


学院 XXX学院


班级 XXXX级英语教育X班

学生 XXX

指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书




学院: XXX学院专业:英语教育班级: XXXX级英语教育X班

学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:教授









Xiao, Minghan. Study on William Faulkner. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1997

Chang Yaoxin, A survey of American Literature,南开大学出版社,2008年9月第三版










作者姓名 XXX

指导教师 XXX

所在学院 XXX学院


班级(届) XXX级X班

完成日期 2013 年 5 月 8 日

Twisted love

——An Analysis of Emily?s Tragedy



Pro. XXXX, tutor

A Thesis Submitted to Department of English

Language and Literature in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A in English

At XXXX University

May 8th, 2013



A Rose for Emily, written by Faulkner, is one of the best short stories in America. It was originally published in The Forum, in 1930. In 1979, the magazine Foreign Art published this story, and the scholars at home began to study Faulkner deeply of his story. According to the study of many scholars both at home and abroad in recent years, the research of “A Rose For Emily” can be divided into the following aspects: Faulkner?s complex of the South; the Gothic and terrifying sense; the character analysis of the black slave; the image of the elder generation; feminist study; the ways of narration; comparative study and so on.

The story of “A Rose for Emily” is about a southern lady, who lived under the traditional morals, after getting rid of the restrain of her despotic father, tried to pursue her love, but finally was betrayed. At last she killed her lover Homer and slept with his dead body for the rest of her time. It is a horrible story with twisted love and gothic sense.

This paper tries to analyze the tragic sense of this work, the twisted love in terms to Emily, in order to find out the reasons that account for Emily?s tragedy. This thesis consists of three chapters: the twisted love of the town?s people, of her father, and twisted love between Emily and Homer.

Key words:Emily twisted tragedy causes






Table of Contents

Introduction (01)

ChapterⅠ.Twisted Love of the Town’s People (04)

A. From the Instinct and Helpless Love (04)

B. Choking Love of the town?s people (05)

ChapterⅡ.Twisted Love of Father (10)

A. Despotic Love of His Father (10)

B. Influence of His Despotic Love (13)

Chapter Ⅲ. Twisted Love of Homer and Emily (16)

A. Passionate Love of Homer and Emily (16)

B. Faded & Eternal Love of Homer and Emily (18)

Conclusion (22)

Notes (23)

Bibliography (24)


William Faulkner, one of the most important American writers in 1920s, is famous for his Yoknapatawpha County, where he set most of his work. He is very good at describing the local conditions and traditions in the wide south of America. Faulkner was introduced to the readers in China in the 1930s. Then came an interruption of his study. In the late 1970s, our scholars began to pay special attention to him. 1990s saw a summit of the study on Faulkner in China.

Among the 129 short stories he wrote, only about 40 have been translated. Compared to the study of his long novels, this field remains a large part of blank. The study of Faulkner in our country began late and some aspects of the research remain to be explored. Thus, it is necessary to have a deep research on his short stories, in much more original ways. It was after he wan the Nobel Prize in 1950 that scholars in our country began to pay special attention to him. In the twenty-first century, a rapid growth has appeared in the study field on Faulkner. Now more and more young scholars begin to study Faulkner, and their methods are more original and novel than before. More papers about Faulkner appear, from the analysis of his technique of writing, the themes of the works, even from the comparative point. Great figures in this field are Li Wenjun, Tao Jie, Liu Daoquan, Gao Fen and Ji Lin.

Then let?s have a brief review of the Faulkner study in America. Before 1970s, the critics in America held different ideas to him, some supporting him and some other people against him, especially between the 1930s and the 1950s. Some critics admit the creation of novel in its forms, but they neglect the history sense and theme of the stories. Some think that it is not proper for Faulkner to focus the hatred to women and the black. These comments are lacking of objection, the attack reaching to the summit. The attempt of Malcolm Cowley and Robert Penn Warren make people regard and reconsider Faulkner fairly. Warren noted that we should pay attention to the theme of the black, the symbolism, the feminism, and so on. American Literature and Southern Literary Journal are the main position where American scholars study Faulkner. Many works of great significance come into existence, such as Linda

Wagner Martin?s “William Faulkner: Six Decades of Criticism (2002)”, Charles Hannon?s “Faulkner and the Discourses of Culture” “William Faulkner, Gavin Stevens, and the Cavalier Tradition and so on. Since 1974, Faulkner?s annual meeting has been held over 30 years, which put forward many valuable research results. In modern times, scholars are trying to explore new thoughts and methods to achieve great significance.

Among the novels Faulkner wrote, the short stories attract reader?s attention by their profound themes and delicate diction. As we know, he created the Yoknapatawpha County, and his famous short story “A Rose for Emily”, published in 1930, is a part of this series. It tells us a story, in which a beautiful young lady, Emily, was born in a southern noble family. With the impact of her father, she missed the best time for a marriage. When her father died, she totally broke down, and refused to admit the reality of losing her beloved relative. She locked herself in the house for years, losing touch with the outside world, until a northern worker, Homer, came here. Though they fell in love in the eyes of the town?s people, Homer seemed to reject her request. Then one day, she poisoned him and slept with the body to her death. In this story, Faulkner represents the decline of the old system, thus it is called the allergy of the south. With the end of the Civil War, the advanced northern civilization impacts the southern traditional one. The period Faulkner lived in is the transitional one in which people love and worry about the south, and at the same time, they can?t avoid accepting the commercial culture of the north. People are in a contradictory situation and experience the turn of the history and the breakdown of the southern cultivating culture.

