有力保障,并以此竭力减少由于文化差异因素而带来的不必要的经济损失。 关键词:商务谈判;跨文化冲突;跨文化意识 一、引言 国际商务发展历史久远,但真正意义的国际商务起源于二战之后,当时诸如国际货币基金组织、世界银行等机构试图建立一种所谓的国际经济新秩序。由此,国际商务历经日新月异的蓬勃发展。最初在20世纪五六十年代,国际贸易显著增长,这一时期美国跨国公司对此起主要作用。随后欧洲、亚洲的世界贸易发展脚步紧随其上,最终形成经济全球化这一经济新格局。在经济全球化过程中,由于不同民族身份的碰撞,跨文化冲突势必产生。商务谈判这一国际商务核心环节,也饱受跨文化冲突的深刻影响,其中人际冲突或者低效交际是谈判双方所面临最严峻挑战。但遗憾的是,在跨

国贸易变得越来越重要的今天,众多跨国公司的谈判人员对于跨文化情境因素知之甚少。在谈判人员跨文化能力低下的窘境下,国际商务谈判常缺乏相互理解,以导致谈判处于信任危机之中,而这种信任危机深刻影响着谈判问题的解决和合作行为。跨国公司之间交易的达成在很大程度上要依靠谈判,因此,理解和掌握成功的商务谈判中有效预防和缓解跨文化冲突的驱动力对于跨国公司来讲至关重要。 二、研究概述 跨文化商务谈判绝非一个新的研究课题,其国内外研究随国际商务以及经济全球化的发展而方兴未艾。国外研究主要围绕国际商务谈判中的跨文化意识培养,跨文化商务交际风格差异,国际商务谈判中培养跨文化能力,以及解决跨文化冲突的途径等问题展开。国内对于跨文化商务谈判的研究者包括傅曦琛、魏薇、王瑞雪、赵一蕊等。研究涵盖国际商务谈判中非语言交际、国际商务谈判中的跨文化交际能力研究、国际商务谈判中言语交际策略的跨文化问题等方面,但对于国际商务谈判中导致跨文化冲突的具体诱因以及有效 应对跨文化冲突的策略方案仍有待进一步探讨。 三、国际商务谈判中跨文化冲突的类型 总体来说,国际商务谈判中的跨文化冲突可归纳为3类:语言运用不当型冲突、跨文化语境认知不足型冲突、跨文化意识欠缺型冲突。其中,语言运用不当型冲突指由于某种语

跨文化商务交际 Key Terms

跨文化Key Terms Chapter 1 Communication: n. 通讯,[通信] 通信;交流 Responder: n.回答者; 回应者; 应答器; 响应器; Encoding: n.编码 Decoding: n. [通信] 解码;[计][通信] 译码 Context: n.上下文; 背景; 环境; 语境; Physical context : 交际场合语境 Social context:社会背景;社会环境;社会情境 Cultural context: 文化语境 Enculturation:文化适应 Intercultural communication: 跨文化交际 Intercultural business communication: 跨文化商务交际International communication:国际交流;[通信] 国际通信;国际传播Interethnic communication: 不同种族间的交流 Interracial communication: 人种间的交流 Interregional communication: 区际交流 Internal communication: 内部沟通 External communication: 外部沟通 Formal communication: 正式沟通、形式沟通 Informal communication: 非正式沟通、非正式交流

Downward communication:下行沟通、下行信息交流Upward communication:上行沟通,上向沟通;向上交流Horizontal communication: 平行沟通 Globalization communication: 全球化交往Communication barriers: 沟通障碍、交流障碍Avoidance of the unfamiliar: 疏远陌生 Uncertainty reduction:减少不确定性 Stereotyping: 定势 Prejudice: 偏见 Cultural shock:文化冲击;文化休克;文化冲突Racism: n. 种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见 Ethno-centrism: 种族中心主义 Competence: n. 能力,胜任;权限;Appropriateness: n. 适当;适合;得体性Effectiveness: n. 效力;效果 Awareness: 意识 Chapter 2 Culturen. 文化,文明;修养;栽培 Artifactn. 人工制品;手工艺品 Conceptn. 观念,概念 Behaviorn. 行为,举止;态度;反应 Enculturationn. 对某种文化的适应 Biological vs cultural生物和文化 Normal distributionn. [数] 正态分布 Minimumn. 最小值;最低限度;最小化;最小量



名词对应。 (Kinesics):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body. (身势):非言语行为相关的运动身体肌肤上或局部的身体。(etiquette):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations. (礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。 (pragmatics):it is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. (语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际,而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。 (power distance):the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society. (权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接受不同是被期望的社会。

is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. (不确定性规避): 在何种程度上愿意为社会接受和处理模糊性和不确定性。 (Individualism):the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society. (个人主义): 在何种程度上个人决策和行动是社会所接受和鼓励。 (taboos):practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or cultures as improper or unacceptable. (禁忌):方式或一个社会或文化视为不当或不可接受的口头表达。 (superstitions):beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational. (迷信):信仰与科学规律的认识还是什么社会认为是真实和理性的不一致。 (culture shock):this term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. (文化冲击):这个词表达了缺乏方向,在不知道该怎么做或


名词对应。(Kinesics):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body. (身势):非言语行为相关的运动身体肌肤上或局部的身体。 (etiquette):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations. (礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。 (pragmatics):it is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. (语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际,而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。 (power distance):the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society. (权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接受不同是被期望的社会。 (Values): a learned organization of rules for marking choices and for resolving conflicts. (价值观): 学会组织的规则为标志的选择和解决冲突。 (reverse culture shock):it refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to one’s home culture after growing used to a new one. (反向文化冲击): 它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化体验。(Recovery stage):a stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. (恢复期): 一阶段的文化冲击获得一些新的文化的理解的特点。 (Semantics): it is the study of the meaning of words, a system that relates words to meaning. (语义): 这是含义的话,一个系统,涉及词意义的研究。 (Memo):it is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization, usually short. (备忘录):这是一个硬拷贝文件,供组织内,通常短暂交流使用。 (proxemics):the study of people’s perception and use of space. (空间关系学): 人们的看法和空间利用研究。 (uncertainty avoidance):the degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. (不确定性规避): 在何种程度上愿意为社会接受和处理模糊性和不确定性。 (Individualism):the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society. (个人主义): 在何种程度上个人决策和行动是社会所接受和鼓励。 (taboos):practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or cultures as improper or unacceptable. (禁忌):方式或一个社会或文化视为不当或不可接受的口头表达。 (superstitions):beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational. (迷信):信仰与科学规律的认识还是什么社会认为是真实和理性的不一致。 (culture shock):this term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. (文化冲击):这个词表达了缺乏方向,在不知道该怎么做或如何在新的环境的东西,不知道什么是适当或不适当的感觉。 (rejection): a coping mechanism ag ainst culture shock in which we think we don’t need anybody, and
