职称英语备考:概括大意Eye Problems

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职称英语备考:概括大意Eye Problems Eye Problems


1 Our eyes are under a great deal of strain these days as computer work, television viewing, night driving, and even sunshine are making exceptional demands. Sunlight, especially in the summer, is now regarded as one cause of cataracts (白内障).


2 The thinning of the ozone (臭氧) layer means more

short-wave ultraviolet (UV) rays (紫外线) are reaching the earth, and these are the biggest risk factor for clouding the lens of the eye. Ultraviolet rays increase the risk of changes to the cornea (角膜) causing clouded vision and eventually cataracts. The rays can be shielded only by anti-UV lenses. However, our eyes are not sufficiently protected by fashion sunglasses.


3 "Poor night vision and eye fatigue are noticeably more common, and there has been a big increase in minor eye complaints in the over-40s," says Dr. Mireille Bonnet, who took part in recent research. She says that the six muscles

controlling each eye move more than 100,000 times a day and that everyone should learn to exercise their eye muscles and allow them to rest.


4 It was traditionally thought that near- or far-sightedness were inherited conditions and could not be influenced by environmental factors, but new research is challenging this assumption.


5 Recent studies suggest that up to 80 percent of schoolchildren in the United States and western Europe are nearsighted. Years of focusing on close, two-dimensional work causes most children to become at least slightly nearsighted by the age of 10, say the researchers.


6 Problems with night vision, which affect around 25 percent of people, are also on the increase because of computer use. Using computer screens means the eye must operate in electromagnetic fields (电磁场) that make it work harder It is estimated that 25 to 30 percent of people have eye conditions, such as difficulty with night vision, which result from staring at a screen.