According to the study of many scholars in recent years, th e research of “A Rose For Emily? can be divided into the following aspects: Faulkner?s complex of the South; the Gothic and terrifying sense; the character analysis of the black slave; the image of the elder generation; feminist study; the ways of narration; comparative study and so on. This paper tries to analyze the tragic sense of this work, the twisted love in terms to Emily, in order to find out the reasons that account for Emily?s tragedy. Emily?s twisted love results from many aspects, of which the m ain ones are

love of the town people, of her father, of Homer and herself.

ChapterⅠ.Twisted Love of the Town’s People The twisted love of the Town?s people may be one of the causes that lead to Emily?s tragedy. It seems tha t their curiosity, chatting, and gossiping appear through the story. For them, Miss Emily is“a tradition, a duty, and a care, a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town”⑴, and this destroyed Emily?s life.

A. From the Instinct and Helpless Love

Love of the town?s people came from their instinct, for they regard Emily as a monument, thus would not like to witness the fall of the old tradition. So they were curious about Emily all the time. What?s more, their love resulted from the social background when there were fierce conflicts between the north and the old south. This chapter tries to analyze the causes of the twisted love of the town?s people from the two aspects of conflicts between the North and South and the town?s curiosity.

1.Conflicts between the North and South

The town in which Emily lives is a miniature of the American South. And it represents the living conditions, cultural values and traditions of the south. As Chang Yaoxin wrote in his “A survey of American Literature”:

The American south has been a unique region all along. There was the historically significant conflict between the Hamilton north and the

Jeffersonian south. For a long time after the Civil War the agricultural south

remained subordinate to industrial north, and there existed a glaring gap in

culture and way of thinking between the two parts of the country. Measures

were taken to develop the south; economic improvements slowly came about.

It is true that before the Civil War, superiority complex existed in the south, while after the war, capitalism rose quickly, disrupting the cultivating system. On the other hand, with the feudalism deeply in mind, the south still remained conservative attitudes towards the new system, and they even tried to stop the history from


In the small town Jefferson, the old hierarchy system began to collapse while the modern civilization starts to boom quickly. We can get this information from the text, when Emily?s father died, the town began to pave the sidewalks, and the constr uction company came with some passionate workers like Homer. This scene shows clearly that the small town was in the transitional period, when the old system was replaced by the new one. Homer was very optimistic and brave, which is the characteristics of the north. When Emily fell in love with him, it was doomed to be a tragedy for they stood for two different cultural values. So under this circumstances, the town? people were imprinted by the time.

In this story, being a tradition, a duty, and a care, a sort of hereditary obligation, Emily attempt to maintain her nobility, hiring black slave and ignoring the tax notice. She lives in the glory of the passing south, without noticing that history had changed, the absolute unify of values in the south rest rict her deeply. The town?s people seem to care about Emily, but they only destroyed Emily?s life.

2. Their curiosity

In this story, the curiosity of the town?s people can be seen almost everywhere. When her father died and her sweetheart went away, people had no chance to see her, but some women tried to ask her for something, hoping to get some information useful, only to get nothing. When Emily fell in love with Homer, the town?s people began to gossip about her behaviors, regarding she had set a negative example to the town. Even when Emily died, the town?s people went into her house, with curiosity to see what is in the house.

All of these show that the town? people seem to notice Emily all the time, always chatting, gossiping about Emily. This creates a tense atmosphere around Emily. Whatever Emily did, it was always on the stare of the town?s people. Their curiosity is the cause of their twisted love, because they are always keeping an eye on Emily.

B. Choking Love of the town’s people

Choking Love of the town?s people fell upon Emily all the time. On the one hand,

they tended to protect Emily?s nobility very well; on the other hand, their love weaved a net where Emily could not escape, and lived within it with the loss of her freedom and rights forever.

1. The Protect of the Seniority

When Emily was alive, the seniority tended to protect her. Colonel Sartoris remitted Emily?s taxes, for the reason that her father had loaned some money to the town, and as a result, the town repaid his money and made up this kind of tax exemption, from the death of her father into perpetuity. In fact, nearly no one would believe this, except the women in the town.

When Emily was about forty years old, she gave lessons on china-painting. Colonel Sartoris' contemporaries sent their offspring to Miss Emily. “She fitted up a studio in one of the downstairs rooms”⑶to teach them. The seniority tried to help her when she was in trouble financially. And still she was remitted of her taxes.

When some neighbor complained to the mayor, Judge Stevens, who was about eighty years old that a smell came from Miss Emily?s house, and they want the mayor to do something, he answered, “will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?"⑷And

“So the next night, after midnight, four men crossed Miss Emily's lawn and slunk about the house like burglars, sniffing along the base of the

brickwork and at the cellar openings while one of them performed a regular

sowing motion with his hand out of a sack slung from his shoulder. They

broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the


This was also a way of protecting Miss Emily. The mayor, being very old, wanted to cover up something Emily had done, and to avoid embarrass of Emily, then to maintain her nobility. Actually, he must have known something, but as a way of protecting Emily, he chose to be silent.

When attended Miss Emily?s funeral, some very old men dressed “their brushed

Confederate uniforms on the porch and the lawn, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps, confusing time with its mathematical progression”⑹. This also shows that the elder were in memory of the old system, and they don?t want to accept the new one. They do not want to face up the change of the time.

