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(1)Alfred Nobe,l the Swedish inventor and in-dustrialist, was aman ofmany contrasts. Hewas theson ofa bankrup,t butbecame amillionaire; a scien-tist with a love of literature, an industrialist whomanaged to remain an He made a fortunebut lived a simple life, and although cheerful in com-pany, he was often sad in private. A lover ofman-kind, he never had a wife or family to love him; apatriotic son ofhis native land, he died alone on for-eign He invented a new explosive, dynamite, toimprove the peacetime industries ofmining and roadbuilding, butsaw itused asweapon ofwar to killandinjure his fellowmen. During his useful life he oftenfelthewas useless:“Alfred Nobe,l”he once wroteto

himsel,f“ought to have been put to death by akind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life”.

World-famous forhisworks hewas neverpersonallywellknown, for

throughouthis life he avoided public-ity.“I do not see,”he once said,“that I have de-served any fame and I have no taste for ”Butsince his death, hisname hasbrought fame and gloryto others.[1](P. 2”5)。


(2) It seems thatallwe hear aboutnowadays isthe computer revolution. There are computers in theelibraries, schools, offices, and even in homes.

Friends ofmine who once feared anything remotelyassociatedwith electronicsnow loudly sing the praisesof word - processing, as if the typewriter were aproductof the StoneAge. Lastweek I grew sowearyof listening to them that I decided to see formyselfexactlywhat theseswonders of technology could do.

As I cautiously approached my college s' writingcenter, my earswere assaulted by the click-click-click ofkeyboards, and an occasional screech from aprinter. One of the tutors offeredme herassistance inlearning to operate themachine. W ithin amere twen-ty-five minutes I was typing happily, thinking allthewhile that I should have tried thismuch earlier.

Just as I began the conclusion ofmy English paper,the entire