All these examples show that the seniority in this town loved Emily, and they tried to protect her. Miss Emily is an embodiment of the old hereditary system. They wanted to go on with the old south, dreaming about going back to the past. Emily was the very person upon whom they can put their feelings and thoughts. They respected her, looked after her and secretly helped her, in order to preserve her noble status. Being nostalgic, they regard Emily as a monument, one which would not fall down, for it representing the old south. The care from the old generation made Emily realize the dignity of her family, and her duty as a noble woman. To maintain her image as a perfect noble woman, and to live up to the old, she finally took extremely cruel measures to get her love. To conclude, their twisted love leads Emily to her tragedy.

2. Compromise of the Young

The younger generation, with its new ideas of culture and value, should have different view from their seniority. So it is not so difficult for us to understand when they came to power, they began to hold different attitudes from their father. It can be seen from the following three aspects.

Firstly, i n terms of the tax matter, the old generation made up a story that Emily?s father had loaned money to the town, with the purpose to maintain Emily?s noble status. As soon as the younger generation replaced them, they expect Emily to pay for the taxes. And actually, they did take some measures. We can infer from the dialogue the attitudes of the two sides. The first year, they mailed Emily a notice. Then they called at Emily?s ho use by themselves. But when they referred to this matter, Emily did not seem to pay much attention to it. "See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson."⑺"But, Miss Emily--""See Colonel Sartoris." (Colonel Sartoris had been


献给艾米丽的玫瑰 一 爱米丽-格里尔生小姐过世了,全镇的人都去送丧:男子们是出于敬慕之情,因为一个纪念碑倒下了。妇女们呢,则大多数出于好奇心,想看看她屋子的内部。除了一个花匠兼厨师的老仆人之外,至少已有十年光景谁也没进去看看这幢房子了。 那是一幢过去漆成白色的四方形大木屋,坐落在当年一条最考究的街道上,还装点着有十九世纪七十年代风格的圆形屋顶、尖塔和涡形花纹的阳台,带有浓厚的轻盈气息。可是汽车间和轧棉机之类的东西侵犯了这一带庄严的名字,把它们涂抹得一干二净。只有爱米丽小姐的屋子岿然独存,.四周簇拥着棉花车和汽油泵。房子虽已破败,却还是执拗不驯,装模作样,真是丑中之丑。现在爱米丽小姐已经加入了那些名字庄严的代表人物的行列,他们沉睡在雪松环绕的墓园之中,那里尽是一排排在南北战争时期杰弗生战役中阵亡的南方和北方的无名军人墓。 爱米丽小姐在世时,始终是一个传统的化身,是义务的象征,也是人们关注的对象。打1894年某日镇长沙多里斯上校—-也就是他下了一道黑人妇女不系围裙不得上街的命令—-豁免了她一切应纳的税款起,期限从她父亲去世之日开始,一直到她去世为止,这是全镇沿袭下来对她的一种义务。这也并非说爱米丽甘愿接受施舍,原来是沙多里斯上校编造了一大套无中生有的话,说是爱米丽的父亲曾经贷款给镇政府,因此,镇政府作为一种交易,宁愿以这种方式偿还。这一套话,只有沙多里斯一代的人以及象沙多里斯一样头脑的人才能编得出来,也只有妇道人家才会相信。 等到思想更为开明的第二代人当了镇长和参议员时,这项安排引起了一些小小的不满。那年元旦,他们便给她寄去了一张纳税通知单。二月份到了,还是杳无音信。他们发去一封公函,要她便中到司法长官办公处去一趟。一周之后,镇长亲自写信给爱米丽,表示愿意登门访问,或派车迎接她,而所得回信却是一张便条,写在古色古香的信笺上,书法流利,字迹细小,但墨水已不鲜艳,信的大意是说她已根本不外出。纳税通知附还,没有表示意见。 参议员们开了个特别会议,派出一个代表团对她进行了访问。他们敲敲门,自从八年或者十年前她停止开授瓷器彩绘课以来,谁也没有从这大门出入过。那个上了年纪的黑人男仆把他们接待进阴暗的门厅,从那里再由楼梯上去,光线就更暗了。一股尘封的气味扑鼻而来,空气阴湿而又不透气,这屋子长久没有人住了。黑人领他们到客厅里,里面摆设的笨重家具全都包着皮套子。黑人打开了一扇百叶窗,这时,便更可看出皮套子己经坼裂;等他们坐了下来,大腿两边就有一阵灰尘冉冉上升,尘粒在那一缕阳光中缓缓旋转。壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。 她一进屋,他们全都站了起来。一个小模小样、腰圆体胖的女人,穿了一身黑服,一条细细的金表链拖到腰部,落到腰带里去了,一根乌木拐杖支撑着她的身体,拐杖头的镶金已经失去光泽。她的身架矮小,也许正因为这个缘故,在别的女人身上显得不过是丰满,而她却给人以肥大的感觉。她看上去象长久泡在死水中的一具死尸,肿胀发白。当客人说明来意时,她那双凹陷在一脸隆起的肥肉之中,活象揉在一团生面中的两个小煤球似的眼睛不住地移动着,时而瞧瞧这张面孔,时而打量那张面孔。 她没有请他们坐下来。她只是站在门口,静静地听着,直到发言的代表结结巴巴地说完,他们这时才听到那块隐在金链子那一端的挂表嘀嗒作响。 她的声调冷酷无情。“我在杰弗生无税可纳。沙多里斯上校早就向我交代过了。或许你们有谁可以去查一查镇政府档案,就可以把事情弄清楚。” “我们已经查过档案,爱米丽小姐,我们就是政府当局。难道你没有收到过司法长官亲手签署的通知吗-” “不错,我收到过一份通知,”爱米丽小姐说道,“也许他自封为司法长官……可是我在


浅析语篇分析在高中英语阅读教学中的应用 论文关键词:语篇分析高中英语阅读 论文摘要:在高中英语阅读教学中应用的方法长期以来主要为传统教学法,忽视了文章的整体结构。将语篇分析的理论应用于高中英语阅读教学能够使学生把握整个语篇,有助于提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力。 在英语阅读教学中,传统的阅读教学法只注重单词、短语和句子层次上的讲解,这不利于学生语篇能力的培养。语篇分析法则不仅重视对文章知识点的讲解,还重视文章整体结构的分析。本文基于语篇分析的基本理论,结合具体的英语课文,试图概括出将语篇分析应用于高中英语阅读教学的基本步骤。 一、语篇分析的基本理论 美国学者把哈里斯(Zellig Harris)在1952年发表的文章《话语分析》作为语篇研究的开端,从此拉开了语篇分析理论研究的序幕。在我国,1988年黄国文出版了《语篇分析概要》,他认为“语篇分析是指对比句子或话段更大的语言单位所作的语言分析,研究语篇中句子排列与衔接和连贯,是一种超句法分析,其目地在于解释人们如何构造和理解各种连贯的语篇”(黄国文,1988,4)。 衔接是语篇特征的重要内容,它体现在语篇的表层结构上。语法手段(如照应、替代、省略等)和词汇手段(如复现关系、同现关系)的使用,都可

以表现结构上的粘着性,即结构上的衔接。衔接是语篇的有形网络。(黄国文,1988,10)例如: Several people approached. They seemed angry. 我们能够看出,第二句中的"they"指的是第一句中的"several people"。 连贯指的是语篇中语义的关联,连贯存在于语篇的底层,通过逻辑推理来达到语义连接;它是语篇的无形网络。(黄国文,1988,11)衔接是篇章的一种特征,连贯则是对篇章的评价的一个方面,它只能由读者的评价来衡量。例如: A man walked into a bar. Bars sell good beer. It's brewed mostly in Germany. Germany went to war with British. 这是一个很衔接的语篇,然而语义上却是不连贯的。又如: There are five people in our family. They all work in this city. My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a policeman. My sister is a student. 在这里,列举的顺序符合逻辑发展顺序,因而语篇的连贯性较好。 体裁分析涉及语篇分析,高中英语课文可以分为四类常见的语篇体裁记叙文(narration)、描述文(description)、说明文(exxposition)和议论文(argumentation)。在教学中应用体裁分析法,有助于引导学生掌握属于不同语篇所具有的不同篇章结构。 二、语篇分析在高中英语阅读教学的应用步骤 以高中英语必修四(人教版)unit4为例,具体应用可分为以下几个基本


本科生毕业设计(论文)封面 ( 2016 届) 论文(设计)题目 作者 学院、专业 班级 指导教师(职称) 论文字数 论文完成时间 大学教务处制

英语原创毕业论文参考选题(200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq958035640。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1 从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例 2 女性意识在《红字》中的表现 3 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter 4 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie 5 哈克贝利费恩对“文明世界”的适应 6 《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析 7 冰与火具有毁灭生命的同等威力——《呼啸山庄》主题探讨 8 论商务谈判中的文化因素 9 On Social Function of English Euphemism Expression 10 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 11 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响 12 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义 13 分析文化差异在国际商务谈判中的影响 14 苔丝的悲剧命运分析 15 从合作原则的角度分析广告语的修辞特点 16 初中生英语口语常见错误分析及纠错策略 17 目的论在电影字幕翻译中的应用——以《功夫熊猫》为例 18 《身着狮皮》中的话语、移民与身份 19 从文化视角看中西方的礼节差异 20 论《米德尔马契》中的人性主题 21 English-Chinese Advertisement Translation 22 An Analysis of Sexism in English Advertisements 23 英语习语的文化内涵


因为艾米丽是生活在“我们杰弗生镇上”有名有姓的真人。但她与普通人又不同,因为“爱米丽小姐在世时,始终是一个传统的化身,是义务的象征,也是人们关注的对象。” 3 在杰弗逊镇人的眼中,艾米莉不仅是南方贵族的代表,而且是旧南方的象征。她是南方贵族的“纪念碑”。小说中两次提到她像“神像”:在楼上时,她的“上半身一动不动犹如一尊神像[1]; 在楼下时,她“像壁龛里的神像,是否在看我们,我们无法知道”。这两处描写使她极为神秘,宛如某种活着的神之化身。正如踞于墙角的神像一样,艾米莉也被抬上了象征旧南方的那个宝座,作为一个“纪念碑”让人参拜。她是过去价值的理想化身,是高贵的代名词,因为她“代表着一个传统,一种责任和负担”。 新一代镇政府官员对沙多里斯的举措颇有微词,便给爱米丽邮去税款单,并两次写信通知她面谈纳税一事。但爱米丽对此事置若阁闻,不予作答。镇政府当局遂派代表团前往爱米丽住处,与她商谈纳税事宜。至此,作者将爱米丽与杰弗逊镇当局的冲突更为具体、鲜明地展现在读者眼前。无庸置疑厂公民依法向政府纳税,这本是每个公民应尽的义务。然而,爱米丽却蔑视新政府,拒不承认自己拖欠任何税款,并命男仆托比将代表团赶出寓所。在这场冲突中,作者采用对话的形式淋漓尽致地揭示了爱米丽冥顽不化、固守旧秩序的心态。耐人寻味的是,在这场冲突的末尾,爱米丽咄咄逼人,硬要代表团去找沙多里斯,这时,福克纳借故事叙述者之口道:“沙多里斯上校死了将近十年了。”这句置于圆括弧中的话,看似附带交待一笔,轻描淡写,实则意味深长。沙多里斯死了近十年,爱米丽竟一无所知,个中原因,或许是她长期足不出户、孤陋寡闻所致。然而,这篇小说,乃至整个约克纳帕塔法世系的主题,是揭示新旧冲突及没落贵族阶级拘执愚顽的心态。因此,笔者以为,这句附带语恰恰切中爱米丽固守旧秩序,抵制新事物的心态:在她眼里,死人至尊至圣,而活人则不屑一顾。笔者作如此分析,尚另有佐证。且看另一事件—爱米丽死守父亲尸体。爱米丽父亲死后第二天,全镇所有的女人都前去帮她料理后事。但爱米丽却将她们堵在门口,声称她父亲并没有死,硬是不让大家抬走尸体。尽管牧师、医生费尽口舌,但她执意不允。双方僵持了三天。正当人们要诉诸法律,强行抬尸时,爱米丽精神崩溃。只是在这时,镇上人才赶紧将尸体抬走埋掉,爱米丽死守尸体一事同样具有深刻的寓意只作为没落贵族阶级的最后一员,爱米丽已是两手空空,过去的荣耀、地位已是风流云散,一去不返。守旧的心态促使她死抱着父亲的尸体不放。(附带提一笔,这又为后文死守情人尸体埋下了伏笔。)正如叙述者所言:“我们当时并没有说她疯了。我们相信她只能这样做……我们也知道她已一无所有,只得死死抱住剥夺了她一切的那个人··….”爱米丽与荷默之间的恋情是整个故事的中心所在,因而构成了新旧对峙在另一层面上的、更为具体、尖锐的矛盾冲突。美国内战以后,原退出联邦的南方各州进行了改组并重新加入了联邦,大批北方人南下挣钱谋生。这批南下大军



本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院XXX学院 专业英语教育 班级XXXX级英语教育X班 学生XXX 指导教师XXX


XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书 编号: 论文(设计)题目:扭曲的爱—艾米丽悲剧分析 学院: XXX学院专业:英语教育班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:教授 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文的研究目标是探究福克纳的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》中艾米里的悲剧原因。主要任务是通过分析小说中艾米里的悲剧原因,引导读者 更深入理解福克纳的小说中南方情怀,女性意识以及男权影响。 2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章介绍艾米丽所生活的小镇上的居民对她的扭曲的爱,第二章阐述艾米丽的父亲对艾米丽的影响,最后一章讨论了艾米丽与荷默之间的爱。 3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是国内外不同学者对福克纳小说以及对《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》的研究。 研究路线是对艾米丽的悲剧原因从内外因进行探讨和深入分析,以对福克纳的约翰纳帕塔法世系小说进行深入理解。 4、主要参考文献 Xiao, Minghan. Study on William Faulkner. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1997 Chang Yaoxin, A survey of American Literature,南开大学出版社,2008年9月第三版 [美]罗德·霍顿,赫伯特·爱德华兹,《美国文学思想背景》。人民文学出版社,1991年1月第1版。 李文俊.《福克纳传》[M].北京:新世界出版社,2003. 教师:年月日 教研室主任:年月


Review of a Rose for Emily A Rose for Emily is a very popular short story because of its style, climax, and plot. The author, William Faulkner, was a Southern writer from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner bases this story on the tale of Oxford's aristocracy Miss Mary Neilson. She married Captain Jack Hume, the charming Y ankee foreman of a street-paving crew, over her family's shocked protests. The style of this story is false romance. Miss Emily's father, before his death, would run off every man that tried to court her. Because of this, she felt any man she loved would leave her. After falling in love with Homer Baron, she feared he would run off like the others. To keep this from happening, she poisoned him and kept his body upstairs in the bedroom. The climax focuses on the room where the corpse was found. After Miss Emily's death, the town people were cleaning up the house and found a room that was locked. They had to break down the door. To their surprise, they found Homer Baron's corpse lying in the bed dressed in a night shirt. As the story progresses there is no indication that he had died. When they found the toilet things sitting on the dresser with initials H.B., it was well known that the corpse was Homer Baron. I first thought it was her father in the bed, but I realized that her father was


浅议语篇分析理论与大学英语阅读教学论文【论文关键词】阅读能力语篇分析背景知识 【论文摘要】阅读能力是大学英语教学中的关键。学生阅读速度过慢,对文章的理解不够深入,透彻,是传统语言教学只注重基础语言知识的传授而导致的结果。借助语篇分析理论,将语言知识教学和语篇教学有机地结合起来,从语篇整体的角度入手,掌握了文章的语篇结构,抓住了主题,了解了背景文化知识和语境,才能全面、准确、深入地达到对文章的整体理解,也有助于提高学生的阅读速度。 阅读作为一种语言活动是人们日常生活中的长期的,普遍的一种行为,是从文字中获得知识、提取信急的最重要的手段。阅读是比听、说更为有效记忆和记忆长久的方式,即使在知识媒介如此众多的今天,阅读的作用也丝毫没有降低。而阅读教学一直是大学英语教学中重要的语言输入方式。如何提高学生的阅读速度,同时又能充分理解文章,是大学英语阅读教学面临的挑战。 引言 阅读是一种把语言符号通过心理认知转换成思维符号的过程,也是一个多元化的、有选择性运用多种技巧的过程。现代心理语言学和认知语言学理论认为“阅读是一种复杂的,高度积极主动的创造性

思维,是读者根据已有的信息、知识、经验等对信息进行体验、预测验证和确认的思维过程,是读者通过语篇这一媒介与作者相互作用的语言交际行为。”美国著名心理语言学家GOODMAN提出,“阅读是心理语言学的猜谜游戏((a psycholinguistic guessing game),包含思想和语言的相互作用过程。” 从 20世纪70年代初起有人(Gough,1972;Goodman和Smith,1978; Stanovich,1980)提出心理语言阅读模式:正向模式一反向模式和相互作用模式。阅读模式理论的确立和发展使人们能深入地认识和研究阅读理解过程提供了理论依据。 正向模式又可称为自下而上模式((Bottom- up Models)一史密斯(Frank Smith)将其称为“从外向内”的模式(out - side in)即从文本到人脑的过程(from text to brain)。在这种模式中读者被视为解码者由字母到单词,由单词到短语,由短语到句子,然后从句子到段落、篇章、最后从篇章中获得作者的意图这样一个循序渐进的过程。其代表人物高夫((Philip B. Gough)认为:阅读是静止的被动接受的过程,是一种系列加工的过程,是从左至右,一个字母一个字母地阅读,并对阅读过程中的某此现象做出假设和解释。正向模式注意语言本身的结构,强调的是词汇的学习。


献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》是福克纳的短篇小说代表作。小说中的艾米丽是美国南方没落贵族世家的一个老小姐。她依恋她的父亲,父亲去世后,她不许人们将他下葬。后来,艾米丽和工头 霍默相恋。一年多之后,艾米丽毒死了她的未婚夫,并把他的尸体放在布置得象新房一样的屋子 里,守了40年之久,直到她去世。从小说叙述的故事表层来看,艾米丽是一个性格古怪的老小姐, 但在艾米丽的一系列怪异行为掩盖下的是一个心灵分裂的女性的悲剧命运。本文试图从艾米丽 的个性心理和美国南方文化的悲剧性两方面出发,来对艾米丽的悲剧情结作一剖析。 艾米丽对她的父亲怀有的究竟是怎样一种情感?她为什么毒杀他的情人却又死守着他的 尸体过了40年?要回答这两个问题,就牵涉到对艾米丽本人的个性心理的解释。根据小说中有关艾米丽与其父亲及其情人关系的隐晦描写,有的评论者得出结论说,艾米丽的悲剧源自她 的恋父情结。这让我想起弗洛伊德的一部重要著作《少女杜拉的故事》,书中少女杜拉患有歇 斯底里症。弗洛伊德通过对杜拉进行精神分析,发现她有严重的心理情结,即恋父情结。杜拉 在家中因为迷恋父亲,曾与母亲作对,形成一种三角关系,又称三角关系情结;杜拉即羡慕又忌 恨父亲的情人K女士,形成一个新的三角关系;而杜拉又与K先生接近,与其妻对抗,又形成 另一个三角关系。在这里,值得注意的是,在弗洛伊德的恋父情结理论中,除了少女和自己爱 恋的父亲外,还有另一个令她忌恨的女人。很显然,不论是在艾米丽与其父亲的关系中,还是 艾米丽与其情人的关系中,福克纳都只字未提另一个女人。因此,是否可以简单套用弗洛伊德 的“恋父情结”理论来解释艾米丽的悲剧情结,还有待商榷。 如果我们把小说中有关艾米丽与其父亲及情人关系的支离破碎的叙述按照时间先后顺序 梳理一下,就可以看出艾米丽对父亲的情感前后是有变化的,而正是这种变化影响着艾米丽对 霍默的态度。小说中写到,艾米丽的父亲在世时,小镇上的人“把这家人看做一幅画中的人物: 身段苗条、穿着白衣的艾米丽小姐立在背后,她父亲叉开双脚的侧影在前面,背对艾米丽,手执 一根马鞭,一扇向后开的前门恰好嵌住了他们俩的身影。”艾米丽小姐“对什么年轻男子都看不 上眼”,而她的父亲则“赶走了所有的青年男子。”从上述描写中我们可以看出,对于艾米丽来 说,她的父亲是高大而又强有力的,就象一尊保护神。艾米丽对父亲既顺从又依恋,父亲就是 她情感的唯一支撑。在对父亲的这种情感支撑下,她感到骄傲又满足,以至于对任何年轻男子

分析英语论文 discussion

The fifth English homework 学院:光电工程学院专业:电子科学与技术 姓名:学号: Influence of Process Parameters on Paste Morphology in Lead-Acid Battery Cured Plates 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Surface area The surface area of cured plates has a vital role on the battery performance. For example, higher surface area would accelerate the process of acid diffusion not only into the plate but also within it, thereby improving the high rate performance of the battery and vice versa. In high current applications, the available surface of the electrodes becomes important and is diffusion limited by the amount of acid that can freely flow into the porous material to react with the inner active sites [25]. While paste formulation is chosen critically as to obtain required porosity within the plate, the process parameters do have an impact on the surface area. Therefore, understanding the influence of process parameters on the surface area assumes a greater significance. 3.1.1. Influence of Process Parameters The effects of AO, PT and CT on the surface area are studied as designed in the Table.2 with the help of Minitab software (14.12.1) and are depicted in (Fig.1). As evident from plot, the surface area gets reduced with increasing AO ratio. This may be attributed to the increase in the formation of “Sulphates of Lead which are bulkier than PbO”, with increased acid quantities. In view of the fact that plate is of constant volume and the bulkier lead sulphates would occupy more space and the available pore volume is reduced with a proportional decrease in surface area. The reduced surface area is also evident when either paste peak temperature or curing temperature is increased but the influence of paste peak temperature has observed to be modest. While the reduction in surface area with increase in curing temperature can be attributed to the growth of 3BS/4BS, the less pronounced effect of paste peak temperature is for reasons that exposure to such a high temperature is only for a short duration. 3.2. Paste Morphology The nature of crystals formed during either pasting or curing exhibit a profound influence on the plate composition after formation and hence pasting/curing processes assume a greater significance in the battery manufacturing activity [7]. The two most important and critical crystallographic precursors that subsequently govern the quality of formation are 3BS and 4BS [19]. The earlier studies [20] indicate while the plate with 3BS yields higher capacity and 4BS provides higher cycle life. Hence, pasting and curing often go hand in hand to produce batteries with desired performance levels. . In the present study, paste morphology is looked at from view point of crystal type (4BS/3BS), crystal growth- specifically its length (μm), phase distribution and finally packing intensity. As to have a better and deeper understanding, the following section is dealt with understanding the role that is played by each of the process parameters, namely PT, CT and AO. The inter-relation of these


语篇分析在大学英语阅读教学中的启示 Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without his/her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. The keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study. I shall also extend my thanks to my parents for all their kindness and help. I would also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to the teachers and students from my university, who participate in this study with great cooperation. At last, I’d like to thank all my friends, especially my lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support. i


The secret of success—Analysis Of The Apple company’s Creation Method: The method employed in this explorative study is based on a Case study,mainly due to the strong pertinence and explorative aspects of this study.In the initial stage of instrument development, We made clear the research objective which is the apple company’s creation. We have carried out a deep research on the innovation of the company.First,the definition and principle of innovation , to understand what is innovation by refering to information.we study what innovation products about The Apple company. Second, the features of innovation.We use survey method. Analysis of the large amount of data collected and Comprehensive comparison to get a clear conclusion. Through the analysis of the innovation mode of Apple Corp, we understand the important factor of a company to succeed.

英美经典文学 献给艾米丽的玫瑰悲剧分析 论文 名著5000字读后感 读书笔记

《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》悲剧分析 上个学期我选修了英美经典文学之一门选修课,其中老师给我们推荐了许多的阅读书目。暑假期间,趁着闲来无事,于是便上网查找了相关的书籍来阅读,其中一篇给我的影响尤其深刻,那便是《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》。 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是美国南部小说的代表人物,威廉·福克纳发表的被誉为最富盛名的短篇小说代表作,也是世界短篇小说史上的一朵奇葩,绚丽无比。 它特殊之处就在于它能够让人全神灌注地把整篇看完,之后仍然意犹未尽,又多么希望把整个故事说给别人听;虽然结局令人痛苦不堪,可是发人深省。《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是一篇以爱为主轴的小说,也许它不浪漫也没有激情,但在某些小地方总不经意的透出一丝感人的气息。 文章所描述的是美国南北战争以后的一个南方小镇杰弗逊小镇上格里尔生家族的命运。文中的主人公——艾米丽·格里尔生小姐直到三十岁还未出嫁。因为她的父亲,作为家族族长的父权倾向严重的父亲,为了维护所谓的等级和尊严,赶走了所有向艾米丽求爱的男子,剥夺了她幸福的权利。在父亲过世后,行政当局要铺设人行道,建筑公司的工头是个北方佬,名叫荷默·伯隆,个子高大,皮肤黝黑,精明强干,声音洪亮的荷默很快便俘获了艾米丽小姐的芳心。不久,人们便看到他和艾米丽小姐一起驾着马车出游。镇上的人们议论纷纷,他们都不相信他俩能成为终身伴侣,人们怜悯艾米丽,作为一个没落的南方贵族中的高贵的淑女居然看中了一个拿日工资的黑皮肤的北方佬。父亲的死于艾米丽而言并不是一种解脱,艾米丽仍活在父亲的阴影之中,艾米丽仍然没有摆脱家族尊严的束缚——当她发现荷默无意与她结婚的时,艾米丽毫不留情地选择了用砒霜毒死了荷默。从此,艾米丽便在破旧封闭的宅院里过着与世隔绝的生活,并与荷默的尸体同床共枕40年,直到艾米丽小姐去世,小镇上的居民才发现了这个惊人的秘密。 艾米丽小姐最后孤独地死去无疑是为这一悲剧画下了句点。然而所有的悲剧的结尾,总是会有众多的成因,在我看来,原因有四点。 一、父权制与恋父情结 这部小说里,对艾米丽影响之大之深的当属她的专制的父亲。弗洛伊德创立了“恋母情结”,意指男孩对母亲产生的特殊性依赖,同样,他又提出了“恋父情结”,来意指女孩对父亲产生的特殊性依赖。艾米丽自幼丧母,随父亲长大,并且如同父亲所期望的那样,成为了一个有教养、有内涵的南方淑女。艾米丽的父亲在世时,小镇上的人们“把这家人看作一幅画:身段苗条,穿着白衣的艾米丽小姐立在背后,她父亲岔开双腿,背对艾米丽,手执一根长鞭,一扇向后开的门恰好嵌住了他们俩的身影。”而代表着南方淑女的骄傲与尊严的艾米丽小姐孤芳自赏,与世隔绝,她“什么样的青年男子都看不上眼。”世界上除了父亲和与她朝夕相处的黑人奴仆外再也没有其他人能够接近她,了解她。而那个黑人奴仆亦离群索居,扑朔迷离。而艾米丽小姐的父亲则“赶走了所有的青年男子。”可以看出,高大威猛的父亲对于艾米丽而言就像是一个保护神,是她感情的支柱,生命的另一半。正如弗洛伊德所言,女孩对父亲已经形成了一种稳定的依赖关系,父亲在女孩的眼中就像是一把巨大的保护伞,为自己遮风挡雨,而一旦这种稳定的关系被破坏以后,女孩就会便会强烈地感受到被人剥夺,遭人遗弃的感觉。在艾米丽的父亲死后,她仍然相信她的父亲并没有死——“一连三天她都这样,不论是教会牧师访问她也好,还是医生想要劝说她让他们把尸体处理掉也好。”“当时我们还没有说她发疯。我们相信她这样做是控制不住自己。我们还记得她父亲赶走了所有的青年男子,我们也知道她现在一无所有,只好像人们常常所做的一样,死死拖住抢走了她一切的那个人。” 对艾米丽而言,父亲的死亡预示着支撑她的强大保护伞倒下了,她无法正视父亲的死留给她的空白。迷惘无助的艾米丽又将如何来面对将来的生活。她爱着父亲,因为父亲是她的


A brief analysis of characters of A Rose for Emily Abstract: “A Rose for Emily", by William Faulkner, begins and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, the main character of the story. William Faulkner divided the story "into five sections, the first and last section having to do with the present, and the now of the narration, with the three middle sections detailing the past". This paper attempts to talk about who Emily really was, and to analysis her characters. In this paper, the author did not regard Emily as a sick and twist woman as many other people, and aims to help the readers understand this story better in another point of view. Key words: character; symbolism; tragedy; 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》人物简要分析 摘要:《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》是著名作家威廉·福克纳短篇小说的代表作。作者讲文章分为五个部分,首尾两章描写现在,中间三章描写过去,并以主人公艾米丽小姐的去世情节描写首尾呼应,结构新颖。本文着重对文章主人公艾米丽究竟是怎么样一个人,她的性格究竟如何进行探讨。在这篇文章中,作者一反前人认为认为艾米丽是一个病态,扭曲的人的观点,旨在希望能从新的观点帮助读者更好地理解这篇文章 关键词:人物性格;象征主义;悲剧 Introduction “A Rose for Emily” was a horrible and tragic Gothic fiction by William Faulkner, a famous American writer. It was a story about the life of Miss Emily, who was the last aristocrat in the southern America. Emily’s father did not allowed his only daughter to meet anybody who admired her, and sealed her up in their own tower, and regarded as “a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town”. [1]When she finally met Homer Barron, “a Yankee--a big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face”, [2]everybody said they would get married. Then, Mr. Homer Barron disappeared. Poor Emily went to visit the druggist


【摘要】语篇分析是系统功能语言学有别于其他语言学流派的重要特征,是理解语篇的要旨和深层意义的有效方法,只有做好语篇分析,才能真正懂得欣赏文章,从而增进英语阅读理解的效率。语篇分析在英语阅读教学中具有重要作用,它在阅读理解中的应用并不是孤立存在的,阅读理解作为一种书面语篇,语篇分析的许多知识可以对阅读理解起到帮助作用。同时,阅读理解历来是英语学习中的重要环节,所以教师需要利用语篇分析功能,在运用语篇分析知识的基础上,使学生掌握阅读策略,帮助学生提高阅读的水平和速度。 【关键词】语篇分析;阅读能力;学生

随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入和素质教育全面推进,作为教师,除了需要具备专业知识,基本教学技能,熟知外语教学理论之外,怎样通过某些策略与方法提高大学学生的英语阅读能力,从而使学生能够更流利的表达自己的想法,以及应对英语阅读理解测试。英语教学的一个很重要的方面是培养学生的阅读能力。在某种程度上,阅读能力的提高有助于听力、口语和写作能力的提高。阅读能够扩展学生的知识范围和词汇量,所以在英语测试题型中,阅读理解题量较大,分值也最多,许多学生也往往在此失分。而阅读理解正是语篇分析的实际应用。提高语篇分析能力则是提高学生阅读理解能力的有效途径之一。 本文主要目的是要表明在阅读理解中语篇分析的重要性,列举常见的阅读篇章或题型,说明如何通过语篇分析的方法帮助学生提高阅读水平和速度。对语篇分析理论的研究,对提高学生尤其是在校大学生的英语阅读能力有着十分重要的现实意义。 一、阅读教学和语篇分析之间的联系 (一)阅读——被动到主动的过程 阅读在英语教学中占有重要的地位,但长期以来,由于我国的学习环境导致学生阅读状况没能从根本上得到改善。在传统阅读教学理论指导下,学生通常是对文章一字一句的进行翻译,注意力一般都集中在词汇和语法上,以能否翻译成精确对应的母语为准。学生在阅读中主要依赖查阅工具书,遇到问题没有信心,对文字的反应比较慢,对英语材料的理解程度也比较浅。因此,总是造成对文章缺乏更深层次的理解,因而学生总是处于被动的地位。从教师的角度来看,学生侧重于读音和单词、词组和句子的对应,不能做出理解性的分析。直到1982年心理学家Nuttal提出,阅读是“一个交流的互动过程”,并且形容其为“对语篇主动质问的过程”,也就是说,语篇的生产者通过语篇将信息编码,阅读者通过解码来获得语篇意义,所以在这个过程中,学生应该发挥自己的主观积极性。比如在阅读过程中有目的地去预测、思考和获取信息。并对获取的信息进行分析、推理和判断,理解文章的内容和思想层面的意义,领会语篇生产者的意图。也就是在阅读过程中,学生需要从被动转换到主动。
